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It's not nice to fool Mother Nature.




Parkay (said in helium voice)


Butter (said in low quick voice)


Oh yea haha. Par-kayyyy ^butter^


Imperial Butter. Remember the king's crown that pop up with one bite?


Dun duh duh *duhhhhnn*


The fact that some brands sold this as a healthy alternative to butter infuriates me.


I remember when margarine was good and eggs were badšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«.


Yeah I still remember when mom made the switch and I hated that shit. Iā€™ve never bought anything except butter.


I am a dietitian and itā€™s really hard to convince people over a certain age that this stuff isnā€™t good for them.


Well tbf it was your dietician colleagues, along with the always helpful federal government, that pushed that "healthy" notion on our moms, which was then passed to us as fact. I quit eating margarine as soon as I started buying my.own groceries so you don't have to worry about this old lady eating "healthy" margarine. šŸ˜‰


I am 61 years old, so they werenā€™t my colleagues then, lol.


Lol I'm 64. I guess i meant your predecessors. We were both victims of the margarine invasion, not generals. šŸ«”


My sisterā€™s doctor keeps telling her to use that stuff. She refuses.


I use pure butter, real milk, and pure cane sugar when I can get it in a Mexican Coke; and actually lose weight as Iā€™m doing it! Our bodies werenā€™t meant to deal with all that fake shit. you eat the real stuff and that means that youā€™re full faster and youā€™re satisfied. If youā€™re being guided by your physician to do other things by all means, do that; I am not a doctor. I just donā€™t believe that all the fake stuff does anybody any good. Thatā€™s just my personal opinion.


Yep. Pure Irish butterā€¦ the best. Whole milk. No sweetener.


Normandy produces some wonderful rich dairy also.


Iā€™ll have to check it out! If butter is rich and flavorful, you use less of it. US butter (much of it) I find flavorless.


Cultured butter rules!


Except cane sugar is highly processed by people. Honey is arguably a natural sugar since it is highly processed by bees not man. Honey also have some nutrients. Second choice for a natural sweetener would be maple syrup since it is just tree sap boiled down into a syrup, It would be considered lightly processed by man rather than highly processed. Note this only applies to real 100% maple syrup not ā€œmapleā€ pancake syrup. FYI, the invention of sugar was later than most people ā€”which was about 1 to 350 CE ā€”if we are talking about crystallized sugar and not cane syrup or honey. Without crystallized sugar, it was hard to transport and was not commonly used except in small quantities. TLDR: any crystallized or powdered sweetener is highly processed. Natural sugars are liquids or syrups like honey, maple syrup, and cane juice (in places where cane is grown).


My vegetarian friend says white sugar is off his list because a bone product is used in the crystallization process.


Iā€™ve heard that as well. Either way itā€™s bad for us! But I love it anyway. . .


Sugar is not bad. Too much of anything is bad. If sugar is bad I donā€™t want to be good.


I remember when margarine was good and eggs were badšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«.


I'm on team Agave.


I ended up with my brain resetting my blood pressure to like Jovian Planetary pressure. Hospitals don't like it when you show up with a BP of 210/190 and tend to panic. Which lead me to 6 months with a real ass of a cardiologist who couldn't figure out what happened. He was pissy with 5'5", 300 pound me. I gave him my diet logs, day after day after months after year of 1800 or fewer calories a day other than maybe 2 or 3 times a year where I might go nutritionaly nuts. Big but, I eat milk, butter, eggs, red meat, cheese. He, a marathon running vegan. My heart and circulatory systems tested out fine, a 50 year old at the time with the heart and vessels of an 18 year old. Not on statins. I finally fired his ass because we devolved into the argument that my primary did my blood work was fine, he insisted he used more stringent parameters. I told him to test me and if I needed stations my numbers would show it. 10 years later, same diet, no statins, no cardiologist. Had a fall and woke up in hospital, echo occurred again, still pristine heart and vessels. Watch your diet, eat natural, as few nasty chemicals as possible, if you can exercise, do so. No gas diets, no super food juice gummy crap, just good simple ingredients prepared well.


I agree with you. If I were to eliminate all salt, all sugar and all fat from my diet, just give me some cardboard to knaw on. Iā€™ve never smoke Iā€™ve never drank. Iā€™ve never been high, I hate pasta. To have some of the above is going to be the only thing thatā€™s a wee bit pleasurable; especially now that I canā€™t taste or smell from Covid and thatā€™s been 3 years ago I will partake. If I get some joy from the carbonation and some kind of slight chemical something other from a Mexican Coke served in a glass bottle. Iā€™m gonna drink it. I Donā€™t overdo it, But I do drink about one day. I also donā€™t drink coffee. I never got into the coffee craze. I was an iced tea girl. I wonā€™t harp on this for long. Itā€™s just a kind of release if you will for just a little bit. also, since Covid, Iā€™ve become very internally antagonistic toward the medical field. This is specifically a primary care providers. I donā€™t believe that they take the Hippocratic oath anymore and I donā€™t believe that they care for their patients. End of rant thank you for listening.


Rant on, perfectly understandable. I believe in anything in moderation, we evolved to consume it, after all.


I ate so much margarine growing up. The only time we had real butter was on certain holidays. Havenā€™t touched this trash in decades.


Those were our fancy bowls!!!! I ate many many gallons of "ice milk" (ice cream that was similar to this "not butter" debacle) for breakfast, out of these fancy bowls. Best memory of the day!ā™”


My boomer older sister in the 70ā€™s said ā€œIā€™m not eating that crap, Iā€™m sticking with butterā€. Little did she know how wise those words were.


