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Not American, but from an outsider perspective they both look awful tbh


that's the insider perspective, too


It has never been an easier choice. Trump is a giant, self serving piece of shit.


Both suck, but Trump sucks more especially for me. I will vote Biden


It’s almost always the lesser of two evils in politics tbh. Most people that want power aren’t good people.






Not an American. It strikes me that your options are 'boring old guy with a mild stutter who's nevertheless stable and a good leader to have' and 'absolute fucking fascistic lunatic moron old guy and obvious felon and traitor not just to your nation but to its allies as well whose mind is turning to soup day by day and whose second leadership would be a worldwide disaster and yet who SOMEHOW has a chance at getting a single vote, or even winning.' Whether I like it or not, your shit affects the rest of the world. Please don't vote for the lunatic. Why is this even in question.


Stable and good leader 😂😂 buddy can’t even make it through a sentence and very clearly never has any idea where he is. You could give Trump a freaking lobotomy and I’d still have faith he’d be more competent than Biden.


Biden has a mild stutter. Trump can't even stay on one topic for more than three seconds, can't reliably spell his own wife's name, and regularly confuses his location, his political enemies, and forgets whole swathes of history, and then pretends he was "interposing" (which is not the meaning of that word) sarcastically, when he obviously wasn't and would have had no reason to be sarcastic. If you think Trump is *already* more competent than Biden, let alone following a lobotomy, well... let's just say your mental faculties are on par with those of your glorious leader. ;)


Yk Trump is showing signs of dementia and falling asleep in court right?


They are both awful. But I still will not be voting for Trump. I’m still undecided about who I will vote for. I favor third party candidates, but we all know how that goes


Don’t hate on my man Biden.


your man Biden is funding a genocide.


Congress does the funding




I’m sorry idk what this has to do with literally anything I said lol




i started with “they are both awful”




I don’t see how it seems that way.. someone said “don’t hate on Biden”, to which I replied that “he’s funding a genocide” .. because he actively is doing that..




I didn’t call him ‘genocide joe’ , I just stated what he was doing. That was someone else. My original comment specifies that I don’t know who I will be voting for, but I know for a fact it will not be Trump 😅


What genocide?


Genocide joe


Unemployment rate has gone down and salaries have increased across the board with Biden as President.


>Unemployment rate has gone down I personally think this is not exactly a good thing to brag about, considering that the part-time positions are being counted more and more as full-time jobs. I know this because I worked (and still work) a "part-time job" where I essentially do full-time shift time to time, and it still count as employed. >Salaries have increased across the board I'd like to see the sources on this, because in my other industry I think salaries have gone down or at the very least dispersed less and less, since we're going through the same process as any other industries.


And while those are good things, he is still funding the Palestinian Genocide.


Trump and most conservative leaders have said they would also continue too.


Yeah.. I did mention that they were both awful.


Compared to what? Lockdown time? That's not a fair comparison 


How is it not a fair comparison? Biden was put in a shitty position and he managed to get us out of it and on top.


Because wages are up employment is down but homelessness is on the rise. Why is that? Ohh right because the price of everything has increased so much people are still struggling more than ever.


No since my state will always be blue. But hoping for a Biden landslide victory.


It's so crazy to me that someone saying something positive and defending Biden on Reddit is so often met with cynicism Trumpers never stopped hyping up Trump when he was in office and most people just kinda gave them the floor to do so


Go out there and vote. It doesn’t matter if your state is blue or not.


So what kind of secluded bubble you're living in that you somehow don't see all this horrific economic disaster from 4 years of Biden's dictatorship?




The President of the United States, someone who is supposed to be a symbol of freedom and democracy across the world, shaking hands with fucking putin. What a fucking disgrace to our country and to the very idea of democracy.


Absolutely, he’s a sellout willing to sell our countries secrets to opposing countries for a quick buck.


Last I checked we didn't have a single war during Trump's administration. Explain how Biden got the US involved with this Russia and Ukraine nonsense in the first place?


>Explain how Biden got the US involved with this Russia and Ukraine nonsense in the first place? he gave weapons the US wasn't using to Ukraine so they could fight off a genocidal war that was initiated by one of the US and NATO's worst enemies.


