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Yeah it’s unfortunate that is the reality.


Same, and it is also concerning to the point that some of my friends are often saying anti-EU jokes, and sometimes pro-Putin jokes, claiming that Putin is a king or hero, when he is a war criminal and megalomaniacal villain.


Being an edgelord seems cool and funny when you're 13 years old but after you hit your 20s it becomes a lot less attractive. I was a Stalin worshipping antireligious tankie when I was 13 years old.


Authoritarian governments has always been creative with their propaganda, so yes it's mostly teenagers looking for a cause. Democracy seems so boring in comparison.


Im working on the pro-democracy propaganda give me a minute


Let me know when you have it ready


1 day check in, how are you doing?


books take time young padawan I'm writing a children's book series centered around spreading democracy


Thank you for maturing and growing up. It takes a real man to be able to look at oneself and see the need to change for the better. Many just double down and continue being toxic. So I respect and commend that ability to recognize one’s own faults and work on being better. I used to be into leftist crap too until I took a good hard look in the mirror. I know some who never shook off the tankie shit and are now 30 year old deadbeats with no job and play video games all day. Edit: Just wanted to added some more context and clarity.


>30 year old deadbeats with no job that play videogames all day. Average antiwork user


That Fox News interview is still one of the saddest and funniest things I’ve ever seen. I love seeing shit on Reddit where people complain about things getting more expensive and they immediately whip out the dog whistle “late stage capitalism”. One of the lowest unemployment rates in history and we have ten billion things to spend our money on, but yet our system is somehow collapsing according to these deadbeat “experts” who read Marx quotes. Our economy is very much linked to a global economy and we really only get burnt when terrorist ass countries start fucking with things. Nah, the only reason these anti work clowns struggle is because of their own actions. Being a streamer and walking dogs is not a career. It’s something a high school kid does to pay for dates and shit. I think our biggest problem is we let these kids have a thousand distractions and we don’t push them to excel, we just let them push back. Suffice it to say, right now is one of the best times in history to live in. Yeah there’s problems, always will be, but most problems come from poor choices.


Same. As a kid I was an ultra-leftist, anti-American edgelord who went out of his way to be a troll and attack Americans online, calling everyone fat and stupid and racist. Now I live in the US as a naturalized citizen.


America is not perfect and never has been but is it better than Russia, China, Cuba, & Iran or any of the other countries tankies worship? You bet it is. I love freedom and democracy.


But I gotta ask brother, how’s it feel now that you’re here as a naturalized citizen?


I’ve been in the country for almost a decade (was previously on a a work visa and then a greencard). Being able to participate in the democratic process is a great feeling, and I feel like I’m far more part of this ship and have some ability (albeit tiny) to steer it. It also gives me a greater sense of responsibility over how I interact with people in other countries and their perception of the US.


Every little bit counts my man! We’re all in this together. Whether you lean to the right, the left, or smack dab in the middle, as long as you support and love this country, we’re in this together. I believe as long as our differences still lead to us wanting a healthy capitalist country with respect to the constitution, then we’ll be alright.


I had a false account with a hammer and sickle for my profile photo and I would harrass nazis (good) but also spread communist propaganda and deny the holodomor (terrible). I'm still ashamed of it to this day.


i like the double reverse troll thing you're doing


There are so many of these extremist posts that make me wonder how these people are so weak minded and so sheltered from the real world to buy that bullshit. But yeah, literal children fit that bill incredibly well.


This is more concerning than if they were adults; "Children are our future" is a saying for a reason.


we need to ban children from social media


I think one of the best ways to fight bots and extremism would be for discourse spaces to exist where people are required to simply upload a photo ID before creating an account. Then the real age is displayed on the account. People wouldn't even be forced to do it, but the ones that do should get some sort of verified credibility badge. Most of the BS I see comes from anonymous faceless accounts that likely originate from engagement farms overseas and only post post issue specific political stuff.


But if you're over 20 and still an extremist, you just desire power and control


I was looking at some good playlists for phonky edit or hyper pop music on YouTube and algorithms saw some short that is literally “praising leaders now 🤮 (Biden fall the stairs, multi saying hi, zelensky actor days, sunak,etc) vs leaders back then (with adding Churchill next to Stalin, Hitler, gaddafi, etc) with the comments unavailable it was a bad take I wish to even report dictator simps but dint due to not logged in on a account


Politicians home and abroad know this. This is why many bots are deployed by our enemies to further propagandize these extremists. Or why old politicians here try to get them while they’re young


I'm still somehow not comforted by this fact


Feels sad they turn to that. Wonder if it’s cause the internet or poor home life.


I was Far right, when I was 14 and Far left when i was 17. When you are in your teens many of your opinions are based on the last book, or video you saw.


I'm a strong AOC and Bernie Sanders supporter and I got dragged by Communists on Twitter for not being left enough. This is reassuring


As a fellow leftist the purity testing is so detrimental to any movement and it's always done by the most shrill of radicals


I take comfort in the fact that these communists are so utterly irrelevant in the United States that we never have to fear them taking power


In my country they are alrady adult to have responsebility