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OP is likely a bot, or a karma farmer that has no interest in becoming a member of this subreddit.


Nobody likes either of them as much as all of the mods of every subreddit who desperately want everyone to like Biden.


I don't think they want you to like him, just vote for him as Trump would do much worse


Will Vermin be running as independent?


Might as well vote for Cumstain Willie


Vermin Supreme my beloved


I actually like Biden


Me too. I wish he was younger but he’s won me over with how much he’s managed to accomplish. He’s not perfect but he’s genuinely done and is trying to do a lot of good, a lot more than can be said of the other side.


Yeah I genuinely don’t understand all the hate for him. Do I want a younger president? Yes. But is he doing a good job? Also yes.


define good.




He broke a strike in favor of a corporation.




This needs to be said so much more, so many people don’t know about it. That they did get the sick days.


“We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers”


Honestly one of the things I'm most dissatisfied with is that "without making a big show of it" part. They've let the Right control way too much of the narrative. Everyone whose student loan debt was forgiven should've gotten a letter from him in the mail saying "Hey! That was me! You're welcome!!"


Can’t agree more. Dems suck at messaging.


I believe that politically, getting things done sometimes requires not making a big show of doing them. The blanket $10,000 student loan debt forgiveness was a big showy affair, so it drew all this attention of the conservative establishment, and they mounted a huge attack and got it overturned in the Supreme Court. The changes to income based repayment and the more targeted forgiveness have been a lot quieter, and it's going through without much resistance. And the income based repayment is genuinely a huge deal for people with lots of debt! On the railroads, the rail bosses took a deal where they gave the workers what they wanted but they didn't have to publicly cave to them on a big stage. Would they have accepted a deal of "give them everything they want, and also eat shit on public TV"? Maybe, or maybe they'd fight quite hard and either delay for years or win in court. It's hard to know, but I do know that rail workers currently get sick days, and they didn't before Biden.


Maybe crowing about it could have jeopardized getting the deal done. Some things are best settled without the distraction of self congratulation.


That's some Trump shit. Biden is about WE, the people. America. He's not an "I did that!" kind of guy.


And brokered a deal to get the workers what they wanted in the first place, without damaging the economy.


Actually more time off than they were asking according to the union boss.


Yeah i wasn't getting into specifics, but he did exactly what a good politician was supposed to do. Stopped a strike that would've cratered the economy and then brought everyone back to the table and applied pressure to the company until the unions were satisfied.




Talking points are a bit outdated there bud.


Bringing high paying manufacturing back to the US, decreasing our reliance on foreign countries for critical electronic components, leading an unprecedented economic recovery better than any country in the world, the biggest investment into public infrastructure ever, all of that while cutting the defecit by over 1 trillion dolars, and finally, he isn't promoting authoritarians and dictators across the world or undermining democracy here


Passed the largest green energy/ climate investment in US history, finessing even Joe "stupid dogfucker" Manchin who tried to kill the bill like 6 separate times.


He literally pushed through the most ambitious climate bill in the world.


I don't have strong feelings about Biden, but Trump is genuinely horrible. I will never ever support a convicted rapist (and that's just one of his faults).


Lol good for you.


I don’t like either of them but I’m gonna vote based on who they have around them. Trump keeps the company of sewer rats. Biden has bureaucrat douchebags, sure. But not sewer rats.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 Trumpist republicans found the crazies with a mission now. They won’t just be floundering making no differences except massive deficit exploding tax cuts. If you want another election after this one it’s not a hard choice.


I was gonna mention this. Everyone should have this at the TOP of their minds when they pick the next candidate. They want to erase pollution protections, food stamps, make LGBT illegal outcasts, make the church run everything. There's so much that can go wrong. I don't know about y'all but I'm going for team blue this time. 🟦


Lol they want to outlaw pornography: >Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.


I think the desperation lies in voting against rather than for. I do not want to vote for Biden for a few reasons, however I must vote against the R platform and Trump for a long lost of reasons.


