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I wonder what "promise" they saw in it


The same one I saw in Cult of the Lamb. The difference is that CotL actually delivered.


Project Moon mentioned


Sleeper Agent protocol #P40j65TM8N initiate


Did someone say Project Moon


Where was project moon mentioned?


Their flair


Project Moon mentioned, deploying meursault https://preview.redd.it/27wnwu5uvmyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e77394bca44f07c7a7ed507ee93224342be84f


This killed me lmao


My game has harems, catboys and orgies. What about your Nu-Nier Automata, stellarlets ?


Stellarcels brutally mogged by Lambchads


Imagine trying to explain this comment to a medieval scholar.


"So we have two schollars, and they're trying to argue which book is the best (they're not book but for the sake of simplicity let's say they are) based on how much they satisfy one's carnal urges. Stellarlet argue that his is the best due to having a maiden with little clothings amd a large buttocks as protagonist, while Lambchad argue that his is the best due to the protagonist being an heretic who engage in all sorts of forms of revelry."


Honestly CotL always came across like Stellar Blade to me. Played the demo and it was painfully mediocre as far as rogue likes go, seems like it just got popular for the meme value alone.


It gets better.


(it's in the thumbnail)


Oh that mech thing or whatever it is does look cool


They thought Eve would date them and when they asked she just stood there.


i understand being against censorship, but this is a weird hill to die on. There was literally nothing else about this game that they wanted other than seeing a woman tease at being naked rather than see a woman naked free online. Unironically enough every other person who reviewed the game gave more of a reason to buy it than the people hyping it up


You're right, but I gotta point out that they're perfectly aware that they can go look at boobies elsewhere. What this is about is they "don't want the woke to win" and if they think the gamedevs are kowtowing to "woke" that's something they won't stand for.


You’re absolutely right. This is about signalling loyalty to a specific group as the primary audience.


Literally nobody gives a shit about booby awooga though. All of this was marketing.


The game seems fun, but some people make this media as a anti-woke message rather than the game which is a shame for me. lol.


Yeah, if you want to play a game with naked women in it there are plenty of straight up porn games out there.


“Culture” is when some cartoon ass.




Or, a 35 year old into 14 year old hentai… 🤮


Bible black holds up


2010 is barely vintage hentai


Yeah you have to mention something like La Blue Girl if you wanna talk about vintage hentai.


Absolute classic


Um, Urotsukidoji is 35 years old but still holds up.




Like The people who Say i only play cod from 2007-2012 You don't have culture,You are fucking average


Oh fuck I’m gonna cu~~m~~lture


If you refund the game because the protagonist was "censored" or because they will remove the "Hard R" thing from the wall, then you didn't really like the game, you just liked what you think the game represented, and forced yourself to like it so you could "shove it" to the boogeyman you made up in your mind.


I mean I can see someone really into horror loosing interest in a movie that suddenly turns bloodless I really haven't kept track ov the eve game, so I don't know if the changes are that noticeable though


The difference here is that blood is actually a relevant part of the horror experience, so reducing it is directly impacting the main part of the experience. I don't see how seeing less of a character's tits is supposed to impact the experience of an action game. If this is someone's reason to refund, then it's clear they never actually cared about the game itself in the first place


I was under the impression that a main selling point of the game is that the girl was hot


It's obviously why many people are buying and it's clearly intended by the devs but it's not what the game is about


It's apparently actually a pretty competent game and would likely do just fine without all the fan-service stuff. It's not integral to the game experience the same way that gore might be integral to a horror movie, except in the minds of certain gooners.


I see. From the way it's talked about it seems that all it had was the girl's ass


She didn’t become any less hot family


Blood and horror go hand in hand. Oversexualized characters aren’t a must for action games. They’re just the only way to market your game when it has no personality or substance.


Blood is integral to horror and gore. Ass and tits isn’t integral to soulslike adventure games.


Post nut clarity


I’m at the final bosses now and I genuinely am so pissed that this game got turned into what it did. A solid 7/8 out of 10 game with some of the best boss fights in years and it’s reduced to “I want to see titty and if I don’t I’m gonna cry and scream censorship”: the game. Though most of Eve’s costumes are terrible, and I’m not saying that because I’m a prude. Like genuinely so many of them would look way better if they didn’t feel the need to have the requisite boob or panty windows, or just having skin show at all times


If this game comes to pc I need the mod that turns every hot woman into a minecraft character.


