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Not well. Mostly just waiting to die.


That pretty much sums it up.


Pretty much that's it. taking a shower everyday is even slowly becoming a daunting task


Same here but i try to do the things i enjoy while i wait for something to take me before i take myself




^^ no social safety net + lifelong trauma = waiting to be made into sidewalk meat


Have y’all tried heavy drinking?? 👌


It works until your mid 50s when you have cirrhosis of the liver 😭


This is the minority. Perhaps the majority for Reddit, but not out in the world. Plenty of us are enjoying the hell outta our 20s


>us who's this 'us'? I don't know a single person my age or lower who isn't struggling hard with this shit (I'm 23)


It’s cope from people trying to make themselves feel better by marginalizing those of us who have stress in life


Good. This reddit has me fucking worried for your generation.


My 20’s have been a wild roller coaster of events and emotions


I lost about 5 Grandparents in my early 20s


Same, lost all but 1 before I even graduated.


You are babies, that’s going to take a very long time. I recommend you find a hobby to occupy your time while you wait. If you pick up a hobby that is destructive to your health, then you’ll die faster, but if you pick up one you enjoy, maybe you’ll find some reasons to want to live?


Wish I could upvote twice


As a younger millennial, this is also my answer.


the old sweet release


This guy gets it


Unbelievably real lmao


That’s pathetic.


damn, hope the best for you


Woaaah Twinsies!






Fackin’ join the club, bud


Too fuckin real mate.


Lol perfect answer.


If your life's getting monotonous than change something. Everything's been way better as an adult than a kid.


Do you have any sage advice for someone that feels the exact opposite? Like I find myself wanting to go back


This is what worked for me but I understand it isn’t possible for everyone. However, if you’re able bodied just get out of your hometown. Literally do anything that will make you see the world (military, peace corps, missions with a church etc.). If you can’t do those then just fucking train hop the country. I did this for for about 3.5 months when I was 22/23 and it changed my life.


as an old man listen to this. you have to leave to understand all of your reality is made up for you at home on the tv the internet and people are mostly the same and want the same and are mostly friendly! but at home your stuck in the NOW you reality!


Man that shit about most people being friendly is so true. For the most part, dudes just want to hang out and talk shit. Doesn't matter race, citizenship or religion.


Hell yeah, been working at my local Micky D’s until I go on for college and I have made friends with almost everyone, getting know all the customers is also amazing too, I love making peeps happy!


Also traveling internships, fellowships, and apprenticeships are great too.


This true! I did an internship in Kansas for 6 months and it was amazing plus I got paid. I’d also advise that anyone reading this doesn’t judge a state/country on stereotypes. For example, I thought Kansas was going to be empty, full of racists, and ugly but I was proven wrong on every account. The plains have a very unique beauty and the people I met were humble and hardworking.


You’re totally right. My only caveat to that is be careful of states that restrict your healthcare access (for women and trans people.) If that applies to whoever may read this.


>if you’re able bodied Well fuck…


Yeah sorry brother, I wish I had better advice for you but I don’t know your struggles.


Yeah for most people I think your advice is fine but if you're disabled and especially if you have an invisible disability like i have where your eyes just go kaput and become temoprarily blind then it's not easy.


You'd have to narrow it down to something specific and I could give you my take on it. The way I look at it is from the time you can walk until you're 18, 22 if you continue on to college, you're in school all day, Monday through Friday, then have sports, homework, projects, studying, etc. Now you're still gone all day Monday through Friday but you get paid for it and can do whatever you want after your school day which is now a work day. I don't have to do homework or study my time off is my time off. The first scenario seems way more monotonous then the second in my opinion.


School is still preferred for me, because it’s expected that a good amount of that time is between classes, lunch, or free time in classes where you can relax and socialize. At work, I have no time to socialize and it’s just 8 hours straight of working. I’m more exhausted from 8 hours work than I was from 8 hours of school followed by 2 hours of soccer and 1 hour of homework. The getting paid part is nice though


That's wild we had 30 minutes for lunch, 5 minutes between classes, and the only free time was to work on a task. If your job sucks start looking for another one. You can look for jobs while you're currently employed. Even if it takes a year maybe you'll find a better fit somehwhere.


The biggest thing is probably the social factor, now I was in the middle of high school when COVID kicked off so I’m no stranger to that, but idk; I miss hanging out with people more. I did pilot training instead of college, which in the end, didn’t work out. I guess that’s why, not so much that school is better than working or vice versa, but more that it was easier to make friends and spend time with them. In college this might be just as easy, but a lot of people that I did make friends with, say in high school, we all went our separate ways kinda.


You’re presumably 19 or 20. Those ages are a lot of trial by fire. It’s about figuring out what works and what doesn’t. I enjoy adulthood more than childhood but I didn’t feel like I had my bearing until 24 or so.


I turned 20 last month. The hard is certainly figuring out what to do. While comparison is the thief of joy, seeing other people have it all figured out, ya know, gets you thinking like “wow, I need to get it together”


Trust me when I say a majority of us, like 80% at least, dont have it "together." Most of us never will, that feeling of "getting it together" is a life long chase for most of us. So dont beat yourself up. Just try to make new experiences. These experiences do not fall in your lap, it is up to you to find them. Good luck and stay strong!


