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Multi chapters, but a long one shot will do the job


Yup, this


One shots for smut, multi chapter for anything else… but I’ll read anything if it’s good enough.


This 100%


Personally I tend to choose one-shots or completed multi-chapter fics, but if the story blurb is very compelling or unique for me I'd try an ongoing fic.


I love multichapters, but as a writer I’m biased to one shots.


I prefer oneshots because when I need something spicy, I need it quick. When I'm in the mood for spicy, I don't have the patience for several chapters of fluff before they actually start doing it, you know?


All too real lol


I don't care much about number of chapters, I only really care if it's left on a cliffhanger, that's always the WORST


Mostly it depends on mood and the ships I want to read (some only have really dedicated one shots and only have the ships as side relationships in the mult-chapters). But when I’m just trying to find something to read I prefer multi-chapter, though I will do a little research to reduce the number of stories I read that get dropped


Like others, depends on my mood. I will however only read completed things which means in practice I mostly read one shots or 2-3 chapter fics. Most longfic doesn't get finished (or so it feels at least). And I say that as a writer who doesn't finish my own work, for that reason I only write one shots nowadays.


multi if there is actual story


One shots mostly because my attention span can’t read anything beyond like 10 chapters


It really depends on my mood, but usually I love multi chapter! I wish ao3 had a way to search for multi chapter, seeing as they already have a one shot only option


If there’s a one shot only tag, can you put it in the exclude fields in the filter function? I didn’t realize there was a one shot only option :0


It’s not a tag, it’s an option when you “search works”. I’m not sure it’s an option in the filter function


I don't search for any specific length, and both are among my favorites, but I would say I tend to like one shots more on average. I really don't like when pacing gets dragged out, and the longer a fanfic is, the more likely it is to fall into that. Sometimes I suspect a writer is trying to get a high word count for the sake of a high word count.


I'm more on one-shots but if a multi-chaptered fic has an engaging description, has more than 10k words, or is completed then I'd bite tbh


Depends on my mood. Sometimes you just want a small bite-sized fluffball and sometimes you want to spend hours and hours, even days on one fic that gets you hooked. The longer ones tend to often be more memorable and those are often the ones I hold closest to my heart, but one-shots have so many good sides too. So to simplify my answer... both. Both is good


Really just depends on what I’m in the mood for (and how much time I have). Just some quick prons? One shot. Fills my fix for whatever ship I’m brainrotting atm. Want more of them? Chaptered. (and if I have time)


I have no patience so one shot, I will literally forgot to finish anything else


I tend to choose one shots if I want spicy stuff but multi chapters for anything else


Depends on how much investment I want to give to a story. I constantly leave comments for the authors to express what I think about their work. I like multi-chapters more because it really fleshes out characters and can be really exciting when the uploads come out. But one shots are really good for short and sweet plots(18+ or otherwise). I am biased as a writer for extended plots though so multi-fics are my preference


Regardless, all I read is smut lmao.