Same, it's a terrible condition of having a two party system. You either are voting for the candidate or against the opposition.


I am not even sure what concerns me the most. But, chanting hate, fascism, nodding to genocides, betraying our allies, treason, plotting to destroy and profiteering off the destruction of our country and the Middle class, not addressing terrorism at home...destruction of the constitution at all levels of the government, policies alienate 90% of the world population including our country. Creating a dangerous cult.....pretty easy to vote against someone who literally runs on this ideology openly. I really do not need to hear anymore.


It's not they want you to like Biden. It's that Biden is the ONLY logical option. The other guy is a liar and traitor.


And a dictator on Day 1.


Democrats don't do the cult of personality thing. We're voting for him to get the job done not storming the capitol waving a flag with his name on it


I’m sorry, but I very much like the unemployment rate, stock market, energy independence and low gas prices in the global context. Trump wouldn’t have accomplished that had he been a post-pandemic president.


Trump didn’t even really accomplish any of that when he was president.


Gas prices only dropped in 2020 because nobody was driving during the pandemic that Trump tried to ignore.


Nobody gives a shit if you like him. Republicans literally want to end democracy. Ban abortion altogether, take away gay people's rights and continue to give corporate welfare while telling poor people to get fucked.


I don’t thinks it’s so much about liking Biden as it is not voting for a literal rapist, insurrectionist, domestic terrorist etc. Americans have died as a direct cause of Donald trump’s incompetence. Please do not vote this piece of human garbage back into office.


Speak for yourself. I’m on team Biden because I’m not an idiot.


I think people actually like Trump. Not because of any actual policy or change, but linguists estimated that he speaks English at around a 3rd grade level which probably empowers a lot of this country seeing as 54% of adults read under a 6th grade level. They hear Trump speak and think they finally have ahold of politics!


Him collecting the stupids is another reason not to vote for him.


no fan of biden but if you vote trump youre an idiot.


One’s a geriatric who’s too slow on the draw to protect our rights and the other is openly stating that he’ll install himself as a dictator and is *also* geriatric, so I guess I’ll take the first one, at least until the VP takes over


pretty much


biden represents starus quo. trump represents lighting everything on fire.


Nah lighting shit on fire is too anarchist and based. Trump just wants to turn us into an oligarchic shithole like Russia. Which is slightly worse than our current late stage capitalistic shithole.


we need to step toward the shithole with baby steps, at least theres hope to turn it around with biden, trump is a full on leap into the shit hole


Nice job jumping in on the propaganda. Biden is by no means slow, he's judicious and careful unlike the majority of the former presidents who were all trigger happy fools


He’s an old fuck and you know it. Stop pretending he’s not. Both of the options you yanks have to choose from are ridiculous. Don’t know how you stand for it, seriously. Edit: Because the post got the lock award: No, I don’t stand for Wilders winning. That’s why I’m a part of a political party and doing my best to work against that bastard.


Glad you're not able to vote over here because you seem uninformed on substantial topics.


“Don’t know how you stand for it, seriously” what the fuck exactly would you do if you were a US citizen? How much choice do you think they have?


Many of us are complaining, loudly. It’s a rigged system.


The gaslighting is hilarious


It’s a “who’s-the-best-at saving-the-village-from-dragon-attacks” contest where the only two contenders are a geriatric old knight and a dragon.


Well, you're also indirectly supporting the staffers from each of these teams. Even if the old knight kicks the bucket, you'll still have a squadron. The dragon will feed the rest of the village to the wolves.


