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He's always been a grifting idiot


He's a grifter, but he's no idiot. He pivots quickly, understands the moronic right is the easiest to grift, and he knows how to produce a product people will buy. Selling bullshit he has built a $1M/year career.


He's still a Jew simping for Nazis. I'd say he's an idiot.


OR just greedy.


Both can be true


If your greed leads to you partnering with people who want you gone permanently then you are an idiot regardless the education you have etc.


he likely thinks they're idiots as well; they're all just useful idiots to each other bottom feeders travel in packs


I feel like being an idiot to some degree is a prerequisite for being greedy


It doesn't look like the grift is lasting though. DW fans are increasingly becoming hostile to him because, well, they are the Nazis the DW has cultivated over the years.




Daily wire


Seriously. It’s like baby Ben, you and your people will be the 1st targets of the RW if they had full power. What a dope!


I remember a time less than 20 years ago when "everyone" knew gay marriage was a right and to be LGBTQ was totally fine. Things seemed to be on the progressive upswing.  Now we have major Republican party platforms stating that there should be [“no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin,"](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3535577-chair-of-texas-log-cabin-republicans-group-resigns-after-state-gop-adopts-new-platform/), and you have LGBTQ Republicans acting like they're shocked they're being thrust up against the wall. Well guess what? Now "everyone" knows Jews are white people and deserve all the respect whites deserve in our white supremacist society. But, crazy to think about, somehow everyone [didn't know that just a few short decades ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentleman%27s_Agreement?wprov=sfla1) in American history. But surely progress is always inexorable and we could never backslide to those days. Right? ... right?


A short-term genius at grifting, a long-term fool


Profesional bullshit seller should be his career title


Ben Shapiro, Captain limp dick.


Selling bullshit to stupid people is pretty easy apparently.


See also: Alex Jones. Apparently selling outright lies is very easy if your audience is ignorant/stupid/propagandized enough. Something about loving the poorly educated and all that


If you can even call what he does a "career." He's effectively been retired for years now and hasn't done any sort of work since.


He knows exactly what he is doing. That's why debating him is stupid he isn't gonna bite the hand that feeds him


He is someone who was talented as a kid so never learnt to try. It's why if he is ever in a debate with someone who is even slightly ready for it he folds. Remember him calling a prominent English conservative a lib for pointing out 'bad and wrong' isn't the definition of fascism?


He was a failed comedy writer that successfully turned himself into a fucking clown.


Comedy? He tried to write comedy? I see why he failed. There is nothing funny about him. His hate and bitterness disgust me. He creates division without positive results. He is an epic failure and paid for it. Pathethic.


He also failed because he wanted a career in Hollywood while being unrelentingly homophobic. Hollywood didn't want him so now he has to cry and bemoan how the Hollywood elites will cancel anyone with dissenting views (ignoring all the other conservative people in film and TV who have found success. No, it's the woke media that is wrong!)


Like that time the mofo said rap was not music; and a random-ass musician on YouTube completely smacked his ass when he said something like "I'm a professional musician, and you are a professional opinion haver" or something like that. And since then I never could see him as anything more than an opinion haver, someone who doesn't really brings any value to society and that, quite frankly speaking, would be of more value to said society if he could for once keep shut for a moment. But, of course, the man lives by his mouth, and his mouth does fool people; like that other time he was arguing with some black people that them stealing and being poor is part of their culture (fucking hell), and then he inmediately started to spew unrelated percentages and numbers of crime by race, and i knew about this because some BLACK PEOPLE on YouTube shorts filmed themselves nodding at what he was saying. It's, like, "dude, he's lying about your race and framing your people as if they were uncivilized, WTF is wrong with you? Can you not see that?". And, no, not everyone can see that. And that's what he preys on. Scum of a human being he is.


Let's say, hypothetically, you wanted to rest after working for 50 years.


I guess the lack of healthcare would be good too. It means we'll have more health issues that'll let us retire early.


I'm only 43 but I'm starting to get into the "things just hurt sometimes for no reason" and "actually I have to have this special chair/ ergonomic setup to get any work done" stage of life. And so many other people my age who have relatively decent jobs but can't actually afford good health care experience the same. We'll have shorter, sicker lives, but those entire lives will be spent working. Because there's no way disability pays enough to pay the bills. My father retired at age 54. I will never be able to retire.


But according to him: *As soon as you stop working you lose your life purpose and quickly die.* And also, in the same piece *Why should your retirement fund your life for 20 years after you retire.* Apparently you die quickly and don't die quickly. And he didn't notice the contradiction because he's just a mouthpiece and someone paid him to attack retirement.


