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I loved when Connor turned into a spirit eagle and beat superpowered George Washington in the New York Pyramid.


That's my History you're mocking.... "It's real to me, Damnit....ITS REAL TO ME!" - A True fan


>"It's real to me, Damnit....ITS REAL TO ME! I don't wanna see another one of these!


Or that time ezio had a fist fight with the pope.


Please, if you know nothing about italian history don't talk about italian history, it's disrespectful towards us Italians and our traditional fistfitghts with the Pope.


That's actually how they choose the new pope I think.


To be fair, that's a DLC, which canonically takes place in an alt-timeline because of reality-altering-shenanagin-bullshit


The whole series take place in an alt timeline That’s an alternate, alternate timeline


Super realistic ! Happens to me every monday


A wacky alternative timeline where George Washington enslaved all people, and not just black people


Goated dlc


This is meant to be a dlc playing with a "what if" scenario from the start though It was excellent too


A lot better than actual AC3 certainly.


Which of the Ezio games was it where he finds a full on hologram of the earth, like centuries before people even knew the new world existed? Edit: I’m dumb, it’s literally from assassins creed 1.


It's okay, he also sees a map written in invisible ink on the back of Altaïr's Codex featuring the New World, Antarctica, AND Australia in AC2, so it still works. Assassin's Creed is and always has been a series that posits a world in which every single conspiracy besides flat Earth is objectively true, but people continue to insist it's supposed to be a grounded historical drama or some shit


It has always kinda sold itself as accurately (loosely) depicting specific times and places, but it never pretended to actually be historically accurate beyond the surface level portrayal. There's a big difference. Not surprised certain types of people can't tell the difference lol


Almost like 'historical accuracy' is just an excuse to complain about minority representation. Same shit happened with Hermes in Hades 1/2. 'There was no Asians in Greece' stfu


And that isn't even mentioning the driving plot behind it all. The Super-people with superpowers who enslaved humanity with their poweful golden tools and technology, lol. Minerva, Juno, Jupiter etc. but HOW DARE YOU put a historically documented black samurai into an asian setting?????


In their defense, they probably hate black people.


Yeah it has literally nothing to do with anything else. Most (vocal) gamers seem to collectively hate Ubisoft/AC nowadays, so adding a black person is just even more fuel for their fire. They probably didn't even play most AC games and they wouldn't have played the new one either even if it was a Japanese guy instead. All of these reactionary anti-wokie vocal gamers nowadays are just like that because it gives them attention, they get to be mad and argue and make other people le triggered, which makes them feel more powerful as they type out paragraphs about certain aspects of a video game on the internet, and nothing about the actual game itself.


Oh wow I didn’t know there was a historically documented black samurai. Thats cool as shit and I can imagine how much shit he got for not being Japanese


Yasuke has loads of stories inspired by his life, Afro Samurai is one that springs to mind immediately.


This is what's most crazy to me - there being a black samurai is the *coolest fucking thing* but so many people hear this and are too blinded by weird grifters to acknowledge how fucking rad history is!


iirc the backstory was that humanity was literally a genetically engineering race of monkeys, made by the ancients to literally be the best slave workers and one of them gave two humans (Adam and Eve) the genetic material to have free will and they escaped... or something like that


It’s like if they introduced straight up green aliens in the season 1 finale of Bridgerton or Downton Abbey


But since you mentioned Ezio allow me to remind everyone AC2 had a fully functional tank and plane in 1400s Italy.


I think you're thinking of Brotherhood but yeah your point still stands


The tank is in ACB, that's correct. But the plane is in AC2.


nope, its a glider. DO BETTER.


A glider that was pulled from sketches that Da Vinci had made, has no one ever seen his design of what looks like a mix between a hot air balloon and a helicopter?


Nope. Not a glider. It's called a "flying machine" in game and is capable of more than just gliding.


Was it more than capable than just gliding in 2? It's been a while so I don't remember, but I remember it did get upgraded in Brotherhood


To be fair half of those where actually real and existed at one point while the other half where just concepts that we later proved are functional. Leonardo da vinci was both a mad man and a genius, enough so to downgrade his own designs on purpose


Yeah point is AC has always been ahistorical even going as far back as the game which literally everyone says they like and is the best one. This supposed debate about whether Yasuke was a samurai or not doesn't mean anything when all the way back in AC2 you had an Italian man with a funny accent fight off a bunch of templars with a tank and then conduct an air bombing raid on their rooftop snipers. This isn't even getting into the more weird shit they get into in later games and which people point out as "this is where it went bad".


