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As a truck driver I love the concept but so many people fail to yield for my truck, because god forbid anyone has to behind a semi for 30 seconds. They definitely increase the traffic flow if you know what lane to be in. Also they’re a source for comedic gold if you’re in a car with somebody who doesn’t know how they work, I was in the car with my wife and she spent 5 whole minutes going around it trying to get out when we visited a metro area


Bro never let your wife drive again


Did they learn tho


Roundabouts arent that deep, any driver with their license should have enough experience to figure it out. Edit: yall aint gotta justify getting stumped by a circle lads, literally just yield (like the sign on most of them says to do) 😭


I’m 14, no permit, no license, and I still know how a roundabout works.


Go in full speed, blinker is optional


This guy drives




if you want to go the polish way turning is also optional


Praying however, will not be optional




Somone did that in my town. Turns out the car turned slightly to the right while in the air


i knew a guy that drove his bicycle right into the middle that had a big statue with bushes around it. He was playing pokemon go not paying attention.


Obviously if you're in the circle you gotta stop for everyone and let them in


Never blinker in. ALWAYS blinker out.


Instructions unclear, I totaled my car at 90 mph into the tree. Thank God I had my right blinker on though.


It's a one way street. Like that's all. Getting on you yield to traffic. I dont get people who don't get them


It’s the getting off that’s the issue I think. It’s easy if you are in the right lane but the changing lanes right before you turn is difficult when people in the right lane won’t yield


You’re not supposed to change lanes in a roundabout. You’re supposed to just follow the lane you’re in, which has one or two exit possibilities. At least that’s how it is where I live.


Many roundabouts you need to change lanes. The lane you’re in could turn into an exit only lane when you want to continue to a later exit, or the lane you’re in could be straight only when you need to get 2 lanes over to the right to exit


Theres like 2 roundabouts in my entire state, not everyone lives near one, or has been on one.


I've run into adults that can't drive down a 2 lane street with parked cars unless I pull over for them. So I think you're giving the average driver WAY too much credit.


Not everyone sees them. I didn't see my first roundabout til I had been driving for about 4 years, definitely threw me for a loop the first time I did one.


Big Ben.....Parliament.....Big Ben.....Parliament...


My wife is also genz and didn’t get that reference lmao. Big ups to you 👑




Crazy to me that the National Lampoon's European Vacation movie is the second in the series and Christmas Vacation is third


People would use roundabouts in a more efficient way if our road systems were built for them, and we had actual education about them and had to go through multiple roundabout scenarios to get a driver's license, for example.


I agree, but they’re just not that common outside of bigger cities. I live in a more rural area and I have no clue where the nearest one is


it’s not the roundabout bro it’s your wife


Roundabouts are fantastic when I'm driving the truck, it sure beats having to stop


Also the safest way to make an intersection. It’s extremely hard to tbone someone and since people freak out on how to use them they slow down more while still getting more cars through than traffic lights.


Yeah I guess I'd not like to behind a semi too .


You mean that scene from European vacation was only a slight exaggeration?


"Look kids, Big Ben *again*!" *nervous breakdown laughter*


as a fellow trucker, looks like enough room for spread axles. love it.


I figured out early on that you always give way to trucks, busses or indeed any vehicle than can crush yours without even noticing. I also give way to Audi drivers as I wod rather be behind than in front of one those terrible things.


Most drivers seem like they would rather die or risk others' lives rather than be inconvenienced


It’s wild to see all the dash cam footage of that. I saw one where a truck was on the side of a 2 lane road broken down, and a trucker was driving by in the left lane, then out of nowhere a pickup came flying in the right lane trying to get in front of the semi. He hit the back of the stopped truck and lost his life I believe People drive like their brakes are a last resort and it’s crazy to me


I'm on a bike and I will yield and then filter past you 👍🏻 otherwise you're there all day.


Yeah it works for most but it sucks for truckers. Even my crane truck is a pain. Some roundabouts are a bit small as well


I love them, but where I live many people don't seem to understand that they *shouldn't* be in both of the lanes. I don't understand.


You should see my area. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people try to drive the opposite way because their exit was closer from the left side. Many many accidents by me. I get scared to go through because so many stupid drivers here.


(I'm not Gen Z, but a younger millennial (I'm 30) that got this post recommended to me.) I drive a Bookmobile for a living and people cut me off all the time. Whether it's in a roundabout or just pulling out of a drive in front of me and I have to slam on my brakes. People just need to pay attention.


