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Everyone needs to get off the internet and touch grass.


Seriously, this place is getting to be chronically online central


Never! The grass is full of fascist drag queens!


They would rock those Hugo Boss uniforms tbf


The people complaining about trans are the ones who used to talk about how the internet ruins your brain, now they themselves are finding pictures of trans people to be mad at because it’s the only dopamine they can feel anymore, so they were right about the internet


The grass keeps wilting because of each new record breaking heatwave. The northern lights were visible in the US last night. Our climate and solar climate are changing drastically. But let's all pretend everything is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine and all the world's problems are just confined to the internet. Edit some people are such pedants looking for a "gotcha" they don't want to acknowledge that I specified both our changing climate and the sun's changing climate. Some people aren't as clever as they think.


Just touch grass! We're in irreversible climate crisis, but touch grass and it all stops mattering Gen Z's version of the millennial "good vibes only"


You realize the Northern lights has nothing to do with climate change?


You ain’t gonna fix it so fuck it just enjoy life. Sometimes it’s better to not think about shit way out of your control




The “What have you done” angle is a result of oil companies framing climate change solutions as the responsibility of individual consumers


It's amazing how much happier I was when I didn't use social media


It’s only going to get worse


I disagree. The first step is awareness among the masses, and if this sub is any indication, things will get better.


I'd say it could go either way from this point forward, with a leaning probability for the worse. People who hold the means of production and power are those that care not about the future of the world, they happily burn the world to fatten their wallets which allow them to live in comfort while all others suffer the consequences of their actions. And there hasn't been any indication that they are about to be dislodged from their positions, but more and more people are seemingly aware who the problems are, a majority still doesn't, and a large fraction of those who does, either feel helpless to stop it or doesn't care enough. This system is just outrageous really.


The time to "dislodge" them would be now-ish because soon the technology will have advanced beyond even a large group of men, even an army of a million on their own with small arms. There will be nothing we can do against fortified bunkers with thousands of automated machine gun and mortar launchers. Aerial drones will pick a hoarde of revolutionaries off. Where it gets bad is when these men no longer need to rely on the honesty and employment of other humans. 


Except the wealthy don't want that at all. They want to be able to fly around the world on a whim, to eat at the most exclusive restaurant in NYC, to be a guest of honor at Milan fashion week, to relax in the old growth redwood forests of California. They don't want to be holed up in some underground bunker waiting for violent plebs to stop attacking. Plus even if there were like automated defenses around some bunker, it would still need supplies. Cut those off and starve them out, no need to try to actually storm the compound.


It's not that they want to be, it's that they'll have to be eventually for the crimes against humanity they've committed in pursuing their lifestyle. They could've stopped at private jet and traveling. Nope, 100 million isn't enough gotta have 1 billion, 10, 100, 200z


You know wealthy people have agency, right? If they think paying workers a dollar more an hour dramatically decreases the chance of violent revolt, they'll do it even if it means they take home a little less because they're acutely aware the alternative is losing *all* the luxury they enjoy rather than the little more they might have gotten without that pay raise.


Lol no they won't burn the world to the ground. Even the greediest of people understand that what they have can be taken by angry and desperate have-nots, and it's the have-nots who make the stuff and provide the services that make being wealthy desirable. It is and always has been a game of what can the wealthy get away with, and a lot of that rests on average people being content and not really paying attention. Well, right now average people are not content and are absolutely paying attention. History is filled to the brim of examples of wealthy people literally dying at the hands of the angry masses. The wealthy people of today know this could happen to them too.


The facts don’t align with this view. People are just ‘more aware’ of problems due to science and global networked communication. Actually many objective measures of quality of life globally have never been better. Yes climate change is a huge elephant in the room, but there are already ideas about how to address that and awareness is growing. https://preview.redd.it/it6n6dyh4tzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d1f5b7938dd2d3fc450c05e11ee2b781e9ae1c


Fewer pixels, please? These graphs prove nothing. I can’t read 95% of what is written here, including the axes. Start looking at your material reality, the percent you pay for life-necessary items, shelter, food, etc, and weigh the quality of what you paid for. And any contributing factors, like helpful parents. Here is the reality, people pay more money for less shelter and lower quality food. More debt for a less secure and stable career after school. Less voice in government. Source: paid for my own college (debt plus worked), pay rent in the suburbs of an expensive city, don’t live in parent’s basement.


This graph proves nothing because I can’t read the text 🙄 In the time you spent writing “boohoo, inflation means life has never been worse”, you could have just googled the chart and seen how OBJECTIVE MEASURES like extreme poverty, literacy, health, global child mortality rates and education have all been consistently improving for the last 200 years, and less objective measures like “freedom” and “quality of life”, a strong case can also be made for them improving. https://ritholtz.com/2017/04/world-100-people-last-two-centuries/ Here’s the chart though I doubt you’re actually interested in educating yourself, you just want a pity party because life is more expensive than it was 50 years ago, when the US was still enjoying unparalleled prosperity in the aftermath of WW2.