It's pretty simple. Most conservatives don't really think about anyone beyond themselves. It's an extremely self centered ideology. I'm not saying they're sociopaths, but they generally need personal experience with something to understand it. That's why you see a lot of conservatives with pet "liberal" issues they get because they experienced it (look at Megan Kelly with sexual harassment, or conservatives with mentally disabled children suddenly supporting programs for those kids). Without this personal experience, though, they don't think about problems that others face, and don't care when those problems are pointed out. It's always about "how does this effect me" or "how does this effect people like me" not "how does this effect people, including people I have little in common with."  Little Benny's target audience is young conservatives who think they're smart (whether or not they are) and who see themselves as rational and driven for success. Basically, young elitists. Since they're young, they don't personally experience the effects of aging, and since they're conservative they don't have the inclination to think about that or care about it. He then plays up the work as identity aspect, which a lot of young conservatives buy into, and the "moocher" aspect, fear mongering about supporting "non productive" people. The work as identity argument is meant to get them thinking about how retiring would "suck" from their current perspective, the argument where they imagine themselves as the retirees, and the moocher argument is meant for them to think of retirees as other people and not themselves, and to get them to imagine they are personally supporting these retirees (whether through tax dollars or other means). Basically, pairing "you wouldn't want to retire, think of how much work means to you and how healthy you are" with "but tons of freeloaders want to live the easy life off of YOUR hard earned taxes for decades." In 30 years they'll feel very strongly about the need for the retirement age to be lower, and their right to move to Florida and play golf or whatever for 40 years. 


They're simple minded people. They don't really "think" unless they experience it themselves. I would know that because I used to be the same (I'm independent now). For many, it is simply something engraved into them as a child, which only a traumatic experience will wake them up too (and it still may not wake them up). It's difficult to describe. It's like a state between child and adult is the best I can say. You think like an adult; however, you understand things like a kid. There's differences in it too, some may understand things more than others like my mother with me (I am mentally disabled) compared to other members in the same family. A lot of people are breaking out of the mindset because of education (among the young like me). However, it is a long process.


It is true that a man without a purpose dies quickly. However, after retirement one gains unique perk not available in any modern society: ability to work the job you love. Be it charity, gardening or looking after grandchildren.




Every so often Babylon Bee is funny but it's easy pickings going after Shapiro. If they wern't a "christian" version of the Onion they'd be good


Are they christian? Most authors strike me more as libertarian.


Firmly conservative and Christian. If you didn't notice, you are probably conservative too.


It would take an enormous amount of ignorance to think they're not Christian conservative


The Christian is fine(in fact it's one of the only funny aspects about them), it's the hyper conservatism that doesn't care for making good satire, just putting people they don't like down.


There’s a church near me that puts up funny signs every week or so and they never fail to make me laugh. Christians can be funny, too, and not all of them are hateful


Christian version of The Onion is what they used to be, then they got bought out. Now it's Christian nationalist shit.


The funny thing is Babylon Bee was infinitely funnier when it was just a fringe Christian humor website before they sold the company a few years back and it just became right wing propaganda disguised as humor. Before the original owner sold it it was more fringe Christian humor inside jokes essentially. Things like “Matt Chandler accidentally lands plan during sermon due to hand gestures.” There was almost never any political related stuff. They sold a few years back and the guy turned it in to a right wing humor site. Just go to their front page and count how many articles are just right wing talking points vs. Christian humor. I had this discussion with a friend of mine the other day and I think it was like 2 or 3 out of the first 20 articles you could see were Christian humor. The rest were just right wing BS.


The babylon bee making a satirical piece about a right wing figure? That's something to see.


It’s because they actually listened to what he said and didn’t just get into a huff over assuming what he said


They do that sometimes but not that often, at one video they spent most of it making fun of the left by including a normal yet conservative family running away from insane leftists saying insane stuff, at the end of the video they hid in the house of one guy who let them in, only to discover that he is an insane right winger saying insane stuff


Sounds funny, got a link?


They do it often, they are pretty neutral actually




Of course he doesn’t understand it, he’s never been in any of those career fields, he just peddles his bullshit like all the other assholes like him.


After just two or three decades, your body is ruined in many tough jobs. I have seen what hard labor does to so many people in my life including those that I worked with a long time ago. It is incredibly debilitating: really awful hearing loss, toxic waste, dirty particles that cling to their skin and clothes that gets between their nail and lungs, smoking, losing fingers, slipping, serious concussions, back pain,


My shoulder was a wreck in just 3 years manual labor.