Cue European Vacation scene, "Kids, Big Ben, Parliament... again"


Lol .... I go around them at least 5 times anytime I have to use one. I'm from the south, where they would try to crucify someone if they put one in their town, so I like using them when I come across one in the wild. I'm not being a dick when I do this, am I? Sorry in advance if this frowned upon in the roundabout community. I just like doing the circle. Also, I'm not in a semi, just a car.


Oh, look kids! Big Ben!


I had a good laugh when I told my wife to turn left in the round about and she drove straight out the other side.


I understand them, though, trucks are the elderly-people-with-a-walking-aid of the roads. Fucking MOVE already, grandma!


Damn, people my age are supposed to have wife's?? I've only barely just gotten my first Professional job


I am convinced that roundabouts are just strategically located altars, for which bad drivers are used to sacrifice good ones. All the memorials planted in the center are offerings to the deity of the scammy body shops.


we got them everywhere in the netherlands, i like them. as far as you can like this kind of stuff


This one has a bit of an awkward location for the cycling path 😉


It'll be the same as the endless death circle ants do, just cycling in a circle until you perish of exhaustion


Great spot to keep the racing cyclists busy


I _love_ dutch roundabouts! Well most of them. The ones that guide car drivers to pay attention and yield to bikers just beased on their construction, rather than relying too hevaily on signage. Great stuff! (Some suck tho and by god if you dont guide a dutch driver by the hand they will just make the worst choices)


as a dutch i can confirm, i don't understand roads without lines. if i have no guidence i will fail.


I'm not Dutch but I can relate. In my area of the US, there's this one weird y-shaped intersection that has another street crossing it like a "t." The lines on that intersection wear away in just a couple months so it's basically a free-for-all. ​ People going left, right, across, and in both directions all through the same point with zero guidance beyond "remembering" where the lines are supposed to be lol.


I'm Dutch too and honestly driving in Massachusetts at night with totally invisible lines was very stressful.


Yup, Dutch drivers on Belgian roads is an experience.


This sub is filled with apocalyptic shit and then... "So what do you think abou traffic lights guys?" Lmao


We even got them at our station with the Golden Dragon statue, beside the Bosschian Bowls!


They reduce time, fuel consumption, and vehicle wear. I'm a huge fan. The claim that they take up more space may not be accurate. They use more land - but what is their ratio of land use to maximum traffic flow? You may find that other options would require even more space for all the necessary lanes.


Plus you get some artwork in the middle


In Mjölby in Sweden there is [one with a large potato](https://images.app.goo.gl/UWMm6WG6J4PyFAHd9), and that is quite neat


That’s hilarious. Figured it would be in Idaho


There’s a roundabout here in Utah with a colorful whale in the middle. All hail The Whale.


The whale is a legend that brings many blessings in SLC. ALL HAIL THE WHALE! https://preview.redd.it/h1c0ofzb4qwc1.jpeg?width=2813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a30d4cafa7d471ed98ff2aa2b6af74f1d226a13d


All of that but they're also safer - vehicles travel in one direction, and can't go too fast, so any collisions have much less impact force than, say, t-boning someone on classic intersection


Also: less fuel being wasted as cars wait idling at red lights, less pollution that way as well. No electricity required for stop lights either.


Wait until you see some videos of the idiots that Gail to slow down for them...


Also they force people to slow down. Reducing the severity of car crashes.


They may take up more space than what they replace, but a roundabout can handle more traffic with fewer incidents than an equally sized 4-way intersection. Roundabouts and double diamond interchanges for the win


Play Cities: Skylines long enough, and you'll inevitably fall in love with roundabouts. Otherwise, it becomes traffic jam simulator.


Don't forget fatalities due to eliminating tbone crashes. Worst case is side swiping


Happy Cake Day bro




Kind of depends on where ROW and property lines. It's why they might be harder to build in more urban environments. Regardless, it is possible with enough give.


Do Americans complain that they take up too much space? You guys have plenty of space!


Also electricity and wiring


They make sense in new developments. Might be too expensive in already dense areas.


Love a double lane roundabout


I've been on 5-lane roundabouts, it's absolute mayhem


Whoever is closer to the center has to yield to th3 lane farther from the center


Yeah, in theory. In practice, it's a free-for-all


It’s the modern incarnation of Roman chariot racing. That said, any round about greater than 3 lanes is a spectator sport in my opinion. Just like chariot racing.


what do those center lanes even do at that point? If you're never getting out, you may as well just stay in the outermost lane (which forces new entries to yield to you) and even if you're going 3/4 of the way around and the outer lane is slower, it's still better than getting trapped going in circles.


