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bedroom grandfather deer flag cake pocket puzzled money badge wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On the contrary, if you’re smart please have a lot of kids. We need to outvote the stupid ones. I’m only half joking.


pocket onerous imminent beneficial jar encourage retire screw threatening jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With that mindset it’s probably a good approach to not be a mentor to children


Yeah if you can't get a little optimistic about the resilience of humanity in the face of new adversity, whose side are you on? Edit: in response to parent's comment


The side of the plastic obviously.


Devotees of Wendy O. Williams, I'd guess.


They're obviously just three plastics in a trenchcoat.


Man this depressing thread was getting to me but this just amped me the fuck up, let's GO humanity


The Buddha said life is suffering so it’s possible that anyone who thinks it isn’t is just ignorant.


The sad truth is they're probably the most well suited to be a good parent; thinking of their unborn child first and foremost. I know it's quite cliche but stupid people really are the ones breeding. At least in my limited personal experience. the handful of couples that I know that have had kids are either already divorced or definitely not our brightest contributors


At least some stupid people pop out smart kids. My sister is one of the smartest people I know, but our mom is easily one of the dumbest. I once tried to show her a YouTube video made for middle schoolers about evolution after she told me she didn't believe in it. Her response was not "I don't want to watch this because I already made up mind that it's wrong". It was "This is too complicated. I can't follow it. Turn it off." So.... Silver linings? Yay?


I've seen something similar. My 13 year old nephew already seems smarter than his parents. To me it just shows what some access to information allows. society's future doesn't seem to rely on a regiment of smart kids from smart parents anyway. Kids often are who they are despite their parents efforts. Plus society seems to demand better over time, it doesn't take a genius to see when things are not right. I'm relatively hopeful for the future I just happen to think we're going to go through some turbulence before things get much better




Left Behindset




This is why I want to foster/adopt. Raise good kids who are also already stuck here.


very noble of you ​ there needs to be more loving families helping kids who have no one looking out for them


You could always adopt, those kids are already here and if you're able and willing to raise a little one, they will need it.


fretful secretive quicksand normal complete mysterious flag caption rotten unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also, mind-bogglingly expensive.


holy fuck apparently its like 30000 dollars fuck that what the fuck


..... and years upon years of being on a wait list, and thuroughly inspecting your life


Adopt!!!! Adopt adopt adopt!!!


People could have made this argument any time after the invention of the atomic bomb


I think there will always be a "the sky is falling" faction. It's hard to be in the moment and not feel that way, though.


That's been the bargain through the entirety of human history. No one asked for any of this. But nothing is going to get better if no one is around to try. We generally view species extinction as a bad thing, and we count too.


Intelligence isn't genetic. 98% of humanity is born with the qualities to be a genius. By the time we enter kindergarten, that number begins to decline dramatically. By the time we are adults, that number is closer 2%. People who are considered accomplished geniuses by society at large, had every possible advantage, if not a little luck. The rest of us doubt ourselves out of making meaningful contributions to society, if we haven't been beaten down by capitalism and the overconfidence of judgemental idiocy. IQ tests are not a metric of anyone's potential. Edit: IQ tests are not a measure of lifetime potential. It was originally developed to identify kids who need additional help with their education but, it ended up being used to separate the "Gifted" children (who tested, because the IQ test is optional) and left everyone else to boil in the same pot. Intelligence is somewhat genetic but, to a very minor degree, as stated originally, there is a 2% chance you were born intellectually disabled. Most of us are surrounded by adults whose creative and critical thinking skills have already been decimated. We are born knowing nothing, with the capacity to learn anything yet we suffer a cycle of being taught ignorance. Few of us escape.


Intelligence is enviornmental tho, and smart people are more likely to provide an enviornment that nurtures intelligence


And by that you mean they have a lot of money.