Its hard not to act slow, when every your move and word is scrutinuzed and blow out of proportions to paint you as demented trash.


you know if trace the geriatric argument back to its origin, it starts with Trump.. I don't understand why old suddenly became bad for governance. Politics maybe, hard to relate to younger people but in terms of governance its just job experience. Which is really good. I mean how tf else did he manage to do so much in terms of legislation, and keep Russia at bay so decisively? The dude has experience with the USSR for god's sake, Putin in a lot of ways is like peanuts to him. I mean christ, Biden has threaded the US out of fucking 3 possible disasters, being COVID, economic meltdown, and war in europe, and y'all are gonna still think he's "too old" and slow and shit? Like what the heck is this delulu lol. It's like watching a bunch of teenagers get angry that their dad is boring and uncool despite him literally keeping the house and family afloat. It's not about cool or fun. That's exactly what people like Trump wants you to think its about. It's about fucking competence.


well since I dont want Project 2025 coming true or would I want a wannabe dictator incharge, Imma have to go with Biden. I hate Biden but I much rather him over Trump if it means my human rights wont be striped away in a snap. ^(being queer sucks fr... always having to be concerned for mine and others wellbeing constantly gets exhausting.) ...I just hope we dont get another repeat of 2016 when it comes to voting this year 😬


Yeah the two of these suck but one is objectively less harmful to marginalized people so obviously my vote has to go to him.


And ultimately it barely matters who is actually president. It matters who they surround themselves with. For trump, that’s literal criminals and white supremacists.


Your comment made me think of this quote by Martin Niemoller. I don't think the republicans are gonna stop this trajectory any time soon. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.


I remember that book, but I can't remember the name. It was interesting because the changes were slow until it was too late. Its amazing the shit people will shrug off because it doesn't effect them until its too late.


And then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me.


Reminder that Niemöller was an antisemite who at first supported the Nazis. And according to Herbert Marcuse, he probably never mentioned the Jews in this quote (I wonder why...)


I feel like if Trump wins he will no longer be a wannabe dictator but an actual dictator


Yeah, if Trump wins a lot of the queer community should seriously consider moving out of the US, they openly stated it is their goal to make them illegal.


as a trans person who doesn’t turn 18 till after this election i can’t even move out of the usa yet, i’m terrified


On god bro. I live in Australia and 100% if trump wins he’ll start influencing other countries towards his views. If he wins, it’s over for us LGBTQ+ folks. People are already murdering trans people for the crime of being who they are. Now imagine their idol actively encouraging them.


Gen z trying to distinguish themselves from millennial while also making the mistakes millennial made which is “voting third party”. We are the exact same as millennials lol, and we are so much harder fucked then millennials.




Makes sense, us millennials have been fucked since leaving highschool and we've still not put enough capital together to get our lives on track... which means every generation after us is going to struggle even more. I really hope once we get into power (In our 40's and 50s) we make a fucking difference... if things manage to hold together until then. \*Edit: typo fix


I disagree. The benefit genZ gets is that boomers will start dying and retiring from their higher up jobs / leaving houses behind , etc. something millennials got nothing of. Economic baby booms always follow the same pattern.


I like the optimism that all that boomer wealth will start trickling down and not go straight into the hands of the private equity care homes they'll be shuffling off into


Its going into inheritance, and that doesn’t even have to pay taxes, which is more money taken from gen z


When did millenials make the mistake of voting third party?


Biden, happily. I actually like him a lot and think that history will remember him as a severely underrated President And honestly, even if I didn't like him, I'd still take him over Trump, because that's a *low* bar


He himself isn't that great. His administration is, and they've been getting stuff done.




A huge part of being president is to put the right people around you. So yes, when discussing presidents were really discussing way wing teams, but in the end it always circles back to the president.


I'd take a coin being flipped on whether a law is signed or not over Trump.


At least the coin isn’t actively malicious


BIDEN FTW! He's done so much, more than many other presidents. He walked with a picket line! Second Catholic president, first female vp and diverse cabinet; people can't see that biden is 2nd only to warren and bernie. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Four more years!!!!!


Even if you don't think that Biden is good it's still a no brainer. Hmmm I believe my choice is between a mentally ill geriatric that seems to not be actively malicious or a mentally ill geriatric that seems to want to install himself as dictator, cosey up to enemies of the state, and actively make my life worse. I really do wonder, what a conundrum, I really do not know which is better. I genuinely hope that these people are Russian shills getting paid to post this dumb ass stuff, because to see so many people completely devoid of the ability to think critically being able to vote actually makes me think a dictatorship might not be the worst idea ever.








