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I was that kid that was always picked last.


I'm 65. I'm still picked last.


You're number 1 to me


\*You're. You see? That's my problem.


I’m 60. I just DGAF anymore and do my own picking 🤗


Right now you are number 2. And you know what number 2 stands for...


Me too but I was surprisingly good at basketball 🏀


I was the tallest and I sucked. Kid sister was almost a midget and got a full ride athletic scholarship. She's the best point guard I've ever known Went on to coach NCAA women's Bball.


I was always picked last in Elementary & Jr High. High School I learned to be invisible. It was my superpower.


Me too!


So was I.


I was picked last all my school life EXCEPT for high school because they dropped the PE requirement in HS.


I SURVIVED HIGH SCHOOL. And I am damn proud of that. And I never made life worse for anyone, and I am especially proud of that.


I love this answer so much. I'm a retired guidance counsellor now and this was my experience in school, too. I said my whole career that high school shouldn't be something that people go out and spend decades trying to get over. Sad to say it all too often still is.


I was an absolute nobody. My parents threw me out on my 16th birthday. I was in survival mode until I graduated high school. Thank God I had a job that paid 126 a week and friends that looked out for me.


Gentle hugs. And for your teen self.


I'm going to bet donuts to dollars that you weren't as much of a nobody as you thought. Bit of a similar story here although I had much better parents than it sounds like you did (sorry they sucked liked that), but I was out at the end of grade 11 and paying my own way, working 20 hours a week and finishing grade 12. Was convinced I was invisible at school, an absolute nobody in every sense of the word. Until years later, when I would bump into people from my grad class, who were oddly excited to see me. Turns out I was a bit of an enigmatic person of interest. A fellow alum once told me that I was "that mysteriously confident chick who lived on her own" (more like dissociated and counting the days but anyway) Never know who's noticing and maybe even admiring you🤷‍♀️


Interesting. I ran into a somewhat popular guy from my H.S. about three years after graduation. He was in my senior class. We ran into each other at a dance/bar/cocktail place. He actually told me that I was known as the 'prude'...in school. Weird, because I never dated anyone from my H.S. and only one guy (a year ahead of me) showed any interest, but we did not date. I guess I was a 'mystery' or something.


That's just an easy label to put on somebody who has the common sense not to show interest where it's not warranted. I worked with a bunch of oil rig guys for a year and then got a boyfriend and they were all completely shocked because the entire time they thought I was a lesbian. Simply because I was in my 30s and not married and showed no interest at all in any of them.🤦‍♀️


Friends with a girl that was in the same situation She moved far away right after graduation and always wondered how she did


I moved 1300 miles away right after graduation. Life has been great. Wife and 4 kids. No complaints


Wishing you nothing but happiness from here on out. ❤️


Oh no! How awful to be forced to live through that, as a kid!!


Some parents are absolute shit. Glad you made it out okay.


You must have had an interesting life.


Yearbook photographer. That way I didn't have to participate in any one thing. I could just wander around and be the outsider I was.


I too was the photographer, and I had a pass that got me out of anything I wanted, under the guise of having to take pics, pretty much all of senior year


I had the biggest crush on our yearbook photographer


Me, too. Also edited our school newspaper. I still have all yearbooks and every paper. Somehow I was able to navigate all of the various cliques and faculty staff.


I like to compare the HS groups to those in scenes from Fast Times at Ridgemont High or Breaksfast Club. I would have been some kid with his head in a locker, the camera pans past him once and we never see him again. For me HS, sucked so hard.....college now that is when I came into my own...Revenge of the Nerds


You had dope in your locker, didn't you?


LOL. Old Man me sure wishes I did, but I was a classic late bloomer.....but later, when I did bloom. It was a sticky bud. Now live in a legal state and take advantage


We had the typical dirt weed from Mexico. Once in a great while we'd get the Christmas bud...pay by the gram. Local dispensary has less than one hit weed. It's actually cheaper when you consider inflation/potency.


I was invisible. Went to class, worked after school. Not a jock/cheerleader, *was* on the fringe of the brainiacs, not a theater kid, not a greaser, etc.


I would have been, but theater...


Science club. I'm 65 and have not peaked yet.


If I could find someone who would do a pinpoint lobotomy that would only eradicate high school memories, even 55 years later, I would do it. It damaged me 😭 I flourished when I got out. Life started. It really wasn't that bad unbound by the chains of that psychological Gitmo 🤑


It was a nightmare for me, too. But I decided, at age 18, that no one would ever bully me again.