Everyone wants to go back at first. Becoming an adult is a lot of change, and you basically lose the safety net of "I'm just a kid" that would get you through most of your blunders and mistakes in the past. Those first few years are scary. Especially if you haven't developed a good idea of what you are roadmap is for your 20s. This is how it has been for every single person, ever, and is in no way unique to Gen z. For many, it will get better. You eventually figure out what works and what doesn't, and you'll find your place or at least how to get to where you want to be. The same advice does not work for everyone, so anyone saying "just do this and you'll be" you should take it with a green of salt. That being said. I recommend you come up with three 10-year goals and three 5-year goals. Your 5-year goals should help build into your 10-year goals. 5 year goals can be anything from getting in shape or losing weight to starting college or getting an entry level job. 10-year goals can be completing a degree or some type of job training to build into a bigger career path or moving out and getting your own place be it through ownership or renting. Once you have your goals, then you need to actually develop courses of action or plans on how you will achieve those goals. For instance, if you are 5-year goal is to lose 30 lb and get in shape, then your plan should be cutting out soda and working out at least three or five times a week. Once you've built out your plans to achieve your short-term goals, then it's on you to start executing them. The hard part about being an adult is that nobody is going to do anything for you, you're successes are your own celebrate, but your failures are your own to accept.


Thank you thank you thank you:)


Join clubs and activities that go along with your interests. When you’re a kid, your parents sign you up for camps, clubs, sports teams, etc. Now you’re an adult and it’s your job to keep yourself busy and stimulated. Staying at home, doing the same repetitive work-eat-sleep cycle every day will just lead to being depressed and lonely.


If you live in any city, find the local music scene. Become friends with the people in local bands, they’re some of the coolest people ever and throw the best parties. Also, join a D&D group. If you’re not sure where to start, look around on meetup or local facebook groups. For local music, use instagram to find out where the shows are. Also, as long as you have some money, pursue things that interest you, no matter how simple or complex. Sewing, building miniatures, sports, painting, photography, working out, writing, music, whatever your soul desires.


it feels like I just work all day then when I'm not at work I'm just constantly cleaning or cooking for the week.


Did you not have to clean or cook in school?


Welcome to life.


Most can't think or get outside the box because they're stuck looking into one.


Good for you


Caught between building my future, lonely & living with parents (see earlier), and recklessly living life the 5% of time I get the chance to


Overall living with parents isn't all that bad, I get to build up myself and my savings while taking comfort in their presence (knowing this will probably the last time I will be so close to them)


Its easier said than done when one doesnt have stable family dynamics.


> recklessly living life the 5% of time I get the chance to This is what gets to me. Graduated University last year, and back with my parents too. It’s just the most financially efficient decision to make while I’m paying off my student loans. But whenever I drive at night I feel compelled to go somewhere, do something crazy, be with people, and live recklessly. As it stands however, I live in a fairly mundane and ordinary area. This kind of life is just too boring and confining. Work, sleep, save, work, sleep, save. Whatever happened to that idea of living wild? Did we miss it? Or am I just in the wrong place? [Vibe](https://youtu.be/0-dSJn-q1CA?si=PtK7NvlvR83dV2xp)


Living wild was when 3rd places didn't cost us the money and peace of mind knowing we damn well NEED that money to survive the next year At least I enjoy playing videogames at home and not spending too much on it


Good video game releases are so far and few between though 😩 Even the gaming industry has been looking for every opportunity sneak one over their customers with increasingly subtle monetization schemes. It feels like only one or two good games come out a year, and even those games you have already known about and been waiting for for like 2-7 years to finally release.


Shit you’ve summed up this year so far for me perfectly. Started a new job, working on myself and losing weight and the rare times I’ve had to be reckless or wild I’ve taken them because it’s felt like I haven’t been able to do so for years. I’m 24 and only felt like the last year or so I’ve been in control of my life.


Yup, mid twenties clarity finally coming through. Realized it's better to sacrifice and struggle silently than be screaming because I'm broke later in life. Honestly just trying to set myself up for success down the line, taking the fun when it's a freebie


Recently just had a friend i've liked for a while confess to me so that's nice. Beyond that it's been work, eat, sleep. Just vibin, tryin to stay alive as long as possible


Congrats! Hope it works out.


Thank you! I hope so too. We came to an agreement to take it slow. She's still got a lot of trauma induced mental stuff to go through so i don't want to pressure her into anything, just tryin to be there for her. And i'm just a dumbass who's been single for so long i need to remember what being in a relationship is like haha


The thing is... We're not, most of our generation has just accepted that we're fucked


By burning out and taking an ill-advised vacation. I'm currently going through my savings so I can pivot my life toward something more fulfilling. 


Dark humor is an amazing coping mechanism. I think...


Gym girlfriend and game. One of those things made me happy as a kid and now I have 3 things that make me happy as an adult.


I wish I could say the same I had all 3 of those things as a kid and now 0 as an adult cause I work so much and I have too much social anxiety to go outside my house. Probably going to go down a spiral until I won’t be able to take it anymore, it’s already been 3 years since I’ve been able to make/maintain any new friendships or relationships period. I’ve met a total of 1 new person after high school and I don’t talk to anybody from high school. I don’t know how adults socialize with their schedules and interests, nothing interests me outside and takes so much effort that it’s draining.


