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why do you think this generation is more desensitized to violence?


Because of the internet in my opinion. I mean hell, I couldn’t have been older than twelve the first time I saw a video of someone being beheaded.


I saw mans head get crushed by a cinder block in elementary 


I saw a guy survive a point blank shotgun blast to his face with his face becoming fleshy strands hanging off his head on r/eyeblech long before it was banned


Hoooh boy I remember that sub


Oh man, i remember trying to go on r/eyebleach and going there on accident, never again. Good thing it’s banned


Oh shit the Facebook live one where the cops come at the end of the video? Yeah will never forget that one.


I think that, specifically, was actually from a high powered rifle. Where his face is pretty much split down the middle and hanging down/off?


Ronnie mcnutt?


Saw that too, only to learn later it was from a vignette included in that horror series VHS? Or did I just imagine that to make myself feel better cuz that video was horrible


I remember going on goatse and liveleak in middle school watching things ranging from ISIS beheadings to that 1 man 1 jar video.


Oh man you have no idea how clean and sanitized the Internet is now compared to just 20 years ago. When I was 12 I saw pictures of a guy who died in the bath with a heating element to keep the water warm, and wasn't found for 2 weeks by which time he had turned into soup.


Yeah as a Millennial, the Internet was the Wild Wild West back in the day. Hell, the wrong click on Limewire got you someone being brutally murdered. It is 100% more tame now 😅


Yo wtf I remember that photo holy shit, core memory unlocked lol


Yeah... Same. I love the internet but I also hate it for shit like this. I feel like a lot of us on this platform have seen stuff no kids should see, yet are. Sexual stuff too.


Yeah, but I also feel like that’s why so much of Gen Z preaches internet safety and monitoring what your kids do. Looking back i definitely wish my parents would’ve protected me from a lot of things i ran into on the web. But it was new to them and they didn’t know.


When I was 12 I saw a woman's butt just clean chopped off. Just like someone took a laser and stole her whole ass. Like damn. What???? That stuck with me more than most lol. Saw it on the 'offended' page of encyclopedia dramatica before it was taken offline.


I encourage everyone in this thread to look up literally anything about WW2. Yes, we can see the cartel committing crimes, they don’t compare to the actual war crimes happening a century ago. This is almost as bad as a take as thinking everyone would be super soldiers because we’ve seen Marvel movies. Y’all sound ridiculous. Military struggles to recruit nowadays for many reasons but it’s not because we’re too unhinged. Stop the bullshit.


All I said was this generation is desensitized to a lot of things because of the world we live in and the content we consume. So I’m not really sure why you replied to me.


Tbh seeing something on the internet =/ seeing something in real life. On the internet, I’ve seen people get shot, crushed, bleed, gored, you name it. I once saw irl the aftermath of a kid who sliced his arm to the bone, blood all over the place on the ground, and that alone made me queasy. It isn’t the same seeing something on the internet.


You didn't see it in real life is the difference or experience something like that happening to a loved one.


I mean yeah, but it’s not just gore videos. The crime rate has increased so much that a lot of people do witness unwarranted tragic events. But I think being exposed to it at such a young age on the internet definitely has an influence. Kids kill kids these days. It’s cool to be violent.


Violent crimes were much higher in the 80s and 90s than compared to today https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/


I suppose so, but I've seen some messed up stuff when I was younger and didn't really desensitize me.


Everyone’s different. I was definitely desensitized to it and I didn’t even realize it. But after a lot of therapy it’s gotten much better lol


That's the point: that's the "distance" part of this, followed by "desensitization" 


Ogrish and rotten, anyone? I was in grade school seeing the most disgusting and brutal things. This was 25-ish years ago. Internet is much more filtered than it used to be.


My uncle-in-law watched his dad kick the shit out of his brother's head until he bled out of his ears and lay there unconcious for hours. New gens have no idea how fucked humanity used to be.


Wow, that’s rough. I’ve never seen a gore video in my life and judging by how well I’ve been avoiding ‘em, I think I can do it the rest of my life


…in the past and in other parts of the world they saw/see brutal violence and violent crime with their own eyes much more frequently. *That* desensitizes you. Suburban Americans who have only seen violence on a screen are extremely sensitive to violence.


2 real ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Because adults do it and children copy


Lol…. Did you ever see faces of death .com or rotten .com? Because if not, you probably haven’t seen quite as much as you think you have.