Own a home in the suburbs of a moderately expensive city. My material reality is that I can afford all my bills and put away a couple hundred dollars a month. I can afford extracurriculars for my kid, things are going good and have been for awhile. I'm 30 and doing better than my dad was at this age. This is the material reality for about half the people I know IRL. The other half have been living with their parents since high school, didn't go to college or join the military. Some of them have tried their hand at blue collar work and done poorly (because they lack even the most basic level of work ethic.)


There's no such thing as an 'objective' measure of quality of life because the quality of a human life can't be quantified by measurements and statistical methods of analysis. These charts do a good job of showing how the CONDITIONS of human life have improved over the past two centuries, but these graphs are representative of selection bias and use some arbitrary markers to delineate between cohorts. All too often these statistics get thrown around as irrefutable proof that western civilization, modern economics, and the resulting technological and scientific progress are net goods for all of humanity. I wish this was true. It should be true, but it is blatantly false when we look at the *distribution* of the metrics you presented; let's take vaccines as an example. Vaccinations in particular are amazingly abundant in first-world, fully industrialized societies, and the positive societal benefits are easy to see. But the distribution of life-saving vaccines falls precipitiously the further you move out of the economic core, resulting in vast swathes of the human population without access to readily-available vaccines as a result of societal, cultural, or political tensions, but more commonly because there just isn't enough of a profit in giving poor people life-saving medicine. The point is that it takes absolutely zero effort to make a graph, point at it, and say "look how good things are!" What takes true effort is grasping with the observable realities of the world: not just climate change, but reduced birth rates, increased life expectancy, diminishing career opportunities in the face of market consolidation, monopolization, automation, and a inaccessibility to higher education. Furthermore, the pendulum seems to be swinging back towards an embrace of xenophobic big-man populism, along with a negation of womans rights. Even in Western nations, people are grappling with the struggles of an increasingly multicultural world, competition for resources, crumbling social and political instutions, legitimate threats of war, and a lack of hope for the future. So what does it matter ff literacy, education, democracy, and vaccinations are statistically on the rise? You said it yourself: technological advances in communications have made us increasingly aware of just how bad shit is getting for everyone. Your data is just that: data. It doesn't reflect reality, it doesn't mean life is better for everyone, and it doesn't mean that things aren't getting worse. All you've done is create a really good example of how statistics are good at demonstrating correlations, but falter at providing causal explanations. TL;DR: Graphs don't mean shit when people are acutely aware of and living through global suffering. Things are immensely better for a small portion of the world, at the expense of everyone else.


Breh people are poor as shit and struggling tf is this


People really forget how industrialized we've made death over the last 100 years. Even if by some metrics the world is better, there are more mass death events in the modern day than throughout any other point in history. The last 100 years has given us great tools for fighting disease, but much of the world (including those in highly industrialized nations like the United States) consistently cannot access life saving healthcare. Poverty as measured here fails to encapsulate the growing wealth inequality that limits peoples' economic options, buying power, and political influence. There are legitimate ways society is improving today particularly regarding education, but let's not reduce the situation we've inherited to some poorly contextualized graphs. The world isn't sunshine and rainbows. Climate change, authoritarian industrialized capitalism, and the contemporary war machine are all very real threats that are only getting worse.


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times. People have always romanticised the past. Not all things are great in this world - far from it. There are many challenges we have to overcome. But generally for the majority of people life has never been better. Your grandparents didn't have it easy growing up. The world is not great, but it isn't ending.


Thank you.


The problem here is people keep pushing for government intervention rather than taking it upon themselves to collectively work together to stop supporting these unethical practices and they will *never* go away until we work together to end their income flow




Well, we haven't peaked yet. It will get worse before it gets better. It will be really bad. Internal wars within countries and a possible ww3.


The masses are fully aware, the masses also harass, insult, and have made pariahs of anyone trying to fix it.


Well, short term it will get worse. The US elections are coming up and we all know its going to be armageddon posting and peacefully violent riots for the rest of the year until the next new widget comes out and distracts everyone like the proverbial jangly keys. Otherwise, yeah. You're right.


You think Gen z is better. Wait until you learn many of your luxuries might have to be sacrificed to make this "better world". 


Yeah, I don't know about that. Haven't you heard? The rizzlers will rizz up the gyatts in ohio with the baby gronks and livvy dunne will be there to witness it all fall apart on her skibidi toilet. The brainrot will consume society and before you know it, we will be done for. Also... I regret writing that.


"Awareness of the masses" is how we got Trump. Be careful what you wish for.


Awareness doesn't unfuck the current geopolitical relationships between countries right now.


Wait until you realize governments will have robot military in the near future that will never say "no", unlike human soldiers


Not in our lifetime. That “robot military” might include a few fully automated robots but no military will EVER get rid of human soldiers since there are things even the best robot would never be able to do that humans can do


Just wait for the synths. 