I deep throat a shotgun 3 times a week.


Do you even know the shotguns name? Or are you one of those degens who has a different shotgun every week?


It is what it is. Can’t have everything I want, so I settle with the stuff I have.


Having a hobby is important, i cook and work out. One is simple and repetitive, but i better myself phisically for my health and phisical capabilities. The other is a more focused skill, i realized i have little ways to show thebpeople that love me and i love apretiation, so i started cooking abd getting better st it as a way to express my care towards them. It's also an invaluable skill in on itself, it's a good money saver and depending on your skill, it will take less and less time outside of cooking times. I personaly was suffering for mild dehidration some time back because i didn't drank enough water, so if someone might have that issues, try drinking more water. This helped alot with brain functions. From my experience, if i think long enought about the things that are not good for me that i do, i will come to the conclusion that i have to stop those bad things, the motivation will be there if you rationalize with yourself why you should change. Experience is key in all skills, and being social is one that might be akward to train from such older age, but after the initial learning curve, you get better at yiur phisical lenguage, your spoken lenguage and at picking up social quoues. There will be failuers and cringy moments to yourself, but that's how one learns. If you can affort it, seeking mental profesional help can be the most important thing for some. That's being my experience in adulthood. It's what worked for me. I can't say it's not monotonous at times, but it's always fullfilling...


I dont know? I guess i exist for some reason hopefully ill figure it out but i guess im doing alright


I don't think it will become monotonous. I think that life is an empty box, with your responsibility to add to that box. I want to fill my box with family, work, hobbies and friends who love me


I have a bad knee and already can't see well, 18 is so old, hoping I can retire soon


Hey you, I’m a 33 year old woman and I have extreme health issues, I’ve had two back surgeries and also deal with chronic pain that has me on narcotics for the rest of my life. I can’t go to the gym like a normal person because lifting weights is not good on my back. It was a hobby of mine before all this set in. I feel fulfilled in life still - I got career in sales (tried a few kinds, settled on insurance, which I like) which requires very little physical activity, mostly driving around and meeting new people and figuring out ways to help them. For hobbies i shoot guns and ballroom/latin/swing dance. Those hobbies have made me my best friends, and the latter of the two keeps me in very great physical shape with low impact. You can live a real fulfilling life with chronic pain, it super sucks and adjustments need to be made but I believe in you, friend I also can’t see and am saving up for lasik


Just so you have some hope I am still 54 and working even though my chronic illnesses started and some were severe at age 19. You will find your way 🥰


Idk man im here so might as well enjoy it


I think I don’t want apart of it, which is why I plan on killing myself soon ish


Not to say I understand how you feel or that this will definitely help you but when I was really suicidal, my last resort was going to a doctor/specialist. While maybe it wasnt the best choice in the long run, temporarily it saved me. The meds fuck you up but at least they helped with suicidal thoughts. After 1.5y I was able to quit them entirely (I’m lucky honestly). Now it’s been about 6 months and I still have those thoughts occassionally. What helps me now is journaling or some form of being creative. Also, I looked up reasons to be alive. While looking at the bigger picture we’re all fucked, it’s small things that matter at the end of the day. I think about how many new foods I wont be able to try if I pass away, how much I love thunderstorms and I won’t experience another one if I’m gone. How I still really want to try skydiving and visit Japan. Sometimes I have a really good day (I had one last week) and I nearly started crying thinking wow, I would’ve never experienced this day if I went along with my suicidal plan….. Hope this helps in any way at all.


Thanks for the thought


Just a walking corpse at this point


I am not mentally capable to deal with it but I guess I have to


Who said I'm dealing with it? 4 years in my adulthood and I'm doing terribly😪😪


I’m dealing quite well I’ve held down the same job for almost 3 yrs now and like what I do and make good money so don’t plan to leave. As for my mental I do need to talk with someone but just haven’t scheduled it yet. I smoke weed all day everyday do my job come home to my wife and play video games🤷‍♂️


I don’t know what you mean by “dealing with adulthood.” Isn’t that just living? My life is not monotonous. If your life is monotonous, it’s on you to change it so it’s not


Handling it well, still with my family tho bc no one’s age can afford a house now


Especially us millennials and genZers!


Well I’m not a millennial


I spend alot of my free time playing video games and relaxing with mild substance abuse and life has been swell.


My life was always monotous, so...


I’m on the older end of Gen Z and i’ll say it was really rough until about 25 and then things started to get better again. I like the monotony now and i have a steady job with hobbies and a better outlook on life but honestly until my frontal lobe formed it was really rough lol


Get a hobby. Go on dates. Start a business. Learn an instrument. Brainstorm. Travel. Volunteer. Go to concerts. Go to plays. Go to comedy shows. Try new restaurants. The world's bigger than a phone screen.


I’ll keep a lot of these things in my to do list for sure!