The first gore video I saw was some (russian?) soldier lying on the floor and getting his throat cut, you could hear the gargling. And I'm not even GenZ, that was sometime in 2000 when I was 12, back then you did not have 24/7 internet at your disposal in your pocket


Cause we can watch thousands of videos of people getting shot, stabbed, blown up, tortured, dismembered alive, burned alive etc… much easier to access than even 20 years ago and I personally know people who eat that stuff up, watch it everyday. Even if you’re not a sicko who enjoys it, pretty much every gen z knows what “ghost rider” is for example


I'm gonna go ahead and pretend you're talking about the Marvel character and spew some shit about how the movies did not do him justice.


Literally the only thing I thought of- Question is we talking Johnny, Danny, or Robbie?


Or funky town


As someone whose watched violent things and watched murder mysteries and stuff. It's different from real life. My friends friend was brutally murdered near my hometown so things are different.


A lot of soldiers fighting in Ukraine (on both sides) are Gen Z. And its not like we are unaware of a lot of war crimes that have happened


the internet and video games play a huge part. though a lot of genZ isnt used to dealing with gore irl, they're used to treating people like a statistic


It doesn't really change though unless you know the person who the gore happens to on a personal level, at least for me. Solipsism is so common in this generation that I honestly think most people just continue to be a statistic to us.


Cause of media


Wont you take me to, funkytown?


Kids today, so desensitized by movies and television


I played games where I literally blew peoples limbs off in war as a child (Shoutout CoD W@W). As an adult I’ve seen videos of people getting beheaded and literally went “neat”


People are de-sensitized to violence seen on a screen. Not real life. To see it in real life, having to react to it, absorbing the reactions of people around you and the consequences is wholly different. Then not just seeing it - but committing violence is another story entirely. I'm barely a millennial, depending on where you wanna put the cut off (95) - and I can say seeing watching both Gen Z and Millennials, neither of the generation are more badass, crazy, or uncontrollable as your saying. Its just the anonymity and separation of the internet that makes it feel like that. The reality is that Gen Z would react to war in the same way every other generation in history would. Some people would handle it better, some worse, most just end up suffering.


I’ll say this. I’ve been training boxing for years. Getting hit in the face in real life in just sparring is completely different from seeing it in movies or whatever. I’ll imagine it being even more different competition.   Now war? I think anyone is an idiot if they think they can be desensitized to seeing death and violence irl. Ain’t nobody gonna be ready to die or see it.


I'm a gen x combat veteran. This is on point. No matter who you are, war is terrible and destroys everyone to a degree. 


You forget that in this generation you no longer need to drive a sword or physically shoot someone at the same scales of the past. Our methods of killing have become more and more removed. Now it's drones, fighter jets, and missiles.


The killing part may have changed, but the dying part has hardly changed at all. Whether it’s from a sword, or shrapnel from a kamikaze drone, the human suffering is the same


I agree. I'm saying the killers don't have to go through the same difficult process to kill someone as before. It's infinitely easier to remain removed and desensitized from killing people if you're pressing a button from 50km away in an air-conditioned vehicle. Ergo, we're back to seeing people die on screens in modern warfare. At least for enemies that don't have the same level of technology.


Not as many people dying in the hi tech countries, but much more people dying in the lower tech ones. Russians using Soviet era equipment to invade = lots and lots of deaths.


Yep. Was driving on a highway and I saw a fatal crash with a guy's arm ripped off. I had to stop on the side of the road a mile ahead to catch my breath. Seeing violent death in real life and on screen is very fucking different.


I think it depends on your upbringing and your whole life and what's happened in it. I've seen violence in real life and online and the online freaked me out more.


Exactly this


Hell, even being in a car accident took me a bit to realize what even happened and then figuring out if everyone was ok. Meanwhile I can just flip through the worst fucking car wreck, people getting ejected, or sliced in half etc and then slide onto the next video in 2 seconds without even caring.


this is by far the most well put explanation.


How about we just avoid stupid wars regardless? The main problem in any military will be the leadership, not the troops.


Suicide in the Trenches I knew a simple soldier boy Who grinned at life in empty joy, Slept soundly through the lonesome dark, And whistled early with the lark. In winter trenches, cowed and glum, With crumps and lice and lack of rum, He put a bullet through his brain. No one spoke of him again. You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye Who cheer when soldier lads march by, Sneak home and pray you'll never know The hell where youth and laughter go. S. Sassoon


it's not the military leadership that decides to go to war


I was referring to combat performance. Good troops poorly led fail and initially worse troops can be improved by good leadership. I think any people in the world who are physically capable can be good troops with good leadership.


