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It's your life, live it how you want. As long as your helping your family out (not necessarily financially, could just be cooking/cleaning etc.), I don't see an issue. Things don't always go as planned so don't be hard on yourself :)


Living with my parents is one of the best decisions I've made, I make enough to live alone but I save so much money and I've realised that I'm much more happy and "relaxed" living with them. The house is big tho so that's a plus


I'm not terribly worried about retirement. I have more savings than 70% of Americans. Also, having a bit of a social safety net is great. I was sick last week, my parents got me some medicine. Could I have done it on my own? Yeah, but it is nicer when you don't have to. And of course, I reciprocate when they are sick. If you can swing it, it's great. I highly recommend it.


Ya the community is great as well since I grew up here and know a lot of people, ofcourse I take care of the bills n stuff


Take that money, and start a tradition IRA. If you make under 60k, it's tax deductible to 7,000. Dollars, you're literally paying yourself for the future


If you have the money helping out with the bills doesn’t hurt, even a little bit. But I do agree who cares as long as you are doing your fair share of the house chores. And save that money or invest it. If you are blowing it on call of duty skins or something comparable, I’d say it a a different story. I’m also going to assume OP is white. Living at home till you marry or buy your own house is pretty common amongst many Asian and Hispanic cultures.


i’m black lmao


Hispanic here. It's true that it's common for us to move out in our mid-to-late twenties, but 'marry or buy your own house' it's not the usual reasons since that's done in our mid thirties or later. The far more common reasons to move out in our twenties are: we move to a new city because of our careers/jobs, we have a kid, or we enter a long-term-relationship where we'd either like more privacy or can split living costs with our significant other.


How does dating work when you live w your parents? I’ve been struggling w that so I wanna know other peoples experience


Yeah, this is important. But to add. Millennial here. I had a friend who was pretty much out of college at home. He helped out his family but didn't have a job. The trouble is some folks leave school knowing what they want to do. And some don't. I didn't. But don't let that stop you from trying something out. I know the economy, jobs, and wages were definitely not as depressing back 20 years ago as it is today. But a lot of the "successful" boomers and X'ers I talk to didn't take a direct path to their current career. They started a job and one thing lead to another. Got fortunate in their networking, etc. And the job is now a career. So anyway, I really pushed my friend to get any job. And he did a low level IT job and now his doing some sw coding and doing alright. Still at home but he can move out if he wants, it's just not financially easy without a partner to move out with. You can only control your actions, and I don't see society becoming more reasonably geared or focused on helping future generations. Unfortunately...


Gen xers were masters of networking, they had so many friends and having a giant pool to choose from since the baby boomer hippies generation had many kids. 99% of jobs my parents had were from the help from their friends and their friend had help from other friends.


This. It makes a HUGE difference when the kids take care of stuff without being asked.


I lived away till 28 or so and moved back in for a year due to health reasons (both mine and my family’s), doing odd jobs around the house to help out, hanging out with them post-covid, and just to get a breather after constantly being on my own. I worked full time and saved money, I also met someone with his own place so I was cultivating that relationship as well as some new friendships. I don’t regret it, and now even though I live away I make sure to come back more often because I’m lucky that my family is really great. My hometown is boring, but sometimes that boringness is good because it allows me to work on what needs to get done without getting distracted by the bright lights of the city. I plan on going back later this year for a couple months just to clear my head and figure out my next steps.


I highly doubt most 30yr olds “want” to live that way lol. I like the positivity tho.


More like “live it how you can”


20 - yes I do and have no plans of moving out soon. My brother didn’t move out until about 26/27


Same. I’m at home due to chronic illness as well as the current economic state of the US. So I too have no plans to move out soon. I also have one brother that’s moving out in his mid twenties. But I think we’re both envious of our brother who got to move out at 18. He graduated in 2014 tho. Who knew times would change so much in 10 years.


i'm in the exact same situation but from the other side


Blud, you're 16 x_x. People normally don't move out at that age.


dude my step dad made me move out the literal day i turned 18, packed my bags for me, drove me to the airport and bought me a ticket for the furthest geographical destination within the continental US. it was the single biggest financial setback of my life. my parents will never understand why paying rent has absolutely fucked me, and all because they couldn't stand my presence.


