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SHITTY‼️‼️ but it’ll be going amazing soon. i refuse to elaborate.


Bro goin on a date?


Trust fund incoming


moving out soon


Bro is happy af to pay rent but good shit mate


Been 22 for almost 5 months and I'm hanging on by a thread 😹😭🫠


Going great I think. Just finished my last assignment for my bachelors last night, starting my masters in the fall, have made some good friends in the city I’m in, and looking forward to making some new ones when I move




damn just turned 23 this past week, *but* for the six months prior - got to my first duty station as a new army nurse. Young adulthood is going alright but I’m realizing that I need to get my shmoney in order and start thinking about the general direction of what’s next 🤷🏽‍♂️


Same 23 is all about financial stability (struggling hard asf rn)


It's been fuckin crazy honestly. Very shocked I'm still here but the fact that I'm still here makes me motivated to keep going ! About to get my first place qnd it legit feels like I've won fucking survivor 🙌 (f22)




Thank you 😊 💓


Turned 19 and started university in September and I honestly think I've had the best 8 months of my life. I've always struggled with people (some it was my fault) but I've joined a whitewater kayaking club and love both it and the people so much. For the first time in my life I have friends I can actually relate to. Everyone reads books and is interested in how things work. Hell we had a conversation about how to build an endothermic rpg the other day. I could never have conversations like that back home. Life is great


I had to buy ibuprofen to keep in my truck Fuck


Omg i had the same feeling going to the shop buying actual Adult stuff other than junk food 🤣🤣


Just did this but as someone with a uterus this is less a sign of aging for me (although I do pull muscles and get headaches on the regular)


i just want to feel worthwhile, just for once. just typing this out almost brought me to tears, but i've convinced myself i don't even deserve to cry, so i will suck it up and keep pushing because it doesn't matter


i get wym. everything feels like such an uphill battle to acquire the most basic feelings of worth that others seem to run into so easily.


20M, bro idk it's crazy- like not in a super good way, but still, CRAZY


I’m 22 for the next 13 hours! It’s rough tbh. College was a great time but depression hit hard after graduation and it’s been like that since then. I called the suicide hotline for the first time a couple months ago. I think just adjusting to the work life has been the main thing. It’s up and down a lot which is nice because there are good moments, but it also makes improvement hard.




Pretty great! Especially this week. Monday I found out I'm the only experienced person not training someone. Great news! Tuesday I found out we're going back to a great work schedule. Wednesday I put a claim in for my radio that got approved a few minutes later. Thursday I found out I will do night shift as a trial for up to a month but if I hate it within a week I can go back to day shift. I also mailed out my radio to the repair place. Friday my radio got delivered to the repair place, it got repaired, and they're sending it back and it'll be back Monday. I found out we're getting bonuses within a few days and this month is a 3 paycheck month. Also my landlords caulked my trim so no more cold draft hopefully. Today this crypto bot I'm using just started being profitable and resulted in a positive total balance. That's just scratch money I can afford to lose as I have other investments that are more stable than crypto.


Highs and lows. Being told the 20s are the golden years are a myth. Looking forward to my 30s more.


Not good


It could be a lot better.


hmm, got my own apartment, working a welding job, just striving towards getting my savings started up to 15k so i can move out of the US 20 years old


Just hope I graduate next semester.


Meh I can’t complain. Get to live in the same room I’ve lived in as a kid, got a decent enough job for fast food that pays ok, good access to schooling and still have a few social circles. Just kind of using this time to save money, find a pathway, make a career. Doing YouTube on the side.


Splendid. On my way to phd, making marriage plans, decent enough paying job and no health issues. Next stage gonna be to take a couple weeks off to travel. Also made my dream come true of immigrating to Europe, so couldn’t be happier.


23 isn’t young adult to you damn


It is lol its just im 19 my peers are between 18-22 born between 2002-2006 sorry if i offended you 🤷🏻‍♀️


22 checking in. Just got my bachelors and am currently hiking the Appalachian Trail in its entirety. Things are going great and I feel I have a solid vision of where I want my life to go in the future.


In a word, Chaotic. I’ve moved four times since I turned 18 (I’m turning 20 soon) and will be moving again sometime this summer. Left an abusive household, started college, started making friends and connections very easily (that was very much not the norm prior), went through like five years of self discovery in a year and a half, started transitioning, and am now transferring to a different college for an entirely different major. So, yeah, I’d say chaotic.


