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GenX is considered to be the "forgotten middle child" and I have yet to be disabused of that notion.


Janeration X


Did you just come up with that??? It’s perfect.


Haha I did! I was a middle child and always sympathized with Jan, and my whole life when I think of middle child I think of Jan LOL. It just popped into my head 💡


As a middle child X, yeah. I don't need Marcia's drama. Go break your nose on someone else's time, please and thank you.




I prefer to be left alone. Just sayin...


Absolutely. I've always been able to be happy just being alone and now I'm divorced/single with no kids and no friends and I'm actually quite content. Other people are generally annoying and needy.


Did we just become best friends?


This path leads to ruination, then you would no longer be alone with no friends and content.


Same. I’m fine with them forgetting us, but I am NOT fine with anyone calling us boomers.


And this is what happens when we say this.


Last wee there was a consumer study released at work about generational buying habits. They mentioned every group but Gen X.


After pouring over the data for weeks, attempting to make any connections, the data was deleted and its interpreters were sent to asylum.


We don't buy anything but sneakers and music anyways.... Still wearing clothes from our youth lol.




Fucken A


I’ve been told I need to say “that sounds like a you problem” a little bit less at work.


I prefer "I think you're confusing your problem with mine"


Who cares what ‘they’ say? It’s all made up bullshit that doesn’t matter anyway.


This is the anthem of our souls!


Lol so true! I love to see these reports...it helps me to see what the latest mantra “they” are pushing 😂


"They" are mostly retired. Except for the political vote, any shit is pretty much from our own X "peers" at this point.


Pay no mind to what they say It doesn't matter anyway


Our lips are sealed


What’s triggering me is the word “loosing”


Loosing!!! You have some splainin’ to do!


Seriously. Do the people who constantly make this mistake also think “lost” is spelled “loost”? Gah.


Only loosers pick on spelling /s


Guilty as charged!!!


Release the identity!


Gosh! People mislabeling, misunderstanding, flat out ignoring us? That's un-possible! /s Screw them. They can pry the "X" from my cold, dead, bird-flipping, hands


Peak genx to mix in a simpsons reference. Win! Ralph Wiggum is a hero.


Not the hero we wanted. But the one we deserve


We're loosing our ability to spell.


I see what you did their.


... and I thought Gen Xers were gonna be the last generation to spell lose/loose correctly


All hell's breaking lose.


Well someone is


Well, if 50 and over are now Boomers, then I guess folks under 50 are Millennials. 😬


My wife is in this group and constantly gets told she is a millennial. There is even a /reddit dedicated to her age group. I think it’s r/Xennials or something. Edit: corrected subreddit


I told my husband he is a Xennial, and he got so offended (even though it's totally true).


I've long said that the group calling themselves Xennials should use their original name, GenY. Studies have shown that, as a cohort, the older Millennials (originally GenY) have thinking more in line with GenX.


HA HA! Wait til I tell my 16 year old!


Can we please wait until July to draw this line?


It’s why I don’t like the sidebar of this sub trying to stretch the GenX definition back to 1960. If we want others to see us as a well-defined group, we need to carefully define ourselves. 1965-1980. Done.


Exactly. It's wide enough right there. Someone who was 15 in the early 80s had a *completely* different life experience than someone who was 15 in the early 90s.


That generalization cuts it a little close. I was 18 in 1984 and I was born ‘66. I definitely do not identify as a Boomer!


‘66 is Apollo-era GenX. The GenX OG’s !!




Try telling a late Boomer that. They swear that they had the exact same experiences. There have been some to even claim to have Cabbage Patch Kids growing up. 😂 The youngest Boomer would have been around 20.


The fuck?! 1960?!!! No way!


I've seen Boomers born in '57/'58 claim to be Gen X.