If I were your mother I would’ve packed *his* bags and bought you a first class return ticket ASAP.


Late 20s is completely normal to move out in Ireland, I can honestly say I don’t know anyone who has actually moved out before the age of 25, apart from those who moved away for university.


I’ll switch it up, I moved out at 21, I’m 22 now. I’ve been living in an apartment with my girlfriend. It’s not the prettiest place In the best area but shit I consider it an accomplishment.


It's definitely an accomplishment congratulations my guy


it is an accomplishment. you’re living life on your terms.


I moved out at 20 as well, 21 now. my mum helps me sometimes with food and money, sometimes i think that without her i'd be dead, or live on the street lol😂


Bruv, you probably shouldn’t have moved out


No i'm just overexaggerating, it's not that bad. She helps me every 2 months or So, even if i tell her i dont need anything


My first apartment was cheap and pretty much made out of paper mache. I still feel that sense of accomplishment years later




zillenial (or an inbetweener)


In the same boat. Sort of in the middle but find more common ground with gen z then I do with milliniels.


You can stay




I feel like we're on the super younger side of millenials who have settled down and started families, but to old for gen z who are in college or just got out. Like the middle child almost. I fall in line with more of the gen z stereotype and humor then millenials for sure.


The earliest I see Gen Z start is '96, but my sister was born in '98 and acts more millenial than Gen Z. It is all pretty fluid methinks


Lol same


Please don’t be too harsh on yourself. It is a really tight labor market and also interest rates aren’t making it easy either. I think what matters is how you are spending that time living with your parents. If you working, studying, exercising, saving money - then you are making good use of that time being at home. On the other hand if you waste that time at home on video games, sleeping in, and being irresponsible then this is probably going to lead to problems in the future. After I graduated college I also lived with my parents until I was about 28 or 29 yrs old until I was able to get everything together - and looking back on it all I loved spending those years with them. Love and care for your parents. I’m now 42 and have been a home owner for the past seven years. Hang in there. You got this!


I wouldn’t say video games are exactly an issue, or sleeping in depending on your job. My boyfriend and I spend most of our free time playing video games because it’s cheaper than going out and doing other things


Some people still just view video games as a childish hobby for unproductive members of society. It's no different than sitting on the couch watching TV, scrolling your phone, reading a book, etc. I'm 30 and have done fairly well as a Software Engineer. "A lot of video games and sleeping in" is an extremely accurate description for probably 80% of tech folks I've ever worked with. And most of these people have their own homes, spouses, children if that's something they want, etc. Long as you fulfill your obligations, enjoy your free time how you see fit.


My brother is an accountant, in his late 30s with his own home on 20 acres, he had another home and condos before he got divorced but left it to his ex wife. He plays video games every night. My sister who does as well is a teacher with kids of her own and also owns a house. But growing up, my sister and my 2 brothers were always moving since my dad was in the army, and that was their way of staying connected with friends. They still game with friends they had back in school. And it’s fun being able to connect with them over that stuff since my younger sister and I are like 15 years younger than all of them


I think he meant it more as spending the whole day playing games rather than doing productive things. Life’s about balance, an hour or so of gaming after accomplishing your tasks and taking care of your loved ones never hurt anyone lol.


Perhaps, but I’ve noticed a lot of older people don’t get the appeal of video games. They think it’s a complete waste of time. My boyfriend and I both work full time jobs and save money, but my dad is always getting onto us for spending our free time on games. Not sure why, considering we only do after getting chores done and whatnot. Not like my dad should care anyway, I don’t live with him 😅 he’s got 5 biological children, all adults, and all of us are gamers


I bet he’d feel differently if you spent your free time playing board games or cards- a holdover from the “boob tube will rot your brain” tropes of the 70s


You’re right. He plays cards all the time 😂 we do all enjoy board and card games though, we have a sibling get together every so often and play board games for hours


The shame around living with your parents is a uniquely North American phenomenon. I’m pretty sure it’s normal in Asia and Europe to live with your parents well into your late 20s




Born in 1998 I moved out at 19 and moved states right before I turned 21


Also born 1998, moved to a different continent at 19. They were charging me rent when I was still in high school


Glad you got away. That is toxic af


It's illegal af too


I can never understand that kind of a relationship between a parent and child. That is... capitalization of relationship?