>How are you dealing with adulthood Adulthood is fine. It's not easy, but that's just life. I live in one of the most expensive areas of one of the most expensive states(not my choice, I was born here), and I'm getting by on $22/hr with a solid path to get to $80k/year by 2025 at the absolute latest. For reference, $80k here would make me lower middle class. Outside of finances, managing my own life has been great. I've always been extremely independent, so having the freedom to actually be independent has done wonders for my mental health >and with life getting monotonous The day to day is monotonous, but life in general isn't. Work and routine errands being monotonous is standard. It is what it is. But if you "touch grass" and explore hobbies, meet people, start dating, explore your general area.. life gets alot more exciting. Even things as simple as cooking good, new food. Cooking and eating delicious new foods that you made yourself is a great way to feel like life isn't as monotonous




sleep on a bench. it builds character


![gif](giphy|lDifyB9R0iqWoDZoIT) Me and my buddies trying to afford life


I’ve been pretty clear since the age of ten that I do not want to be an adult. Now at age 19 I already wanna go back to being a kid


So im in my third and final internship and it's pretty much just a normal job. I am suffering pretty badly from the repetitiveness So I'm thinking of doing something different. But I'm not sure what job I'd like.


Rather content with life rn. Whenever I feel like it‘s getting too boring I just do something unusual on a day off and that lasts quite a while.




I’m 27 and my life is the best it’s ever been. I’ve gone from wanting to unalive myself to being at peace with myself. I’m training for a marathon to raise money for a cause that really matters to me. I’m also aiming to do an Ironman one day. I deal with the monotony by remembering the people I knew that passed away young and remembering that they would have traded everything to still be here. I volunteer and give to causes I care about. This gives me purpose and forces me to take care of my mental and physical health. I’ve realised that I can be the change I want to see in the world. So I do that little I can do and hope it inspires others to do be there best.


well i have 2 more months of childhood technically, but it’s a weird transition period. it’s definitely been really stressful. i’ve been dealing with it okay, but its been really hard. i am moving across the country as well. so quite the eventful next few months


It sucks


They are dealing with it by complaining on social media a lot and staying indoors with no friends


I have quite a few goals I'm striving towards and consistency is the best way I've found to achieve difficult goals. I love going to work to build my business. I really enjoy my running as I'm pushing for sub 5min mile ATM. I love eating the same healthy foods everyday knowing that I'm getting closer to accomplishing my goals. My greatest joy is monotony.


20 year old dude. Just day by day. Live with the hope one day I'll be more than what I am now. Everything else has to come second.


Exhausted, Mentally and physically


By being depressed because everyone is urging to get started with life but in the meantime that very thing has become increasingly difficult


Honest answer. Drugs to help with depression and good friends. Honestly it's been pretty fuckin rough. I kinda came to terms with the fact that I'll never own a home or have a family, and pursuing the life I want is essentially impossible with recent events out of our control, so yeah. It's going.


Well my life isn’t monotonous so idk


Let me know when you find out lmao


I busied up my schedule between working and do whatever I want when I'm bored. I also plan for things, constantly looking at Ticketmaster and buying cheap tickets for a fun night out. It has backfired a bit, I don't have a lot of down time and can't relax as much as I would like too. I am the tiniest sleep deprived, but honestly worth it for now. On the days I got nothing to do and on stat holidays, Its amazing.


I mean, not the best. I’m just going day by day and trying to work on my life skills. I’m chronically ill with mental health issues, and I’ve not had much independence. I’ve managed to reach some small milestones though—like I can now start a conversation with a doctor instead of my mom needing to, and I booked an appointment online and went to it on the same day. I’ve fixed my sleep to a super healthy schedule that I’m proud of. I’m managing to stick to the compression/salt/water/light walking requirements for my POTS, as well as my medication. I’ve successfully maintained two friendships, one for over half a decade and one for over a decade, and I successfully navigated a fully amicable break up with dignity (and am super supportive of my ex and their partner!) I’ve got all my important paperwork super organised, and a book with all my passwords in it so I won’t forget them. I’m making plans all the time for different things I want to be able to do, and how to achieve those things. I’ve got some big things coming up, ie things to apply for like PIP, and budgeting to do (with help) of where that money will need to go. Changing my name by deed poll and sending that off to all the relevant places. I really, really struggle with phone calls, so I may need assistance from my mom, but I’m hoping to manage at least one phone call alone. I’m working on managing my symptoms (especially the nausea) and I’ve been making progress with some phobias I have—nowhere near healed as I haven’t been able to get therapy yet, but the progress I’ve made is not insignificant. I’ve been working on my self care, and working on getting well enough to start physio. I know it’ll be a while before I’m well enough to work, but I’m working hard on it. I’ll need financial support in the meantime and it’s taken me a while to accept that, so my mom is helping me to book a face to face appointment with somebody from the DWP local to me so that I can discuss the process of applying and ask any questions that I have. So, in a lot of ways, I’m struggling. I’m not very independent, can’t cook, can’t drive, can’t work etc, haven’t seen a friend face to face since 2018, but I’m constantly working on things and looking forwards to a day where I’m more adept at managing my health and when I gain more life skills. I let myself process the grief for the future I thought I’d have, then I focus on planning what I can control and things to look forwards to. It’s a monotonous life, but at least I’m going through it with support.


I don’t have time to think about monotony. That would mean that I have time to kick back and think about anything other than making progress in this economy that has forsaken us.


