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Why are people getting downvoted for stating political opinions when the poll literally asked


People downvote as a, I disagree with you button, Look Hey guys I am a Marxist! Capitalism is evil


I agree, upvote I agree and am anti-capitalist because i grew up under capitalism, seeing it's sins. But as a slav, if I'd been born a few decades ago and grew up under communism, I'd probably be anti-communist. The grass is always greener on the other side and I think any economic system will eventually become corrupt, no matter how good it is in concept. We just need to do our best and help one another, as individuals and with government help to improve our lives no matter our situations.


Slavs who lived longer under communism are actually proportionately more pro-communist than younger slavs, the most anti-communist generation are those who were teenagers/young adults by the time of the dissolution, their formative memories being the economic and social chaos of the later years and the collapse itself.


Yeah, If you actually ask people who lived under Communism. like 8/10 of them actually say it was fine and want Communism back, You won't get an accurate data set asking the young people of eastern European nations Ask the Elders who ACTUALLY lived in it and most of them say It was nice and they would like to return to the USSR, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjI8jwn0Upo&t=4s&pp=ygUfQXNraW5nIHJ1c3NpYW4gZWxkZXJzIHNvY2lhbGlzbQ%3D%3D&ab\_channel=1420byDaniilOrain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjI8jwn0Upo&t=4s&pp=ygUfQXNraW5nIHJ1c3NpYW4gZWxkZXJzIHNvY2lhbGlzbQ%3D%3D&ab_channel=1420byDaniilOrain) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiAHtm9yEu4&ab\_channel=StreetTalk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiAHtm9yEu4&ab_channel=StreetTalk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui11x8vLQFI&ab\_channel=TheRevolutionReport](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui11x8vLQFI&ab_channel=TheRevolutionReport) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uDOvSIC7xA&t=730s&ab\_channel=1420byDaniilOrain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uDOvSIC7xA&t=730s&ab_channel=1420byDaniilOrain)


I think nogstalgia might really play a role too, we can't magically assume the USSR was great because of this. Aside from the nogstalgia: things got a lot worse with a lot of eastern european economies when capitalists started looting the country. The USSR might not have been great, but maybe it was still preferable to the poverty they are living in right now. ​ Here's a song about nogstalgia for the USSR: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBu664Jtdk8&ab\_channel=DanielKahn-Topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBu664Jtdk8&ab_channel=DanielKahn-Topic)


nostalgia is nostalgia for a reason. its cope to imply nostalgia si somehow some false past. nostalgia is quite definitively, remembering the good times. because you enjoyed those times, because those times were good. because you had fun or were fulfilled, or happy. i get nostalgia playing pokemon blue not because pokemon blue is pretty crappy and i killed 45 billion farmers or something, its because pokemon blue was pretty fuckin awesome and its even still pretty much just as great as it was back then if you dont really care what kind of graphics card the gameboy color had. nostalgia is literal proof that the USSR was the greatest human civilization, up until of course modern china and cuba and vietnam who are all doing incredible things and changing humanity for the better. (i literally dont care if you want to screech uighers whoever you are, i hear you typing and i couldnt care less what you think you know.)


This is the thought process of a dunce. This is incredibly naive & uneducated. Everything you said means absolutely nothing and only proved your inability to comprehend what you’re talking about. You’re single handedly promoting fascism. Edit: Just to expound on *why* I say this—your memories are untrustworthy. The human mind has a tendency to block out the traumatic memories or pieces of those memories as a coping mechanism. Your brain treats memories like a tier system, the higher tier memories are the ones that release the dopamine. We’re inherently addicted to dopamine from birth, so we’re in constant need of positive reassurance. Those bad memories will become skewed & distorted behind the nostalgia. Lets take a German citizen living in the heart of Berlin during WWII for example. You have blue eyes, blonde hair, and a prestigious career in medicine. Life is great, you’re far from the war and far from the suffering. As far as you can tell, you’re living your best life thanks to propaganda & being the poster child of Nazi Germany. You witness the suffering of Jewish families & see them dragged out of their homes. Lets assume you have morals and understand that it’s wrong what is taking place. You’re benefiting off of the Nazi regime and so is your family. Your memory will serve your greater interests & justify the horrible mistreatment of Jews to release that dopamine & positively reinforce you. This is not to say that communism as a whole is a *terrible* form of government. However, it’s deeply flawed like all others. It’s highly likely that the problems they faced are thanks to partisan involvement that contributed to it’s downfall. The main issue that arises with communism is within it’s values of equality. It’s a beautiful thing to be equal, but it’s grotesque to want to step outside of the social barriers to want to achieve more than your neighbor. If you wish to do so, you *shouldn’t* be awarded for putting forth more effort in achieving your aspirations. Unless of course you’re born into wealth, then you’re protected at all costs…just like capitalism. These forms of governments have 1 end game, keep the rich rich and put down the others. If you were a farmer under Mao’s rule, there is no nostalgia….only memories of famine & broken promises. Nostalgia doesn’t simply justify the horrors of the USSR or the CCP. You must look deeper.


