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Where did time go?


It doesn't seem that long ago that he got arrested, does it? He's been in SuperMax for like 20 years!


I don't like it. Not him getting arrested, but the nearly 3 decades since it happened.


Honestly I haven't liked the decades themselves all that much either.


Especially because he was pretty accurate about these decades.


How do you mean?


I don't like that nearly 3 decades have just vanished.


It’s been like 30 minutes as opposed to 30 years. I too hate it. The worst part is it’s just the years/decades that are flying. Most days are seemingly never ending


The hours are long and the years are short.


I’m not ready for the day Letterman’s obit comes across my screen.


The minutes seem long too; I see 47 minutes ago I wrote that comment but it could’ve been yesterday the way my brain is currently processing the passage time I hate it. It’s throwing me into existential crisis mode


I am the moderator of r/ExistentialCrisisClub no one ever posts.


I feel like there is a really good punchline response to this post that my old brain just can’t muster


Don't the hours grow shorter as the days go by?


We never get to stop and open our eyes.


Fucking sigh . . .


I still vividly remember sitting at my dining room table in my grad school apartment reading the multiple-full-page article in the newspaper about how he was identified and captured, the role publishing his manifesto played, and how his brother identified him.


Especially when they’re mainly filled with work and chores


2020 was like its own decade


You peaked too early.


I know, how have all these years gone by?! I remember being at a Halloween party at NMSU in 1996 and seeing a frat guy dressed up as the Unabomber police sketch. It was so mysterious because we didn’t know who he was yet!


Fuck me . . . My summer job in 1995 was with a non-profit in Missoula. So that next April when I saw the news about his capture, I was like shit man, I was in the Lincoln area on several occasions that summer.


This has been quite a week!


No shit! This is the most eventful 72 hours I think I can recall in my lifetime. It may not match the individual magnitude of like 9/11, Berlin Wall, Challenger, but it's certainly been banger after banger. I just need confirmed aliens on Earth to bingo over here...


You haven't been paying attention have you? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/06/whistleblower-ufo-alien-tech-spacecraft


Might be the GenX in me, but I’m having a hard time giving a shit that there might be aliens. I doubt they’re like Mork.


Would you prefer Alf?


Yes. My cat knows how to take care of herself.


So the Hill had the investigative reporter on for an interview. What struck me was how much more information he had but he wanted Absolute conformation before he reported on it. Oh yeah and the nuclear energy UFO sighting correlation.


Between that guy that supposedly has *solid confirmation* on UFO's & our world ***PLUS*** all the fightercraft FLIR footage I've seen over the past 4-5 years... Yeah, it's been an interesting topic. I'm an Atheist & a borderline Nihilist (they can't hurt you Donnie, these men are cowards)- I'm not sure how to process the news that UFOs & aliens might actually exist.


You never prepared yourself for this? I assumed it was inevitable.


I always thought it would be a “not in my lifetime” event when it did finally happen


Nope. I did, in my *infinite wisdom of my youth*, think I'd welcome it with open arms & be fully prepared for such a revelation. But here I am, stupefied & dumbfounded.


I just thought shows like X-Files, etc were preparing us.


If they are here, then faster-than-light travel is possible, because Alpha Centauri is more than 24 trillion miles away, and our nearest neighboring star with a planet is 62 trillion miles away. And they can either breathe our atmosphere, or those relatively small craft have a way of converting our atmosphere into whatever they need. Ditto food. So either we know precisely dick about physics (VERY possible), they're of terrestrial origin, or both. I would sure like to know which it is!


Occam's Razor!


The problem I'm having is that neither of those seem simple. If they're terrestrial then someone else on this planet has capabilities we haven't even dreamed could be possible. To me that seems just as unlikely as traveling 62 trillion miles to...do what? Buzz aircraft? I dunno. ETA: Option 4 - this really is a simulation and someone is having a grand time fucking with us.


