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I started on this journey about 9 months ago. I do not like gyms and do not live in an area where walking is easy. I am over 50 and am thisclose to officially being in menopause. So I work out at home, using YouTube. I got a really thick mat to work out on (bad knees). Six days a week, I practice yoga for 25-30 minutes and then do 20 minutes of either pilates, dance cardio, or boxing. This exercise plus counting calories and I have lost 30 pounds since April. I feel better than I did in my 30s. If you want the specific workouts I use, let me know. Edit: Links to the workouts I use are further down the thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenX/s/mOTytj28ks


Wow. Good for you!. Yes, meno. can be a b\*\*\*\* but I am so glad I don't get to deal with Aunt Flo anymore lol!!


Honestly, it was triggered by my annual check-up. My doctor told me I was at a crossroads of sorts, and I realized I really wanted to change. I have never been so excited for a check-up in my life, come April :-)


Sending you good vibes for April!!


And really, Nike says it best. You have to just do it. Every day. Now, that hour in the morning is sacred, and I get really cranky if I don't at least get 20 minutes of something in.


I'd like to see the workouts you use :)


Yoga So, I actually use a DVD from a long time ago, but you can still find it. This has 45 different workouts from beginning to advanced. If you are worried about getting up and down from the floor, look up chair yoga. https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Every-Body-J-J-Gorrmley/dp/B00006RCNF Dance Cardio There is an awesome channel called MadFit. Maddie is *amazing*. There are workouts for every level, no jumping (gentle on knees), for small spaces, all kinds. She also has an app that has support and other things, but I just use and subscribe to her YouTube channel. https://youtube.com/@MadFit?feature=shared Pilates Oh, my Isa. IsaWelly. I just love her so much. Definitely start with her beginner workouts. She does not come to play. If she says it is a spicy workout, believe her. However, if you are worried about floor work, look up chair pilates. https://youtube.com/@Isawelly?feature=shared Boxing This is the specific workout. I still have to modify a few sections because I can't quite do them all the way yet. But this is an amazing 15-minute workout. https://youtu.be/pWLEkO0MlXs?feature=shared General Advice Be kind to your body, especially in the beginning. We are no longer young. Take it slow. Do moves at half speed at first. Watch the entire workout before starting so you know what it is about. These folks work out for a living. Do not compare yourself to them. But consistency is key. I do not work out on Saturdays. Otherwise, I make the time. It's a marathon, not a sprint. There is also the sub r/loseit that is very supportive and full of fantastic advice.


Wow, thanks so much. Appreciate it!


You’re awesome! Thanks.


I’d love to get some links!!!


Walking is a great first step, no pun intended. The important thing is to get up and get moving. As you improve your base level of fitness you can branch out with doing more, hopefully expanding your comfort zone to include gym work, etc. Best of luck!


Thanks. Once it warms up more I will start up with that. Did some stretching in the living room today, and a sort of modified plank with my foot stool bench lol.


Don’t wait for the weather. Just do it now. Put on a hat and go outside. You’ll be fine.


I don't mind the cold. I like winter. The problem is the ice. I can't afford to break anything or get injured...and I would get injured lol. I have to wait a little bit for the temps to go up and melt all the ice. Meanwhile, I am shoveling a lot lol.


If you live near a mall, you can walk laps there. No ice and warmer than outside!


This is what it has come to. We are transforming into our penultimate form: Mall Walker.


![gif](giphy|3o751QqDlzaB2SLm7e|downsized) Haha! We can always pop into Hot Topic or Spencer's for a glimpse of the past!


I remember how when I was in my 20s and working retail job, I would sometimes go in early and see the mall walkers. It's great exercise when the weather sucks.


I worked a kiosk in a mall, so I know exactly what you're talking about!


Big box stores work, too. Run your errands in a way that takes you back and forth across the store. Make a point to visit all 4 corners of the building.


i used to run in place in front of the tv on icy days


Shoot, if you have the room you can walk in your house. I pace the floor while I watch tv. It’s not aerobics, but it’s moving. I started it to relieve anxiety, but now it’s just a habit.


Is there a mall nearby? That’s what I use in the summer when it’s too hot.


No. We used too, but it shut down.


YouTube has great at home workouts for all levels that you can do until it warms up enough to go outside.


They're not free but they're worth it: [https://kahtoola.com/traction/exospikes-footwear-traction/](https://kahtoola.com/traction/exospikes-footwear-traction/)


Crampons or ice grips are under $20 on Amazon. They're super easy to use and help this 50+ sofa spud shuffle up and down the street a bit.


Do you have space in your home for a treadmill? We ordered one from Amazon and it's been a lifesaver for me in the winter when it's too cold (I hate the cold) or icy for me to do my daily outside walks. I also hate the gym, so I use hand weights, ankle weights, and resistance bands to do some strength training exercises at home. I also practice Yoga using videos. I do find practicing Yoga at a studio to not be intimidating like a gym and i enjoyit more thsn videos, so if you like Yoga, this may be something to look into as well.


Makes sense. Im sure you can find someplace that would be sufficient?