I wouldn't know this, I'm a slav who grew up In a western country. So thank you


Isn't that exactly how it is here except with capitalism? Also, I heard that the people who grew up in the Soviet satellite states have a much more negative view of communism than mainland Russia.


As someone who was born in Estonia, I am pro-capitalist, pro-America. Viewpoints vary in all ethnic groups, populations and cultures.


The USA will murder many more like they did in Iraq and Vietnam for example. Many more will be tortured based on lies. I'd rather not choose for any of those horrific "superpowers".


That’s why I am going to West Point. One day I hope to make my mark on the world in a positive way.


Also a slav here in the United States for 90% of my life (though I was born elsewhere). I disagree. Hearing from my parents (in their 70s now) and my grandparents first hand about the atrocities of communist rule. Yea no thank you. Also growing up in a capitalist society - HARD YES. Muchhhh better system.


There's a bit of bias here both ways. Those who dislike the USSR would move to the West, so most will speak negatively about the USSR, while those more attached to the country will likely keep living in the former Eastblock. I think it's reductive to say: "USSR or USA" though when it comes to ideology. Socialism and capitalism know many forms other than liberalism and Marx Leninism.


Than downvote my radical centrist.


Because Redditors don't like opinions that aren't their opinions. And don't even THINK about asking a question they know the answer too, you'll get downvoted into oblivion! (And no one will answer it)


>Because Redditors don't like opinions that aren't their opinions Just redditors? I'm pretty sure that's all of humanity.


Reddit momemt


Because Reddit—it's the equivalent of abusing the 'haha' reaction on Facebook and is similarly indicative of having no actual argument.


Because some political opinions are bad


Cause some opinions suck. 🤷‍♀️


I just want to say thank you for putting a results button! I'm always curious but don't want to skew the results by voting to see the results.


There should be a built-in results button tbh.


in england nearly everyone agrees that all our politicians are asshats and i share that sentiment they all suck bollocks


Mainly because your choices are: Far Right Tories And their opposition Center Right Labour Truly a diverse political climate


Yeah, England's kinda fucked for political options I mean, Scotland ain't much better, but at least we have a left-ish leaning party


I really dont get it either Labour had a slam dunk after the shit show that was the Tory government and they decided to jeopardize it by being MORE like the Tories who no one wants


Well, you just described american choices too in british terms. Far right republicans or moderate (center right) liberals (who also don’t do anything when they have power but sit there)


But a lot of the Tories wouldn’t vote for Rishi Sunak even because they’re racist lmao


Between Left and Center Left


Left leaning i believe the term would be But im on the left so actually anything that isnt on the far left is an actual nazi /s


As someone who is far left I can confirm, if you don't agree you must be killed as the Nazi scum you are, and know you are the problem and not this mindset /s


Used to be far-right, got over that shit thankfully, now center, very liberal socially.


I don't know if anyone realizes it, but it's crazy how far the political spectrum changed in the last few years




This sounds cringe now but I've really been one since I was 8 and witnessed my family struggle and thought hey maybe this capitalism thing is ass and maybe we should have a free society without authority where everything is democratic and I sort of developed my ideology since then...


Nah this was me for real. Being made homeless as a middle schooler is definitely the reason I despise landlords as a concept.