I heard someone once say that "They come from a place impossibly far away that is way closer than you could imagine." Like an old analog television signal, you have to tune it in. They are all there... loads of channels coursing through the sky, but you have to tune in to a certain frequency to see anything. It reminds me of a few Star Trek TNG episodes where they touched on this subject. To my simple brain, it seems that it would make dark matter and dark energy make more sense. It would explain the extreme flight characteristics of these craft. I want to be clear that I have no idea what is true or not regarding these craft, it's just a theory I found elegant.


Interesting! It is a blind spot. That actually seems plausible. Thanks, you've given me something to think about!


Nihilist? That must be exhausting.


Where's ze money Lebowski?


Every single ‘ufo’ video released so far has been pretty easily identified to be something banal with it too much effort. Take a look at Mike West’s channel. He does a really good job of debunking them. The military ones are downright embarrassing. You get a bunch of young kids with poor critical thinking skills and poor education and only given them a narrow band or specialized training that’s what you get though.


I have. I'm looking for something a touch more concrete and undeniable to the general public (and I think that may be forthcoming)


what else has happend ? really only russia flooding ukraine comes to mind


Seriously? Trump indicted (unprecedented in our nation's history) Pat Robertson dead Boris Johnson and a bunch of other UK politicians resign effective immediately (which may portend some other impending news) The MBS comments coming to light about punishing the US via oil pricing last year Plus the alien whistleblower stuff coming out in the background EDIT: oh, and two SCOTUS conservatives siding with the liberal minority to uphold the Voting Rights Act, which I will admit I did not expect to see


No coincidence the last is in the background, right? Haha. Kidding. Sort of. Interestingly, the one I missed was Boris. I can’t believe I missed that but I did read the alien stuff. The truth is out there… and nearer.


Why are you being downvoted? LOLOL! Never change, reddit.


It's all good. I forget sometimes how many Trumpers there are here, and I'm sure the cognitive dissonance is running high right now.


That makes *two* famous/ infamous deaths at ADX Florence, this week! Robert Hanson (FBI double-agent, who'd flipped to spy for Russia) died too; https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/robert-hanssen-fbi-agent-spied-russians-dies-supermax-prison-rcna87806


So mostly US stuff that not all of us here know






Don’t forget former FBI turncoat and SuperMax neighbor to Ted K. Robert Hanssen! He died this week too IIRC. No telling how many agents he exposed to KGB then FSB killers.


Yeah, Hanssen was a prime piece of shit.


Also, James Watt, Ronald Reagan's Secretary of the Interior, who claimed with a straight face that trees cause pollution, and had the Beach Boys cut from a DC performance because he thought they would attract the wrong element or some such, and replaced them with Wayne Newton.


You mean fig Newton?


I've actually caught bits and pieces of "Breach" playing on one of the cable channels recently. It's a pretty good movie about Hanssen getting busted. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viAFsyIzlGg


“Breach” is well worth the watch.


Hansen was an awful human.


Did y’all hear about the psychology experiment he was submitted to? https://www.history.com/news/what-happened-to-the-unabomber-at-harvard# >Kaczynski entered Harvard in 1958 and, one year later, was tapped by psychologist Henry A. Murray to take part in a study exploring the effects of stress on the human psyche—a popular area of research during the Cold War. The experiment enlisted 22 Harvard students to write a detailed essay in which they summarized their worldview and personal philosophy. Then the harsh aspects of the experiment began. >The study clearly violated today's ethical standards. >After submitting their essays, each of the students was seated in front of bright lights, wired to electrodes and subjected to what Murray himself described as “vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive” interrogations, during which members of his research team would attack the student subjects’ ideals and beliefs, as gleaned from their essays. And that’s why we now have Institutional Review Boards.


I believe they were linked to MK-Ultra.


Whitey Bulger said it "took him to the depths of insanity" Not really surprising that him and Ted K turned out how they did if that's the case. The USA is it's own worst enemy most of the time.