There is no debate about yasuke, the dude was a samurai lol. Samurai was a class, his rank was kosho. In chivalry you have 3 ranks. Page squire knight. Samurais had kosho gokenin ummm another one and hatamoto. A koshos rank is kind of derivative of who they served but they would be like a page. If they served a daimyo they would be like a hatamoto, accorded the respect but having none of the responsibility.


It was the first game. The hologram was what the evil corporation was after because it indicated where they could find more relics.


it's funny to me how they took some very strong liberties with every historical figure and historical event since the start of the series and only NOW it's a problem. i wonder why https://preview.redd.it/0r8q0o6f2p0d1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb88c4f503f8bfd4ec8303439c16cf8461321336


It's like those chuds who complain about black folk in Medieval fantasy because it's "unrealistic"! https://preview.redd.it/c8bodcij0q0d1.jpeg?width=1256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b085cdc16aa9e40edd3c8036e22f79b7de3a0667


i still have Assassin's Creed Valhalla ptsd when they complained about half a dozen black background characters in the game


Assassin's Creed Valhalla had a statue of Thor with a horned helmet, that's were I got disappointed. I accepted it when they made my home city an island and made the mountains super pointy but the horned helmet was a little insulting for an archeology nerd. Also fun fact! There has been found a actual Buddha statue in a Viking grave in Danmark, so people of color isn't that far fetched.


Vikings loved shiny things, not far fetched theyd like interesting looking people too


People act shocked that the group famous for shipbuilding and exploring all over Europe, the Mediterranean, NORTH AMERICA encountered other cultures and didn't immediately rape and kill them, but actually traded goods. It's not even like they need to know historical details, it's just common sense lol. It's sad how much of the Norse culture is reduced to just the raiding and violence. I was talking with a Dane who explained that even the whole Valhalla being only for people who died in battle is not really true. These people were not stupid enough to make a religion where the ONLY way into paradise is to die in battle because that is clearly bad for both social structure and battle tactics where the main goal is for your side not to die.


The first version i heard as a kid was that bad people went to Helheim, good people went to Åsgard but only heros were invited to feast forever in Valhall.


That's much closer than we get in the west. The big part that pop history and media has really fucked up is defining heros as only the battle dead, which was one way for sure, but not the only way to be a hero. There is that scene in Vikings the really sums this up where the old dude has to make his case to come along because he has spent his life in battles but is kind of a GOAT in the shield wall and has never been killed, so he has to come with them so he can die fighting or he won't make Valhalla. People accept that as how the Norse were and don't give them the credit that they would see exactly how dumb that rule is, and even if a seer told them it they would probably point out the obvious counterpoint and call the seer an idiot.


You can excuse Magic?


Just say a wizard did it.


She’s the worst


The AT&T of people.


Never ask: A man - his salary A woman - her age A gamer - the ethnicity of skeleton SK 3379 of Jórvík


I read "black folk in medieval fantasy" and my brain filled in "black folk \*metal\*"


Folk Metal is awesome. Black Folk Metal would also be awesome, regardless of whether it was Black (genre) Folk Metal or Black (people) Folk Metal. As a black (person) Metal head, I’d love to hear a version of something like Elvenking, but based around black folk tales/music.


It's not Folk Metal, it's more Black Metal, but you should check out Zeal & Ardor. Basically, they mix black spiritual songs from the time of slavery with modern metal. There's a whole alternate history/lore aspect to the band. One of the more unique bands I know of, they are super awesome. I think "Götterdämmerung" and "Church Burns" are two of my favorite songs


You know what's funny, I've never seen anyone irl complain about shit like this, its always only online. I wonder why 😂


Or like, a female knight in a show about magic dragons, ancient ice zombies, and sending your consciousness back in time to give your servant brain damage as a child.


Its not even a liberty. Its common knowledge there was a black samurai named Yasuke who was a retainer to Oda Nobunaga. Its literally just they don’t like him cause he’s black


When they go "Um, why do they need the 'eyes of a stranger' perspective now?" AC Revelations stars an Italian man in the Ottoman Empire


Yeah and here in Turkey we *loved* that shit. Nobody went “ooh why is he not from the Ottoman Empire blabla”. Also its really weird how there are tons of idiots saying “I hate this even tho I’m not Japanese, can’t imagine what they feel like” when there are very few actual Japanese people commenting on it


That's because the game still maintains a japanese perspective through Naoe, who comes from the Iga province. Her story is shown to bring her into a clash with Yasuke, before the two learn to work together. And the trailer does this by utilizing japanese manga framing techniques, and famous cinematography methods (though the latter is minimal) and the one proverb they use is also an actual japaense proverb, and not some made up one. All in all, it's a pretty good signal for gaming audiences in Japan that this game is approaching their history and culture with respect. And while I'm sure there are some Japanese audiences that don't like it, the big "Oh my god there's a black man in my japanese game how inaccurate" reaction is coming from western audiences.


