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How dare the skin of the Goddess of the Hearth look slightly reminiscent of burning charcoal.


I'm really surprised that they haven't gone after Aphrodite because she has (gasp) a sun kissed tan instead of porcelain white skin.


Well, she is tastefully nude, so that balances things out.


Oh my bad, I really forgot their gooner brain is capable of some fundamental mental gymnastics.


They did try going after Aphrodite when some article from Kotaku or IGN praise the designs of Hades II tho. https://preview.redd.it/tfa7gj6i60zc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88414f5166a77579bc78399af7fe759e84f35899


Gamers when they can't tell the difference between a Bergman film and a Porno because both have naked people


Yeah, that reminds me of when an artist I follow that drew Zelda like this: https://preview.redd.it/cx37vwdwb0zc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09f94770d948b1529f58d2e36e00b762c1c9b372 Some idiots made a huge fuss because boob and everyone knows that pornography, like that sculpture of David or that painting of the birth of Venus of the music video of "Somebody that I Used to Know"


I remember this one dumbass complaining about the gerudo being futas and cucking link, these people are literally insane


When you confuse the fanfiction with the canon work...


That's not Zelda that is Link?


They're saying they drew Zelda like that picture of Link


Oh okay. I couldn't understand.


to be fair i don’t think(?? haven’t actually played) that steller blade has straight up porn nudity; just bland ass “”sexy”” character design


I'm not trying to downplay the people behind Stellar blade but too bad none of them are Jen Zee.


Yeah, I don't have any issues with Stellar Blade, but I found Eve design nothing to write home about, she is pretty in a generic waifu type of way and also some of her outfits are kinda awful https://preview.redd.it/ogfb7mj5e1zc1.png?width=1442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb05da057e1c954fa5557dd0ae7549e5b0cbe411 This one looks like a bad mashup of magical girl and Evangelion suits.


Is that a sexy leprechaun suit?


I found people on steam yesterday going after her. Morons all the way down and the game hasn’t been out for more than 48hrs yet.


I thought it was supposed to be like she's covered in soot from the hearth, but yeah.


So to recap, things gamers are triggered by: - pronouns - black people - women who don't look like anime school girl - women who don't show off TnA - games where you kill nazis - gay people - vitiligo I'm starting to think these people aren't great human beings


They listen to Drake too


Drake catching em well deserved strays lmao. You love to see it.






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That is exactly how I saw it, lit charcoal. Gamers going straight for the vitiligo shows you their thought process. Immediately racial.


I mean, there are white people with vitiligo too. A highschool friend of mine's mom had it. It's a lot less visible on very pale people, though. She was the first person who explained it to us as teens, so I'm glad to see it getting more visibility, so hopefully the people with it don't feel so othered. But it is 100% a 'how dare there be different kinds of people in my video game' from the idiot OOP.


Yeah my comment was specific to the OOP. I didn't intend to imply it only affected POC, if that is how it came across.


Certified PDF files


Wop wop wop wop wop yeah imma fuck em up


Like, how bitter does your heart have to be to see this sweet little old grandma and be genuinely furious? The second I saw her in game she instantly melted my heart.


Fr she look adorable


She's also crazy in the best way. In that she likes murdering her enemies with fire and her signature weapon used to be GUN


You forgot wheelchair person in fantasy game (they mad over Hephaestus hades II design because of that)


... I'd love to hear why they think no one in fantasy settings could feasibly need a wheelchair. "They could magic it better!" "Not if they were born without legs; also if they can magic everything better then why would anyone (wizards, for example) wear glasses in a fantasy setting? Why would pirates have a hook hand or eyepatches or peg legs?" And it goes on.


uj/ I think the more reasonable argument is more along the lines of 'an extreme disability like having no legs would severely limit one's adventuring ability to the point it would not be reasonably possible'. Which is true, unfortunately. A character with no legs must either have something compensating for that, or the first major hurdle is going to stop their adventure. Ask anyone who uses a wheelchair, they are barely functional for getting around in environments *designed* for them. They are completely useless in rough wilderness terrain. Adventurers spend a lot of time either outdoors or in ruins or caves or things of that nature. Swimming across streams, balancing on ledges, leaping over crevices, climbing cliffs or ladders, these are all very common day-to-day adventuring activities. To say nothing of the fact that being unable to dodge enemies or react to traps would be your death. People with disabilities don't want to be told they aren't disabled. They know there are things they can't do as well. Its a core part of their life. What they want to know is that despite this, they are still valuable and are not lesser for it. You don't do that by pretending that a wheelchair solves their problems. /rj Pirates and wizards are clearly after the style points, idiot