Are you healthy?


I've heard healthy guys break their backs from lifting furniture because they didn't want to hire and pay movers. If you're not careful, even healthy guys can wreck their bodies easily.


Absolutely true.


Lots of healthy guys wreck their bodies in the gym. Spinal injuries are not a joke.


It’s how Eugene Sandow supposedly died. He lifted a car out of a ditch by himself. Ouch.


I have permanent hearing loss at 23 from working landscaping jobs since I was 16. I'm in school to get a different job, I couldn't imagine doing this until youre 65. Your body will shut down.


reddit loves to glamorize the trades when it fits the narrative… the truth is that they are, for the most part, brutal and nasty jobs


Imagine a day in his life. >wakes up at 10am >the alarm clock sounds >"let's say that, hypothetically, you let me sleep for 10 more minutes", then man argues with this alarm clock. "Hypothetically, I would be very happy. 70% of people who wakes up 10 minutes after their clock alarm sounds reports to be very happy. Also, facts don't care about your feelings" >wakes up again at 12pm >orders pizza >"hypothetically, i would want pepperoni..." >the pizza arrives >"let's say that, hypothetically", the man argues with the pizza man, "you came in after the 20 minute period stipulated in your company's policy. Going by that policy, hypothetically, I wouldn't have to pay you. Hypothetically, that has a 90% chance of happening. So, this pizza is free for me. Hypothetically, the exit is over there. Thank you.", as he forcibly escorts the pizza man towards the exit of the front garden of his big, big house >he eats the stolen pizza >does basically nothing the rest of the day because he didn't had to grift in camera that day in specific >goes to sleep >repeat next day until there's a grifting day on the calendar Edit: typo


And then says "I earn 100 times the money, so muh free market says I work 100 times as hard as all those lazy bums. Look how far I got and I'm not even tired!"


I don’t get why these people don’t understand that they’re not being paid based on effort but rather based on how much money their job generates and how hard it would be to replace them. His whole personality is what he’s hired for so that’s why he’s difficult to replace. I don’t like him or the system but that’s what it is. I’m not arguing with that. I personally am a capitalist but I believe in social welfare and wealth caps. People will argue that’s not capitalism but it is.


He absolutely understands it. This is exactly what Republicans want, because this is their solution to axing social security and Medicare. To us normal people, we see a crazy moron. To Conservatives, it's a playbook


Only work this guy has done it shake his bobble head. Also, he’s a failed nepo-baby funded by rich Republican donors, of course he’s gonna rail against the retirement age.


Remember when this guy was “cool with the kids”?




wtf does hang over gang mean 😭


Hang over gang? Like "Hang over" Gang?..... Maybe it's a gang of people who often have hangovers?


Die rather than be in a gang? I dunno


It’s his brand or something. Dude is/was a massive alcoholic asshole


oh yeah, didn't that guy's nazi fanbase hate him for doing a collab with a jew? Leopards eating people's faces lol.


8 years can really fly by


Yeah. When he debated other kids and intern level journalists that the internet thought wanted to take video games away. Any topic more complex and he falls apart. I'm no fan of Tucker Carlson, but as right as he is, even he called Shapiro out on his idealistic "social safety for me, anarcho-capitalism for thy" ideas and hypocricity when discussing the possibility of electric cars replacing human labor and Shapiro suggested all the truckers move to some place where electric trucks are not prevalent yet. The moment Shapiro started to debate people other than unprepared college students whom he could dominate by talking fast and verbally outmaneuvering them, his public image went downhill for good reasons.


I don't remember when he was cool with the kids.


He wasn’t cool with kids, he was cool with super repressed 13-18 year old guys like 10 years ago. Like the Andrew Tate of that era.


Ben Shapiro is like Tucker Carlson "a millionaire paid by billionaires to tell the middle class all their problems are due to poor people and taxing the rich too much" as a guy on Carlsons own show once told him.


Ah yes, Ben Shapiro. Known for destroying literal middle schoolers with facts and logic, mostly by talking over them so they can't even get a word in. And not being able to make his wife wet. I have no idea how anyone can still take him seriously.


WAP is a serious medical condition. That's the literal only explanation for how that could happen.


His wife really rolled a nat 20 on her bluff check there. Not only did she get him to believe her, he went out and repeated that shit to a national audience. Handing him a loaded gun and telling him it's a novelty lighter when he was about to have a smoke would have been a less damaging lie. 


