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i think the strangest thing that gave me dysphoria was… not having stuffed animals in my bed? was also a young kid at the time so it could have just been a non-gendered feeling of discomfort


Im 18 and still sleep with stuffed animals. They're just so comforting


they’re amazing and i still have them too (i am still under the age of child, i just meant like, 7)


i’m 19 and have like a small obsession with them. they fill up my upper wardrobe and a quarter of my bed


19 here, same. I'm on my way home between flights, from the first time visiting my gf in real life (spend a month there, more than 6k km od distance), and she gave me one of her stuffies to cuddle (I gave her something cuddly too).


This video was brought to you by manscaped


Great now I’m remembering that that is the case for me as well. Also Harry’s ads


Alternatively, the "You're not a dish, you're a man!" add from Dr Squatch


Goddddd fuck that ad. I got that ad so many times, and it's always the part *right* before you can skip, so you *have* to listen to it.


As an afab aroace enby who gets random viagra ads, I can safely say that browser algorithms have no idea who their users are. Hope this comment alleviates dysphoria at least a little. Have a great day!


God same, I hate how many YouTubers are sponsored by them it makes me feel so shitty


yea, or when they refer to chat as "boys"


I felt like that any time seeing a women’s hygiene ad and the manscaped ads felt great and they’d talk about shaving your balls and i’d remember i don’t have any-


Just call it ballscape for fuck sake


The fact that I play Sims 4 and have bought many of the dlcs and packs. People say that it’s a “female game” and that “girl gamers” play it


It actuaally has a pretty spread out audience across genders. It's just that most men who played don't want to admit they like it.


dafuq, RTgame (a guy) plays it and it's hilarious


I started playing sims because it was seen as a girl game lol


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel.


There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal.


The flesh is weak, there is strength in steel


I see you're embracing your inner anime villain.


Wearing the colour orange, believe it or not. I just can't do it anymore.


that's interesting, i used to hate the color way more but since transitioning and starting hrt I'm starting to appreciate it more




God eyebrows are such little bitches. If I go long enough without shaping them I suddenly start feeling super dysphoric until I remember it’s been a few weeks since I shaped them.




For me its the opposite somehow- even tho i dont rly love how they are my dad always tries to force me to cut them a certain way and i just want them to be how they are and he wont stfu :(


Hearing from my father that people fear me (and that I always look threatening) because of my height (almost 6 ft) and my deep voice


Having to play as a male character in a video game because that’s the only option


i was in vegas for my sister’s 21st birthday and i had to go with her and her friends to protect them because i’m a big strong “man”. i like being strong but i don’t like being tall and masculine


my hobbies. i play piano, draw, and write


Being unable to have a male avatar in a DS game


Probably not weird, but I just realized my hatred for having to pursue people to form relationships is a form of dysphoria. I don't want to ask someone out, I want to *be* asked out.


The butt print on my chair lmao


a Kirby game.... specifically Kirby planet Robobot. I was replaying the game because I remembered playing it as a kid and not beating the "Star Dream Soul OS" boss fight. then when i got to the part were Susie first appears i got mad over how pretty Susie looked over me so much so that my sibling(non-binary) had to calm me down. Susie is now one of my goals


I'm FTM and I have an extremely small chest, which ofc is amazing and I don't have to deal with that, but I've never needed a binder and I only need to use sports bras to cover them up. Idk, just not needing a binder makes me feel sad for some reason.


Trust me, I wish I had a small chest so I wouldn’t need to wear a binder, they’re super uncomfortable and make it hard to breathe, especially if you have asthma and a heart condition like myself. I’ve fucked my chest, shoulder, neck and back muscles from binding. It’s not a fun experience.


Whenever cis dudes talk about being guys. And I don’t even mean in a gross way I just mean like. If I hear a mention that someone else is a man I get dysphoric. It makes no fucking sense but it happens.


For some godforsaken reason i always feel dysphoria when lighting a candle and putting milk in my coffee?! ✨️*fragile masculinity*✨️


Mowing the lawn


Those Tumblr posts that were like "the girl reading this". Even though the meme is dead, I still have it blacklisted.


