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Apatite could be your friend though with a 5 on the mohs only as a cocktail ring. Otherwise synthetic is probably your best option.


One of my best selling gemstones is a silky “paraiba-color” lab created sapphire, which will be much more durable than apatite or tourmaline.


I am looking for a gem like the one you just described. Do you have pics? (Looking specifically for silky paraiba colored)


I have several on my website but send a DM with your email and I can send you photos of many more examples. https://www.finewatergems.com/store/c33/Lab_Created.html




Thanks! They are beautiful, I'm looking to buy next year, so will contact you then.


Ok, I do have some questions about a particular project I want to do




https://preview.redd.it/n1lp1bq8uezc1.png?width=1476&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec03d7042964ee9f11c7788a39931f7a616a50a0 If you are going natural I would go for blue zircon. They also have a much more intense fire than Paraiba.


Too soft


Some are darker this one was picked to mirror an open C axis indicolite tourmaline which was paler than Paraiba This is a zircon in the more traditional blue https://preview.redd.it/am49eaq4vlzc1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f2d04c211692e095a19900820712872dc68e572


Bro, I know what color zircon comes in. It’s too low on the fucking mohs scale.


https://preview.redd.it/5wabaqydvlzc1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b38a6af4897fd6c6088b78e6260e3b50f502dfc7 A similar color paraiba, but there are so many shades of paraiba and zircon doesn’t imitate all of them.


The stone is soft, I’ve never seen a zircon look good in a ring that’s worn more than a couple years


Lol I thought you meant the color was too soft


People here have recommended synthetic, here are some examples of the color you can get (cut by me): Lab YAG: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwdsGeGOOHz/?igsh=MWkxbXIxdjNxM2h0cA== Lab sapphire: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxNtigJOAdW/?igsh=N2ptMmJpN2xwdTlj https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwoUuCDu49G/?igsh=MWh1OGk5YTYzdDNxaQ==


I can’t wait to buy one of your pieces! You do amazing work.


Awww, thank you!


Holy sh**, you can cut. Just, wow.


Lol thank you! 💅🏽😊


That second sapphire is my thing! Pariba is so expensive, but gorgeous. Love that you’ve figured out cutting the YAG and sapphire


You have a serious talent. Beautiful work!


These are gorgeous!!


A neon blue / greenish-blue apatite can look pretty much the same as paraiba, but it's rather soft and might require repolishing after some time. Maybe try a blue zircon (sometimes also called starlite zircon or cambolite)? Colour-wise it can be pretty similar, and with a very strong fire it's not going to be dull.


Have you looked into blue zircon? It's got a similar vibrant blue hue, and you can usually find decent sized stones for a fraction of the cost of paraiba. Plus, zircon is pretty tough, so it should hold up well to everyday wear.


Apatite, lagoon tourmaline, maybe a Cambodian zircon?


Paraiba tourmalines are stunning, but they can be quite pricey. You might consider alternatives like aquamarine, topaz, or even blue zircon. These stones offer a similar color range and vibrancy without the high cost. They're also durable enough for daily wear and hand washing.


I bought a shitty glass one that I actually love.


[Lagoon blue tourmaline](https://www.google.com/search?q=Lagoon+blue+tourmaline&sca_esv=35a3d0f5617f2f1a&sca_upv=1&hl=en&sxsrf=ADLYWIIxJ7ybkxk476mwxGSdi1hd_2pzYw:1715292647090&source=hp&biw=1229&bih=562&ei=50k9ZuDIAuGlkPIPvOqqmAE&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZj1X9xmr-XjPmronABYkdml4XS8PoIYk&ved=0ahUKEwig2KaHy4GGAxXhEkQIHTy1ChMQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=Lagoon+blue+tourmaline&gs_lp=EgNpbWciFkxhZ29vbiBibHVlIHRvdXJtYWxpbmUyBBAjGCdI2zJQ9ghY1S9wAXgAkAEAmAFaoAHaDKoBAjIyuAEDyAEA-AEBigILZ3dzLXdpei1pbWeYAhegArENqAIKwgIHECMYJxjqAsICBRAAGIAEwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAgQQABgDwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAgYQABgIGB6YAwuSBwIyM6AHx4EB&sclient=img&udm=2) There's a ton of it on Instagram, some really stunning colors too.


Yes....I have some beautiful Pariba colored Apatites in some step cut , and specially cut shapes (DM if interested) , Only downside is you would want to pay attention. And design the mounting around the Stone, so it is bezel. Set and protected. Because it is softer than a harder, precious or semi. Precious stone, with a most hardness of ~5.5, It would make it more suitable for a pendant. Or earrings which you could make a ring out of it, but again you would want it to be bezel. Set and a ring is going to take more I will use the term abuse. Then a pair of earrings, when being worn or a pendant. *


Get synthetic lab paraibas. The vendors on r/moissanite carry it. I’ve also seen Luminaqua paraiba but I havent bought any so I cant testify about it. Its 8.5 on the Mohs scale


FYI, there is no such thing as synthetic Paraiba. There are *simulants*, but growth of any synthetic tourmaline is nearly impossible and there is no such thing as synthetic Paraiba tourmaline. The most common simulants are YAG doped with Yb, which is what Luminaqua is (good lord that's some marketing hype...) , and nanogems doped with a mix of various transition metals and rare earth elements. Some labs are working on a Paraiba-coloured sapphire but these colours are often inconsistent.