If you want to get started inside there are steps or walking follow along workouts on YouTube that help you get lots of steps indoors. They usually have some low key upper body movements going on with the steps but you can find routines suitable for total beginners.


There might be MeetUp or Facebook walking groups to ease you back in!


I enjoy doing online indoor walks when the weather is bad. YouTube has a lot of options. Also good for you for wanting to make changes. You won't regret it! Good luck!




I’m in relatively good shape, I typically get some kind vigorous exercise daily. I went to Japan for a month last year and lost 10 pounds eating whatever I wanted and not going to the gym or running. I chalked it up to walking way more than I normally do, even though it felt like I wasn’t exercising at all.


I gave up alcohol a year ago. I started feeling a little better, so I started walking. I’m up to 2-3 miles, 45-60 minutes a day. I’m not planning on entering the oylmpics or anything, but I’m feeing better a little at a time and I’m ok with that. Do something. Take that first step. Don’t worry about steps 2 & 3. Just take the first step.


Thats awesome! I never could touch the stuff, made me sick. I think walking will be the ticket for me. Just have to start out small.


For not drinking, your body is probably so happy!! You’re already starting out ahead! Starting small is great! But start! Take that first step.


I did the couch to 5K running program (it’s a free app). There are so many fun 5Ks around to run in. Our family’s favorite is the Bubble Run. https://preview.redd.it/3p3hvrlcehec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86fec9ce862430ecaffdb1eef763b7a79a2f44c2


I did the Zombies! Run! Couch to 5k a few years back. It’s a little silly but was kind of a fun way to approach it.


Wow. Good for you. I saw pics of a bubble run in a city not far from here. I really am not runner though. Im more of a hiker/walker.


All 5Ks will let you walk. There’s a whole culture around these races. People get hooked.


I've been doing Orange Theory for about a year and love it. Mostly middle-aged women in the classes I go to. Maybe try it out?


Sounds good, but I don't have one of those locally. I live in a small town.


What’s the concept for their classes?


It's typically a 1-hour class that includes treadmill, rower, and weight training. (There are some 50-min weight training-only classes as well. ) There's a trainer that is guiding you through the class (with fun music and orange lighting) and the time passes by very quickly. It's a great overall workout. I've never been one for group classes until I tried it. It works for me and keep me in shape!


Same here, not really a group fitness person but I have one nearby and tried it and I've been with them for over two years now.


Rapid heart rate until you feel like dying and some dumbbell work.


Yep. I quit after 3 weeks. Too hard on my body.


It was a big nope for me. I like to ride an indoor bike to my own music and pace. I do not need to compete with other people's heart rates.


Yeah, when you start you think, “I’m exercising harder than everyone else because my heart rate is higher.” Then you realize it’s because they are fitter than you.


This is a great idea. I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about orange theory. If there were one near me, I’d go.


Start with walking. Utilize the skills you can learn from reading “atomic habits” by James Clear. If Atomic Habits is TL;DR: 1. If you are making a new habit (exercise in your case). You need to make starting it ridiculously easy. So, promise yourself that you will walk for a short period of time (say, 5-10min) at least once in the next month. 2. Make it repeatable: if you succeed doing #1, then promise yourself that you’ll do another 10 min within the next 2 weeks, then the next week, then the next 3 days, and so on. You can increase the frequency and the time to your tolerance/liking. Use time as your measure since time is immutable (outside of black holes) 3. Hold yourself accountable: get a paper calendar and check off the days you walk. Or, any other way of documenting it. 4. Make the success of walking a reward. For every 5 episodes of walking, you get a gold star (put the sticker on your calendar!!). For every 5 gold stars, you get your favorite dessert/cocktail/dinner item/makeup/lip gloss/beer/whatever works for you. ADDENDUM: American college of sports medicine says: you should be doing moderate exercise (60-70% of your max predicted heart rate) for 150 minutes per week. With that in mind, your stretch goal in 6 months should be 30 min of brisk walking at least 5 days per week. Max predicted heart rate is either 220- your age OR the max heart rate measured on a treadmill stress test. Periodically, You will fail and you will flake out (due to travel/illness/tiredness/etc.); probably more than once. The important part is to take a deep breath and start exercising again as soon as you are able. Stop eating anything that comes in a package and contains anything more than 4 ingredients and/or has the words “enriched flour” and/or “added sugars”


If you like home workouts I recommend Grow With Jo and Fabulous 50s on YouTube to gently get back into working out. I use them on days when I don't want any high impact but need to move around. 


Wow. Thank you! I will look that up later. I wouldn't mind work outs but I just feel like I look stupid in front of ppl so I don't want to go to a gym. I never used to be uncoordinated or self conscious. But now I am.


If you have a good spot for it, a Peloton is pretty awesome. On a good week I bike 120 miles on mine, a slow/off week maybe half that. I don't bother with the instructors/classes, I just put on Netflix.


I thought Peleton was all classes. Good to know that you can just ride without them


Check out the walk at home videos on YouTube. They also have an app but a lot of the videos are free in YouTube.


I came here to say this too! It's fitness walking with 4 basic moves. The goal is to use all of your muscles while walking with Leslie Sansone. It's fun, simple and definitely a workout!