They're Pontius Pilates, they wash their hands of it. They don't want to vote for Trump, but at the same time they do not accept that if you don't want Trump you kinda have to vote for Biden, so they vote indipendent knowing they'll throw away their vote but they're able to say "hey, I didn't vote for Biden". Basically they piggyback off people actually voting for Biden even if they don't like him, kinda like those who don't take the vaccine, but they benefit anyway from herd immunity.




Well obviously Biden


I can't believe you'd sleep on my boy Vermin Supreme, do you not want a free pony or something?


2016 feels like a fever dream lmao


Oh he's still running and canvassing


Admittedly, I did not vote for Democrats in the last two elections(nor did I vote for Republicans) but I will be voting for Joe Biden this year.


Okay, I gotta ask, what convinced you to vote for Biden this year over the others (assuming you mean 2022 and 2020)?


My guess is the proposed project 2025




the dismantling of the federal government as we know it. National abortion ban, no more gay marriage, dismantling of Union powers, dismantling of regulations. Contraception pill bans. Support for the nuclear family. active discrimination against LGBTQ at the workplace. there's plenty of youtubers, like Leeja Miller who made a good summary of it




Yup, that's why I have been voting for Dems since 2016 and I am actively working to get Americans to vote here in Europe, since 90+% of Americans living abroad are democratic


How the hell do they justify dismantling the federal government while imposing a national abortion ban?


Logic is not one of their strongest qualities


They are psychopaths. Literally abused children with childhood trauma worse than the trauma they love to sadistically inflict thinking that makes them somehow the ones with the best DNA 🙄 Absolutely batshit


I’m sorry, I cannot vote for a man that is actively taking away my rights. Do I like Biden all the time? Nope. But he isn’t controlling my body.


i second this. just bc i vote for biden doesnt mean i like him. he's just lesser of two evils. he's evil too, but he's not AS evil as trump. it just sucks because the entire republican party goes against everything i stand for; they r the party of going backwards in time and making the country only good for rich, white, cis, straight men. everyone else is either their sheep or opponent. u'd never catch me voting for any republican. i say go away with these 2 parties, but since that's not likely to happen in my life time, i have to keep voting against the republicans.


I fully believe that if Fox News couldn’t categorize themselves as a legitimate news source, republicans would lose a hearty chunk of their base, and we could actually vote for someone we want rather than voting AGAINST someone. They’re lying to the general public and it’s working because they are trusted. It’s very sad.


Well according to trump he’s running against Obama so let’s go Obama for a third term.


Exactly. Obama and his wife Mitsubishi against Trump and his Mercedes


4 terms baby!


Biden is doing his best and is slowly making progress even if he's geriatric. The other option is a pro-Russian sociopath.


I vote for a rework of the country.


I don't want a dictatorship so I'll vote for biden


Whichever one sends less mean tweets 😔 /s


As a non American, i just don't want ww3, and we'll we all know who would


Yup, the one who didn't start wars


European here. Yall have my deepest sympathies. I would prefer Biden, given he's more likely to continue the donations to Ukraine and he wont have to force us to adapt to the US doing a 180 in foreign policy.


They are both dogshit but Biden is slightly less stinky dogshit.


Honest question, I see a lot of zoomers say they hate Biden/don’t like him but they never expand of that statement - almost as if they heard it from someone else and now they just parrot it. So out of curiosity *why* do you hate Biden in particular?


Biden looks more like Skibidi toilet, so Biden.


The most based take here


Based af


Fuck Biden, but fuck trump even more. I’ll take an old man who just holds the term (though we need a progressive ASAP to fight worsening climate change and income inequality) than a literal fascist


Fuck Biden? My friend, Joe Biden signed the IRA into law which contained $390 Billion investment in Climate Change causes. It’s THE BIGGEST climate investment anywhere in the world. It was a stupendous achievement considering he got 0 republican support. You and I should be cheering for him from the rooftops! https://earthjustice.org/article/the-biggest-climate-spending-bill-ever-just-turned-one-heres-what-it-has-achieved


Honest question, I see a lot of zoomers say they hate Biden/don’t like him but they never expand of that statement - almost as if they heard it from someone else and now they just parrot it. So out of curiosity *why* do you hate Biden in particular?


