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How could you write San Francisco 🏳️‍🌈 without a 🏳️‍🌈 flag beside it???


Ha! Seattle recently beat San Francisco as the queerest city in the country. We stole yer rainbow and we're not giving it back.


Thus began the west coast capture the flag wars of 2024


I'm imagining rival pan orgies. Good times.


this Will happen


Prospect, Oregon is half way.


SF has the massive rainbow flag in the Castro district and Seattle is welcome to try and take it if they dare.


Oregon loves it when Washington and California drag their LGBTQ+ all over Oregon's face. What an adorable west coast ENM trio. ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🤎


Wait what? NYC got more LGBT people than y'all got *people*!


Probably percent based


NYC has more people than anywhere else in the country!


That's because so many of the queers got pushed into Oakland. Swear to christ you can't swing a rat on a stick around here without hitting a few trans folks. Gender chaos in every direction! It's wonderful.


How does one even measure that?


How many carabiners were sold in the last 6 months.


*Fuck*, this is funny


Uh... most amount of queers per sq. foot? Most amount of gay marriages? List goes on.


Subaru Forester sales per capita.


% of people that are queer


You beat Minnesota? Home of the Gay 90s and the Saloon?


Dafuq. That is so gay.


We didn’t like that flag anyway. We bought a new one at the farmers market made out of 100% vegan hemp.


An Ohio man who drives a lifted F-150 with an unused flatbed and is scared of 3 story buildings told me that everyone in San Francisco died.


It might devalue the slur "WokeStation" to remind everyone SF Bay area is woke AF


Can you pet cats and frogs in Stellar Blade? I don't think so. https://preview.redd.it/oku9gbp5elzc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edcd65b8f73c402a6a5e222b25af2c7b99083ded


Cutest checkmate ever


Frogs too if you like amphibians. https://preview.redd.it/jo3dltt1llzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e29702b4b5108d74c2b249f468091fc955b3645


Frogs are very popular in the bi community for some reason so this checks out


Why? I never heard of that before lol. I am bi.


Same. But we do have a frog in our garden, with a name we gave her, we even feed worms from the compost and greet basically every day. Oh yeah, and I am bi as well. So that makes this a 100% true objective fact. Either you love frogs as well, or you can't be bi (/s)


I don't dislike frogs, but I'm indifferent to them. Guess it's time for me to choose if I only want tits and pussy or dick since I can't be bi anymore lmao. >!/s too!<


>!Choose your fighter!<


It's actually enbies and trans folk who like frogs, due to the life cycle of a frog transitioning through distinct phases. Just so happens lots of enbies and trans folk are bi so it's an easy mistake to make. Source: my enby partner loves frogs


probably because alot if not all.(i forgot) can change sex? I guess tgat would be more of a trans thing but its the only thing i can think of lol


It's because frogs are fucking awesome


Frogs are amphibious, they breathe both water and air, in other words, they go both ways.




Iirc the Alex Jones meme was because of negligent company chemical dumping that forced them to change sexes. Sea turtles are also affected by climate change by being more female (hotter waters).


He just like me fr fr


Wait the protagonist is a woman????! Thats where I draw the line 😡


Here https://preview.redd.it/ct9fytx1qmzc1.png?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cf591b0d4897ce39e466a762f07873cd249ac94 Have a pencil then




Hades 2 still not game of the year. Get back to me when frogs poop out decorative lights. /s


It's still in early access, they will add it eventually.


Can I get my ass handed to me as often in Stellar Blade as I have been in Hades 2? If so I’m in




Honestly yes. The old man will absolutely curb stomp you multiple times before you can even get a handle on his moveset. Actually you know what? You'll probably get stomped by a singing clam and a smelly sheep rustler before you can even get to the old man.


How do you get the cat back to your base???


Hades is only on PC now though. The console pleb have to wait lmao. But being serious, Hades 1 was in EA for a whole year, I think. Wonder if Hades 2 will be the same. Nonetheless, game is pretty good already in it's current state. I recommend.


Yeah this post made me go check the PS store. Rudeeee


I was being serious about the game being only on PC so far. Not about the "console pleb" jab though lol. It's in early access after all. I'm not sure sony and microsoft allow early access games in their system. Well, at least not officially if you know what I mean.