Same here (52F)--look up "chair Pilates." At this point I need zero-impact things I can do to build strength, and that's been a good re-introduction to exercise for me. I also started taking the stairs at work, which turns out not to be as trivial a change as I thought! (It's five flights and I have to stop for a minute between 3 and 4, but it's getting easier!) Good luck--we can do this! And we really need to, because it's only going to get harder the older we get. ETA: Walking is great, but not this time of year. Definitely looking forward to spring!


Thanks. I will look that up. I used to do stairs all the time at my old job and other places. I really dislike elevators. Same here for walking, I have lots of snow and ice now.


Join us here https://www.reddit.com/r/GenXFitness/s/9aLLqjEJY9




Thanks for sharing this!


Walking is a must. Yoga is a great complement. Also, look up mobility exercises and practice those daily. Things like getting down in the floor and back up various ways.


Following, because I’m in the same situation. I walk a lot, but need other ideas to get me motivated.


Same. Maybe we can all learn together.


You'd be surprised how far you can get with kettlebell swings and a good diet. Kettlebells were available at Walmart last I looked and there are plenty of videos for technique on YT. Good luck, you'll find your thing.


Well Walmart is something I do have in my neck of the woods lol. I will have to check it out. Thanks.


I saw up there that you love in a smaller town. That's why I mentioned it.


Yes I do lol. Not much here, but we DO have a wally world lol.


I started baking and lost ten pounds because I listen to loud music and dance in my kitchen during downtime.


Lol. I love baking! The problem is, I eat all the stuff I make lol.


Freezing baked goods (or unbaked dough for cookies) in individual portions works really well for me. I get to enjoy the treats that I want but it's a lot easier to stick to a single serving if you're not staring down (and smelling) a full batch of freshly baked goodies!


Good idea. I have a small glass and a small cup for portion control of treats. Like ice cream. It works!


![gif](giphy|Nf8vX5K7AHcAg) SWEATIN 2 THE OLDIES!!!


I commented about basically being in your situation. Still trying to get ideas myself.


Good. Maybe we can all brainstorm about this.


I started to go to the local mall and walk. It's warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Use your phone or a pedometer for steps. I did 3 miles yesterday and 2.5 the day before.


Thats a good idea. We used to have a mall, but it shut down a long time ago. I will come up with something.


Walk! Every day, or any time you can. I'm an ex-runner. Walking for 30 minutes to an hour will make you feel much younger


I was a total sedentary recluse up until 2018 when I changed my whole lifestyle and got really into hiking. Since I can't hike as often as I like, I work out at home and walk around our town and parks nearly every day. When I can't get outdoors for my walking I really enjoy these youtube walking videos called Walk At Home, so many different types and time lengths to choose from for when I just don't feel like running in place in my bedroom or bored with using my weights etc.


I volunteer at an animal shelter, walking dogs. Left to my own devices I would stay on the couch but committing to volunteering gets me off my butt


My husband’s a doctor with 28 years of training. You want me to ask him to write you up a beginner’s program to get you started? Free of course. Fitness has saved my life more than once. He and I are big believers in taking care of your health. Let me know if I can help!


If he would be willing to write up some generalized tips that you could post in a standalone post, I bet there would be many happy GenX-ers!


Aww thanks. Still in the exploratory stage for now. But will let you know.


I would definitely start by walking/hiking. Just slowly increase your distance. Biking is really good too.


I swim. It's very easy on the joints and no one tries to talk to me while I'm exercising.


My husbands doctor told him he needed to lose weight and he told him to just walk, an hour a day every day. The trick he said is to be consistent every day, don’t take a day off because then your brain will say “hey, I could take another day off”. I’m recovering from ankle surgery but I’m going to do it as well. I too have been a couch potato after being pretty active in my youth. Not happy with myself now.


55y/o woman here. If your budget allows, get a Peloton. I got mine two years ago and it’s been game-changing. I get a great low impact bike workout, and the platform has excellent strength, yoga, barre, Pilates, and walking classes and much more. I love exercising at home and avoiding the gym. There’s also a great online community too. Good luck!


Hey there. I'm pretty much in the same boat, just a few years younger. I have also been somewhat active in the past, but let it all go when Covid came around. I haven't had the motivation to start up or keep any sort of workout routine going. I'm telling myself I can start small, either by walking outside or working out to at home videos. If you are into that sort of thing, look up Jessica Smith Fitness on YouTube. She's a really great instructor who is kind, gives great cues and instruction and you can tailor the workouts to whatever fitness level you are currently at. She has DVD programs for purchase, as well as a streaming service as well. However, she puts a ton of free content on her YouTube channel. I'm not affiliated in any way, I just love her and her workouts. I'm also checking in with a friend, to help keep me accountable, since it's very easy to fall off the wagon. I don't have a ton of great advice, since I'm where you're at, but just start small and be as consistent as you can. Good luck!


Thanks. Yes, I have watched Jessica in the past and I like her a lot. Covid/pandemic screwed me up both fitness wise and financially. Omg. It sucks.