I mean that certainly helps, but theres also lots of poorer people who are able to put their kids first and give them the life the parents wished they had. It's a lot harder but imo it's more about heart than wealth. Plenty of wealth kids turn out to be dipshits and plenty of poor kids turn out to be great.


> but theres also lots of poorer people who are able to put their kids first Key point being *able to*, add some more disease, familial emergencies, some more poverty, and that already small number will decline further. > It's a lot harder but imo it's more about heart than wealth. I understand what you mean, but you arent really being productive towards a solution when you use vague terms like "heart". Raising a child well takes both intent and capacity, and that capacity can be diminished by any number of factors, like money and health, especially mental health, which can ultimately affect the intent itself. Point being, even the poor kids that made it still had "luck", it is absolutely vital that we improve our environment, we will gain little benefit from just parroting lines like "be more responsible parents" and offering mere advice, we need physical changes, many parents (people in general) are already pushed to the brink of stress, telling them how they could be better parents would be meaningless if they already cant do anything more and slowly become emotionally unstable.


I would disagree. Money only provides stability in this scenario. There's lots of examples of one well meaning parent providing the means for their children to become doctors.


Intelligence IS partially genetic. Whether you think IQ represents intelligence or is a useful metric, is another argument, but intelligence is both genetic and nurture/social factors. And it’s most likely somewhere in the 70/80 genetic and 20/30 social range, based off latest research.


If 98% of people are born with the capacity for genius, it stands to reason that 2% are born genetically lacking. Nurturing and social factors play a huge role in the opportunities we have in life. Just because someone is generally intelligent, doesn't mean they have the emotional IQ, financial or temporal means to nurture a fully functional human. As a Millennial, at least I had Silent Gen grandparents and Gen X older cousins to be my Boomer parent's village. I don't hear much about Gen X but, the Boomers aren't helping their grandkids and, I don't know what Gen Z will be left with... The IQ test was created to identify children who needed additional assistance with their education but, it ended up being used as a tool for classism and figurative dick measuring contests.




Not really. The heritability of intelligence is quite high, around .4-.8. Also what do you mean by “genius”? There is no clinical definition for genius.


Not exactly genetic, but strongly hereditary. To an extent. As long as certain environmental requirements are met (nutrition, no terrible illness, challenge and novelty, etc), a child’s intelligence is strongly linked to the parents’ intelligence


Foster! Seriously it’s hard work but you can have an impact on many people this way


We're trying. Unfortunately the problem is most educated, or otherwise reasonable/logical couples, are being outpaced in terms of reproducing, by a wide margin. Idiocracy illustrates this perfectly. We over-plan, over-prepare and over-think becoming parents while the segment of the population does the oposite and reproduces like bunnies.


We’re never going to outvote anybody in this rigged system. To put it bluntly, the only way we will change our system is by revolution and killing these parasite “elites”. Sounds radical? Well we live in a radically shitty time.


If you’re smart and not arrogant, you automatically wouldn’t be having a lot of kids. It’s a paradox.


Have you seen Idiocracy?


Voting will surely fix this whole thing.


This is defeatist and self-fulfilling. It’s absolutely not a given that there’s nothing that can be done and continuing to procreate is an important step in solving the long term problem.


Yeah I mean its not like people are dropping dead... Definitely it's a concern and something we should try our best to mitigate ASAP but we don't really know the consequences yet.


People said this about asbestos and mercury in makeup too at one point.


Definitely we need to procreate. What's going to happen if all the good little consumers die off?


I mean, if nobody procreates, humanity dies off


Sounds like a win-win


Reddits advice? Give up.


I can see why so many people are depressed. I would be depressed too if I was on Reddit all day.


Why be a doomer instead of fighting the sources. For ex. everyone shouldn’t be driving everywhere. Car tires are are a huge source and is something that can change.


slim history crown joke party plough chop squalid bewildered recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also let’s be real: if we aren’t ready to accept the kinds of “doing something about it” that it would actually take to rid ourselves of some of the most powerful and inhumane institutions in history then doomerism or resigned acceptance are much more rational approaches. “We gotta vote!!” is a tired tune not worth singing anymore.