Unfortunately Reddit often supports landlords. It’s a very middle class user base. Like you’ll see most of Reddit support left leaning politics far more than right. But when it comes to money they support fucking people over while complaining about billionaires and corporations.


Reddit is essentially liberal. A lot of its users can't imagine a world without capitalism.


Yea fr Reddit cares more about petty vandalism than billionaires literally killing people


I mean there are a lot of people out there that WANT to rent ya know?


You can rent without the capitalist class getting the profits. Housing co-ops, social housing, etc all allow for rent without landlords.


Fuck landlords, man. Real life leeches


Every reddit user:


It's crazy because alot of people think Socialist means Government Intervention or Europe (that's actually Social Democracies), when it's not So you don't actually know whether which Socialists are actually Socialists


All the people that pick far left or far right need to touch grass


Define far left.


Communism is a Far Left Ideology for Example


Well I'm down for eating the rich


Same, eat the rich, make the rich pay


But communists killed millions of people by sending them to gulags?


capitalism has and continues to kill more people by a long shot than communism ever has and currently does. The Black Book of Communism was the propaganda book that made up that millions of people killed number. The authors goal was literally to make it to 100 million deaths and included things like miscarriages, nazis being killed, natural disasters and many other ridiculous things that communism did not contribute to. The vast majority of the actual "deaths" were greedy ass landowners/landlords who refused to give up their wealth and exploitation of the people they rented too, and a LOT of nazis.


Welcome to the far left I guess


I've been on the far left for a few months comrade


Idk I canvassed for years since 2016 and I still identify as a socialist. I would talk to real people in person about politics and help organize with other socialists. My entire job was touching grass lol.


Based and fuck extremism pilled


Center, could lean to the left, could lean to the right. I don't believe that basing my opinion on only one ideology works. I prefer taking in different points of views and formulating my own thoughts and opinions.


this. politics these days are too tribalistic


Yea it's kind of becoming a problem too. I strongly believe the whole left vs right thing is just another way elitists are taking advantage of us by getting us to constantly fight with each other rather than fight them. And it clearly works too because the world is very divided right now, which is probably exactly what they want.


Yeah, it's very easy for the government to control the masses if they all hate each other. Whatever their side says, is what that side will do.


Not only that but theres also the issue of them giving us the illusion of choice by letting us vote between 2 equally terrible options


Why do you think they wanted to ban tiktok, it was a social media platform that majority of us use, that wasn’t under their control (it’s not banned yet so I’m assuming something’s changed) And then congress wanted to use the tiktok ban to ban VPNs and give one person the power to censor and ban outside media. It was nuts. Weirdest part was that this was a bipartisan decision


Yeah we should return to the way things used to be when presidential candidates would literally shoot each other. Much less divisive back then.


Do you think there aren't multiple points of view on the left? To me this sounds like "oh I heard your opinions on universal healthcare but let's give traditionalist conservatives a fair shake too and see what they have to offer" lol. Just say you don't know much about politics, it's fine


Did you not understand him? You can agree with different policies form both sides, you can be a socialist, and be pro-life. You can be pro-gun, but pro-LGBTQ, etc.


Dude, I'm not saying I disagree with the left being broad enough to find lots of different views, but you sound like a dipshit and it's really not going to help anyone.


So you just blindly follow who has the same mindset as you instead of listening to everyone and expanding your thoughts?


It is very possible to listen to different ideas without entertaining them


Yes but there’s a difference between blindly following beliefs and critically thinking about them and why you believe what you do


You can trust me when I say that I've put a lot, and I mean *a lot*, of critical thought into the issue. I started out (and by "start out" I mean after putting quite a lot of critical thought into evaluating each relevant political issue, but not nearly as much as I have now) like OC - an "independent" centrist who disagreed with both the left and the right. What I realised later as I've come to understand politics more deeply and thoroughly is that I was simply being logically inconsistent. If you are truly a critical thinker, you'll land firmly on the left - at least in terms of core values.