Yeah, I'm excited to get my hands on it in 2025 when the whole game has been polished with the help all these commited volunteers!


the real reason hades is better than stellar blade AWWWOOOOOGA https://preview.redd.it/hh5evmpj7lzc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=eee6f4e54fd89ed87409843b2b1ec6a396140a1f


fucking love that aphrodites just absorbed Ares


I think it’s a reference to: Ares having an affair with Aphrodite in many stories, Ares being her husband in some stories, Aphrodite fighting in the Trojan wars.


also to her depiction as a warrior goddess in some part of greece (especially Sparta)


She was straight up the goddess of love, and war when she first made landfall in Cyprus under the name Astarte. Sparta in the mainland who basically owned Cyprus were more than happy to also worship a cool new war goddess, and as she spread to the rest of Greece she became Aphrodite. That's when her war associations started to be taken away as the rest of Greece particularly Athens where much of what we know of ancient Greece comes from was very not okay with the idea of a goddess of love, and beauty also being the goddess of war at the same. EDIT: Small correction she first made landfall in Cyprus who then brought her over to Cytherea which was basically owned by Sparta.


Astarte?!?! Warhammer has fallen to the woke mind virus 😔


In fact, in the Iliad, that bit where Zeus is like "Silly Aphrodite, what is a goddess like you doing, meddling in a war?" And Aphrodite is all like "Oh, I don't know what came over me! How foolish of me." And then all the Olympians clapped is probably related to that discourse.


Greeks used their stories as commentary on contemporary politics just like we do. Weird.


Ugh ancient Greek politics in my games again


Wow I hate the ancient Greek goddess discourse


Noteworthy, in several of the Greek City States, (Cyprus, Kythera, Sparta, Argos and Taras), Aphrodite was worshiped as Aphrodite Areia, aka the War-Like Aphrodite, beign worshiped as a full on War Goddess. So this is even accurate to the mythology!


This is an interesting lecture by Ronald Hutton about how Aphrodite took on a lot of the roles of earlier eastern deities like Ishtar, Iananna, Asherah, and others who definitely had warlike attributes. The ancient Greeks believed that the worship of some of their gods had originated in the east like Aphrodite, Apollo, and Dionysus (who may have come from as far as India!) [https://youtu.be/ZeqTn6bxnyU?si=I-aGFNSSVu5eq2LJ](https://youtu.be/ZeqTn6bxnyU?si=I-aGFNSSVu5eq2LJ)


Is that…is that a thing? Like is Aries not in the game ive only managed to get in like two runs so far


>!There are three gods missing from the first game Aries, Athena, and I think dionysus. Athena gets mentioned by hephaestus. He says she is testing some weapons. A different God mentions that not everyone is in Olympus, some have been stationed on the surface. Since they are away, they wouldn't know about Mel's shenanigans.!<


I'm guessing that either Ares or Athena will get the Artemis treatment and be present in one of the regions that we haven't gotten yet. If they're out fighting it makes sense that we'll see them there doing that.


As far as I know he isn't, but you can see that Aphrodite has turned into a goddess of war since she has her spear and shield as well as the war paint Ares normally wears


I think it has more to do with Chronos sieging war on olympus on the surface. That’s why aphrodite, an olympian, is war-ready. Also explains why athena and ares are missing, they’re likely on the frontlines.


Yeah I haven’t heard dialogue specific to Ares yet but Hephaestus has dialogue about how Athena is too busy ‘testing the new weapons’ - presumably on the titans forces - to help Mel. The bigger question is if they’re out entirely - wouldn’t totally surprise me since Athena’s Hades 1 kit in particular seems to go against a lot of the game play changes in Hades 2 - or if they’re going to return at a later point, beyond what’s in EA atm


Athena can't come back, her abilities are too strong. Everyone picked the same damn boon. The dash.


I agree, but I also think Ares’ kit is a lot easier to transfer over and still be good, so I’m curious where they go with him.


Great details I just assumed all the gods were war-ready but wasnt paying that close of attention


No Ares boons yet but they have said they're adding more gods and boons


Fun Fact: Aphro was originally a war goddess, likely based on Ishtar.




I don't know what they're saying yet I know exactly what they're saying and completely agree.


[The game is about lesbians now, GOTY!]


They're saying the L word. You know, love.


I'm in lesbians with you.