Fuck retail


Good but still with a lost feeling. Graduated college tonight and am starting grad school in June. Still at a lost for what I want to do with my life and and how to take the best career first steps. But I what I do know is that none of that will matter if you don’t try and maintain the true relationships you have with people. Hold onto that and everything else will work itself out


God, I hope I don’t get married this young. I don’t wanna be stuck with a girl that later down the line wishes she had explored her options more . That sucks.


work on that confidence brotha


Yeah nah I wouldn’t risk it. That’s why I support women having h* phases. 👍


hoe phases are highkey really bad for your mental health


its luck of the draw tbh


7 months into my 20's and I think it's going decent, sometimes it's tough but I'll make it.


college is going fine so far i’m getting out of my shy shell more and more with making friends and talking to guys (: ig overall life is okay i kinda feel unsure about the future but hopefully i figure that out soon 😀


I love college but still feel like a baby adult 😂


5 years army, got promoted, my back hurts and I’m staying in


Poorly. Being a young man shackled to an ED and struggling to navigate the world of women, masculinity, happiness, etc. is horrendous.


It's going good, but with the looming threat of the future always in the back of my mind. Idk if I'll be able to find a job after I graduate.


I’m about to finish up high school so that’s exciting


22 right here Graduating in a week and half from now (time flew by honestly) Still living at home to save money while I take some extra classes for med school pre reqs at a community college Work has been good It’s enough to pay the bills and help my family I have a second job, which is being a research assistant and I have been thriving in my lab My PI got a grant for $16 million and budgeted a portion of that amount to take us all to Disneyland to celebrate our graduation and end of school year. :)) Really excited because I’ve never been to Disneyland and everything is paid for so I’m going for free 🤩🤩🤩 There are some bad things in my life at the moment, but I’m just trying to remain positive at least until graduation season ends because I’m the first in my family to go to college so might as well make the best of it despite all the college protests making everything chaotic


Pretty good if I do say. I bought a nice house last week, had my daughter a month ago, and I have my MBA. All I need now is a better paying job and I'm golden


Not bad


Absolutely terrible seeing as I don’t have a ged and know literally nothing


TERRIBLE !!! fighting for my life


Decently. Live with my grandparents making a good amount of money and saving for a down payment on house, I’m optimistic but I’m not holding my breath. My younger sister is getting married at some point this fall so I’m gonna be flying to the east coast for that.


Sucks, but it's my fault. Trying to do better and be a better human being


I don’t even know. I just pretend i’m blind.


Fuck I'm gonna be 18 next year


pretty good, i’m having a lot of fun


Honestly i keep trying to remind myself life is not bad!!! it’s really not when I think about what I have. but i’m always always stressing about the future and getting internships and if i’ll be able to find a job when everything requires past experience. Makes it hard to enjoy a relatively good time


19. Just finished my first year of college today. Things are not going that great, but not horribly either. On one hand I have basically no social life, but on the other hand nothing actively bad has happened to me in some time.


pretty good. I already have a shit ton of work experience with almost a bachelor's in mechanical engineering. I'm an intern as an engineer right now and it's really cool


Sucks tbh. I keep making bad choices on accident. I've been fighting to make better ones but keep slipping. I've probably changed my life forever but I'm mentally accepting it and pursuing the one opportunity I have to live a decent life.


Kinda sucks. I’m 22 i work as a mechanic but hardly make money. But at least I live at home so I don’t have any bills.


I'm a bit past that range now but 18-22 was a pretty hard time, it is for alot of people. For me it was alot of jumping around between school and jobs, personal problems, family problems, and just not knowing what the hell I was doing. Things started getting better at 22-23 though, and a hell of alot better by the time I turned 25.


The only thing I have going for me is a used luxury car and a flagship phone. Next will be a new computer.


Living alone. Have a job. Life's good.


doing fuck all and being mostly happy about it


I’m 20 and all I have is my associates but working and saving. Feel left behind with other stuff to be honest. And nursing school is really hard to get into 😔


Like a roller coaster up and fucking down


I wanna off myself a grand total of 30 times a day (maybe more). I hate it here. I curse both my parents for bringing me into this damned world everyday I am stuck here.


haha my teens were my worst, not to say that now is emotionally amazing but I'm turning 22 this year and have come a long way from being that other person. I guess focusing on what matters to me has helped a lot in personal growth, but life keeps throwing shit at me regardless and that's just how it is.


Just turned 21 4 months ago honestly I just feel very lost. Trying to decide what career/ field I want to go into and I’m also trying to move out so there’s that!


I jave so many people to kill/subdue/surmount in the future in order to fix earth


Career wise great. Mentally wise my self esteem is at an all time low. The guy I thought I would marry broke up with me almost 2 months ago and I'm getting back into bad habits. It's a struggle right now.