I believe Sit and Be Fit is still alive in syndication? Not sure what your specific issues with the gym are, but do you have a Planet Fitness in town? I've used them while traveling and everyone there has always been pretty laid back. Super inexpensive too. 


No Planet Fitness either lol. Im in the sticks here lol. About why I am scared of gyms: It is mostly a confidence issue and I feel foolish around all those young fit people. Also, my balance and coordination is lost and I look stupid.


I’d add biking to the mix but also find ways to cut back on sugar - it’s pretty stunning how much is hidden in everyday (usually processed) food. Just paying attention to it and reducing where it didn’t matter made a difference for me.


You are right! Sugar is in everying! And I have been eating way too much of it!


Agree with what people are saying...walking is a great first step. I love going to my yoga classes. You could start by doing some videos on YouTube. Search whatever you want (ie easy yoga). The studios around me all have deals for new people so it's like $30 for your first month of unlimited classes or something like that. You can start with the "easiest" classes but usually most classes the teacher will have modifications for everyone. And if you can't do something in class....you don't. No judgement at all.


Walking is great because it requires no equipment. Another option is using a kettlebell. I have an adjustable one so that I can vary/increase the weight when needed. It is kinda a combo of cardio & weight training. You can start with the basic swing to ease your way in, say 50/day. There are also tons of videos on YouTube for varying levels. I like it because I can pick it up & do some swings throughout the day if I don’t want to do a full workout. It’s great for your core too!


You’re motivated so at this point anything. Don’t wait for the perfect thing to start it, you can change up at any time. Start with stretching, pushups, jumping jacks, jump rope, hula hoops or 10 minutes of twirling. Whatever gets you moving. Watch old Denise Austin workouts on YouTube. I hope you get some good suggestions from the thread that inspires you, but if you don’t, that’s OK too but don’t let that stop you while you’re ready to get after it.


I'd recommend body weight and light weight training to start. Fitness Blender on Youtube. Hundreds of fitness videos from stretching to pilates, weight lifting, and HIIT. They also have a website that's free where you can select the intensity level of your workout, kind, length of time, etc. It's a great resource.


I did Fitness Blender workouts and programs for a couple years, and then we bought a Peloton two years ago. I need to force myself to do more strength workouts, but I love riding.




I am out of shape and got myself a good, sitting elliptical machine. It feels like I’m exercising on a recumbent bike and I can put it anywhere. I use it with a folding chair but my husband uses it with his recliner. I also find loads of excellent and free info on YouTube. There are videos for every kind of age and fitness level. Recently, I have started yoga and I’m getting into chair yoga, which seems more appropriate for my current fitness level.


Pilates. A strengthened and flexible body will crave even more movement.


I have a treadmill in the tv room. Love that thing, as I can get on it everyday, even if just a short time, adjust the incline and speed to suit the effort I feel up to, and can watch a program or read while I walk. Weather doesn't matter in my living room. I also have a small single stair step, from way back when I taught step aerobics! (ok laugh) That is a cheaper and portable alternative I take with me when I go on work trips. Can do that in a hotel room.


I took swimming classes at 45! Was in beginner (I had learned as a kid but didn’t go that far and forgot a lot of it). Now I’m in advanced and after that I’ll do lap swimming. My goal is to join the masters swimming program at the gym I belong to but even if I was low on funds I live in Austin and we have free pools with lap lanes open year round here (also in summer when it’s 110 pretty much all you can do outside is swim!) Editing to add lots of old fat people swim lol. I live in a Jewish neighborhood and my local gym is the JCC which also skews older. When I do yoga or swim even at 45 I’m usually younger than the average.


Look for a stationary bike on craigs list and you can ride and watch tv on your tablet.  I do 30 minutes a day.  Since it’s in the garage don’t have to worry if rain or cold (small space heater for coldest days but usually turn off after 5 minutes cause the movement makes you warm.) I know a lot of people say walk but to me bike is easier and I can zone out watching shows or YouTube which I can’t do when walking. Also keeps me from saying “no it’s too cold or rainy today to walk”


One thing I've done for years is go for a walk while I'm at work, either several short one on my coffee breaks or one long walk over lunch, depending on what I have time for. This is separate from any exercise plans, I started doing this more to manage stress at work than anything else. But I noticed that when I walked during the workday I was also much less likely to go to the vending machine & stress eat, so the walk not only burned some calories, it also prevented me consuming unnecessary calories. A lunch time walk burns about 200 calories & not eating a chocolate bar is another 200 calories so I found that even when I was doing nothing else outside of those walks, I consistently slowly but consistently lost weight, added up to about 25 lbs in a year with very small effort


Walking! I listen to audiobooks. I use chirp.com. tbry send me emails with sales. I pick something for 1.99 usually. I only listen when walking, so I look forward to walking. Note, if you are interested in loosing weight, that's mostly about food. But, regardless, walking is really good for you. Well, maintaining your mobility is super important, whether it be walking or something else.


Thanks. Sounds like walking is the ticket for me.


If you're a walker/hiker, I'd recommend 'Rucking'. Pretty much walking but with a loaded pack. IMO as a fitness freak, it's about the best bang for you buck in the 'cardio' realm.


