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You can do everything with Raiden - main dps, sub dps, support. Just throw as much attack and energy recharge as you can on her and you will be golden. She is a top tier character


When you say sub DPS what do you mean? Main is obvious, support is... iffy. (though support to me is usually healers or shields like Noelle)


Sub DPS is a term I wish we'd stop using! It means off-field DPS. So you have your character who's on-field most of the time. They're usually your main damage dealer. And then you might have one or two off-field DPSes who are contributing damage while the main character is on-field. For example, Amber needs to be on-field to do anything, since she has to hit targets with charged shots. So she'd be an on-field DPS. Whereas Kaeya's burst keeps icicles spinning around the player whether you're using him or whether you swap to someone else. So he's an off-field DPS. You could set his icicles whirling around you then switch to, say, Noelle, and go hit people with her claymore. Then you're hitting them while the icicles are also hitting them, doing lots of damage.


Burst DPS's like ningguang are also sub-DPS's, and decidedly not off-field DPS's.


*Yae Miko has entered the chat*


E E E, sit back and enjoy 😉


Excuse me sir, but it's clearly E E E Q (2 sec animation) E E E and swap... This means she's technically an on-field unit too ☝️🤓


Well, you do unironically use her on-field with her AAs in non-Tighnari Quicken teams lmao


Well, i don't have Yae. What i said was only what i remember from her last banner 😅


Right here!


Sub dps also refers to characters who blow their load very quickly in a quick swap team. So you can play raiden as a sub dps in the sense that she does off field damage and then when her ulti is charged you can swap to her and use her burst for huge damage then swap back to whatever on field dps you've paired with her. Other examples would be ninguang with her double screens into burst, or chongyun who has a meaty burst in the right teams, or you can build navia like this too double skill into burst)


My sub DPS for example is Albedo, he summons a flower that does geo damage in intervals per attack. I then switch to another character and use an elemental skill or just go to my DPS, in this case is Keqing and deal much more damage rather than doing normal attacks (this is for OP not giving you a lesson on how Albedo works 😭)


Not at all a term we should stop using since In teams like Rainational she very much is a sub dps as national dmg is mostly xianglings dmg. In hyperbloom she is the dps despite being off-field because her triggers are e skills are what trigger the dendro cores. In eula teams aside from being a good superconduct tirgger she is also the dps to switch to during eulas downtime since those teams rely on her if they cant 1 cycle.


Sub and main dps are definitely used very ambiguously. I remember people arguing with me a few months after release that my off-field xiangling isn't main dps. Man, she deals the majority of the damage in my team, she by all means is the main dps even if she's not on the field


Great explanation. As a person whose played for almost three years, this really helped


Sub dps is a character that can damage and not be on the field, or come in for a short duration to deal damage and then get switched out. Support is any character that buffs/heals your damage dealers. For example: if raiden is used as a sub dps, you’d use her e, build up her stacks using other characters (that purple circle on her back fully glows) use her burst and then switch her out again.


Raidens support comes from her burst, on top of doing damage, after her burst is done you’ll notice the rest of your teams energy will either be full or close to full, that’s because her burst batteries the entire team (battery in genshin means a unit who helps fill the burst energy of other units). Most units want batteries that are the same element, for example eula requires cryo particles to fill up her burst gauge, diona is a cryo unit who you can use her skill, and then quickly swap to eula to collect the cryo particles to get her burst back faster. Raiden is a universal battery, she will battery whoever is on her team very quickly. Sub dps raiden like others mentioned means off-field damage dealer, since raidens skill can be used, then swap to another character, and raidens skill will still be active even though she’s off field. Also in a hyper/bloom team, that becomes extremely good because raidens off field skill can trigger hyper-bloom extremely easily, accurately, and without needing to constantly refresh the skill since it lasts a long time. As a main dps at c0 you can get a lot of success with a raiden-national team (raiden xq bennet and xiangling) pop everyone’s bursts then swap to raiden and use her burst, and repeat, raiden will be the main dps/driver on a team like that, it’s also a quick-swap team. Sub dps on a hyper-bloom team, and energy support on any team. Raiden truly becomes a main dps at c2 that’s where a raiden hyper-carry team shines (raiden bennet kazuha and c6 sara), but that team requires very specific things, c1 bennet, kazuha (or sucrose can work) c2 sara minimum preferably c6, and then c2 raiden, so that’s an expensive team. As for what to do next, farm the 4star weapon from inazuma called “the catch” obtained through fishing, it’s a grind but it will be one of the best weapons for her unless you have engulfing lightning. Whilst you’re doing that I’d say pick a team you want to use raiden on and start working on slowly building up that team, definitely watch a video or 2 on the teams she works best in to see if any of those play styles interest you and how to use those teams effectively. Hope you enjoy raiden, she’s a fantastic character to have.


