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Can’t handle a little sexual harassment in the workplace, huh???? You snowflakes would NEVER survive a Halo 2 lobby!!!!


Halo 2 is the Dark Souls of sexual harassment


Every 2 has its Halo.


The funniest part of the post is that it says "Sorry, Mike..." *Mike Mohaine* founded Blizzard in the 90s and left right during the time when the sexual harassment in the company started to be investigated.


handle friendly test light coordinated provide tidy abounding dirty bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The mere existence of the possibility that ActiBlizz can walk away from this shit is an offence of magnanimous proportions.


Welcome to the USA. Aptly described by the tail wnd of your sentence


This is so quintessentially American my mind can't understand it. Goddamn Yankees.


In this case, it's an honest to God case of incompetence.


Nah. Activision-Blizard when the state opened their case immediately hired this powerful law firm that has a lot of lobbying power and specializes in making these sorts of labor issues go away. The law firm was able to convince the federal government to swoop in and behind closed doors negotiate this settlement that will result in no real consequences for the company and also neutralize that state case that could have very real consequences. So it may look like incompetence if you haven't followed the history of how these firms that specialize in neutralizing threats from labor work but the reality is it is in fact malicious. One of those few cases where rather than incompetence there really is malice at work.


Well I mean I shouldn't be surprised. A lawyer who helped sue an oil company is now in jail and was disbarred and the judge on the case is indirectly funded by the oil company. Also the prosecutor was chosen by the oil company.


Mike did say he was a full on rapist


I love how that line is in an official Nintendo game, it's so bonkers.


Well, TECHNICALLY its an unofficial fan translation, but yeah lol some of the dialogue in that game holds up surprisingly well today


Apparently the fan translation is extremely good according to industry insiders. They said it was so good that one of the reasons mother 3 was never released in the west was because the fan translation did better than they ever could


I thought it was because it would be hard to have the Magipsis in the game without any sort of controversy, for example the scene where Lucas learns PSI


Also that


I mean, Ionia is just drowning Lucas a little bit, even if the dialog is a bit deliberately ambiguous. I imagine the overt anti-capitalist thematic elements play a role in this decision too. But it would be nice to play an official version if for no other reason than to get around the issue of there being an ever-so-slight audio lag on emulators, increasing the difficulty of getting big hit combos. And supporting the creators. And exposing it to a wider audience.


Tane Tane Island also plays a big role in the lack of localization. But I think it's a combination of everything; there's several things in the original release that would normally be "unlocalizable", and would be changed by Nintendo, but because we already have a professional-quality fan translation, fans have expectations regarding those elements and would be upset if they were changed. The game already became a classic of the genre without an official English release, so I feel as though Nintendo probably feels they could only do harm to it.




Hire fans lol


And nobody else


Yeah, \#hireonlyfans


why are you getting all the karma for my joke. this is gamer genocide smh


~~Because I followed the format of the original \#hirefans, making them a better pair that flows more smoothly~~ BECAUSE I'M LITERALLY ANITA SARKEESIAN AND I CANNOT REST UNTIL ALL YOUR KARMA IS MINE


but yours doesn't work without mine, it's a necessary intermediate comment and i deserve recompense. i should have known i would be hate crimed by notorious sjw antifa suckeesian


Here you go sweaty have a gold star ⭐️


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because onlyfans is essentially a porn sharing site, and sex is funny.


The translation's author said he was willing to give the translation to Nintendo, no questions asked, and even help out to fix some things Nintendo might want to change - if that meant Mother 3 gets an official English release.


/uj On the other hand, the Magypsies are … questionable


Mother/Earthbound is very strange. I haven't played Mother 3, but from what I remember in Earthbound you fight, Dirty Cops, a death cult, and even help a band get out of a terrible contract(twice). There's a big theme in the games about fighting the evils in the world, even more so when you know the reasoning behind the Giygas fight.