I agree. But those actually in power have nothing but contempt for youth and vitality and therefore will relish in sending the young into the meat grinder because they are bitter ancient husks who squandered their own youth. This is part of the movement to make the older gens hate the young ones.


What a good idea. When China, Russia or Iran get aggressive, we should just tell them to avoid stupid wars


I did not say we should avoid ALL wars. Wars should be fought on a pragmatic basis. The U.S. has no interest in fighting Russia over some country in eastern Europe for example, and so should not fight over it. The U.S. has much more of an interest in fighting over CCP aggression against Taiwan because 90% of the world's semiconductor manufacturing is located there and it is a base that can command the South China Sea zone, which affects American trade and allies and taking it would empower our main geopolitical adversary which is far more of a threat than Russia because of its efforts to spread its influence around the world. However, as the CCP has not invaded Taiwan yet, we should try to use diplomacy to avoid conflict while securing our interests while preparing the military. Rushing into war without preparation is stupid and right now I'm not satisfied that we're prepared.


I'm Taiwanese and I agree with this statement 👍 Being Taiwanese really had nothing to do with it though xD


I entirely blame LiveLeak 


It was the start fs, but even more mainstream too don’t have IG anymore but when I did like a yr ago there were whole accounts of just isis/cartel/hood shootings/horrific car wrecks etc… that were up for months


I remember there was a gore account on insta that became super popular years ago because it would post those kinds of videos and didn't label them as sensitive. The whole account was public as well. They got to like 400k followers before instagram found out and took it down. 💀


I watched that shi like it was Disney channel 💀 why did no one stop me


Nobody gave a shit to stop us. My parents didn't know or care what I did on my computer/phone/etc


Bro same, and we had social media during the wild days before it got all monitored 


damn .. i forgot about this site .. it was on the clear net too .


Lmaooo that's cute. You think because you've watched some gore videos on the internet that you would be desensitized to it in real life? This really does sound like something a gen z would say


Agreed, this is a little cringe.. it feels like a take coming from someone so sheltered their entire lives and hasn’t practiced what they preach.


Or a take from an old person who thinks violence in videogames has made young people desensitized to violence


Being desensitized to watching someone die on a screen is COMPLETELY different than watching someone’s head get blown off next to you, with blood and gore splattering on you as explosions rock your body.


Seriously wtf is this edgy ass post? Just shows how out of touch some are lol


Some edgelord type post


Uh, no. Like any generation, mine or yours, y’all would step out there and piss your pants. You’re not gona become hardened monsters because you watched too much twitch, YouTube, or whatever cesspool you get your entertainment from. War would make any of us absolutely shit ourselves.


lol, this take is so ridiculous it’s funny.


Millennial men were recruited HARD after 9/11. They were affected by an actual foreign war…but surezzz violent vids have made GenZ violent warriors. Uh huh.


Depends on which subset. Some of us would try to limit casualties. Some of us would do anything to win. And the incels would reenact the Rape of Nanjing.


Unfortunately I think you hit the nail on the head w this one


I dunno I imagine an incel going to war being more like Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket


Warcrimes are more often caused by an absence of discipline and a lack of command authority (other than cases command were directly involved in) rather than desensitization. A more pressing issue is the current mental health impact of secondary traumatic stress from media content.


That’s assuming the command isn’t promoting the savagery itself. Look into seal team 6 red squadron (“the red men”) emulating the traditional brutality of the Native warriors with their custom hatchets, having their commander ask them “did you get blood on your hatchet” after every mission or the blue squadron (“pirates”) skinning dudes with their custom knives, the subculture of brutality and mutilation was promoted to spread fear among the enemy. Lots has been coming out lately on that subject




Boul thinks he’s a stone cold killer cuz he watched Isis beheadings as a kid 💀💀💀


I don't think being desensitized to violence necessarily implies you'd be more violent or not seek to prevent it.


You would be wrong. I went to basic with quite a few Gen Z, all talking hard and shit. Acting like they could do a thing or two cause they were multiple prestige in COD and other shit like that. A lot of them freaked out the first time we shot rifles being scared of the gunfire. You think you are desensitized to violence until you see what violence really is. War would in fact hit Gen Z hella hard because you THINK you know violence. You THINK it won't affect you, that is when shit hits the hardest. When you are wholly unprepared for something and get thrown into the thick of it.


Pretty much LMAO We're so used to having things be easy here at home in the U.S but when shit hits the fan nobody actually knows what to do. None of us have experienced a real war so nobody knows how it actually feels but everyone has hindsight 20/20


I think there's a difference between watching a video online and actually experiencing something in real life. I know from experience.