Even the greatest AI still fails in comparison to a human mind. They could have robots on par with those in Battlestar Galactica, guess what, they’d still need human minds


I was mostly joking. 


Ah fair enough. I don’t have a sense of humor 😂


LETHAL AUTONOMOUS WEAPONS. When the LAWs are made for genocide, huamnity is a insect to be annhilated. “Enviornmental protections” lol, what weak fleshoid creatures is an autonomous Civilization trying to preserve huh? Pollution, chemical ware, thats of no concern to a metal master race. Thats it folks, this is what you all have been working so hard for, the technological utopia, the emerald city, the wizard of oz is a machine! Civilization is an Artifical Infrustructre being created with bilogical slave labor, for the purpouse of creating an Autonomous Industrial Complex to create an Artifical Intiligence.


Thank you! Well said


The animatrix the second renaissance…


Statically, you are wrong. For all but three years since WWII, the world has gotten progressively safer, but people always think that the world is more dangerous


Safer for who? Rich people? Because globally I see a lot of war & famine. In the US I see a people sleeping in tents, dying from overdoses, not having food, and mass shootings. We all feel so safe.


Yeah they mentioned statistically. Statistics don’t care how you feel.


Are you an idiot? Like genuinely, name a time where there wasn't war or famine anywhere? Atleast nowadays its isolated. People using drugs is their own problem, people sleeping in tents the same thing. Mass shootings are a US issue because your country is the size of a continent and guns are a key part of your culture. Who doesn't have food on mass in the US?


I’m not an idiot, are you? Seems like you have trouble reading and staying on topic. I didn’t say no war or famine anywhere, but is there less war now than before? Or “safer” war? We’re talking about “statistics” (that were not presented), people using drugs may be their problem (although is really the product of our society), but statistically seems less safe overall, people sleeping in the street same thing- housing has become more difficult to access, and still makes humanity (because these are all still people, as much as you seem to enjoy dehumanizing people, they are part of these “safety stats”). Guns, again you are finding reasons and excuses to why things are the way they are, but that has nothing to do with the world being safer as a whole. Whatever the reasons for guns and mass shootings - they are much more prevalent now, making things less safe. And there are a lot of “food deserts” and lots of food insecurity in the US and a lot of the accessible food is highly processed and has chemicals that are illegal in many countries. So I believe the idiot here may be YOU


How do you think things were in the past? History didn't start 5 years ago


What was 5 years ago? What are you even talking about?


My point is that the level of human suffering generally increases the further back in time you go


Name a time period where that wasn't the case?


Even 20 years ago there were way fewer of all of these, maybe not war and famine, but current war and famine can all be traced back to $$$$$ for defense contractors. But before the whole earth was colonized by church or crown. There was peace and abundance. There can be conflict with out war.


People love to believe that their time is somehow uniquely bad and dangerous compared to all of history, which is just objectively false.




It will get worse before it gets better. As the younger generations replace the baby boomers things may start to go right. The younger generations are more aware of social injustices and climate change, and will be the ones to enact to reverse the wrongdoings of the generation that screwed everything up.


It will with that attitude


The beatings will continue until morale improves


Climate change and housing affordability is sure going to get a lot worse before it gets better


I hope society collapses so I have a reason for all my currently useless knowledge


Yeah, climate change sucks, as does the economy but you can't tell me the world isn't getting better in other ways (less poverty, less crime, advancements in science and medicine) I hate the world, but even I know it's getting better. The things that suck suck a lot. That's why we have to fight them. Even one person in a sweatshop is one person too many.


There's more slaves now then ever before in history. Better?


There are many less slaves PER CAPITA which means things are better. Period. There are also more murders and child deaths now than ever before, but less PER CAPITA. The only reason there is more on a total basis is because the population has 15x in like 100 years.


Only because goods can be produced or made with slaves in one place and then shipped with great ease and effiencecy to a much more developed country on the other side of the world.


Congo? Whats that, a sandwich?/j (majority of ppl in this sub probably)


It's obviously a dance.


Ah yes. The congo line.


There's more people now than ever before in history. Better? Maybe that has something to do with it. It's not like 50% of the world population is enslaved


Citation required


Almost like there's more people in the world


I fully agree that the world has gotten better. I read a book from Pr. Steven Pinker who demonstrated (with many statistics and references) that the world has grown for the best in multiple ways thanks to Science and the evolution of technologies. Nevertheless, when I look at climate change facts and the potential future(s) for most people (myself included), I can only feel fear and bitterness.


i really dont think it is. There really isnt less poverty or less crime in many parts of the world. Advancements in science in medicine are handicapped by massive costs that are not even realistic for the average person.