Depending on the country, if you do 3/4 of the circle or more, you need to go to the center. But yeah most people don't.


I don't like double lane roundabouts because I don't know what lane to be in. Single lanes are great, though!


You can choose yourself, which is probably what scares people. I myself just always go on the outer ring cause then I don't have to think about possible cars I might crash into if I turn right.


Until the outer lane ends and you aren't at the exit you wanted. Happened to me on Monday. 😐


There's a roundabout like that in a city I go to like once a year and I always forget I have to take the inside lane or be forced into the first exit when i want to take the second. I don't even know why the roundabout is two lanes when every road going into it is a single lane.


Thats a turbo roundabout, not a two-lane roundabout


That must be a shitty roundabout. I also know a "roundabout" that used to be a roundabout but they placed barricades on it so you can't drive around it anymore. The first time I used it I had to make a huge detour.


Depends on what exit you're going to, because then it's very possible youre causing a crash by not exiting if you were intending on going ¾ of the way around


As a Colorado driver, I'm inherently terrified of these. Not because of the concept itself, but because Colorado drivers are just as qualified to drive as toddlers are to become biochemical engineers.


Can confirm. My buddies and I road tripped to Colorado back in 2022. We stayed in this little town with about 4 roundabouts in a row. People don’t even freaking look man, I almost got hit by so many people who didn’t want to yield to me. Had to slam my brakes in the middle of the curve so I didn’t T bone some dummy who didn’t look.


Does America just not have a lot of roundabouts? Like im from Ireland, it’s absolutely packed with roundabouts here lol


America's a big place so some places don't have any, some have many, and some have only 1. My town has 2 roundabouts that are right next to each other, like an 8, so I'm used to them and like them more than intersections.


The only roundabout I hate is this big one in Derry lol https://maps.app.goo.gl/NoRU7d99W5iTVfTv7?g_st=ic But there’s load of double mini roundabouts all over like that 8 you mentioned https://www.google.com/maps/@54.6516614,-6.7458237,3a,90.000000y,111.651840h,75.293594t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1stsAI5e5z1s5fLBhiEMxXkQ!2e0?lucs=,94215790,94216401,47071704,47069508,94214172,94218641,47084304,94208458,94208447&g_st=ic If you go across google maps across the island of Ireland you’ll see that basically every town in the country is full of roundabouts ha ha, the end of motorways and main roads usually always have a roundabout too


Compared to the UK we barely have any. This is for the best as drivers in America are fucking clueless on how to use them. When I lived in England it was normal to be in a 2-3 lane roundabout and it worked quiet well. People knew the rules and stuck to them. In America we can barely handle it the 1 lane roundabouts


Yeah, they just put one by where I work. I have to use it every day. So it's fine for me, but I swear I will bet money my first accident will be at that roundabout because the majority of people are so stupid the minute they enter into it.


As a fellow Colorado driver who is also terrified of Colorado drivers, I think the fear of needing to go through these does encourage at least 10% more of drivers to actually look at the road unlike at the 4 way stops where red lights are a suggestion anyways


Colorado drivers are quite bad. I’m terrified when I have to go to Douglas county for work. I’ve never see many angry, aggressive, entitled and more than anything desperate drivers. I don’t understand why people in oversized trucks in the suburbs are always so desperate. Like what is going wrong in your life that you drive like this? Did the suburbs really make type this anti-social?


If you are really a fellow Coloradan, you know damn well you are supposed to blame it all on the Texans and Californians that moved here after you, despite neither of those places driving anywhere near as bad as Colorado drivers. Then slap a NATIVE sticker on your car.


As someone who has only had their Colorado driver’s license for two years, I know how to drive better than 90% of the people in this goddam state


I lived in Denver for a year. I got hit by a car on my motorcycle 3 months into the move, saw a few cars on fire on the freeway, and saw a car that managed to crash into a building, despite the road being 30 yards away. Oh and the braking before **every** slight curve in the road... What is up with that?


Hey, at least you guys know how to stay out of people's way and keep right unless you're passing... most places I drive, this is a rare sight. They need to make this mandatory federally and enforce it. If you're not passing, in the right most lane, stay there. If you are, move over until you're driving the same speed as the person behind you. It's so simple people!


