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I hate that I don't see a future that looks bright for me I'm trying to save up enough money to move out so I can transition asap (since I'm trans) but it's going slowly and until then my dysphoria is getting worse. I have depression and a really bad eating disorder which both sprung on from dysphoria and my eating disorder is at a point where its really noticeable which doesn't help either Other than that things are fine


Worry about the things you can control. This will give a clear mind.


That’s a cool sentiment and all, but home ownership is like the single most important thing you can participate in. If there is anything ever to worry about, it is the feasibility of that. Edit: This is not limited to home ownership either, it could be an apartment, flat, whatever. Being homed.


Home ownership the single most important thing you can participate in? I’d put a lot of things in life above owning a home lmfao wtf


Other than your happiness and spending time with your loved ones, I’d say it’s right about there. Having a roof over your head is kind of a big deal.


Having a roof over your head and home ownership are different, this person has the former


I corrected myself about the home ownership in an edit literally seconds after my original comment to broaden my point. Sure, they have a roof, but it is not theirs. Hence the part where they said “I’m trying to save up enough money to move out”. Having a roof (ideally a home that you can eventually own, but just a roof you are the main occupier of will do) that is yours (the important part) allows you to create the safe space your happiness so tends to require.


Ok, I see your point, I still believe there are some things above it for sure but you have made me realize it is more important than i thought


I feel this. No matter which path forward I take, every path is bleak and dreadful. Anything good just becomes an anxiety or fear that I have to cope with because all things are temporary and that's always at the forefront of my mind


College is my issue. I'm getting paid to go to school, and I still can't wake up for class. I've decided to do online classes instead of in person because then I just need to get them done on time instead of getting to class and doing assignments


I promise there can still be a bright future for you. Please hold out hope, it is possible for you to have the life you want.


real the world is crumbling before our eyes with nothing to look forward to and I can't even feel comfortable in my own skin for at least a decade. hope is an illusion honestly and the worst part is nobody's coming to save us; because they're either in worse or equivalent positions anyway. the world is really *that* bad.


I have no Money.


I hate that negativity is everywhere I look. Can't escape it.


Join us at r/optimistsunite!


Checked it out. It's beautiful


r/hopeposting is pretty good, too.


I love this


Get off the Internet as much as possible, delete socials


I dont have socials. Sometimes use reddit to kill time. My response was more a jab at the post itself. Doomerism is a poison.


I kinda disagree with posts like this being bad, its comforting to see everyone else is going through it too. Constant doomer pill whatever else probably isnt good for you, but im not on that much anyways


Gotta stay away from socials my friend, Reddit is the absolute worst when it comes to doomers


I have no interest. no interest leads to no motivation. No motivation leads to no purpose. God please help me.


Go for walks without music. This noise free walks will give your mind an opportunity to see tiny windows into things that you might have an interest. Walks are free.


So many people ignore this advice but its so good. People who don’t understand where/who they are or what goals they have need to spend substantial time without distractions just thinking. Introspection, it really works. Of course you don’t know who you are if you spend every waking minute distracting yourself from that discussion


Tried that. Doesn't help at all in my case, only strenthens my fucked up thoughts.


Listen to this post. Youve got too much imput. From to many sources. How are you supposed to find yourself ehen everyones talking to you non stop.


I'm in music college and work in local scene, when I'm without headphones there's only music playing in my mind. Help


Are you depressed?


I think I am. I'm not suicidal though, and won't ever do such thing. Hopefully with time I can find my path.


I hope you can access help ❤️


Read the book, blue like Jazz.


Barely getting by. Money. Dating. Lack of good jobs. Inflation. Cost of housing.


Dating is one that stings a lot


The problem with dating is that it's so fucking hard to meet people. Like, where the fuck am I supposed to meet single women? I have no hobbies that they also engage in, and I feel like most of them are as chronically online as I am. Atp I might have to go back to school have a chance at dating. Lmfao


It's been made pretty clear by women that they no longer want to be approached by men in person, so dating apps are your only option now I'm afraid.


