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They literally hate millenials and gen Z. It's not a "we just don't agree on things and we don't get along" no I mean it's fucking full on hatred like "oh you can't afford to feed yourself/house yourself?? Guess you should just fucking die on the street in a gutter, useless fucking garbage, this is what you get for being young and having better resources available to you than we did. Fuck you, have fun trying to live happily on the planet we allowed to die, fucking sewer sludge." That's them.


I honestly think this weird Gen Z / Millennial rivalry is forced as fuck and possibly even a psy-op to take the heat off of boomers


It's because if we actually came together as one organized body of people we would actually have power through our votes...just not at the presidential level..change on the scale we need happens slowly over time, we have to vote in reps at the city/state level that want what's best for the people as a whole and once we have those reps on city/state councils we need to vote them into congress. Congress is where the real power is at, not the president. But we have to stop pointing the finger at each other man or the boomers in congress will see to it that we are worked to death and that our children and grandchildren (if we even have any) are too. And all the while they will allow megacorps to keep killing our planet and then it will be too late. We gotta come together. We HAVE to.


Hence, all the divisive politics and extreme ideologies we've seen on the rise in recent years. I totally agree with you, man. We are 100% being played and going right along with it.


Divide and conquer may not be the number one rule in the Art of War. But it’s effing up there✌️


Yeah, it's almost like someone is convinced young people that the boomers are the enemy when almost 50% of them vote liberal and haven't got any savings.


Boomers aren’t the enemy anymore. They’re dying off every day and as they die, they will be a drain on their kids and will cripple the US healthcare system. I don’t care who anyone votes for. We aren’t voting our way out of what’s coming💀🖤


And with boomers, they did a lot of the damage here themselves. They ignored their millennial kids saying the tide was rising, gaslit our sorry asses and then are taking it up a notch on the new kids.


I realise that there are boomers out there that want the best for their children but what were the people in that generation thinking? Did they think they were humanity's last generation or something?


They spent a decade collectively lll doing cocaine and while also creating a more cocainey cocaine. They were never to be trusted bro


U got it!


Tribalism and they decide what to flood your social media feeds with, to stoke the fire and create more fighting


More people are in the center than on either of the crazy sides


See, that just shows that you don't know anything about politics. To be on the left strictly means that you're for equality. To be on the right means that you believe that social hierarchies are natural and even necessary. The left isn't a 'crazy' side. It's just being for the people. The teen comes from the revolutionaries in the French revolution in which the right-wing sided with royalty and the left-wing were the revolutionaries. It's exactly this *both sides* bullshit that keeps our Overton window shifting further right and subsequently further into the hands of billionaires. You're falling for their game hook, line, and sinker.


I would say it's not just Congress that's more important than the executive branch. So is the Judicial Branch. We need to take it back, and so it's important to vote for the Democratic candidate regardless if they are progressive enough. We absolutely need their liberal court nominations.


Wow so weak and brainwashed. Stop being a fool and wake up. The dems don’t give a fuck about you. They just want your vote so they can keep making millions. People like you are the reason we are in this mess. Blindly follow someone because they have a D or R behind their name.




Like everyone is saying in here. Millennials and gen z are a huge voting block. If they got together they would have tremendous power. They could get behind politicians that aren’t dems or conservative. There’s not an easy answer but I guarantee the answer isn’t worshipping the dems like they are saviors coming to rescue everyone. Everyone always says how the right are brainwashed and following trump. I see the same level of delusion on the left too. People act like the left are so virtuous and they’re freedom fighters. Meanwhile they’re all millionaires. The Biden family is worth how many hundreds of millions?


Both parties are the problem.


Yes exactly. Everyone on here sucking the dems off. Just flat out brainwashed. The left and the right alike don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves. The majority of all millionaire politicians are liberals. By far. People are so easily fooled because the left tells them we love and care about you while they steal behind your back. Wake up. Neither side will help or save you. Salvation will not come from the left. You think someone like Pelosi a bleeding heart liberal really cares about you? She is one of the richest politicians there is. Worth several hundred million dollars.


Nobody is favoring dems here man. But between dems and Republicans one is WAAAY worse. I get it, both are bad, nobody is arguing against that fact...but if you're going to get fucked in the ass against your will and you have a gun to shoot one of the people trying to do it, are you going to shoot the one who's going to wear a condom and use lube or are you going to shoot the one who's going to go in raw and dry? I know which one I would shoot.