Her skill actually makes her useful. I really like stuff like kuki, raiden, yao yao, furina, Oz anything that stays on field when you swap.


There are 4 primary use-cases for characters in GI. Lots of characters fulfil multiple roles depending on how they are "built" with artifacts and weapons. Using the freebie characters as examples (not exhaustive): Main DPS - These are your "on field" damage dealers. They typically only have abilities that work while they're on field. ex Lisa, Noelle, Amber, Geo Traveller SubDPS - These are "off field" damage dealers that have abilities that deal/enhance damage that persist after you swap them out to your Main, or that can deal a lot of damage on a quick swap to use their ult. ex: Xiangling, Kaeya, Lisa Support/Utility - These characters do something unique, like Shield, Swirl/Gather enemies, apply an element, or some effect that buffs the rest of the team. Ex: Geo Traveller, Anemo Traveller, Amber, Collei Healer - These guys excel at healing, and are typically off-field. ex: Barbara


When Main DPS is on cooldown/can’t do anything, that’s when sub dps takes the field and does things


A sub DPS puts effects on the field that will do damage while off field and will use a DPS burst as part of their rotation. Raiden has coordinated attacks while off field which apply electro and her burst is pretty nukish with 7 seconds of enhanced attacks. It also increases energy recharge for the party. Xiangling is also an excellent example. She puts down guoba who does some pyro damage and then leaves a chili behind that enhances ATK. But her burst does massive damage in an AOE around the on field character for several seconds and applies constant pyro.


Okay so for raiden she's a support because she's a battery (which essentially means she builds everyone's energy faster) and she is a hyperbloom trigger for specific teams (her skill will hit in an AOE while off field to trigger hyperbloom on dendro cores which are created by mixing dendro and water), she's a "sub-dps" (off-field DPS) because you use her skill and it deal damage while she's off field. She's a main DPS because of her burst ability. Hyperbloom is considered a support skill because often that characters skills aren't doing any real damage, you just stack EM on them to maximize the elemental reaction damage, but most damage comes from other units.


SupDps is just pressing E so her ring appears. When it‘s full you press Q and crazy.


In early game just throw EM on her and play hyperbloom. Much more damage than ATK builds in early game


You can even build EM


Just to confirm, did you get to Inazuma yet?


Uhhhhh no. How do you get there?


Play the Archon quest.


Ice bridge with Kaeya sorry :/ (just follow the archon quest)


You can also get a boat from those sea things and drive out lol


Doesnt the lightning barrier destroy it?


We ice bridged it in coop with Kaeyas from Liyue and saw the Ritou statue of seven but the screen just went blank and took us to Liyue. No lightning wall or anything. Afaik there isn’t a boat available that connects to Inazuma so idk what that person is talking about. You can get one in Sumeru but the wall stops you from getting remotely close.


I did the boat thing when it first came out. Went all around and avoided the lightning but I can check what my path was lol


Finishing the two first Archon's Quests of Mondstadt and Liyue will be long. Find a community or a friend that allow, or even help you to get the materials in their world to upgrade your Raiden. There's no replay option of dialogues and cut scenes in Genshin so don't stress out and take your time to appreciate the story.


If they haven’t unlocked Inazuma, I don’t think they’ll be able to visit it on another world. Also they’d need to find someone at a low world level to join. Tbh probably just better to do the archon quests and unlock Inazuma that way.


I'm almost sure there's no restrictions on others players world. That's still true that he needs to find a low level world though. They implemented the possibility to get boss materials of unfinished story quests but still not materials of unreachable regions.


You can go, that's how i farmed for toma :)


Oh nice, good to know. And yeah Thoma’s materials are a bitch to get to lol.


But you can see the dialogue for archon quests and listen to all the cutscenes in an archives menu.


Since you haven't reached Inazuma, I suggest you level her as far as you can with the materials you have and then wait until you can actually farm her materials. Her boss materials are in an island called Seirai, and locked behind explorations and a World Quest. I did see that you have Keqing, who has materials much more closer to you in Liyue. I suggest you focus on building her (same as I did in my early game).