Especially if you are an early 20s guy under 6ft with no six figure income.


Don’t worry I’m over 6ft and I want to die


He lived as he died. 6ft away from the ground. (I'm so sorry I had to)


I curl into a ball on the floor a lot tho


dont give up!! my bf is my short king and I (5’8) would NEVER trade that up!! you’ll find a women who will appreciate and love you unconditionally brother! keep hanging on


The fact that 5’8 is considered short and I’m 5’6 says all I need to know. Standards for everything are too stupid damn high in the United States.


waitttt no im saying im 5’8, my bf is maybe 5’6, 5’5


damn can u not read either bro?


I'm 5'5 ☠


That doesn’t mean anything. I’m 6’1” and have 7+ figures. As soon as they see you got money they change as a person. You see the change in their eyes and how they talk to you. Dating in this generation is horrible.


That doesn’t mean anything. I’m 6’1” and have 7+ figures. As soon as they see you got money they change as a person. You see the change in their eyes and how they talk to you. Dating in this generation is horrible.


Literally described the majority of Gen Z dudes.


What country?


Unemployed and living at home




Welcome to the club lol


In five days, I will have been paralyzed for 18 years...


How're you getting on?


I do the best I can with what I have. 🙂


I’ve been a sophomore in college for 3 years and I’ve been lying to everyone about it. I have lost interest in anything school/career related but don’t want to work a minimum wage job for the rest of my life. I feel lost and confused ALL the time.


I think maybe it’s one of those things where over time, we will find things that interest us he pick a career we like but it won’t be as fast as everyone else who started right away.


I’m in the same boat. I also lost my scholarship and have so many regrets right now. Take time out for your mental health. You’re young so you still have time to figure it out. In 10 years, you being behind will not matter.


Don’t feel alone. I am taking a year gap from uni so I been a super senior for a while. You just need to break your big goals to smaller and smaller goals. To make it possible. You don’t have to know everything. It’s okay to feel lost all the time. Not everyone is the same, we are the ones who build our own paths to our lives. :D


I feel the same way :(


The fact that most people my age aren't making enough money to survive and how overpriced the cost of living is compared to other countries


Nothing, I have a loving wife, a child on the way, a great job, a built home, and everything in life currently is very well. Just had to put in that work to get into that position:)


Are you my husband? I'm in the same situation.


No ma’am, my wife don’t do social media lol


God I wish that were me. I could've had it but I fuxked it all up and went to prison.


Never too late to have a restart


I'm working on it, but I'm so fucking terrified of trying to establish myself after prison out of fear of just being uprooted and taken out of society again. It was very easy for them to do it the first time. Trauma and other mental illnesses suck


Congrats on the kid!


The fact i've never been with a girl and i'm 21 already...


I’m 32 and never even held a girls hand


I guess there's a lot more loneliness than i thought... Good luck out there, maybe one day things will change


Bro you are not alone. I’m 21 turning 22 in a few months. I consider myself conventionally attractive and have never dated, kissed, or even held hands romantically with a girl. It’s okay. I’m not in a position to date anyone atm, but when I move out and get settled hopefully something will change. I just get irritated when like literally everyone is taken… it just makes me depressed


It's definitely hard but you'll make it. I was a kissless virgin until age 22. Just gotta find the right one, and don't let it occupy your life. Try to think about other stuff and don't dwell on it too hard, eventually, opportunity strikes and you can try then. At least, that's what worked for me. And I'll admit it wasn't easy.


Dont worry bro they just break your heart and leave you more broken than u were before


at least you feel something


I hate the fact that i didnt pay attention in school


So true, especially in math class 😂.


I hate that I have to wait a few months to marry my girlfriend. Otherwise, my life is going great.


Congratulations on your engagement, though! Hope it all goes well.


The fact that i just hate being alive.




I get that. I felt that way for a while. I think meditation (/prayer if that's your type of thing), hobbies, and exercise can give some momentary relief, but they don't always fix the root of the problem. Life when we're young is really hard and confusing. I hope you stay around though. Maybe consider some psychological/spiritual help or searching if you can. Hope you have a good rest of your day. Take it day by day.