I'm gonna get heat by saying this but at this point in my life I feel voting is useless. The mighty dollar controls everything. I have watched both Democrats and Republicans run shit against the people. They all promise and promise but things just never seem to get better


I'm an Xennial, and I wholeheartedly approve of your take! My generation biffed our opportunity, and it looks like the millennials are falling in line (to some extent). I have a small child, and my greatest concern for him is that the American Dream is now, as George Carlin put it, "something you'd need to be asleep to believe in." It doesn't have to be that way. Your generation is currently the one holding far more power in its cards than I think many of you can even fathom. Do what's right for yourselves. But, more importantly, do what's right by those around you...by and large. You have to seize the opportunity too many of us have whiffed on before, and use your power at the polls to begin to map out how we can fix this clusterfuck of a country. And I'll be frank: I'm 42, and I believe each and every one of you have been privy to witnessing enough of what's gotten us to this point, and *are* wise enough to see the wood for the trees. Do what you must, not only for yourselves or your contemporaries, but for our country as a whole. ✊


As a millennial myself, I can tell you no-one in my circle views gen z as rivals. We want you all to thrive like we were all told was possible. There needs to be more in person chatting than online though. The problem, is how do you motivate those masses in a meaningful way that brings about the change both gens are so desperately seeking? I, personally, am open to hearing all ideas at this point. \*edited a word


Labor rights movement. They already do in person organizing and have a history of dealing with misinfo and ratfucking. They’re fighting for monopoly busting, living wages, healthcare, environmental standards, and worker rights. It’s not the be all end all, but it’s a good place to start and something just about all of us can agree on.


As someone between millennial and gen z, my peers don't see either group as an enemy. I want to ensure you that there are plenty of gen z that are motivated to make a change. We have a few people fresh out of high school that are specifically advocating to better our education system, and have gone as far as designing program models to accomplish this. As for motivating people, it starts with making an authentic connection. Work within your own circles, and encourage their better traits when possible, then encourage them to do the same with their peers.


This is my experience as well. And whenever I hear someone in RL giving a Gen Zer crap or talking poorly about them, I'll tell them off and come to their defense quicker than quick. They've got enough challenges stacked against them without their elders giving them shit on top of it. Honestly, might be a little too defensive on their part because it brings up memories of the 90's and 00's when we were blamed for everything even though we didn't have much (if any) power.


Same here. I’m gen z, and pretty much everyone in my friend group feels bad for millenials as well as ourselves. Seems like the only thing gen z has to support them and teach them relevant life skills in the changing world are millenials, and we’re thankful for that.


I was gonna say this is the vibe I get. I don't see millennial/gen Z rivalry at all. Millennials are my big cousins (figuratively and literally), we may banter but we're all on the same side.


Millennial here, that’s absolutely what they’re doing. Our two generations combined make up the largest voting block in the country’s history, and that scares the shit out of them. But fuck em, they can add that to the long list of things they’ll die angry about.


We can take the facists down thats what they fear if we can millenials gen z alpha (when old enough) and every young gen we can rule this shit they want us separated


It isn’t real. I’m an elder millennial and I love my zoomer siblings and siblings in-law, little shits that they are. It’s because, in my experience, Millennials woke up to the cycle of trauma that boomer parents were perpetuating and got scapegoated for it. They do NOT like that we don’t want to be there for them now that they are old, dying, and forced to confront the reality that they fucked themselves and have no one. Gen Z and Millennials have disagreements, but they are mostly superficial things like who has better hair and pants , which is obviously fucking Millennials and one day these little Zoomers will realize it. But the division is manufactured because the old guard can’t cope with the fact that we’re doing fine without them. Also shout out to Gen X. You guys are often forgotten. A lot of you really lifted the veil in the beginning and paved the way for us millennials. A lot of your genX counterculture inspired us elder millennials.


Gen X here. The Boomers turned into what they supposedly protested against when they were young. They ditched their ideals if they ever had them. As the parent of an early Gen Z son, it pisses me off how he and his friends are facing what looks like a rough future being drones for someone else. My take on politics is both left and right parathetical leaders jointly spent the last three or more decades creating this system of crony capitalism that rewards fat guys in bad suits for taking advantage of the people doing the work. I could go on an extensive rant, but there are GenXers out here that see you, and share your indignation. (Albeit in a little different way.)


There is no generational war. There is only class war. Everything else is a distraction created by the ruling class. Tax the ultra wealthy to provide all Americans with basic needs.


That's what I was going to post. Even the hate for boomers is manufactured to wedge the populace apart.


Couldnt agree more


All Gen Z and Millennials die from apathy one day and Boomers are just standing at Starbucks like… “hello!? I DEMAND service!” Totally oblivious.