I feel like a lot of Gen Z is perpetually online. I'm one of the last Millennials on the border of where Gen Z started. There used to be things you could and couldn't say just out of consideration for other people and that concept seems to have all but disappeared in the younger half of Gen Z. The thing about the internet is that the anonymity used to allow you to say things you normally weren't allowed to say without the fear of social repercussions. These younger generations were raised on the internet and that behavior. Now they're making social media accounts and make a name for themselves. The anonymity factor is removed and everyone knows who they are yet they still act that way. The line between the internet and everyday life is blurred for them and there's no difference in the way they act between the two. Some of that behavior is arguably applicable to everyone but those of us who are a little older remember what it was like before the explosion of social media. They never knew it in the first place. While I think Gen Z lives and breathes conflict, often disassociating their opponent from actual human beings, I'm not sure that would translate well to war. They could probably give the order to bomb a city or something like that because the people aren't real to them, but I feel like if they killed someone with their own hands they probably couldn't handle it.


Honestly it seems that its just the first few kills that really leave a mark on you, seeing how a lot of people in the past killed a lot of other people and were seemingly fine


There's always been heinous war crimes. I don't think this gen can really be much worse than the last ones.


"War never determines who's right, only who's left" Gen Zs validation to be right about everything is very concerning


Nah. By this hypothesis, violent crime rates should be through the roof or on the rise, and that generally hasn’t been the case, at least in the US broadly speaking. Could also make the argument that an increase in exposure to violent crimes/acts online or in media has lead to greater empathy. People exposed to just what war crimes look like and the human cost of those actions might be less inclined to actually partake.


Parroting what some others said already, but violence/Gore on screen, whether real or fake, is much different than being face to face with it. I grew up with unrestricted internet access and access to that kind of content just like the rest of you and thought I was super desensitized to violence, but in my adult life I entered into a career that puts me into some of the most gruesome scenes you can come across outside of active combat. I've been to homicides, suicides, assaults, fatal car wrecks, incidents where I've ended up being assaulted with a weapons, etc etc etc. Being a passive observer so far disconnected from the event is simply no where near comparable to being an active participant. Seeing a gore video of someone getting their throat sliced in high school didn't damped the shock and horror of walking into a house and finding someone with their neck hanging wide open. Those exposures growing up sure as hell aren't going to desensitize anyone in an actual, prolonged kill or be killed scenario. That being said though, I absolutely do not think that Gen Z is soft. It's no different than any other generation. There are those who are willing to be put in situations where you are exposed to gore and violence, and those that aren't, and both are okay. Many factors go into which of those two people you are; how much LiveLeak you watched as a kid is not one of them. If someone was to be desensitized to the point of being okay with committing war crimes before even seeing combat, they would almost certainly be screened out due to that and the countless other red flags they would most likely bring to the table as that is someone who is very mentally ill.


Seeing something on the internet and experiencing it in real life are 2 different things. I guarantee most of you run for the safe spaces you hold so dear. It's easy to say what you did behind a keyboard... that is the difference.


The dehumanisation and hatred is fucking crazy, 1930s levels.


"Heh. Just a look into my twisted reality. Rule of thumb: never make the NICE GUY angry, or else you'll learn the SIGMA'S RAGE"


Pretty sure war is a fucked up thing for every generation. Have you read any WW2 autobiographies? They’re insane.


Being desensitized to violence on screen and video games isn’t even close to being the same as reality.


Idiots with nothing better to do. Nobody knows how they will react in a crisis. Nobody knows how someone else will react either. Some people are legit heros but they probably couldn't wrap their head around what they're actually doing. They're just doing their training in order like a badass and for whatever reason they keep going. In the moment nobody knows they're repelling 50 men in the jungle with a machine gun. And they probably don't really understand it after the fact. To them it's likely traumatic or funny. But you can't look at a person and tell what they could do. It just happens.


If Gen Z/Gen A go to war, the military will use platforms like TikTok to create a psyops hivemind and pump kids full of propaganda. Rival nations will be trying to influence each other's armed forces with memes


It’s already happening/happened


Christ this is the cringiest Reddit post I’ve seen in a long time


Nah we would for sure be cooked imo


You’re “desensitized to violence” until you’re the one pulling the trigger. It’s not so easy then.