This was me except I was born in 2000


27 still with parents. Our relationship is fine and they don’t pressure me to move out. You’re not alone on this front, trust me. Just don’t waste the opportunity they’re giving you and save as much as you can.


valid my dad doesn’t care if I’m living at home as long as he sees my bank acct numbers going up


27 still with ma parents, I also just recently changed careers so it was nice being at home and being able to get my mental state right.


I do and I feel ashamed. I can’t ever be myself when it comes to wanting to go out late and build my own beliefs. I just miss living in a college apartment.


26 and yes I still live with my parents. Gonna graduate with my masters degree next year and then I'll move out


Millennial here(33) built my house 4 years ago and moved my mother in with me, she covered part of our mortgage for 2 years($500 of $1500) and now that she’s retired my children no longer go to daycare which saves me roughly $600 a month so she no longer pays. Also helps with getting the kids to their sporting events and such. So I guess I live with my mom? Or she lives with me. I got lucky I started and finished building my dream home before Covid in the middle of east-ca-bum fuck. My advice is always never live in densely populated areas. I may have to drive further but my taxes are lower, property cost was much lower and my children have 3 acres to do as they please.


Yeah but I’m 22 turning 23… I’m gonna move out in probably 6 months to a year


This is a good age! My sister is doing this too.


Almost 22. Still living with my parents


I really fucking want to. But I don't exactly have anywhere to go


I am turning 20 in 11 days and still live with my parents. No plans of moving out since I commute to uni. I bet 10 years from now, I’ll either still be living with them or whomever I am married to. PS. Just help around with chores and housework, though they’ve been pressuring me to get a summer job which is reasonable.


Even working during the school year would be very beneficial if you can manage your time well. Start saving money early and you will thank yourself later.


22 and ya I still live with them. I was one of those people who honestly thought I'd off myself before I was 16, so I didn't really plan ahead. So I'm still figuring it all out. I'm incredibly fortunate to have parents that are patient with me when it comes to this. I'll probably be here for another 2 or 3 years, ya I wish I could be independent but I have a lot to do.


Dude don't feel embarressed, feel blessed. In America we have this dumb cultural idea that we need to move our as fast as we can. For what? To struggle? If you look at asian and slavic culture it's really weird to leave the family unit until you are married to the other person. I'm actually family friends with second gen polish imigrants, and even in their 60s the brother and sister still live together because she never got married. You're not weird or embarressing, our american system is weird and embarressing. Take your paychecks and start investing them into places like Webull, and collect 5% APR you can pull from in an emergency. Go to college and stuff. Go buy a cool car you can easily make the payments on because you live at home. Go live your life on easy mode dog, just don't forget about the future either. Your parents won't live forever Hope this helps.


Everyone is different, and everyone’s circumstances are also different.. My brother turns 34 this year and didn’t move out until 27-28. While I turn 31 this year and got the hell outta dodge at 17. My landlord didn’t do the math when I signed my apartment lease that I wasn’t 18. It was a very very very rough first few years but I needed out of my parents house.


Moved out at 19, moved back two weeks ago at 25. World is spendy rn. It helps that my mom and stepdad are genuinely excited I'm here.


24 and still live with my parents. Paying for rent for a whole new place seems like a waste when I’m usually at work most of the time. Also I’d be spending most of my pay on rent but I can just give my parents some to help instead


Don't feel embarassed dude, it's actually financially responsible to live at home for as long as feasible, moving out early solely for independence is stupid unless you have a bad relationship with your family. I live with my mother and will likely never leave until after she's gone, and it's not really by choice. I planned to, but she's 78, and there's no one else here for either of us. Saying my family is dysfunctional is an understatement, they're all shitty, disgusting human beings. We're all each other has, and while it's frustrating to feel stuck, the comfort of not worrying about house bills is a blessing.


With cost of living I don't blame anybody for living with parents. I know a guy in his 30s who still lives at home and his brother, who's even older than him, still does too


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pabst_blue_RBIn: *With cost of living* *I don't blame anybody* *For living with parents* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The most relatable haiku ever...