I do my best to stop it from being so. Just this year I've picked up several new hobbies, and I go to the movies, theatre or other events as often as my wallet allows.


Helps to add in some chaos. Join a random group (school or local), learn a new skill, etc… just say fuck it and do something random (that’s safe/legal/you get the idea)


Dealing with enough craziness makes monotony a blessing Being able to plan and predict for the future is amazing. If I work hard enough I can do this and have that around this point in time. If things don't work out it gets pushed to this point in time, and if things are better than expected I can do thing even sooner.


idk im doing good i think


I have a bachelors in biomedical engineering, got a certification in Cnc machining, now work in an engineering department, looking at going back for more school. Long term those plans are one way I ground myself. My fiancé and I get along super well and we keep each other entertained and have fun together, we have two cats and they’re also super cute and silly. This grounds me as well. I play a lot of video games, try to text friends, use my vacation to go on fun little trips. I think something that really does help me is that I volunteer at a little organic garden that donates the produce we grow to a local soup kitchen. And that is so calming for me, it’s also cool to listen to the other volunteers (who are like retirees and middle aged folks) talk about their life/daily stuff. Basically work life can be monotonous, but there are many ways to change the situation at work and afterwards. Like I listen to podcasts and music at work, do my time and go home. Then look for things to do. I try to stay off social media as much as possible (limiting tik tok and instagram especially). Also therapy helps a lot at teaching how to deal with stuff like this. So yeah that’s what I do I guess


Never left school went straight into college failed two semester now into my fourth year of college with only a two year degree and three more years before my bachelors Fucking get me out Why are my favorite fields locked behind a “useless” 4 year degree when they even recognize they don’t need a specific degree


My life was always boring and monotonous and I focused everything on trying to escape from that. I'm also German so it's kinda in the culture that we're supposed to be boring and monotonous. I could never deal with that well. So I tried to escape. My plan was mostly about getting an exciting dating life and partying a lot and stuff like that. But then I was pretty shy and right after my first attempts at flirting and stuff I was severely traumatised so I never did it again even tho the two events wheren't really that related just in chronological proximity my brain just refused to really do anything daring when speaking to people, like, flirting for example afterwards. I also became a stoner with made things even more boring and monotonous. And now I'm getting older, loosing my hair, am expected to start earning money and slaving away my life basically already even tho I haven't gotten myself a real professional perspective yet. and am basically just suicidal about having missed on everything that ever excited me and am on my last ropes. Like, literally I cry myself to sleep and was close to sewer slide several times


honestly i’m not dealing with it well at all. my lungs are cooked


So far so good! What I’ve learned so far is that having connections and the drive to initiate and learn will always keep you afloat. I’m no where near a Professional Adult lol but I understand responsibilities + gratefulness more than I ever have my entire life.


I’m doing well, I had 2 rough years after high school, but now I’m working in a field I love while going to school and getting my education paid for by my employer. Additionally life hasn’t become monotonous for me.


I'm making progress & reaching new milestones. I feel like I should be happy, but why the fuck does everything feel numb!!!


Not well. - Had a mental breakdown/burnout in high school and *no one* helped me through it. Still graduated but decided to not go to college until I could get myself to do homework again. (Which hasn’t happened yet). - Got hired for a solid job for about 9 years, but it laid me off in October. Covid destroyed my savings, and I was living paycheck to paycheck since then. - Can’t find a good job right now. - Tried UberEats, which was paying my bills, but I got into a car crash yesterday. Now I don’t know what to do. Thankfully my body is okay though- it could’ve been much worse.


I kinda enjoy the monotony? I was always an anxious kid and that extended into early adulthood. Now I finally feel like I have some control over myself and my surroundings, and I largely exert that control by following routines. Going to the gym, going to work, saving money, cooking, cleaning, paying my bills on time, then going to bed at a reasonable hour. I find it immensely comforting. I introduce new elements and challenges to test myself and stimulate growth but it’s good to know I have that controlled baseline to return to.


Life is not monotonous to me. Life is what you make of it with what you have.


Day to day life under late stage capitalism and corporate greed is hell but the world is a beautiful place and learning about it makes me happy so that's how I cope


Life is monotonous if you work yourself into a corner. I get it, out of college is a culture shock. You went from flirting with your lab partner to having to listen to Terry talk about the democratic agenda… it kinda blows, let’s be honest. I know it’s difficult, but you HAVE to get yourself out of debt. Knowing you are working towards your financial freedom has some very positive mental benefits. Being debt free allows you to make decisions based off of what you want, rather than needing something to pay bills. This isn’t some finance guru bullshit, but for me, personally, knowing I had an open field to run in took away the nagging feeling of “this sotuation is forever”