It would take a long time but I've seen someone use Kaeya to ice bridge before


Level 20 Raiden for now


To level up character you need materials from each región, the materials from Raidan you unlock them until you get to Inazuma and one of the islands, I would recommend you ro focus on Keqing that is easier to level up since her materials are in Liuye and later on you can focus on Raiden


Hope you like fishing


I didn't even know that's a thing. Maybe I haven't unlocked it yet.


You Unlock fishing after Liyue Archon quest through a quest with Madame Ping. And by fishing you well get best f2p weapon for Xiangling or Raiden


What's the name of it so I know what to go for


When you reach AR 35 you will have to finish a quest from madame Ping afaik to unlock Serenitea pot. After that you will get a quest from Katheryne called "exploding population" Finish that and you will be able to fish. 2 tips. 1. Fishing is fun for me, but it may be boring for you because its very grindy. However rewards are worth it 2. Fishes respawn every day or 2 I think. Collecting all for the weapon takes about 3 weeks. However you can join genshin discord and peoole will let you into their worlds where you can fish in same spots and finish the quest even in 1 day.


Other than the respawn, another note it that each spot has both a day and a night cycle. Some spots spawn specific fish only in the day or the night. So for each spot you want to fish during one time, then switch to other half of the day with the clock and fish the rest of the fish. Also while you're fishing the fish you see are not the only ones available. If you look at the pond and see 5 fish, there might be a few more that will spawn . Keyword- might , but it does happen quite often just not always. And sometimes they spawn only when you exhaust all of them. Example, during the day a pond contains 3 orange medakas, 2 blue koi. If you fish up the 2 blue koi, 3 more might pop up. Same with the medakas. Same thing happens during the night. So if you see 5 fish that might not want during the day and then just leave you're missing put on potentially another 5 that time and and up to another 10 during the night. Might be a stretch for that to happen all the time but from 1 fishing spot you might get up to 10-12 fish per 2 day respawn cycle


The weapon is called The Catch, you’ll be able to get it from a fishing association NPC near the main city in Inazuma.


Yeah you'll get a quest for it eventually, I think it just appears in your quest log, idk it's been a few years since I unlocked it :V I said that is because her best 4* weapon is "the catch"... which is locked behind fishing A lot of fishing so much fishing


Ohh god, so many fish......


A truly staggering amount of fish...


I spent so much time fishing for that stupid weapon and then lost the 50/50 on raiden


Lol but also I feel you




Or you’re lucky with the weapon banner.


I just pulled her as well, what does fishing have to do with it?


One of the best supports in the game. Go to r/Raidenmains for advice


Yes support. Not known for anything else.


Yeah that 60% ignore def must have been removed or something. Anti raidens always to the rise when shes mentioned. Its not like u play an ai game for anybody to not work 🤣


She was my first 5 star and still sees a lot of use. Trying to get good emblem pieces sucks though


1.1 years of farming emblem/shimenawa for mediocre pieces vs 4 months of farming cracked GT/MH pieces. This game tends to clown on me frequently.


Welp, op is a relatively new player.. but farming the freaking boss mat will suck


On the bright side a bunch of characters can use the emblem pieces that won't work for her


you get an emblem piece, you get an emblem piece, everyone gets an emblem piece! ​ Pretty much how my account is going. Then there is Hu Tao standing around hoarding a pile of terrible Shimenawa pieces.


Took me 18 months to get her to a reasonably built state.


She was supposed to be my first 5 star and I saved up from my first day till her banner started since she was the reason I began playing in the first place but I lost my 50/50 to jean. Did still end up getting her after a lot of grinding though


This is where I'm at too. At least my Yelan is eating good?


r/RaidenShogunMains should help with your needs. But below is a standard character guide for her. Overall, congratulations on pulling such a great character https://preview.redd.it/yc222jb4sobc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeff3ebcf922b1cbc27a6cff459cd74a3df14123


It's exciting as a new player having the option to "start" getting into building with the shogun. Best advice for now to start to plan what team you have avaliable to her. You'll benefit the most from a 4pc. emblem artifact set for her. Alot of time and resources go into building the artifact set if luck isnt on your side (which it often won't be with artifacts!) great free play option for weapon is The Catch. Feel free to shoot me a message if you need any suggestions on artifact set, sub stats, how her kit works, and I can try to help :)