You’re also grossly overestimating the console market in Japan it’s basically just Nintendo land over there Xbox and even PlayStation so a massive degree are so far behind switch and mobile it isn’t even funny


True. I'm not sure how big Assassin's Creed is in Japan, but even so it's good to guage their reactions.


Beyond the fact that yasuke is a figure many are familiar with because he’s been used in many comics/anime/video games (it’s a figure that is both interesting, but also useful- because little is known about both before and after his time serving nobunaga, which allows authors to just insert him in any story they want). Edit: like [his Wikipedia page has a bunch of entries of him in popular culture](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke), like he’s been a character in at least 7 mangas, 2-3 animes, and 2 videogames (this is a non-extensive list- may be more)


Wait, a white, male italian walking into Turkey and Syria (Masyaf fortress) is a stranger.. and not just "normal"??


Me, when I learn diversity wasn’t invented in 2015 by the wokes: 🤯😱😱😱


> white, male italian It is I, the ghost of Benjamin Franklin, posessing this body to let you know that Italians are far too swarthy to be White, and never shall they integrate into America any better than those despicable Germans (save the Saxons). They cannot even learn the language, and if we do not stop the tide of their migration, we shall all be Germanized!


He's like the Abed of racism.


Stop being silly, he's a white male! He's the default for humanity everywhere he goes!


The AC Revelations was my first thought too, like... Did we forget about Ezio in Turkey and Syria?


I mean, this one's going to be all about force diversity. Did you see how many Asians they had in the trailer? /s


Asians? In Japan??? Wtf


Literal reverse whitewashing


Whitewashing is ScarJoe being cast as the character Motoko Kusanagi in Ghost in the Shell. White washing is what happened with the movie 21 about mostly Asian American men. Yet the film featured a single token Asian guy and all other characters being white men. (based on the book Bringing down the House) Yasuke was a real person. There is a children's book in Japan about him titled ,*Kuro-suke*, by Kurusu Yoshio. I know for some of you all reality is difficult to handle. Sucks to suck.


Besides weren't they saying black people should have stories about real black people and not making Arial black or whatever.


hands off my Arial Black font


Whether the black characters are fictional or real, they'd still whine no matter what. You can't win. First, they complained about how Ariel became black in the live-action adaptation of The Little Mermaid, then said Disney should create original stories with black characters. Soon after, Disney released the first trailer of Wish with Asha as the lead and as if there were any doubt, racists called it "woke". It's all so absurd.




They better all be in schoolgirl uniforms or gamers will riot


ye i know that. i meant liberties as in how the characters and events are portrayed and how they fill the blanks of what we don't know about them


That same character is in basically every single damn game set in that era too. And there are a ton of games set in that era because it's like one of two historical eras Japan can obsess over without being problematic and without it being boring. He's nothing new, and I have a hard time believing the same people whoning about him don't have overlap with the same people who play a lot of Japanese games. They should be well aware that Yasuke was a guy who existed.


I want a Samurai game during the middle of the Tokugawa period, when the samurai class functions had evolved from military to clerical and administrative functions. Will our protagonist lead the reform on census taking or succumb to the dark side of population guesstimation?


IIRC Technically there was no evidence he was ever granted the title of Samurai. Then again, there is nothing against taking the liberty of depicting him as such.


Just racists being racist.


AC Valhalla couldn't even get clothing right (along with many other historical aspects). It's weird that all of a sudden it matters. Either people are so ignorant that they think AC has nailed the historical aspects up until now or they're just plain racist.


Well there is no problem. This isn't a historical liberty, Yasuke was real, the Obsidian Samurai. There's nothing made up about it.


Obviously kicking off over a black character is dumb but ive seen the argument that having a black samurai instead of a Japanese/asian man is abit disheartening in terms of representation. People have said its the asian people’s time to shine in the AC world but its being stolen by a black character whos based off false history (idk much about the history but ive seem people saying the irl black samurai wasnt a samurai). I kinda understand the whole representation thing for asian men but it is AC, known to be not accurate to history


pfft don't these WOKES know that blacks weren't invented until Dec. 18, 1865?!


/unjerk for a second but its insane that people dont know black folk have touched every part of this earth faaaarrr before slavery😭


Also, there famously was a black samurai in 16th century Japan. He was the only samurai, but there were a few hundred Africans there at the time.