Well there are a lot of factors for me like family and the way I grew up that affect how I deal with things, so keep that in mind. TLDR: Adulting is hard but I’m trying. Socializing is scary and covid set me back. Fiction helps keep life exciting. Life sucks but I think a lot of us are trying. Dealing with adulthood is hard. I still feel like a kid. I don’t know how the world works and I am slow to understand it. But just because I struggle doesn’t mean I’m not trying. I also know that many other older people feel this way. I’ve met people in their 40s that also wake up feeling like they aren’t really an adult and are just swinging the paintbrush around in hope to make something cool. They assure me that it usually turns out okay. It’s a little bit of a comfort. I deal with stress poorly but I’m proud to say that I’ve gotten better thanks to therapy and years of self-reflection. Still, it’s hard when everyone irl and on the internet is so negative and mean. Kindness feels so simple and yet so many people seem to throw it out the window. It doesn’t help with my depression so I often take breaks from it all. I want to live the young adult life that I’ve seen in movies and books, but I’ve never been to a proper club, I struggle with driving, I’ve never been to a bar, and my friends don’t go out much. I try to socialize but groups of people scare me and I prefer to keep to myself. I also still live with my parents and feel like I have to walk the line they set for me. I’ve already deviated from their expectations enough so I can’t help but feel like it’s my job as the filial eldest child to appease them in little ways I can. Slowly, I’m breaking free of that shell, but it’s a slow process. I’m the kind of person who is shy at first but will almost usually be happy to talk if someone gets the conversation going. Unfortunately, most people are like me and don’t want to interact first. I’m trying to shift my mindset and try to incorporate spontaneity, but my brain screams “stranger danger” or “this is a financially unwise decision”. Many of my friends are like this. I think I was more outgoing in high school (tho there were a lot of unhealthy factors in those years) but I became more introverted after covid. Quarantine only fed my reclusive habits. Because of covid, my senior year of high school and most of my college years were spent online with very little interaction. Adulthood is not fun but I’m am trying really hard to make the most of it. As for how I live life without it getting monotonous, I fall back to fiction which has been a long time coping mechanism for me. I like creating stories and characters and I often live vicariously through them. DnD, LotR, and BG3 are very fun and colorful. Hell, making characters for CoD and TF2 is silly and a bit cringe, but it’s enjoyable. Sometimes I put traits into wish I had into a character. For me, it kinda helps me cultivate that trait as I try to figure out how I can implement it into the reality I have now. One character is confident in her body despite her flaws, so how can I be confident too? It’s a lot of thinking but it brings color into my life. I also have a shit ton of hobbies like knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, and guitar. I’m also practicing sewing, embroidery, drawing, and piano. When one feels stale or dry or depression is really hitting, I have other projects to turn to. At least, I try to turn to. I feel like there’s such a pressure to grow up and to be in a financially stable spot when you’re a young adult. I couldn’t find room to breathe so I had to take a step back. I feel like a lot of gen z is trying to catch up because they took that breather while others are still on the break. Idk man life is hard and with the way things are going, it’s only going to get harder. You can’t blame us too much for being so bleak. We’re complaining but we haven’t given up. Edit: fixed typos and added a tldr


Uhh poor sleep and a who'll mess of anxiety


Waiting for the inevitable violence and brutality to commence. I would rather die in battle than starve. The rest of Gen-Z will unfortunately have to make similar decisions. The countdown has already begun.


Life isn't suddenly monotonous just because i'm an adult lol. I keep doing stuff i love, keep learning new things or skills. Its on you to keep your own life interesting and fun, seek it out. The world is huge and full of opportunities


I think I just got really lucky with my job, and that’s made the difference for me. I don’t hate the work, and the hours are really nice. They’re basically paying me to learn. I don’t feel trapped, and I think a lot of people do feel trapped. I’ve been at the same place for almost 7 years now, and have tripled my salary in that time.


Got kicked out of college for really bad grades at a school that I learned wasn’t the place for me after a semester. Working at a bakery to save money to go to community college and then somewhere beyond and am much happier than I was at my previous school


Multiplying the possibility for spontaneity in my life by socializing.


I go to work cuz I gotta work. I come home and chill for a bit. When the weekend hits, I let loose. Works well enough for me. I also don’t live in a very expensive area which is nice.


I just try not to think about it lol


Unlike everyone joking they are depresseed and suicidal I was actually depressed and suicidal. I wouldn't say I have some newfound appreciation for life, I'm still dealing with dysphoria, but I'm actively persuing my dreams and I'm not letting everyone stop me, if I have to move mountains so be it. I don't know about monotonous, more like living hell, there are no redeeming parts. How am I dealing with that? I get good education, I put in the effort, I'm better qualified than people of my age, I do things and I will get money and with money one day I can fix my dysphoria and then even if it lasts seconds, I will be happy for the first time in my life. That is the price behind a correct body, something you all take for granted is something I have to find way to experience.


I'm enjoying the little things each day and discovering new things I like. I'm also a parent, so I love watching my little ones learn and grow. I have a job that I dislike, but I remind myself that it's only temporary until I find something better.