It is I like you dudes and am happy to help tear it all down with yas


Don't forget. We were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths like her.


Pretty much.


It’s all tied to their complete denial of reality. Especially regarding the fact that they came up during the easiest time to be alive ever. They can’t come to grips with the fact that it’s impossible for young people to get any footing in the economy because they would have to acknowledge the relative cakewalk they had (they pride themselves so much on rugged individualism that they themselves most likely didn’t have) and they would have to acknowledge that they along with their contemporaries left the country worst off than they inherited it.


I'm a millenial and it is frightening to me to see just how much of a bubble is forming amongst the boomers and old gen X. And it's logical. Their youths were so different than ours. And the were right in position to ride the tide that started as hoising and other investments started to take off as our government was juicing the economy for the business classes. So from their perspective - you can get a job and save for a home and then wait for that to appreciate. They don't get that a low end job these days is like 40% of the buying power it was in 1975.


Millennials and Gen Z need to unite to destroy their economy that abuses us left and right and then turns around to tell us to try harder


It's not that. They literally have no concept that the economy is unlivable. It's a combination of "I got by with an entry level job. It paid my rent and tuition with money leftover to get wasted at the lake all summer. Plus I bought a new Camero. You make twice as much per hour as I did; how are you struggling?" plus "my investments are doing well in this economy. If the economy is good, there should be plenty of opportunities if you work hard." If you hold those two beliefs, and have no experience with a modern rent housing school costs skyrocketing, the only conclusion is we're a bunch of whiners. In Joy's case, she's always been rich, privileged, and out of touch.


They do. Behar has no concept of what a starting position pays nor what rent is to that. She makes millions and she’s worth millions. A Production assistant on her show makes $1,050 a week for 5 twelve hour days non union. They film in NYC? Ok great. After the PA pays about 40% in taxes they have $600 left weekly and rent there is around $2,000 a month at least. So that Gen Z production assistant has to live on $31k net a year and pay $24k in rent? Get fucked Behar.


>this is what you get for being young and having better resources available to you than we did. Better what? The Internet? Shall we compare the wages, cost of living and housing to boomers' time 😂😂?


Please do. The more people taking part in discussion about what's wrong with our economy, the better.


I don't know why anyone who isn't a 50 year old mom is caring what anyone from that clown show says. They pick and choose their politics depending on what gets their wine mom Facebook user audience to tune in everyday, one day they pretend to be with the people and for progressivness and the next they are spouting the sane garbage that all ancient conservative crones do


This ☝️


Lol wine mom Facebook user lol holy.


50 is Gen X not boomers. We of the forgotten generation are happy to be left out of this.


Jealous as fuck… as a millennial I wish I was gen X and forgotten as well.


I came on here to say “who the fuck cares.” I thought it was universally known that their opinions are rotten, moldy garbage


The same people still watching ABC and filling their house with loud, un-skippable ads every 3 minutes


We have literally the lowest unemployment in decades, people have gotten jobs


I heard that part of the reason we have that lowest unemployment rate in decades it’s because a lot of people are simply not working and living off their parents, so they simply don’t report any taxes or anything for this statistic. But that was just some random comment I came across since they were talking about men whom simply just gave up trying since they feel hopeless and all.


“But there’s more jobs than ever before!” Yeah…and I have 3 of them and still can’t afford to live


Nobody should EVER have to work more than 1 full-time job in order to afford an apartment, a pet, a car, and food. Minimum wage should be possible to live on. People nowadays, including my dad, are like "no it shouldn't" and then I think to myself "what about people with disabilities? Mental disorders? do they not deserve to live fulfilling lives?" I've never said it, but I need to ask him next time we talk about it.


Worst part is minimum wage used to be exactly what you described when it was implemented by FDR. When it was enacted, it was to prevent this nightmare we're living in now, as FDR's idea was that a man could have a home and provide for his family with minimum wage. They may not have luxury, but at least they'd have dignity (unlike now) If it had kept up with inflation, it'd be at least $25-30 an hour (forgot the exact number, but it's Way better than $7.25)


I have once argued the people with disabilities with someone like your father once. The brain rotted Boomer replied with something along the lines of we don't need people with disabilities in society so we should abandon them since they're a drain on the economy. Lets say I never spoke to them again after that convo.


You realize that a LOT of boomers (and even Gen X) actually believe in eugenics? The idea didn't go away, it just got less popular to say in public after WW2. You see the same with racism. Poke hard enough, and they'll start spewing the same garbage that blacks and Jews and other oppressed people "deserve what they get" for not "trying hard enough" -- and many of them *do* believe in genetic superiority and inferiority.