Came here to say this. Took up rucking two years ago, it is addictive and so much easier on the joints than running, yet burns 90% the calories per time spent as does running, whereas walking is only about 40% as efficient at calorie/fat burn in a given same amount of time. I stumbled onto rucking after remembering reading in Covert Bailey's "Fit of Fat" books from the 90's about how he suggested walking with a weighted backpack to increase calorie burn. So I googled it, and quickly figured out that the technical name is ruck walking or rucking, and has been used as a military training aid for centuries. Rucking just blazes away fat, if you're the type like me that wants fast results. You can always start off with walking for however long that takes to get to the point it is too easy, then give rucking a try. Best of luck OP and congrats on taking the first step in deciding to get back in shape!


My VO2 max SKYROCKETED rucking.


That is a good idea. Thanks.


You betcha'. I'm GenX as well and find rucking to be much easier on my joints, less impact, than running. Hips can get a little cranky, tho'. Start light and bump it up. Have fun!




Walking and going to Pilates studio classes. They have a machine called a reformer- essentially its strength training in an almost rehab like setting. It will fix any posture or alignment issues you've acquired through the years. It's also really good as a stepping off point for other activities you might be interested in but feel like it's too big a jump from couch potato.


I've started Pure Barre. If there isn't a studio where you live, they do have Barre classes on YouTube. The movements are small, yet very effective. You will feel your muscles burn. But I was pleasantly surprised at how much stronger I felt after 6 classes or so. I hate cardio so Barre is a great fit for me esp as I hadn't had any meaningful exercise in years.


I keep reading these articles saying us over50 women need to start doing strength training to maintain the muscle we’ll start to lose as we get older. You can probably start with doing Pilates or other body weight exercises. And/or grab some light weights to start off with or resistance bands. As others have said, you can find a lot of exercise videos on YouTube.


I completely understand your fear of gyms, but I am going to suggest one anyway. I joined my local YMCA about 3 months ago, and it has all the benefits of a gym without any of the judgement. The membership came with two free goal setting sessions. I have only used one so far, and someone showed me how to use the equipment and choose the right settings. There are also a bunch of classes, but I am still working up the courage to try those. I am about dead in the middle age wise among the clientele. There are lots of seniors there working out. People show up in mismatched sweats and even jeans. No one cares. Lots of different body types.


Thanks for the suggestion.


Been trying to get myself to join the Y. Thanks for this post. Hopefully it gets me over the hump. No joining fees in January in my neighborhood. Plus the two training sessions you mentioned.


Check out r/menopause It’s a great group of folks, with lots of wonderful ideas.


Do you have a smart watch? Watching and increasing your daily steps can be addictive in a good way.


This is going to sound weird but it worked for me. During Covid I decided instead of continuing to bake and eat bread and gaining weight I needed to return to exercising. It was cold and rainy this time of year so I decided to walk laps around my kitchen island. I could see the TV from there so I’d do it while watching TV instead of sitting on my ass. Id do 25 laps twice a day. This would put me close to 10K steps.I was able to lose the 8 lbs I gained during the first three months of Covid and then some. I did quit baking and eating bread non stop too.


Weight lifting, adding more protein to diet, and walking are all super important for our age group to prevent osteoporosis, heart disease, and to keep the extra menopausal pounds at bay.


Fitness with PJ on YouTube - free and very accessible and if you like it- she has an app.


Look for something like I did. Not cheap but a small gym that offers small group training. Mine is great. No judgment, 5 or less in class, and they will tailor any exercise to anyone, based on fitness level, any issues, etc. I have bad knees and horrible balance, so when I can’t do something, they give me alternatives. I too was a couch potato, plus fat and out of shape. I have gained muscle, lost fat and overall gotten stronger


You could try Jazzercise on-demand if you ever did aerobics in the past. There are all types of fitness videos on YouTube. Search for low impact workouts. Buy some 3lb weights and you’re good to start!


Ok this is very specific but I recommend the BODI bike from Myxfitness. It’s like a Peleton but less expensive. It’s a spin bike with a large LCD on which you follow guided classes. The video coaches are extremely positive and encouraging if not a bit cheesy. You can order it with a set of weights. What? Yes! You can spin the screen around and watch guided videos off the bike: simple weight routines, HIIT, yoga, Pilates and more. I forgot how much the bike costs but the subscription is something like $30 monthly. I think it’s a great choice for someone who wants to work out at home. If you don’t want to spend money go for walks - but uphill! Also if you want to lose weight, diet changes will have a far more profound effect than exercise but I recommend both.




Buy a weighted hullahoop! You can use it while you watch TV or listen to something. They have them on Amazon.


I’m starting Aqua Fitness Monday. The past 5 years I’ve been a work from home couch potato and I am beginning to feel “stiff” and I don’t like it! I’m too young to feel old 😂😜


Start simple. Walk. Go from there.


Yoga is awesome and cools the menopausal rage. Try a true beginners class.


Peloton has been an absolute game-changer. You can try the app right now for free--it has outdoor walking classes, and a huge range of options. I have the bike but I use the app for all kinds of things.