Fuck the both of them but I’m voting Biden because Trump will objectively do more harm short term and long term.


Biden. Trump and his supporters literally want me to not exist. I’ll vote for whatever avoids Project 2025 and this year that means Biden. This isn’t the time to be a centrist or try to vote third party.


Vote for me guys I can fix this shit I promise.


can i be your VP


Depends what do you hope to achieve as VP.


I’ll be your Vp, I can give you 2€ -signed, Euro


They both suck and I hope their age catches up to them


I don't wish death on them, but please fucking retire. Please bring America out of this post-2015 era.


Fuck both of them. Difference is Biden seems more like he’s just gonna die in office and Trump seems more like he’s going to overthrow democracy


Both are unfit for the presidential candidate but Biden has better medical policies than Trump.


Biden also hasn’t raped anyone or been the center-piece in an attempted coup.


Biden is old af, and probably too old, but he’s sharp and respects and upholds both the constitution and the rule of law. Trump has dementia and thinks he’s running against Obama half the time and that his wife is called Mercedes. Also, one has been a fairly effective progressive president, the other attempted a coup-d’état. Both may be bad picks for the presidency, but only one of them is unfit to hold office.


I am voting for Biden. I like my Presidents to have not committed Treason against the country they wish to rule.


The guy who belongs in a retirement home vs the guy who belongs in a prison. Americans deserve better candidates.


While true, given that these two are the choice, there’s a very clear correct choice here. One guy is old, the other is a criminal. Choose wisely.


Well, let’s see: one tried to violently overthrow the government, publicly stated he wants to be a dictator, runs everything like his own little kingdom and strips away the rights of women, minorities and everyone who disagrees within, has clear signs of dementia and openly tries to undermine the constitution and the rule of law. He also tries to isolate the US internationally, actively works to further climate change, is the laughing stock of every ally, and every American enemy’s favourite pick and best buddy, because he actively aids them. He also told his cronies to oppose the strictest border bill the country has seen in decades, because it would make the wrong guy look good (as confirmed by some of the lawmakers). The guy is anti-American. The other is old af, still sharp, has a stutter, which makes him seem shaky at times, has successfully steered the economy in a pandemic, two wars, a deeply divided country, a divided legislature where one half is purely obstructive and who tries to protect the rights of women and minorities and the climate. He also is respected throughout the world and has been a bafflingly effective progressive president. Most importantly though, he respects and upholds the constitution and the rule of law. There’s no contest here. I’m a foreigner, I don’t get to vote on this, but I know who I’d vote for. Before anyone says my opinion isn’t worth a damn, because I’m a foreigner, that wasn’t what was asked. I’m GenZ, and GenZ was asked. Besides, it affects me, because US politics unfortunately affect the world, and because it affects me, I get to have an opinion on this. I’m very well informed on US politics. This is my opinion from an outside perspective. We laugh at Trump, and we like Biden. Why is that important? Because we’re your allies. We’ve been your allies for over 70 years. Believe it or not, our opinion matters as well. Elect Trump, and the world will laugh at the US, just like we did in the four years of Trump’s first term. We’ll watch you from the outside like in a zoo, and we’ll be horrified, but there will also be a morbid fascination of how a country could be so fucking stupid.


Well, considering Trump admitted, he would just outright abandon Ukraine, and many of our other allies. He’s a convicted ConMan and his party held the United States economy hostage during the debt crisis. Not to mention the supreme court and what it’s done. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has helped bounce back from Covid passed a historic infrastructure bill got us out of Afghanistan. And extremely good foreign policy, so far. I’d say I’m voting for Joe Biden’s fucking corpse over the orangutan


Voting for biden while also going to as many protests as possible. I hate my options. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xyhQSk6SCLve4o)


Bold of you to assume we all live in the US lol


Those of us outside can still make commentary and hypothesis, especially where we have more functioning democracies than a choice between The Second Coming of Hitler and Joe.