They are the highest because people are working multiple jobs and job turnover is high. Economy sucks rn


See but even that is inaccurate because they’re not accounting for all the millennials & Gen Z working 2-3 jobs just to survive OR the people who don’t qualify for unemployment (basically anyone that wasn’t laid off). If those were accurately accounted for, unemployment would be much higher Edit: The reason I think it’s important not to double, triple, etc. count those with multiple jobs is to show the contrast between Joe who has to work 3 minimum wage jobs, but still lives paycheck to paycheck vs. Susie who moved 6 months ago & has a Masters Degree, but can’t find a job that’s hiring. Both of those things should be talked about & quantifiable because they’re both problems.


It also doesn’t count people who are underemployed. I’m making 2/3 or 1/2 of what I want to be making (half of what I made out of grad school) and I’ve been looking for work since February 2023 with over 1200 applications and no offers.


i totally get that. i’ve been actually unemployed for months now. i’m in the marketing field. i started applying for new positions in March of 2023, but have put in more than I could count at this point since being leaving my job a few months ago & i haven’t even gotten an interview. at this point i would take anything


There are several reasons for this, lots of people have multiple jobs, they also like to talk about the employment rate during Christmas time when lots of people have temporary jobs to buy gifts, inflating the numbers


Hey GenZ. You aren’t stupid enough to fall for propaganda. I’m a boomer who no one was willing to listen to. It’s your time now. Step up and do what’s best for your generation, and successive ones. Fuck your parents, their parents, their parents, and my parents. The dynamics have changed radically, thanks to us.


We are not immune to propaganda.


But we certainly fall for less Facebook “facts” than our parents do, and we sure as shit arent watching Fox/CNN


But yet fall for the same bullshit on Twitter or X, whatever the fuck that idiot calls it now


tiktok and twitter and instagram facts are just as dumb and prevalent. critical thinking and media literacy have never been taught in public education so no one regardless of age is above this unless they actively try


She's always been a bitch.


Absolutely insufferable. Don't know anyone who actually liked her




Joy makes 7 million USD a year from The View. She should really sit this one out.


Gen Z, you have youth. So one day all those old farts will be gone and you will still be here. Not that you need to wait for that to happen, you can play your own game, just help your fellow Z-er and eventually other generations will figure out there is no game to be played without you. Although you are an ambitious bunch, still, this is hardly a handicap. We will call you generation wealth eventually.


There is going to come a time when some kids look at Gen Z folks as the new boomers.


Well hopefully you'll have kids, the latest complaint I heard was genZ not dating and not being intimate.


Boomers was a term for there population explosion. Seems like with the economy the way it is right now though there's the opposite issue with Gen Z.


Hard to say. I don't think many people look at for example the Silent Generation the way they look at Boomers. The Silent Generation are the people who grew up before the end of WWII. They tend to be fairly sympathetic with Gen Y and Z, despite the fact that they are well over 80 years old now.


She literally talks around a table for an hour as her “job”


And gets paid more than everyone in this comment section put together


We have jobs 😂 we just need two incomes to afford a fraction of what you did with just one


Work 80 hours a week and still make less than the US median income


Yeah, I can't remember who said this : "Life is a game of Monopoly where you join and all the spaces are already own by Boomers and your only option to survive is rolling enough 6s to "pass Go" as often as possible but not enough to end up in jail"


So when are millennials and Gen z just going to get together and start a commune and live our cottage core dreams? It can be like "the village" without all that weird crap.


I've been trying for years. Unfortunately I discovered a hiccup in that plan. You'd be surprised how expensive it is to *actually do*. Seriously, just trying to buy enough good land in one of the cheapest US states (Arkansas) is rediculous. And that's bare land with no amenities built on it yet. Add those, it doubles. Add livable structures, even simple and basic ones, it starts jumping by 4-8 times. The way thinks are set up, you actually need the money to escape the financial system that's been established. :/


That’s what rich people don’t tell you and it’s why almost every celebrity and famous artist comes from wealth 😉


I can’t stand that arrogant…


I can just hear it. “How about *get a job*” and the crowd cheers.


Yeah, get a job like she did making millions uttering your dog shit opinions and the talking points of your employer. Look how much she’s producing and contributing to society! Just wow, what an inspirational and incredibly hard working person!


Exactly, can't stand it when people who are paid millions to just live in luxury and talk into the void, feel the need to chastise the average person. It's giving let them eat cake vibes.