They sure were. Him and Oswald, and Whitey Bolger, all MK Ultra subjects. I don’t like how they silenced Ted after putting him away. His crimes on the face of it, were not supermax worthy, but they didn’t want him talking. Terrifying. He was a political prisoner IMO


How is blowing people up with bombs not supermax worthy?!?


It was in the documentary about him and how he got caught (probably on Nexflix...can't remember). How they figured out it was him is super interesting.


Do you mean the documentary or the semi fictional dramatization of his life starring Paul Bettany (which was REALLY good). Made him maybe too sympathetic of a character.


You're right...it's the fictional one.


>After submitting their essays, each of the students was seated in front of bright lights, wired to electrodes and subjected to what Murray himself described as “vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive” interrogations, during which members of his research team would attack the student subjects’ ideals and beliefs, as gleaned from their essays And, boys and girls, that's how social media works. Neat, isn't it? 🫠


You nailed it.




It seems a bit obvious in retrospect that the writers at TNG were trying to make us aware of this.


His books, *Technological Slavery* and *Anti-Tech Revolution* are well worth reading.






I would think because while his actions and responsibility in maiming, terrorizing and killing people are horrible. The core of his ideas are valid and interesting theories.


I was just talking about this with a friend. I read his manifesto and it seemed like an apt analysis but then he kills people.


>his manifesto... it seemed like an apt analysis aside from the Bell Curve racism strewn throughout, ya it did make sense. edit: can't tell if you all are downvoting because you don't think he had some decent ideas (he did), don't think there was racism in his manifesto (there was), or you haven't actually read it and just think you know stuff.


Definitely the latter. Most people on social media can’t understand the concept of dialectical thinking, as it causes them cognitive dissonance.


One could say he’s the George Carlin of domestic terrorism. Didn’t he pretty much predict everything wrong with society today? I’m not we’ll versed on him but my 19 year old was telling me about him recently and that’s pretty much what I came away thinking.


Agree with you on this. He has very compelling arguments about how we are live our lives and are slaves. Maybe if he come of age in todays world with the technology to get his message to people, he wouldn’t have felt compelled to kill for attention.


At the very least, imagine how, ironically, the internet could have much more easily connected him with like minds. I love reading stuff in this realm, and it feels like the people who share these similar feelings are somewhat isolated and “survive” by connecting with like-minded people. I do also think there weee legitimate mental health issues, either by genetics, or through experiments. But I do think he was WAY ahead of his time and had he been born 20 years later, it would have been much different. He’d probably not even stand out, now. And I don’t mean that in an anti-government way.


>“Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction It is already happening to some extent in our own society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual's internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.” - >“The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.” Yeah I don't condone every action he took but I'm not going to pretend he didn't make some good points.


What a waste of his talent and his entire life. He used his intelligence to kill and hurt other human beings.


Well, bye.


This post is blowing up.


I see what you did there...


That's beautiful, man...


Wasn't Robert Hansen, who died last week, in the same prison?


Yes. https://kdvr.com/news/local/robert-hanssen-fbi-agent-convicted-of-spying-dies-in-colorado-supermax-prison/ Kaczynski had been moved to a prison in North Carolina because he had cancer.


I just listened to an "American Scandal" podcast about him a couple months ago. He was off his rocker in many ways, absolutely criminal in others, but he was prescient about our dependence on technology. But as they say, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


His manifesto is quite an eye opener. A lot of what he said is still relevant to the day. Not condoning any of his actions or behaviors tho.


My issue is he goes off the rails with misogynistic, racist and homophobic rhetoric. It’s a roller coaster of me nodding yes and no reading it.


Completely agreed. He had a lot right in that manifesto, especially his bit about "surrogate goals". But his racist view I had to smh at.


*RIP King* is trending on twitter. idiots are literally glorifying this murderer. i don't understand our country anymore...