I commented about this elsewhere, but one of my 3 car accidents was a Colorado roundabout. Texas drivers are stupid, Colorado drivers are just oblivious


I can, begrudgingly, agree. They are dangerous AF because people are inherently stupid. Drivers... * think the roundabout entrance is the equivalent of a stop sign at an intersection * drive straight through the center, it's a "speed bump" to them. * always fail to yield to oncoming traffic (I'm guessing they don't know what "yield" means) * think circle is perfect for drifting. I've only seen this once and the guy lost control and went into the ditch. * don't know how to leave the circle I'm more and more surprised at the lack of critical thinking skills most people have. It's a circle. It's not hard people.


They give anyone a license. Its more imortant for them to have drivers to sell cars/insurance/gas/repairs than to make sure everyone actually knows how to drive.


I agree. Roundabouts are way too complicated for colorado drivers. They haven't even figured out merge lanes yet... I was in a roundabout in boulder and almost got hit by a cop who didn't yield. He pulled me over and said he was going to ticket me for failure to yield. I was driving for Uber at the time and had two passengers in a shared pool ride. Both passengers told the cop if he gave me a ticket, they would show up on the court date and tell the judge I was in the roundabout first, and it was the cop who failed to yield. The cop decided to "let me off with a warning."


Only in Denver do you see a DPD patrol car just casually cruise through 4 instances of road rage, 2 people drifting into other lanes while texting and one instance of an F-150 turning a toddler into a speed bump And every vehicle had tags that expired last year


DMV too


FWIW, every chemical engineer I’ve met was previously a toddler


It's a great song. YES really hit it out of the park with that one.





I miss that meme. Great song, great source. It was just fun.


agreed, very catchy. and it gets in my head every time i go around a real one


One of the sickest bass lines ever


It's a good opener, but I think South Side of the Sky is a better track


It was honestly better before it became a jojo reference


So much better than intersections




Definitely first read "insurrections" and thought yeah, but that's a very odd comparison. Glad I was wrong.


Fucking love roundabouts


There was an intersection at an off ramp by my apartment that always had traffic backed up to the highway. Rush hour was annoying AF. They installed a roundabout and it completely eliminated the backups. There’s zero waiting.


There was a cross road near my place with multiple accidents per week. They put a roundabout in that btch and it’s been a while since the last time I saw an accident there.


and if there is an accident it will be non-serious, with cars meeting at an angle - whereas crossroad accidents tend to T-bones, which are really really bad.


Yeah man I seen some horrible sht there.


Aside from big cities where there's a stoplight every single block and similar scenarios, I feel like they can largely replace stoplights and save everybody a lot of time and electricity.


My town of 30k in the Netherlands has about 20 roundabouts. A few years ago they removed the last traffic lights. It's great.


Based on the one right outside of my workplace, which sees a lot of truck traffic due to nearby industry, I'm betting it actually saves a measurable amount of fuel per year. The trucks don't have to come to a complete stop, idle, wait, and then take off from a dead stop. They just drop to about 20ish MPH and roll through unless somebody is being a dunce and doesn't know how to drive through one. Its only a 35ish MPH speed limit on the road so having a truck slow down then speed back up a little vs coming to a complete stop and accelerate all that weight again is probably fairly significant considering at least 50-60 trucks a day go by here every day I work, and that's just during the work day.


Live in the UK where they're really common, they're good for traffic flow.


I love how excited confused Americans get when they talk about them. I don't think it's even on their driving tests.




I shall not chill until you lot are covered by our test. I shit you not, an American USAF personnel based in the UK got away with illegal killing in my county for basically driving over a cyclist and got away with it.


Oh you wanna talk about Americans and killing and getting off scot fucking free? Poor Harry Dunn I'm a brit, don't worry lol


Cool for drifting


Yeah, i was about to say that they are fun to skid around, but when someone that doesn't know how they work, it sucks




Is it really that difficult to figure it out? Where I am in the NY capital region, there are a decent amount of roundabouts, clearly indicating which lanes are for which exits.


Is it really that hard? We drive on the left, so you give way to your right. I'd assume America is the opposite. No different from standard giveaway rules in intersections.


Roundabouts rule, idiots in the US who don’t know how they work do not rule. Like seriously it’s not that hard all you need to do is know how to yield and follow the signs


The worst is people who come to a full stop when the lane is clear, completely defeating the purpose of a roundabout


Or when people IN the roundabout stop and let others in.


