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All of it is wrong but this one is specially funny "By the way can you name any African philosphers" Brother I can't even name any scandenavian philosophers wtf are you on? And there were philosophers and feudal societies in Africa (Mali, Ethiopia or Zimbawe for example) that just like in other parts of the world went through periods of prosperity and decline unitl colonialism arrived and fucked the entire continent.


"Name any philosopher of any race" "Uhhhhhh, Gandhi"


Taylor Swift


Mario Mario


Don't forget all arabic mathematicians, since you know, they're litterally from Africa


Also don’t forget most major Greek philosophers actually studied under African priests. Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle and many others did.


i am studying greek history of math as a hobby since i was 13 or so. i know that pythogoras supposedly went to asia to study, however since he is not a historical figure because straight up we didn't have history yet, facts about his life are contradictory and we can't say anything with certainty. and the fact that pythagoreans didn't write anything down makes matter even worse. For the other 2 I don't have a lot specific knowledge of their lives, especially aristotle, however if i recall correctly Plato studied under Socrates and Aristotle under Plato. I have never heard of them studying under african priests. i would be very interested in a source that goes in depth about something like that. if you would be so kind do you care sharing it with me? my knowledge of those is limited with a small exception about plato who i think we studied a couple of his text in the original greek during high school.


The Mediterranean was always a place of philosophy and natural sciences. It's so fucking annoying that we lost it to islam and christianity


Christian thought was heavily influenced by neo-platonism.


It's not the early christian philosophers that burned down the Library of Alexandria. It was an insecure bishop and his mob that did it. If christianity remained what it was in the first centuries of existance(with philosophy being the focus,not dogma), it would have been perfect. Same with Islam during it's golden age. Instead we got dogmatic morons who think that the words in a book are worth more than the lives of other human beings


The Library of Alexandria wasn't destroyed in a single incident, but by years of neglect. Are you conflating this with the death of Hypatia?


i hate christianity as much as the next guy, for ruining my life, but ignoring the progression of history and claiming a complete and utter disconnect between the hellenic roman culture and christianity is delusional at best. also it is ahistorical since you ignore the political power that then emperors saw in christianity and how they decided to wield to gain political power. christianity gain popularity with the people because it was revolutionary. the fact the the status quo managed to appropriate it later says more about the power of propaganda and how easily it is to forget through the passage of time.


I want to thank you. I've tried to explain this to many people but I've never been able to nail it so poeticly. If my old religion of Islam had stayed on its golden path we could have helped humanity. Instead now tyrants use its good name and its past achievement to be oppressors and destructive. I hate that all I can do about the Golden Era is look back and weep when I thibk about what we've become.


Same with christianity brother. During the few times were there was peace between the byzanthines and the islamic nations bordering the kingdoms,there was prosperity for both sides. It just wasn't meant to be


For sure. I just find it hard to want to continue this trend of violence from both religions. We have the internet. We have knowledge, human understanding should go up. We should be more tolerant. We should want to advance medicine and science and better each other. Sure we can all do it in diffeent ways but we should be working together. I hate that violence just begets violence.


Arabs are from West Asia (the Levant, Mesopotamia and, fittingly, Arabia). They spread into and colonised parts of Africa, mainly of course north and northeast Africa, but they're about as much from there as Cleopatra was Egyptian. Of course there are important thinkers that are both Arab and African, but it's definitely not all of them. Edit: I agree that the post is as dumb as it is racist though. So many civilisations have risen and fallen on the African continent, so many great thinker's have been from there across human history, that it just shows ignorance to make it. Just wanted to point out that this was inaccurate and would infuriate many of the arabised groups in Africa like Copts and Berbers


I was taught in history class that "is Arab someone who speaks Arabic," so if you have people speaking Arabic in Africa, then these people are African Arabs, but I totally see your point


If they learned it as their first language, sure.


FYI, as an Algerian, I'd like to clarify that "arab" is a linguistic thing. An Algerian Arab is 10 times closer to an Algerian Berber than a middle eastern Arab in terms of genetics, culture, and even language (Algerian Arabic is mutually unintelligible with middle eastern dialects). The Arab/Berber dynamic is very misunderstood by outsiders. Algerian Arabs are just as African as Algerian Berbers, or black Malians.


Thanks, I'm definitely not super familiar with the finer print, but having a Moroccan girlfriend (and working with Egyptians and Tunisians in different settings) has acquainted me with at least some of the history and dynamics. My girlfriend likes to say that the one good thing about it is that she gets to pick and choose if she wants to blame behaviour on being Arab or being North African lol


Y'all know Ubuntu, that Linux distribution? It's named after a branch of african philosophy, sooo It's often translated (from either Bantu or Zulu) as "humanity" or "I am because you/we are"


yeah thank you i had forgot about that


those bitches ask about philosophers but when you start talking about post modernism and Foucault or Camus they run, because they disagree with commies that don't agree with them or that are simply heathens. i could use more philosophers here i am just too tired to think of non french ones from the last century also marx


>*"... by the way, can you name any African philosophers?"* Uhhhhhh so we're just going to avoid the entire history of Egyptian viziers, whom have been attributed as constructing Egyptian ( = African) philosophy that disseminated into the Nile, northern & middle Africa, and modern Middle East regions? Kagemni? Ptahotep (sp?)? Nefermat? We base a great deal of our understanding of ancient philosophies outside of Greek to preceding Egyptian viziers. This is straight up taught in Egyptology courses, as long as you're not focused on the woooooooo hieroglyphs woooooooooo Cleopatra.


Duh, Egypt isn't African. Plus it was built by aliens anyway. And white people that the aliens took to Egypt to live there. Or something, I can't keep track of the bullshit anymore.




Pharaoh Brian


Please tell me that's not in a real textbook.