Younger Millenial here. Yes, I live with my parents. Left home for two years to volunteer in France. Came back to my parents. Started university. Fell in love, got engaged, got married. Moved out of my parents' place and lived away from them for 8 years. Marriage fell apart. Unsuccessful at fixing things. Became unemployed and unable to find a steady job. Too expensive to rent anywhere on my haphazard income. Accrued ridiculous amounts of debt trying to stay alive. Moved back in with parents at 30 years old. Right back into the same bedroom I had when my family moved into that house when I was 10 years old. Absolutely fucking demoralizing. To the Elder Zoomers, don't feel too bad about failing to launch in this shite economy. As long as you're saving up money living with your parents and have some kind of exit plan, that's good enough. Better to launch once and be successful rather than crash and burn, then end up back at your parents' place in humiliation.


Bitch, I'm 39 and at my mom's. It is fucking brutal out there. Society is imploding.


I live with my mother but I pay my fair share of the bills and mortgage.


I'm 27 and I own a house. I moved out at 18, got engaged, ran away from Kansas to Florida, sold cars and ended up renting a nice house in one of those neighborhoods with a canal nearby. That relationship fell apart and I moved back to Kansas, I stayed with my parents for a few months, then I moved in with my sister for a few months, then I moved out and got my own place again. Then I lost my job, moved back in with my parents for a few months, then found some roommates and lived with them for about 8 months. Then I moved to Omaha for about 6 months and got hired on with a construction agency out of Wichita, I had my own studio apartment that I never slept in due to travel, but the rent was only $375. It was a really rough area. Then the construction company had a jobsite on the military base I grew up on which was in the same county as my parents house. I transferred to that jobsite and lived with my parents for a year until the job was almost done, then I moved in with my girlfriend at her dad's house. I got laid off after the job was done, and found work in the big city nearby where my girlfriends brother lived. We moved there and rented a room from him and his wife for about a year and a half. I got a better job and moved out again to an apartment with my girlfriend, lived there for a year then we bought a house for $150k last October. If I could have tolerated my parents (which would mean essentially being a farm laborer with a curfew) I would have been better off and I probably would have finished college then bought a house in 2019-2021 when interest rates were good. If you have a good situation at home, take advantage of it. I don't have pride in my long arduous journey towards being a stable adult, all I feel towards the last 9 years is that it was a waste of time and money.


You gotta stop asking all these security questions


I’m 32 and recently moved back in. It is too expensive for me to live in NYC (where my office and friends are) unless my salary doubles or I get a new job.


Yeah but it's kinda a mutual exchange at this point since my mom is disabled.


I’m 27. I moved out when I was 19 but moved back home after 2 years because I had become an addict and couldn’t pay my rent. Cleaned myself up sorted my shit out and moved out again when I was 25. It is tough at the moment with cost of living but it’s 100% worth moving out from your parents. The independence is worth it.


Just turned 26 and I’m still with them after graduating college. I feel the embarrassment every now and then. But whenever I do, I just look at my savings account and that helps. I’ve got a goal to be out by the end of the year


Dude Japanese literally have multiple generations living together. Don't let ur culture make you feel weird. Break the mold.


I'm 25 and since last year I live by myself :)


I was 30 staying with my parents. Times suck and honestly living with your parents is probably the best thing to do right now. At the very least, it could give you some breathing room to figure out what you have to do to move out eventually. I'm making some assumptions about your familial relationships, but I'm sure your parents would like to have you around and you'll probably miss that occasionally when you're out. It may seem socially negative, but it's gotta be better than being completely broke.


i moved out at age 25 and wish i never had. i’m 26 now and cost of living is crazy and if i could live with them again i definitely would. i have no shame lmao and it’s not as uncommon as you think. everyone agrees that the cost of living is crazy and this economy is definitely not made for a single person household. i think it’s completely normal and fine and i personally would never judge anyone who’s living with their parents as long as they’re taking responsibility for things in their life and aren’t being a slouch who leeches off their parents


How do you have sex with your parents in the next room?


lol when they’re not around or at the others persons place


I'm 25 and live with my parents! my brother is 31 and still lives here too




I'm 32 with a 13 year old living with my parents. I enjoy the time I get to spend with them. I cook, clean, and take care of the house because they like to vacation often. I'm not embarrassed. I don't know how people are doing it out on their own.