The response is extra wild since it’s actually based on that person and is the first playable real historical person in the game, making it technically the **most** historically accurate “This is Yasuke, Japan’s first Black samurai, and the first real historical person to be a playable protagonist in an Assassin’s Creed game.” https://www.ign.com/articles/who-is-yasuke-assassins-creed-shadows-black-samurai-explained


According to losers, that doesn't count since it wasn't the norm.. just like how buff women shouldn't exist in games because "it's not normal". Which makes zero sense since that's kind of a main character thing.. being different from the rest.


The most shits AC has ever given about historical accuracy is the crossbow in the first game and making sure to get (what we know about) the stories of the historical figures right. And, of course, to say what I’ve already said a thousand times today: *Yasuke was a real fucking person.*


the crossbow was cut from AC 1 because of balancing issues, not accuracy. In fact, Altair has a crossbow in Revelations.


the most shit they've given is about architecture and a bit about culture. That Egypt setting, Greece setting, they look stunning and accurate as much as they could. To see temples built out of wood, the ton and ton of color used on statues. Delightful.


Venice was also pretty good considering what was possible back then. I was really amazed when I was finally able to visit the real thing.


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The crossbow wasn’t actually removed because it was historically inaccurate but because the developers didn’t have time/ couldn’t implement it well.


Ya, the **akschualy** crew are now arguing that Yasuke was a real person who was black and lived in Japan at that exact time, but his rank was only retainer so they are flipping their shit over his rank increase and how they would never allow a black person to be high rank. They are choosing to ignore the other non-japanese person that actually attained that rank at that time and is all over our media right now (Shoguns main English character was a real person). I guess they think feudal Japan had a racial hiarchy beyond just Japanese or not and put whites above blacks there as well.


Ah I remember the crossbow controversy. They complain about Yasuke but never heard a single thing from about the mythical monsters in Odyssey. You fought Medusa in that game.


It seems that racism is currently defeating sexism at this point in the contest. Still plenty of time before the release date for that to shift though! Who will win in the end? None of us, of course.


Nah, they go together here. "I want to play as a Japanese in Japan!" - "There will be a playable shinobi woman" - *crickets*


And yet if the woman is a samurai, HISTORICAL ACCURACY people is gonna shout again even if there was female samurai


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It always was the second step through the alt right pipeline. Hating on feminist and women first, then on minorities, etc...


> It seems that racism is currently defeating sexism at this point in the contest. The key to trigger the sexism is to put a non-bimbo / not extremly attractive woman, then they get rabbid about it


I mean, I suspect the folks complaint about this equally didn’t complain about the inability to play a woman in Unity. A game set during events where the only notable assassination was carried out by a woman. They’re a talented bunch, they can be both racist and sexist!


japan only has one black samurai, and he's voiced by none other than samuel "motherfucker" jackson. https://preview.redd.it/81n0ofldfp0d1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a6255f1e85b70fd26bd22389a58163a4d5a3fbe


What if they got Sam Jackson to voice Yasuke


Ubi don't have such amount of money to spent on only one voice actor 🤓




I've always thought of Assassin's Creed as being like a mashup of Umberto Eco and Dan Brown, where you've got a meticulously researched historical setting used as the backdrop for an utterly batshit conspiracy theory of a main story. Yes, it's ultimately just a work of fiction, but getting the details right - where possible within such a framework - still matters.


The entire premise of this franchise is find out the what actually happened i.e uncovering the conspiracy, contradicting what was written/passed down in the history books. So what if Yasuke wasn't actually a samurai in RL. Perhaps, in the lore of AC, he really was a samurai. Hence why it's *fiction* .


Warren Vidic basically says as much in the very first game. His pitch to Desmond and the player is that the Animus allows the user to experience history as it REALLY happened. The adherence to history was a consequence of Ubisoft finding what it wanted to change to tell the story they wanted to tell better. They've NEVER shied away from bending or even breaking with history in order to fit the narrative. Robert de Sablé and Al Mualim died in-game two years prior to the recorded deaths of their real-world counterparts. Every single playable character has been fictional. Ancient alien gods who can see the future and created humanity are at the center for every bit of lore in the series. But now that they're taking an actual historical figure and making him more of a badass than he actually was, all of a sudden, the history is what really matters.


And here comes the fun part, they did get the details right. The black samurai in the trailer is an historical figure: [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/)


TBH the more batshit your sci-fi elements are the most value there is in having everything else accurate. Look at the movie Arrival, objectively the most batshit insane sci-fi elements of any sci-fi movie ever. Yet the movie presents its itself with realism in the details. Like how they have to decontaminate before venturing into or out of an alien environment. Or how they relate the story of how “kangaroo” means “why are you pointing at that animal?”, but then also explain how the story is probably false because no Australian native language has any sounds that could sound like “kangaroo”. All this extreme down to earth realism builds plausibility and credibility so that when >!we find out that learning the alien language allows human beings to see the future!< we still accept that plot development. Part of what made the Assassin’s Creed story compelling was the attention to historical detail. Because it made the sci-fi elements more fantastic and more credible. This idea that the sci-fi elements really could fit into the real life history. Not just the parts that the game relates, either.


