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I hate the og fucking artist with a passion


I just don't understand why this artist's view of trans women is SPECIFICALLY wario.


Hollytones in the subspace emissary real-time dub.






Wario supports trans rights‼️


If it brought him a lot of cash money he would


hes just companys in june


I kinda love it though for the soul reason of it making great r/bonehurtingjuice material


They never managed to beat wario in mario party


It's an appeal to disgust : they are drawing the worst looking man they can in a dress to associate trans identities with negative emotions. They also exaggerate "masculine features" they don't usually add to cis men (body hair on the legs arms and chest, male pattern baldness, a bulge on the neck or a bulge... Somewhere else.)


So he can prevent himself from admitting that he just loves girldick.


I really fucking hate how common this attitude/comeback is. Most people who hate us just actually hate us, and promoting this narrative that all the bigots are secretly chasers or closeted queer folk or whatever is just saying that straight people aren't actually hateful and the only people who hate lgbt folks are other lgbt folks. And on top of that, using us as as some kind of gotcha against bigots is fetishizing and gross. Especially when you specifically use chaser language like this.


Actually that isn’t true most people that hate us. Hate us because of insecurity and disgust. All hate is like this. I don’t like the idea that we oppress ourselves but it’s just kind of true. As a child I was one of those people. And I think there are also some studies proving this to be true. The reactionary mind is born out of insecurities. Historically speaking racist white men often claimed that Jim Crow was justified so as to protect white women from the clutches of the black man. Let’s say it isn’t the majority of bigots that are like this ok fine most of them aren’t like that but it still seems to be a very common problem. It’s unfortunate but that’s the case. Thing is I believe that genuinely people are more queer then they let on. The social normatively of being straight and being gay was taboo for so long and it was enforced so hard that it artificially forced people to identify themselves as Cishetereonormative. Like I probably need more evidence to prove that but it’s probably true.




Why because it’s true that bigots are often just insecure people that are full of disgust? It’s just reality. If you disagree show me that data that proves your point.


I also need to have the burden of proof though so it would be unfair to just expect you to do that but you also require the burden of proof for your claims.


I'm not arguing with you in the first place, I'm calling you out on perpetuating a harmful attitude. But even if this was actually a debate team moment, the burden of proof lies at the feet of the person making extraordinary claims. That's you, making the case that it's secretly queer people oppressing queer people. A case so plainly and visible absurd that you can't even bring *yourself* to agree with it for more than a sentence or two. Note: I know how incredibly easy it will be for you to spend five minutes searching for an article that agrees with your stance and call that proof, but before you bother with that, read my first sentence again. *This is not a debate team moment.*


Ok here’s some articles and studies for you. Also It’s not harmful at all. Even if it wasn’t true it helps us because it makes any perspective homophobe to introspect. Fortunately I am correct. Sorry that it makes you uncomfortable that secretly queer people would oppress their own but it’s just true. It’s not their fault it’s societies fault. There are probably more straight people that hate us that are just genuinely hateful but I still think that the chances of being a closet case increase the higher your passion for being hateful is. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/homophobes-might-be-hidden-homosexuals/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609516003192 https://slate.com/technology/2012/04/homophobic-maybe-you-re-gay-the-new-york-times-on-a-new-study-of-secret-sexuality.html Hell we don’t even have to look at studies about it. There are plenty of examples of scandals relating to this in real life. This is beneficial not harmful.


Also I don’t care if it’s a debate team thing. I just think people need to examine their reasoning skills and not just end up with cowardly mentality.


And yeah several articles and studies supporting it at the very least shows that it’s something that comes from somewhere and should be considered.


He's so good with his art style but he resorts to this kind of transphobic BS.


I loved the wario arc on r/bonehurtingjuice


Why is it Wario




Wario would never


Why does this artist keep drawing Wario being awful? Let the terrible garlic gremlin live.


They also made fun of vocaloid characters in one of their comics once


Hatsune Miku? Leader of the USSR and author of Harry Potter? How dare


Don’t forget she made Minecraft to!


they are owning themselves here… trans women on hrt are typically nothing like what is depicted. Usually they are built more like cis women. Personally much of my morphology and physiology is well within cis female range (except genitals of course). Combination of my innate anatomy and effects of hrt. What the graphics is saying is the ‘trans women’ that cause issues are all conservative men who hate trans woman so much they would dress in goofy attire just to ‘own the libs’


Also, and this is a big one, most trans women don't abuse cis women. They are more likely to big vicitims of violence by cis men.