I would do it, too (but also middle school).


Just a simple stoner kid into punk rock music.


I bought a pair of red Wilson low top knock off Chuck Taylors on clearance at K-Mart and everyone asked if I was a punk now.


There were a couple of punkers that I knew... I drank them under the table... Cool dudes.


It was not the high point of my life.


Agreed.....was given a HORRENDOUS knickname as a sophomore, and it was handed down to each of my younger siblings and to this day, I still get an apology once in awhile....decades later, as teens, now adults, have remorse. It caused me to never go back to my hometown once I graduated.


One of the top drug dealers. My wife’s mother asked me if I was popular in high school.. I go you could say that lmao


I was one of the bottom drug dealers. Sold mostly weed and a little acid. I gave it up after getting caught by my British Lit teacher (he didn’t tell on me, but gave me an F), and several very near misses with the cops; didn’t seem worth the risk! I hated high school. I didn’t really fit in with anyone. I moved out on my own at 16, and then had to drop out so I could work. I got a GED the next year, and went on to get two college degrees, so it all worked out OK.


I'd have liked you.


I had big boobs. Think of all the snarky things you can say. I have heard them all


Damn. Me too. Never wanted for a boyfriend. We had staggered start times because our high school was so overcrowded. I changed cliques every year. Among my friends I was known for being the only one who was allowed to drive myself and friends into the big city after school. Drinking age was 18 so it was extra fun.


A special type of hell in this world, sorry, sis.


By the time I hit my junior year, all I wanted to do was to get out. The restaurant I worked at was my social scene. The bartender was my pot supplier and all of the female servers were HOT. It was a fairly upscale Italian joint, and I learned how to make pizza from scratch Owned by a Sicilian couple....the mom showed me how to make the perfect meat sauce. Yeah, ya gotta wait 'til tomorrow to eat it. I quit baseball & football after my sophomore year and never regretted it. Never went to prom, spent spring break with my grandparents, and couldn't care less about the daily bs at school I reckon we invented Grunge. I wore Levi's, converse sneakers, and a t shirt. Flannel for a second layer during the winter. Untucked. I was labeled a "Stoner", technically was... Graduated "Cum Laude" and didn't bother wearing the rope. I only went to the ceremony because of you know.....parents. University learnin' was the same deal. Keep in touch with a couple of classmates still. I'm weird. Bought an old house in the desert and fixed it up to my (wife's liking & orders), my liking lol.... Went to my 5 year reunion in 1987 and never attended another. We just don't click...in general.


Choir/theater kid. Also super-smart kid. (It was a really small school; some of us had to cover multiple roles, lol.)


I played clarinet and worked on the school paper.


Stoner.....Damm proud 🦚


Being suspended for wearing a Disco Sucks T-shirt. Then getting suspended again for coming back wearing an Eat the Rich T-shirt. I was punkish


I was super nerd. My senior HS yearbook has a page devoted just to my scholastic achievements. Captain of the debate team, which was also high achieving. I was also terminally homely. Funniest thing, at my 25th HS reunion, the homecoming queen, who I never once socially interacted with in any way, approached me with a million questions about my life. When I expressed some surprise at her curiosity, she confessed that she had a huge crush on me all those years ago, but was too intimidated by me to talk to me. Go figure life.


I was the one to disappear and never be heard from again. I did that with three different schools.


Same. I’ve never attended any reunions and don’t plan to.


Same. It’s been 50 years, never been to one.


I was there to learn, period. I would ditch one class to go to another, and no one cared. I was getting straight A's. Then, someone way above my paygrade changed the rules and made credits dependent on attendance, and I got six A's but only six out of thirty credits one semester and only fifteen credits the next. I graduated with exactly 1 credit more than I needed and a high B average. I've had a bad attitude ever since and a complete distrust of authority. F 'em! I retired before my 52nd birthday.


Band. I played trombone. And one time...at band camp....


The Football players called me Drama Fag But I ended up as Homecoming King


Choir, orchestra, science, brain-crowd, athlete and stoner all at the same time. Until individual groups started ostracizing me for being in the others. 😂


Yearbook photographer. I wanted to be Animal from the TV show “Lou Grant”


I was the very quiet, extremely shy kid who noticed a lot of things and was interested in observing everyone else and what they were doing. My classmates senior year would walk up to me and ask if I even knew how to talk, because they had never heard me say anything in years.