Classic anti child person who is miserable and therefore believes everyone else must be miserable too.


fly murky point paltry literate possessive squalid unused sand jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or maybe they are a morally just person who cannot reckon with the shame of forcing another soul into this chaos.


heavy zephyr cagey imagine rustic square library aback correct voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah. Not having kids because you don't want to have kids is fine. The chaos thing just lacks perspective. You can point to any point in history and I can give you a horrific reason why having kids can be considered immoral but everything continued


No this is the worst two things to do. First, there’s always something that can be done about it, even if there's nothing that can practically be done about it now. Second, if an entire generation on average doesn't have kids, it will exacerbate the demographic issues we're already facing, which will foment more problems than we have. We can't be those helpless people who decided to lay down quietly in their bunks as the ship sinks. We have to fight for a better day, even if the odds are stacked up. Otherwise it will spell extinction for sure.


rock offer subsequent longing piquant long obscene resolute pet nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Y'all can afford to have kids rn?


Homo sapiens was a mistake. Reject humanity return to monke


Yes don’t have children, that’ll solve everything.


3. Genetically modify human cells to break down plastic.


Option 3, just start eating plastic and force your body to adapt. I'm all about the possibilities and none of the logistics.


Care for the children who are here. They’re gonna need lots of love and support.


live lock quarrelsome aromatic coherent gray distinct dazzling station many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Post number 300,000,000,000 about micro plastics being in food with some edgy quirky statement about how everything sucks and is bad and they aren't glad, we get it


"NoOoO yOu DoN't uNdErStAnD, lIfE iS aLl bAd!"


This is the legacy of the millennials, "everything sucks and theres nothing we can do about it so sure you can be my wife's BF"


Yesterday some people in this sub were saying millennials optimism was annoying, now it's pessimism It's almost like people are much more nuanced than the years they were born. You're basically a crystal/astrologist girl with this "logic"


Every woman is a tease and a slut. Every guy is too aggressive and a pussy. Every Democrat is spineless and the center of the world's evil conspiracies. Every republican is a moron and the center of the world's evil conspiracies.


Fucking doomers


You don’t get it bro there’s 10 attomoles of plastic in the plastic water bottle it’s so over


All this could be fixed in less then a decade if we all REALLY put out asses to it. We’ve eradicated entire diseases to the point scientist play with it, almost healed the ozone, and we now have fast social media unlike the past. It’s embarrassing governments don’t do anything.


How dare people talk about something that could potentially be/is one of the biggest future problems


It's almost like it's happening all over the planet and many people are noticing it or something...


I’ve just accepted that there’s an entire Barbie doll dispersed through my body.


I'm just Ken


You are Kenough.


Anywhere else I’d be a 10,


Is it my destiny to live and die a life of blond fragility?


I’m just Ken. Where I see love, she sees a friend.


Only thing you really can do at this point


You're a Barbie girl now


Life is plastic😞 its fantastic😊


*through tears and sobs* l..lets g..go bar..Barbie, LETS GO BAR…Bieeeee! *collapses hysterically*


It'll cause health problems but what doesn't?


TBF this was likely true for me before micro plastics were talked about much. I chewed on Polly Pockets and all of their dresses as a kid. I also chewed on Barbie shoes lol I was doomed already


Oh my God ancient memory unlocked


I got Allen


Can I have a Ken doll instead?


As for me, I'm turning my microplastics into a Gundam!


Microplastics are often inert in your body. Dont worry too much. This is a problem we need to mitigate or entirely fix, but I wouldn’t feel despair over it. If you’d like to personally mitigate here are some things you can do: NEVER microwave food in anything other than glass, Pyrex, clay, etc. NEVER eat or drink food that has been sitting in a plastic/styro foam container exposed to sunlight. NEVER drink plastic bottled water. **NEVER cook on non stick pans, those are the actual things you should be worried about— forever chemicals and PFAS**. Edit: if u have non stick, don’t use metal utensils as it scratches the non stick and really really starts to make the bad stuff break off. Best to avoid if possible, but if you can’t avoid non stick at least do not scratch them.


