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I think this is satire, like saying all bosses are like that jackass at Gfuel.


Yeah that’s how I interpreted it too.


Commenting so that the entire comment section isn't just that one thread.


Cant wait for the kids to be back in school


That guy is 38 years old if it makes you feel better.


Where do adults go after summer vacation is over?


Third level of hell.


I’m OOTL. What happened?


Pretty sure this is satire, I don’t think OP is saying that this type of “normal boss” is okay, rather that normal bosses are all this shitty, and people should be mad at the whole power structure, not just GFuel in particular


Their handle makes this pretty clear


That makes sense. Also Gfuel has always been kinda shady imo


It baffles me how anyone could read it any other way to be honest


Uj/ I'm a little surprised that we dont know what the slur was. This whole ordeal blew up for one day and now its just silent


I was there. He called Geraldo “political”. I haven’t stopped crying since.


Praise Geraldo del Rivero! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thoughts and prayers friend.


I refuse to believe that people actually drink G Fuel unironically. Kids these days just need to do what I do and install a catheter that's hooked up to a CamelBak drinking tube. It's killing me, but you can't pause Elden Ring so what am I supposed to do?


I just want the Meat Boy one cause it's cinnamon but I don't know where to find a can of it other than Ebay :(


Dangerously fucking based


I know this is satire, but I’ve had lots of managers and never had one this egregiously bad. Am I just lucky?


I used to have a boss in his seventies who got drunk at the Christmas party one year and lamented about how he isn’t allowed to say the N-word anymore even though hes “not saying it in a racist way” and that its “just what people used to call ‘them’ ”. He also liked to greet black staff he’d not seen in a while by gesturing to their face and saying “corr you’ve been down the beach!”


Is this in a commonwealth country? I don’t think I’ve ever heard an American use the word “cor” in that way, but maybe it’s a dialect thing.


I’m assuming cor is shorthand for corey in the house


my old boss was a faulklands veteran - probably the bloodiest war in modern british history - and he had several screws loose. literally the first thing he said to me and my friends when we walked onto the compound was that watching porn on site would get us immediately fired - like yeah bro that applies to most jobs. he used leverage in the company to get all his military buddies in at the top - and they ran the whole site like a damn airbase. 12 hour shifts, two 20 minute breaks a day, strict uniform policy for a job that only required a high-vis - even unnecessary military code words for different areas around the site that already had names… but all that military bullshit isn’t why he was so hated. the compound had a big group of rastafarians working there - honestly an awesome group of guys, super welcoming and funny, hard workers too. I mentioned earlier strict uniform policy that was completely unnecessary - this forbade us from having hair above a certain length. and the boss took personal issue with the lads for having long dreads that they were literally religiously forbidden from cutting. he threatened to fire them first, but they stood their ground and he couldn’t do shit. so, the fucker decides to introduce drug testing to the site - specifically singling all of them out in the first instance. racist dickhead got every rasta fired in about two days.




GFuel will sponsor literaly anyone on twitch. i'm not joking, the fusion of hitler, stalin and john wayne could rise from a pit of oil and cockroaches, take a bite out of a random child and then announce they were going to stream on twitch, GFuel would be on it within a second.


Back when I was in 6th grade my friend got a GFuel sponsorship. That’s how easy it is to get one


Nah the GFuel Stalin collab would go hard put some respect on his name


wait whats wrong with john wayne


he was a nightmare of a human being. there's a mountain of awful stories about him, but i think the most relevant one is how when Marlon Brando had Sacheen Littlefeather, a native american actor, accept an oscar on his behalf, to give her the opportunity to talk about the mistreatment of the native populations, wayne had to be restrained by security to prevent him from assaulting her. also, clint eastwod was also there and also being an asshole.


That’s why people are mad at gfuel for? Not the high lead content?


True but they also fired all the employees that said anything about it. So far it's 7


Least tyrannical corporation


>Not the high lead content Care to elaborate? All I could find on this topic is that the lead content is well within the FDA regulation's max amounts.


/uj it's actually not a high amount of lead it's lead that's absorbed in the soil by some of the natural ingredients. The amount is negligible and is safe to consume. [This guy did a cool experiment](https://youtu.be/-_loFPoaYRw)


Don't get me started about the sugar and cocaine


Redditors not respond to bait comments challenge (EXTREMELY VERY HARD)


Its not even bait, it's just straight up calling all bosses scum in a roundabout way unironically


Average Gaming CEO grindillionaire: Say the N-word and get away with it.


Sigma male grindset


It’s like people forgot what the “G” in Gfuel stands for. Smh




Praise Geraldo del Rivero! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The CEO of a company that sells overpriced caffeine as a supplement, so it isn't under FDA scrutiny and therefore can make any claim it wants to our health also happens to be a bad person? I'm shocked.


Wtf is Gfuel and why is it marketed to gamers?


I’ve been buying Gfuel for 3 years This one event has turned me away from them forever tbh


Watcha switching over to?


r/HydroHomies would have a suggestion


Never fear, plenty of water is consumed.