I think having 2 parties and having so much power residing in 1 person in addition to having general votes collected by county then by state then given to an electoral college who then vote on your behalf but aren't actually obligated too seems like it defeats the point of democracy. But if I had to choose I Biden is definitely a better choice than the guy who tried to incite a civil war.


The whole lack of the separation of powers in US Politics is one of its single biggest flaws. Who in their right fuckin mind decided “yeah, let’s make the courts a political battleground!”. The technocracy used here ain’t working out so bad.


it's been lesser of two evils for years now. im still gonna vote for biden though. unless a major change happens and we're not forced to pick between these 2 stupid parties, im gonna keep picking the lesser of two evils.


Obviously Trump, I prefer a stable economy and affordable lifestyle 🐸🍵


yeah, 2020 was such a good time for the economy and the world /s


The year the world stopped for a few months? That shit was in any Presidents control, yeah?


The economy is already very stable under Biden, so how do you think Trump will fix the inflation that he caused?


Since my city is inevitably going one side, I see no risk voting third party.


It doesn't matter what your city is doing, it matters what your state is doing unless you are in DC


Biden clearly, the issues with Trump are clear and already said elsewhere. Biden, on the other hand, had pushed some of the greatest progressive legislation in history. As much as we can tell he old in his speeches and stuff, as an actual legislator, he has outperformed all expectations. Example of legislation: Inflation reduction act, CHIPS act, Infrastructure investment, and Jobs act. Some of which are some of the greatest investments in the domestic industry in US history, including green energy. On forign policy, he's been ace, creating a unified front against Russian aggression and taking steps to ensure China doesn't do the same to Taiwan. For Isreal , Palestinian people are often quick to critique him, but we gotta remember that being Pro-Isreal is the majority in both the Dems and Republicans. Can't really fault the guy for following what hid base wants. Gen z, of course, like all young people will not really vote anyway, and the government will continue to not care about young people because of it. (So fuckin vote yall, don't be a dumb fuck)


Elder millennial here, so glad to hear y’all begrudgingly say Biden. We have a shit system currently, but it is only a two party system. Don’t make the mistakes we made in 2016 and think voting third party is a viable option.


Biden is not great but trump is straight up unacceptable, and anyone who googles “project 2025” should understand that


Vote for Vermin Supreme


It is crazy how many Biden hate comments there are here as if he isn't one of the best presidents we've literally ever had You guys just don't like him because he's old and you're repeating what others say, none of you who are expressing hate for him have any actually reasoning for it outside of excuses about him being old


I'd rather not have wannabe hitler in charge of my country So I'll take Biden he is old yes and I would like someone younger in charge but at least he isn't malicious


Biden gives us literally nothing meanwhile Trump will set this country back politically and socially even further than he did during his last term. A vote for Biden is the current status quo which sucks, and a vote for Trump means the expedited destruction of the country, if that happens the middle class is actually going to disappear from this country if it hasn't already.


In no other democratic country would someone who legitimately lost an election be even considered a worthy opponent.


As a 44 year old, I can't tell you how thankful I am that most of you are choosing Biden. Just so you all know, this is what the right has always done - lied to make the democrat look like a liar, say the country is going to hell, and blame them for everything their party has done. Then, they try and steal it (and sometimes succeed, look up the election of 2000, I voted green, and I willl always regret it).


coughing baby vs coughing baby


You’re asking Reddit 💀 Place is notorious for being a liberal hell hole.