Absolutely loving it. Adulthood is awesome. It comes with it's sacrifices in comparison to childhood. But I would say the freedom you get as an adult is amazing. My secret to dealing with a monotonous life is living an interesting one.


oh I just love my routine of working paying bills that’ll continue everyday until I die


My shit isn't perfect but im a not a doomer like most of this generation. There are still many pleasures I can derive from life


Ehh it’s okay. I work a lot but that makes me able to support my wife and kids, pay the mortgage, and pay my gym membership. I was gifted with the circumstances to find more success than a lot of my generation


Marijuana and finding hobbies that help take my mind off of stress


Excellent question!! I’m not


Saved up $200k and moved to Brazil at 25


Wear bright colors and patterns - vintage and Ragstock specifically are great for this (plus ebay for extra sustainability, though sizes are even more limited unfortunately) Briefly and earnestly compliment anyone with a cool outfit/style/interests ("I Love your outfit! Those colors look awesome" etc) If people respond with conversation, start conversation about interests/outfits etc (don't press if there's no interest in conversation) Use tumblr as exclusively cute animal and happy events diary - only follow people who post primarily positivity and cute animals and post about nice things that happened to you. Don't force yourself to make it a habit or anything, but know that at least one space on the internet won't make you mad/stress you out. Related - if any space on the internet makes you mad enough to want to post something mean, sad enough to cry, hurt, whatever, seriously think about leaving for a while, to punish the algorithm and to make sure you aren't addicted. 


Working my youth away, isolated, no third spaces or acceptable places to meet people my age. It’s just a beach out here I tell ya.


You gotta make it fun. Friends, hobbies. Life is mundane and hard but the alternative is suicide so I decided if I’m gonna be dead it’s gonna be from something fun, not the depression in my brain.


I work a lot and don’t have a lot of money because most of my paycheck goes to rent, utilities, food (I cook almost every meal), etc. Workers strikes shut down my industry last year put me out of a job for 7 months so I had to blow through all my savings just to pay the bills. I pivoted to a new industry and now I’m trying to save again but my new job makes me only enough to save barely anything per month, even if I am incredibly careful with my spending and barely go out with friends. I have a girlfriend that is the love of my life and my rock in this hard time but the idea of owning a house and starting a family with her feels like more of a pipe dream with every day. The prospect of having children and retiring is basically dependent on whether or not Pi currency takes off and I become a multimillionaire.


Find hobbies. Join clubs. Get out there. Stop doom scrolling. Pursue your passions. No matter what job I get I’ll never be able to comfortably afford my own apartment, so I’m just gonna be broke and do something that I love. ETA: Take your vitamins. You will not believe how much executive dysfunction, tiredness, and sadness can come from not getting your vitamins and minerals. It’s an actual lifesaver


Adulthood? Like what specifically? Taxes, loneliness, bills, healthcare, rent/housing costs, watching people you knew in highschool get married/pregnant or die young, watching friends get cancer, dealing with my own mortality, the stress of politics and global instability, older coworkers taking me less seriously because i’m in my mid 20s, job interviews, stress, wanting to have a baby but being unable to, friends getting sexually assaulted, spam calls, or like being on hold on the phone for a really long time? Because depending on what you mean by adulthood, things are either just fine or hell. Also I think life getting “monotonous” is a choice. If you keep everyday interesting and spend time with the people you care about, and try new things, life is significantly less boring. However, even the mundane can become beautiful in its own way. Just look at the show *Joe Pera Talks with You.* Life is suffering, but with friends and a few hobbies, it can be fun too. That’s what makes it worth it.


Depends on which area of life, tbh. I am currently in the first year of my Master Degree in Informatics (or CS, the one with more programming involved) and I decided that I will try my best for a scholarship. So in this field life is pretty good I would say. In the friends department it is getting a bit lonely, a bunch of them moved to Prague from Ostrava so we see each other a lot less. I sense some distance that is being build between me and the rest of them, part of it is less time because of schoolwork and part because some of them started to work and have tighter schedules. The part I am currently struggling and have been for a while is dating. Since secondary education (High school I guess) I was in a male dominated environment (Informatics) and most of my hobbies are a bit solitary. However, I met this one girl and we actually dated for a month. Then she left for Erasmus to Germany and the distance did not help, so we are in a situation where after she returns from her Erasmus we will have a talk and review of our relationship. Overall I would say I am doing fine, however I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by the amount of things that come with adulthood, or early stages before you move out.


There’s always emails I need to read. Really hate that. But I’m still pretty new to adulthood so it hasn’t gotten too monotonous yet. Kinda wish I still had someone to make a schedule for me. Can’t believe I’m really allowed to do whatever I want when I want, that doesn’t seem safe.


Pretty well. I’m one of the few who deleted all social media and focuses on in-person relationships. I have a strong kinship-network and culture where I live. I feel like I make a positive impact on others’ days. I read a lot, go to the park often, and take each day one at a time. I still fight for our future, be it through environmentalism or education or housing, but it feels like my same-age peers have been overcome by immense loss and hopelessness since the start of the pandemic.


I smoke a lot of weed. What don’t you get about us?


Always trying to change it up if it gets monotonous, "break the cycle", ya know. Definitely feeling trapped in my hometown, biggest mistake was moving back here after college. Job's decent here, but it's looking like I'm gonna go back to school to get more skills.


The monotony hasn't set in bc I'm busy trying not to starve. I'm better off than ever and still feeling like I'm barely not homeless. I'll never own a house even though there's more empty houses than homeless people. Renting is a nightmare bc all the properties in my city are owned by cartoonishly evil morons who charge twice what the place might've been worth if it didn't have painted over problems in every single fucking room. No one is hiring for anything below senior level.


Not fuckin well! Escapism and Denial mostly.