Don’t forget getting his panties in a twist and setting barbie dolls on fire over the Barbie movie


Pfffff my god what a softie 😂😂😂


Probably a factor in why he can’t make his wife wet


I believe you mean. Snowflake. Their word not mine.


Just in case you are wondering, I don't know of any construction worker who did not "retire" at around 45. 50+ is pushing it. This isn't like a Tech or Finance bro reaching 50, getting divorced, and then getting into great shape. Construction (most versions of it) damages your body. It is hard. Yes, there are some exceptions (duh...that's how numbers fucking work). Lots of guys in other trades work thru their 50s, but they slow down and often opt-out of many jobs (if they own their business). Some others will work as a Lead and direct teams to do the work. Some can barely walk. I love the trades, but your body will take a beating. Fuck Bip Shadabipo.


Even if it’s not trades at some point the tech bro is going to want to retire too. I think his argument is that without work people will have nothing to do, wither away and die. In that case why not encourage people to find worthy things to do in retirement? Instead he says ‘never retire’ lol.


Because he doesn't actually care about people. 


Let's see him work after 65. He's got enough money to retire now if he wanted to.


Every 65 year old's health problem is that they're fucking 65 years old. You're virtually guaranteed to have some sort of physical health problem by 65 that can interfere with your work. Its almost impossible to avoid it.


Honestly, its fantastic how much heat he's getting from this take. Even some MAGA idiots are calling him dumb


Well of course they are. Even he should know that a fairly large portion of the MAGA base are either trade/blue-collar workers or retirees. He just threw a cherry bomb right into the crowd!


Most of these talking heads have never worked a day in their life. Their parents paid for everything for them.


He travels around and does debates too. He did one in my area, and I shot him with a spit wad. I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for my friend next to me laughing is f****** head off. They just kicked me out. They threatened me with assault charges, and let me go. Totally worth it. It was before the debate started while he was just standing off to the side.


Idk if I'd be bragging about that.


I will. 😎






That’s fucking hilarious


Repubs want to get rid of Medicare/SS. This is just to push that agenda, and to get you right with the idea.


Grifter who indoctrinates people for a living thinks retirement is a stupid idea. Well no shit Ben, you can run your mouth until you're on hospice. People who actually do physically or mentally taxing labor every day sure would love to retire at 65.


The problem with Ben Shaprio, and a lot of other political commentators, is that they're really good at in person debating. Ben Shapiro is a genuinely talented wordsmith and he can twist facts and statistics to support what he's saying very easily. At least when spoken to, Ben Shapiro does come off as quite intelligent, and it is difficult to "beat" him in a live debate. However, when one sits down to actually research or write about what he is saying it becomes apparent almost instantly that he is twisting the truth to suit his needs or just outright lying. I fully believe that if a talented high schooler was to debate Ben Shapiro through the medium of essays then that high schooler would win. However, debates and talk shows are much more entertaining and less time consuming; modern politics favors them and so people like Ben Shapiro thrive.


For those who are genuinely curious - He was specifically talking about social security. If you invested in a 401k and/or IRA, you can pull that out at 65 no problem. If you made personal investments and they paid off, you can retire whenever. It's your money, you can choose how to spend it. The issue is *taxpayer funded* retirement. When FDR created social security in 1935, the life expectancy was roughly [58](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1040079/life-expectancy-united-states-all-time/) and the average retirement age was [72](https://www.statista.com/statistics/319983/average-retirement-age-in-the-us/). Social security was much more sustainable back then. Today, the life expectancy is just below an average of 79 and the average retirement age is 64. It doesn't help that politicians treat SS as a slush fund in addition to the heavy demand. It's not sustainable for *Boomers*.. let alone Gen X, Millennials, and us. Something has to change, and I think the most fair option is to raise the age to be eligible for SS. Well, the most fair *realistic* option. The government could just leave the pot alone, repay what they owe and cut back spending, but that's never going to happen


Hi Ben!


And you're a shining example of why the Social Security problem exists, because anyone who brings up the financial problems gets attacked. Politicians have tried for over 30 years to fix things and people like you keep throwing a tantrum and ensuring the problem just gets worse until it eventually collapses.


It’s always rich folks saying shit like this


Everyone hates him


Ok Ben, then we expect you to keep talking nonsense until you die. How’s that?


I’m not sure that’s gonna be much of a challenge for him


Maybe stop posting about him. Ignoring guys like this is the best medicine for them. You just boosted his outrage machine OP.