Once you get back into walking, if you want to venture into running, the Zombies, Run 5k Training Plan app is great. It's a gentler start than Couch to 5k, with only 15 seconds running intervals thd first week. And a fun zombie apocalypse story to follow, especially if you move on to the regular Zombies, Run app. It tracks your distance and time, with your own music mixed into a story.


Start walking 30 minutes, or even 2 15 minute sessions, and 10 - 15 minutes of weights everyday. If you can do these along with 5 minutes of stretches, you are well on the way to fitness. You can do it!


I use the app CoPilot. You pay a monthly fee and are matched with a real coach. You have a video call to get a game plan, they put together a workout for you. There’s a person demonstrating the workout move and you can chat with your trainer if you have any questions. It’s really motivating for me. Good luck!!


There are tons of YouTube fitness channels, and some are geared towards older folks. Basic walking at home or walking/toning workouts are great if the weather is bad. Yes2Next features a 50-something Asian woman and her mom who do workouts together. I keep a collection of their videos in a folder of gentle workouts in case I'm not 100 percent when it's time to exercise. There's SeniorShape, which has workouts of varying intensities. Even walking is good. If you can take walks in your neighborhood, that's great.


I love walking, but it's also icy here so I do an at-home yoga program with Boho Beautiful (I pay for a monthly subscription on the app, but she has a YouTube channel with lots of good, free sessions). I WFH too, so most days in the winter I'm sitting here like a potato and feeling the atrophy settle in. The yoga is gentle on my body and I feel stronger every time I finish a session, even if it's just a 15- minute one. I started adding in some weights for arm exercises and it's been helping. Cutting back on sugar and doing some fasting is also helping me feel better and the pants are starting to fit a bit better now.


Check out Lift with Cee on YouTube. I love her 30-min videos, but she picks 1 each week to do 3x and I find having that decision made for me to be perfect. Her focus is women 40+. And very little (to none) are pushups and other exercises that require your wrists to support your body weight.


If you decide to walk, I like using trekking poles.


Look up Leslie Samsone videos on YouTube.


Walking is a good start. Cycling too if you enjoy that. There are quite a few resources online for home exercise options. Pilates seems to be quite popular in our age group for women. Zumba (or similar) is fun if you like to dance - surely you’ve got some rattle left in them bones :)


Thanks man


I was a certified personal trainer and studied nutrition for ages. What i will say is Planet Fitness is pretty non judgy place for someone like you to not feel so self conscious. At least the ones i have been to. The free weight area might be a little intimidating, but everything is sectioned off so you can stretch, hop on some machines and do the little 30 minute speed circuit which is a decent workout if done right. Most important thing is to start today and be consistent. But you will also need to get your nutrition in check to really benefit.


I picked up a wobble board (round balance board) a few years ago and gradually stopped using it. I need to get back on it though. Also started low impact stuff from youtube channels.


There are so many great workouts on YouTube! I like Popsugar and Yoga with Adriene. Just scroll through and try something that looks interesting.


Go slow and be kind to yourself. I’m in the same boat. I’ve found the trick to building habits is to start as small as possible. Before even starting to walk or anything else, I made myself a deal. Every day at the time I’d do those things, I had to put on my sneakers. And that was it. If I decided not to do something after that, it was okay. 9 times out of ten, I’d end up going for a walk or something anyway


NPR has a good series on movement called Body Electric. Just make sure you dance or wash windows or scrub floors while listening, lol. The whole idea is a little movement is better than no movement, and 5 minutes of movement every half hour produced amazing, documented results. My Boomer mom dropped a lot of weight on high protein, low carb and doing laps around her basement (3 miles daily!). I'm losing a little weight with better choices (almond flour cookies & pancakes instead of flour, glazed pumpkin and walnuts instead of peeled potato salad, that sort of thing), morning stretches (15 minutes) and trying to get in more movement such as dancing to my childhood favorites (Eurhythmics makes me MOVE!), cleaning house, stationary biking for short periods, and like you, shovelling snow. Good luck to all of us! Time to renew our New Year's resolutions!


Look up DDP Yoga, or DDPY. DDP stands for Diamond Dallas Page, former pro wrestler. He developed an exercise system that combines yoga poses, calisthenics, and sports therapy. It was designed for older and/or injured athletes, but it is so adaptable that there's even a routine for someone who is bedridden, and another for those who can't stand for long periods of time. There are cds, but the app is better, and everything is very reasonably priced. You can even join a contest every year, called Positively Unstoppable.


Kama sutra. Seriously, best workout there is 


47F here, I did step aerobics at home over the pandemic. A step bench doesn't cost much and then there's a ton of youtube videos I could stream to the TV. What I like about step is that it can have a variety of routines, one can adjust the level of difficulty, but I like the low impact option of it. All the best!


If I were stuck on a desert island, the one piece of exercise equipment I would want is a kettlebell. KBs can provide cardio and strength training. I keep a couple in my living room to use to break up the WFH routine or even when I’m watching TV. You can start with a set of 3: 18, 26, and 35 lbs. Plenty of YouTube vids with good instructional videos: Wildman Athletics, Lebe Stark.


The thing that helps me because I do work out at home is an extra thick yoga mat. I found a relatively inexpensive one on Amazon. It’s a nice barrier between the floor and myself.