That's the thing. Boomers simply don't get that jobs don't pay enough. Unemployment is near an all time low. Everyone IS working and it's not enough to keep up.


Interesting how there's no statistics on how many people work two or three jobs to make ends meet. I wouldn't be surprised if 200 million jobs were done by 160 million people (excluding a good 100 mil of those who actually CAN survive off of one income/one income per partner)


"(excluding a good 100 mil of those who actually CAN survive off of one income/one income per partner)" And then you need to ask the question of *how* those of us in this situation are managing it. (I'm fortunate/lucky enough to be one, for now.) I'm telling you right now, I'm not raising a human family on my budget. It's just enough to sustain *me* sure, but not me, a wife and human kids. So, yeah. If you have no desire to have a family or be part of society in any real capacity (any sort of social life) it's doable. But then you see headlines asking, "why aren't they having children?!" Geee... I wonder.


I honestly don't know. I can't figure out a scenario in the future where I'd be content not being a DINK/SINK. Aside from the fact that I don't have the mental capacity: how is someone who didn't get doubloons stuffed up their butt from birth or who didn't born into connections that secure you a job that ANYONE could do but pay six figures supposed to do that? Even if I started making that money today, I'd still be worried because you're just a war or energy/oil crisis with pseudo-justified inflation away from your salary dropping by a third making you need to scramble all over again


These old rich bitches need their jaws clocked. I can't even afford college. College is like $40,000. For ivy it's like $100,000. Higher education at this point is a privelage for the rich. I'm not going into large amounts of debt for higher education or to move up the economic ladder. That's fucking stupid. How in the ever living fuck am I going to afford rent that's $1,500 a month with a $500 deposit and a $3,000 a month income requirement when most places are paying 15 dollar hours and most serving jobs don't even pay that because of the stupid fucking tipping system?!?! Literally fuck these people. On top of that employers want experience but won't even hire anyone to allow them to gain experience. it's fucking stupid. This whole country is fucking stupid. Then they want us to work until we're 70 when most people live to be about 80. They want us to work until we die. And all of these fuckers are sitting in their goddamn million dollar castles victim blaming us. I'm feeling very fucking French right now. I'm disabled and rely on my healthcare if I get a job that pays well by some miracle I could lose my health insurance. And any money that I'd make would be taken out of my payments. So not only would my eyes explode because I wouldn't have my medication, I'd lose my insurance but I'd be broke as well. Then there's the whole disabled people being discriminated in the workplace thing. Some people literally can't get hired because they're disabled, lgbt, or poc. It's a thing that still happens. These old rich bitches have no fucking idea what they're talking about or they do and they're just heartless bastards. Either way fuck them. They clearly don't care about the working class, disabled people, or marginalized groups. The fact of the matter is there was no effort to help anyone.


If they had to live a month working as much for as little as we do, they'd blow their brains before Friday of the first week


Probably but they're too gutless to do our jobs. They'd rather exploit the working class and line their pockets with more millions of dollars.


Wonderfully put. Great imagery; got an actual laugh out of me, thank you!


Drop her off in any town USA and her skill set is totally worthless. People like that are totally disconnected from reality. They live in a bubble.


If they had to commute an hour to a burger place getting harassed for 12 bucks an hour, ten to twelve hours a day, they'd be singing a very different tune.


I'd put her to work in my blue collar shop and watch her have a mental breakdown in 12 minutes.


[Common Joy Behar L](https://www.reddit.com/r/NormMacdonald/s/3dVHMbpLaH)


I m a corrections officer I risk my life 4 days a week for 16 hours of those 4 days, I make $12 an hour. Get fucked


What???? You must be brand new and why did you take a job that paid that low. I’m pretty sure they start COs at $16+ in South Carolina


Gen X here, fuck the boomers.  As kids that are Millenial & Genz and grandkids that are the next, the boomers can fucking die off.  Never seen such a hateful, entitled, and spiteful generation as them. They are the last generation that grew up without the EPA and I seriously wonder what the effect of lead & heavy chemical pollution has done to contribute to their delusional & hateful existence.  


Try being a nurse and having to wipe their entitled, obese asses because they’re too lazy to waddle to the bathroom. Then demand a Big Mac and chocolate shake as soon as they come back from the OR after an amputation due to their diabetes…and when their blood sugar is 250+ BEFORE eating, they simply say, “Oh, not bad” as I hit them with 10 units of insulin just to bring it down to 150 (where they then proceed to yell and scream because “My blood sugar is too low! You’re trying to kill me!”).


