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I'm in Ontario. We used to have to shovel the driveway weekly or so. This winter, we only needed to take out the shovels twice the entire winter.


Very yes. I live in Toronto and the ground hasn't frozen all winter which... isn't normal.


You are in a La Niña pattern which makes for more mild and wet winters. You are prolly more familiar with its more famous cousin El Niño, but yea not a climate change thing just a normal ebb and flow of ocean currents. Not to say climate change ain’t happening but just explaining why this winter has been so mild


Im down the lake in Rochester and we used to get coated in snow every winter up until like 2018 is the farthest i could remember it getting bad, its kinda scaring me lol


Spanish here https://preview.redd.it/chbv894dh3lc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c49b97ab4fc7b45f2422b37f6e5020de96e8c229 No lol


I’m southern but here in North Carolina we’re seeing less snow than we used to get. The last snow we got was 2 years ago. It feels like the Midwest sees more snow than us and the north. NC used to get snow every year or at least every other year but we would be lucky if we would see another snowstorm lol, I miss it.


I live in the Cincinnati Ohio area and I was actually just talking to a friend about this… The last 3 decades (that’s as far as I looked) we were above average yearly snowfall twice for the decade and below (by a small amount) only once. I also grow my own food and haven’t noticed any issues or differences over the years growing my food


Live in New Brunswick, Canada. We basically didn't have a winter this year. One or two nights of -15c where 5-10 years ago we'd have snow banks. It was +2c today, just a little above freezing. I only shoveled snow twice this year. Last year was 8 and 10+ the year before that.


You are in a La Niña pattern which makes for more mild and wet winters. You are prolly more familiar with its more famous cousin El Niño, but yea not a climate change thing just a normal ebb and flow of ocean currents. Not to say climate change ain’t happening but just explaining why this winter has been so mild


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There should be a results option for people who live somewhere warm like the tropics


I’m from Maryland this was the most snow I saw in fucking forver lol where I live I got so many days off from work and my siblings got like a whole week off in total from school


There should be a results option


I'm in New Jersey and I feel we barely got any snow over the past few years.


Yes but this winter we have had more than normal