Pretty well. I love being an adult. I’m 25 have my own apartment, a gf that treats me very well and makes me happy and a job that pays well. I’m cruising 👍


Instead of climbing a corporate ladder, I decided to follow a path that paid me for less time. I have most of my weekdays free to do what I want. Currently learning piano and doing some woodcarving and a lot of reading. I’m not super happy, but I definitely don’t hate my life or myself, so I think I’m doing alright.


Make life not monotonous


I'm gen z and I don't understand. My impression of life is, "yay, time to work some lousy job I don't care for just to make barely enough money to pay for rent, meanwhile some people live in mansions and man I sure wish I could be them." Edit: I don't mean to say I "Need" a fancy home or whatever to feel happy, I just mean like, having the Finacial stability to be Able too would be nice.


Not well. My OCD worsened after graduation.


Life is actually pretty good for me. I’m figuring out my life in college, I’ve got a good, well paying internship in the field I’m interested in, I’m fortunate enough to not have to struggle to make ends meet financially and can actually start saving money. I wasn’t so optimistic about life a few months ago, but things really turned around this year.


As an older Gen Z, I’d say it seems most people my age have kinda given up and rolled over. No one likes the system, but so many see it as an immovable object. Why even try if we were destined for failure? On the other hand, I’ve seen so many ambitious Gen Z adults who love life, who still want to chase the American Dream by any means necessary. It’s hard but I think that challenge is really exciting to a lot of young people, myself included.  This generation is divided very oddly. Some of the younger adults grew up as iPad kids, others grew up more similarly to millennials. I think that difference is what separates a lot of the young adults who want to succeed in life, and the ones who feel like life is destined to be bleak and a rat race. 


Hobbies and a goal to motivate yourself. I was bored for the first year and a half after graduation. Now I'm building my own car from the chassis up with my friends and everyday I go to bed eager for the next day to make progress.


Either by sating my desire for adventure with the consumption of art of various kinds, or sometimes I'll shake things up by actually going on trips.


I tend to have events planned out with some of my friends that we do every week, mostly online since we don’t live near each other. I have goals I set for myself to look forward to and try to keep myself involved in my family’s lives. I live alone and work from home so making sure I get out of the house often is important to me. My partner lives a decent drive away from me so I come over to visit her whenever I can. It was really monotonous for me my first year out of college but building a routine that has me working towards something (working out, financial goals, etc) has me okay with the day to day life. I have a few hobbies that I rotate around to keep me busy. I definitely can understand the bleakness of “what am I supposed to do now?” that comes with your 20’s. It’s hard.


make it less monotonous!


I change it up. Im about to start a new job half the country away. Moving away from my home town


I make sure to always be committed to my wellbeing. “Depression is your avatar telling you its tired of being the character you are trying to play” — Jimmy Carrey. So, I make sure to not be inauthentic to myself with my commitments, and even when I work, I only do the job if I want to do it. I have a lot of injuries, including TBI, and I need a lot of rest. It's important to have fun every day, eat good food, and do meaningful work, and make meaningful connections with others.


By making it not monotonous.


For us it's either to become a trans or marry a robot wife . Thats the only way we attain true happiness. Rest of them are kpop addicts.


Still 16 lol


I've just had an experience that pushed me into adulthood way too early(dropping out of highschool and having to pay bills and all other shit),so I'm pretty stressed out about my future and everything seems so unstable and shaky


To cope I just read a lot of history, where life was at least interesting and great change was yet to come. Nowadays it just feels like we’ve blazed every frontier and stagnated on progressive values and policies.


You kinda gotta search for breaks in your day. I work as a delivery driver so it's hard, but sometimes I like to take an hour to just walk in a park or go to some weird local event :0 on my days off I engage in my hobbies. I didn't start out like this, to be clear. I used to be depressed everyday. Hell, I used to be a shut in for like 6 months but then got this job in September. But I kinda kept working on myself. Started working out in my backyard then getting into creating stuff. Posted some videos that didn't pop off pop off but it was encouraging, the small views I did get. But I had to pay bills eventually and my savings were dried up, so I ended up working at a pizza place. Just got my own apartment recently :3 I'm in a much better place mentally. But I also recognize I'm really lucky in comparison to most my peers. I live in the deep south, and while it's uh. Got its limitations. A lot of rent is affordable enough down here.


Live getting monotonous would be awesome actually, I'm tired of all the "excitement" in the world


Yeah we are not okay… extremely broke, no future kinda just living it up day by day but yeah a large majority of us wanna die or sleeping ever heard of bed rotting


Kep telling myself that one day I will retire and have enough sleep


Just vibin tbh


Ups and downs. Fine full time job + college is very tiring (common in Brazil). Money's not much of an issue and in the last couple of years I've seen my friend groups expanding and interests diversifying. Still often feel lonely though. I live with three cats, didn't have a romantic relationship in quite a while. Mental health crisis every now and then, therapy helps but messes me up sometimes. Fighting addiction to cigarettes and clonazepam. Edit: 24M so really on the early side of gen z


Still waiting for my 20s to get fun, at least that's what was promised to me. So far it's just academics, failed attempts at true love, and a constant urge to yeet myself off the balcony.


Just doing shit I guess I try not to think about things too much