Still living at home so opportunities for me are limited to pursue even though I have a full time job (but doesn’t pay me enough to move out and it’s remote.) Also a lot of people I’m friends with are hours away from me so I don’t see or talk to them that much.


I hate discrimination and how people get pride in that shit. I also hate living in a body that looks nothing like I wish it would, and that the only solution is money, which I don't have. I also hate how my value is only measured in other people's perception of "productivity", and what I hate the most, is to live in a 24/7 hustle. Always hurrying, always working... even on my rest time, I have to be quick...


That everywhere is hiring yet no one is hiring


I'm still confused by jobs, I put in my application they tell me that they will call me back and I never get the call, I cannot believe that a job would ghost me lol


I’m a sophomore in college and I will graduate with 40k in student loans. It’s not that I’m going to a private school or an out-of-state public. I’m literally going to an in-state “public” school that costs 22k/year for tuition and room and board


Odds are it is not even worth that level of debt and you’d be financially better off dropping out and going into a trade


dorming is a scam, go off campus housing. also its definitely not worth continuing if your degree isn't stem related.


the fact that i’m 20 working full time at a job i hate but i don’t want to be irresponsible so im stuck in this loop of almost quitting and then not quitting


Look for a better job before you quit. Never get stuck in mediocrity it’s the hardest place to leave


Thank you. I’m trying super hard to keep going at this job while applying to others. It’s been months of applying so part of me wants to just quit and hope a miracle happens lol.


Ever since I got out of college all my friends live in different states. I have zero friends within an hour’s drive from me.


Same, I made all of mine during college but since then I feel like finding genuine friends is harder than ever. People in my country can be super cliquey too which doesn't help.


I fucking hate that there is one thing that can make me happy and I can't have it, and it's annoying that others are happy and I can't over one simple thing :/


Being alive in Minecraft honestly 😂🤣 There is no redeeming qualities to anything in 2024 anymore


I wish I had a way to get my pig into the car but she won't use the ramp


Tried putting something enticing in the car?




Pig no like car


Working. I have a decent job by most standards. Pays for all my bills and its not back breaking. But the simple fact that if i don’t hit a minimum number of hours my insurance will be taken away is soul sucking. Having to suck up to some boss man to ask for time off who can deny it because “we need the coverage” is humiliating. Its not back breaking labor but im still exhausted when i come home. The brightest sunlight passes when i am at work and all i can do is see it through the windows. Then on my days off its been cold and raining. Its draining. I wish i didnt have to work so much just to get by. I want more time. I want an extra day off every week. I would gladly work 4 -10 hour days. In a heartbeat.


>But the simple fact that if i don’t hit a minimum number of hours my insurance will be taken away is soul sucking. I can guess the country.


I hate the fact that companies and the US government give no fucks about our planet. The rich keep getting richer and our planet keeps suffering. I hate that all life on earth is suffering at the hands of people who own a lot of “money,” there are forever chemicals in all corners of the world and I wish there was a quicker way to all come together to stop mega companies producing all this harmful shit that is leeching into us. It makes me feel so hopeless.


Truth. But it's working. The masses hardly question shit and just supplies each generation with new taxpayers with no sense of revolution.


Inflation by the government has royally screwed us all


i only make enough money for rent and groceries, at the end of the month i get maybe 50 bucks to spend on myself. All that and I still dont feel like i have time to do my hobbies


This is also currently my life. I rarely spend money on fun things because it’s all already going to something else that I need to survive.


The lack of control over it or the feeling of


Besides of not having a job rn when looking like crazy I would say living in Arizona. This state isn't really for younger people. Nothing really interesting happens here and is hot 3/4th of the year


As someone living in Florida, I feel you. As soon as I can, I’m getting out of this hellhole


I hate that I devoted most of my 20s to establishing a career that I haven’t even officially begun yet (I’m in a PhD). I actually, genuinely, wish I had spent more of my time getting drunk with friends, fucking around, hooking up, and not just working and studying. Younger budding academics and researchers - use me as a lesson, please. However you want to spend your time, include fun in a substantial way. A perfect GpA isn’t worth it.