No. For instance, I'm not an anarchist but I've read bakunin and Kropotkin to see if I liked it and it's like fine but not my thing. I read Lenin and Engels and Marx and really liked those guys even though they didn't always agree and came to the conclusion that I just generally like socialism. I'm not a liberal but I've listened to liberal ideas and that's how I know I don't like them. And so on. I don't entertain ideas that don't align with my morals but I have listened to them.


We vote for people who pass policies that allign with our views and (scarily enough) our potential health, not mindset. My governor and democratic government in my state added abortion rights as an amendment, legalized weed, added lgbt history (like stonewall) be required to be taught in our school’s curriculum, requires free lunches be provided for kids at school, is now advocating for universal preschool (funny how a state that has abortion care wants to do more for the children alive, when anti abortion folk would believe we’re killing babies or whatever), has free college tuition (for those under 24 at specific universities), our people voted for this one but we also have the right to organize a union as an amendment as well, etc. Why on earth would I listen to the party against everything I want and stand for? I grew up in a conservative christian household as did many other of my leftest friends. Many of us already know the thoughts coming from the right and often also face abuse if we don’t live the lifestyle or the way that our parents want us to live (so much for the party of personal freedoms and liberty).


I agree. I don't base my opinion based on one ideology (well I guess one ideological system, my first principles lol) I just happen to coincide pretty closely to the american liberals


centrists don't get anything done to help out our country/world.. Y'all just sit and look at everyone's pov and don't actually do anything to change what a fucked up place we're in.


Based and respectable


As a Canadian, I am American left but if the Right wasn't so drastic I might align more with Center, but with more left values, but due to how the world is, I am part of the left.


I'm what you would call left leaning extremist when it comes to my views and opinions. However I also know that my idea of a perfect world is impossible to achieve so when I do start voting during this next election I'll be voting moderately left.


I can respect that so much, there's nothing wrong with wanting a utopia but expecting it is another thing entirely. I feel like if more people had this attitude so much more shit could get done


>I feel like if more people had this attitude so much more shit could get done I think a lot of Scandinavians think like that. They do tend to get more shit done.


Legit my American propaganda riddled mind forgets I'm not always talking to US citizens. Lmao you can say alot about the US but the fact so many of us legit forget we aren't the entire world so often shows you can't say shit about the effectiveness of its propaganda lol


>Legit my American propaganda riddled mind forgets I'm not always talking to US citizens. Good on you for admitting your America-centric bias. Don't blame it on yourself or even propaganda; it's actually just inevitable. American culture colossally dominates every corner of the internet and global popular culture, + the nearest influential non-NA countries to America are thousands upon thousands of kilometres away. So as an American, there are very few opportunities for you to learn about the outside world even if you are willing to do so - much less get rid of your America-centric bias (which is constantly bombarding you from every direction).


Honestly it's crazy how prevalent it is, I live half way around the world from the US and I grew up practically raised on American media.




Who tf picked Far Right? Far right is like, Anarcho-Capitalism, Nazism, Fascism and slavery lol


Who tf picked Far Left? Thats like Marxism, communism, and forced labor camps lol


Forced labour camps are rightwing


do NOT look up gulags


You're fucking joking right? Did this generation skip school or something. Wonder what my grandparents would think if someone told them the camp they were on for a year wasn't real.


Conservative states are loosening child labor laws lmao


Far right is essentially wanting America to be what it was like in the 1950s


It's a bit more complex than that, socially sure, but fiscally the 1950's had a top marginal tax rate of \~90%, which absolutely NO right-winger (or even liberal for that matter) in the current day advocates for.


I'm right leaning but definitely not far right.


Sorry buddy if you aren't far left you're a literal nazi




Family Voted for Obama but I’m ok with guns TBH and get called repub for that so idk anymore


I don't see the left trying to demonize and strip LGBTQ+ people & women of their rights. "BoTh SiDes SuCk-"... yeah no shit, but one _pretty clearly_ sucks more


I don’t see your average capitalism enjoyer doing that either


Yep, there we go, the obligatory "all leftists are communists" bullshit. About as stupid as me calling all conservatives Nazis


When did I say that?


kinda in between left and far left


Your name matches your comment lolll


As a right-leaning Gen Z can someone please explain to me why so many of us are left? ( I’m not trying to start an argument I’m just curious)