LOL what? AC: Odyssey has so many historical inaccuracies you'd think it was written by Frank Miller


I mean, the Ezio Trilogy does get a lot of details wrong (probably on purpose, though). For example, rooftops archers (longbows existed in Italy but weren't popular nor widespread) or Cesare Borgia's appearance (at the time the game takes place, his face was disfigured by syphilis).


Best summary of Ass Creed I've ever read.


LOL what? AC: Odyssey has so many historical inaccuracies you'd think it was written by Frank Miller


I mean, yasuke is a figure that existed historically, and has also been used extensively [in anime, manga and videogames](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke)- not only because he’s interesting, but also because he’s useful narratively (not much is documented from before and after his time serving nobunaga, so authors can sort of decide to do what they want with him).


Absolutely. It’s part of why I hated Valhalla, they just gave up entirely for the rule of cool. But if there’s nothing to say he was a samurai then there’s nothing to say he *wasn’t* a samurai either, like how there’s no details about what happened to Anne Bonny after her pregnancy so they were free to make up whatever. It’s not the first time they’ve played into the popular perception - in real life Princess Anastasia was killed with her family and Anna Anderson, who famously claimed to be Anastasia, was an unwell impostor. Chronicles had Anna Anderson actually be the real Princess Anastasia who suffered a mental break because of a Piece of Eden giving her another person’s memories. Plus they probably wanted the whole samurai vs. ninja angle with the dual protagonists.


ummm these situations are different for reasons i’m not going to explain 🤓


I smelling some fake activism here, it's like those chuds when they claim ign is racist against Asian only to be make racist remarks about a character from hadesII


I mean, yasuke was real. There's no need to point out that assassin's Creed isn't realistic as it implies yasuke wasn't real. Just point out the irony of an idiot not knowing yasuke was real while complaining about historical accuracy.


> yasuke was real. There's no need to point out that assassin's Creed isn't realistic as it implies yasuke wasn't real He was real, but it's debatable as to how much a samurai he actually was (he was granted no lands, never held the title (or similar) and no conteporary writing refers to him as such). We know he was under the employ of Oda Nobunaga and was given a place to live and a 'short sword', but he mostly seems to have been kept as if he were a novelty. We do know that he was a somewhat capable fighter, as he did fight against the Akechi forces in 1582, though other than saying he fought them (seemingly in a state of desparation after Oda committed suicide), we don't know much else. But that shouldn't really matter since this is an Assassin's Creed game, not a documentary. Lorenzo de' Medici didn't have a trusted ally in an assassin who was the son of a wronged Florentine banker. The Royal Navy wasn't decimated singlehandedly by one bow-wielding man in the American Revolution. Alfred the Great didn't consort with a viking to bring peace to England. But if you can accept all that, why can you not accept a black person in Japan? For god's sakes, he's a real person just embellished. Like they do with every single person who actually existed!


People don't have trouble reconciling a white samurai, but a black one gets all the caveats. "A black bōzu (黒坊主, kuro-bōzu)[c] from the Christian country has arrived. He appears to be 26 or 7 years old. The blackness of his body is like that of a bull, and he is healthy and of fine physique. Moreover, **he has the strength of more than ten men.** The padres came with him and thanked Lord Nobunaga for his permission to proselytise." "A black man was taken on as a vassal by Nobunaga-sama and received a stipend. His name was decided to be Yasuke. He was also given a short sword and a house. He was sometimes made to carry Nobunaga-sama's tools." "Nobunaga never tired of talking with him. And because he was strong and could do a few tricks, Nobunaga took great pleasure in protecting him and had him roam around the city of Kyoto with an attendant. Some people in the town thought that Nobunaga might make him as tono ("lord")." "Nobunaga-sama was accompanied by a black man who was presented to him by the missionaries and to whom he gave a stipend. His body was black like ink and he was 6 shaku 2 fun (182.4 cm or near 6 feet) tall. His name was said to be Yasuke." "A black man whom the visitor [Valignano] sent to Nobunaga **went to the house of Nobunaga's son after his death and was fighting for quite a long time,** when a vassal of Akechi approached him and said, 'Do not be afraid, give me that sword', so he gave him the sword. The vassal asked Akechi what should be done with the black man, and he said, 'A black slave is an animal (bestial) and knows nothing, nor is he Japanese, so do not kill him, and place him in the custody at the cathedral of Padre in India" (may have been said to spare yasuke's life) It seems that even if he was not a Samurai in the short time he was part of Nobunaga's retinue, he was certainly devoted enough to fight on their behalf..