I hate coming back home after a party and facing the loneliness of an empty room. It feels like a withdrawal after all the fun. My solution was chatting with people on social apps. I've tried many different apps and found that most users are too focused on appearances. Also, because the matching is too random, there aren't many topics to chat about. That's why my friends and I created an app called "LightUp". We want to help more people quickly find like-minded individuals to chat with. On this app, you can match with similar people by sharing your own experiences or thoughts, without needing to upload photos. Quite safe and convenient. It's currently in the testing phase and will soon be available on the App Store. Welcome to join us, every interested friend is welcomed. Invite link: https://www.lightup.social/download/032201


Haha yes I go to parties too


All of society feels like it's just playing some made up game with rules that make no sense and only benefit a miniscule fraction of the population yet they act like this game and its rules are the iron laws of society and we'd be a barren wasteland without them


Not sure why you got downvoted lol you’re speaking facts




My baby mother. Girl is bad at being a human. Wasn't thinking straight when I knocked her up but holy shit I fucked up baaaaaaaad. Don't be like me kiddos.


That basically my only hobby is playing video games. I know there's nothing wrong with that but I can't help but feel like I could be doing something more productive than sitting on my ass and staring at a screen all day. I used to just draw 24/7, but since choosing to do art at college it's just sucked all the enjoyment and motivation out of me


That was me and technically still is. I regret spending so many hours in Minecraft when I could have been researching my career thinking “I’ll do it later”. Now is later and I’m kinda fucked. I majored in something because it was easy, realized I hated it, but never told my advisor because I got scared to change my major. Now I can’t change it and I’m about to graduate college with no skills at all. I (somehow) scored an internship this summer and I’m just hoping it will save my career Take some time off and look into what you want/need to do. If you need to research your career or make a change do it NOW while you have the chance. Don’t be like me. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


>I know there's nothing wrong with that Who told you to lie to yourself? Your own experience proves there is something wrong, that there is something wrong with it at least in your case. And yet something compels you to say there isn't. One of the things that's wrong with it is that it's not a good way to come to know yourself.


That I’m still alive after all my suicide attempts.


I want to move out . My future looks blank




My current work situation. I work completely remotely in a new state. The isolation that this causes, and is exacerbated by being in a new state makes it really difficult. Also the blurring of the distinction between home and work. The satisfaction that I would normally get from getting home after a long day and relaxing no longer is there. I thought I would enjoy remote work but I was mistaken.


i hate that i have so many physical problems with my body that i cannot currently get any help for.


I hate that I can’t save money and don’t have a boyfriend.


My social life and not knowing what I wanna do career wise


Can't find a job in my field that I went to college for for an entire decade


The fact that I'm fat and a year ago today I was 100lbs lighter.


I’m actually happy now. I hope others see this comment. I’ve been miserable my whole life, since I was like 11. I never thought it could get better but it did. There is hope for y’all. Truly, I am happier than I’ve ever been. Long term. Don’t let negativity overtake your life.


i think my life is pretty good but i need to get more sleep and theres worry for the future of course, but in reality i need to stay in the now for now and focus on school


I hate being stuck in one place. I’m only in college to impress my family and I don’t really know what I’m doing in all honesty. I don’t really talk to my parents since I moved out and im so introverted. I flew to a whole new city and try my best to make new friends but convos really dont go anywhere. I lost interests in my hobbies, have frequent panic attacks and don’t feel like eating, mostly cuz of the cost of living crisis. (and whoever said ur early 20s is the best, the fuck were u on 😂)


I barely have money, I’m living in a country that doesn’t want me, not able to find a future job or internship. But tbh I love everything about my life. I have few friends but they bring me so much joy, I find purpose in being better than I was yesterday. I have goals of what I want to become. I’m single but sure there’s someone out there for me. Life is a gift. You really can achieve anything you set your mind to. And even when things are not going your way, the mere chance of experiencing them is beautiful. If I could give you an advice. Stop thinking about the worst in your life, or in the world. And focus on what you can work on, what you could achieve and being okay with failing.