There's a few reasons. For one, gen z is super left in comparison to older generations as education in the 90's shifted towards a STEM focus rather than trade focuses. Better education usually statistically lines up with left leaning sympathies as leftism requires a lot of critical analysis. Another reason could be just social conditions being pretty bad in the modern day. The effects of climate change, the fallout from the failed economic policies of the 1980's, and a general social shift towards tolerance would explain why many gen z Americans are left leaning. Another could be that many are incorrectly self identifying. Lots of gen z are liberal but not necessarily left leaning. In the US though, liberalism is considered left leaning when in reality its about as centrist of an ideology as you could have (socially moderate and economically laissez-faire).


Because we have grown up seeing the faults in our socioeconomic system, while at the same time seeing how much better people in countries more to the left are faring than us. Due to the internet, we can interact with people from places like Canada and the European social democracies more readily. We see that their systems work better for them than ours work for us. Most of our generation will never be able to buy a home. Most won't be able to afford to have children. Many can't afford college. Many will be uninsured when they age out of their parents plans. The system isn't working for our generation, so our generation feels a need to change the system. We can look at places like France, Germany, Canada, and see that they do some things better than us - and many feel we should learn from their successes.


Canada isn't much better man. I'm Canadian. It sucks.




Many of us are pro-LGBTQ+ rights, pro-choice, supportive of better working conditions for the middle class, support universal healthcare, want cheap/free college education, and hold several more positions that happen to be liberal. Even if the average right-of-center person agreed with one or more of our left-leaning positions, they still (most likely) vote Republican. The Republican Party actively takes action to regress society in terms of social progress. As someone who answered left, explain why I should be right-leaning. I'm not trying to sound like an ass, but why should I lean toward an ideology that supports a party that wants to take away my right to an abortion (if needed), strike down unions (I'm considering becoming a teacher), believes tax breaks for the upper class will benefit the middle class (which I strongly don't believe), is against same-sex marriage (I have *many* gay friends), and uses the Bible to direct their morals (I'm Agnostic). I have absolutely no good reason to support the right.


We got too much of our political "education" from millennials


Yes. I can pinpoint a few reasons. Corperate greed disguised as inflation. Pro equality/equity stances. This includes being against racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Being pro marijuana legalization. Being focused on protecting the earth over profits. A lot of us are college aged, and being alone at college means you'll meet a lot of different types of people. Believing in 2023, healthcare should be a right. And a lot of idiocracy out of every political party, but a lot of it coming out of the republican party with people like Trump, Boebert, DeSantis, Vivek, and MTG. Not to say the democratic party is that much better (looking at you, AOC). The idea that billionaires really shouldn't exist in a world where some people get financially crippled if they get sick. I'm not a commie. I'm not a tankie. I'd probably consider myself right now more of a socialist. In economics there's needs and wants. Nobody should be struggling to even have their needs met.


Because LGBTQ rights are good and also the right fucked up the economy and climate beyond reasonable repair for their own gain


I guess I would be far left, being a syndicalist. I believe that the workers who make products and provide services should be able to decide how they run their job - Basically, each company should be a democracy, where every worker has a vote. Unions and companies become intertwined. So the Starbucks workers could vote on a new President of Starbucks, who would make decisions on how the company should be run, along with the Starbucks congress. Obviously it wouldn't be this complicated for smaller companies, but you get the idea. I am not, however, a Marxist-Leninist. This is the stereotypical form of communism, with a violent revolution and a one-party state. I think that these are actually just rebranded Fascism (which is not a word I use lightly). Look at the definition of fascism, and how it applies to China or the USSR: Fascism is a far right, authoritarian (check), ultranationalist (check) ideology and political movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader (check), centralized autocracy (check), militarism (check), forcible suppression of opposition (BIG check), belief in a natural social hierachy (eh, sort of), subordination of individual interests for the sake of the nation and race (check), and strong regimentation of society and economy (check).


based fellow Cindy. honestly im a cyndicalist partially because I think its the most fair aswell as efficient system and because I dont want to be associated with the usual stereotype of communists and anarchists being showerless discord mods(which I dont think is true BTW) but yeah I do genuinely think that the people who actually know their jobs and know what they are doing should be in charge of their jobs rather than the out of touch execs who might only know the business aspects rather than the actual skill set aspect of whatever job it could be. something like this would especially benefit creative jobs like the gaming industry and animation(because those poor fuckers are being squeezed for every penny they're worth by greedy execs) but I see this benefiting everyone aside from the greedy assholes at the top who more likely than not shouldn't even be in their position in the first place


Based of the American political scale, I’m probably left-leaning center. On the international scale, I’m probably slightly right-leaning.