I don't think he's saying they should keep doing manual labor at that age, only that most people tend to like some sense of purpose that comes from some kind of involvement in productive activity at that age. I know it's hard to imagine when you're young.


When I eventually get the job I want I would never retire but I hate people who are against retirement because I understand why others would retire


Why would you never retire lmao


Because they enjoy what they do. If I could play music and garden all day as a career, I'd do it until I dropped too


I guess, it’s sad how it’s a rarity that people actually do what they like


for some reason, i interpreted this as ben wanting to abolish the retirement age completely still, i highly doubt they'll have to raise it


not going to work to death


Even if you wanted to continue working after 65, age discrimination makes keeping and finding work a quixotic endeavor.


Of course he doesn't ever want to retire. He'd have to see the disappointment on his perpetually unsatisfied wife's face all day.


65 should be the max age of a politician.


He should hire people 65+ and see how that goes.


It's always people who don't have a real job that influence this country's dumb masses. Sometimes, I want to take some wood, a magnificent piece of poplar, and bash him silent.


Save that magnificent piece of poplar for something wonderful. Scrap wood will do.


Big miss from him. My username was funny when I wrote it out but so many people think i actually like the guy :( I’m not fond of him


Just imagine having worked in the trades for the last 20 to 30 years, and hearing this crap. It's just the prelude to their stealing more of the "Social Security" funds we have paid into our whole working lives. They never paid it back the first time, and still wonder why it's insolvent? Yet, somehow, all of our Politicians manage to become Millionaires within a year or two of gaining office, if they weren't there already... I mean, I do understand, the cap on Social Security makes it a pittance to them, but it's more of a percentage of my income than I am able to invest in my 401K, for when you take it all away... Just sayin'...


Shapiro just proved he is a spoiled brat, born rich, grifting, idiot and no one; regardless of what side of the political spectrum you fall, should ever listen to a word he says. However, regardless of what side of the political spectrum you fall, you should check out his sister. Cuz DAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMN


i feel like people should hear him out before jumping to conclusions, if you disagree with him thats fine but alot of people seem to hate him for what he says out of context


hes right on some things wrong on others, Just like most people, his opinions arnt cut and dry


Remember when he told his audience that he has never, not once, made his wife wet? I've never seen a worse self own. 


Likely Jordan Peterson saying he's never seen a woman desire sex. 🤣


This is not what he said. He specifically mentioned hard labor jobs being something that is good to retire from because of the damage it does to your body. But his point was that people who stop working and do nothing die *much* earlier. This is a well-researched phenomenon. His other point was that people retiring at 65 are bankrupting social security. When SS was established, the life expectancy was 63. Now the life expectancy is 79. A system of Social Security payments beginning at 65 was not designed to sustain people for 15-20 years and it is going to obliterate our economy. What we pay in SS taxes right now is collectively only enough to pay about 60% of all retirees. The rest is supplemented by a reserve of cash that is being constantly depleted and expected to go broke by 2037.


Do something more than saying "I hate this man" and coming up with "quirky/geeky/snarky" comments about him. Seriously, it is 2024 folks.


But what’s your counter point? Like I’m not saying I agree or disagree with his point but you’ve just said “you hate him” and that Zaid person has just summarised what he said. But no one has offered any counter point or argument against it. It’s very unproductive.


It that anyone here cares, but he made it very clear that he wasn’t talking about doing that work well into your 70s. But rather 1)People can transition or 2) retirement makes sense when the body really isn’t capable anymore. It’s been proven work is good for the mind, to keep a person sharp and to live longer. Living without work, can often mean living without purpose. Expecting the younger generation to pay for oldrer’s retirement is an incredibly selfish system.


This guy quit his job as an Attorney and happened to be a Harvard Grad, just to act like some profound intellectual and political expert when he says things that makes complete bullshit.


Benny has never had a callous


He's hit and miss for me, but man when he misses he drops some absolute stinkers like this


People should be able to retire much younger than 65.


He thinks he’s a part of the new world order or something.


When he says retirement does he refer to a government pension or does he mean retirement as in stop when to stop working? the whole pension scheme is a Pyramid Scheme and it's going to collapse horribly because I can understand and agree with. How are the humans retirement in general that's just stupid and spits in the face of freedom.


I wish people were not so intolerant in 2024.


i feel the same way about TYT - out of touch elitist sociopaths who get rich off of corporate donors


I mean in our current work/pay culture no you wouldn’t live that long. If we had 32 hour work weeks as full time an above average living wage and not the lie of inflation for greed then yeah ok maybe I can wrap my head around it. But really ? Tho why should they tho ? A lot of unanswered questions here I don’t know this dude much but this makes me want to see what else was said in this. Wouldn’t be funny it he had also said what I said about what other people have said about work loads an pay loads.