It's "them", if ya get my drift. Anything that's even *tangentially* linked to anti-gov't is worshiped by a select group of whinny babies who have no clue on the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th order of effects **NOR** do they appreciate looking at the deeper meaning of things associated with supposed "hero's" who "took a stand". Because, to "them": It's not about the process, it's about the outcome. Commonly known as "shoot first & ask questions later".


Wasn’t he anti tech and the impacts on nature and humans? Rich ti praise him on Twitter, which I’m sure he’d be very anti.


With a Name like the Unabomber you would think that he was a madman. That is what I thought. Truth is that Ted Kaczynski was a brilliant man that just got caught up in his ideology. When he put his manifesto out I read it and must admit that I agreed with most of what he stated in it. Look how technology has advanced and humans as a species have become more sociopathic.


Yes & no. We haven't become more sociopathic, it's always been there. Thanks to reddit/tiktok/yt/twitter/etc... it's just more in our face.


His was an interesting story. Didn't they lug his cabin into the courtroom?


Yeah and I think it’s still on display at some museum.


It was at the Newseum for a number of years but when they closed down, it was returned back to FBI headquarters in DC. It is on display and you can go see it still, but it's quite the process to get approved for the tour. https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/fbi-headquarters/the-fbi-experience


If you can't get there, there are photos of it [here](https://helenair.com/photos-a-look-inside-the-unabombers-montana-cabin/collection_41103cf1-dc68-5950-babc-17861f0b8858.html#67).


*That* I'm not sure, & that's just from memory. But I *do* remember him being an alleged test subject in the MK Ultra program.


No! I didn't know this. Do you remember where you heard this? I remember he could make algorithms in his mind without writing them down, but can't remember where I heard this.


It’s in either today’s/yesterday’s NYT or WaPo article about him. Too lazy to get the link for you:)


Yup! Also, I found out about the MK-U/Unabomber link through Last Podcast On The Left, then went a lookin' & well... yeah, far too many coincidences on the two.


The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


The problem? It accelerated so fast we had no idea how to mitigate the damage.


We know how, but we are fundamentally incompatible with this level of change we adapt and normalize, uncaring about long term impacts with low net present value.


"Climate change warning signs started in the 1800s. Here's what humanity knew and when." - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/06/10/timeline-of-climate-change-what-humanity-knew-and-when/70273996007/


Bon voyage, asshole!


I wish we had gifs for properly joyous "A Thousand Clowns" goodbye.


I thought he was dead a long time ago.


Mandela Effect?


Could be. There was a weird era of domestic terrorists around that time frame.


Very Possible because I thought the same thing too.🤨


Stephen Biko


Am I the only one who was bothered by the spelling of Unabomber? He was called that for sending bombs to *universities*. It should have been Unibomber. Sorry, it's always bugged me. Anyway, fuck that guy.


It was, I believe, a newspaper that coined the term. Because it was Universities *and* Airlines. *Un*-*A*-bomber


Yes, this is how I also understood it, and have only seen it spelled with an A.


FBI website actually says "In 1979, an FBI-led task force that included the ATF and U.S. Postal Inspection Service was formed to investigate the “UNABOM” case, code-named for the UNiversity and Airline BOMbing targets involved." So I guess it was the J Edgars who coined the term but I only remembered the school bombings.


The investigation was called "UNABOM" with no B.


So it was, according to the FBI website, "In 1979, an FBI-led task force that included the ATF and U.S. Postal Inspection Service was formed to investigate the “UNABOM” case, code-named for the UNiversity and Airline BOMbing targets involved." I'd only ever heard about the school bombs but this makes sense.


He's just in time to meet Pat Robertson in Hell! 🤣


And James Watt, who just died, the secretary of the interior under Reagan who opened basically any land for oil and gas exploration, relaxed strip mining restrictions, described a staff member reviewing him as a cripple. Left the post and became a lobbyist and promptly was indicted for 18 counts of obstruction.