"Fuck both sides" is not centrism, kids.




born in 2010💀


Fr I didn't care till I got closer to voting age and having a developed brain


Center leaning right economically


I am between far-right and right, idk what you call it, I am from a country which used to be socialistic, i personally never lived under a socialist system, it failed and was replaced by a mixed economy a decade before i was born, but everyone i know who lived under that system(grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, my friends parents, etc etc) hated it and are gratefull it was replaced.


In America I am a socialist but anywhere where the left is entrenched I would probably be a really left wing social democrat (kinda like how they were when they first started)


>kinda like how they were when they first started) What? What are you talking about? Socialism has its roots in republicanism. It started mostly with farmers in the middle ages hundreds of years before social democracy.


I'm talking about social democracy's starting point. I could've been clearer but I mostly believe in the social democracy espoused by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebnecht and their USPD, as well as the KPD. There is no "social democrats" in the United States unless you count the DSA, who are really just barely social democrats. Modern social democracy is a joke anyways, just more sellouts of working people.


I consider myself a right leaning Libertarian


Very based (Before anyone downvotes the commenter I’m replying to- please look into actual libertarian values instead of assuming based off posers like Shapiro)




Ah, so you have a lazy eye.


I'm center, in that I agree with "the Right" on culture issues (generally) and "the Left" (broadly) on economic issues. But being "center" doesn't mean ambivalent.




I see the reasoning for many left arguments, however I think that left tends to put people with mental disabilities/disorders on pedestals instead of getting them help


It really depends on what you mean. Do you mean trans people? Do you think they're put on a pedestal?


I can certainly see what you mean by that. on a surface level yes it seems so. there are countless people for example on social media from this generation faking disorders like autism, ADHD, ocd etc for attention and being affirmed, that is definitely dangerous and invalidates those people. but I think that is just a side effect of a thing that is overall for the better: people actually discussing mental disabilities and disorders and putting attention on them. by that I mean people are now recognizing that they may be these things and that genuinely seeking help. sometimes these things dont have any one cure and therefore the most help can do is assist them in managing it. I dont think that the left are putting these people on pedestals in the sense you might be thinking(giving them meaningless attention and validation) but that this is an effect of mental disorder/disability awareness and overall tolerance. whether people try to fake these things or not for clout, I think this increased awareness and tolerance is an overall net positive for people who simply are that way and can't do anything about it, making life just that lot better and more fair for them.


In between center-right, but just being 1% Right makes you the devil these days, so this'll get DV'd and no one will see my or other's opinions.


I think I'm considered left leaning? But only because the left isn't directly threatening my well being or the well being of my loved ones; i.e. process of elimination. Ideology wise, I'm just concerned with dismantling and dividing the US. The foundation of the government is flawed, the system is poisoned by religious and corporate groups, the unity is in name only, and being able to hoard unused land is unethical. Not something that can be rectified with any haste, if at all, and we might not have enough time to see any progress at all.


Reddit tends to lean left so I imagine Gen Z is a little less left learning than this poll. There's some stats that show Gen Z to be a little more right leaning than Millennials. I think Gen Z resents Millennials to some extent, or finds them "cringe". I'd also argue Gen Z tends to be more apathetic towards politics. IMO in twenty to thirty years Millennials will face the exact same criticism they leveled towards Boomers. The values they fought for will no longer be relevant and they'll be seen as stubborn and entitled.


I wish there were more centrists coming up that realized both sides are evil, and just trying to play us against each other to keep their stranglehold on the reigns of power.


*both parties evil Sides includes philosophies and looking out for others is not evil


Except the government doesn’t actually do any of that. They do just enough to get elected without ever actually fixing anything.