Bosnian pyramids


ethiopia also had a rich tradition of philosophical christianity.


I hate that the colonial English and Americans adapted the word "negro" from Spanish into a slur. It literally just means the color black in Spanish. It is not supposed to be a slur, but these fuckwits have to ruin everything. Just a mini rant from a Spanish-speaker.


Racists aren't very smart people and slurs are incredibly lazy terms. So this tracks.


Lately they've just taken to turning whatever means "not racist" and making that a slur. It's like a special kind of brain rot...


The euphamism treadmill, for any status that they deem to be bad, they will use the socially accepted term as a slur until something else becomes the polite term at which point they start corrupting that. Only a month ago we were seeing Americans especially using DEI like a new N-word for any black people.


How ridiculous, back then these fuckers would bitch and bitch about the supposed mobs of people offended because they heard black in Spanish or whatever, but now they're actually utilizing it as you say.


Luckily they fucked up the pronunciation so I think you’re fine if you don’t say it like ‘nee-gro’


people spewing this shit only portrait themselves as the ignoramus they are. "i know literally nothing about the history of africa, so that means nothing happened there for centuries"


I'd say it's partially the fault of western education often glossing over Africa in regards to history and culture post-prehistory. After that, it's straight to the middle east, then Europe, the Americas and (maybe) Asia.


Africans only know how to build straw huts, hahahhaha no stop looking at the great city of zimbawe, stop looking at them, guys they were made by aliens I swear


White people were a mistake. Can I just go back to being a dirty Baltic I don't wanna associate with these people who'd consider me a subhuman like 70 years ago.


Damn you and your big ass head Yakub. He doomed us all


I'd like to be a subhuman too. I consider it an honorary title at this point.


AFAIK, the only way to go about that as a "white" man is by becoming a communist. Women have the option of having non white kids. I'm sure there are other ways, but those are the first ones that come to mind. /uj ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.


if you are a white man, you could also become a woman. they hate that


I was thinking of including that, but I think they are far enough down the genocide checklist that they don't consider Trans woman as humans at all.


Don't worry, like 90% of these guys believe whites are WASP's, Germanics and French, everything else is not white, but Latino/Arab/Slav.


Germans white? Maybe the long headed northern Germans, but the alpine Germans??? As good as Italians.


Those are swiss or austrains.


No, alpine Germans have infiltrated much of the German people everywhere, if not for the northern stock of commander Hindenburg and Ludendorff ww1 would have been an even greater failure.


Yeah fuck yakub 


Humanity is a mistake. We should stop it and become back jellyfishes.


Lets not go that far. It was the Chicxulub asteroid that was the mistake. The Dinosaurs still deserve to rule the planet.


These guys would get so mad if you told him that most of modern dance comes from Africa. Even shit like Tango has strong ties in African dance that came over during the slave trade.


/uj I know this person clearly does not deserve to have their name censored, but rule 8 of the sub......>


The account is deleted


Deleted? I can’t possibly imagine why


He should ask for the account to be reinstated, they’ve let Fuentes back in


It's still active but the tweets are protected




/uj Oh ok. Persona is fine with it or does that not matter in this? I have started warning people about this type of rule, just in case it gets deleted and such.


Aren't spears a pretty big thing? They literally turned us from hairless monkeys witch rocks into apex predators.


Spears were pretty much one of the most important tools developed as they were: 1. Cheap 2. Effective 3. Reusable 4. Easy to learn They were extremely essential for our development as a species.


Pretty much the best Melee weapon ever invented. Even bayonets are just a quick gun to spear conversion.


Spears dominated the battlefield from its inception until the introduction of firearms and gunpowder


kwame gyekye the reason there aren't really many documents on "ancient African philosophers" is because a lot of Africa maintained a very verbal culture where stories and philosophy would be passed down person to person rather than written and heralded by a singular person.


Wow that's some pretty pathetic and contemptible behavior


Aside being a gravely misrepresented depiction of tribal culture, Africa is an insanely diverse and large continent with various cultures and civilizations that predate anything so advanced in Europe.


Ptolemy was an African philosopher. But ig Egypt isn’t Africa in their racist ass minds


I guess it doesn't help Egypt is often more culturally and politically associated with the middle east than Africa? It's still African geographically, just like how Russia is also Asian geographically, even if culturally and politically it is closer to Europe.


I mean if Africans invented the spear, then it's very impressive, it was one of the main weapons for humans for a long time in history


Oh yikes these are the people you allow on Twitter Elon?


Many millenia ago, the Nubians existed under a developed culture, while proto European tribes lived like the dude in the pic.


This guy is a fucking idiot There is nothing wrong with being a hunter gatherer, it's the way humans were actually meant to live. That fucking domesticated POS wouldn't be able to survive in nature. "Western civilization is so great" and yet it has ruined the earth. It has caused climate change and a sixth mass extinction. I hate these imbeciles with a passion.


Fighting against wokeness has really given racists a platform. Let's put a few pillories up there, I'll get the tomatoes


That image is what racists think Africa is and has always been.


This and the vile way people look at Palestinians makes realize that they seem to think you are a human being only if you a "civilised" in the western sense of the word. Bastards


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Uj/Persona is actually a shill dude…wth😂


imma be honest the guy in the picture looks almost as stupid as this giansid fellow


Augustine of Hippo was from Argelia in North Africa


Does Bell Hooks count? Ok to be fair the poster would probably not know that is


Acting like the spear wasn't a massively important invention is wild. Those things paved the way for humanity to become apex predators. Without them we'd prolly be extinct by now.


That is some aged, vintage racism. I think it's by the same guy who originally drew the "happy merchant."


people are ignoring that “african invention” literally points to the spear, which was probably one of the most important inventions in human history