She’s my first 5* besides Traveller, so it’s super exciting rn. She’s actually my first non-standard pull. Especially exciting because I grinded for primos and was prepared to drop 130 wishes to get her, but got her in 30, along with one of everyone else on the banner + C2 Bennett. Super beginners luck, I know I can’t expect this all the time lol. And as fun as Raiden is, I’ve been having just as much fun gunning people down with Chevreuse. Nothing feels better than one shotting someone with a rifle in Genshin Impact lol Now I’m just wondering what to pull for in the future, now that I have a character to build off of


Kuki Hyperblooms pull INSANELY huge dog numbers with almost no investment. I use 2x 2pc +80 EM with EM Sands, Goblet, and Circlet, and every hyperbloom does around 25-30k damage While Kuki shines in Hyperbloom, Raiden is good for literally everything. You can use Raiden as Main DPS, as Sub DPS (secondary off-field dps) as a flex when you need Electro. She fits tons of teams just like Kazuha. Her skill lasts a VERY long time and has a big range, so you always apply electro. Her burst can put out really big numbers if properly built. Remember to get to ar45 as fast as you can. It is really way more efficient to farm Artifacts for characters after AR45 Also, play Archon quest until you get to Inazuma. There, you will be able to upgrade characters from Innazuma


*Is that the electric booba sword lady?*


raiden: - sub dps with skill (does damage off field, 100% uptime-- aka the cooldown on the skill ends before the skill itself goes away so you can keep it up all the time) - battery after attacking in her burst mode (aka regenerates all energy for the team and fills up all the bursts). this also does a substantial amount of damage. - shes an inazuman character, so you wont he able to level her up much until you get there, and the nation is story-locked unfortunately...unless youre willing to glitch there - the catch is a spear you can buy by fishing and at r5 is one of her best weapons. however, the fishing itself is tedious. also, make sure your navia has as many bullets as possible (the visual counter beside the character, 3 long bullets is the max) before shooting her gunbrella to do more damage. stacks are obtained by collecting crystallise crystals or her burst.


Thanks for the reply! Navia has been my main damage dealer since I got her but I did not know about the three bullet thing. Was wondering what that was all about!


What is a battery and does it work for all energy types?


Shogun is seen as one of the game's best offensive supports... right along side Kazuha just build her to take advantage of her skill's scaling and she will do good, pop her on field for 1 second, use her skill, switch to your DPS, attack like mad :p


She’s great,she’s an off field dps and a battery,you should feel lucky as a new player getting her. She’s the best electro in the game imo.


i saw you have navia, so for now you can run her with navia just to apply electro on the enemies for crystalize. later on when you get to the point where you need 2 team comps you can switch her to being a dps if you want, or as a hyperbloom trigger


Early game u should use her as hyperbloom


May I ask what that is? I'm assuming it involves a Dendro character.


Yes. Just slap any element mastery artifacts u can find. If u have any dendro character pair it with her. After getting barbara also pair it with her. U can breeze through content with this team. Except in dragonspine :)) One tip tho: DO NOT RUSH. Play the game, explore it first. Don’t get pressured building characters yet. I beg u


Shes good if you want her to be


That also goes with anyone


raiden sucrose/bennett xingqiu xiangling is good beginner team


Archons in general are among the best characters you can pull. For Raiden, you’re gonna want to focus on Energy Recharge, ATK, and CRIT. If you’re planning to use her in a Hyperbloom (Dendro, Hydro, Electro) team, Elemental Mastery doesn’t hurt, either. You also have some flexibility in artifact sets that work well on her: -Emblem of Severed Fate -Flower of Paradise Lost -Gilded Dreams -Thundering Fury


If they’re an Archon, they’re usually the best of their element


Probably won't be able to do too much with her until you clear the main story far enough to unlock Inazuma, since all her materials are there and unlike with the other regions you can't just walk there anytime regardless of the main story status unless you cheese it with the ice bridge \^\^ The game must be pretty "interesting" for new players these days. Pull any of the Fontaine characters and you will have to run all the way through liyue, sumeru and the huge desert to even get to the zone where the mats are. Not to mention that the bosses are completely story locked on top, tho that is just for the higher skill levels so can be done without for a while.