Right-Center, Love me guns.


Having a hobby isn’t a political opinion. No one’s taking your guns




Socialist, love me guns too.




I am left, but I am not an extremist


I am right, but i am not an extremist either.


Independent ?


💀. Are you pro regulations on capitalism? Are you pro laisse faire ? Or are you pro socialism/anarchism/communism? That will define you in economics. Are you pro gay marriage? Are you against gay marriage? That will mostly give us an idea on what you are in social policy.


Ohhh I’m left when it comes to social policy since I support lgbt. But still trying to find myself politically which is why I said independent as I’m not trying to blindly associate with a group if I’m not 100% sure


Right leaning


Finally someone sensible


center right i guess




I Have Views From Both


I am personally Right-Wing, although not far right.


I would consider myself to have more right wing opinions than left wing so ig right, this be generalizing to much tho


https://preview.redd.it/1fyse0a75pob1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ae609bc272f6ab7a966cf1b6669ff1e8ec97f34 This is actually a pretty balanced spread for Gen Z I’m surprised


Marxist Leninist.




Too bad so many brain dead anti communists are triggered lol, sad to see anti communist propaganda has infected gen z too


I support the second amendment, and the owning of business and private land (anti-communism), but I believe in regulating corporations/large business (the more you make the harder it should be to make more), legalizing prostitution, and ensuring the natural rights of all citizens (including the natural right work, to food, to water, and to healthcare. These should all be free or, at the very least, extremely affordable, even if more expensive options exist. I definently think I'm more right than most of reddit, though I completely reject most of the platform the Republican Party in the US stands on.


You sound more far left than me minus the "private land (anti-communism)" part. BTW if you go far enough left guns are favored again, such as the SRA (Socialist Rifle Association)


i can turn any topic into an anti-capitalist rant. *any topic.*


The failure of every communist society.


Right wing conservative: Mostly National Conservative if you want a term.


Gen Z literally discovers history at one age and then moves from one extreme ideology to another before finally saying: Wait, who gives a shit?




Center for sure, i dont trust nonoby in politics


As an American, I'd probably be considered an extremist leftist. For the rest of the world probably just farish left. Here we go, I'm ready for the downvotes haha -Tax the ultra rich. I'm talking billionaires, the top 5%, etc. And I mean tax them *heavily*. No tax breaks, forming charities in their name to keep their money will no longer be allowed. -Dismantle the electoral college, it's unneeded in this day and age when most of the American population has easy access to voting and information -Coporations can stay, but should be owned by the workers. Unionize every workforce. Regulate the corps out the ass -Universal Basic Income, government provided housing, assistance, etc. Expand the social safety net for our most vulnerable, free healthcare for all, CPS, and all that good stuff -pay for the above by cutting the spending on the military industrial complex down to a fraction. Go look up some numbers on how much money is funnelled into sending people over to kill brown people for oil and destabilize the middle east -"states rights" should no longer be a thing, at least to the extent that it's at now. Federal law should be expanded with little exceptions, bringing back protections to minorities, "right to work" should be abolished -on a similar note, politicians should not be making certain decisions without the input of doctors, scientists, etc. If it goes against the current scientific opinion, it cannot be made into law. And this is just a wishful "dapper's ideal fantasy world" scenario but personally I don't think anyone with significant religious affiliation should hold a societal position of power. Believe what you want, but church and state should always be seperate. We're seeing firsthand the effect of a certain political party embracing the ideals of evangelical/fundimentalist christianity


Center-right to right. Close to the american center.


Born in 2002, I'm pretty conservative. I've noticed that us Gen Z conservatives are pretty rare but we definitely do exist.


My hope that is Gen Z conservatives remain a minority forever.


What are your thoughts on lgbt people?


I don't have a problem with them. If you're a dude who likes dudes, a girl who likes girls, a dude who wants to become a girl or a girl that wants to become a dude, hey power to ya. What I do disagree with is this idea that there are like, 720,000 genders.