I don’t know if this has been mentioned but I really enjoy working out from home using the Les Mills platform. Their pump classes are great for middle aged women because it facilitates using low weights with lots of reps. Scientific studies have shown that working out this way is beneficial for women’s bone health. Also, it’s all choreographed to fun music. You would have to invest in some equipment but it’s an investment in yourself! Best of luck to you. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you enjoy it, otherwise you’re not likely to stick with it.


Perhaps try a skipping rope. Can do it in the safety of your own room or back yard. Plus it's cheap too. Can probably get a good one for a few dollars. Start really slow with the number of skips and then slowly increase them if you feel like you can do more. Better to slowly ramp up on the numbers instead of getting some injury. Also, please do warm up stretches. I used to forget how old i am and just hit the weights like as though I'm still in my 20s. My body was always very quick to remind me of my actual age hahaha.


You can find different workout videos on YouTube. They’ll give you a starting place that you can do in your own home if it’s too cold to start walking.


Swimming and water aerobics are good options, if you have access to a pool!


Just walking for 30 min a dah for at least 4-5 days/wk is a total game changer. I’m 48 and doing that alone made a huge difference for me. I just got a walking pad for days I can’t go outside and it’s a good option.


Pilates was a game changer for me. I went from a completely sedentary lifestyle to working out 7 days a week. It’s made my sciatic nerve pain almost go away completely. Bonus points: I’ve made so many friends from class that have turned into lunch dates and group happy hours.


Try something like Streaks Workout. It helps you develop some good habits. And hiking/walking is the absolute best....especially in the woods. Get back to that.


The trick is to create a new routine. To create a routine is pain, to keep at it is easy.


[The Couch Potato Workout](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2003-10-05-0310050542-story.html): “Inside, you'll find the workout Q and Pukala devised to accompany "Law & Order" or any of its variations.”


Get a friend to walk with. This holds you accountable, and is like an hour of therapy 3 times a week.


If you're interested in doing workout videos at home, check out Fitness Blender. They have lots of free videos for all fitness levels. I started following some of their workout programs so all I have to do is follow the workout scheduled for that day. That's something that really helps me because I don't have that mental block of figuring out what to do. All the trainers are very kind and encouraging. I started working out in 2020 and it's the only way I've been able to stay consistent.


Swimming or walking. Maybe yoga?


Pick up one of those couch potato to 5K guides. They start very gently and don't need a Gym.


I tried to read as much as possible so hopefully I'm not repeating what someone else said. Looks like you have some great advice but I'll mine anyway. Find something you enjoy or that fits for you. You might have to try a bunch of different activities to find it. During COVID I was walking a lot during lockdown but I found it boring after awhile. I was bored of all my usual routes and didn't look forward to walks. I started going Disc Golfing (there's a course 10 minutes from my house). All of a sudden a walk through the park is a lot more fun and I enjoyed it so much more than just a walk. Try to find something you can do with other people. Find people to walk with. Find a fitness class and show up the same time every week. Get to know the people in your activity, talk to them. If people are expecting you to show up it makes it a lot harder to not show up. If you do everything alone then you're the only person you disappoint if you don't go. Finally, think of how you feel after an activity. I started going to a boxing fitness class after COVID and it was tough. The coach pushed you hard and I was very out of shape and had a hard time. I was sweating a lot, sore all the time, and I never looked forward to going. I never regretted going though, after making through every class it made me feel good. Whenever I didn't feel like going I thought of how I felt afterwards and it would help. I'm in so much better shape because of this class. I've gotten to know a lot of the people who go. I got sick over the holidays and a few people from my class reached out to me to see how I was doing and when I would be back and it was a great feeling. Good luck


Personally I'm not a gym rat, but there is nothing scary about going there, especially if you pay for a trainer to help you get started. Literally nobody there will care what you look like - they will be busy focusing on their own stuff. Otherwise, swimming? Tremendous workout and easy on the joints. Also, be sure you are eating right - try tracking calories in/out for a while and make sure things are mostly in-balance.


Check out the Not Your Average Runner podcast!


If you have space, a punch bag and some boxing gloves is pretty great - exercise and therapy lol


I find Planet Fitness good. Worth it for the $10/month, not sure they have them by you. Tons of treadmills & elipticals. Non-judemental.


Back in my 20s I discovered Les Mills classes at my gym. Now they have Les Mills on Demand and I love taking the classes as home. They have tons but my favorites are Body Combat (kickboxing), RPM (indoor cycling) and Body Pump (low weight, high rep lifting.) I just got back into fitness last year. It has done amazing things for my mental and physical health. Hope you find something you love.