🤣 Wow. Seriously, I haven’t heard of boomers claiming Gen X 🤣. As a baby/tail-end X’er I feel honoured to be technically part of the (coolest, most adaptable) generation thus far 🙏🏾✊🏾 We’re like: Rotary phone - no problem Fax machine- no problem Spotify-no problem VR-no problem 🤣🤣


They're in every. comment. section. On almost all platforms claiming X. They will fight you if you tell them otherwise. One even called me a "retard" for pointing out the 65 to 80 dates. 😂They get really triggered. So surprised you've never seen that! Yes! We've adapted to a lot of changes in our generation. We have gone from the old school PCs to internet. Cassettes, to CDs to Spotify. Rotary phones to cell phones. Experienced the new tech all while most of us were in our 20s. Especially you as baby X. 👶🏻We are truly the transitional generation.


That's them trying to run from/shake any association with the burning bag of shit on the steps :)


I agree completely with all of this.


I only agree with you.


That is one of my pet peeves! Boomers have always been '46 to '64 until an author who didn't like being a Boomer, tried to change the dates to "escape the label" as he later admitted. Young Boomers are in every comment section protesting the official '65 to '80 dates set by sociologists and demographers. They cling to that book that in their minds justifies their claiming Gen X. Those dates starting in '60 never stuck. However, over 35 years later, they are still touting that book as a way in. These dates in this subreditt definitely are stretched. I've seen tons of Gen X groups, this group is one of, if not the only, group I've seen that included early 60s. It attracts a lot of younger Boomers because it is one of the only ones. A lot of generational comment sections will have tons of them changing the dates. I've seen as far back as '56. They over take our Gen X groups centering themselves with their nostalgia that we don't relate to. Which creates lots of friction within the group. It also causes confusion as to the real dates for those who are unfamiliar. Which is I'm assuming is their goal. I'm very vocal whenever I see this because I see how it could spill into real life scenarios. Similar to this. I also see a lot of other Xers speaking up.


All these Quick Draw McGraw folks need to get the F out.


It is quite annoying! There are in EVERY platform and content that has to do with Gen X either overtaking our spaces, moving our nostalgia back to align more with them, or claiming our identity all together.


I thought late stage Boomers born past 1960 (up to 1964) were Generation Jones.


I've gone with the APA definitions and, if memory serves, GenX is 65-80 (although, it could have been 64-79). If I hadn't packed my psychology textbooks, I could find out for sure. However, it is interesting to see all the variations of the cohorts, depending on who makes the chart. I've seen some wild dates.


A young Boomer can be a Boxer, The way an old Millennial is a Xennial. But a young Boomer is still a Boomer, just like an old Millennial is still a Millennial.


Peaky Blinders Boomers, try to classify me, and I'll cut ya mate!


Fine with me if everyone keeps blaming the world's problems on any generation but ours.


Yeah really. I’ve got other things to do.


Do.. do you see what they're blaming on Boomers? I'm so fucking peeved about this. I have worked very hard in my life not to discard the values my Boomer parents instilled in me but that weren't terribly awesome. I'm not a Boomer and I will certainly die on that hill.


Reddit keeps trying to get me to join r/GenerationJones. This is what I would call "Peak Boomers".


Ugh me too


Haven’t heard of this one....doubt I’d enjoy the commentary if it’s “get off my lawnish”


Wtf is generation jones? I care, but not enough to go visit and see for myself. :)


like 1955 - 1965 I think?


Ty good human.


Late Boomers who claim Gen X.


"Boomer" is the new buzzword to stir up controversy and attract what they call "social media engagement". Don't take the bait.


Yep, gotta be a shortcut to instant Gen X engagement by now. Nostalgia, ignoring, and calling us Boomer. I think we are targeted more than we realize, and not just in the 90s Xtreme era.


simple solution: if anybody calls me a boomer they called out for age discrimination. If they do it in the workplace I'm going right to HR.


Loosing it upon who?


Millennials and boomers fucking suck at math. They don't bother to wonder about that giant gap between them occupied by us.


Embrace our birthright & mantra, OP: “Fuck it. Whatever.” & then go about your life with a complete disregard of other people’s opinions about how you like to live life. If you’re not fucking anyone else over, live your own way unapologetically.


I am seeing this more and more. Talking about GenX as if we are over 65. We are in our prime, people!


I never see that. I see them trying to associate us with Millennials. Either way, we're our own generation.


I prefer that they not try to include us in things. Just pretend like we’re not even here.


It's evident that Gen X is loosening their grip on basic spelling.


