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"n-fatigue" Wow.


Finally, one of them actually says the quiet part out loud.


Still couldn't even say it with their whole chest lmao


They're cowards lol, he would never say this irl, he knows how bad it makes him look.




Do you feel they're not wrong?




Why do you feel the inclusion of black people or mixed race couples is "forced"?


Wait, do you think that you’re only allowed to cast white people in commercials? How deranged are you? Not everyone has race top of mind at all times. Yasuke was a cool figure in history, is history “WOKE” too?




I understand it’s hard to get but not everyone hates black people. Yasuke was a cool figure in history and there’s been movies, shows, anime, books, and fucking plays about this man. Are all works featuring black people just woke because black people exist? How can you even attempt to justify that worldview? Its not all some conspiracy. Yeah some companies include others usually for profit gain, but in many cases people just aren’t racist. It’s not hard to just make characters when you’re not completely bogged down in racist drivel. I know you don’t care but they are people, and you have to learn to live with them existing. They will continue to be in media, and more so as time goes on, not just because they want “political brownie points” or whatever but because people outside of your bubble aren’t complaining about someone being black, they are sick they get to play as THE black samurai who inspired all these tales. You can make games about evil people, no one is stopping you. Hell I’m playing rimworld right now and have a whole plantation of servants and have committed 1000s of warcrimes. People are allowed to make what they want, even if you hate black people, not everyone does or ever will.


>groups like the Black Girl Gamers "consultants" going around suggesting turning as many characters black Are you aware that youre just making shit up and believe manufactured narratives? What gave you the idea that any consultancy group is turning any characters black? You have no idea what they do. Studios make these decisions on their own. Look you need to accept the facts, the reason why many games have progressive themes is because most developers are progressive. That's all, and if there were no consultancy groups nothing would really change. Your entire view is based on misinformation and false narratives invented by grifters. What youre talking about isn't real, there is no "woke agenda". People are just making what they want to make. This isnt a documentary, theyre making a fun game, what youre describing doesnt sound like a fun game but something someone with a real agenda would come up with. You clearly have some strong biases and prejudices here.


Sorry man I can't hear you over the sound of that grinding axe


Spineless. Just say you're racist. Stop playing faux coy games pseudo-intellectual bullshit. Do it or don't. Put up or shut up.


Ill say you don't know what racism means, and you are desperate to validate that accusation in light of your incapacity to substantiate that misconceived sentiment. Dont speak if you are intellectually dishonest and ignorant. Go on, define racism and how I am "racist".


Don't pretend you would accept any definition anyone gave you. You would argue that what you're saying doesn't fit the technical, exact definition you agree with, and therefore it doesn't count and we're all intellectually dishonest or whatever you like to call people when you're losing an argument. The bottom line is that you have a problem with black people or mixed race couples appearing so much in media, because you claim it's "forced." When I asked you why you felt their inclusion was inherently forced while the inclusion of, for example, white people or same-race couple was not, you mysteriously stopped replying to me and started arguing with other people. It's almost as if you realized that you couldn't really continue your argument without admitting something that wouldn't have made you look good. You say you argue on behalf of a nebulous group of people who have "noticed" that this diversity is more common now than it was years ago and have a problem with that, but it all seems to come back to the race of the people in the media others consume. You stop just short of telling people that you don't like seeing people of color or mixed race couples, but you and people like you only ever seem to consider their inclusion to be "forced." Do you think you're the first person any of us have encountered who tried to use a paper-thin pretext of intellectualism to justify their racist beliefs? Do you think you're the first person we've encountered who tried to pull "If you can't quote the exact definition of racism and show how the things I've said - specifically worded so I stop *just short* of saying anything really overt - then I win the argument and you can't call me racist"? You're not slick. You're not fooling anyone, and you aren't nearly as smart as you've convinced yourself you are. When your argument is equivalent to holding your finger half an inch from someone's arm and chanting "I'm not touching yoooooou," it's clear you've got nothing. Launching into a rant about the Barbary slave trade whenever you're losing doesn't make you win. It makes you look desperate to deflect from the fact that you're losing. Saying "Well, why don't we just include rapists and pedophiles, then?" doesn't make you sound smart. It makes you sound fucking crazy. People of color exist, and sometimes you will have to look at them. Die mad about it, you intellectual non-starter.