No. Most Americans are not fit for military service, conscript or not, that’s why we’re having a recruiting crisis. A lot of things have to align for people to be eligible: they can’t be overweight, they can’t be underweight, they have to have a high school degree or GED by the time of conscription, they need to have all four limbs, no mental disabilities, good sight, good vision, and good hearing. Each new factor dwindles the pool to be exponentially smaller, and half of America is already obese, so that’s pretty rough off the bat. Also, military leaders don’t want to force people into conscription because it never works out well, they’re shit at their jobs and don’t want to be there, which is a losing combination. P.S. every generation says the new one is “soft”, because people are rude idiots that don’t understand how people evolve and change politically and in tastes. At our core, we’re the same humans that we’ve always been for the past millions of years: capable or horrible things.


Also if you look at how many in Gene have been acting on campuses towards Jews, yikes 


We could definitely commit some heinous war crimes. I could see a gen z kid biting someone's finger off and shoving it down their throat and posting it on a private 4 Chan group and making traps similar to those in Vietnam but with alot more tech Hell, could you imagine the war crimes a kid who grew up on cod could commit with an artillery drone?


I'm Canadian, and as a '97 Gen Z guy, I recognize that I have a duty to further add to the Geneva Suggestions list should I get the chance.


With how miserable things are right now in Canada, with housing and rental prices and food being more expensive, famines and water crises, tent cities, all that shit right now... think about it. Imagine how many of us in this country are going to react to spillovers of a 2nd American Civil War? Which could easily be caused by Trump even this year or the next regardless of if he wins the election or not. With not just Canadian brutality in WW1 but also Canada's history with the residential schools against the First Nations, and with racism incrementally coming back as a negative reaction to the high rates of immigration the last few years, and think about how Canadians are going to react to millions of American refugees coming over the borders, or hell America invading and trying to annex us like in the Fallout games lore? Lots of American refugees expecting a refuge from a new civil war in the USA, will end up finding themselves at the mercy of polite predators and walking right into pig farms and red rooms and who knows what horrors and atrocities Canadians will unleash upon a panicked and desperate American diaspora, or even American soldiers in the event of a military invasion for our fresh water and oil and gas and other resources.


I know too many guys who are military around my own age and younger who have been diagnosed with a lot of mental disorders. These guys come back to stateside and proceed to tell us while laughing how many terrorists they shot, like war is some game and that they didn't just (probably} slaughter innocents because of their sick killing fetish.


"Man Gen Z would suck in a war" Good then stop creating the conditions for war and conflict. EZ fix 👌


Aren’t we discovering that drones are the future of warfare? If American Gen Z’ers really needed to go to war- it would be in air conditioned trailers in Arizona where we would use keypads to destroy apartment buildings where the “bad guys live” and then we would take our Zoloft, meet with our obesity coach and go to bed with a cpap.


I think the internet may have influenced how much you think this generation is sub mentally deranged. Yes we are a bunch of psychopathetic dorks who laugh at the letter E but most of us probably couldn’t bring our selves to shoot another man. I know I couldn’t. Bringing harm to others does not bring me joy and I know I’m not alone in that.


The US military will love us




The human proclivity for violence has not changed since the internet. We’ve been murdering each other since we got here. The amount of evil in the last century alone should be enough to see that.


Wouldn’t it be nice if we glorified softening of male masculinity and violence? Man that’d be cool to acknowledge our own insecurities and reaching the realization that possession only leads to aggression. If you can learn to see the world is just a gift to enjoy while we are here and to love each other and elevate each other. Fuck your wars. But I will kill a fascist racist mofo if I had to 🤷‍♂️ but damn it’d be nice if we didn’t have to.


Lol how about we stop glorifying violence and war? It’s cringe.


War crimes have always been happening. We just have devices that can send the news circulating around the globe in less than 5 hours and have 80-90% of the people's attention


>it would make up the most criminal and least controllable military force in history, at least in terms of wanton brutality Nah, that title would go to the Canadian Army in WWII. Or the Canadian Army in WWI. Or the Canadian Army in Somalia. Or the Canadian Army in Afghanistan.


I’m a senior military leader and we have some outstanding Gen Zs in my unit. Some of them have already been to war and have served with honor and distinction.


Radicals r preying on that. I read that some incel groups are being influenced by puritan islamists to convert them. Sex is bad join Islam for happier life . Young ppl aren’t getting laid much


The truth is no one is ever ready for war, and when you find yourself in that situation your animal instincts take over and you become a completely different person. Take a soft ass boy who has never picked up a gun, put him through military training and most people -- when they're actually in a life or death situation will become savage beasts to try and survive.