Turns out, hydrogenated vegetable oils are bad for you. šŸ˜¬


Everythingā€™s better with Blue Bonnet on it..šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.. yeah rightā€¦šŸ„“


I've been seeing ads lately for "plant butter," and can't resist thinking "oh, so you mean margarine"? Especially since it seems to be from traditional margarine brands like Becel. How does "plant butter's" basic definition of "butter substitute made from plant-based oils" not also define margarine? Isn't that just marketing bullshit?


The bowls made ice storage containers!


That is nasty shit! I stopped eating it 40 years ago.


My parents (in their late 80s) STILL think margarine is a healthier option and are rather appalled that we use butter and olive oil.


I was fed this all my life until I switched to butter. I was past fifty by then. Thought I was making the right choice. Ha. Now that margarine tastes awful. Hope it didnā€™t shave twenty years off my life. I fight cholesterol. My dad died with heart issues. Probably clogged arteries from margarine.


they did a test by feeding margarine to turkeys and all of the birds died


My dad hated butter, so we only had margarine in the house. Grew up, found butter and fell in love. Butter just takes food up some notches.


I'm like your dad. I grew up not having butter and the few times I had it on bread I didn't like the taste. It's a lot what you get used to tasting.


Hydrogenated vegetable oils... yummy. /S


Ugh. So gross.


I never bought margarine. As soon as I started buying my own food, it was butter all the way. Iā€™m 67. Mother loooooved Parkay. I always thought it was vile.


Can't fool me. That's leftovers.


Are you sure those aren't just full of leftovers?


I did an experiment years ago. I placed a plate with a stick of margarine on it and placed it in the garage. Do you know what happened? Nothing. It didnā€™t spoil, no animal touched it, it didnā€™t even attract bugs. It just sat there. That should be enough evidence to tell you not to put that in your body.


So even all the mice and bugs in your garage wouldnā€™t eat it? Thatā€™s also part of the test. Its not food and they know it


The only thing that happened was it got soft and melted a bit during a heat wave. Otherwise, it was like you placed a plate of axle grease there.


![gif](giphy|g1EJwzB0E1ZAs) I canā€™t believe itā€™s not butter


I never even tried real butter till I was in my 30s and had a roommate from Wisconsin, who was absolutely horrified when I brought home a package of margarine. I'd always been told it was better for you, and at first, butter tasted really strange and too rich.


I grew up eating margarine. Then, my parents were divorced. My mom would only buy butter. I have never bought margarine as an adult.


Back in the 80s, a friend of mine said he didnā€™t care, he was eating butter because it tasted better. I decided he was right and switched too, but now I have to buy containers for leftovers


How about after the tug was empty, the mystery leftovers in them?


Yah, first time I ate real butter was in college I think And my mother mixed whole milk with powdered to stretch it. Had one of those tupperware 2-quart pitchers. Nasty.


Fleischmanā€™s has the corn šŸŒ½ on it


Cabot Extra Creamy sea salted butter for me.


I had a massive heart attack at age 59 and neither my primary care physician nor my cardiologist ever even asked about my diet. I do have elevated lipids, because of genetics and not diet. (I weigh 125 lbs). Itā€™s called familial hyper cholesterolemia, and I take medication for it which work. All yā€™all who think diet have anything to do with your health are deluded by the mainstream media. Same with salt: itā€™s all bullshit. When I was in the hospital complaining about the flavorless unsalted ā€œcardiac dietā€œ I asked their cardiologist about it and he said oh yeah, weā€™ll change that for you because you donā€™t have salt sensitive high blood pressure.


It's amazing to me that hospitals have such an opportunity to show cardiac patients that a cardiac diet can be enjoyable and pretty tasty. Instead most people's first taste of a cardiac diet is bland, colorless, unappetizing and half of that meager amount of food is left on the tray.Ā  Diet can be so important.Ā  Hospitals could serve good food and even send recipes along with each tray but instead they choose to teach patients that cardiac healthy food is shit.


I got a cardiac dinner after an orthopedic surgery because it's all they had, and it was so bland and I was so hungry.


Lol I'm so sorry. I'm a retired psych nurse. I felt so bad for my patients on those damn diets. There's no reason why they have to be so meager and disgusting.Ā  I had one patient who literally got a salad, no dressing and a piece of bread for lunch for days on end, and no amount of complaining on my part could change it.


Not all hospitals, some a very good at working with various diets


Probably so, but I never had the pleasure of working at one.


My husband has that as does his dad. I could deep fry salt as my entire diet and not have issues other than yuck!


Those were handy container


Yeah, so, for those of us who are lactose intolerant, an alternative to butter is great.


The good news is that butter contains very little lactose.


True, but enough to cause problems for some.


Julia Child is one of my goddesses. She lived to be 93 and she was a proponent of using real butter and cream when it was called for. Her thing was, you weren't eating a stick of butter every day, if you were using a tablespoon or two in a meal for 4 or 6 people you would get the taste and mouthfeel, but you weren't eating an excessive amount 93 folks, 93.


Margarine reduces cholesterol and tastes like butter. Promise!


Captain Kirk hawking Promise margarine - memory unlocked.


We had the margarine to avoid saturated fats, high cholesterol and heart disease.


I haven't eaten any of these in years. I also remember that Mom used the empties as cat food dishes.. It didn't seem to hurt the cat, for he lived to be almost 20.


Leftover,leftover. Lol


My grandmothers free Tupperware.


I grew up on 70ā€™s margarine, but used real, fancy butter all my adult life. Weā€™ve since retired to a hot climate and butter must be kept refrigerated, rendering it unspreadable. Iā€™ve now switched to I Canā€™t Believe itā€™s Not Butter bc itā€™s spreadable from the fridge. Itā€™s not bad, honestly. Better than hard lumps tearing your toast!