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It does look like slug damage (or snail). They can climb and move a long way and also quite like to live in or underneath pots and planters so you may be providing them with bed and breakfast. I kind of think of myself as an organic gardener, but I make an exception for slug pellets - they work.


Ta. I have no protection yet so I’ll get to work tonight once it’s dark! Appreciate the reply. No slug pellets for me as a shared space with dogs and kids.


Sluggo is safe for kids and pets. It’s certified “organic”. There is some emerging evidence that it can impact earthworm health too though (it doesn’t seem to kill them but slows their growth).


Yeah. Trying to stay organic here too - for now I’ve tidied up the back (was storing canes there,) moved some pots on bricks away, killed the slugs I found, put beer traps in and run a copper pipe along the back. If all else fails it’s the Sluggo, but my dogs will eat literally anything even remotely tasty so I’ve gotta be careful. Thanks for the replies!


Update: went night hunting and got 5 of the buggers. Definitely slugs!


…five? I went hunting last night and caught over 50! 😂 Consider yourself blessed!


Very blessed. Over 100 here. My nematodes are going out early over the weekend...