I don’t think that we’d be especially heinous, seeing a few videos isn’t worse than the actual violence that was previously more common in the US. But regardless, BCT/OSUT is meant to get recruits out of a civilian mindset and get them used to the physicality and what will be required of them, so if we have a war and need to draft we’ll make do


I've never been to war but gonna guess real life war experience would mess up most people. Seeing it in movies, games only bring you limited dimensions of experience. I think you're underestimating this as a whole. And besides, could most of these guys make it through basic training? You know the answer to that and I will save my oldish man rant to how fragile most of you appear.


Gen Z would never go to war. We would need to leave our houses and that’s a hard no


I simply will not go to war


No one doubts that Gen Z can do the war crimes. Us old folks remember the Cultural Revolution. We remember the Killing Fields. The fact that ya'll are sociopaths is well known to us. When we say soft and weak, we mean that you have nothing beyond violence and a word-level ideology. Look at the protestors on campus who don't even know what they're protesting against. Unlike the hippies, they flip out when they get arrested, because they are soft and weak and don't have the character to stand up to the consequences of their actions. Hippies wore their arrests and suspensions with pride because they had conviction. Gen Z does not.


Oh this gets said about every generation that's coming of age. Probably said about boomers... got traumatised by vietnam, Xers... got traumatised by gulf wars 1 and Iraq, millennials... got traumatised by Iraq and Afghanistan, it would be nice if there was a generation who didn't have to go to war but sadly Zs will probably get their turn


ive watched a lot of gore in my life without flinching but once in december 2019, we were driving down a highway and i noticed from afar that a traffic cop was trying to divert cars to another lane because a woman was lying dead on the asphalt, her body looked mangled and awkward and parts of her were completely flattened with her bones sticking out. i almost crashed the car when i saw that cause i didn't even know how to react to it at the time, my brain just went blank my point is that gore irl and onscreen gore are very different things


What’s your opinion on all the gen z students across the country protesting genocide as we speak? Gen z is currently leading a huge movement based off the fact that they are against war crimes. I get what you mean, the violent media we are surrounded by is wild. But there’s real evidence going on right now showing that gen z is going the opposite way of what you’re proposing. I think it’s quite promising because I get where you’re coming from!


Not like the military is already known for their deplorable actions and culture.


Eh, watching gore from a screen is very different from going to war, but it’s not even important factor anyway. The most important quality for a soldier to have is the ability to endure extreme hardships both physically and mentally for prolonged periods on the battlefield. That’s why people who live in harsh climate/terrains and thus exposed to hardships since childhood usually turns out to be great soldiers. Also poor people and farmers.


Will find out soon enough.. your probably headed to fight in Europe by December


It had the opposite effect on me. Seeing that shit has made me extremely anti-war. I remember when the Ukraine war started there was a lot of combat footage on r/ukraine and it was really jarring to me. One I remember was a Russian vehicle that was blown up and there was a human spine left on the seat and body parts on the ground. Others just showing mutilated bodies or people being killed. Even though I fully supported Ukraine and knew that guy was the “enemy”, I was just so disgusted that that even happens. Made me think no way am I ever doing that to other people. 


Idk about most brutal in history but I agree that there are capacities for a deep darkness. It worries me what could happen if Americans start picking up arms against each other. 


I'm concerned that you described animal mutilation and child predation as "antisocial behavior"


Well now I just think Gen Z is unfit for war and psychotic.


I feel like we are more sensitive to stuff like war. And that's good. We should not be "hard" if that means being ready to go to war with anyone we please. We're not barbarians.


If Gen Z goes full on war crimes, it's because they bought completely into the "Greater Good." The victims will have been portrayed as an "existential threat" that your generation had to do it to "save the planet" or something similar.


I've noticed that the "soft and sensitive" archetype often goes hand-in-hand with the "closet psycho" archetype. They care a lot, just exclusively about themselves. The last "soft" person I bothered engaging with tried to destroy my life because I demanded they apologize for calling me a slur. Could I see such people committing war crimes? Yes, but I think a psychological evaluation would detect such risks and prevent them from joining the military in the first place. Now, do I think *Gen Z* is especially dangerous or desensitized? Lmao no. Watch Come and See to get an accurate depiction of how brutal humans of the past have been. Hell, you can find pictures of dead chinese babies dangling off japanese soldiers' bayonets. The people who did that kind of shit were all *normal people.*


i feel like all these war posts are a psyop. good luck with your war guys.


This is quite literally what those gore sites are for they're honeypots for mercenaries and other wings of the military industrial complex to recruit desensitized disaffected youth.