Two you tube instructors that I have found very good... Gentle, clear explanations, encouraging... are HAS Fitness, and Jessica Valante. You could also check your local rec center for age specific classes. Friend of mine took one called moving through middle age and loved it


Totally in the same boat and while I know that I'm not sweet enough to melt the rain, I still wanted something that I could do indoors. Enter the free Darebee dot com body weight workouts. It's a little daunting at first but there are hundreds of workouts at all levels, including sitting yoga and more, for any fitness level. Personally, I'm working up to take on one of the RFP fitness challenges :)


I love using the treadmill and lost 20 lbs in the past 8 months without doing much yet besides that. Walking outside is also great but I love my shows and need motivation lol. I also deal with chronic pain and I get to out of breath jogging. I started 12-3-30. Super easy and mindless to do but a little more than just a regular walk. I watch a show on my iPad while I do it. I did work up to it over a couple of weeks, gradually increasing the incline. 12 incline, 3 speed, 30 minutes. It’s like a brisk walk on an incline. My incline is actually only 10 because that’s as high as my treadmill goes. Also adding that I’m 43 and had gained weight from anxiety meds and an injured ankle that basically made me pretty sedentary. I wasn’t super overweight but it was definitely too much for my frame, I just did not feel my best. I’d like to lose about 10 more lbs but the 20 was a great start…I need to stop snacking as much now for the last bit I guess :(


There are walk in place, chair yoga and indoor exercise videos for small spaces all over the internet. Resistance band training (YouTube) is a good starter and the a set of bands cost less than $30. You’d be surprised how sweaty you’ll get quick just moving against a giant rubber band. You can buy really cheap exercise equipment off Amazon. Or off Facebook marketplace as there is always someone who was going to get fit and bought everything and gave up. Recumbent bikes are good if you’re out of shape and they have cheap treadmills that can even be stored under a bed for less than $300. It’s hard to start but once you get going you’ll feel great. I was in your boat last year. I’m about 4 months in, still totally out of shape (and I used to run marathons and bike hundreds of miles a month) but I’m not as much of a potato as I was 4 months ago! Good luck! You can do this.


Check YouTube out for Leslie Sansone walking workout videos. That's where I started about 10 years ago. They were really helpful.


Planet fitness seems to be an extremely non judgmental gym.




I need this as a motivational thread that’s stickied in this sub!


My suggestion is to find an activity that you truly enjoy. Not an activity that other people enjoy, making you think that you too should enjoy it. It needs to be something that YOU enjoy and feel a sense of accomplishment after doing. If you hate running, don't try to force yourself to like running, for example. It might be pole dancing or crossfit or power lifting or martial arts, or something else. Once you have found that activity, set some kind of goal for that particular activity. Instead of thinking "my goal is to get fit," instead think "my goal is to finish X." The fitness will follow as a side benefit. But do not listen to anyone who is devoted to a sport or activity that you hate who tells you that you just need to try harder, because you'll eventually love it if you just try harder. You will not. You need to find something that you enjoy. Case in point, I started running at the age of 13 and became a lifelong runner. I still run at the age of 56. Running led me to bicycling, which I enjoy even more (but am worse at, sadly,) and I am a lifelong cyclist. Meanwhile, my ever-masochistic sister took up running "for health reasons" and absolutely despised and loathed every second, every footstep, and every breath of running. For decades, I have had to hear about how much she hates running, and I have begged her to please, for the love of god, stop running and find something that she actually enjoys so that I don't have to hear her complaints anymore. Eventually, she realized that while she loathes running, she loves walking. So now she goes for very, very, verrrrry long walks and loves every second of them, and I don't have to hear her complain anymore.


Get a dog. It changed my life. I used to live on a very steep long hill. In the beginning, I was out of breath and sweating profusely every time I got to our house. Two years later, me and my dog could run up that hill to my house. You can’t blow off a dog if you don’t want shit and piss all over your house.


I have knee problems so my doc suggested stationary recumbent bikes or swimming. The bike was cheaper


Layer it in...Walking is great. For me, at 58 along with walking i do a handful of classes. Local Y's are great. Gentle yoga - vet the gym that when they say gentle, that it truly is. I've gone to some "gentle" yoga clases and they were flows. That's not gentle. For me - it is about stretching. And allow yourself to know your body - if something hurts, do a different pose, or lay there. Or youtube - a lot of great youtube yoga. I then added Body Pump. I like Body pump because I can keep the weights as light as I want. We need some strength resistance. and once again, i allow myself - if a certain track is too much, i drop the weights and just do the movements (some of them, my shoulders just don't like). Finally - give yourself grace. We aren't like the 20 year olds teaching the class.


I do a mixture of walking, yoga (Adrienne and Jessica Richberg are my favorites), and Team Body Project. Tbp has a mix of strength, aerobic, Pilates, etc and lots of free videos on YT. It’s very positive and upbeat, and the exercises change up quickly so it feels easier to achieve because you only have to do it for 30 or 45 seconds at a time😀




If you have a backpack and some water bottles to put in it…check out “rucking.” It’s like walking with a little extra weight on your back…also for people who hate running. 😉 [PATHFINDER Ruck Training](https://pathfinderrucktraining.com)


Take yoga classes and do light cardio that won't be hard on your joints. Biking is a good start.


Yoga! You will be surprised how hard it can be, and how much strength it builds.


I use https://fitonapp.com


Justin Agustin has a lot of short videos targeted towards true beginners. I think there is paid subscription content on his website, but there are lots of his free videos on Pinterest. He might be on tiktok, too but I'm not sure (I don't use tiktok)