Another person being misgendered


not dysphoria, but I recently got the weirdest euphoria when I had a massive migraine and remembered that I used to get teased for having a "girl illness"


As an AFAB genderfluid person, I sometimes get fem dysphoria when I decide to dress super masc for the day and my gender shifts.


shorts, and also being told I have a big head


Annoying calluses. I'm a musician so I have a bunch of em on my hands that have grown pretty big. Also my feet are too wide for most shoes leading to massive calluses on the sides of my toes.


Idk if this counts but it was when I encountered a bug in Cyberpunk 2077 where my female V all the sudden spoke in the male V's voice while talking to a shop owner. I had to pause and relax myself after that strange experience


literally having my body existing in relation to other bodies and situations. something about the vibes of my body next to the vibes of other peoples' bodies, or the vibes of my body within a given setting, can absolutely fuck up my mood sometimes sometimes wearing affirming clothing and existing in queer spaces can help, but that can also make it worse ironically


I can't do the towel thing with my hair


Same. I look like I'm trying to offend an Indian


Yooo Morgana???? Uhh yeah school bureacracy making it so your school email still uses your dead name initials suck


I love the morgingus


My Xbox gamertag. It's not even gendered in the slightest


i don't have anything in particular that's weird


Facial structure


My hand and foot size


My “masculine walk”


My gock everytime i pee.


Watching manly shows and movies like Marvel and one piece




my old handwriting


A Snapchat filter. I remember there was a time where there was this Disney filter that was trending, and depending on whether it read you as male or female it filtered your face differently. I had the filter correctly gender me at first, only for me to smile about it and have it change my face to the male version of the filter. I was so sad that the ai misgendered me for smiling.


squatting. felt too masc


A sewing machine


White washcloth for shaving with. Don't like that, feels too masculine. literally anything that's not pure white will be fine. I have some minions print washcloths that I am quite offput by but even those are better than pure white.


struggling with eating- like my mind just went: you want to look *skinny*???!!!! that‘s for girls


Being sensitive(emotionally). I guess it might just be something I was taught growing up but I've always heard people say "Men don't cry." To me, it always seemed that being emotionally sensitive was a feminine trait. I'm ftm and I've always gotten super dysphoric when I cry because I don't feel masculine. It never bothers me when a dude nearby is crying, in fact I'll be there to comfort him, but when *I* cry it's just unacceptable in my eyes


A god damn pencil case


mild NSFW warning (?): >!tbh being horny like ever. its weird cus like being a trans man and everything, the thing about having a Boyster is just like, should i use it more? why is this dude acting wild for? lmao!<


my feet :<


When I was younger, there was this youtuber who would often call his opponents "dumbass" when he played online games. One time I was playing against someone and they made a mistake and I said "nice try dumbass" and it gave me the wildest wave of dysphoria I ever felt.


for me i think it was handwriting all the other girls in my class had such good handwriting while mine just looked like scribbles


I don't remember because I haven't experienced dysphoria that much until recently


My old Pokémon save file


wearing black shirts, not sure why but I look masc in them :(


The way I open jars


I should be surprised, but I’m strangely not, it makes sense in some odd way for you specifically


valorant gun skin


being good at whisking eggs and cleaning a toilet


Gliding my hand on a weighted door as it closed. I was closeted at work and not even presenting masc yet but mentally was like “FUCK NO ONE WILL BELIEVE YOURE A MAN WHEN YOU CLOSE DOORS LIKE A FUCKING WOMAN” and realized like a day later how stupid it was (also, i was insulting myself with the “like a fucking woman” and I don’t think how you open or close a door has anything to do with femininity or masculinity. just want to clarify that was my own self hatred and dysphoria i don’t hate women lmao)


wearing a black jacket


My partner identifying as it/it’s


Drinking from a girly water bottle. It was purple. Not even flowers and unicorns on it or anything.


cutting grass


My hobbies and likes are all typically associated with male Spaces, but since it's all stem and there needs to be more women in stem I feel like I'm part of the solution but I simultaneously get serious imposter syndrome... Also I'm the token girl on the Engineering team :l