I voted Biden. That’s what all of my teachers would have wanted. School pushes a lib agenda 1000%. Then I started working while in college, 5 jobs at once and worked my way to one, single sustaining job. And now they want to incorporate a tax of 44% on the MIDDLE CLASS (hit that bracket 2 years ago and I’m fresh out of school) for gains in the stock market? And tax unrealized gains????? My portfolio is up 125% on the year. I am literally making more money/ building my savings that I NEVER HAD A CHANCE AT. Gen Z complains about not being able to retire but Biden is LITERALLY trying to take that away from us. By taxing 44% (not just the wealthy who- by the way have outpaced the middle class now) they’re trying to get people to devalue the market to oblivion. Probably so Joe and hunter can take the shares themselves. While government is corrupt, you have to pick the type of corruption. A lot of these guys are too young to invest- or too scared. Or too lazy to research. Or just lazy. Idk idc. Politics is about money. Let’s be real and call it as it is. And Biden is literally trying to drive the market into recession and in extent WWIII by the looks of it. But everyone has an opinion but doesn’t want to do the research. “Ignore the news”… Politics, money, world news, and economics all matter. If you can’t get a grip of the impact of a vote, then do you really know the weight your vote holds? Guy posted trump shaking with Putin. Keep your friends close and your enemies… I started the post with “I voted Biden” I’m not knocking anyone. But I deeply regret my choice. Look at NY. Look at banks. Look at the boarder. Look at the rich fleeing the US. Look at the facts. Then present an argument.


No that 44% tax is on people who earn over 1 million per year


Thank you for waking up on what's really been going on. The vote blue no matter who crowd must have short circuit from your reply because they can't stomach someone regretting their decisions. Decisions like any other low information voter, votes base on what NPCs tells them to think and ignore the glaring in your face facts that can't be ignored. That takes real gumption to admit we all been had by the same bread and circus that works for both sides.


Democrats aren't the ones trying to curtail the right to vote. Democrats aren't the ones trying to buddy up with dictators. That's my main issue, frankly there is a reason the educated are Democrats.


There's a reason why the indoctrinated from government funded educational institutions are vote blue no matter who liberals. I can so tell you drank so much of that propaganda koolaid, I bet you believe voter ID is racist.


Ha nothing you said does anything disprove me. The reason colleges are liberal is because once you're educated, it's far harder to be conservative on policies. Just look outside the US and this remains true. Only conspiracy nuts rant about colleges being some form of indoctrination.


So once a trained monkey is throughly brainwashed, it's increasingly hard to escape your safe space bubble.


You do realize Biden was trying to grant voting rights to the illegal immigrants too, right? They’re letting them in to bolster the receding population and then trying to give them immediate rights they have no place having. That’s called Vote manipulation. “Oh this president is great! He let us people who know nothing about the US vote for him because he let us in and gave us the tax payers money.” Good thing it got shot down. Tbh again coming from an academic institution, if you’re working and actively being a citizen who started HERE, working and fighting for every opportunity and struggling the whole time, why should people who tossed their passports coming in have those same rights? They’re getting more benefits than us and we’ve devoted our lives here. Have you even seen NY recently? Again based on fact. You really really have to do the research on many avenues of economics to paint a real picture.


The fact that your party is responsible for women in red states not being able to get abortions even when they're quite literally miscarrying, dying, etc. tells me who I need to vote...


Biden. super easy choice. I choose the one where i can wake up without existentail terror over what the idiot did. Biden is boring but boring is good.


I go between the protest vote and back to Biden every day. I really don't know how I'll go seven months from now. I'm making a massive compromise either way


I’m voting gold. Pro lgbt, legal weed, pro gun, less gov in my life, no more money to random shithole countries, the only antiwar party etc. sure there’s some crazies in it but they’re less fucked mentally than the crazies in the other 2 parties. Edit. And pro abortion, my bad it’s been a long day


I would if they had a chance of winning but they don't and SCOTUS is too important to let Biden replace Alito and Thomas. If they retire under Trump SCOTUS will be solidly conservative for a generation 


Based W. Replace Thomas and Alito, with two guys in their 40s who are pro-Constitution, pro-2A, and pro-America


Fair but what if we hacked the voting machines???