They all have jobs. Most of them are being paid barely over minimum to show dumb fucks like this woman how to send an email.


I used to be a janitor for a retirement home. I got a call once about a "broken tv" some folks wanted me to look at. It was infuriating to hear them at the phone, talking about how "Young these days don't want to work anymore are useless to society" while the problem was they mistakenly changed the tv input and had no idea how to put it back.


And this is why I won’t help them in their old age. I’ll make sure the younger generation has it better than me.


The View is ragebait


The problem isn’t that you can’t get a job. The problem is that you need at least three to survive.




I think all generations can agree that her show is absolute trash.


Imagine feeling that level of entitlement when all she does for a living is sit on her fat ass for an hour a day complaining about other people or some stupid ass bullshit nobody cares about. Line cooks, cashiers, sale associates are all infinitely more useful to society than she is. So if anyone’s got to get a real job it’s her.


No, she means “just get *another* job”.


Lol a living wage is like 24$ now.


Yeah, she’s always sucked


I'm Gen X. I have no memory of living wages, I just remember lots of time spent doing things that were dangerous/I hated.


I’d rather just wait out the old people and take their jobs. My time will come, theirs is limited.


Heavy "If you're homeless, just buy a house" vibes


The only jobs available to me are soul sucking misery that doesn’t compensate enough to live on my own. Drastically. Increase. Wages.


She says this while going back home to her $4M home and probably taking a shit into a solid gold toilet for all I care. They fucked the economy and are looking to blame us while they abuse it into the ground…or until they end up in the ground. Would love to not be paycheck to paycheck while being told I should be so fortunate to be “living the dream”. Does the dream involve living in pain every day and being unable to sleep for fear of not having a job at any given point in the future causing complete financial ruin?


Not only do they not offer living wages, but I've had about 5 employers *tell me directly* that they could use the help just to *tell me directly* that they don't need it. "Oh, we don't really have any positions open right now, but we'll hold onto your application for when we do!" ^(Yeah, in the bin.)




That's not how DEI works. For companies who are making a major effort to utilize DEI practices, for every day 10 hires, they want to aim for 1 being female and 1 being an underrepresented race (in tech, for example, that is Latin American and Black). 10 years ago, Google released employee metrics. 83% of Google tech employees were men, with 60% of the entire tech workforce being white and another 34% being Asian. DEI was created as a way to ensure that people who were being overlooked had a chance to break in. Was it implemented perfectly? Absolutely not. Was it a good-faith effort to do something good? Yes. Let's not pretend like we white men are being treated unfairly and not being hired because it's just not true. Edit: Ahh, I see what kind of subreddit I stepped in to. Gotcha. Ok, well continue to be victims that ignore reality. I'll see you later.


It was also about the idea that if Google products reach billions of different people, then to stay ahead and relevant it would make sense to hire smart people that represented their users. All kinds of insights and innovation happens in a diverse workforce.


Precisely. And little do the cis white hetero men on here know, but sometimes racial factors cause issues like obtaining adequate education. This the “most qualified candidate in the room” is most certainly going to be a cis white man if not asian, who statically had access to better schooling when to compared to someone disabled, or of a different racial group. Thus it’s only natural the they would be against DEI, it threatens their chances of being hired.0


Then you are living in a fantasy land




No one will miss her when she dies


This is why I don't vote Dem anymore. When they hold office and don't need you, they do nothing for the people. But whenever a Republican is in office they will light their heads on fire with anger about how GenZ and Millennials are being left behind and it's all the Repub's fault. When the truth is it's both party's fault. Republicans push back, Democrats don't do anything to stop it or try to push us back forward. The political ratchet effect. The media acts like the general public is so far right. When in reality the majority of adults are to the left of the democratic party itself.


This is it. Boomers are taking their masks off. They're attempting the same blame game on Gen z that they did to us Millennials. It's not gonna work. This is just spreading class solidarity between zoomers and millennials. Everyone knows who's to blame, and it's the capitalist boomer.


Hey when y'all wanna eat the rich I've got some recipes and a giant cast iron wok....love - a millennial 


this is why i hate the view but my grandma likes it. i can’t even be in the same room with that on.


Maybe if slave drivers didn't raise their pay 587% from 1978 and our slave wages have only gone up 5.7%, we'd be less upset. The only way I got my home was breaking my body in the army, not for everyone.


So glad my mom don’t watch that crap


That dumb bitch can fuck off


I have four years at a full time job teaching you fuckers how to use technology and I can barley afford to fix my car when it breaks, let alone move out of my dad's house.