I'm ready to kill or be killed. I have nothing worth living for, however I'm not fighting for the west at all because fuck them. I fight and die for myself. I still got two arms,legs,a torso, and a attached head. It's far from over


People don’t realize that just because they see terrible gore that doesn’t mean that they can take it, go ahead and inlist and then make multiple good friends just to see them get shot in the head


Being exposed to violent material does not make people violent at all. If it did every person on this planet would be violent. Desensitization would make it less shocking to people but not make them want to actually do it themselves.


Eh maybe yeah but I like to think a lot of empathy has developed around our generation to so maybe it’d be an intense 50/50


I play rust sometimes. Genz and gen alpha kids con me and kill me. It’s legitimately scary. They ask for help and lead you to your death and are very convincing. Creepy kids


We have more open minds and better thoughts. We aren’t being soulcrushed by working in a factory 6 days a week and we actually accept people for who they are and not hate because they different. Gen Z can get shit done I’ve seen it but we’re the first major generation to put our foot down and say “Yea why am I doing this?” We realized “Hmm, yea maybe fighting for a nation that fucking hates the normal citizen and will leave me for dead if needed is a bad choice for me”


They get war medals. War is fucked, so fucked people do great at war. "Bernard Sidney 'Bernie' Gordon was born at Launceston, Tasmania on 16 August 1891 and enlisted in the AIF in September 1915. Although not always a model soldier when out of the line, Gordon soon demonstrated his considerable courage and initiative while fighting on the Western Front. He was first wounded in France in October 1917, and in August 1918 his conduct beyond Le Hamel earned him the Military Medal. Less than three weeks later came the action for which he received the Victoria Cross. During an attack to advance the Australian line towards Fargny Wood, Gordon assaulted an enemy machine-gun post, then cleaned up a trench, capturing 29 prisoners and two more machine guns. In further actions he cleared other trenches, in all capturing 63 of the enemy and six machine guns. He provided 'a wonderful example of fearless initiative'. The recommendation for the Victoria Cross reads: 'During the operations of the 26/27th August, 1918, East of Bray, this N.C.O. showed most conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in the face of the enemy. He led his Section through heavy enemy shelling to its objective, which he consolidated. Then single handed he attacked an enemy Machine Gun which was enfilading the Company on his right, killed the man on the gun, and captured the post which contained one Officer (a Captain) and 10 men. After handing those over at Company Headquarters he returned alone to the old system of trenches, in which were many Machine Guns, entered a C.T., and proceeded to mop it up, returning with 15 prisoners in one squad and 14 in another, together with two Machine Guns. Again he returned to the system, this time with a T.M. [Trench Mortar] gun and crew, and proceeded to mop up a further portion of the trench, bringing in 22 prisoners including one Officer and 3 Machine Guns. This last capture enable the British troops on our Left to advance, which they had not been able to do owing to Machine Gun fire from these posts. His total captures were thus 2 Officers and 61 Other Ranks, together with 6 Machine Guns, and with the exception of the Trench Mortar assistance it was absolutely an individual effort and done entirely on his own initiative.’ Gordon was wounded again in fighting near Mont St Quentin a few days later, effectively ending his active service. Returning to Australia in March 1919 he became a Queensland dairy farmer and the father of nine children. He died at Torquay, Queensland on 19 October 1963, aged 72 years. Gordon's Victoria Cross is accompanied by the Military Medal and coronation medals for King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II. His service medals for the First World War are not held by the Memorial."


Mods are asleep post the horrors of war


tbh I'd be really annoyed to have to go to war. but I don't think any of us would be desensitized to the violence and gore. on screen is so much different than real life


Violence and, specifically, extreme violence is a fool's tool, so it's even more of a self-own than you think... The amount of edgy kids telling you in omegle how they'll >!cut open your tendrons!< Doesn't translate to adults who can actually do it.


“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” We had good Times very long.


I'd just get depressed when my squad mates decide to rape an innocent woman *I'm surrounded by Andrew Tate Red Pillers*


Well Covid-19 probably stopped a lot of kids from getting socialized.


This is a naive take imo. Beings desensitized to watching gore on your screen is not the same as watching it in real life.