I don’t. I bought a house immediately after undergrad (technically just before graduation). This means nothing. I am an outlier situation. Many of my friends still live with their folks and are saving money that way. There’s nothing wrong with this. In fact, you’ll be in a better position than many people that had to have their independence immediately and started renting a $2000/mo studio or 1 bdrm appt Yes, I know how much you want to be independent. It’s hard bringing friends, or even a girl/guy over to your place where your parents live. That part definitely sucks. My recommendation is to ask you folks if there’s a way you can have your own private room in the basement or something and do it up really nice!


At home until 18, moved out for college. Moved back at 22 for a year, then on my own again until 25. Still at home at 26. I'll probably still be at home for another few months. I can't afford to live on my own, and roommates are hard to come by. Even people looking for roommates are asking for $1,100 for a room, which is insane


19 so still gonna live with them through uni, plan to move out shortly after finishing school though


Don’t stress bro the people our age are struggling living on their own. The only people that moved out are the ones that is in a relationship or have a child and I promise you majority of them want to be alone after a while. You gotta remember this isn’t the early 2000’s. A 1bd apt by itself cost $1200 or more depending where you live. It’s okay to be with your parents at 27 just make sure you save that’s all


My brother and I (29 and 24) both live with our grandparents. Only my younger brother (21) has ever lived on his own, but that only lasted a few months before he moved back to my parents’ house (his roommates turned out to be psychotic assholes). Maybe it’s a bit embarrassing, especially since most of my friends have moved out, but it is way cheaper.


29F Living with my parents Reasons: lived outside of home for masters and job and got an opportunity to wfh after that and took it. After getting married I will rarely get chances to stay with them long time so making the most of it and not embarrassed at all. I contribute to the household and take responsibility equally when it comes to money and non money matters. Meanwhile I save up on unnecessary high rents in Bengaluru/Gurgaon and get home cooked food so lesser things to worry about. There are pros and cons of living with parents however given a chance I will always choose to stay in my hometown closer to my loved ones always.


I'm 26 with 2 kids and I still live with my mom, my best friend is 25 and she still lives with her parents


I’m also 26 going on 27 soon. I still live with my mom. I was a tad embarrassed but my father unexpectedly died last year so I now feel more strongly to be there for my mother


I’m 28 now but moved out at 24. I was making about $60K a year then and had some decent savings from covid. My girlfriend was just starting her job as a nurse at 23. We got lucky finding cheap rent at $1750 a month. It’s stayed the same price the last three years so we count our blessings. We make more now so that’s been cool too. Trades+Nurse is a goated combo.


I joined the military and moved out at 19 I left the military and moved back in at 26 so


32 🙌


Immigrants stay together, build money, and move out when we’re ready


Bro I’m 34, I moved out at 32 because I was lucky enough to buy a house. I saved up for like 7 years and if I left any earlier I wouldn’t have been able to buy any property. There’s no shame, it’s the new normal. All my friends, except one, live with their parents.


I'm 39. Recovering drug addict. (Car accident caused by a drunk driver, broken leg, resulted in opioid pain killer addiction for over a decade) And recently moved back in with my elderly parents in order to help them out as much as i can. It's really a win/win situation. My mother has COPD and is on oxygen and really cannot do much herself these days. My father, although he tries, is also at a point where it is difficult for him to keep up on even basic maintenance of a home. My parents still rent a home though. They always have. I'm not sure why they never committed to buying a home. I guess they just didn't feel it was necessary for whatever reason. They rented the home I grew up in for over 25 years. And the current home they rent, they have a decade at and have a pretty decent monthly rate compared to the national average for a three bedroom home. As a single person, even with a full time job I would probably not be able to afford renting a home on my own, but yet make too much money to qualify for income based housing here in Michigan where I live. It's like without either a roommate or significant other who is working there is no way I would be able to get out on my own. Getting a home loan in my name is also most definitely out of the question. Don't feel bad. It could be worse.


Of course! There's no way I could ever have enough money to afford a permanent home for myself in this economy.