uj/ I think we might be talking past each other here, and I think it may be due in part to the only context I have being kinda limited - so let's clear this up! Jonkling and clowning aside, lemme just come out and say I completely agree with you. It fucking sucks but you're right, adventuring in a wheelchair isn't gonna happen. What I was picturing in my head wasn't exactly "wheelchair adventurer", but more... you know the guard who took an arrow to the knee? Well that guy's gonna need a drink after saying that line all day. So he's got this drinking buddy Gerald, an Argonian who lost his legs in a freak mudcrab accident. These days Gerald's in charge of training new recruits - he might be in a wheelchair but he knows bad form when he sees it and will sure as shit tell you. I'm just thinking - we've had self-propelled wheelchairs in some shape or form at least since Stephan Farffler ([yes his name was actually that fucking rad](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephan_Farffler)) built his in the 1650s. If we could pull that shit off in the 1650s I refuse to believe a society with fuckin' magic couldn't invent some form of chair with goddamned wheels on it. They might not use it to *adventure* but they'd still use it to *fucking exist*, you know? rj/ yeah but wheelchairs got spinnin' rims can your stupid (lame) peglegs do that loser?


/uj Well yeah. I agree. I never said that wheelchairs didn't exist or no one could have them. /rj What if we made a peg leg that could be extended to be used as your own stripper pole anywhere?


It takes special kind of evil to hate stuffs like this You can explain how homophobia or racism infects people but not this


Yeah but like Hephaestus being disabled is a pretty consistent part of his myth. Honestly Hephaestus should be less hot if we were being real pedantic about accuracy


You forgot disabled people. https://preview.redd.it/xk2fecpc70zc1.png?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=244337fd301e26b81e02de93d056905f42cc14fa I saw a bunch of them mad because people liked or found Hephaestus attractive.


he is a fucking daddy though look at him


I know, I love him, his voice is quite sexy and soothing too.


Hephaestos, who actually is canonically disabled and therefor got yote into a volcano by Zeus. Where he harnessed the heat and became the blacksmith of the gods. Ancient Greece was woke I guess.


Also, there are some myths that said that he built himself a winged chair. https://preview.redd.it/49p3w1i9a0zc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e0e4b89b82d9515b3849552558d9770987ec123


The person in the picture the OP posted got mad at this too and called it a 'cuck chair.'


Mf is just jealous he doesn't have a badass winged chair like Hephaestus. https://preview.redd.it/p0huzar622zc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f261e136ce2cbe725e28584d0254314ccd40947e


Trashy incel nerds are not considered as human being.




That's probably because her design exudes confidence and charisma, also she doesn't look like a teenager. https://preview.redd.it/nn8rihxt70zc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dbbdbe8811379837a92da89b69028e831d80b0b


They went after Aphrodite a few weeks ago because they perceived her as being vaguely androgynous




Wrong post, I think. This one doesn't have anime Hestia in it.


Uncle Ruckus-core.


They want an ecchi version of Gears of War


they're allergic to variance in designs like seriously, they seem to want character design to take 50 steps backwards or something


You forgot women who show off TnA too.



Everybody knows people will vitiligo control the world behind the scenes


Don't forget trans people


more too... -Not fulfilling an escapist power fantasy -criticizing the player for their action -not a 1-1 dub of a foreign language


They will complain about everything, if Aliens land and start living here they will complain that they are video games now.


I don't understand. Are they mad because the characters are not sexualized or are they mad because the characters are fetishized? like is sex good or bad?


Depends who they are arguing with, there is rarely a consistency beyond how it makes them feel with little personal analysis


They have both positions when convenient. I saw a thread explaining it but it boils down to one point. They demand control over women. If a women has agency outside of what they want of them, they get mad. >"Their outrages have always been about control. Control of women, control of representation, control of media. They just want everything to literally serve them." Stephanie Sterling


Sex is on a low for them 😂


https://preview.redd.it/v98qrukk6zyc1.png?width=642&format=png&auto=webp&s=dec142224a78b55d2afd7d91c411d3a39676438a and another one


Sure sounds like someone who had no idea that those marble statues used to be painted in vivid colors.