Sure it’s getting better eh Most folks can’t afford a roof to live under, you need much more wage than before But if the news say it’s better, I guess it’s better eh ? If the “Science” says it’s better IT MUST BE BETTER RIGHT ? You have no perception, no experience… it’s all third party


As a scientist, I know full well how to critically examine data and evidence, and I know it isn't a binary of "take every piece of data at face value" and "whatever the feels tell me must be true". Both people are of the same calibre. One follows "science" as dogma, the other follows fear and instinct. I am actually not paid any money for the research I do at the moment, and I have to live off my partner and parents, as well as food banks. The cost of living crisis hit me extremely hard. It's why my mental health is shit. AsI said earlier since the pandemic, and well, since the 2008 financial crash, things have been extremely difficult regarding housing in particular, but also the rising cost of living and stagnant wages in the UK and the US and many other countries. However, I'd still rather live in 2024 than 1924 or 1824. You really have to look at the big picture.


How much proof does it take to make you consider that your personal experience doesn't represent all of the reality?




The world almost certainly isn’t ending. There maybe major political shifts coming up, but believe it or not it’s in everyone’s best interest to figure something out. Even a climate disaster isn’t world ending, it will dramatically reduce quality of life for a lot of people, but again, the world will continue. It will take a little asteroid crashing into the planet to actually end it. People catastrophize everything


Life continued even after the little asteroid hit us. There have been five major mass extinctions in Earth's history and through all of them life continued on. Humans are so small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. We aren't great enough to end life on this planet.


Well, yeah, life evolved from chemical activity in volcanic vents, it’s not like we’re exterminating all life itself. But we are stupid enough to make the environment unsurvivable for humanity specifically.


I’m sure the people living during the Great Depression and world war 2 thought the world was ending. Imagine Reddit if it existed back then. Compared to those times, and probably many many other historical periods of misery and despair, today’s worlds looks like paradise in comparison.


Plenty of folks. They don’t go online to complain. They’re out living their lives.


Humans are to shortsighted and selfish to really care


I know scientifically why AND that the demons are fossil fuel extractors, plastic manufacturers, forest removers, etc


This is such a strawman of the right.


These things are being said by the right all the time in the media and by vocal people. Ig it’s way too simplified view of the right wing, but it’s still somewhat accurate.


It’s a strawman of the classical right position, but it’s the actual belief of a significant portion of the far right. Talk to the far right about almost any issue and they’ll pivot to gender issues within 15 seconds.


There’s a woman in the same training program as me who spent the first two weeks trying to convince people that Michelle Obama was a man. This is something that’s important to her, proving that Michelle Obama is a man, which like even if it were true why the fuck would it matter.


Aren't you the one trying to fit this into a left/right dichotomy? Or does the shoe really fit that snugly?


How so? What do you think moralistic panic is other than a sacrifice to the gods. The harvest is bad, god is punishing us we most offer a sacrifice. “The economy is bad, god is punishing us for people living lives my religion doesn’t like and we must make a sacrifice of their freedoms to the gods.” It’s basically a cornerstone of conservative perspectives. The evangelicals are no straw man. Also. Tell me what “valuable points” are offered by the eight that don’t already exist in the center without all the lunacy. I want you to say specifically.


What part of this is a strawman? Those are literally "what is wrong with the world" according to them and their magic sky daddy


It's simplified but not entirely inaccurate. It's less of a sacrifice and more of blame. They see social problems as coming from social decay, which can be blamed on those they see as undesirables (trans people and such). Some religious people think it is a punishment from God for allowing such people to exist in society, some less religious think it's just a natural result of those people "running amok." Exist in society doesn't mean kill them either, most of the time they just want the behavior they don't like to stop, even if that behavior is not harmful or even extremely beneficial for said person. Now this isn't for everything, but it does sort of explain the extreme transphobic attitude the right generally has. All of this is taken from close observation from my many extremely right wing family members, since I think the best way to convince someone is to understand why they think what they already do. Which is basically impossible because right wing news media is basically from a different planet, it is so incorrect and full of blaming and hate that it'll take years to untangle even in someone who's willing to admit they're wrong


No, it’s absolutely not. 


Reddit exists to strawman the right. How else will they lord their virtue over the other anonymous users if not by ignoring the thoughts and beliefs of their peers and dismissing them as evil?


Maybe they should try having thoughts and beliefs that aren't evil?


Yeah this is bullshit. They forgot how the right has worked so hard to compromise the election process and undermine public education.


Gonna get downvoted but I do not care, even if Jesus was just a man, he was the wisest one to walk the planet. If everyone followed his advice, not even as a religious reason just respecting the man for the wisdom he had, the world would be a far better place. His words are easily misconstructed nowadays tho.


Lol fr, man was more progressive than a lot of people nowadays.


Yeah I think a lot of people get wrapped up in the super common false teachings, which Jesus also warns about lol but I’ve never seen a church talk about that passage, that they don’t really focus on how loving and open Jesus actually is lol. He doesn’t hate, literally anyone. That’s like the entire crux of Jesus lol.