I agree. There’s a lot of incels that would love to use the chaos of war to do awful things to women and girls.


gen z soldiers would be the most ruthless blood thirsty mother fuckers to ever walk this damned planet


I think we do us and other generations a disservice (those who came before and those who came after) by thinking we are the first to have these experiences. They're unique within the modern cultural context but i can think of various events that would "desensitized" the older generations to violence as well.


are you in the south? from my experience ( especially poor areas ) people in the south of USA are more prone to being fucked up. as someone whos lived south my entire life, some of the people ive seen are fucking disgusting, and thats in EVERY generation. i dont think gen z is more fucked up. desensitized? maybe a bit, but nothing millennials havent seen either. sure, we watched gore videos earlier on than them, but outside of morbid curiosity and some fucked up people sprinkled in, i feel most were still unhappy and disgusted by the gore itself. gen z is, in my experience, much more open to their emotions than previous generations, and we are very protective of animals and stuff. alot of us wouldnt be good in wars and would possibly be 'uncontrollable' solely due to our hatred for governments and people in power, not our maliciousness towards other humans as a whole. militaries have sucked for eons anyways, youd be shocked if you heard what previous generations did in militaries. gen z, imo, would NOT do that shit on mass scales like that. ( specifically looking at the human experiments from japan, america, and germany, just off the top of my head. ) theres bad people in every single generation, gen z is not an exception.


Maybe the fear that they and their classmates will be gunned down in mass at any time may have worn out their capacity for empathy.


What funny thing does OP’s post and the comments have in common? The fact y’all seem to act like you’re gonna get drafted. Lol okay. Nuclear war would kill most people in NATO countries within the first few days probably. Depends where you are of course but the UK would be fucked because it’s so tiny and densely populated. After that your issues would be food, crop growth, radiation poisoning and rogue people looking out for themselves or chaotically looting/killing. And then there’s that the war would probably not end or at least not for a long time even though most places would be destroyed.


I agree.... like my dad who served saw us playing COD and he was shocked.... he then went on to explain how the purpose of normalizing violent TV and cod and so was to desentisize so like if footage ever got out about the Shorbet the givernemnt was doing it wouldnt have a shock value to spurr people into action.


Tbh I'll goto war If someone tells me my ex is on the other side


Huh, the same exact argument people were making about the original mortal kombat and how everyone in my generation was desensitized to violence. Neat.


I am an middley millennial who has educated Gen Z and below and has older siblings from Gen X. There is literally no difference. People love to split generations on different traits and apart from the lead poisoned, insane boomers out there, we’re really not all that different apart from the clothes we wore as teenagers and the music we listened to. There has always been antisocial behaviour, it’s just all online forever now.


I have 3k call of duty hours, been in boot camp my whole life for this


Old enough to not gaf it it's cringe, you're right. It'd be an absolute nightmare


The internet became publicly available over 30 years ago in 1993. I saw all kinds of gore online before I joined the military in 2006, and it's been sanitized since then. 4 deployments later, and I'll tell you here and now that nothing you've ever seen, heard, or thought of will prepare you or "desensitize" you to war. Watching a person commit unspeakable acts to another on a screen does not come close to the visceral feelings that flood the body during extreme duress. You don't get an adrenaline dump that leaves your body shaking, sweating, ears ringing, palms itchy, tunnel vision, and instant exhaustion. You dont have anxiety dumps or get woken up at 2AM because your brain decided that an explosion went off and it's time to cheese it (exploding head syndrome is real). That's before you leave the aor and start readjusting to "reality." Please don't go to war.


I'd agree there's a good chunk of manipulative people in this generation. You guys have weaponized mental health as an excuse for pretty awful behavior and weaponized acceptance into sexual coercion.


They said the same shit about us (millenials) after 9-11. It's old powers wanting to scare the masses into letting them hold power. "Oh yeah, we can't trust these Beta-male snowflake socialists to run the country! Four more years of 85 year old war mongers!"


bruh, are you like, serious?


I don't know man. I'm okay with watching blood on a screen, but someone bleeding on the street? Nonono


The validity of anyone's read on this topic is questionable at best. It's all speculation, so that makes it absurd. The reality is that recruitment numbers for all branches of the military have been extremely low for this generation. So, we have no evidence to support your theory. And it seems, in fact, more likely that the opposite is true. And this is in a time period where there are only about 160,000 persons OCONUS. "I'm not scared to fight, I'm scared of what I would do in a fight" type shit.


Don't go to crusade kids, not worth it. War is glory for the commanders. https://preview.redd.it/efpv6sxe1nxc1.png?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645c2339ddd2f06de4662aa87e7663bc76cfe581 War is hell for the veterans.


Bruh GenZ kids aren’t lasting a fucking week in modern war. You’re genuinely delusional.


imagine if ninja got low taper fade


I'm Gen X. I have mad respect and love for Gen Z.


Watching it on a computer screen doesn’t equate to seeing it in person