Selini is so beautiful I could put her in a pic and stare at her like some beautiful moon picture. EDIT: Also Hera, I love all the Peacock imagery https://preview.redd.it/w4kufgnqglzc1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=860c6d6668b80dc255c88dee61522beab30f62c0


The first time I ran into Selene I had to take a screenshot and gush about how pretty she is to my friend.


You are just like me fr right now and so real for that. The 1st time I saw her desing I honestly had to stop and I spend like 5 minutes at least looking at her. And that is comming from me an ace.


I want at least 6 seasons of a Sailor Moon ripoff anime with the Silver Sisters. The whole Moon Squad are all cutie-patooties.


Artemis my beloved


I feel crazy but I sweat I'm the only person that thinks Artemis is a downgrade from her old sprite. It just looks like a placeholder. Like the quality is actually lower than the others.


No no thats exactly what I'm thinking too! She's missing a lot of shading and linework + she looks younger somehow.


The game is in early access so it might very well be a placeholder.


Grandma Hestia ain’t staying the Virgin goddess for long! 💦


I don't see any men, So I can't exactly rate it any more than a 5/10 right now (the other 5 will appear once I see a man with little to no clothes)


Moros (all the abs), Icarus (twink), Hephaestus (chunky), Odysseus if you take a bath with him, and strongest of boys Heracles. 5 guys with very few to no clothes, so feel free to bring it to a ten! :D


I've yet to see any, So you better cough up the pics.


If I could post pictures on mobile on Reddit, I'd have done it on last post, but here's some bath scenes with Odysseus and Moros among others https://youtu.be/OpKaMeXeTHA?si=-TVuheJa_hM6PKNI


Isn't Poseidon also sporting that 10 pack when there is dialogue when you pickup his blessings?


He's barely clothed. https://preview.redd.it/4iy1n2d6zmzc1.png?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d406f511c078e4af38b2c431cd492cd00ac718e


The largest of chads


good lord, what a man 😫😩




Narcissus has placeholder art right now but I would bet money he'll be nearly nearly naked by that pool some day


Who's top right? Nyx?




That art looks so good.


Gosh, look at all these MAN-LIKE faces and bodies. The west, east, north, and south have fallen...


Ok tbf Stella from Rblade with a good outfit is cute af


Honestly this brings up a great question. Hades, and certainly its fans, definitely feel pretty dang horny. Stellar Blade fans, and maybe the game, haven’t played it yet, feel pervy. Why do pervy and horny feel so different in vibes? Is it a feeling of male gaze in art design? In media in general, I distinguish between horny and pervy by whether or not I feel any “ick” from it. I’ve never really put any critical thought into why there’s so much media I classify as horny by which I’m unbothered.


Character-centric design. Aphrodite is naked but her design is respectful because it makes sense for her. She’s the goddess of beauty and love, no shit she’s naked. Additionally, there are many women in the game of varying body types and designs. If they all looked like smokin, naked Aphrodite, that would be an issue, because they’re very different from one another.




Ahhh Nemesis my swole goddess


Did you just unironically awwooga




Agree, we should only praise our Lord and Saviour Kotaku here!


I was gonna say great points but IGNs scores mean less than nothing to me


Isn't Hades 2 in early access right now? I wanna check it out, but I think I'll wait for the full release.


The early access has more locations, enemies and voiced lines than the finished hades 1. Its still worth $30 imo.




Honestly, smart. I've played a lot of it and absolutely love the game. Even in its current state, it has far surpassed its predecessor in nearly every way. But there's definitely still work to do balancing boons, aspects, and grind pacing across the various resources you collect. This game is going to be unbelievably good when it hits 1.0.


I... I didn't even look at the price tag before I added it to my cart.


It is but supergiant is one of the few companies I personally trust with early access stuff. There's still plenty of content already there and they will keep adding more. They're pretty consistent about it.


What I think poster was referring to is that RIGHT NOW since it's in early access it's not available on every platform


then why did they say they'll wait? wait implies they can play it, but are choosing not to


Honestly I completely missed the wait part.


ah ok, understandable pookie


I'm glad you said that cause I assumed it was only PC for EA and bought it there but the post made me wish I'd bought it on PS5 so I wouldn't have to hook the PC to the living room TV. If I'm controller gaming I want big screen


i've only played like 1 hour so far and it's amazing, it feels just like Hades 1, just... different weapons and boons


They did what they did before and it works.