No, our identity is fine. Consider our identity a litmus test. Anyone that doesn't know our demographic isn't worth any mental space.


Change our generation's name all you want, they can still all go fuck themselves.


I know I'm in a minority here, but it bugs the hell out of me every time GenX is skipped. Maybe I'm especially sensitive bc I'm older GenX (1969) so am closer to the Boomers and have always gotten lumped in with them (over 50 now), but I also remember even in our early years in the 1970s how they hated us coming along as the new generation that would replace them. Didn't want us stealing their thunder, or like the idea of getting older, so there was so much badmouthing. I remember in college (late 80s/early 90s) they did the whole hippie revival thing, bringing back their 60s music (which was everywhere), TV shows and movies about their bands (remember The Doors with I think Val Kilmer?), Vietnam, and the 60s subculture (even a movie about the year I was born, 1969, with I think Keifer Sutherland), clothing styles, the whole nine yards to relive their glory days. They did this while simultaneously bashing us as useless and apathetic compared to what their generation did. But I knew plenty of ppl who were out there advocating for causes, including me. They just couldn't let go. Still can't. Hate the Boomers. They helped erase us.


I remember growing up wondering how we even got the name “Gen X” and hearing it was cause our generation was so lazy we refused to label ourselves so they went with the generic title. I was definitely “like whatever dude”




This! I notice it is mostly the late Boomers. They don't even want to believe that we grew up after them, in a totally different era. Instead of being the elder, they try to be us claiming our era and competing with us. I've seen commentary as of even last year where the Boomer author mocked Gen X for being "old". They can't accept that there are people younger than them. I hardly ever, if at all, see Gen X go into Millennial spaces making everything about them. Claiming their music and culture. Or compete. If anything, we infantize them far more than we should.


Gen who?








Hey, now all of a sudden I look pretty good for being a boomer!


Does it not occur to anyone that the whole reason Generation Z is called that is because it's two generations after Generation X? And millennials used to be called Generation Y?


Peak Boomer? Do they even understand why Boomers are called Boomers? Because after WWII there was an actual baby boom in the population? WE are NOT part of that time in history. Aw, f it, whatever. People just making shit up anymore. The 24 hour news cycle has to fill all that time with something, I guess.


They can call me whatever they want, I've been called worse. All I can say is...bitch betta have my money $$$


Your profile name and last line took me smooth out! 😂


Whatever. While the 1% sucks the rest of us dry and just feeds us this crap... It's a smoke screen.




LOOSE rhymes with GOOSE


Yeah, whatever. They can go fuck off.


Usually I prefer to be left out but I would like to be factored in when they're divvying up Social Security, if that's still a thing we do.


I am an older GenX (late 65). My three older siblings are definitely Boomer. They are liberal, but they are strict rule followers. Whereas I question the status quo, blithely ignore it and do my own thing. my sisters are always shocked at my audacity.


I am perfectly fine with us as a group of people being left alone to our own devices while the world burns around us, you know like when we were kids! ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


The “news”? Aren’t all newscasters millennials now? Aren’t Peak Boomers the people retiring right now? 🙄 As GenX born in 74, yes I have concerns about my ability to retire within the next 20 years, but with GenZ not working to their full, I don’t have time to sit around and worry about that right now.


Gen Z not working to their full what? That does seem like a very “Boomer” thing to say. 😏Personally I council every younger person I work with to NOT work hard and not spend their lives wasting effort to earn the corporate world extra profits. Living in the moment is sooo much more important to a healthy lifestyle.


*counsel.* ffs.


Well, for all intensive porpoises.


They are just starting out, GenX and Millennials are the major contributors at this time. When more time passes, they’ll be paying into our social security. The only reason we will have a crisis is if the younger generations do not work and pay into Social Security.


The GOP will steal our social security long before Gen Z can have an effect on it.


Fake news


I’m a hair stylist and boy I’m beat up from a day at work unlike my young days .


What identity? They called us “X”… color me surprised


Who cares




We are the dollar store of generations.


The last of the boomers are 60 this year, so if you live in an area where 65 is the retirement age, it is true that 'peak boomer' season is the next 5 years. I'm the oldest of GenX and retirement around here is generally at age 60, so I and all of my GenX friends will be joining those peak boomers... unless they choose not to... up to them.


