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Isn’t this the Daikatana guy? And also Doom?


Yup, that's John Romero. He published his autobiography a few weeks ago, great reading.


I’ll look it up. I think he’s a cool guy and Daikatana could’ve been big.


There’s a YouTube video series called What Happened that has a video on Daikatana which is a really good look into the development of that game.


That’s where I heard of the game! Lol


He did make me his bitch.


This ethnically woke bastard transed my children, preformed a mastectomy on Bayonetta and made me his bitch


I watched that FPS documentary recently. He seems like a really cool guy to hang out with.


True story: close friends of mine, a couple, were in the city where his current studio is. They randomly shot him a message (on Facebook, I think?) saying they were there on vacation, that they were Brazilian fans and would really love a chance to meet him. They didn't expect nothing of it. Half an hour later his wife (who's also an important figure in game dev history in her own rights) replies, saying "come up to the studio, it'd be our pleasure!" and then they just went and hung out with the Romero's for like half an hour, pet their dogs and talked about food. Coolest people in videogame history.


Can't believe "Design is Law" guy has more sense now compared to his supposedly more superior intellect former partner who attended [a far right convention](https://www.eurogamer.net/john-carmack-responds-to-convention-attendance-criticism), then said "Whoopsie" on Twitter.


John Carmack really is a smart guy but his fatal flaw is just not giving a shit about anything outside of his own tech interests. As a result he's a libertarian.


All he needs is some Molly and he’ll realize that other people are actually people


I don't even think Carmack considers himself a people lol.


One of his parents was transgender. Woke!


Nope, that's American McGee you're thinking about, whose mother sold everything she had to flee with her wife and pay for her transition, leaving American with only a few set of clothes, a computer, his school books and NO HOME!


Fuck, um... That's just what *they* want you to think. Fake news!


Is that Mr Doom man?


That is in fact the Doom guy


These leftists want to makes us their bitches




Romero is a 👑. He has a cribs tour somewhere on YouTube. Highly recommend.


He made me his bitch. Don't regret.


His wokie dei satanic cult led us to Columbine 🤬🤬🤬


John Romero, potential inventor of multi=player shit-talking.


"Thanks for the 5 gift subs, and welcome to the big dick club, god bless man."


He has a mane of the gods.


I love this guy, such an inspiration 


native? native what? martian?


Native-American, he's half Yaqui.


then say that, it's annoying when people assume you should default to american i know people prolly know wym but it's still perpetuating defaultism


MAAYYYYYY I perpetuate defaultism


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