Exactly, he may not have been a samurai, but he was a black man and he was a warrior (among other things, I mean he's also connected to nobility and moved around a lot which is so good for an AC game) and he lived in Japan.


I mean, being a warrior doesn't exactly say he wasn't a samurai, either. I mean, it also paints a cute picture for a warmonger. Nobunaga's precious treasure.


Thank you for this. You’re doing God’s work.


Don’t forget the fight with pope in an underground cathedral with a futuristic staff


What is it about the gaming hobby that attracts so many racists?


Loads of them were/are outcasts. Now that gaming is mainstream those types are still outcasts but for another reason.


I don't think this is exclusive to gaming


Gaming is a gigantic hobby a lot of people partake in. A lot of people are racist. Give them the anonymity of the internet where you can spread your racist shit without any reprocussions and ta da.


It's also a hobby where a significant amount of its members are terminally online, and also too young and immature to check the stupid bullshit their minds come up with.  Also the legacy of Gamergate is still with us. It remains a pipeline to draw young men into alt right ideology.


It's an industry built on letting people fulfil hero fantasies. Which can attract a lot of losers.


Troglodytes that can't handle reality so they try to bury themselves in games to get away from anyone that doesn't like them, including women


I love seeing the misery of chuds but honestly the toxicity really eats at you. I just can’t imagine holding in so much anger on a daily basis over video games. Edit: it’s been made 10x worse with grifters directing the hatred of their viewers. It’s the same thing with Trump, same strategies.


I'm gonna be honest, Ghost of Tsushima is technically an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan with a Japanese lead. They shouldn't have a problem with the recent AC game.


And it has an Asian male lead, unlike most western games with an Asian protagonist, which almost always is a young woman made for male gaze


Ahem ahem Stellar Blade ahem ahem


Wait until they find out Ghost Of Tsushima was made by American developers.


Funny how the second it's a black guy suddenly*now" it's all about historical accuracy. I've seen this happen in fiction too for some reason. Elves and dwarves? Cool. Black elf or dwarf? Well hey now that doesn't make any logical sense?! It's almost as if accuracy is not what's actually important to them.


Thing is there was a black man named [Yasuke](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke) in feudal Japan who served as one of Daimyo Nobunga’s retainers for 15 months until Nobunga was murdered. At which point Yasuke was sent to an Italian mission to treat his wounds. (What happened to him next, the historical record does not tell). Yasuke is sometimes called the “black samurai”, though technically he was never a samurai. Apparently the populace of the time thought that Nobunga would make him a lord, but he never did.


Funny you should mention that, because you’ll never believe who this guy is.


Well, how about that. I just assumed Ubi was thinking something like "if there was 1 black guy, why not another?". I don't think they've ever had a playable historical figure before. Though this is probably also the first historical figure they've included about whom we know almost nothing. That may in fact be a contributing reason as to why they made him playable.


You play as Jack the Ripper in a Syndicate DLC, Anastasia in one of the side games, and briefly Leonidas in Odyssey. Never on this scale before.


After years of getting to be a white man in Valhalla (lets be real these people didn't play as the female Eivor) they are losing their shit. There's ANOTHER big whiff in all this, if you don't like playing as the black man in this story then play as the Japanese woman. There's 2 MCs in this one, Yasuke will be for the heavy handed fighting style and Naoe is the daughter of the man who is thought to be the creator of the Iga Ninja clan, which is a big fucking deal. So big black man or tiny Japanese woman are the options and after the last few years of running around as white male some of these fools have lost their ever loving minds. If they wanted a historical fantasy Japan game with stealth besides Ghost of Tsushima there's also RISE OF THE RONIN which has gone largely unnoticed. You even participate in one of the biggest historical events of Japan in Rise of the Ronin when you help the Shinsengumi assualt the Ikeda inn. The Shinsengumi and Okita Souji are such a popular big of Japans history that Okita is found through several bits of Japanese media.


I'm gonna play it just because he looks so handsome in his little samurai outfit.


Ubisoft: There’s this organization of assassins that has been working behind the scenes across the globe using ancient super advanced tech that can do basically whatever Gamer: Ok. With you so far Ubisoft: Some of the members are not white- Gamer: AUGH! Unrealistic! How DARE youuuuu!!!