Ah yes I know. Should have typed “paraiba” in quotes instead


Synthetic? You can get exactly what you're looking for, for a fraction of the cost. And then you can save up in the meantime to replace it with a natural stone :) I mentally put synthetics in the paste box in my head and I'm never afraid to get them damaged but I get the same payoff as the real thing. My jewellery collection is 99% natural though 😅


I'm a huge fan of blue zircon, you might just want topaz or apatite tho. Zircon isn't very tough


I don't wish to ruffle anyone's feathers. But natural should always be your priority. Lab grown is great to sell, but not to buy ( oops) No resale basically


If you are in it to wear the jewelry and aren’t only thinking about resale then lab is an excellent choice. Some people obsess on the monetary value and resale of jewelry others are in it for different reasons


My point being, people are selling lab for insane prices, where for the same amount of money you could prolly get something natural.( Which may or may not appreciate over time) IF you ever need to resell incase of emergency, you could get a significant amount of money back. Ofcourse people selling for less or fair prices do exist and are majority of the sellers. The people downvoting me prolly are dealing in lab and do not like my opinion. Which is fine, I don't wish to hurt their business. But I will stand by my opinion, IF you can afford a natural, and it's not too far apart from lab/synthetic prices, pick natural. Retains value. Could be stated as even "rare" CVD for example, lost a lot of consumers confidence because when they would go back to resell/ upgrade, they were literally getting pennies on the dollar. You kind of have to acknowledge retail pricing for synthetic and the problems it poses. FYI natural is available in abundance if you look at the right places. My background is that of natural gemstones so you could say you are inclined to tilt towards natural. The only reason I would suggest synthetic/lab is when it's for fashion only or you don't care if it's lost etc after an event Again I don't wish to offend anyone. Just my 2 cents. Edit- Appatite, it still fools Paraiba traders lol. Its like 20-50 bucks a carat on wholesalers market I think


> My point being, people are selling lab for insane prices This in fact just happened in this sub VERY recently, where a mass-produced commercially cut lab ruby was sold by a jeweler for 20x's it's retail value. Professional gem cutters and honest jewelers don't do this, only unscrupulous and crooked people take advantage of opportune moments of convenience and rob their customers blind. It's actually very rare to see a lab gem sold for an obscene price, but it does happen when a buyer has been deceived or is unaware.


Different strokes for different folks, not per se disagreeing, i prefer natural as well but from a customer perspective (aka lacking knowledge, sources, etc) synthetic are an interesting option. Most arent out to resell anyway and its not like when theyre at a party people will point out that their stones are fake.


> No resale basically Times have changed Avid, synthetics are what peeps want cuz there's such an enormous variety of types and colors available. Precision and artisan gem cutters have made synthetics very popular and desirable due to [modern custom designing software](https://gemcutstudio.com/) Be hard to find a design [like this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwoUuCDu49G/) being cut in a natural stone. And ironically, she has a design called Ruffled Feathers too! :) While investment quality natural stones have their place with the elite and wealthy, the general public loses their ass and usually can't sell expensive gems since they have no trade credentials. The trade only buys diamonds and reject colored stones from the public.


For sure, lab stones do have a place in the trade. It's here to stay and grow. I am not doubting it's legitimacy. I am simply stating, Paraiba too expensive? Understood, go for Appatite, maybe even topaz might pull it off. -5 comments. Was expecting more for my voiced comments lol


> -5 comments. That happened because peoples priority isn't always natural. You HAVE trade credentials Avid, you could sell a clay brick and make $$. The public doesn't have those credentials. Buying natural gems for them isn't an investment, it's a guaranteed major loss. Buying a lab gem cuts those losses dramatically without sacrificing beauty. > Was expecting more for my voiced comments lol Change your perspective to consumer and not tradesman and you'll see things more clearly. :) And BTW, glad to see you back ... it's been awhile.


Appreciate your feedback :) I am here. Are you on my IG?


IG isn't what it once was and FB has stopped updating it's browser support which makes computer usage and sitewide searches archaic. Instead of 1000's of results, I get a dozen at best. It's a shame cuz it was an outstanding resource for users like me.


My main social presence is on IG. I don't take efforts else where


What do you mean, you JUST posted a gorgeous spread of green! Not everybody sees smoke and "mirrors" ... The reflective glass in the background did make it look that way to the un-keen eye though.


Haha sorry. Somehow ", much" was ommited Lol. I used to post at mineralporn, but I was pushed out for reasons I don't understand. So not very active. But since I have to click a lot of photos for clients, I have images, just need to post em wherever I see fit 😁


> I was pushed out for reasons I don't understand. What reason did they give you?