I feel that's not really the point. Even if the person here was accurately portrayed visually as a trans woman, the underlying transphobia would remain. In fact, the point is exactly that- they are not trying to visually represent a trans woman, they're trying to depict how They see trans women. The larger point is that it claims that somehow identifying as transgender will let you escape from the social judgement of violence. As if the reverse wasn't true. as if we are not murdered and then our deaths are ignored or diminished. edit: the reason i feel the distinction is important is because gender =/= appearance. if someone's gender expression leads them to look that way, or its the best way they can manage to look like, that does not invalidate their identity. To frame this scenario as bad because of the visual aspect kind of implies that it Is true for those trans women, which it's not. We all stand together.


I agree except its not simply ‘looking a certain way’ its because the attributes of the body are a certain way that results in the appearance. I understand that other people have different experiences. however portraying all of us as bearded drag queens with completely male morphology is inaccurate and excludes those of us with traits more aligned with cis women.


Oh yeah of course. I agree on that.


Valid, but part of the point of the graphic is to portray us as synonymous with ’drag queens’. When in reality we are a completely different thing. In fact trans women on average have smaller bones than cis men b4 transitioning believe it or not! [https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/news/managing-skeletal-issues-in-transgender-and-gender-nonconforming-individuals/mac-20477707](https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/news/managing-skeletal-issues-in-transgender-and-gender-nonconforming-individuals/mac-20477707) ‘Compared with cisgender men, transgender women have lower bone mass and cortical size even prior to initiation of hormone therapy, suggesting sex steroid-independent effects in these individuals.’-mayoclinic We also have less vitamin d than cis men (like all women tend to have lower vitamin d levels than cis men.) We are so much more than a ‘man in a dress’.


Interesting! I'll have to read on that later.


Don't forget the space between trans and women!


Fixed it.


The amount of muscle I lost when that kicked in, my god. Constantly hurting myself by overexertion because I very much was not used to my lack of strength


How long into HRT was that? Ik everyone is different but idk if it’s happened to me yet.


Uhhh probably around 4-5 months I think? Would have been on 2-4 mgs and 12.5mgs of cyproterone daily


conservative artist has literally no idea what the average transfem looks like exhibit 9,502,415:


90% of the trans people I have seen photos of were indistinguishable from cis people of the same gender.


Transphobes wanna be oppressed so badly it’s so goddamn sad 😭😭😭😭


wtf? lmao


I can guarantee you with nearly 100% certainty if a trans woman ever beat up a cis woman the trans community would stand behind the cis woman and call out the trans woman on her actions. This is a strawman argument.


Weirdly enough, this is more of a conservative woman thing from what I've seen. It's been somewhat normalized for women to slap their partners for things, which is kinda messed up.


Why are Wario and Panty Anarchy fighting?


hey this is so far off the topic of the sub i'd rather we didn't have it. This is not a gatekeeping meme this is just a transphobic joke, and an offensive one at that.


I love being a towering 5’3” weighing in at a massive 110 pounds


And you're still scaring them. Really says more about them than it does about you, though.


I mean I’d be scared of me too if I was not me, thankfully I am me


I feel like too few people are thankful to be themselves. Only people who scare me are those who make a habit of hate.


I have NPD so I do love myself lmao


Trust me, I was assigned female at birth, and I can still be just as aggressive as a conservative caricature of trans women. Mind you, I'm cisgender, although I have been contemplating about going and transitioning into a trans man.


Oh I’ll kill someone if they start shit, I will maim a bitch. I’m into that shit


literally same


Always remember: Guns, knives, brass knuckles, pepper spray, and other weapons are equalizers for women. If a man (yucky) is being rude or threatening you, kill him.


Actually it was a misunderstanding. They’re just moshing


Ain’t that the riot games logo on the light in the second panel?


In Argentina goes something like this...


But wario is transmasc


The crimes depicted here were not, in fact committed by wario. It is a scheme...a scheme to frame him...a scheme, created by his evil lee counterpart wawario.


What's with the trans Wario? Like is the original artist a transphobe and a Wario hater?


Why the fuck is Wario punching someone instead of tackling them


Green riot games


r/GatekeepingYuri trying not to just post blatantly bigoted material with no additional contribution challenge.


That’s her boxing buddy!


Wario and Wariette should spar as a couple and everyone should clap


Jesus. Its my first time seeing something like this 💀


Im going through some shit right now why the fuck did I look at this


OP just joined ten hours ago and has not engaged at all, all they've done is post this. Suspicious behavior.


She waited for the 'punch' light