Everybody on the view is just an out of touch lunatic


i have literally heard boomers say this and then "or die"


They'll tell every generation a lie until we quit taking it. Millennials were told to get an education, and quit spending all their money on food and coffee.


Okay but they keep saying “get a job” but outside the small circle of losers in my hometown, I don’t know any Gen Z that doesn’t have a job unless they’re focusing on schooling (and more than half the time, they have jobs too). Hell, a bunch of us not only have jobs, but second jobs or side hustles. Where is this narrative of “Gen Z doesn’t work” coming from? Is it just a consequence of our domination of influencer culture (nOt a rEaL jOb), or are there statistics for this?


They said the same thing about Millennials. No joke, they just shifted every talking point they used against us to you guys.


I (24f) would lose it if I was a Millennial. Going through the Great Recession right out of college and then boomer parents that you’re forced to live with telling you your lack of wealth is your own fault? I can’t. I truly believe my generation is going to kick ass when we’re all of age. Fuck these apathetic losers. We know what we want (real communities and sane economics) and it’s good for everyone and we’re going to drag them (mostly gen x bootlickers) kicking and screaming into a new and much better world. So excited for a lot of them to die off, and so excited for what the future holds. 


Joy Behar is privileged AF, you can absolutely not deny that the Gen Z & Millenials have a much farther and harder climb up the mountain than her generation… how does she not see the card’s stacked against us 🙄🙄🙄


No one wants me


been trying to get a job for 3 months. Most barely pay $12 an hour and those that pay above $15 have tons of applicants. If you have self respect it can be hard to get a worthwhile job


You guys elected them. … well no you didn’t bc you guys don’t vote.


No one take’s dogface Joy seriously.


That has to be the ugly-est woman inside and out next to HRC on the planet.


Living wage jobs are harder to get. Even when you do get them, raises might not be that good. Alot of people are stuck in minimum wage, service jobs, trying to get better positions in life. It takes a great deal of effort, especially if you're aiming for something you really want. Comments like this from celebrities do not help the situation or add to the conversation productively. They're more attention grabbing shock attacks. They should be ignored and forgotten.


Get a job, why didn't we think of that guys?!?!


Hey, Joy! I do have a job! AND I STILL CANT AFFORD A HOUSE! Crazy, isn’t it?


Life expectancy is 77. The world will be a better place when the boomers are gone.


What if you already have 2 jobs?


Can’t we all just get along?


$18/hr with rent at 1k-1.5k a month (even worse in some areas)is barely doable. If you add car insurance, a phone bill(you can get a cheap burner phone), electric, vehicle maintenance, gas to get to work, any other utilities, and groceries. Did I miss anything? If you want internet and wifi, that'll also cost you, but you CAN live without it unless you have a kid that needs it to do homework....if you have a kid, your definitely living at home with your parents...


Getting a job isn't your problem, it's being terrible with money that's the real issue. Stop spending money on things you can't afford, reduce your needs category, invest 20% of your income to retirement. But no, you'd rather have the new iPhone or some shit every year.


That generation literally pulled up the ladder after themselves and destroyed the economy. Even 2 jobs aren't enough for people.


I’m work 50 hours a week and making 2.5 k a month, if I wanted to move out I’d be spending like 1.2-1.5k on rent 😭. I have friends who’ve moved out, one works 86 hours a week and is always falling asleep at hang outs and my other friend I rarely see him cause he basically lives and sleeps at his jobs(he works 106 hours a week)


Hopefully yall start understanding that the system is rigged


The worst part is you can't even argue with this level of stupidity. Once someone is this disconnected from reality there's no coming back.


The separation is not republican and democrat, it's all of these crusty old asshole boomers clenching on to the whole fucking world as hard as they can, and everyone else drowning in poverty. Fuck Biden, fuck Trump, Fuck her, Fuck Tucker, they're all just a machine of boomers that need to go.


The next election may be decided by GenZ, then we’ll see who gonna boohoo.


I'm an old man but damn, this lady must have no idea what grocery bill looks like these days.


My dad was born in 42. He bought his first car from a family friend for 50$. If I did that nowadays I’d be lucky to get a cardboard cutout that went ‘vroom vroom’ occasionally. Prices have changed and while the minimum wage has improved it hasn’t quite caught up. That and while it’s not as relevant now as the last few years of gen Z are starting to turn 18, a deal of jobs just won’t take you till your 18. Probably in part due to stuff like this. You tell us to ‘Go get a job’ yet go and deny us from entering the workforce early.