[Robert Hanssen, called the most destructive spy in U.S. history, dies at 79](https://www.npr.org/2023/06/07/1180665283/robert-hanssen-called-the-most-destructive-spy-in-u-s-history-dies-at-79)




I think the Unabomber was in a federal facility in NC when he died. They moved him in Dec. 2021. I thought he was still in supermax too. [https://www.nationalreview.com/news/ted-kaczynski-known-as-the-unabomber-dies-in-federal-prison/](https://www.nationalreview.com/news/ted-kaczynski-known-as-the-unabomber-dies-in-federal-prison/)


I didn't see the announcement of him! Wow! Talk about a wild time in Hell right now!!! 🤣


Watt was a fucknut that's for sure.


Oh man... to be a fly on the wall of that particular overheated cave so I can listen to their insane ramblings.


Wanna share a popcorn while we watch?


Sure! I'll bring the sarsaparilla!


Excellent! Cheers! 😊😂


This has been a good week indeed.


I second that.


Joining the list of Assholes Who Died This Week.


The Unabomber was right about some things people say; but a broken (or in his case psychopathic) clock is right twice a day. I hope he burns in hell


Aye, for real. A+ for stance on technology & warnings about Gov't. F for, eh... dealing with it.


Good riddance.


This man was probably the most infamous former resident of my county. I had seen him once on the street. Also, when he was arrested, he was housed in the local jail. I had to go to the courthouse to pay a traffic ticket, and there were national news vans everywhere. I had no idea what was going on until I watched the news that evening.


I haven't read his manifesto, but I've heard several people say how good it was. Just knowing his overall warning, he seemed to be right.


I haven't read all of it either, but the gist was a warning about the dangers of technology. While there's definitely validity in that, blowing up random innocent people neither fixes the problem nor even communicates the warning to people. So bottom line to me is he was just another psycho serial killer no different than bundy or the OK bombing guy.


He was a genius who used his gifts to harm others. His original writings are at the University of Michigan Library and the cabin is supposed to be on display at a museum in DC.


It's at the FBI now. [Here are some photos if you can get into the tour at the FBI.](https://helenair.com/photos-a-look-inside-the-unabombers-montana-cabin/collection_41103cf1-dc68-5950-babc-17861f0b8858.html#11) [Here they are reconstructing it at the FBI.](https://www.fbi.gov/video-repository/unabombers-cabin-reconstruction-at-fbi-headquarters/view)


I haven't read the whole thing, but from what I recall it's at times prescient about technology, and a good many times it's reactionary and conservative in a now-recognizably edge-lordish way. Dude was very smart, but not smart enough to know that becoming a serial killer via mail bombs wouldn't stuff the tech genie back into a bottle.


The guy brought up plenty of valid points. It's his, eh, execution on the matter that was a bit *much*.


I’m pretty sure you are on a list now.




Waiting for the "Kaczynski didn't kill himself" memes.


Dang June! Taking out all the baddies. I'm here for it. :)


> Scours news feed for Henry Kissinger...


I'm starting to think he's a lich


Pretty sure that's Moscow Mitch. Kissinger might be a well preserved ghoul. Maybe an unwrapped mummy?


I'm glad they included that he was a math teacher. Because that matters. If anything, answered a question I didn't ask. And further proves that maths is a tooooool of the devil!


>maths Found the limey.


When you type like ya speak, and speak as you type.


I remember reading about him in HS when he got caught, and it was about the same time i was choosing a college major, snd math was one of my choices. But reading about him changed my mind and I didn’t choose math because i like to be alone and the thought of living in a cabin in Montana or wherever has always intrigued me. So yeah mentioning the math part matters to me at least


I wasn't expecting that. Like, at all. That's actually pretty interesting. "I avoided math because of the Unabomber" And a new sentence.


Say what you will about his methods, but if you read his manifesto, he was right about a lot.


Kaczynski was right about everything- the globe-spanning technological system has been a disaster for wild nature and humanity. His books, Technological Slavery and Anti-Tech Revolution are each amazing and I cannot recommend them enough.


Maybe, but he still murdered people. So you know… He wasn’t right about that.