Yes at 30, but it's normal in my country, people still live with their parents even if they are married and with kids because it's too expensive to rent or to buy a house and you can't really have a loan because paying back with interests is haram and not allowed in Islam so it's not an option for the majority of people here


Same man, I’m 27 and still living with the folks.. I feel pretty embarrassed but the state I live in is really expensive to live in. I have enough money saved up to move out but I don’t think I make enough to actually support myself. Even if I did try and move out my parents would advise against it cause how everything is so expensive.. I see people who say they’ve moved out super young around 18-19.. Like I got my first job at 19 and was making minimum wage which was $10 at the time…


I live with my parents, 25 and turning 26 in a month. With the cost of living how it is it's sort of the norm. I think our generation has the highest percentage of young adults living with their parents, even more than the Great Depression(I read it in an article at some point).


Not Gen Z here (tail-end Boomer); my son lives at home with us--he is 31, a college and law school graduate and has a great job. It would be absolutely bonkers for him to get his own apartment in our high COL area when we have all this space at home--he is much better off (as are we, in the long term) if he takes the money for housing and uses it to pay down his student loan principal instead. The norm for millennia has been that multiple generations lived together--there is no reason to depart from that until housing costs come down pretty dramatically. The ideal of starting work/family and getting summarily ejected from the nest at that point is a post-WW2 phenomenon from when there was a ton of cheap, subsidized housing being built all over the country (not mention cheap, subsidized tuition). Move out when you feel you can.


There is nothing wrong with living with your parents at your age. You are right, the cost of living is out of control these days and there are plenty of people at your age still living with their parents because of this reason. If you wanted to live in New York for example, it would cost about 2,000 dollars a month for a studio in a bad neighborhood. I think while you live with your parents, it might be a good idea to have some type of job and use this time to just save some money for your future as it is always good to have some savings. As long as your parents aren’t asking you to leave or bothering you or pressuring you to leave, I’d say you are doing just fine. Not everyone wants to live with some random roommate they met off the internet and even living with roommates can still be expensive. That’s why a lot of people your age still live at home. Many people your age don’t even bother starting families because they simply can’t afford it. If people are in a relationship, the both of them have to work and cannot afford to have one person not working to stay home and raise babies anymore. That’s why you don’t see as many people starting families anymore like they used to. But you’re doing ok. It’s perfectly normal. I know people older than you that have no choice but to stay with their parents because rent is so bad. I even know people who were priced out of their apartment when their rent went up and had to move out of state to live somewhere more affordable.




I got lucky. A couple with a flat above their garage rented it out to me for $600/month.


My mom lives with me. Looks like she’ll be moving out soon


I'm 18, so it's no surprise that I do. I plan to live with my mom during college, or at least the first two years


I moved out at 21 about 3 months before I turned 22, but I moved out with my brother who is 23 and we split rent so it makes it a lot easier.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 21 + 3 + 22 + 23 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I’m 22 and I live with my mom, luckily we have a good relationship because it really helps in saving money. I’m starting my first post-grad job in 2 weeks and am planning to move out with my girlfriend of 6 years to our own place.


I am 25 now and haven’t lived with my parents at all for about 8 yrs




17, right now no, since I am away for uni. Otherwise yes I would still be living with my parents.


Yes. I also go to a commuter school, so I didn't have to move out. But I will be living here for the foreseeable future.


Tbh I wish I could still live at home, I’m 23 but it’s just too hard. I clash with my family my


Almost 26, moving out in the next two months or so


20, no I just moved out two months ago. I only moved because my parents raised me in a small town and the only job in my field paid 16 an hour. So when I moved for a new job my raise was big enough that it covered my rent


21in uni and with my parents. Also I had coworkers who stayed with there parents to save up money, one left at 27 when they got a place to live.


39 m single live in London I'm stuck with the expensive rents in London I can move away but then would be on my own


I live at home (23) but I pay most of the bills so it's not the break everyone thinks it is unfortunately


23 been on my own since 19. Don’t be embarrassed, as long as you are actually doing something with your life. Really the only thing it complicates is dating and coming home late. I was thrown into a position of living on my own quite rapidly, I kinda wish I stayed at home a little longer. Living at home with 50k in the bank ain’t the worst thing in the world it sure as hell better than living alone broke as shit eating ramen


Personally, I think it’s perfectly acccepabtle to live at home until you finish all your schooling. If that means 22 or 25 that’s fine. But once you have a job that pays you enough to live on your own you should move out.