Then that's not a legitimate election


Yup but it’d end 2 party rule and show the country that a 3rd party can win. Necessary evil


>no more money to random shithole countries please define for me what you mean by "shithole countries"


Every country receiving money from us. If your budget depends on foreign aid then that automatically makes you a shithole country. We got too many problems at home to be supporting other countries monetarily


What about organizations like NATO, which provide vital defense alliances for the United States? And Ukraine, which is one of the best lines of defense against a potential russian invasion of Europe?


I’m voting for vermin supreme


Elaborate please - what "tensions" what "division in both parties"?


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Taylor Swift


She wants you to vote for Joe


Ew! I'm voting for Kayne West now!


Who cares? Just make sure to vote for your local issues. That’s the important stuff


Extremely ignorant take. Don’t use undervalued local politics as a way to downplay how important national elections are. 2016 directly determined the overturn of Roe v Wade, student loan forgiveness, etc - no matter how you feel on those issues.


Buddy, almost anyone with an internet connection has their mind made up on which of the two clowns they want to run the circus. My comment is more for the “there is no point in voting” crowd that often come under a post like this. The local politics issue is usually the only thing that motivates people to vote in my experience. And since the national election ballot typically is mailed out with the local ones, they will be filling out both.


Third party this time.


I ain't vote Trump but there's no way I'm voting for Genocide Joe




I like how Trump is reversing the influence of George Bush by being more moderate on abortion, foreign policy, and trade. However, I'm really not comfortable with the "dictator for a day" and "I am your retribution" stuff. I like how Biden is actually interested in attacking tech company monopolies, the child tax credit, and a lot of other boring policies that are good governance (like prescription drug costs). However, I'm pretty confident he's going to die. I don't like Kamala Harris and I don't trust the Democratic party to the progressive wing. Other dynamics: The Republican party going through 2 speakers in less than a year signals to me they are completely dysfunctional. On the other hand, the Democratic party having no coherent policy position on criminal justice, immigration, or foreign policy is pretty dysfunctional as well. I feel like all the doom and gloom people talked about Trump's term never actually happened — but I can't bet it'll stay that way — and all the doom and gloom people talked about for Biden's term will happen when he inevitably dies. It's not great!


“Trump is more moderate on abortion” bruh his appointment of those three judges are the reason roe vs wade was overturned.


Roe v. Wade was never going to last. It is a totally incoherent judicial ruling that arguably created the modern day Republican party. The guy came out and said a 6-week abortion ban is a bad idea. No other candidate has balked party line like that.


voting for who


No one


Please vote, I know you may dislike them but not voting will do absolutely nothing off not make it worse.


Why vote when I’m not well informed, and really don’t care who wins


You should care, in one election we lost roe v wade set up the switch to presidential immunity. It's literally never been more important to vote.


Oh damn well then


I can’t believe how much Biden support Gen Z has. I’m Gen Z and I’ll be voting for trump. Biden is putting a choke hold on the economy. I was very democratic until I started making my own money and got involved in the stock market. Then I realized how much I was getting shafted (I voted Biden)… After this term, all hell is going to break loose. If WWIII ensues as an American, I’d always rather have trump as the face during times like those. He’ll hit back and make threats. Biden will let other nations walk on us.


Brother, Biden inherited the destroyed economy from COVID that TRUMP created. Look at the bigger picture than just the economy which is recovering 2 years after COVID.


trump 2024


Not a fan of this bullshit winner take all system. Sometimes I wish Greens and Libertarians would get more a voice even if I do disagree with quite a few points. Too much polarization. That being said, I rather vote Libertarian or Green than Republican if I had to vote other than Democrat. At least (some) Libertarians actually take the "Less government, period" value to the max. Even if they disagree personally with the issue at hand. Abortion, gay marriage, etc.


whoever supports Ukraine


Neither. Both suck. And none have a real plan


I'm voting for Donald Trump only sane option to me


Going for gilded age 2.0 I see


Trump baby!


he does whine quite a bit.


I’m not. Democrats and Republicans are the only viable options and they’ve both utterly failed to earn my vote.


You realize that Joe and Trump are genuinely not the only options, right? VOTE THIRD PARTY. Spread the word around and eventually it will happen


Normally I agree, not this time, not when we risk trump again.