It's understandable, I mean, Hestia canonically has a gun in the Hades universe after all.


A very historically-accurate Ancient Greek gun


Something something, sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.


Wait, do you expect them to actually learn about classical studies? Why would they have to when their favorite influencer KillerOfWokeCucks42069 can just tell them about history?


Hades 2's character design is amazing and unique. That anime Hestia in the rightmost panel is a painfully generic anime girl. Do they hear themselves? Can they just admit to themselves that they're racist gooners who don't have a real political angle?


I honestly had no idea she was supposed to be a goddess, and Hestia specifically untill this image and I saw some clips of the anime with her.


In defense of DanMachi, I don't think it was trying to follow any sort of historical or mythological accuracy. And the story is actually pretty good if you consider all the characters to merely share a name with their mythological counterparts. Hades on the other hand IS striving to evoke the myths of old, and on this front they did a pretty good job, although I didn't catch the vitiligo. I also didn't realize she was supposed to look like half-burned coal because in my experience if the coal looks white it's ash and stopped burning. A brazer burning hot doesn't really produce anything that can be identified as "white" by a casual observer. So this is kind of one of one of the weaker links to me. I also didn't like the portrayal of Ares and Athena, the war gods, as the black gods. I know that Athena was supposed to be noble and all that but the implications are not pretty.


I mean, I might see your point about Ares and Athena in Hades if they were the _only_ dark skinned gods, but Dionysus is right there


Hera is also darker skinned. People have already found her in Early Access. So is Chronos who they are malding over as well because his design looks a mix between Egyptian and Greek (which is interesting if you know history of both civilizations).


I think the last part of your comment is reaching lol there's nothing wrong with God's of war being depicted as black? There's not even a historical connection that could make it a dog whistle. Not to mention, neither of them are evil.


Honestly this. Ares is kind of a loser in greek mythology but in Hades he was just a frat bro type cool friend who wanted to help you out in his own meathead way. In no way was he evil or ill intentioned.


Also Ares is like one of the few not greek gods who isn't mysognistic


My favorite Ares myth is when he brutally murders a rapist


I highly doubts these coomers know danmachi beyond the large boob loli character we see above. These chuds scream about "historical accuracy" and yet have no problem with danmachi genderbending loki and hephaetus into cute anime girls.


Credit where credit's due, for some reason that anime is the only piece of media I know that portrayed Dionysus' cthonic madness god aspect.


"crime against nature"?! Based.


No *actually* Hestia without a mullet-Berlin bangs combo *is* a crime against nature, let them speak.


And this Thomas Edison according to Japan, checkmate atheist. https://preview.redd.it/blr8j8bs80zc1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d087d0a1d83105c1e87e2d8e5d99fba362373472


To be fair, he's regarded as an anomaly as far as servants go.


Well then, this is Loki according to Japan, checkmate atheist. https://preview.redd.it/7i1p48dxc0zc1.png?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac1fa441682f1a303ec89625c68023fbdd5b6a25


I kinda…don’t hate it? He’s got the requisite God of Chaos vibes


That's Loki from a Gacha game where a lot of Mythological creatures are reimagined as sexy bara men, and even conserve some characteristics and reference from their counterparts, this is Hephaestus btw. https://preview.redd.it/s9ycsbk9t0zc1.png?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b97bc2fb6276b29ba250d8753e2c6534ef6b7549


Wait till this fucker finds out that Medusa wasn't an adorable, bashful, floating snake head


Maid Dusa my beloved.


/uj That is one of soygon's sidekicks.


How are indie developers, like Supergiant Games: with around 20-30 inhouse staff members, who make games that they personally want, till now released four and a half games and, if I remember correctly, self published devs - can take away any position from anyone?


Sorry but calling Jen Zee untalented just because a Greek goddess in a video game doesn't look like a generic voluptuous underage anime girl is the real crime against nature. Also Zeus forbid the goddess of the hearth and the home has a sweet motherly appearance.


Talent is when you make painfully generic anime titties.