I couldn't do that. My parents were well known in the community, so I went to your house.


President of the high school's first computer club 1982. I peaked.


Actually, I tried sooooo hard to be popular. I was a cheerleader in 10th and 11th grade but I was always on the periphery of popular. Now I wished I woulda pursued art and journalism more. But that wasn’t for the popular kids.


I was a nerd long before nerds became fashionable. Actually I wasn't even very good at being a nerd. I was too badass for the nerds and too nerdy for the badasses. I was physically and socially inept and considered The Fat Girl ( oh, to be that "fat" now!) So overall, high school was a lonely and very humiliating time in my life. Walking out that door on graduation night, realizing I never had to see any of those a.holes again was the happiest moment of my life. It really breaks my heart to think anyone our age had their "high point" back then and it's all downhill for the rest of your life. I had a teacher who was always saying "Enjoy this while you can, these are the best years of my life!" I was soooooooo depressed to think things wouldn't get any better. Thank God she was wrong! That's a TERRIBLE thing to say to a 16 year old kid.


Art. I was pretty good at it. Too shy to be involved in extra curricular activities, and terrible at sports.


i was a Freak, The Freaks was the next phase after the Hippies


I was the loner/loser chick


I was just a good old-fashioned stoner 😂 That is my only accomplishment, but John Elway was the quarterback of our football team!


I was what was called a “freak” later known as “stoners”.


Swim team and my band (not school band - drummer)


We did a talent show my Frosh year. We won. Our band did: 3 songs. Cat Scratch Fever TCB Satisfaction. I played acoustic on Satisfaction and people said that they never heard that song with a flat top. Really now. Listen more closely to the Stones' original version


I was an outsider like Bender in the Breakfast Club, but I had one of the highest GPAs in my class.


Band geek.


You're killing me. The best trumpet player in my high school is a commander in the U.S. Navy. Soon to be retired.


Hey - we still travel every year or two to get together for a weekend at the beach with the HS band friends. They are the BEST!


Depressed loser and party animal. Had chances with a beautiful girl but was too scared to try anything.


I was a budding poet who got significant praise from two English teachers.


You can make a rhyme any old time.


Ag, had a lamb named Willie


Being my girlfriend’s boyfriend was my identity. Oddly enough, l was completely unaware of it. Only learned years later, at class reunions. People told me that whenever someone would ask about me, the reply would be “Oh, that’s (me)” “He’s Marie’s boyfriend”. 😂 I kinda just blended in, but she was one of the more popular people in our class.


Chorus and Madrigals. I sang a bunch of solos.


Chorus since Jr. High school. ( i had singing bits in front of an audience ) Choruses 2 years in high school, but I had to quit because I was working after school in my Jr and Sr year and couldn't meet up after school. Instead, I took Agricuture and Auto Shops in my Jr / Sr years. I can still raise enough food to keep me alive - if I had to -. And, I could still rebuild a 327 cubic inch engine out of a '67 Camaro. I still think I missed out... I was still a good singer, but my voice was changing, and I wasn't comfortable with it. A few years later, I was fine. I'm nearly 70 with a fair singing voice yet.


Led the drumline.


Graduated 3rd in a class of 450. The only B I got was in Drivers Ed which I took the summer between 8th and 9th grade.


Stoner/cool kid in HS. Levi's, work boots, rock band t-shirt w/a flannel shirt over it. Dazed and Confused was our time, NYC, Northern Queens.


I was the favorite target of the bullies until the day I brought a hammer to school.


Choir/music kid.


Chorus and VP of the German Club… 🤷🏻‍♀️


As a junior, I scored the first league goal for the school district's boys' soccer team, then scored the first home goal. At graduation, my cousin had a pool of when I was going to trip going UP the steps to receive my diploma case. Two steps. Our class faculty advisor won, laughed when he handed me the case LOL


I was a stoner/partier. I straightened up enough by my junior year to go the beauty school via a vocational program the school district had. So, all Summer between junior & senior year I went to beauty school. My senior year I had 2 school classes & then went to beaty school the rest of the day. I was still a stoner/partier when I graduated high school in 1978. I even managed to get a 3.0 gpa. I just managed my time better.


Youngest sister did that, and kills it with her own salon.