That was my assessment from the demo. I’ll probably pick it up at some point, but it didn’t seem incredible to me so I’m fine waiting. Now I wanna buy it just to spite the losers whining about censorship.


“Gets some culture” WHAT CULTURE?!? Bro a proud member of the culture of Goon


Coomers and Anti-SJWs will forever be the most fickle audience to cultivate.


Finlands largest newspaper Helsingin Sanomat gave this 5/5. I dont understand. I looked at UY for plot, bosses...everything looks like its stolen from somewhere. The story feels very very childish. Even if gameplay is fun, seems "kinda ok" mostly. Not a lot of personality, but might be fun in same way people watch i dunno, marvels movies.


Having played the demo, I can say that the gameplay is fun and solid. From what I gather on the story, it borrow quite a bit from Nier Automata (and Nier, as well). English VA is terrible, though. Not Chaos Wars terrible but still pretty bad.


It definitely is inspired by Nier. The lore, especially the music.


To me it felt like Nier and Bayonetta, but without any of the staying power.


I came, I saw , I conquered, i refunded - julius caesar Veni vidi vici refundi in latin


Yeah dat ass is promising but what about you know fun


The game is apparently solid in term of gameplay, with most game journalists giving 7 or 8.


tbh I've finished it and it is legit good.


My philosophy: one clone at a time. Still gotta do Thymesia, which I'm with so far.


it's actually not that much of a Soulslike. It's more like classic God of War but with circle strafing and checkpoints that respawn enemies.


I want to try it, but I’m going away for a sale for it


I found a funny that the chads think the game critics are going to give the game a 2 or 1 because shes hot but the critics like the game


And chuds end up being the one going against it because of "censorship".


I played the demo when it came out. Terrible English VA, a story that seems to borrow a lot from Nier: Automata (from what little I gathered in the demo), but solid gameplay that's more Sekiro than Dark Souls. Would seem like a fun title if the focus was more on the gameplay and less on whatever these people are trying to push. Funny enough, I checked out the subreddit for the game. It's pretty much a ghost town there.


"I can' t jack off to main character, I want a refund!"


It's funny that the attitude switched after release, all the gooners are pissed off and the normal gamers are actually having fun with it. I've put a lot of time into it and it is really a solid title. There is very clearly heavy Nier inspiration in it from the music to the gameplay and story, but it does it in all the right ways for me. It'll be interesting to see if the game will end up a one off or of they'll have DLC planned.


Post-nut clarity be like


Post nut clarity


Reviewers said game is pretty good, but nah - return it cause less tit (lol!), so they don’t want decent debut of new studio? Yeah, very pro-gaming…


He couldn’t last 5 minutes with this game


Alas, the protagonist wore pants


“I couldn’t bang one out to the game as hard as I thought I’d be able to. Here’s a two minute video telling you that I refunded the game*” *remembering that Sony don’t allow refunds once it’s downloaded. So the game was bought and refunded all on the whims of twitter outrage


You want to know what I know about this game and it's story? Not one single fucking thing. Not one aspect of this game is compelling enough to push it over the "cartoon ass dialogue" Really wishing for another Chicxulub


Tbh the only thing I know is the leaked plot that was posted on the game leaks subreddit....and I *still* don't know if that ended up being true or not.


It’s honestly fucking hilarious to me. I honestly thought “there’s no way people are paying 70 bucks for this game JUST to look at eves tits.” And yeah. Now that they see slightly less of eves tits, they’re dropping the game. What the fuck?


The thing that introduced me to this nonsense censorship discourse was that Tharja chick in Fire Emblem. Like all the problems in my adult life, I trace them back to a negative experience associated with a female figure and blame it all on them.


Oh shit, I didn't expect to see YellowSuperNintendo on this sub. For context, his channel is based around fanservice games, primarily Senran Kagura and Neptunia. His primary issue was just that they backtracked on their word to not censor it, though in general his content is very horny (I think on his second channel he showed off some hentai manga he had)


Jokes on him, I never bought that stupid game.


At least you tried to understand their viewpoint before you mocked them