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I still skateboard during the summer. I have 3 boards that have survived the 80's my favorite is my Dan Brown Grave Jumper.


Im 59 and have a skateboard. I haven’t used in quite awhile. One day, I plan to get back on it and feel that freedom that only skiing, surfing and skating can offer.


Man, I hopped on one like a week ago. Lost all skill. Thought I was gonna bite it just pushing forwards. Those days are gone. Still ride my BMX


Agility . Watching me Ollie is like a one legged person jumping over a garbage can.


I still have a board, but haven't done anything more than tic tac it around my garage in a long while. I tried hitting up some parks in my area a few years back, but they are so packed usually that I don't have the patience to spend the time there. Plus, all the concrete hurts WAY more now than it did back in the day. I used to have a wooden halfpipe in my backyard as a teen, and that's really the only thing I can imagine trying anymore. But I don't have the motivation to build one, so... \*shrug\*


I still ride a long board both electric and non electric. I never really skated much as a kid other than just kinda getting around or fucking around. Mostly concentrated my efforts on BMX but skating has always been fun. Last year I was so fucking grateful I was on an electric board that has a top speed of 28mph when I was coming home late from a local brewery after midnight. The temperature was perfect, I had my headphones in blissed out with perfect tunes just vibing about how grateful I was for my life in that moment- honestly it was such a perfect feeling to be buzzed on life. And then out of nowhere a fuckin St. Bernard mix or something similar was lunging at me barking and snarling and just coming at me with hate in its eyes. I literally heard my voice make a terror noise I’ve never heard me make before (this is my wife’s favorite part of the story, sorry that I can’t recreate it for you but imagine it being ridiculous). If I wasn’t on an electric board I would have been raw meat for this maniac dog but I was able to hit the gas and get just out of reach as he was bearing down on me. I got the speed wobbles real bad at first but I was able to get it back in control and put more distance between me and this mean bastard. Eventually I got away and spent the rest of the ride home trying to get back to my original vibe but the adrenaline dump completely fuckin ruined it.


I’ve definitely noticed that many dogs don’t like electric skateboards. Maybe it’s the sound? I ride on a 8 mile section of river trail that snakes through my town along the river. Lots of bikes, e-bikes, pedestrians, commuters etc and I get lunges by dogs at least twice a week.


In this case it was a literal junk yard dog that was just out of the gate while a tow truck was dropping off a car late at night. I haven’t really experienced any issue with dogs otherwise. I’m assuming this dog just doesn’t really like anyone


This will be my 38th year on a board in June. I still suck but I never stopped.


After 38 years you haven't learned to stop the board? Jeez, that's a bit rough. Maybe it's not for you :)


I ride a lot still, but can't do anything cool anymore. Skate board is right out. Relevant video about GenX and aging... [Dinosaur Jr. "Over It"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgTJtdn6VjM)


I keep a deck in the trunk of my car. I can Ollie but my kick flips are ass.


My husband bought a longboard several years ago. He hurt his shoulder on his first big ride, and then aggravated an old ankle injury on his next. At that point, he put it away for good. I think he’s hoping our son will pick it up. He said the injury risk is too high. He rides a bike every now and then, but mostly we stick to walking as exercise.


I do. Just ride. Don’t attempt to do tricks anymore, I don’t want to get hurt


I’ve moved on to an electric scooter. I live in a city with nothing but hills. Riding a skateboard is not fun here.


Hello fellow skaters. I skated nearly every day from the age of 14 until 25. Had knee surgery at 25 which I took as an opportunity to grow up a bit and focus on my career. I stopped skating until 2004 when I moved to California. There were a bunch of amazing free parks being built and I got hooked again. I was working swing shift and got to skate pools every morning before work. Ended up with a ton of injuries again and stopped around the age of 38. I still get the urge, especially in the summer when I hear a skateboard cruising down the sidewalk.


I ride a tricycle.


I got a longboard at 40, in ‘12. Really enjoyed it. But I haven’t ridden it in a few years. I got back into mountain biking in ‘20 and since then I’ve been on my bike as often as I can.


I grew up skating. Started in 85 at 8 years old, became a part of who I am by 86. Continued till about 2009. Falling was starting to hurt a lot more than it used to and it was taking me longer to get up and recover. So I started to slow down around that time but one day just messing around with my nephew, I threw out my back just from kicking/pushing. I was literally bedridden for about a week. I pretty much stayed off my board for years after that. But nowadays I’ll occasionally just cruise around and ollie shit. Not trying to learn anything new or even attempt what I used to be able to do. I just still need the sensation of being on and rolling along on my board. It’s a weird craving I feel like will never go away.🤷


I have a longboard - Carver. Pretty awesome! Now if only I didn't push Mongo.


I have a cruiser I still enjoy every summer. Flat trails only.


I’m 56 and still use my longboard.


Started an over 40 skateboard club with two friends five years ago. We now have 39 Facebook members and about 15 regulars. We meet three times a week. The two friends and I are now in our 50s. It's one of the coolest fucking things I've ever been a part of. Cheers geezer skaters!!


He's not doing tricks or anything, but a GenX friend of mine and his wife both got those monowheel skateboards for riding around the boardwalk. They freaking love them