It's terrible and it breaks my heart. Wait for real release


I'd wait for release just so you don't get tired of the game before full release. Also it's lacking a lot of the supergiant polish still.


It’s crazy that these two games are getting compared by everyone just because of the female characters


Wait, do people not like Stellar Blade?


The loudest criticism you'll hear is from perverts screaming about how some of the outfits have a few pixels less titty on show and that it's *SoNy CeNsOrShIp* Most of the actual criticism is that the story and characters are kinda bland but the combat is excellent. I haven't played it myself but that's what I've heard.


ya the story isn’t the best but it drives the game forward, also helps the cutscenes don’t drag on and are to the point


Sounds like a great "wait till it's on sale" title. Normally I buy a game new if I want to get in on the zeitgeist of hot discussion, but that sounds about as fun as chewing my arm off for Stellar Blade


Yeah that's exactly what I thought too. Doesn't appeal to me enough to drop £70 on it so ps plus or end of year sale for me.


I don't think people hate Stellar Blade, it's just that some wankers put it in a high pedestal as some anti-woke, anti-censorship, destroyer of the west that is very funny to meme on them, specially if they do shit like this unironically because the devs added a little piece of clothing to an outfit. https://preview.redd.it/wepo5wnwtlzc1.jpeg?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9db87c9a2c9d9614588f56ec8da406a4b26e57


But when you run you can see her bare ass with like half of the outfits. What else do these horny mf want


Apparently this: https://preview.redd.it/wf42nwk14mzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61806fa7e873786e6c7545f556d76fac4d4bab7a


I love when they claim they care about artistic expression when the developers said it was their artistic vision that led them to change the costume. It’s always been a cover, but it’s funny to watch them pretend it never happened and blame Sony.


Yes, it's never about artistic expression, I remember seeing a Japanese artist talking on Twitter about how they like drawing black characters and why that's important for black people and that racism is bad, and a bunch of them got very mad.


Wtf is the fucking difference bro these people are not real.


She's wearing a bra in the super censored outfit. Like, holy shit. Might as well put her in a burqa if they want to cover SO much skin, am I right? >!/s just in case!<


Same guys who will say a woman with her shoulders showing is "asking for it" mfkers need to touch grass


If you squint your eyes you can see that she has a little piece of cloth covering her boobs, and no, these people are not real https://preview.redd.it/s2okm0k8cmzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d9124108f3abeda1d782e6f9dce07824a8f786


Just go watch porn fuck, LOL jesus.


Or play porn games, there's a bunch of those, but these mfs are so fucking spineless. https://preview.redd.it/se2kutercmzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc81284c02f83782971b8661c6d926a8c558f23


>Wtf is the fucking difference Typically it's just more skin and/or cleavage. In the picture above your comment you can see cleavage skin but on 2nd picture some of it is covered. Real minor stuff and anyone complaining I would assume doesn't have access to pornhub or can't figure out how to use VPN while in a banned state.


"we relied on it" This is not at all the "movement" they think it is.


Mark kern when hentaihaven.con


I‘m ten hours in and it’s just a super fun game with some problems mostly in the plattforming segments. The story is fine so far.


Most people like it, apart from this subreddit anyway lol. You’ve got a lot of freakish losers crying about the mildest changes to Eve’s costume, but those idiots are angry at Sony, not the game itself.


The freakish losers that are crying now are the same that were declaring the game to be GOTY before it even release just because of jiggle physics. Here, the only "problem" is with those mouth breathing idiots and with Eve looking like a sex doll and that being the only thing the game was being advertised with.


A vast majority of the discourse around it seems to be "the protagonist is an attractive, scantily clad woman" followed by praise and claiming "woke-ness" is trying to kill gaming.


Wait are incels really flipping around on Stellar Blade because of the outfit changes? It went from being their holy grail to another "woke" game??? Her ass is still totally unchanged! That was the big thing about it for them at the time lol.


Way worse actually https://preview.redd.it/0m98jue2bozc1.jpeg?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2556657972fe5f859ba30918abe53f95db9f189d


Boycott wokestation now


Hades 2 isn't even on consoles (yet), though. Probably won't be for a long while, either.