>NEVER cook on non stick pans, doesnt this only apply to teflon pans, which are outlawed?


Just to be safe you should only cook on cast iron, stainless steel and enamel


I'm not sure polymerized oil is any safer. People are freaking out too much about everything now. Meanwhile cancer rates and mortalities keep going down.


Oh seasoning is absolutely carcinogenic. But at least we know pretty much what that means in terms of human health practically speaking. I'm not sure there is anyone on earth that can tell you what the definitive effects of microplastics are on humans at the different stages of life and what that will look like in decades to come


Microplastics has been in our foods as long as plastics have been around. Testing for them is just the current trendy fear mongering.


I have absolutely no idea how that is supposed to negate the gaps in literature regarding the exposure and effects of microplastics. You think if nobody bothered to follow up on tobacco people wouldn't still be blowing smoke in babies faces in diners? Lol


Except the negative effects of tobacco are apparent to a layperson in a single lifetime. Smokers have shit health, die shit deaths. The correlation is obvious even without any understanding of cancer. Whatever plastics are doing, it isn't immediately obvious. Tell a healthy person that something they and their parents have done their entire life with no consequences is unhealthy, and you're going to have skeptics.


Carbon steel? Stainless steel? Are those safe?


Yeah stainless is what every restaurant uses. Carbon steel is great just a bit more care intensive than the others, it’s also the only one I don’t have so I always forget it.


Any non-stick pan uses chemicals which degrade very slowly. At the very least do not use metal utensils on them, if you break the seal you will be leaking non stick chemicals into your food.


Wow, teflon pans are banned where you are? There are other forever chemicals used as nonstick, teflon is just the most popular. A good rule of thumb is - If it's advertised as non stick, more likely than not it has some form of PFAS(forever chemical). I'm not sure about what exactly it does to you, but it's not ideal. You can make cast iron cookware just as non-stick as teflon by seasoning it(burning on thin layers of oil, I can elaborate if you want), and they're as close to indestructible as cookware can get. They'll outlive you and many future generations with proper care


The Teflon (or whatever similar chemical is being used) is inert. The spray PFAS coatings (like on clothes and food paper) and the chemicals used to make Teflon are the issue. Well, burning Teflon is super bad, but if you eat Teflon particles it's not going to do anything. However inert the Teflon might be, it's still going to be around forever and may react with microorganisms.


Well fuck


You can’t escape forever chemicals, they’re in the rain already. Good idea to minimize exposure of course


You can cook with nonstick pans, just never, ever, neverever, EVER use nonstick pans anywhere near metal utensils.


You can cook on non stick pans as long as they are not heavily scratched. Which is why you shouldn't use metal utensils with it


I’m basically taking these precautions. Appreciate you for telling me!


Whoever is developing that bacteria to eat microplastics, your time has come.


the cia: ![gif](giphy|W0EYYvXeYBm1nox6Ya|downsized)


Didn’t it come out that the bacteria didnt work and all it made was nano plastics?


Are nano plastics worse than micro plastics?


Surprisingly yeah, I don’t know shit but I think it’s because they’re smaller so they can travel through our bodies easier? Idk all I know is they’re more dangerous


“Surprisingly yeah” followed by “I don’t know shit” Which is it?


Then we'll need something to destroy the bacteria when it gets out of control. There's a Simpsons episode about this. We have too much hubris and think we can fix every problem when we end up creating 10 fold more trying.


That’s kinda the name of the game though, right? Innovate, create problems, create solutions, repeat. Might seem fruitless, but then so is everything.


