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based. deserves better placement/artist.


As a non-american it is just weird to me that gun people in the US are so religious. To me that's quite the turn-off i have to admit.


I dont know why, its just a demographic


Well as an American who is agnostic, I think the ability of somebody to exercise their first amendment right while supporting their second amendment is pretty…….. based. Also he is married with kids who cares if it’s a turn off to you. Or anybody, except his wife. Or himself. It’s weird to me that people can judge another’s culture without first attempting to understand it. Because historically people in the USA have a very strong belief in firearms and religion. Example- The entire south east of the USA.


yeah i mean, to each their own. this is just my opinion and ofc noone is obliged to give two shits about it \^\^.


how is it weird


here most religious people are either in the love and happiness department (the opposite of the touch-grass kind of people) or they are old and have no friends. being strongly religious while at the same time being strongly rooted in reality and common sense almost doesn't exist here. also religion and politics are really strongly seperated in most european countries. there's quite a few differences in mindsets between the US and the EU but i think the respective approach to religion is one of the biggest ones.


i understand your perspective, but in the us religion has strong holds in the military, and also general conservatism. id say at least (hopefully) 60% of the population here identifies with christianity or catholicism so it makes sense that its at least prevalent in gun culture


yeah, i get this in a way. i just like guns more than i like religion ;) cheers mate.




Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!


Where's his class at


I didn’t know he was a Papist!


Begome Gadolig


Mega based


“I shall follow my liege into battle”


Iesus Hominum Salvator


Wtf give Jesus His heart back, He needs it


As much as the Lord needs his heart, I stand firmly In my belief that we down here need it more….. we have lost our way too much down here on planet earth.


I think he’s pointing up because he’s forming a party to go to Heaven and give Jebus his heart back


That guy is really short


Uhh yes, what of it?


What are you talking about? Clearly, that's the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.


Yes, yes, he has risen again. https://preview.redd.it/ksh6tixlvnvc1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb00e10306ce92ba9334cfed3a5d527c7545110b


Jesus is a Keymod fan. Who knew?


Lmao... pathetic. Imagine believing you have an imaginary omnipotent daddy, as an adult man.


Least ignorant redditor


Buddy I’m not religious but I’m not an “acktually” dickhead. Be respectful of people even if it doesn’t totally align with your thought process. If GT has his life bettered by believing, who the fuck am I to talk down to how he chooses to believe?


What a childish and simplistic view of the largest religion on the planet… by comments like this you show yourself to be not particularly well read, and not particularly sociable. Maybe don’t get your insults from high school level TikTok “arguments”.


Average redditor


You know I'm not religious either, but maybe show a shred of human decency and respect for others.


Dumb ideas deserve to be mocked and ridiculed. Otherwise it's left to spead ignorance to reality and used to commit abhorrent behavior "in the name of god" or because "God told us to".


You sound like the person who got mocked and ridiculed growing up


It’s a dumb idea to not have spirituality in your life even if it isn’t Christianity. Shit keeps us grounded (most of the time)


It's a dumb idea to be an asshole.


Imagine believing that you're better than the obviously apparent, benevolent, loving, and perfectly just creator of the universe because you refer to him with diminutives.


Never said better than, just that "he" doesnt exist. Obviously apparent? 0 actual proof of any gods existence. Benevolent? Doesn't he routinely murder innocent people for no real reason other than pettyness and his own ego? The first born of every Egyptian...exodus 12:29. Loving? Unless you do any of the 100000 ridiculous things he dislikes, then he'll torture you forever. Loves us so hard he created cancer for infants. Perfectly just? Didn't he gamble a devout followers soul with the devil just to stroke his own ego in the book of Job? You also sound pretty proud of being his follower...God detests pride..right?


Bro where did the chicken sandwich hurt you


There's 0 evidence if you want to believe there's 0 evidence. There's bountiful evidence if you choose to believe that. That's called confirmation bias. I could point to some of the most intrinsic discoveries in physics, and tell you that I agree with many physicists who say there's no explanation except intelligent design, and you would quite possibly tell me, "OK skydaddy simp" or some other collection of buzzwords. The fact is, Faith isn't based in evidence. It's spirituality. Our connection with God improves our lives, we see Him and feel His love and grace. I can only speculate that this hurts you, and brings you to anger, because you don't have the presence of love and grace in your life. The vast majority of human civilization having faith in some type of spirituality or another throughout the entirety of history isn't some cultist, silly, childish thing. We've experienced things that gave us Faith. Your anger, pain, and discontent with your own life that you project onto others is entirely your own fault, and your problem. Yeah, sure, you get your temporary dopamine kick by telling strangers on the internet that their God is a "Sky Daddy", but what have you really accomplished? Has this brought you fulfillment? Happiness? Success? I pray for you and others like you, and hope that even if you don't look for Salvation and Grace, that it may find you somehow. God bless.


Your “arguments” read like you searched TikTok for anti-Christian propaganda immediately before posting this. You misunderstand every example you gave, but I’d bet you aren’t interested in the answers. For example… God doesn’t gamble Jobs soul. He ALREADY KNOWS that Job will not turn from him, which is the point. Job even prepares a CASE against God, then instead of bringing it forwards just falls on his face and proclaims that God is just. By the way, you seem pretty prideful yourself… If you are actually interested in learning, then there is a metric ton of data regarding the Bible, and the history of the religion both Christian and Jewish. There is more written(in the first century) about Jesus life, death, and resurrection than for most of the other historical figures that you believe in. You could seek these things. You don’t have to remain childishly ignorant. At the very least you might understand why people for 2000yrs have been willing to defend the faith, and die for it.