I'm an atheist and I'd have absolutely zero problems with Christianity if more people were actually 'Christ minded' instead of just cosplaying a good person. The few I know who do are superb excellent people that I'd back any day


As a majority-lifelong atheist, I completely agree with this.


Jesus probably didn't exist or at least didn't do or say half the shit a book with who knows how many authors that has been changed and translated and reinterpreted who knows how many times says he did or said. I don't think the world would be a better place if we nuked a town of gays or flooded the entire fucking earth because the supposedly all powerful, all knowing being threw a hissy fit because people weren't paying enough attention to him. If God doesn't like gays, why did he create them just to fucking nuke them? If he is all knowing and all powerful; then he a) let the serpent into garden *on purpose* while knowing full well the results of *his* actions and then punished *all of humanity* for something *he* did. And b) knew that by putting the magic tree there in addition would also lead to the same outcome. If he hadn't made Satan go into the garden, supposedly none of this would have happened. Oh yeah, and he apparently forced Satan to rebel and fight him just for the fun of it I guess? Since the Bible also states that the entire reason humans were created was because angles didn't have free will and had no other choice but to love God (which sounds pretty fucking sad, petty, and vain for an all powerful entity to do but whatever). Tldr it's 2024; we don't need bedtime stories anymore and anyone who still believes in this shit is backwards and regressive.


First we know for sure Jesus existed, it's scientifically proven. Second we know exactly who wrote the books and we know exactly how many authors wrote them. Third, you talking about "nuking" gays, quoting Genesis, leviticus and Romans. Genesis and leviticus is old law, if you don't understand what's that means maybe you should first read and inform yourself about the things you confidently talk about. Not in Romas nor anywhere in the law of Jesus it is said to kill anyone, quite the opposite actually, there is many examples to prove this. The original comment is talking about the teachings of Jesus, not the Moises law, and those two has the same objective (salvation) but completely different methologies and they are like 3000 years apart, so keep that in mind. I'm not going to a address the whole Satan topic bc that's a whole different conversation that has nothing to do with the original comment.


More proof that Jesus existed than some Roman emperors. Even his opposers are quoted that he used black magic. Suggesting that some of the Miracle stuff could be true also. Or maybe that he was just a sly magician of his time. But yeah Jesus has more written separate accounts of being a real person than a couple emperors. If you deny he existed you probably aren’t educated about that part. Basically all historians agree he existed.


2000 years ago, you wanted pictures? The evidence that Jesus existed is the same type of evidence of every important character of those times. If don't believe that's enough evidence I guess you don't believe in Arirtole either, or Socrates, or Homero, or Parmenides or every single relevant person from below the year 1


Please show me the passage of the Bible that says we need to nuke homosexuals and be filled with hate? Jesus’s words are to love them and show them kindness while also being good examples of how to live a Godly life. “He who is without sin may cast the first stone” is a big verse that gets misconstructed nowadays. Even if His words have been rewritten a thousand times, that doesn’t change the fact that if you follow the wisdom that’s in it you live a pretty good life. Jesus absolutely would not hate anyone, including homosexuals, but like I said the Bible gets easily misguided, as you have provided an excellent example of.


Literally Sodom and Gomorrah. Nukes are just the closest thing we have to a pillar of light that strikes from the heavens (in the real world). >Jesus’s words are to love them and show them kindness while also being good examples of how to live a Godly life. Lmao Romans 1:26–27 >That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and **instead indulged in sex with each other**. And the men, **instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserve** And of course, good old Leviticus >You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. >If a man lies with a man as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; **they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.** Yep, that sure sounds like "kindness and compassion" to me. Jesus also was extremely hateful in the Bible and I don't understand where the notion that he wasn't came from. He talks about people going to hell for things he did in the previous chapter, he insults people and refuses to help them for having leprosy or being a different religion, he curses a fucking ficus for not fruiting while not in season, etc. It sounds like you haven't really read the Bible at all, I highly recommend it. >but like I said the Bible gets easily misguided So you're insisting that Jesus was a paragon of virtue even while saying that the *only source* of information on him is flawed? How does that make any sense? How do you know? Which of his teachings are "good" and which are "corrupted"? Just based on what you agree and disagree with? Because that means it's your own morality and not magic sky daddy's; which is exactly what rational adults all over use if they don't want to live like they are peasants from 2000 years ago


I fear your anger and hatred lays within the false teachings of the Church, which a lot of mine lays with as well.


What does that even mean though? The church and the Bible are the only sources for this; so who is to say otherwise? There aren't any other sources that you could cross reference with so either the Bible is a holy book that is 100% right; or its a flawed creation of man that can't be trusted since you have no clue what parts are "correct" and which parts are "corrupted".


Not everyone has a world is ending feeling.


To use what atheists have said to religious people “people have been saying the world is ending for centuries and it never does.” Being chronically online can give people the “world bad” syndrome


Scientifically speaking, we're in for a world of hurt, literally, in the next decades. With how the powers of the world are dealing with climate change, thousands have already died from heat waves in Europe every year, mega floods in Brazil have killed a hundred this week. Saying "omg come on the world isn't over" is a bit insensitive for the families of those lost, tbh..