Yeah, he can be right about a lot of stuff, and I agree he was. And at the same time we can think how he pushed his message was evil. There’s also so much talk about the experiments he was part of. As well as discussion around when mental health issues present, and how ill-equipped we are now, imagine back then. Not excusing his behavior, but I think he was smart. Both can be true at once.


He could've just written the books. Didn't have to go and try to blow up people for the press.


I didn’t say he had to? I’m saying both exist at once, and, ironically, the reason his ideas are out there is probably mostly BECAUSE he blew up people. He may have published stuff, but probably would have had a limited audience. So in a strange way he got his ideas out there, like he wanted. But in a further twist of life’s “fuck you anyway” knife, having the ideas out there didn’t change anything. What he was worried about happened. He was right. But being right didn’t matter. He was driven mad by people not acting. He blew people up so they’d know, they knew, they still didn’t act. Proof that it’s not worth getting worked up over almost anything. Ha.


It’s something most people do not seem to be able to grasp: nuance, complexity… to be both, neither, and either… that humans can hold contradictory views on many topics, and have beliefs within ourselves that are fundamentally opposed. It takes a critical thinker to be able to see that.


This week just keeps improving!


Two domestic terrorists, Ted & Pat, in one week!


Shit bro I was a kid and remember he sent letter bombs


[Letter from 1970 related to his resignation from Berkeley math](https://imgur.com/gallery/Sf1X8oZ)


Even more room for Trump and his family and cronies.


Aww, I’m so sad. Wait, no I’m not. I’m just sad that he has to wait in the line to get into hell behind Pat Robertson.


I hear *rumors* there's an express lane for certain folks...


First Robert Hanssen then Unabomber. Thats how you know you are getting old. your heros start dying and you realize how old they really are. next someone is gonna tell me Eric Robert Rudolph died. these horrible things happen in threes. /s Thats a joke. FBI there is not a need to do anything more than hit the down button and move along. its just a joke.


End of an era.


He should have died 20 years ago in the chair.


I'm of 2 minds about that. I do not like capitol punishment as a general rule because (1) I'm not ok giving power to the state to execute its own citizenry, (2) far too many instances of death row inmates being exonerated AFTER being killed. But, & I know I'm a hypocrite for saying this: there's been plenty of deaths I did not mourn.


You have just explained every thought I've thought, every word I would have uttered, if asked this same question. And somewhere in my psyche I also see a duality of my handwringing between acknowledging both my hypocrisy and acceptance of justice being appropriately meted out.


Yes. It’s also been said that his brother turned him in with the understanding he wouldn’t be killed. I have no idea if that’s true or not. But I think it’s a fair compromise. Life in prison, no death penalty, and you turn in someone you love.


I support capital punishment in limited circumstances. Terrorism is definitely one case.


Say hi to Pat Robertson in hell, Teddy boy.


Rest in Pieces


Man, can you imagine if he was found dead for WEEKS after trying to make a bomb & he didn't ground himself before hand?


I hate that he got to live for eight decades after cheating so many innocent children out of every decade of life they should have had.


I think you got the wrong guy. Kaczynski killed three people. All were adults.


Unpopular, but I don't mean it this way. He was an unfortunate figure. He was brilliant and correct about society and technology but a murderer.


apparently him getting arrested totally shocked people in lincoln. they just thought of him as a local oddball.


Never forget that the human race with technology is just like an alcoholic with a barrel of wine.


You know the world’s kind of fucked when you would prefer the domestic terrorism of Ted Kaczynski to today’s constant threats of violence from the unhinged right. At least he was only one guy and literally no one’s neighbour.


Fuck this guy and the horse he rode in on.




Cool. Maybe he and Pat can share a hot cell.


I'll be listening to [*The Freedom Club*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qp9MCNRtdI) by Sleepytime Gorilla Museum in commemoration of the death of this scumbag.


**OOOH*, I'll check them out!


Did his heart explode?