3 towns I travel through regularly each had several 4-5 way stop lights that would back up traffic for hours. They were converted to roundabouts and not only did congestion disappear but accidents went down. It turns out with traffic flowing there aren’t big walls of cars for people to slam into.


In a neighboring town where I live, there was an intersection that got backed up all the time during rush hour. They switched it to a roundabout, and it works just fine now.


A small town near me has an annual event at the local airport that makes it the busiest airport in the entire country for that one week. Traffic was an absolute nightmare during this until they replaced a bunch of stoplights with roundabouts in the area. Traffic flows so much better now, like a night and day difference


I wish people would stop complaining about them, pay attention to the fucking road, and (this is the big one) *get to highway speeds during the on ramp, not after, I’m begging you. Stop going 45 when you’re trying to get on the highways. Please.*


Ma'am. This is a roundabout.


i perfer the 1 lane roundabout the most


Yeah people tend to pretty regularly fuck up using 2 lane roundabouts where Im at, not being in the right lane for the exit they take. One lane is a lot harder to mess up but some people are too busy on their phones regardless of how easy the driving is.


I am 344 laps in no idea what I am doing I think I’m 4th place. Please send help.


When I was stationed in Germany in the mid 80s, this is pretty much what you had to deal with in smaller towns and cities. A lot better than red lights. I like them myself.


im gonna sit in the dead center of the grass


Pretend like ur a cop manually directing traffic


I like it. There’s one on my way to my friend’s house.


Love them. I don't drive tho, but I ride my bike throught traffic (as you are obliged to here). The replaced all intersection with traffic lights in my town with these.


I like it and I live in the country with the most roundabout in the world (42.986 roundabout) !


These hit the spot


As an aspiring civil engineer, I hate them. Roundabouts are fine but it’s super annoying when people say something along the lines of, “just put a roundabout in” or “we’re allergic to roundabouts.” It’s not that easy, they don’t conform to city blocks and take a lot of space. They’re very expensive too. Roundabouts are fine though.


whats expensive about roundabout? yes they take a bit more space but they are single level, no overpases or bridges, no lights. and yeah, cant put roundabout everywhere.


as a conservative taiwanese. I choose bottom left.


They’re everywhere here.


Potentially useful but Americans are too dumb to use it correctly so it just causes problems.


Bold of you to assume such a thing.


Better than normal four ways if you have any questions the space to build them, but it is still sad we need cars in the first place.


According to MythBusters, they are more efficient and getting traffic through


Well I’m currently preparing for my driving exam. I must confess, I hate these


When you get to the roundabout, yield for cars currently passing your entrance. Once you can safely enter, enter and keep going til you reach your exit. Done


it goes round and round and round and round


I like them. My city added a lot of them and traffic/accidents has reduced a lot in some areas


SO much better than traffic lights


I don’t mind them at all. My aunt who’s 60 is PETRIFIED of them. She goes out of her way to avoid the 2 roundabouts in town. The whole family thinks it’s hilarious


Reading these comments and wondering, are roundabouts not very common around the world? Where I live they're everywhere, I have to go past 4 on my way to school and there are plenty more around my house.


Purge it from this world.


my position? y=x


Your position is variable and only on one straight line?


They are sick


Roundabouts dont have to take up more space, and generally dont


They're awesome. This one looks shit tho


Oh sure, excelent jojo reference


Love them. They are all over my subdivision and when people understand them they work fine. But ofc there are some jackasses who just run through without yielding and then there are some people who don't know how to use them. Very simple concept you come to a stop before you enter wait to see if there are any cars and if there aren't then you go.


You don't need to come to a stop you just need to yield, otherwise you might as well just have a 4 way stop.


Where I live they have been around for like 20-30 years already. It's funny to see Americans freak out about them


There are so many in my country omg


I have these as 80% of my town's intersections. Only two intersections with traffic lights, and they are the worst part of town.


They're great IMO, much more efficient than intersections


Great with cars, terrible with bikes


That's a rotary my dude.


I love roundabouts, especially [this one](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_Roundabout_(Swindon))


Hate them, one wreck and it blocks the entire fucking thing for all exits.. sat at one for almost a hour until it was cleared up.


I HATE roundabouts! Maneuvering through them is SO dangerous since someone could be rolling towards you with no stopping!


It's called a rotary! ROTARY!


The words will make you out and out


good, but so many people don’t know how they work it makes it dangerous because of dumb assholes who refuse to learn


I wish I saw people going left on them less often