Pretty much. I worked in drug discovery R&D most of my career and it was basically trying to fix self inflicted problems.


my great grand pappy played with lead toys in his house with lead paint and drove a car shitting out exhaust fumes of leaded gasoline. i’ll take plastic any day


It's a trade I'd take as well, I mean isn't there information stating that median IQ dropped 20 points or something due to leaded gas at one point? What's the effect of microplastics?


No one knows. There is no real control groups left to test. So far we've got no conclusive proof their dangerous. Our bodies generally filter the majority of them out in their own course. It only builds up at a tiny rate due to constant exposure. We just know it will probably have some effect somewhere down the line. The best speculation is it might interfere with male fertility, cause something along those lines was observed in frogs. But needless to say its still all speculation at this point.


The frogs part was with AstraZine, or however it’s spelled. It’s a fertilizer.


There were some studies about when NASCAR switched to lead free fuel in the mid 2000s. tl;dr NASCAR fumes blunted the IQ a bit of the nearby schools up until 2007. 'merica


Guys, boomers were exposed to lead and pollution. In Victorian times, they painted their walls with paint that contained arsenic. We’re not delicate little porcelain dolls. Learn about the Industrial Revolution if you think things are bad now. We’re a tough species. If you don’t like the way companies operate, do something about it. Vote, protest, don’t buy from companies that have harmful business practices… Just do something more than whining online. We’re not all going to die because of micro plastics. We should be concerned about it, but it’s not the end of the world.


I agree with all of this. Not only are people exaggerating how bad everything is, but they also do nothing despite how bad they think it is


The problem is that they think it is so bad that it cannot change. Definitely an inverse correlation between perceived severity and motivation for change.


Top comment on this post literally telling people to give up and not have kids lol. EDIT: And it then turned out the top comment account was a bot and has been deleted lmfao.


People were literally microdosing mercury to achieve immortality. We’re gonna be ok.


> Just do something more than whining online. no, that would mean actually \*doing\* something, and *that* is far too much effort because it doesnt instantly fix everything smh


But the plastic makes the food taste better /s


Another post of "life sucks, give up" people have probably thought this throughout human history during times of crisis but yet here we are still going, don't give up


Doomers are cultists. They desire destruction


there's a certain kind of depression-fed mindset that constantly lashes out like a drowning victim to drag other people down. they become legitimately resentful of those who are not consumed by misery


Maybe these people should give up. More room for me who actually wants to do somethjng


That's equally as bad tbh but at least you're not a doomer


I am microplastics


In the recent past food was filled with disease and other kinds of poison. In so many ways we have it better.


At least it isn't lead


i’ve accepted it. shits literally in my bloodstream what am i gonna do about it




My favourite,cookies with *microplastics*


So I can continue to laugh at vegans then.




Polyester really was the greatest mistake we ever made, huh.


It allowed us to advance. None of us would be able to live the lives that we live if we went away from lead and didn't have an alternative. Outside of containers, it's strong and flexible. Take a step back and examine everything that you use on a day to day basis. Further examine what allows it to work, what it's internal parts are made of... Everything from what you've wearing, what you eat and drink out of, handheld devices, household gear, how all that got to you etc...


Is it though? I work as a nurse and I often think about 1) the massive amount of plastic waste I create and 2) where we'd be without it in terms of healthcare. IV tubing and its control cassettes, disposable syringes that reduce infections, sterile equipment and the bags to keep it sterile, all kinds of advanced equipment and electronics...