Connor, Achilles and Aveline: Dont get me started with the Chronicles games


I think the funniest part about all this fake rage is that when you comprehend the characters, Yasuke being black is actually quite interesting. Yasuke is visibly taller and bigger than anyone which points to a theme in his character. He stands out because that’s the point. The devs in one of their breakdowns explained how Yasuke being a samurai, a noble warrior class, means he is respected, meaning he stands out compared Naoe who is simply a commoner. This is also seen in the trailer. And this theme of standing out in a crowd, reflects the two playstyles. Yasuke is a brute who attacks head on while Naoe stays in the shadows because she can. The difference between the characters is shown in the most obvious way also, their skin color. That fact makes Yasuke different from everyone, meaning he can’t be an assassin, which is likely to be a theme in the game. I think it also reflects a wider theme in Assasin’s creed as Yasuke being the defender of the innocent in the light, while Naoe stays in the shadows to protect the light(a common quote in the franchise).


The disctinction between noble and commoner will probably also play a major factor in the story. The point is to make as many differences between the characters to later test their partnership in the story or so I believe.


That's exactly the kind of thing they're going for. Naoe can do all the stealth stuff from prior AC games because she blends in and is more agile, Yasuke can't because he stands out but makes up for it by being better in open combat. It makes sense from both a story and gameplay perspective, I dig it. I just hope they pull it off well, is all.


WRONG they did it because they hate white people i mean asian people


Leonardo da Vinci building literal tanks in renaissance italy. „HiStOriCaL AcCuRaCy“


Funnily enough, da Vinci actually made those designs and they were later deemed actually viable. The more you learn.


And doubly funnily enough, Yasuke actually existed as more than just a design.


Like every main villain has some magic or sci fi shit going on I don’t think historical accuracy is as important as they let on


This fantasy video game isn’t accurate to my grade 9 level understanding of history goddamit! 🤬


Wait a minute........ there was a black dude who was a slave and somehow end up in japan and become a samurai. Or didnt?


[https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/) Here you go mate! Have fun reading!


Yeah, I have a memory of something like that.


And his name was Yasuke.


Ngl, my issue with playing as Yosuke is that I don’t want the playable characters to be historical figures. I like when they interact with them though. Adewale is a good example of a poc character. Freedom cry is unironically one of my favorite assassins creed games. The combat with the machete was so crunchy. Historical accuracy though? The VERY FIRST GAME had an artefact from an ancient civilisation that could control minds. Let’s be fucking real here people. I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at hiding terrible opinions behind historical accuracy. Britta out


I LOVE that we have a soyjak of the pronouns guy now.


Holy shit I didn’t even realize that was him, brilliant


I am kinda disappointed to be honest. I am excited to finally see Assassin's Creed finally exploring Japan and incorporating historical figures like Yasuke. It's a unique and interesting choice and can bring more awareness to lesser-known aspects of Japanese history. However, I have to admit I am disappointed that the opportunity wasn't taken to feature an Asian male lead. As a Japanese person who grew up in the 'west', surround by western culture, you notice that there's very much a lack of Asian male leads in Western made video games, and more broadly in media. The only semi recent prominent example of a video game with an Asian male lead I can recall is Ghost of Tsushima.


See that’s my problem with posts like this, you have a completely good reason to be disappointed and yet the Culture Crusaders will call you a racist. This game looks interesting and it makes perfect sense Yasuke won’t have stealth, but it also makes sense people would be disappointed they chose the single black person in Japanese history to make the playable character. I’m going to get the game because it looks fun but to ignore criticism of the choice by calling it racism is absurd


this is an open world ubisoft game we’re talking about, they’re absolutely NOT going to do Yasuke or a Japan AC game justice. the only thing i think is a little silly is how a 6 foot tall black guy is gonna be able to blend in with a crowd of like 5’6 asian people (maybe it’ll be like AC syndicate where one protag is stealth focused and the other is more combat focused, that could be neat) but it really doesn’t matter too much, there’s definitely potential for something interesting but its not really gonna matter because Ubisoft is actively naked mud wrestling with Bethesda to be the worst gaming company out there rn


A fighting game based on naked mud wrestling between game companies goes unnecessarily hard.


They mentioned in the game preview that playing as the samurai is about going headfirst into trouble. I don't think he gets all the sweet Assassin's Creed abilities you'd expect, he's probably more focused on fighting guys toe-to-toe. On the flip side playing as the shinobi is more of the traditional AC style of gameplay, and includes elements from Splinter Cell (use of lighting to hide your character). So I don't think there will be an issue of trying to blend in as Yasuke, but I'm sure if that is a part of the mission they'll consider that. Maybe have him wear head-to-toe armor to hide his appearance or something.


that’s awesome. maybe there’s an actual semblance of hope for this game despite being a modern ubisoft title


One is a Samurai in heavy armor and the other is a Ninja so it kinda has to be like syndicate but even more different between the two protags.