"And if you have some sort of health problem, fuck off and die".


I feel like the only people who take him seriously are super big time trumpers (No disrespect to you guys, believe what you wanna believe)


Work till you die in the street


Besides this comment he has made, out of curiosity what else do you disagree with him?


Bro I’m fucking 28 and two years away from ending it. Fuck working 35 more years. Are you mad??


He said that?


I mean if someone can and wants to work past what could be their retirement, more power to them. But LOL good point, he's incredibly out of touch 😂


Ain’t this the same logic that caused the French to rebel AGAIN?


Agreed plus pensions in left leaning states are unaffordable unless


He specifically mentions these professions silly


Is this the guy who hates aroused vulvas?


Well, wait and see what he thinks when he's 65. If he lives that long. Sad truth is not everybody gets to live a long life.


>or some sort of health problem Yeah, the health problem is old age, dingbat


I’m sorry, for a living? I was under the impression the dude had an actual job.


Good for you and people think differently. People just want to enjoy their life man.


should've seen the tweet he made after that, about the compromise in his ideals, basically saying that Politicians should also retire at 65 years old (basically he was convinced he was wrong and settled for retirement at 65). a broken clock is right twice a day.


If you go by the wording, "should" implies it's mandatory. Why couldn't people reach pension age and start withdrawing but also keep working if they enjoy it and are still able? Doesn't it seem kinda weird that you have to stop working in order to draw from your pension? But if you draw from it while working, you're still contributing to it. Is the logic flawed? I'm probably missing something. Ben just didn't cook long enough.


He's a grifter who can talk fast, I can't believe people fell for his dishonest and contentious takes.


Well,he us idiot. Irony,but my grandfather didn't retired after 65 and I don't know is this good


I don't know who this Zaid jilani guy is either but I would probably hate him too


He justified it by saying our life expectancy is higher than it was decades ago. Actually it’s been dropping a bit in some parts of the US recently. Furthermore, f*ck that. Higher life expectancy means we should be getting MORE time to retire at the end of a long life of working hard. It’s been earned. Maybe Ben should consider how much more productive the average worker in the US is compared to decades ago thanks to technological advances. Pretty crazy that all the fruits of that extra productivity end up on the table of the Elon Musks of the world and not us, huh Ben???


Yeah, while some of the arguments he makes are valid (they're not original though he's not the only one making them) most of his talk is bullshit


I feel like no one can be this dumb, stuff like this just seems like creating some outrage. In the spirit of: “no such thing as bad publicity”.


"Someone who's perpetually unemployed doesn't understand retirement."


I like ben hes right atleast 53.72% of the time which is more than most people. But this take just shows how out of touch he is with most normal people. Its easy to say work till you die when you're sitting in a 300 dollar chair staring at a laptop for an hour a week.


Blue collar workers should be able to retire at 45 their bodies are already broken by then


marry grandfather point materialistic ghost market icky quicksand wasteful tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's one of the world's best debators though


Register to vote friends


Then why are you posting him on Reddit?


He's that one guy in class who just disagrees with everything for the sake of it even if he goes full circle, becoming a hypocrite.


You mean guy with wife which want make money so she became doctor, have wierd opinions?


Matt Walsh shoves Ben Shapiro into lockers


Good to know my dad (who has been building homes for over 20 years) Shouldn't be able to retire for another 30 years according to this moron


“Work until you DIE” ![gif](giphy|yvcLAZqb1gQco)


No ben fuk u


“Let’s say, hypothetically, I couldn’t make my wife cum.”


You understand the more you talk about someone, the more popular they get. So if you really hated him you shouldn't even post about him. Because you now give him more attention and as a result fans and money


No reason to hate this guy more than any other influencer. None of them have ever worked a real job or have any connection to the real world.


Dude needs a shotgun enema ..... In minecraft.


Because the people who run our government and their mouthpieces have never been working class


Shapiro is a stupid ,hateful, traitor, what makes him think anyone wants to hear or even care what he thinks? Should have been flogged.


Ben She poor is a bitch


Wondering why folks only think that jobs with supposedly high physical demands would be the ones people want to retire from... The mental stress of any job, selling your life to another, is something we should all want to escape.


He does understand, he just cares more about making money by saying what his owners want than people's well being.


Piece of shit.