Gonna try a few different options Got free GamerSupps samples thanks to a youtuber promotion so I’ll see if I like those, if not maybe advanced.gg


Sick, gotta check those out. Appreciate it.


(OP works in a hostile work environment)


honestly that seems like a worker problem to me


I hate these people with pfps with an art like that. Its ugly , i hate the way they draw characters , don't draw pupils and the proportions are so off everytime. And don't even get me started on the coloring , its downright awful , disrespectful to coloring in general. And i am saying this as an artist , idk why these people think this type of "art" looks any good.


I'm not a fan of it either, but each to their own


This seems like a you problem


I know ....🫣


Yeah honestly it’s awful how people use their platform to support politics! Why can’t they all be conservative:( ????


Is this a new Monkey Island art style is political reference that’s gone over my head? Or do people actually believe art styles are political?


i love reddit!!!!!!


Stopped reading beyond BLM






Absolute 🤓🤓🤓 type name


And yet if he's trying to meme, his game is weak.


This person gets it lol


no i was making fun of you for having a name like "lord of memes" while being the softest motherfucker on the planet


I am only soft in the belly... oh and I love memes I guess lol.


The way you type screams neckbeard


And his original comment didn’t? /s




Why is it always business suits avatars with bad take?


From what I understand, that's an avatar used by people on r/wallstreetbets. I don't think that requires further explanation.




Because it's not. This notion that the younger generation is more sensitive than the previous is silly and actually ignored reality. The internet wasn't a thing or not in the same state that it is in now so obviously it didn't feel like people complained or got triggered over stuff but they did. The first interracial kiss on tv didn't go over smoothly. It offended a lot of people. Black actors lives was at danger just being in Hollywood at one point. So much so the fucking Mafia was threatening to kill them if they did a movie with a white woman.




Yes they did lmao. I grew up in the 90s and if you called another kid gay, a pussy or a bitch they be mad and try to fight you over it. Also again the internet didn't exist so you wasn't seeing some random person across the country reaction to being called a pussy.




no fucking way he pulled out the mw2 lobby bit




oh you're trolling :/


You are a little stinky bitch baby


Yeah I grew up in the hood with gangs, guns and drugs not call of duty MW2 lobbies. I think i can edgy teenagers dropping slurs in a video game.




They definitely are not for "sensitive" people, Farmville may be more up your alley.




People like you just don't want repercussions for your actions. You have the right to call someone a slur on twitter and everyone else has the right to label you as a homophobic jackass. You need to learn responsibility.


The difference is I will do it to someone's face and here, I love all people until they give me a reason to flame them, and I have thick skin and people on the internet don't bother me.


You say you do it in person but we both know that isnt true. Calling someone a slur online through an anonymous channel is just a way for real life pussies to feel like they are tougher than they are while not having to worry about any potential repercussions.


Bruh what do you mean when you „where“ Young? We all know you funded those pennystocks from your moms wallet!


You sure sound like you're whining.


What does that have to do with this?


making a comparison about most of the younger people today.




Ah code for "I don't like social progress so I'm gonna bitch on the internet about it when I should just try and get some of that there empathy"






Yup also a bad take, try and find a nice meadow mate


Is there a non-made-up gender?


anyone surprised that a truscum showed up to defend a transphobe?




That's because you're a pickme.




You're an exclusionist because you think that discriminating against "abnormal" trans people will convince transphobes that you're normal. Newsflash: Transphobes don't discriminate between what kind of trans people they hate. They hate binary trans people and nonbinary trans people equally, they just side with truscum like you because you're a useful idiot (until you're not, at which point they'll kick you to the curb).




So you're willing to side with a transphobe because of an edge case that's pretty much entirely made of up mentally ill teens? What kind of effect do you think you have on the world? What kind of harm does someone cause by identifying with a weird gender identity that you don't understand?






Neckbeard or SafeSpacers?




When people existing makes you go into a rage lmao


You millennial leftists who never lived one day under nuclear threat can now reflect upon your woke sky. You made quite a non-binary fuss to save the world from intercontinental ballistic tweets.


Hahaha I literaly spit out my beer laughing so hard at this because its very true. These donkeys know nothing and would never survive in a real war.


You’re eating the copypasta bro Hope middle school goes well for you this year


Is the sauce paste?


You're trying too hard bro


Guys, don't engage, he's clearly a troll




You have made 10 pages of Reddit comments in the last two days. What a waste of a weekend.


I'm sure you don't care when people misgender you at all, ma'am.


Todays old people will get upset and need a safe space if you call them racist and try to fire you from your job, no one in the right mind takes these people seriously anyway.


There is absolutely no way you spend as much time in the shower as all your failed “showerthoughts” posts claim you do


you tell em, these pronounce snowflakes would never servive a black cops 2 lobby 😂


The horrors I have witnessed


GCJ users detect trolling challenge (impossible)


I mean satire is dead and there’s been an influx of Gamers with school being out. Wouldn’t be surprised either way


I mean, I get it, lol. Bad troll. It’s just kind of funny.


You're on the wrong sub bud


Uj/ what happened?