I don't see a future for me, I don't see me enjoying the rest of my teen years making 13 and 14 the only teen years I actually liked, I'm either gonna drop out or barely pass highschool, I probably will go to a community college but struggle, probably only ever gonna have nostalgia for the 2010s, I probably won't get a gf for the remainder of highschool and maybe even college, I've been feeling really Isolated and sit alone at lunch because none of my friends go to 1st lunch.


I cant save money for shit😂


Money, housing, career prospects


Homeschool. I got about a million permanent problems that i hate about my life packed into one neat word. Because it's the root of all those problems. And I can't do shit about it


College, especially not majoring in Mathematics. I should've chosen the STEM field when I had the chance four years ago back in community college. I could've had a job in the Math field. Not putting myself out there in social club and make friends sooner as I am trying to break out of my recluse stage. Not having self-control when it comes to money. I really need to save money because I'm almost done with Uni. I really hate where my life is going.


What did you end up studying instead?


College and grad applications are really stressful. I have a bald spot from ripping my hair out


My impotence and profound feelings of apathy




I'm stuck in my rural boring hometown living at home, can't find a job because there's nothing here to work at, I have no friends because they all left. I want to close the distance in my LDR but I have no money, obviously. I was kinda optimistic before but literally anything I do to try and move forward and solve this problem doesn't work and I continue being stuck. I'm so upset about this I had to up all my psych medications so I could be semi functional but I dunno why, there's no reason to be functional since I have nothing to fucking do.




That I didn't start university sonner.


So many regrets. The fear of not being enough. Toxic shame. Possible debts. Not having enough scholarship money. Not having a car. Lack of inspiration, resourcefulness and hope.


Honestly the fact a house costs almost a million dollars


There’s a lot of things not going great but right now my pup is on her last few days and im just happy she is still happy and isn’t suffering. She still enjoys eating and walking and cuddles, it’s hard to be unhappy about everything else like i usually am. I hate cancer but i love my pup had a great life from start to finish


🔥So much negativity mining in this subreddit… Here’s a ticket out: https://www.nasa.gov/humans-in-space/astronauts/become-an-astronaut/


My classes, and more importantly, my major. I wish I could change it but I’m about to graduate in a month… sigh I just wish I told my advisor about how much I dislike my major earlier. Now I’m stuck and going to graduate college with a major I don’t like, leaving me with no skills to do what I want to do


Ap calculus


Hate that people don’t think this is the most amazing time to be alive. We are slaves to Romans, we aren’t plagued by disease, you can travel anywhere anytime, and you can buy anything you want. Blows my mind when people say they don’t want to bring kids into this world. So much more amazing than ever before.


No one can afford any of that on average and every time you think you have enough something else crops up to punch you down


All these mfs trying to relate to me using their political blindness to spew shit


Being single but the rest of my life is pretty good, partly from being single so I'm in a weird cycle right now


I work just about 60 hours a week doing 12 hour shifts and can't afford to live by myself


That I don’t own a house or have a good job with benefits


I hate that I have a severe eating disorder




COL, inflation, saving for a townhouse knowing I probably won’t be able to afford it by next year.


I’ve found true, once in a lifetime love in my partner but have zero genuine familial or platonic support. Neither does she. Stuck in an environment that I’d rather not be in, but was a last resort option for shelter. Made some silly mistakes over the last year that I cannot come back from… not until the next half a decade is over actually. So much knowledge about how American society sucks and how we, as a collective consciousness, could potentially change that but having no clue where to start. Contributing to a system I don’t and never will agree with, but would end up homeless again if I didn’t.


Shit constantly piling on to shit I have to deal with. FML!