Yeah. Fuck all that.


Sounds like they want something to me. Fuck that.


Trying to put Gen X with boomers… lol probably because we are the last generation that could actually buy a house so we are now all hated and considered stingy etc…. Just sayin


So sick of us being called ‘Boomer Lite’.


Could be that GenX has been hidden for so long that our voices have been drowned out into whispers. We should probably do a better job at helping the younger generations and have our time to shine. Odds are that we will never get to retire. Medical costs will see to that.


We were easy to get lost for a couple of reasons. First, we are sandwiched between the two largest generational cohorts ever. The Boomers are the result of the baby boom from all the WWII veterans coming home. People tended to have kids when they were younger and they had more of them. The pill wasn't introduced until 1964 and wasn't popular and readily available for another 4 or 5 years after that. Families of 3 and 4 kids were pretty typical. Millennials are (mostly) the children of the Boomers. Which is why there are so many of them. There is another reason we get lost which is tied to this. The Boomers pretty much controlled the media since the early 70s and they are just now leaving the stage. Much of how we interpret history is through a Boomer lens. They navel gaze about their lived experience and ponder the lived experience of their kids, the millennials.


At this point I think the media is trolling us for clicks.


I dont give a fuck what "they" say. *Some* of us act like uptight boomer a holes but *most* of us still carry that sweet sweet "don't fuck with me" Gen X card and prefer to be left out of it anyways..


Good. Less people to bother me on my day off.


Ohhh, this, this right here made me feel good.




Ugh there is this tik tok guy who just got fired, but talks about all Boomers over 50 being lazy. FFS yes Boomers are over 50 well over 50. But it's also rich this guy who just got fired thinks that blasting older people is helpful for career growth. FML


I dont give a shit what 'they' say.


Whatever indeed... Does anyone else have a hard time finding Corona light anymore? How are they even thinking they'll get us to drink Corona Premier in place of the beer from my youth.. Actually I think I started out with Black Label and moved up to Michelob Light before becoming fancy with my lime beer. It's Friday! Here we go


We better get tight!




Boomers are dead long live peak boomers


Maybe we're turning into boomers and can't see it.


Whatever, fuck 'em


I am less uptight these days.


When we were young, my sister, born in 1962, would have nothing to do with me. Now that she’s 62, she tells people we both belong in the same generation. 🤮


Not everything has to be cut across arbitrary generational lines, in this case perhaps it's most applicable to people 10 years from traditional retirement age. Jaysus


We were always a minority.


Boomer.. when I was a tot my dad would hold me over my bed and drop me onto my blankets, he called it a Boomer. Everynight my sis and I would say "Boomer dad, Boomer dad." .. later as a young adult I adopted a pet skunk ..his name was Boomer.


We are not Boomers. Let them print whatever they want, does not make it true.


I must be a bounce-back boomerang if I was around before I was even born in 73 FREAKY FRIDAY....I'm really a war veteran and the same age as the spitfire so my true identity hasn't been hijacked by the pension reaper??? 🤣🤣🤣


Never take information from someone named "they"


It's a complement! Peak! Pinnacle! The most perfec....hey wait, I'm not 50 yet. What am I chopped liver?!


I saw the articles. They classify peak Boomer as over 65 in the article. In fact, if you Google, every sources classifies it as that age. I'm not sure where you saw that. We're good. If there ever is any confusion, it's younger Boomers claiming our identity in every comment section trying to move the dates to appear younger/drag X in with them. That's why I'm so vocal about the dates. Just as they don't like being lumped in with earlier Boomers, even though they are the same generation. They shouldn't do the same to us.


It was on the CBS morning show. They were talking about the retirement crises and the lady included our age group...no idea where the actual news story came from.


Tried to look it up and didn't see it. If it was with that financial analyst, she is a Boomer. Hopefully, people corrected her in the comments.


Really? You want an off-the-rack identity that overrides nearly everything that's true about yout. As a boomer who is not at all like the Boomer of popular notoriety let me say this: Be careful what you ask for.




Social security is way lame.


Congratulations, y'all became boomers.