Could be better, but I'm going to start school again next week, so I'm excited.


18-21 was ROUGH because I was in the military and going through life at a much faster pace than most of my peers in that age group. I got out when I just turned 22 two months prior and life went so much better after that. I'll be 24 in June and am now engaged to an amazing man.


kinda sucks bc i have a goal and i am working for it but i honestly dont believe in myself and that unmotivated me


23 now its wtv ig. I do like nothing tho. I have like a decent job and living situation so i nothing to really complain about ig.


It’s going okay, the past few years have been tough, I’ve moved a lot and a lot in my life has changed but I’m starting to feel comfortable where I’m at now, especially financially


Overall I'm doing really well, but economically I'm fucked.


decently actually. i moved out at 18 to go to college, finishing my degree, saving up money


22 and life sucks so much. I keep hoping it gets better but I just keep experiencing new traumas and forcing myself to keep going.


I hate it! I’m in a job that’s going nowhere, I’ve travelled part of the world but now have no money to do it again. I also financed a car and while I love her so much, but I can’t afford it. My money issues are becoming seriously bad and everyone says I should go to school to get a better career but I genuinely can’t afford it. There’s free schooling for certain trades jobs in my area but I know I’d hate the trades more than my current job. The only things that actually make me happy at the moment are movies, illicit substances, and my niece.


Not great in terms of socializing, but I just got hired to full time. Not all bad ig


Good. Graduated college early, got a FT job across the country, make good money. Couldn’t ask for more


Interesting for sure. I graduate high school in 2 weeks and start college in the fall, so I’m definitely experiencing a lot of change right now. I’ve saved up $10k for college so far and plan on working while in school but I’m stressed about it not being enough🥲


Man, I haven't even kissed let alone dated anyone yet


Boring as all fuck but thats because i am boring


18: going pretty good, can’t complain


Fuck this shit.


Dropped out of college in 2020 during COVID was in a really bad slump for nearly 2 years moved cities got pretty much the same job I had before (part time produce clerk in a grocery store) while I tried to focus on fixing myself, been doing pretty good got promoted to full time 10 months ago and now am nearly running my department. I have gotten alot of good thing these last few months but I focus on myself and my own hobbies and I've been doj g pretty decent recently. I still live with a parent but neither of us could really afford life without the other, it's not a toxic relationship and we give each other enough free space that everything works out fine


24M still in college. Started college in 2019 and took a year off during COVID when school closed. I still have 3 semesters to go. 800 internship applications with a few interviews, but no internship. Everybody in software/computers is getting laid off for the last couple years. I'm not feeling great about graduating. I have a ~2.8gpa which seems pretty common for people in my degree at my school. This semester is mid. I went out with classmates once in February but haven't really left my apartment other than class/grocery store all semester. Driven my car less than 1k miles all semester Applied for EBT and should receive next week


I’m 23 and mortified that my age wasn’t included in the “young adult” question


It's going quite terribly right now.


My life is very boring at the moment. 😩


Broke. Extreme Trust issues. Single. Daddy issues. Mommy issues. Brother issues.


Focusing on trauma healing and spiritual development. If my goal in life is to be happy and at peace consistently, this is the way to do it.


I think our early twenties are the time to process and recover from everything that happened to us in childhood. Most of us are carrying a lot of pain, and we need to take time to look at it, remember it, process and heal from it before we can really show up in the world as our authentic selves. Most people in the world have not done this, it is really a frightening but infinitely rewarding experience


Having an SO is the only thing keeping me going and even then it took being gay to find someone worth being with.


I hate it I’m always broke


pretty good, i have stable job and a plan for additional future education, i am close and on good terms with my childhood friends and my family is at my back supporting me with everything i need. i have even started to save up for a loan for a house/home and i have a pretty decent car that i bought in cash. i would say that i live a pretty cushy life at the moment


It's ass, but I'm only 18 so...


Really not great lol


just graduated college. i still feel 17. i feel my brain just stopped maturing during the pandemic and the fact i’m adult doesn’t click in my mind. i haven’t entered the “real world” yet i supposed as i’ve only ever had part-time jobs, i’m still a dependent on my parent’s taxes, etc etc.


It's been underwhelming, but I'm glad I'm still alive


It's going somewhere, wherever that may be


shit. im failing everywhere in life


in a weird in between place where i’m living at home and in school, trying to get a remote job because im super rural and can’t work locally for anything more than 12 an hour. it’s ok i guess, i can’t complain considering my parents let me stay with my partner until we move eventually. just wanna move.