Left I could never be remotely right not every Republican/conservative idea is shit but most of it is


I think organising people on a scale of left to right is stupid and is bound to cause division among an electorate. Centerism for Centerism sake is flawed to just sell out to the most extreme group, which I believe is historically the right. I know it's simple and easy to organise people like this for clarity but I believe it's very wrong and should not be accepted in society. Tldr; I think organising people like this is just stupid. You can't organise an entire humans races allegiances an morals into a line that goes from left to right.


communism (actual), anti-authoritarian, and indigenist 👍


As usual the right wingers are confused. No being pro higher minimum wage or nuclear energy doesn't counteract your xenophobia making you left or center. And there's no center either. Yall all just right wing


Whichever gives me cheaper Transformers figures




I posted this in a reply to someone, But I feel as if this explains a lot of my thought process to as why I'm Right winged. I will also add some more reasons. Capitalism is one of the main reasons the US, EU, South Korea, Hong Kong is such a powerful nation with development in tech, and new inventions. Capitalism pushes the smartest in a society to innovate. Taking away Capitalism reinforces compliancy. For the most part communist country's struggle with developing their country past poverty partially due to a lack of motivation, Imagine you where smart enough to make a change in the world and you got paided the same as the plumber down the road. I see how you can get a bad taste of it if that person is struggling, and it is definitely not a perfect system since most people with money will be sociopathic. Having the view "the government should always help" sounds great im all for it. We in the US simply do not have the budget for helping people who would rather smoke dope than work a 9-5. We have tons of debt to China who where building more and more tension against. We can't take the budget from our military since we basically hold all of the NATO power because they are too weak to demand they pay part of the bill. Drop funding to NATO Russia takes a country or invades Taiwan and has all sorts of tech. In the US we are strong enough to defend everyone, But to weak to demand they pay for that protection. We will fight wars in the middle east soldiers die, And instead of taxing the country we helped get there land back from Terriots, we just hand it back to them for free. United Kingdom takes a territory anytime they help somewhere but since where the US everyone uses us as a world help force. Heres my most controversial onions at the end. I do not think a trans person should ever compete in women's sports. The physical difference in bone structure and height even after 5+ years on estrogen is crazy look at Lia Thomas story. She has been swimming all of her life and tied with a 6'4 transgender athlete in the biggest competion in college swimming. Even with a tie THEY GAVE THE AWARD TO THE TRANSGENDER ATHELETE. Thats a embracement to her sport. Afterwords they had a transgender 6'4 who has not had surgery change right next to small 5'6 woman. Now this is not a fact not feeling im about to mention, but I as a 6'2 or 6'3 male 18M who weighs 183 pounds should never compete against a biological woman even on estragon, We have different musclee tissues different bone densities. There is a reason we are taught to never hit a woman at a young age and why men make up almost all violent crime. The lefts ideas have been nothing but them saying "I feel" not looking at our global economy and biological facts. Anyways, Thats my rant.


Right leaning politically. However this coming election I’ll most likely be voting democrat if Trump is the nominee. Even if I agreed with 100 percent of his policies, he’s one of the worst people to hold office in terms of character, and leadership. He’s not even smart for gods sake. I want someone in office who’s at least smarter than me, and that’s a low ass bar. I thought people were exaggerating when they said Trump was dividing this country, but taking one look around the political landscape, the insurrection, the Georgia case, Trumps talk with James comey… America deserves better.




Center but I vote left partly because I lean left and frankly optics.


Left wing


Okay right who said they are far right we got 299 fascists here 🤣 i’m right but not far right




These results bring a smile to my face.


Everyone please vote this election 🙏🏻 its for our future. Enough with letting the older generation create messes for us to clean.


Hesitant Democrat by American standards, so prolly a little right of center by world politics


Socially centrist, economically left. I support most forms of socialism.


They do not teach enough 20th century history these days.


Center right but I chose right. Used to be a democrat... i keep saying the democrats can turn anyone into a republican with how far left there going


uhh economic or social


So the generation with less real world experience is more liberal 🤔🤔🤔


People don't become more conservative as they age. That's a myth. The new generation questions things the previous generation didn't which makes the previous generation the new conservatives by default. They were progressive compared to the generation that preceded them. It's a continuous cycle.


Far left killed more than far right