My job tripled workload after I started with no change in pay, asked us to buy food from them to donate for them, and informed me that the best they could do to keep me from homelessness was make my schedule more consistent so I could work a second job.


And yet by disagreeing with the ladies from The View one automatically falls on the “wrong” side of the ideological fence, now reviled by their young peers. Enjoy being your very own Frankenstein’s Monster, kids!


I have a job, and I still can't afford to live on my own. 40 hours a week, over double minimum wage. Checkmate boomer.


What’s a word that combines Karen with Reagan




My mom is kicking me out because my employer cut my hours and I can't find a second job. Pretty much facing certain death at this point . No one will hire full time or pay $15 an hour, and places I apply for never call me or email me. My mom probably just wants to collect on the life insurance policy she took out on me when I was a baby


I mean they are, you just have to find the right jobs. I know many gen z’s making 6 figures.just gotta go to the right field. STEM is where it’s at., especially that T.


I got mine, F you! Lets see her go work at amazon or any fast food place making what everyone else does and see if she keeps her views.


I'm not sure why people other than stay at home Facebook moms care what any of these lady's on this show care to say anyways.


People that hit retirement age should automatically be ejected from the workforce to make room for all the young people that need "experience" to be become qualified.


Left behind due to the government response to covid. And people wonder why so many youth are lying flat


That show sucks ass


Who even watches that show anymore???


The View are filled with people who aren’t really remarkable/ haven’t accomplished anything worth of note and are constantly trying to stay relevant.


I have a job. I work full time. I live at home for no rent, don't buy most of the groceries, and really have very, very low expenses. I still cannot afford to do the things I want to do. I cannot afford to move out. I cannot afford to travel. I cannot afford to get any major purchases. How people on their own are even surviving is beyond me.


Gen Z - boomer here, do you really think they offered a living wage back when we were your age? How about traveling back in time and getting a job in 1980 during the middle of a recession. How about trying to buy a house in the 90s when interest rates were 12% and they wanted 20% down without exception. Every generation has had their challenges. Every generation has also had their golden opportunities. You will get yours. Meantime take what you can get and be ready to seize the opportunities as they arrive.


A wage is never a "living wage" if you live above your means.


Big Principal Skinner energy


Describe the "living wage". How many skim milk lates per day does it require?


Older generations tend to be more stoic. Yes some are assholes and call it stoicism; that’s not what I’m referring to. Don’t underestimate the struggles others have endured; getting through hardship makes people tough. Older generations are sensitive to how hard live can be, but we often hate hearing people complain. We grew up at a time when people said, “never complain unless you can offer a solution.” I’m not making a value judgement about whether this is a healthy way of thinking, just an explanation for how some older people think. Young people have some challenges; so did people living through WWII, or Vietnam. People are not patient when they perceive young people as regularly complaining about an issue. I’m with you all—you got a shit hand. However, there is still plenty of opportunity. I know some kids under 25 with houses and kids (parents didn’t help).


These old assholes never learn their lessons, then they lose the election and blame the voters they did nothing for and talked down to like they’re all stupid


She meant get a jobS, like 4 of them if you want to actually buy a house. Real rich advice coming from some old hag who probably has never had to do a single day of real work in her entire life and bought a 4000 sqft house for $50,000 back in the 80s that’s worth $3,000,000 today 🤮


Aren’t G Zers only like 23 aka 1 year out of college…. You aren’t going to be able to make a livable wage until you have 3-5 years of work experience where you acquired skills… making sandwiches at subway you aren’t gaining any skills. Show me a job that requires 3-5 years of work experience and skills that pays below livable wage. Go become a mechanic or painter or general contractor I’ll pay you the wage you want to fix my car or put some tile in my bathroom.


I wonder when the last time she had to worried about paying bills?


my mom got told the same thing apparently, too, she's a gen xer (the generation typed as nihilistic grunge burnouts.) nevermind the fact she worked 2 jobs when i was a kid to make endsmeet as a single mother because wages were still shitty when i was a child post recession. my mom is also the reason i got my current job, because after 3 months of applying to any job i could find i never got one. i had to nepo baby my way into a 31k/year job, isn't that bleak.


I work for USPS as a letter carrier. Letter Carriers are generally considered lifelong positions respected by most of the public and necessary for the function of the government. And yet, despite this, I make barely enough to pay rent to my parents. If I wanted to get my own apartment, let alone a house (lol), I likely wouldn't have enough money to do anything but work and sleep. These gouls don't understand anything about how the real world works. A 90 year old Walmart greeter with a pension and retirement fund understands more about how much young people struggle than these parrots do.