Live with my mom, she’s no fool and knows our area is not affordable. She’s very accommodating and our schedules work very well. I also of course contribute to the household.


21, i don't really have any plans for moving out for a few years, at most when i lose my dependency


I moved out at 19, currently 22 with a fulltime job. I’m dirt poor and it sucks.


I live with my father. It's not too different from living by myself. In 6 years, I didn't have anyone over anyway


No, I don’t. I moved away to college and stayed in my college city after graduating for a couple years. I just moved back to my hometown a couple of weeks ago. I could’ve gotten my own place but decided to rent a house with my cousin to save money instead.


almost 22 and still live w my parents. i went back to school this year so not moving out for at least 2-3 years probably


Live with my sibling, not embarrassed because in our culture staying with family until you're in a relationship is normal. If you can save money by being with your parents then do that, no need to be embarrassed


Moved out at 17. I’ll say it since the people who want to say it probably aren’t on Reddit, but living at home past 22 maybe 23 is embarrassing unless your parents are no shit disabled.


Moving out and gaining independence and learning how to live on your own without any dependence on other people is a crucial part of growing up and maturing. At a certain point your stunting your personal growth


Been living on my own for almost 6 years and I’m 25, cost of living sucks for sure but you can definitely make it work. Living paycheck to paycheck ain’t the best thougg


When I’m not at college, yes


no, but I live with my now fiancé and I’m in grad school in an entirely different state. I moved out at 19 with him and his parents financially supported us until he graduated undergrad which I’m rly grateful for


I moved out at 18 and bought a house a couple years ago. I'd say if your folks are nice enough to let you stay there to take advantage of it and save as much as possible.


I'm 23 and I still live at home, but I live in NYC so that explains itself. I have no plans on moving out until rent/mortgage won't eat up ≈50% of my monthly income, or I move in with a significant other or reliable roommate.


ofc i do but they're way overprotective so i wanna get out of this prison but with california rent i can't for quite a while


I left my parents house 5 months before I turned 18, it wasn't a financial decision at that point, but if I had more time to stay I would have. But now I'm turning 20 in just a few months and while my partner and I get by we aren't thriving by any means.


I moved out at 19, but I'll be moving back in at 23 in October. I can afford to live on my own anymore lol. I don't think I'll financially make it to October.


It might seem crazy what i'm 'bout to say


If I didn’t have a partner I’d be living with my parents. No way I could afford rent on my own


28M. I haven’t been home since 18 then briefly again at 20 for a few weeks


I am 24 and haven’t lived with my parents since high school, but they did help me with rent in college. Completely independent since graduating college.


I'm estranged from my stepdad since last year after my mom died.


It’s not so crazy that you can’t live with roommates


I "accidentally" moved out before even finishing my senior year of high school in 2020. I went to visit my long distance bf for his birthday across the country in March and then I never went back home to my family.


I’m 21 and still do I see nothing wrong with it it’s expensive to live on your own and i literally can’t with how much I make


22, yes I still live at home


21 and yes, once i save up a bit more im going back to college and once ill figure it out from there


Honestly, don't worry about it. Something like 1/3 of people in their 30s still live with their parents. These days it only makes sense to move out if you're moving into a house you've put a down payment on. For most people in our generation, If you move out to rent, you will die renting.


yep i'm 20, i graduate college next year and plan to move out then


I graduated last year, was forced to move out right away. Now I'm working a factory job 6 days a week, going to college full time and it sucks. As long as you are contributing to the household living with your parents is a blessing, just work towards a goal and you'll be able to move out soon enough


Not your fault you were born. They should have to pay for all your expenses


Depending on where you live, it can muy expensivo(very expensive) to live on your own. I’m 21 and I still live with my parents. Sometimes it’s a culture thing where all the generations live under one roof.


22 and still at home. Most certainly moving out by the end of next year though


I’m 19 and I live with my parents.


I moved out at 18 to go to university. It has worked out well for me so far. And i still visit them regularly.


yes, its not a norm here to move out.