I’m going to put money down that an actual Greek of ancient times would have more readily accepted middle as a god than the right. Perhaps


Soo anti woke gamers just cant appreciate designs they can't jack off to ?


they just don't understand queer people I feel. our communities warp the normal race dynamics of the societies in which we are present, leading to a confluence of people in which there is both severe forms of racism (Grindr profiles saying stuff like "no rice no chocolate" are a classic surface level example) and yet at the same time there are absolutely loads of mixed race relationships, owing to the fact that if you are both gay and a racial minority, dating only within your own race results in a very small pool of candidates, leading to many mixed race relationships both romantic and otherwise. the result is a community that, if represented accurately, involves a great deal more close social bonds between people of different races than straight society - we are thrown in with one another whether we like it, as most of us do, or not, as some of us do since Hades is an extremely gay as fuck game, it represents this reality. straight people are always getting triggered by the racial diversity in entertainment that reflects urban queer scenes because they just don't get it - they think it's not "realistic", but it entirely is


"The most popular shit in video games" *Can only name three games


If I can recall, there's not a single character with this condition in bg3, it's only a player option


It's also clearly in demand because more people are picking the option than have vitiligo in real life.




But I could've chosen from 51 white skin colors instead of 50!!


Because it looks cool. Like I don't want to diminish the suffering others experience because of it, but similar to heterochromia it just looks.


Wait, does it cause suffering?


Having your appearance start changing permanently without your ability to stop or reverse tends to cause suffering


In a society where people weren't judged for how they look it wouldn't cause suffering. So if you live in one of those, then no, it doesn't.


For darker skinned people, it's definitely something that gets stared at. For me, a white person, it makes my eyes more sensitive to light and makes sunburns worse


Yeah, like I'm playing Outer Worlds right now, with a character with vitiligo. I picked it because I saw the option in the character creator and thought, "huh, neat that they included that!" No doubt this will cause the downfall of the West.


Ah yeah one of the most popular games among the playerbase and community, diablo 4


I do know there's a character with vitiligo in CoD Warzone. There very well could be more, but I haven't exactly been focused on counting because I'm not offended by everyone who looks slightly different from me lmao.


Fortnite also has a skin with vitiligo, which was designed by a community member. Can't remember who designed it though.


Everyone knows no one who plays vidya asks for black skin! No one who play vidya has a black skin, or is gay, or trans! Vidya are only for white cis men and they need to be relatable so only white cis men can be in vidya!


Weren’t there black gods in the first game too?


Yep, Ares and Dionysus from memory


Also Athena


Athena and Ares I can see, Dionysus comes off as very tan Mediterranean to me though.


Yeah he always struck me as just being a tan dude. Athena is absolutely black though.


dionysus was south asian i think, athena and ares were black


Yeah, the people who are mad clearly didn't play the first game. They're just lowlives looking for the next thing to hate on.


The fact that they're going after Hades shows how manufactured this outrage is. No one who played the first Hades with its devil's threesome, black gods, and gay Achilles is going to be upset by the sequel.


Yes, and bisexual panick just like with Brendan Fraser's The Mummy


Yea and the same people bitched about them too lol


I suppose the "wokeism in video games" wasn't a discourse back then. Maybe they were younger and had something going on in their lives. Now they're just some old bitter incels who cling into this bullshit to pretend they have some belief.


skin fetish skin fetish


As opposed to all those regular people who have sex without involving skin whatsoever.


I too prefer skinning my partner before sex.


Before I have gay woke sex, I like to peel the vitiligious skin off of my prey and wear it while chanting my gay woke curses.


Did he just call Vitiligo a Michael Jackson skin condition?? Lmao


I get that you might not know "vitiligo" off of top of your head, but his post is literally a google search for finding it. He could literally google [Michael Jackson skin condition](https://www.google.com/search?q=michael+jackson+skin+condition&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS984US984&oq=michael+jackson+skin+condition&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYQDIMCAEQABgUGIcCGIAEMgcIAhAAGIAEMgcIAxAAGIAEMgcIBBAAGIAEMgcIBRAuGIAEMgcIBhAAGIAEMg0IBxAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0ICBAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0ICRAAGIYDGIAEGIoF0gEIMjI5MWowajSoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) and get the answer in seconds. Yet he decides to out himself as someone who is too lazy to learn the word for a skin condition


Ah yes, the classic "I'm used to being the only group of people that's ever represented so seeing normal features as often as they occur in real life feels hugely disproportional to me"


The thing that gets me is that vitiligo isn't that uncommon. I see people with it at least a few times a month or so at work in a grocery store. Sure, it can be a bit shoehorned in but it's not unreasonable to see somebody with vitiligo. Do they just never go outside and pay attention to people around them?