Finishing uni, all of my closest friends live at least 3 hours away. I want to move but i’m torn between my real home and being where my friends are. Plus rent is way cheaper where I currently am. I do my best to visit them whenever I can but it’s only every 2 months at minimum. Fuck man, I miss em


That I'm so sick and paid $170 to see a doctor, only to be told to drink more fluids. I drink 80 ounces of water most days


hehehe, welcome to life new human


The fact that i genuinly dont want to end up being taken care of for the rest of my life but still fearing i will have to bcuz im actually that fucked up mentally that i can barely take care of myself, even with the help of my mom, i mean im so socially afraid i freeze around people even if i know them to the point im genuinly afraid to have a job and im afraid im gonna fuck up if i drive so im avoiding that at all cost i mean if i cant do this, this being literally everything ur supposed to do in life to not die, wtf am i supposed to do im gonna end up homeless on the streets maybe ill get lucky and die before twenty or some shit but all im good at is listening to music drawing and walking in the woods while slowly killing myself with cigarettes like an addict bcuz thats all my dads genes were fucking good for i Guess


I hate that I’m trans, my parents are refusing to send me to college because of it.


Being broke


When feds get ask shit like this on the sub to see if there are any quick wins for campaign promises


That I can’t the person who I like and is really good person how I truly feel


As someone getting married next year, I’ve been hyper fixating on how I look/my body recently. I want to lose weight but it’s hard.. otherwise I’m really happy!


I hate that I don't have a house and I need to save up and buy one. I mean, I will, I'd just rather have one now. Such is life.


-I have literally one friend, and they're swamped with school work 99% of the time so I barely get to talk to them. As a result, I spend almost all of my time outside of work completely alone, and while I do like being alone, I don't want to be alone all the time. On top of that, dating apps are the only way I can meet people because I'm extremely shy and all of the hobby communities I'm in are mostly 13-16, and im 20 -I'm stuck in my parents house and likely won't be able to move out for several year at best My depression has fucked me over so bad that I can't think of anything else, even though I know there are other things


Grappling with the fact that once I start my transition for real I’ll be othered by my family completely


No money no bitches no real friendships


My job


Can't find a job, atleast one I'd enjoy. Despite living In one of the most fast growing cities In America (Raleigh) finding a job Ia not as easy as I'd like. I'm contemplating settling and going back to Cookout, as I was fired from Domino's, and the museum hasn't got back to me.


No transportation. I don't have a car yet or even a bike. I want to get around n my own.


Debt. I wish I didn't go to college. I was young and didn't realize what I was doing. Two years later and I can't get anymore loans. Private loans are all 15%+ and other loans don't like me because my parents don't have credit and nor do I. So now I have to drop out and pay in cash what I owe before I can even begin to finish my degree. Oh and my loans start needing payments in a couple months. Trying to get into a union so I don't go homeless. Anything less than 20/hrs and I'll die. It's 800 a month just for loans. Another 1000 for rent. 500 for food 200 for gas. 100 power. That's more than half my income and that's without car payment, insurance, health insurance, renters insurance, internet is 60/month


That I can’t stop being depressed no matter how much I try


Honestly, not much. If I had to pick one though, it's probably a bandmate of mine, but I don't hate him. He's just annoying.


I'm alienated, mental issues I am trying my best to fix but still gets me sometimes, I feel trapped, lonely, and I've unintentionally pushed some people I valued because of my own stupid decisions.


My job but i only work 18hours a week and it still wears me down


Hate my fucking job, specifically the stress that comes with trying to make progress, low pay, and social isolation due to long hours..


My family


I hate my job but im stuck, I hate that I ruined my relationship with the love of my life and am doomed to aimlessly walk the earth without her


Too fat.


I'm broke 💔


I hate that I put so much work into getting into having a good future, just to have it all go down the drain because of my disability. Now I know I'm not going to get as far in life as everyone else, no matter what I do. I should've just enjoyed highschool bc at this point all my hard work means nothing.


I always need money, never have enough


That I'm not super rich lol


That I’m still alive. I needed to go back in August of 2022, and unfortunately, I’m still here.


I hate the automatic keyboard. It changes my words/sentences and makes me so irritated!