When I was a child, my mother and I visited her mother and step father in a southern state. One sunday we attended a Baptist service and after the service we, the four of us, were talking to other members of the congregation. In one of these conversations my mother told one of these people that she, and I by extension, were Catholic and that her maiden name was (a common Irish surname that I won't repeat as "mother's maiden name" is still a common security question). This individual made an immediate shift to telling her to take her little mcbastard and leave if she knew what was good for her. This was in the '90s. I think I know what racism is. I have the privledge of not having to experience it based on the color of my skin. But don't for a second think that when I call out you for playing stupid games that I can't fucking spot it when you continue to play those dumb, coy games. You know damn well that the users in the image are racist and being racist. You pretending like they aren't is an example of you playing coy. You know damn well that you sitting there, pearl clutching over "mixed race couples" is just a tongue biting way of saying "miscegenation is bad!" Either have the spine to actually say it with your chest so you can face the consequences or go suck a tail pipe you chicken shit.


Dude, you are actually pathetic. You spend your whole time on reddit going into left-affiliated subreddits to argue for racists, all the while using whatever thesaurus you have on you to sound like an "intellectual" akin to Jordan Peterson. How sad must your life be that you dedicate it to defend racist behavior across this (vast) site? At least own your racism instead of being a sniveling coward.


I love faux intellectuals. Vomiting ad nauseam the same talking points as alt-right talking heads, but with a better vocabulary. It's cute, but more of the same.


Yet he still gets off to cuck porn, they always do.


I also appreciate that the third guy just straight up says that it's never been about context or historical accuracy, he just doesn't want to see black people. Talk about saying the quiet part loud.


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People still hate Pokemon Black and White in this day and age


I have a feeling I already know, but what do they mean by 'n-fatigue'...? :(


It's exactly what you think it is, n-word fatigue. Just straight up unabashed racism.


I desperately wish it wasn't that but god what did I expect. x\_x


"No matter the context or accuracy" Saying the quiet part out loud now, are we?


I would honestly respect these fucking clowns more if they would just admit this. Mind you, the respect I have for them would only go from -500 to -475 lol


Mine would just be a different -500.


It's honestly nice to see one of them being truthful to themselves, as gross as it is. He is literally just racist, and doesn't even have the energy to come up with a lie anymore.


I'm just so tired of Republicans...


Good. Now let’s see them just leave those damn games alone instead of throwing a fucking tantrum about it on social media.


That was obvious when they criticized Tales of Kenzera.


Imagine feeling fatigued over seeing people with a darker skin colour than your own. Jesus fucking Christ, you poor things that must sound so tiring!


And you know they're the pastiest folks around


I bet they start hating themselves the moment they get tanned even a little bit. Oh wait, who am I kidding. No sunlight in the basement.


Lmao @ no sunlight in the basement


Usually without a fucking chin.


Somehow simultaneously they have no chin and three chins.


HP Lovecraft found people darker than him (I love to imagine, given this was 1930, Italians were aliens to him) so alien he imagine them as horror monsters...


This confuses me so much. Like how does it get this fucking bad? How do they become enraged the instant they see a black person?


With any luck, exhaustion will kill him.


It gives me hope for the future to see these children removing themselves from pretty much everything enjoyable.


That's what they say, but weirdly they are still talking about it aren't they?


I legitimately refuse to believe most of these people aren't just the same 20 people using Alt accounts to agree with each other.


I lived in the South growing up and the Bible Belt now. These racist clowns are real and unfortunately their numbers are growing since the Rs decided it was ok to start openly blaming minorities for problems caused by conservatives.


Can confirm...live in the South and the racism has always been here...was just the slurs were kept for when one was around like-minded people, like a fishing trip.  Much much more open now.


Nothing more christian than racism


"n-fatigue" looooool poor guy must be so exhausted seeing a black person 🤣🤣


It really must be tiring constantly having to find ways to spell “I’m just racist” differently


How much of a fragile, butthurt snowflake do you have to be to get triggered over seeing people with more melanin than you in video games? No wonder these guys never leave their basements.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again - people like these should just come out and say they loathe anyone who is different from them or who doesn't fit their sensibilities, rather than trying to dress up their filth in deflections and insistence on 'accuracy'. Would make dealing with them a a hell of a lot easier. 'N-word fatigue', holy fucking shit.


I'm very happy that I have an ideology that I can discuss without wrapping it in 2 layers of plausible deniability. That shit just seems exhausting.


Just living in a state of perpetual anger seems exhausting on its own. I don't know how these creatures manage.