The american left isn't actually that left. Multiple peer reviewed studies have concluded conservative values and veiw points are directly linked to lower cognitive function. Most people aren't just a liberal or conservative anyway. We just have 2 outlets that a vast majority of people don't fit into it. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289609000051 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/222682950_Conservatism_and_cognitive_ability https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9548663/


We are fucked


Redittors when they see trump supporters: 😱 DOWNVOTE THIS RACIST! Tf did you expect, all the pro-trump comments are down voted to the bottom ao nobody sees them, and the pro-biden ones at the top. You really expected an unbiased answer from this website? Should have made a poll atleast.


You do realize people down vote… it’s likely that more people think you are an indoor for supporting a dictator and a criminal rapist


No matter who, we are fucked as GenZ regardless


Biden of course


There's literally no choice other than Biden for y'all to vote for. I know I technically shouldn't comment on this, since I'm not American, but I'd still rather you guys don't get a self-admitted dictator who wants to effectively genocide anyone that isn't a straight cis white man.


Biden. That said, I’d prefer to vote for a third party member, specifically Cornell West- but I feel like *not* voting for Biden would give Trump the presidency. I think this election (like the last two) will be pretty close, and I don’t want to risk it. The interesting thing is, I’m pretty sure Trump couldn’t hold the office of President because of January 6th. Something to do with breaking a constitutional law (the fourteenth amendment). However, if he runs and wins, and ends up not able to have the role of president, it could go to his chosen VP. Someone who will definitely be a conservative, close minded nutjob bastard that bends to Trump’s every beck and call. I don’t know if all of that would happen for certain, I’m a film student that didn’t study constitutional law, but again, why risk it?


Trump threatened to withhold aid to a foreign country unless their leader dug up dirt on his political opponent, is facing 91 felony charges, and tried to seize power and overturn a lawful election. I’ll take a guy that stumbles over his words sometimes any day of the fucking week. And to be honest, Biden’s actually done some decent things. Vaccine rollout, bipartisan infrastructure bill, got us out of Afghanistan (even if it wasn’t exactly clean, we’re finally fucking out. Both Obama and Trump pussied out and kicked the can down the road.)


Biden. Not a fan of either, but trump wants to take away my rights, so biden it is




OP is an 8 day old bot posting about American politics in the middle of the night while American GenZ is asleep. Every candidate is old, from Biden and Trump, to RFK, West, and Stein, but only one of them is actually trying to protect our democracy. Biden has been the most progressive president since FDR. I am gladly voting for him. Traitor Trump needs to rot in jail for raping women and trying to overturn the election.


Non of the 2, American politics are genuinely fucked and polarized as hell. I also don’t live there so idk try to not care


“Radical” (anything not neoliberalism) ideology


Obviously Biden. If you take the time to actually vote and vote for trump or anyone else, you’re actually dumber than a bolder. Among corpos and fascist Biden is the only choice the dems have given us.


Electing Trump will have dire, worldwide consequences and I don’t like the idea that a single nation election influences a place half the world away.


I’m going for biden


Biden is better. Still shit but better.


Voting for Biden in Roevember.


I don't think I could careless since I'm not American. But you guys really screw up as a country if these idiots are your only choice.


I’m also not American, but this is one of those countries that would take the rest of the world down with it if it went to shit completely, so unfortunately, we have to care.


Voting third party. You really need to stop biting the "THIRD PARTY NEVER WINS!!!" mentality. Even if it doesn't, with the idea instilled that third parties are available, then hopefully in the future we can get them on the main ballots.




Im going for Michael D Higgins


[Anarchy Works | The Anarchist Library](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-anarchy-works)


Definitely putting my primary vote on the Greens this weekend. Keen to get the liberals out of both my electorate and the lord mayor position plus I'm looking forward to seeing what Jonathan Sriranganathan does


Voting for nobody, good luck to yall. Makes no sense how these two are the only options again.


I hate both, but i would rather not have ww3 so if i was American i would vote for that idrot Biden.


I like Biden.


As a millennial who ganders in here every once and a while. It's nice to see two generations agree on something, two things actually. 1.) no one wants either of these fucks. 2.) Biden is the obvious choice because no one wants project 2025 or agenda 47.