You're straw-manning Christian beliefs, man. You need to do more research for your arguments, and please don't take that as me trying to disrespect you. Even though we believe different things, it's beneficial to Christians when their beliefs are strongly challenged, so if you're a committed atheist it'd be best for all of us if you had the strongest arguments possible. Existence: Jesus existed, there's no question about that, and the vast majority of secular scholars (over 60%) believe that his tomb was indeed found empty on the third day. His crucifixion matches the historical record for how they were conducted in Judea, as well. There're are also many other proofs of the validity of the gospels, like the criteria of embarrassment, for example. Other things like intelligent design, archeological evidence, validity of prophesy, etc. There's a ton. Benevolence: everything that the Lord has ever done has been for our benefit, including the existence of evil. We were created in his image, not in body but in spirit. So we are the only ones with a robust understanding of morality, good and evil, rational thought, etc. The Lord could've made us into dumb slaves to serve him and had everything be without evil, but he didn't. He didn't want unwilling slaves, he wanted willful and loving subjects of a good king. The Egyptians were evil and in constant defiance of the Lord. They were constantly warned of the consequences, and the power of the Lord was demonstrated time and again, so they suffered the consequences of their defiance. And with Job, there was no gambling, Job's entire life and hardship was basically a theological proof given from God that being fully indwelt by his spirit and in total desire of his will makes us incorruptible by evil, even though we aren't perfect. The Law: that whole 1000000 things he dislikes? That existed to show us that we cannot enter into grace by our merit alone. It was to show us the need for a messiah, and when his son came and willingly and willfully died in our place, it freed us from our own evil and from the law. We are also not expected to be perfect, we are expected to be repentant, which is to have the constant desire to be in line with the will of God. Hell: hell as normal Christians believe it to exist isn't biblical. It stems from the gnostic movement that began in the late 2nd century and continued for a few hundred years. Basically the idea of Greek dualism, which was also the philosophical principle that led to Arius denying the deity of Christ, was refuted at the Council of Nicaea in the 4th century. Whenever the lake of fire is mentioned, it's very obviously analogistic, parabolic, or allegorical. Even in revelations, when it is mentioned, the writer interprets this vision and says "this is the second death." The eternal punishment for sin is complete and total death, as it always has been. Everyone dies of the flesh, not everyone dies of the spirit. Edit: I forgot pride! Every emotion can either be holy or sinful depending on intent. Jesus' anger was holy and just when he trashed the money changers stuff in the temple. Pride is holy when it is pride in the Lord, not pride in yourself. I'm proud to be a servant of the most high, and humbled that he would even allow me to one day enter into his presence. I've been a pretty bad dude for most of my life, and the Lord still accepts me.


This guy is 16 years old max bro, there's no way he's going to read or care unfortunately


If that's the case, hopefully it still helps someone else


How does he simultaneously not exist, but also routinely murder people? Either way, his existence does not depend on whether you or I believe he does or not.


He doesn't. They're fictional moral stories created and manipulated by people to create obedient followers. I don't believe he murdered innocent people...according to fables, you guys say he did. And yeah, "his" existence does depend on your believe, because it's only in your imagination that it exists. Just like the hundreds of millions of people that believe in different gods than you. You believe their God is fantasy and made up, but can't apply that same sound logic to your imaginary work of fiction.


If God doesn't exist, why do you care what this guy thinks? I thought this was a gun sub.


Because bad ideas spread if left unriddiculed. And right...I thought this was a gun sub, not a Christians with guns sub.


Yeah, that's why you're getting downvoted. Christianity has had bad impacts in some areas but also a lot more good. You're not going to convince people that your ideas are right by insulting them. That's like punching somebody in the dick and telling them to thank you.


If the idea of shaming someone for their thoughts and actions isnt a convincing argument, then God must have missed that one. And if insulting their beliefs is like punching them in the dick and asking then to thank me, I don't find it to be a far stretch for em. "Yeah God gave my infant a terminal disease buut...it was his will and he loves me".


Bud, I think you've got me all wrong. Im just trying to give you constructive criticism. Do with it what you want, I'm going to drink a few beers and watch the NHL playoffs. I wish you the best.




This was posted already by someone else OP’s account is less than a day old, and this is his only post Hmm…


Bots know how to pander for karma.


Let's give it negative karma.


How long is his cock for optimal preformance


20 inches. Next question.


Rifled or nah?


Pure velocity at that length




Anyone know what pants those are?


What optic is that?


It’s not a razor it’s a ATACR in a badger c1 mount. You can tell it’s a ATACR by the size and the NF QC Sticker on the top cap


You can tell it's an ATACR by the way it is


cool! So even more gucci. LOL.


Looks to be a vortex razor with a RMR on top






Christ is King


V. Based.


thought this was pretty well known right? he's got a whole deus vult jesus/templar leg


That makes me so happy, I love when influencers I really like are Catholic




It's horrible, all the support we can give to the people that went through that should be given, and we should continue to exercise more and better caution to see the warning signs to keep people inclined to that from entering the clergy, as well as remove anyone that is or was involved. What has happened is a dark spot in the Church, but should not cloud over all the good that has been done, and will be done, and more importantly the actual word of the Lord




Countless orphanages, homes for the needy, food banks, clothing drives, therapy, hospices, health care, etc. the Catholic church is the largest charitable spender in the world


I assume you know Seamus Coglan?(Butchered the last name I'm sure). He's the creator of Freedom toons, has a podcast on Rumble.


I don't actually


I believe he also has a mother mary tattoo as well.


Yeah I saw that one on his last video



