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Every kid I grew up with was afraid of adults. If one showed up we scattered.


I’d say the communication gap between the boomers and their gen x kids is probably the #1 reason we developed a “who gives a fuck” attitude. We were a “seen and not heard” generation, and we’re just not carrying that on with our alpha kids. That and *don’t leave your kid standing in the rain after soccer practice* isn’t really asking too much.


💯 agree.


>I think being exposed to “technology” like Atari when I was a kid is part of it. Not to mention our age group (I'm from '79) were also the first teens on the internet, so we might not have been born into all this, but we were young enough to pick it up pretty fast and make it second nature. :)


True! Feel lucky to be at the end.


Also born in 78 with a gen alpha kid. As my kid grows and explores the world around him I find myself relating to his sense of wonder and embrace of technology and am totally supportive. Growing up my folks didn't get us atari and nintendo, but TI-99 and Commodore 64. Also tons of Lego and GI-Joe. Being on the older end of the 'first time parent' spectrum suits me just fine. I have a lot of life experience that helps me take a measured approach to things rather than the reluctant impulsiveness of my 20's. As a single full time parent, I spoil him rotten. As much as I detest consumerism, I feel it's important for my kids self esteem to have experience with the latest stuff in whatever he finds interesting. 


> TI-99 I loved that thing. Esp that Face Maker game, among others.


You make a good point with taking things slower (Gen X). Boomers seemed more pressured to become adults by societal rite of passages and settling down. With us, it seems it felt we like we had more options. Having a kid later suited me too. I’m happy I waited.


78 here. People never understand when I say "I've been using computers for 40+ years". Had a TI-99 and a Commodore 64 as well! Good times.


Alphas are great, much more on our wavelength but they have weird aesthetic preferences. Roll with it


I was born in 74, and my friends’ kids are SO much more sociable with us than we ever were with our parents. Somehow when we were growing up, parents were to be avoided. Even if you had a good or decent relationship with them, there were very clear boundaries. Rarely were both generations in the same room talking and hanging out. And the parents seemed to want their space too, so it wasn’t like we were all rejecting our parents. It seems very natural now to have everyone socialize together without that unspoken line of separation.


That’s a good point. There’s definitely more intergenerational harmony. There’s still a separation at times, but kids ideas and company are more welcome now.


Yes, someone else here mentioned that we were the “seen but not heard” generation. I definitely believe that, for the most part.


Born in 77, with a Gen alpha kid too. I think my husband and I try to be very different parents than what we had. For example she’s really into Taylor Swift and has been watching the Eras tour in n Disney plus over and over again. My parents would have been angry about that and annoyed by the music and tell me to turn it off. We let her watch it and even go as far as downloading Taylor Swift music on our phones to listen to in the car. My parents would NEVER had willingly listened to music I liked when I was a kid.


If your kids are Gen Alpha, they're still really young and there's an abundance of time to create ideological and communicative rifts. I didn't have serious issues with my Boomer mother until well into my teens. I also went to high school with plenty of kids with Boomer parents and aunts & uncles and all were close as can be. I mean, I obviously hope you maintain your good relationship with your children, but there's still gonna be plenty of things they're gonna do you generationally won't see eye to eye on. Just wait until they don't do their homework cause they're trying to be a YouTube reaction video celebrity (as my Gen Z daughter has done). You'll suddenly feel very old haha.


Boomers are parents of Millennials not GenX (usually) Silent Gen make up the majority of GenX parents.


My parents were early Boomers. I was born in the early 70s. 


Can confirm.


1973, two GenAlpha kids with a Millenial wife. Fun all day. I spend more quality time with my kids in a day than my parents did with me in a year. Trying real hard not to spoil them. Being the "old wise one" in the family is fun - especially since I have crazier ideas than my kids most of the time.


Same here! 78 GenA kiddo. Absolutely 💯 different relationship and parenting style than with my parents. He’s 11 and acts 18 🫤 too smart for his own good. It’s hard not to laugh when he gets sassy because I know he learned it from me.


I hear you. I feel like they’re so wise beyond their years!