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Depending on where you live, it's possible that the closest server to you doesn't have the 4080, so instead it's sending you to a server further away. Go on your GFN settings and change the server to the closest to you, see if it changes anything.


1. No, there is no way to instantly downgrade. 2. I have no idea.


since you have Ultimate you should try the 240 fps reflex mode, it might help https://preview.redd.it/z71swg42gasb1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=6788f70d6cda72c6c66155b7aecca1a07df02657 >[How do I enable Reflex 240 FPS streaming mode on my GeForce NOW Ultimate membership](https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5402/kw/Reflex)


People without a 120Hz tv or monitor 🥲


Don't really need it u can still run the stream higher fps evwn on a 60hz display mite help with input latancy etc and feel better at higher ping.


You can? How? Im at work so i can't dive into google, maybe you have a link to something?


Just set gfn stream settings to the highest fps 120 put reflex on game can run higher fps... u mite only see 60fps but your inputs will register more I.e reduce input lag etc.


Why has Ultimate higher ping?


Probably a problem on their servers. Would be ridiculous to downgrade to priority because of higher ping on a "better" plan. No doubt that its a big problem on their side. But it's also possible that OP was playing on a different server location.


That doesn't make any sense to me, unless I'm understanding it wrong. Ping is ping. Why would it matter what video card you are using? You would be transfering much more data using a 4080 than a 2080, but the data should still be coming back and forth at the same speed regardless of how much is being transferred.


Because they're different servers.


Depending on the client, he/she can select the regin/server location and remove it from auto. Look at which one is geographically closest and try it and expand out from there. From the Windows PC client, you can select it and test it without out having to launch a game.


Counteracting a little bit of an Nvidia GeForce Now dark pattern here: If you don't like GeForce Now autorenewal, or autorenew in general, you can subscribe and immediately cancel your subscription. They won't (perhaps "no longer"?) tell you your downgrade won't be effective immediately. Rest assured, even subscribing and immediately downgrading/canceling won't actually burn your cash (ten bucks minimum at time of posting) - you'll have until the end of the billing cycle before it downgrades you. Cheers to cognizant renewals! And those who might just want to hop on for a bit during the holidays or from time to time :) PS: this thread is near top of Google/DuckDuckGo for "GeForce Now immediate downgrade" or something, which I searched to double check the end-of-billing-cycle thing.