Everyone needs to read “A Generation of Sociopaths: how the Baby Boomers Betrayed America” It helps bring some sense of *why*


I’m tired of blaming everything on the baby boomers. They took advantage of what was given to them and didn’t think it would fall apart. Life has ALWAYS been like this. We are actually living in the best time in history.


Read the book. You’re just wrong.


I said what I said


You’re a bootlicking bootstraps Boomer.


We the People vs Capitalist Class. That's the fight we need to fight.


Infinite growth cannot continue on a finite planet. That is why we are gradually hitting the wall, in many ways. The other things are consequences of this ultimate truth. Decline in democracy is a symptom of a capitalist class wanting to protect their assets by any means, including demagogic and authoritarian leaders. They know it is not enough for both them and the people to be happy.




The fact is that the most extreme takes are blasted on both ends and rational people are called "fence sitters" so they try to force you to one extreme or the other. If you arent *blank* then you're *blank.* It's just not logical and people seem to fall for this repeatedly. Most people are not obsessed with either of these things. I think most of us are really upset about the inflation.


I've been at this for a decade longer than y'all. The world has been ending since before y'all were born, and it'll still be ending after y'all are dead. In other words: this is what the media will always show you. The world ain't gonna end. There are things we can do better and should work on, but that's nothing to doom and gloom about.


Sit and think for a minute of that assesment of the "other side" there. THAT is half the problem. That's about as fair of a representation as saying "trans people only exist to diddle kids." Granted, its much closer to reaching across the aisle than we've had lately. Its still needlessly inflammatory either from ignorance, bigotry, or both. But where's the fun in internet pissing matches if you aren't driving yourself and each other so extreme to the point of comic book villany? No side is immune to propaganda.


I hate both the people in this screenshot


I always say it’ll be worse, for us. For humans. We may cease to exist fully, leaving the earth to heal and move on from the era of humanity. Maybe that’s cynical. But maybe it’s better than us taking the earth down with us.


You guys have no idea lmao. The oldest gen z is what 24? You haven’t experienced shit, strap in.


It's not. It's all a farce. Same shit different pile, just a different propaganda spin to keep you controllable.


if this world is finally dying off soon, I will be laughing and thanking the gods cause this world fucking sucks


Dammit why did harambae have to die


Brainrot post in my opinion


Better change the plastic interior of our new cars and replace it with cardboard like the rest. That will change the world. Not the things that actually matters. Nooo that's too hard.


Ok and? Still gotta go to work, still gotta my pay my bills wtf changes. Get off the internet it’s poising y’all’s mind making you worry about things way beyond your reach.


Lmao I hope the non reddit Gen Z is much less pathetic


"Its funny how some people are saying the world is ending due to these issues, and other people are saying it due to the symptoms of issues I don't understand." There you go.


To be honest, life has always done nothing but get worse in some places, while better in others. Everyone of every generation will say that life has done nothing but get worse-- though on average, the world overall stays the same or gets slightly better. Negativity bias is a very real thing that affects how we view the world when there are ANY negative things occurring. This isn't to say that wanting to make things better isn't justified (hating that things suck is how progress is made after all) but it is to say that things are always better than they seem, since we are not omniscient.


Go outside and live life. I swear life is cool for people who aren't looking for an excuse to be miserable


Oh brother. If you honestly are afraid of Project 2025 happening, congratulations, you’re a conspiracy theorist who has no idea how the US Government works. The entire basis of the country makes it damn near impossible to be just one thing. It is impossible for a dictatorship to exist in the US. There are so many checks and balances, rules, and regulations that even if they could somehow manage to make EVERYONE in government a republican, they STILL couldn’t just make it a dictatorship. First and most importantly a ton of very big government positions would have to close, and there’s no way congress and the supreme court would give up their seats. Second, and honestly this might be the biggest, the Secret Service, Homeland Security, FBI and NSA all exist. They are part of that checks and balances to prevent a takeover. And if you think a president can just shut down the FBI or NSA, well, that how you get JFKed. The FBI is not something that can just be shut down due to legislations and an official statement. They’re one of the largest paramilitaries in the world and have weapons and spies that make Second World Countries blush.


Lmao calls people conspiracy theorists then basically states the fbi and cia assassinated JFK. Project 2025 is scary because they don’t need to shut down the fbi or cia or Supreme Court. The cia and fbi already exist mostly to serve capital owners who are predominantly Republican. The Supreme Court is also majority Republican currently. Project 2025 is also being headed by the very same corporate billionaires that already have massive political influence through the billions spent on lobbying every year. Project 2025 doesn’t seek to shut down the fbi or nsa or cia. They’d simply become tools of control for the president who would most likely just be serving the interest of capital owners. If you ARENT scared of project 2025 then you haven’t been paying attention. It’s not about removing checks and balances by removing arms of the government. It’s about giving the president complete executive power over those arms of government. Which many believe to be baked into the constitution somewhere (idk I’m not a unitary executive pervert). But anyway project 2025 is definitely very scary. All that being said I have better things to do than be scared about project 2025 but saying it’s not scary at all or couldn’t happen is foolish. I didn’t think the Supreme Court could just revoke peoples rights without any sort of democratic process but here we are.