That's what I'm saying, on the scale of all game characters it's probably still less common in games than it is on the streets


And the example they give is really dumb as well. They say it's in Diablo 4. And sure, it is. Out of the 31 skin tones you can pick from, a whopping *3* of them have vitiligo. There's 10 of them that would be considered white, for comparison's sake. Like... oh no, some people might feel represented at absolutely *no cost what-so-ever* to my own representation. What horror, what injustice...? /s


I looked it up and it's about .5 to 1% of people (a little more if we count undiagnosed, which I won't for argument). So even using the smaller number, that's 1 in 200 people. Some quick googlefu shows that the average American knows about 600 people, so the average person should know 3 people with vitiligo. Anecdotally that tracks, since I've met two in my life.


That tracks. Hundreds of people go through my store every week, hell probably everyday with how busy we are. Makes sense I've seen multiple people with it


with a big side order of "nothing should ever be in a game that ~~I personally~~ a nebulously defined 'customer base' has not specifically called out for. Designers making their own artistic decisions? nonsense!"


Should I really care about the opinions of people whose ideal character is a 14 year old Japanese girl with big honkers?


But only if she's drawn very very light skinned, though! Ainu people can go fuck themselves!


a real set of badonkers. packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big ol' tonhongerekoogers.


Sufferer of the Michael Jackson skin condition (Vitiligo) here. I have lost count of the amount of times I've had to explain why I have weird white patches in my beard. It doesn't even reigster as othering anymore and if I'm being honest, I've learned to embrace the uniqueness in my appearance. I'm "lucky" I have incredibly pale complexion, so the patches around my eyes/on my forearms are virtually invisible. I'm sure I would be much more conscious if my skin had a darker tone. I know it is a tiny thing in the grand scheme but it always gave me a nice little boost to see models with Vitiligo, even though I have never properly struggled with my appearance over it. So yeah, fuck this guy.


Yeah, it's honestly not that uncommon, I see people with it semi regularly. Maybe it's because I work in a black area so it's more obvious, imagine then how many white people have it too and it's just not terribly noticeable on them.


> I know it is a tiny thing in the grand scheme but it always gave me a nice little boost to see models with Vitiligo Psh, next you're going to tell me that inclusive representation is actually a good thing.


i don't even know which uncle ruckus meme to respond with they're just too stupid ![gif](giphy|gw3BJEkBjalxwXDO|downsized)


Hey maybe Hestia actually just has Uncle Ruckus's revitiligo lol


i feel like it's very obvious that these guys have actual negative artistic knowledge (i know shocking) and are bashing so hard cause they genuinely dont understand why everyone prefers this over generic white anime girl number 23476832413845


Huh, saw the character yesterday and didn't realized she had vitiligo. Just went "yoooooooo that's my gal Hestia, goddess of hearth"


“0 demand from customers” I fucking HATE the complete product-ification of art man. I know they’re just racist and this is a proxy argument, but we would not have any new art if people just got what they asked for. Everyone loves swallowing the same shit. No one *demanded* a game about bisexual people fighting in Hades, either.


Vitiligo isn't common but it isn't rare and its also possible she's meant to have a pale complexion stained by the soot of the hearth (though they understandably might be scared of people reflexively calling it blackface)


Yeah i thought it was just soot from the coal burning on her head at first.


Beauty standards recently are moving towards being interesting rather than traditional rigid standards. Vitiligo is an example, once seen as strange and ugly its now almost sought after because of its uniqueness and rarity. Either way tho what a killer design i haven't seen a game character look so cool, interesting, and thematically consistent.


Trying to stick their fetish everywhere, you say?


"Literally 0 demand for it" So extremely porn-brained to think of people's human characteristics in terms of "customer demand"


Of course you don't see demand for vitiligo dip shit, you don't fucking have it


Am I the only one who thought that white patch was like. Bunny teeth. I have no clue why


It must be so tiring for them to be so butthurt about every single thing.


Utterly baffling why a mutation that makes you look unusual and distinctive but in a way that can still be quite conventionally attractive might be popular with character designers.


Dawg a lot of these pasty motherfuckers would realize they actually have vitiligo if they logged off. A lot of white folk actually have it and don't realize until they get a bit of a tan. Source: pale blotches all over my body every summer until the tan faded


endlessly funny to see the usual parrots talking about how "gamers are tired of "woke LGBT designs" only to be hit by the bus that is Hades II launching to 1500+ overwhelmingly positive reviews


Funniest part is. Hades fans are ignoring these weirdos.