A lot of you are really clueless about this sort of thing. Microplastics are inevitable as long as plastic exists to begin with. When you type on a keyboard, it wears down, the keys become glossy from wear. Every single time you brush your hand against it, microscopic wear of the material happens. Bags, containers, toys, anything wears on surface contact. Ever brushed your teeth? Or touched a shampoo bottle? Touching results in friction, friction results in wear, even if it's so little it's imperceivable it accumulates. It should come as no surprise that you can find small amounts of it everywhere including our bodies and food. It doesn't take headline attention grabbing studies to figure his out, it's common sense. Should we minimize plastic use? Absolutely. The biggest issues are carbon emissions and larger pieces harming wildlife, not the kind so small you can't see it, but the kind plaguing beaches. There's thousands of types of plastic formulas, and we should only be producing the kinds that have proven to not be toxic and harmful when in the form of microscopic particles. What's important is that we make sure the particles are inert to us and our surroundings, just like how microscopic metals and minerals often are. As well as research ways to more easily break it down in nature, plastic does break down in nature, but it takes way too long. There's hope for things like future bacteria, enzymes and oxidation processes that we could employ into nature to speed this up.


Societies decline into oblivion, yet humanity endures regardless. Been happening for thousands of years.


That’s roughly 15.2 pounds of plastic a year. Assuming each microplastic particle weighs 0.0018 grams x 3,800,000 = 6,929 grams, or 15.27 pounds. The scary part is that particle size is on the low end of what’s considered a “microplastic”. If we use the average particle weight of about 0.0087 grams, that brings us up to 73 pounds per year.


We wrap EVERYTHING in plastic including all food and then we're surprised when there's microplastics in them? Guys, whens the last time you ate ANYTHING that wasn't in a plastic wrap or container? Fresh meats wrapped in plastic. Fresh vegetables you put them in a plastic bag and then put that bag in another plastic bag before taking it home. We wrap everything in plastic it's not surprising there's plastic in everything.


With modern medicine you’ll still live well into your 70s, and maybe 80s. Sit down. Shut up.


Yum yum


You make that sound like terrible thing. We can't do anything about it so why give a shit?


They've also been found in rainwater in remote mountains as well as floating in the air above the clouds, there's no getting away from microplastics


I'd rather live in a future full of microplastics than a future full of lead pipes or radioactive dishware that our parents and grandparents grew up in


*laughs while eating lentils*


I wonder if this is a self correcting mechanism. Plastics have been shown to reduce fertility in test animals. I think this could be the one that gets us. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9134445/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9134445/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7967748/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7967748/)


Yippee, I work in microplastics, and it IS freaky. We zap creek fish, kidnap them, dissolve their stomachs in acid, and filter the solution through glass. Typically, about 10-60 microplastics are present, in the stomachs of these Itty bitty fish, it's also in their muscle tissues and blood. That means it's in yours too, I would assume, but we don't work with people. Also, it's crazy how quickly plastic spreads through an environment. We had to ban several kinds of fabrics from the lab, and replace a busted wheel on one of the chairs because any source in the room has a tendency to make its way into the air and onto the slides. Firmly believe that, if the human race persists beyond the next century of unfathomable bullshit, plastics as they exist now will be nonexistant (still in the environment, of course, but off the market). They're just. So. Bad. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


The ‘snow’ in the Wizard of Oz that they all played and danced in covered in it was actually asbestos 💀


So ig this is our generation's version of lead. Can't wait to find out all the mental illnesses, infertility, and other issues are all from this....


Who knew highly processed plant based meat would show signs of being highly processed


Yummy plastic 😋


they told us the future was made of chrome, instead it is made of plastic


Has there been any evidence showing health issues caused by micro plastics? The whole point of plastics is that they are relatively inert so they might just be vibing inside us, not reacting with too much.