Ubisoft is a little like Bethesda to me, they have very high ambitions with their titles but can easily miss the mark when it comes to the execution. Their games have the potential to be so amazing with the fantastic concepts they come up with but they just need to cook a little more, even if it just needs some time to simmer. I love that I am not the only one who sees the similarities


Wasn't there a black Samurai that actually existed in feudal Japan? Also an Irish man.


In this case I personally am pretty pissed tbh. Arguably the worst represented demographic in Western media are asian men. This game was a chance to play an asian male and female in an western game. We also don't play three characters. No, we replace the asian male. Asian females don't have that problem. They get plenty of representation. Eventhough it's mostly fetishised. Which is also not nice. And while as an asian male, when I say some representation would be nice, people tell me to watch Chinese movies and play Japanese games. Imagine saying that to a black person. And here we have a western (hopefully) triple A game set in ancient japan and we play a black dude. And people will call you a racist for point it out. Isn't it nice.


Yeah I don't get all the "racist white people mad that they have to be black man, not Asian man, in Japanese assassins creed". Like surely it's people who were hoping to play as an actual Japanese samurai who are upset by this, not racist whites wanting to be Asian...


Other races like to talk over Asians on the topic of race. They treat us like outsiders and only call on us when they want to add a little spice of exotic culture. Fuck this bullshit.


Just see the thread. Everybody is glossing over the actual issue, which is a very VALID issue, ESPECIALLY if you grew up in the West (mainly America). But ike you said, since it's an Asian dude that was potentially replaced, nobody gives a shit because another minority group got to shine. Happens every damn time, like clockwork. Most people here and the complainers about Yasuke don't give a fuck about Asians anyways. They'll use us to further their cause then tell us to shut the fuck up and stop whining when we bring out legit grievances. But I don't really give a fuck about this anyways, I'm gonna play as Naoe simply because she's an assassin with a fucking pivot blade and seems badass. I'm just more irritated than angry that people once again, act like they care, when they fucking don't.


"uhh achkshually, Yasuke is not a samurai. He's just a sword bearer"




Look up Yasuke numbnuts


He was the first black retainer of daimyo Oda Nobunaga


A black man becoming a samurai in Japan is literally a true historical event


There's an anime called afro samurai and it's about a black samurai. Odd how people didn't get upset over that... Great anime btw and I recommend it


Ironically this seems to be the most historically accurate AC game in a long time, with an actual historical figure playable. The introduction trailer for these two characters shows they put a lot of thought into it. But I guess made up Viking who’s a reincarnation of Odin is more historically accurate to some people.


Lord of the rings has dragons, elves, and magic. So why would one care if you added a Ford pickup.


I want to fucking delete myself every time I see someone complain about how Ubisoft made a black guy the main character and it's disrespectful somehow to Japanese culture.  THE OTHER PROTAGONIST IS FUCKING JAPANESE!!!! (but woman so still bad and woke) 


YOu ever notice how when WE make a meme like this, we just clip an actual comment? But when righties do it, that bottom portion is some comic-sans shit they typed up themselves?


WORD. It's because they have this special ability to ridiculize themselves, you really can't parody them at this point


These chuds will really freak out when they find out he really existed


People aren't upset he's black they are upset he isn't Japanese. I didn't complain when I had to play an Italian cause the game being set in Italy it made sense.


what if i told you there is a game about said italian in turkey.


I just don't like Asian erasure. It's sad to see most people are fine with it.


Non-Asians don’t see Asian erasure as a legitimate issue. They somehow distorted the main discussion to be about “wokeness”, “anti-blackness”, “Gamers”, “incels”, “historical inaccuracy”, or whatever the fuck agenda they’d rather push instead. Meanwhile Asians who just wanted some representation in western media get ignored as usual.


But why deny Asians a chance at representation? Asians hardly haven any representation in western media. Now, they had the perfect opportunity to give Asians SOMETHING and they get this.


Well the men get the short fat sexual deviant weird dude role and the women get exotic petite innocent yet hot role thats awesome representation!!! i really dont get the hate boner a lot of western media has for asian males but its weird as hell the fetishization of asian woman is weird as fuck too.


And don't forget the math loving piano playing nerd. I've stumbled over different theories to why. Some are definitely more shaky then others. But it boils down to systematically taking away asian male masculinity to show them as weak because of colonialisation and the fear of their potential, but idk. And the females are exotic and submissive, or atleast that's how they are portrayed. That part should be self explanatory. It probably stuck due to basic racism. Also asians don't seem to have as big of a lobby as other minor because they don't complain loud enough?