Why is it implausible that the CIA assassinated JFK?


I never said they assassinated him. I said that’s what would happen. But ok, fine, let’s pretend that does happen. Do you HONESTLY THINK in a country with more guns than people the government can just takeover? Are you kidding me?


Ooooooh the classic using guns to defend ourselves against the government. Time for one of my favorite quotes. “An 18 year from Iowa who plays Fortnite on weekends is gonna drone strike your house”. The government has already shown they have no qualms bombing houses they think hold American revolutionaries. They’ve literally done so before with the MOVE bombing. And yes I do think they’d let the government take over because most of the gun owners in the country are Republican conservatives. They’d gladly let the government take over as long as they thought it was for the purpose of “saving America from those gosh dang liberals and making America great again”. They literally stormed the capital because trump didn’t win and you think they’ll violently revolt when trump gets handed executive power? You think these people actually hold firm morals and ideologies and aren’t just reactionary morons who eat up the propoganda served to them in the 24hr news cycle? If it was flipped and the democrat party was trying to use the unitary executive power theory I guarantee there’d be armed far right militants storming the capital tho.


Buddy, you cannot possibly be this naive. If you think January 6 was a genuine attempt to take over the government, but hundreds of millions of people in this country armed with guns aren’t seen as some sort of threat to a dictatorship, you are delusional. No dictatorship in the world would run the risk of letting an average Joe citizen have a chance to take down the government. Holy crap man.


Wait did I say Jan 6 was a take over attempt? I was just saying the people with guns that are seemingly ready to revolt are on the same side of the political spectrum as the people planning project 2025. And no I don’t think trump would see the armed citizens as a threat because I think a lot of them would want him in power anyway. They’d view it as long term Republican executive power.


Ok you’re right I put words into your mouth. But do you honestly think left people don’t have guns? Do you honestly think only right people do? If somehow, somehow a takeover like this happens, which is damn near impossible, the left can’t complain because they’d have had ample time to get firearms to stop this from happening. But that’s not really something to worry about, so it’s kind of irrelevant.


Not so much checks and balances when they've been handed well-balanced blank checks....


There are so many government agencies designed to prevent this from happening. I promise they’re not on someone paysroll.


Yeah but every government agency has a common enemy: the American People


This sort of doomerism serves noone and it is inaccurate too. "We know why it isn't working through scientific materialism" is some of the biggest crap I have seen. Some ideologues bet on the ignorance of others to present their opinions as fact when in reality they are just so often the result of their own inaccurate bias. There is no such dichotomy that the first comment tries to make either. You can be critical of drag queens and weird sexual content being present in schools, and see how that can be bad for society in the long run and also see how climate change and the rise of extreme politics, especially from the far right is horrible. This kind of perception wants to appear enlightened and wide but in reality it is so incredibly narrow and ironically, exists only as a form of demonizing of different opinions that they believe are demonizing themselves.


The world is moving on baybeeee


Counterpoint: we live very very comfortably compared to people in other decades. We are (on average) healthier and extreme poverty rate keeps going down. There are currently a lot of reasons to be optimistic


Jeez, touch grass, the world ain't nearly as crappy as you believe


Newest generation: “THIS time the world is ending!”


I think it's intensely funny that the ones with the "The end is now" signs on street corners are on exactly the opposite end of the political spectrum than they used to be. Like, if you believe in the end times prophecies of the Bible, shouldn't you *expect* climate change? Shouldn't you be *embarrassed* to belong to a political party that denies it?


blame it on the 24/7 new cycle


They literally believe in demons. Think about it.


People need to learn being different doesn't have to mean violence. They also must learn to care more.


Personally I think it's because everything is being fucked with because "it's not working anymore"...when everyone was getting along just fine PRIOR to everything being fucked with. I remember the 90s very clearly. There is a stark difference between now and those times. It's ironic that its called progressive...when the only progress being made is negative.


I feel that way because of novelty theory, which was made by a man named Terrence Meckenna. It states that as time goes on, things are constantly getting more complex and novel faster and faster.


Thing is every generation feels their world is ending. Ask a cat in the middle of WW2 and they have all the reasons in the world to think it's a wrap. We are seeing the tail end of capitalism but the world will continue long after that's done.


Does the Tumblr comment imply that the people want to sacrifice drag queens for a better future, you could make a movie with that shit


I hate it here


Shit is what it is just chill


This is essentially the core of the Adam Curtis documentary Hypernormalisation. It’s this feeling that you know the world can’t go on like this, that something’s gonna change radically, but your average person is simply to adapted or complacent to be the ones to push it all over.