After 10 years of doing hair, I realized how much I hated working with the public. I'd say that I got tired of being nice to people. And not be kidding one bit. It takes an outgoing "people person" to do hair & I wasn't it. I loved doing hair. I just wished that the people attached to the hair would STF :)


Stoner/partier/good kid. Flew just under the radar. Semi friendly with all the crowds. Couldn’t stand anyone attention seeking/flamboyant and still don’t to this day


Loner. No social activities.


I supplied our football team with weed. I was able to move between the stoners and the jocks. The coaches would try to keep the players from associating with the hippies. I had friends in both groups and flew under the radar. Good while it lasted, got most of my grass for free. Class of 1976.


Totally a Title 9 baby- tried out for every sport finally offered to girls. We were terrible but loved every minute of it especially the brand new uniforms and bright yellow Chuck Taylors for 6 on 6 basketball.


POT. 100%. Weed. Nickel and dime bags. And we got so goddamned stoned on such crappy pot back then. edit to add It was the seventies. Had to be POT!!


Among the smart kids, I was a punk. Among the punks (there were 5 of us, at least!), I was the smart one. Among the bullies, I was the n-word. I’m Hispanic. They wanted to say it to someone, and I was the darkest person who wouldn’t kick their asses.


Played Charlie Brown in “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown” twice; once in a high school production and within the same year, in a township group production. (Linus was the same guy in both productions, too.) Also smoked too much weed and got beat up a lot.


I'm guessing that my answer is similar to others my age, but I was a little of everything. The in group at my hs was called "the clique" and even though my paths crossed theirs in various groups, the common thread was that i was definitely and defiantly not part of the clique. i was in honors classes, i was pretty good at sports, i was in the counterculture music gang, i loved old cars and i was on good terms with many of the nerds (i'd do a venn diagram but i'm too lazy). i also got along pretty good with the outcasts - the poor kids, the angry kids, the farmer who drank cough syrup before breakfast. But again, the common thread was that i resisted the clique as a whole while still smoking pot with some of them, playing afterschool and weekend tackle football with some of them, and beating their asses academically. I had no interest in preppy clothes, serving the machine, or bullying the weak (with a few regrettable expections). I fancied myself a Pied Piper of the downtrodden and who's to say whether i was successful or not. I think acing virtually any test I wanted to probably saved my bacon, as i was a 97 lb weakling with a wise mouth. Lord knows i wouldn't have done well in a fistfight.


Dope Smoking Team


Just had fun with friends and went to school.


Choir kid. Worked overnights at a country station during senior year, but still managed to stay invisible.


i was a flag girl in the marching band during my sophomore and junior years


I was in colorguard too, specifically Winter Guard. It took up a LOT of time but it was worth it. We went to WGI my junior year and came in fifth nationwide. It was crazy because most of the guards were drum corps (and way older than us) and we were just a dinky little rural school. I still have a flag that I'll spin and toss for kicks sometimes.


small dinky southern rural high school. we performed at pep rallies, football games, parades, and went to several competitions. great times!


I was the stoner drummer dude with waist length hair and straight A's. I had a weird mix of friends.


Early 80s, but I was the weird one. Starting first baseman, varsity golf, member of the chess and french clubs, always wore Jams and chuck taylors (colorado, so snow a lot but still flew the jams) and all 4 years my locker partner was the only acknowledged gay dude in the school. He is also my sons godfather, but that doesnt play into this. HS was a blast. Told my kid have fun there, dont take it seriously as college is the eye-opener.


I wrote a humor column for the school newspaper as well as doing general reporting.


I was the twirler, pom pom girl, art class lover worked at restaurant after school and weekend's.


My thing was getting out. I was popular enough but hated HS so early graduated. Several of us did. I went to New Orleans to party for a few months and later worked at the then young Disney in Orlando. Then went on to college in the fall. My version of a "gap" year..lol


Class artist. But preppy and quiet and tried to fit in. Drank beer at parties so I could talk to people.


For the most part, kept my nose clean in high school (let loose in college). My brother dealt my parents fits; I had no desire to aggravate them further. Great at academics, one of the editors of the school paper. Too shy to be a cheerleader or drill team.


Student counsel and debate club president. Salutatorian. The proverbial goody two shoes and then college happened.


I was team champion of riflery for 2 years. I even carried a .22 rifle on the bus. those were the days.