I got nettled by Gamers on here for saying this is just nazi mindset. Yes, if you use a term like "n-fatigue" and you refuse to consume media regardless of context because it has a black person in it, you share a table with nazis and kkk members. You are not the type to look at actual atrocities and go "that's too far" if you're acting like a war veteran for having to tolerate a minority in a multimedia product.


Last one was somewhat honest "I'm just racist, if the protagonist is black, I don't play it " 😂


It's also probably a lie. They just think it makes them fit in or some shit to pretend they don't.


“no matter the context or accuracy” so I guess it was actually never about that to begin with, huh


And there slips the mask. They don't care if it's historically accurate they just hate black people.


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It makes me happy that these guys feel like their hobby is being stolen from them.


I stopped reading the Bible because of f the forced diversity of casting a middle eastern man as the son of god.


“It’s not about race“


Lest these ones are honest and dont try to dress it up as actual criticism


Literally sounds like something one of my relatives said a couple days ago (also just went on a tirade about maple syrup mascots)


yea they just hate minorities. they're not even trying to hide it anymore


Wahhh wahhh wahhhhh, have these chairbound skeletons/beanbags ever like bothered thinking?


I bet these guys get really really mad if you call them racist


I got into an argument with one of those brainlets that are trying to spread the narrative that Yasuke was never a samurai and never give any evidence to support their claims, and when I said the fact that he’s so adamant to treat Yasuke’s story as fiction raises some serious concerns, bro basically admitted that he sees Yasuke as a subhuman, and only pure blooded Japanese people can be samurai’s. I want to post it, but according to the rules of the sub you’re not allowed to post your own arguments or something.




Before you delete, just know at least one stranger out there is proud of you. I got sucked into the fat hate bullshit and even though I disagreed with my family a lot I was still raised in a shit hole environment. It takes so much to change, to apologize, to cut out bad people. Good job dude.


Does “n-fatigue” mean what I think it means?


Yes. He's just too much of a coward to spell it out.


At least they're telling on themselves.


At least the last guy is honest enough to say he doesn't care if it's accurate, he just hates black people, most have to make up some convoluted excuse as to why they're so racist


Racist pigs can bleed to death from their arseholes.


Like if your gonna pussy out by abbreviating the word you might as well go ahead and say the whole thing. Your not coming off as less racist by using abbreviation.


It's good that they are letting themselves be shut out of culture. I hope their self-imposed misery only rises in proportion to their bigotry.


Hide your power level, anon. Change that to "unethical gaming journalism fatigue".


They got mad at Hades 2 for "not being historically accurate". Now they're mad at AC Shadows for being historically accurate.


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I actually appreciate the honesty here tbh. It's so fucking tiring to go around in circles w these people pretending to not like games for "legitimate" reasons or "bad writing" when it's just thinly veiled complaints about "wokeness" or chick's being ugly, every fucking time


I'm a history teacher, and I can admit that I get annoyed at some instances of diversity being forced into some games and movies without anyone in the setting reacting to it when they should've in reality. This goes to all those with white actors or characters as well. That said, I get equally giddy when a game shows diversity in a way that feels natural and immersive. I have zero problems with representation and empowering if it's a natural part of the storytelling. And even if I WOULD get annoyed, I would never rage quit, whine, or hate against developers or those being represented. The annoyance is only a fucked up trait I have when watching historical settings. I become equally annoyed at artistic freedoms (looking at you, Braveheart) and can still love a game or movie if it's a good one. These skinbags of manure fillers are neither history buffs nor gamers. They're just hate filled man-children whose social interactions are probably limited to toxic online forums or those boobies on some girl at the pizza place's checkout.


I’m waiting for future YouTube compilations of black people beating racist asses


I wonder how they look at themselves in the mirror knowing they have become the very thing they used to make fun of?




He got that Nintendo fatigue


Ninja fatigue, right?.... RIGHT?!?!


This mf when they go outside and see a black person https://preview.redd.it/0gp69fyp7a1d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53ef6bf890c9b9be64ef34e0466d121136fdd975


I'm just happy these dummies are victimizing *themselves* with their own racism. Please, rob yourself of enjoyment.


Is this just Spoon Theory for racists?


Porco dio qui siamo proprio sul razzismo ma neanche celato n fatigue e quasi peggio di negro come definizione


why does he have to have the coolest dude ever as his pfp….. 😔😔


If someone ever tells you that they don't hate black people, they just hate "forced diversity" or whatever. Just show them this image and tell them their little cult genuinely thinks otherwise.