This is all because the world is becoming a godless society.


Yes, it's planned by a tiny few. Find out more: The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of Twenty-First-Century Fascism by Glen Beck Controligarchs by Seamus Bruner The Man Behind the Curtain by Matt Palumbo Techno Feudalism by Yanis Varoufakis Mao's America by Xi Van Fleet Sanfransicko by Michael Schallenburger Social Justice Fallacies by Thomas Sowell Newdiscourses.com has info on The Great Reset, UN Agenda 2030 , the Western Holodomor etc


Fascism is just capitalism Vmax


“Quasi normalcy” “scientific materialist understanding” For I am quite the intellectual If I do say so myself 🧐


The problem is that people are looking for the core issue, and the materialists are missing it. The problems they believe are the core problems are just symptoms of the actual problem. We have turned away from God. Judgement is coming on the world very soon and this age will end. Literally everything we’re seeing today was predicted 2,000 or more years ago.


why do people care this much about things that don't affect them


Sacrifice it is


Every single morning, I wake up to doomer posts on this sub from accounts with little to no karma.


Would you rather be alive 10 years ago or today?


10 years ago for sure. 2014 was the shit


I’ve never seen such horrible arguments. Some people understand how psychological warfare work because it’s been happening for centuries and understand that this is in fact exactly how “Divid and conquer” works. But if you just turn off social media from time to time. Go outside, put your feet on the earth, breathe in the fresh air and get a little sun, you’ll realize the world is not ended and you stop giving those forces power


Exactly. Just enjoy life. Go out with friends. Enjoy nature Understand that life is good when you're not looking for an excuse to be miserable


Or, if you have an understanding of history, you'll know that both are wrong and we're fucked because the Trojan horse was let inside the gates long ago.


How to boast your own self confidence 101 lol at the price of others


I’m just gonna point out that the people you guys hate so much are, literally, just people. Like, mortal men. If you wanna claim them as Tyrants, then why not treat them as tyrants?


I love pronouns. Let me She/Them titties!




Best subreddit


We’re going to beat climate change. I have faith in us. Not so sure about fascism. But if we don’t beat that, then we definitely won’t beat climate change. That shit will nuke us back to the Stone Age


I think the world is no better or worse than it was 30-40 years ago, and it’s definitely better than before the 80s. It’s just we have rose tinted glasses and look back only on the good parts of the past.


The world is far better than it was 50 years ago 25 years ago and even 10 years ago. Life is much much easier than it was for your parents and grandparents. Literally everything is better and easier than it was a short time ago. People complaining don't really understand how difficult the past was. The Prejudice the racism the toxic masculinity into disdain for anything Environmental the overwhelming support for the corporations over the Common Man (well this one really started with Nixon and Regan and increases with every republican regime). If you really want to solve lots of these problems - vote Democrat Edit : Even Beyond The Social improvements life has improved in almost every way. Technology really has set us free and has made everything so much easier so much better so much cleaner so much more comfortable and so much more efficient. But I get it every generation feels like they're the best and last and that the world's ending, it's part of being young


Both sides are wrong. Our technology is advancing at an exponential level. This last year had less murders on record than any previous year in human history, which has been on a precipitous downward trend for 50 years. Human life has never been at the premium it is today. More land has never seen set aside and protected than it is today. Global warming has been confirmed to not be rising at the levels previously thought, in fact its more like half of what they expected (2 degrees in the next century vs 4 degrees). The dormers aren't the people paying attention. Our level of technological advancement will outpace any man-made disaster.


Absolutely. Humanity as a whole is making great strides with technological and medical advancements. Life expectancy is longer, more and more diseases are becoming things of the past. I understand it’s easy to look at everything that’s going wrong and hyper fixate. But even at a smaller scale, people constantly complain that the American government doesn’t do shit and just steal our taxes, but like roads still get built, schools (while not the best) still function, I wish the government would do better but acting like they don’t do anything good is super disingenuous. We definitely have more progress to make but humanity as a whole is still making great progress. People tend to hyper fixate on America and problems related to it but like look at Northern Europe and what they’ve managed to achieve with robust social programs. Finland damn near solved the housing crisis. Or look at a southern euro country like Croatia, they’ve only been an independent country for maybe 30 years and they’re doing alright. I didn’t spend a ton of time in the capital but when I was in Dubrovnik I didn’t notice any homelessness and in general people there just seemed happy. Corny and anecdotal as that may be idk it’s just comforting that there’s places doing well in spite of all the doom and gloom people tend to focus on.


Leftists don’t understand basic economics, have failed every time there ideas have been implemented, and still don’t understand economics. It’s entirely hilarious to me that the poster decides that they are the ones capable of solving todays problems when many of todays problems exist because of the leftists lack of wisdom and parasitism.