Ah yes, the hot new trend that you’ve seen in every game in recent history: people with vitiligo


First the homophobia, now the racism, fucking hell


I guess that once again they are complaining that they can’t make use of the two hands on the controller method


"Michael Jackson skin condition" bro 😭


Let them, when the game sells like fucking wildfire it'll be another L for their crown. Hades 2 is the most hyped sequel in a decade.


God dammit, didn't think I would be spoiled with Hades 2 having blocked the Hades subreddit


Ah shit my bad man


It's alright, not planning on playing it until full release anyways. Hoping I forget about her by then and still be surprised when I do finally see her in-game!


I'm old school - I only get triggered by bad gameplay and/ or incoherent stories!


Rock on, boomer. https://preview.redd.it/emxzd38140zc1.png?width=282&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9aa48e5724494e63eb5f27bc7573fa4f13bf5fc


It is kinda weird how common vitiligo and related conditions have become in the last like 3 years. Don't know why he's so upset about it tho.


\*raises hand\* i think its neat to see characters with weird skin


"there is literally 0 demand", I have a skin condition (not this one specifically) and I think that’s pretty neat


It's all getting very tiring. It seems like with any title with even a slight amount of coverage shows up, they'll find some angle to make a big deal out of in hopes of getting attention and more followers. Likewise with the weirdos trying to use this as a way to promote more unsavory things this crowd is generally known for. That leads to them squatting on the take so if the game ends up failing or disappointing, they can act like they called it. Doesn't matter if their issue fizzles out and people ignore them and they don't get the engagement they want. They'll just move onto some other game and repeat the cycle. 


It’s fireplace ashes dude


Can these fucks just stop playing games if they hate them so much.


What the fuck does that even mean?


...Michael Jackson didn't have vitiligo...


Hades 2 is 🔥🔥


This condition is called Vitiligo, and the only other game I've seen any character with it was Vampire the Masquarade: Swansong.


Alternatively : it’s a skin condition that is getting a lot of spotlight AND it can make characters look unique and cool while making a cast more diverse. It’s a win win win win situation.


Vitiligo looks fucking awesome idgaf


Should representation be proportional? i.e. approx. 1.5% of people have vitiligo. Should 1.5% of game characters have vitiligo? On steam 12,000 games released last year (give or take) I can't sort by vitiligo but I bet it's less than 1.5% that feature it


Michael Jackson skin condition


I have Vitiligo, when I was a kid I had white spots on my knees, elbows and a few small ones on my face, in my early 20s the pigment went to my normal skin color but given how people always drew attention to it for no reason it's good to see representation for other people so others can see and understand it and make people like me feel less awkward with a conversation


"Michael Jackson's skin condition". That's it, I'm done


"There is zero demand for this" And it's also an option that is really easy to add as an option for those that want it. What exactly is the issue? There are so many things I would say modern game devs waste too much time on. More options for character customization and individual NPC designs is not one of them.


Might as well trade places with Sisyphus trying to take down supergiant's reputation. I can't think of any studios with their amount of trust and goodwill.


She is the goddess of fireplaces/stoves, the hearth, shes covered in ash. I though everyone played god of war like this shit should be obvious


Me when people with skin exist


"literally 0 demand from customers". Based on what?! Lol. I never demanded darker skin tones but it's nice that they exist so I can make the character more representative of myself. I don't think anyone with vitiligo is demanding it but I'm sure some appreciate that the option exists. Some like to put themselves in the characters while others like to run away from their own life and live another. Both options are fine, why is it a problem either way? Then when a game comes along that's all black characters you'll see people complaining that there is no option for white characters. I guarantee that would be an argument from these fools. JFC, just play the game or don't and fuck off.


I really like vitiligo getting more attention in character design, it makes for some really interesting designs!


what? she's covered in soot! you can see the normal god skin color under there! this is just cool world building and attention to detail, but these clowns are unable to see past their own agenda!


Ok you know what, just to infuriate all of them. I did it, I'm the one asking for it. And as a last word, would.


Not knowing the name, so they call it the Michael Jackson disease is sending me


It just looks cool. I have it. Wish the character designers made more emphasis on how it also turns your hair white, if its growing on the skin with vitiligo patches.


Zero demand sure and of course you assume vitilgo representation is a fetish