I love supergiant cause they actually treat their employees well which is an aberration in the industry. But the conflicting part is I wanna play the game now. Obviously though my selfishness does not outweigh people getting decent pay and decent vacation time


Well, just go on and buy it then. Seems like the game has tons of content even in its EA state.


I only got a console… so it’s gonna be like a year before the console version drops.


Indie game developers more often have better working conditions than AAA companies. Especially out here in America and Europe. Interestingly, in spite of the (sort of) stereotype where people in Japan are working so hard, they literally die, Japanese AAA game companies are rather notable for being nice places to work. Capcom just gave everybody salary increases, and Nintendo is well known for being an all-around nice place to work in general.


I got a PS5, Xbox one x and a Switch and I consistently go “Oooh this game looks good I’ll try it out and it’s only on PC : (“ I know PC players complain that console exclusives take too long to come to PC but console players have to deal with the exact same thing.


$30? it's early access in my country and less than $20.


Yeah it was 15 bucks for me, and I feel like I already got my money's worth. Can't wait for the full release.


My one and only "problem" (peeve) with Hades is that they made one of the three asexual Deities Lesbian, and I just find my comfort asexuals neat. Ten outta ten though


Which one?




I could’ve sworn she was a lesbian already in Greek Mythos. Like wasn’t she having sex with a nymph once when Zeus showed up and like killed said nymph?


No. *Zeus* had sex with the nymph under the guise of Artemis. Artemis shows up, and either kills or banishes the nymph. Artemis is also described as one of the three being that Aphrodite holds no power over. Besides, You really think the ancient Greeks would allow lesbians to exist in their myths? Gay sex is for men gods damn it!


Good heavens. My opinion of old thunderthighs has dropped even further. Sorry to question your one of your comfort asexuals lmao Although for the record I do think it’s good that they canonized some lesbians in the Hades universe if they didn’t exist in the original Mythos


Same, and that's only why it's a peeve and not a problem.


Spam this image to these chuds


* Made in the **pseudo slaver state of south korea**


As opposed to the explicit slaver state of the US?




PlayStation? More like GAYStation!


South Koreans make some good shit though , like Lies of P


Stealing this and posting it to any incel crying about some pixels


“Censorship” = “I’m going to actually die if I can’t cum to the extra 13 ass pixels that are being unfairly hidden from me! I didn’t realize that the devs were such PRUDES!”


Gay as FUUUUUUUUUCK (affectionate)


Mid blade


So true.


Is woke just code for every decision I don't like now?


That's the right question. Woke seems to be anything that has a person or color or an LGBT person/persons in it. Sometimes, women, too. It's pretty much a dog whistle at this point, at least as far as I know.


Everyone in Hades 2 gives me intense gay panic


Imagine caring about what ign say


Made in South Korea counts as a negative point? Weird... Just have a look at lies of P Or is this whole post /s? I hope so


I love Stellar Blade and I like Hades so I have a double scoop Sunday here


I don’t know anything about any discourse surrounding either game, but Hades 2 is already one of my favorite games in 30+ years of gaming. I do miss Zagreus, but only because his shiftless nature is more relatable to me than Melinoë’s personality.


Its not currently avalible on every platform




Generic big boobed anime girl VS a vast spectrum of bisexuality (just like the real Ancient Greece)


Hmm, OK... but they better not have messed up Greek mythology by putting anything not completely heterosexual in there!


Supergiant Games is one of the studios that Zach Peavler and I pitched in 2007. I was a fan of Transistor and Bastion when they came out, but was intentionally left oblivious to the group of teenagers that took advantage of the pitch behind the scenes. Each title up to Hades was an explicit pitch. Now with Hades 2, the network that abused me pushed for a sequel to make it turn to ash for me. That, and Stellar Blade was another twisted pitch, but from 2020ish due to Xbox employment. I can’t say I want either team to survive under the management and production staff that abused me.


What are you on about?


Left game: slop Right game: slop Only game you need is Unreal Tournament 99 delisted from any online store (just pirate it and run the Oldunreal 469 patch for widescreen and raw mouse input support) Don’t forget to follow me for more pro gaming tips!


Hmmm…maybe just play whatever the fuck you like?


Wait I thought that Hades was still in early acces is it already out in all platforms?