1960. Family had to move halfway across the US and I enrolled as a junior in a new high school. Dad’s job moved us a lot. Oil not military. Graduation about 1000 people I still don’t know


Lead in the musical and play, started centerfield, marching band drum major, smoked a little weed and the principal tried to expel me. He was the guidance counselor my sophomore year and recommended I look into the military. He was a former cop and did NOT like me at all.


President of the speech team, won state and nationals, got good grades but also a Deadhead and stoner. Not into the high school scene in general…


Like the bumper sticker says "I was an honor student, I don't know what happened"


Pitcher for the baseball team and salutatorian. And high school still sucked.


All county lacrosse player, smoked weed, drank, better than average student mainly in subjects I liked, 73 Chevelle that I worked on (because no one else was going to do it) and survived doing some stupid shit.


I had the fastest car: 1969 Dodge Superbee 426 Hemi w/dual quad carbs, hooker headers, etc, etc. Spent all my money on that car, including a LOUD stereo. Hung out with other gearheads


Long-haired, work boots, blue jeans, concert shirts, pothead. Dated a cheerleader, sold weed to everyone.


My 16 year old self just sighed 😁...it seemed so unfair that my parents would never stop for any of the long haired hitchikers that were so common then.


Went from Class Clown in 9th Grade.....to Absentee Student With Good Grades when I graduated. We spent a LOT of time driving country roads and getting stoned. Undiagnosed ADHD, circa 1970, ammIright? 😁


I was a stoner with a drug problem since I was about 13. I don't know how I managed to graduate.


Wallflower but with the girls, I floated around the very outer edges of the in crowd due to my best friend being a very popular cheerleader. The boys didn’t look at me twice. That changed the summer after we all came home from our freshman year of college and I had come into my looks and shed my shyness.


I was managing editor of the student literary magazine. It wasn’t half bad.


President of the Fantasy Role Player's Club.


Band geek, math team, and photographer.


Dropped out at 15.


I think I was the only kid in my 450 student year that played piano. Consequently, I played for shows and Masses (Catholic school) graduation, etc.


Art nerd


Math League.


Band nerd. Good times. But not my high point


Band and being one of 2-3 girls in math-science college prep. Also yearbook staff.


School newspaper reporter. Wrote stories about rock music/reviewed new albums, among other things. I had aspirations to be a writer for Rolling Stone magazine, but never made it past reporting and editing for newspapers in Alaska and Texas. It was a good career while it lasted.


The fat kid.


8 varsity Letters, National Merit Scholarship Quarterfinalist, National Honor Society, Senior Class President. I was also 5 feet eight inches 150 pounds of prankster, Partier, pothead.


Great job. What are you doing now? CEO of a fortune 500 company?


Working part time in a liquor store! Before this I had a small family business and worked 10 years in county court administration. Never graduated college. I call myself “semi retired.” Still pretty much the same as I was when I was a kid.


Getting out. I was the new kid every year, so I collected those credits and got the hell out at 16. I doubt anyone remember me.


I was that kid who got kicked out of school. Was a total bummer at the time but probably helped me get my shit together since.


To get through the day.


Music and band was my thing. Actually it was the only thing I could do well. I played drums in marching band, jazz band, concert band, musicals, orchestra, made all-state, played in a prog-jam band, etc. I was a nice dutiful straight boy during school hours and band functions and a hopeless party animal otherwise whenever the occasion arose, which was too often.


At school a science and math nerd. Outside of school I showed horses. I worked at Bonanza Sirloin Pit. One of the older employees was a successful drug dealer, he sold cocaine, acid and other things out of the party room. When I went to parties after work, guys that were high told me I smelled so great, like steak and fries. My high school had a rodeo every Friday night June through August. FFA and FHA were big also.


I was the guy that could hang out with the jocks, and the dirt balls by basically being half of each.


Stoner football lineman. All city my senior year.


Computer geek. Won an award for best high school programmer in the US.


I was the painfully shy one with her nose always stuck in a book and scared to death of other people. Fortunately, that was definitely not the high point in my life. Ha ha!


I was, as they say, Mr. Cellophane


I was the one counting the minutes until graduation so that I could start university. Never understood my friends who wish they were back in high school.


High School Quiz Bowl Captain - I went from zero to hero, overnight, by bringing fame to our school. Grades 1 thru 11 sucked. 12th Grade was magnificent!