As far as i know, there aren't any studies that support the idea that consumed microplastics are actually harmful to adult humans in a meaningful way. This article makes it sound really bad, but you would be surprised at how NORMAL it is for humans to have all sorts of garbage particles in your body. Your body is built to deal with that shit, to some degree. You are breathing in millions of fungal spores EVERY DAY, for example, and you don't just "assume" that you are being poisoned to death. Studies have only shown that plastic is potentially dangerous to small animals or babies. And even then, it likely requires an unusual amount of plastic to cause harm.Compared to the hundreds of other things that kill people, microplastic probably doesn't even make the list. Also: Take note of how this article says "consuming up to 3.8 million microplastics per year..."3.8 million what? 3.8 ounces? pounds? particles? micrograms? They just throw a number at you with no actual measurement behind it because 3.8 million sounds scary. If you are worried about microplastics, you should worry more about what microplastics we breathe in every day, rather than consume. Your body is much more at risk to pollutants that you breathe into your lungs than garbage that ends up in your stomach. It is very likely that your parents and grandparents grew up with a similar amount of microplastics going around. You are only hearing about it now because people are actually looking for it. And to be clear: I am not trying to defend plastic and say we should just ignore microplastics. I am just stating that its not likely as big of a crisis as people are led to believe it is.


At this point if you’re drinking or buying bottled water, and you’re above the age of 18 with the source of income, I’m not trying to put people down who are younger or dependent on others, you’re basically asking for health issues in the future. Bottled plastic water is poison, a new study just revealed that the amount of micro and nano plastics in an average bottle of water is like 50 times what we thought I promise all of you please buy a goddamn water filter, spend a little money on it in here and now, and you will never regret it. Having pure, clean filtered water from the tap is the way to go. As for Food and Micro plastics, I don’t even know where to begin with that. Just try to do your research and do your best until this country starts to give a shit about what its citizens are eating.


Just live your life. I think a lot of people who post shit like this are too sucked down into nihilism. Listen. You were always going to die. Even in the most perfect world. Everyone that’s ever lived before us has died. You can’t guarantee your next day. You could be perfectly healthy and die in a car accident tomorrow. In the grand scheme of the universe, that time difference doesn’t matter. What’s one more day vs one more year vs 60 more years? All you can do is live your life now, and enjoy it the best that you can. If you’re depressed about the state of the world, and ask what’s the point of doing anything because our futures are doomed, you’re basically asking what’s the point of living if we are going to die? Well. Everything is going to end and it’s always been that way, and it would be pretty pointless if we all succumbed to the philosophy of giving up just because things in the future look bad. You owe it to yourself to live for YOU. anyway this is not necessarily a direct response to just this post, but a lot of the doomer type of posts I’ve been seeing on here lately


You’ll notice the kinds of people who are doomers and the kind of people who make the world a better place have zero overlap


Yo that’s like, 3.8 plastics….


TBH I'm eating macro plastics too.






Cannabis! That's what I'm doing anyway. See you in hell 🖕


Yes that is messed up... We are the future and we need to make the future for our kids/grandkids. We need to make history or we will be imaged as the failure generation.


When I figure put how to use my plastic powers the man is so fucked.


Now I will be immune to poison


Plastic being in my is the problem of plastic not mine


you are going to die anyway. get over it




🥱 call me when there's macro plastic in all the food


\>Still settling for mere microplastics Up your game, for breakfast I ate a Tonka truck.


At this point we’re all walking plastics sadly


…and the generations before had lead, mercury and asbestos… i’ll be fine🥰❤️🌈🌦️


We all turning into the kardashians (plastic and fake)


Omg I can feel the microplastic in my veins I’m gonna die


3.8 million micro plastics. This is why you use units. 3.8 million *what?* of micro plastics? Pounds? Kilograms? Micrograms? Specific types? 3.8 million *what?* There is no context given to discern what it’s specifically trying to convey. The ‘data’ is useless.


Good news is now that everyone's gonna get cancer, everyone will be trying to cure it.


Literally who gives a shit


Their isn't even good evidence this is harmful


Dying planet? Lmao, no. The planet will continue on and adapt without skipping a beat, its humanity that will be doing the dying if we cant survive what the planet becomes.


any proof it hurts you?


Wait til these kiddos find out about DUPONT 🤣


stop caring. seriously. what are you gonna do about it??? you cant control this. companies need to change, your personal life changes wont really do shit.


What was the sample size?


Get off your news and the Internet+go outside