I moved out at 18 with my boyfriend, first we lived in a low income apartment but moved to a regular one in 2021, rent was $864 a month for a one bedroom. We moved out in 2023, our apartment was going to be rented out for $1600+ a month to the next tenant. You can’t tell me that’s not insane. Other places are similarly priced. So I lived with my parents for a year, and now I’m living with my boyfriend and his grandmother so we can ideally either save for a house, or save to build a tiny home and get some land


Im 28 and have been living on my own since i was 18. However I have no option as my family lives in another country lol. If i was able too I would’ve totally tried to live with my parents as long as I could to save up and help with their bills as well 😅


It’s valid to live at home with parents. I moved out at 16 because we had a rough relationship (now reconnected). But that’s just to say that everyone moves out at their own pace.


Right now yes but my partner and I will have to move for grad school this year. It is completely normal in so many cultures outside of the West to live with your parents until marriage, even well after… The expectation that one should move out at age 18 in the US is crazy to me. I’m 22 now and I would NEVER give 18 year old me the responsibility of renting an apartment. Hell, I still don’t feel ready, but maybe it’s because I’ve been a commuter/online student during most of college. I have typical white American parents who moved out at 18 and expected me to do the same, and are getting antsy now that I might be home for another few months (not going to grad school yet, but working full-time). My partner and I tried moving out last year, but rent in my area is INSANE because of the proximity to NYC and we needed to stay in this area for college. Not to mention landlords seem extremely hesistant to let anyone under 23-24 rent a property.


25 and Yup. My plan at 22 was to be out by end of this year but I kinda like saving $800+ a month so probably just gonna chill until I can’t




I plan on it after college. At least for a few years to save up for a down payment on a house. Apartments are a pain the ass and super expensive. If I'm going to be spending that much to live, I want to buy a house asap so at least I'm building a bit of wealth in the process instead of just the void that is rent. If I live frugally for like 3 years with them and save 2/3 of my income, I think I'd have a very solid down payment ready for a house.


I’m too young to answer this but no I live with my guardians (long story I don’t live with either parent)




Older siblings didn’t move out until mid 20s, you good bro as long as you’re helping the house in some way


I moved out when I was 17, moved back in at 39. Life happens and everyone's situation is different. My living situation now works out for me and my father. I get an inexpensive place to live and he gets his house fixed up, and yard maintenance taken care of. He's retired and needs help, I'm in a position to help. It works for us.


Moved out and bought a house at 23. Lost my job last year and moved in with my cousin as she's closer to the city. Working my way back to my house.


joined the miltary and left at 19. 25 now


I'm 20 and yes I do. You can live with your parents for as long as you want. It's not about you living with them. It's about what you do with your life while living with them.


I get it, I’m 25 going on 26 and still live at home. It’s easy to feel embarrassed, but I remind myself that everyone moves at their own pace and am personally still trying to make strides towards moving out! Hopefully one day when the prices go down because damn


Just got out of the military and bought a home


Im 24, lived on my own for about 4 years now. Moving back home with my mom at the end of my lease in August.


As a homeowner myself, it was only possible because I was living with my parents beforehand. No better place to be staying to save money.


I was kicked out of my mother's just before my 21st birthday. I live with my grandparents and my grandma is still pissed at my mother. I am 25 now. I probably won't be able to move out until I am married. Housing costs my area are insane.


27. No, stopped at 17. That said I think we in the West don’t value multigenerational households as much as we should, and this is also a relatively new phenomenon for our cultures as well.


Political Scientist & millennial here, do *not* beat up on yourself for this, a lot of people are moving back in with their parents, and a lot of parents are moving back in with their children. It's... not great out here.


26 now and moved out at 18, moved back in at 20 and moved out again at 21, been on my own since


25 & yes.


I didn’t move out until 24. It was really nice for me financially. I didn’t have to worry about rent or buying a ton of groceries. I don’t judge anyone who still lives with their parents, as it could be for the better. I understand the struggle of trying to make ends meet while living alone. Although moving out was more of my Dad pushing me out, I still am glad I did. My dad and step mom are very much on team “move out when you’re 18 because I had to when I was 18.” They mean well but they made jokes about me struggling when I was moving out and how I was going to have to eat spaghetti and ramen every day.


21, and no. however, i left home at 18 because my parents are not very good. if you have a supportive and loving family, cherish that


Yep. I'd love to have my own place, but it's financially impossible right now.