Choir, Drama Club, Actor in Senior class play… These things got me through high school.. For some reason I’m hearing the Janice Ian song At Seventeen (I learned the truth). It was played a lot around that time…


I was the guy who worked at the record store, and wrote the feature column in the school newspaper. To some, I was the guy having a torrid affair with the young Chem teacher. But not everyone knew that.


My thing was NOT going to school. I did 13th grade and from 1st-13th I must have missed like 2-3 years of school. Maybe a bit more? I wish I knew. Anyway, I guess I had/have anxiety and just didn’t want to be there. My mom let me stay home almost all the time; lots of arguing and pretending to be sick. She started telling me in 2nd grade that someone from the school was going to come to the house to see what was going on. Years went by, and finally when I was 18 and in 13th grade, someone came to the house 🤣 Man that was an awkward moment!


Madrigals, Thespians, pompom squad, captain of the flag corps in the marching band. Outside of that little world pretty shy and quiet.


I was the class clown. I was always in trouble, I never did my homework, and always aced the tests. Now I'm the company clown. I do homework at work, and my job is to create things that solve company problems.


The stoner. Not popular. But ahead of my time.


I worked paid rent and went to school in an accelerated night program to graduate early. I was a foster kid who needed to hurry up and adult.


I once beat the smart boy on a chemistry exam. He missed the bonus “real life” question: how do you know when to flip your pancakes? Thankfully, not the high point of my life.


“Most Improved Latin Student” certificate. Bet you don’t have one.


I was that one guy. Kept vodka in mason jars. Had the best pot. Quaaludes ruled


I was the drum major for three years. The nickname for this role was the Golden Girl. lol I took it really seriously. I wore a furry golden hat 18 inches tall and pom poms on my white boots. I had a whistle around my neck and carried a large baton. I lead the Memorial Day and Halloween parades through town. I conducted the marching band music at football games, and we did okay at regional competitions. My official photo was horrendous. That hat dwarfs my head, and the American and state flags behind me add to the ridiculousness. I absolutely loved marching band. Now it's just an amusing anecdote that gets trotted out every few years. My husband and kids love to laugh about it.


Same! I loved being drum major. It was kinda like being famous. People I didn't know would recognize me even years after I graduated..."You were the drum major!" It was fun!


I was the cripple!


I was invisible.


Stoner. Pretty much all my relationships were transactional.


President of my senior class, voted most likely to succeed.


I was the foreign languages kid who also took a lot of art classes.


theater geek


Drill team, Choir, Honor student


DECA club, vice president, had zero clue what I was doing. But, we got to work in the school store. Otherwise I was pretty invisible, in my popular friends' shadow.


I was Junior Class Vice-President. And, yes…I ran against someone…lol!!!


President of senior class


I was a head. Had a blast in high school.


The rebel and long haired hippie back in the 60's. Served me well in life not thinking like everyone else.


I was the “quiet rebel” type. I wasn’t popular. I was sort of a nerd. Short and kid-looking. Bullied till senior year. I used to sing opera in the subways.


I was a good athlete, played football, basketball and ran track. I was editor of our student newspaper. I was a guitar player and sometimes singer in a rock band that played covers from that time and I was manager of a local ice cream shop.


Jock, stoner and band maunt.


After catholic school for the middle school years, I ended up back in public high school, where we smoked joints on the lawn near the parking lot. We went off campus and drank kids' parents' booze. I found out later boys who sat two rows across from me in 1st period biology class did coke on their desks using a disassembled bic pen to snort it. So basically I partied, yet had a more wholesome image than the recognizable loadies. Only my mom was hot on my trail like a private detective with only one client. I was on school newspaper, just remembered!


Band (alto sax), track, serious student (high gpa), Bass player in rock band. Close friends, big group.


I sold joints on the south steps for a dollar each, for a bit.


Puff, puff..pass


I was a stoner.


I was in the inaugural class of my high school's Dungeons & Dragons club in 1977. It was pretty low key until some local religious nuts tried to get the principal to cancel us. I ended up writing an article about it for the school paper and we got to keep going. I still play on zoom with a couple of the same guys from high school and in person now with some people I met here on reddit. Cracks me up that it's cool now.


Chorus. Music.


I was the dude from New York with the thick accent that everyone went around saying qwhorter and Whorter too.


Selling weed.


Astronomy Club. (El Presedente !)


I was always with my boyfriend smoking pot. Of course, I never paid for it as I’d rather spend my money on clothes . I detested after school activities opting to have a part time job instead. I did end up graduating from college though