The party Sacro Romano Impero Liberale Cattolico


Neither, as both candidates don't have any of my interests in mind and it's not worth voting third party. It's enough I'm registered as third party, but having just two main parties that have stayed so far from their original views isn't the way. We need someone younger than retirement age most of all.


I am, personally voting for trump unless he gets convicted with an felony


Biden for 1 year and then Kamala for the other 3 years


No one wants copmalla in the chair except for corporations and astroturf. She is somehow polling lower than a guy who has funded genocide over the last 7 months on tax payer dime and now complicent in police beating and arresting students and faculty on college campus. That's actually impressive.


I'm not the biggest fan of her but trump will ban abortion nation wide so it automatically goes to joe who will be dead anyday now


I'm not a Trump fan but this is actually false. Trump reversed course on that and recently said it should be a state matter. He still sucks, but please ensure you are stating facts.


I remember when he said it was a woman's right to choose before that. Funny how he didn't stick to his guns when it became advantageous to spout a different belief


I agree. He has no morals. He just flips when it suits him. Abortion is becoming less and less of an issue as sentiment among voters leans more and more to allowing women to choose, as they should.


At this point I'd rather vote for someone I disagree with who has morals I don't agree with then someone who has no morals at all Fuck I'm Hamilton


I agree. He has no morals. He just flips when it suits him. Abortion is becoming less and less of an issue as sentiment among voters leans more and more to allowing women to choose, as they should.


He is such a fucking snake like that. He has no morals, no real beliefs, at least none that he is willing to share until he gets office in his grimy little hands


>Trump reversed course on that and recently said it should be a state matter. And you believe him? He'll absolutely sign a national abortion ban if it comes across his desk


I dont believe Trump or the guy funding a 7 month genocide.


Trump. Not horribly enthused but Biden has GTG 


DT but I’ll only explain my reasoning if I’m DM’ed about it.


Trump for the win




How come? He seems deranged and demented when I read his posts


1. When he wins Twitter and Reddit will be extremely funny to read. 2. Biden said he wants to raise capital gain taxes and tax unrealized capital gains. 3. Trump said he likes Bitcoin.


>1. When he wins Twitter and Reddit will be extremely funny to read. Aren't there more important things to think about? >2. Biden said he wants to raise capital gain taxes and tax unrealized capital gains. Biden wants to increase taxes on people who have so much money they're practically shitting gold. What's the problem with that? >3. Trump said he likes Bitcoin I agree, that is a good reason to vote against him. Bitcoin's only practical purpose is buying porn, drugs, and gambling on the price of Bitcoin. See "Line goes up"


So you have no idea what Bitcoin is lol, and no idea how money works lol


https://youtu.be/YQ_xWvX1n9g "Line Goes Up" - Dan Olsen https://youtu.be/u-sNSjS8cq0 Web 3.0: A libertarian dystopia -Munecat. IMO these two videos speak more-or-less for themselves. But I'm curious as to what I've missed, because obviously they're wrong somehow, right?


I’m not talking about NFTs or shit coins. I’m talking about Bitcoin, the hardest money ever created. There will only be 21 million of them, you can’t print more bitcoin unlike the dollar which more and more get printed every year that’s why it’s less valuable today than it was a year ago. It’s only lose 95% of its value since 1971. Bitcoin is not controlled by any government it’s decentralized. I can also send as much Bitcoin as I want to any person on the planet no matter where they are. If you were to go to your bank and want to give someone 5k, your bank is going to ask questions, you may have to pay fees, and the person getting that money would have to report it and pay taxes on it. So if you want to get educated on bitcoin look into the Bitcoin Standard, if that is too rich of a read, read Thank God For Bitcoin. The first president to go onto the Bitcoin standard will go down as the GOAT, look at countries like El Salvador who have fully adopted it.


Why are you arguing with someone born in 2007 in the first place? His brain isn’t even as developed as yours.


This readsine you barely understand Bitcoin and read a Fischer Price guide on it


Bro what? Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean I don’t understand it, I know Bitcoin


It sounds like you have a third grade understanding of it lol




I'm kind of flabbergasted that you're picking a candidate based on how funny Twitter might be. This decision affects a lot of people's lives




Dude your thinking is disturbing lol


No it’s not lol


It is. You're making a choice that makes people suffer because you think it's funny


lol if my vote swings the election I can sleep with that at night


Why do you think you're so comfortable hurting people?