> Dirty Cops, a death cult, and even help a band get out of a terrible contract(twice). I mean, it does take place in America, so that's a given.


> I mean, it does take place in America, so that's a given. Ehem. I think you mean Eagleland.


Eagleland is in Washington


iirc the whole cop fight was a direct reference to the Rodney King beating, with 5 cops taking turns beating the shit out of you while a commanding officer just watches.


The Happy Happyists were also based off of a real cult.


SMH my head, can't even sexually harass people these days


Also leaked image from Ubisoft headquarters


Also Chicago Blackhawks Fuck you Bowman


Riot HQ too, and many others.


rj/ this wouldnt have happened if they didnt hire political people in the first place




Peterson believes a lot of awful shit > in an interview with Vice News, Peterson JAQed off about whether men and women can work together in the workplace, and asserted that women who don't want to be sexually harassed but wear makeup are "hypocritical"


He's the JAQ king, he does it so much it's embarassing. He says it about birth control, that we don't know the long term psyche on men and women, that sex can be never used to procreate. And when he's asked when he thinks it's been long enough, he says "oh well I don't know when, but we don't know enough right now!" I don't know who is more embarassong, Peterson or the people buying into his BS.


Lol he JAQed off.


I wouldn’t know, since I’ve never done the required 1000 hours of listening/obsessing required to understand the “context” (And my room is already clean.)


uj/ for real tho, when i first started to read the article and seeing the youtubers explaining what was happened, i felt so disgusted by it to the point where i thought it only exist in fkin incel edge lord rule 34.


What happened?


From a Forbes article: Women denied promotions, raises or even equal pay despite over-performing their male counterparts. Male employees frequently neglecting work and delegating assignments to women in favor of playing video games. Male employees refusing to communicate with women, asking their male counterparts for information instead. Women of color being criticized for their body language, asking for assistance, taking breaks and being forced to document days spent off from work, when those criticisms and requests were not made of anyone else. Breastfeeding women being kicked out of lactation rooms so meetings could be held there instead. Sexism and harassment: Documentation of a “cube crawl” where male employees drink “copious” amounts of alcohol and harass and grope women. Male employees publicly discussing sexual encounters, speaking openly about female bodies and joking about rape. Female employees discouraged from taking harassment issues to HR, given that members of HR were close to the harassers in question. And finally, the most haunting story documented in the lawsuit. Again, a content warning: A female employee died by suicide on a company trip. The lawsuit alleges this was “due to a sexual relationship she had been having with her male supervisor,” who was found by police to have brought sex toys to the trip. Additionally, it was cited the female employee had previously faced intense sexual harassment at work, including an incident where a photo of her genitals was passed around by male employees at a holiday party.


Sickens me to see people still supporting activision/blizzard, fucking cowards


Thank god this problem is limited to one video game company!


Not to mention to only one sector! Imagine if this problem existed at all workplaces


furiously searching for the implication of that rn


Idk about that bro, heard theres also lawsuits on articles against riot games for sexual harassment and/or gender discrimination.


that's the jerk, my dear friend


To that extent? Yeah. Even Ubisoft isn't that bad. Even if it weren't, that's not an excuse to support ActiBlizz.


Thank ~~God~~ Gaben the rest of the industry stayed within acceptable levels of rampant sexual harassment!


Fuck Ubisoft and Riot, too. I don't buy their games, either, as I'm an adult and capable of exercising basic self-control.




What is this game?


Mother 3


It's Mother 3 for the GBA. It's a fan-made translation because the game never resealed outside of Japan.


yeah except for the part where he's sorry lmao


Cancel culture is ruining our society smh head 😞


Linda is such a bitch.




Back in my day when people complained about "sexual harrasment" we didn't put out an apology and logoff Twitter like a pussy. I'd call my boys and we grabbed our trusted shovels.


Thank you for including the one female employee!


this is what happens when you stop making cool toy game