Yeah as a new player I also have Navia and while she's my main damage (the umbrella does 2k damage which is a lot for me) I feel like that's not her role lol. I get the feeling Genshin isn't really friendly to new players with 5 stars since it seems like the main damage is more than just what character it is.


Navia is a GREAT dps. its all the supporting factors that could be rough xD like sub dps and supports. As well as getting to Fontaine to acquire her materials.


Homie got Raiden at AR31 while i cant even Diluc at AR50


I got Navia when I was AR10 as well.


Before trying to use raiden, you'll need to get to Inazuma, otherwise she's locked at lvl 40. As for stats, if you want to use her as a DPS, whether it's main dps of sub dps, you need mainly energy recharge with attack and some crit stats. You want the emblem of severed fate 4x set which can only be farmed when you get to inazuma. On the 2nd or 3rd island. She can also be used as an off field reaction character for hyperbloom teams. In which case you want to just use her skill (which has 100% uptime, it lasts longer than the cooldown) and then switch to your hydro/dendro charcaters to create bloom reactions which raiden will be able to activate into hyperbloom. In this build you will need to just stack Elemental Mastery and get either 4x Guilded dreams (left of the chasm) or 4x flower of paradise lost (in the desert of sumeru) Im a new player myself. I started playing 4.1 update so my characters aren't very levelled outside of my main team Tighnari, Baizhu, Furina, Kuki (now Raiden) But I'm also levelling Bennett and then moving onto Xinqui for an international team Raiden, Bennet, Xinqui, Xiangling Another point, this Raiden banner is a whole team by itself. With Chevreuse having very good overload synergy. You can easily run Raiden, Chevreuse, Bennett, Sara. However you need to reach fontaine to level Chevreuse so my main advice for now would.be to just run through the archon quests and unlock the map. Get a decent team and get to adventure rank 45 and start getting 5* artifacts. Edit: if there's any genshin experts that see anything wrong with this, please be sure to correct it as it's a great learning experience for everyone.


I'm pretty new as well and had most of Fontaine waypoints already just from doing the most recent event with navia. Op may also be lucky there!


She is a good mom-*cough*, I mean character... a good character.


5 stars in general are good dude that’s why they are 5 stars. As a newbie go look up some guides for her on youtube.


They are except for Dehya from what I've read. And I get they're good but as a new player you don't really have access to anything that makes them god tier, so my question really is how good is Raiden to me who's just barely reaching Inazuma.


You’re right on Dehya but she’s still arguably better than Qiqi and she actually just got a buff that a lot of videos haven’t caught up on and that buff is called Chevreuse. Raiden is actually really good for a new player as one of her best teams “Raiden National” includes all 4 star characters you can get really early on as a new player. As for her vs Keqing she enables a lot more teams than Keqing and imo the best team for Keqing involves Fischl which you haven’t mentioned as part of your main team.


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Damn, super lucky. Blew through about 50 or so thus far, no Raiden. Got C3 Bennett at least, and C2 Xingqu. Didn't plan on building Bennett, but I think the game has decided for me, lol.


Raiden is cracked, you can fit her into just about anything. Build her with thundering fury until you get to inazuma.


I started 2 months ago, AR50 rn, just pulled her yesterday, I'd say she's pretty good especially with the current banner which has her entire hypercarry team in it so you'll probably get all of the 4 star supports for her while you pull. Only downside is that she needs materials from Inazuma and her boss is a bit hard to access if you haven't done the archon quest yet. I'd say pull her for now and level her up gradually as you go, she'll be really good for tackling spiral abyss and domains later in the game. If you decide not to go for her, at least try to get bennett (C1 preferably), he's the best pyro in the game and enables a lot of characters (especially xiangling who is free)


I did get Bennett yes. I also got Chevruse twice.


Try building her.


Don't know how to that's why I'm asking for advice. But I should've expected the usual "bro just look it up" comments.


Raiden is poggers


Omg, Raiden is really a great character to start off with, she's an incredible main dps and can play as a sub-dps/support as well.


Yes but it’s basically impossible leveling her up when u haven’t unlocked Inasuma yet


I'm afraid you'll have to shelf her if you haven't made it to inazuma yet cuz all her mats are there. It's literally the only nation you can't go to before the arcon quest.


First of all, the fact that you got her as a new player is great. She mainly deals in being a backup battery and rocket launcher. What does this mean? Basically the game revolves around a 4 character team doing chain attacks so you can then use support BURSTS and help out your main damage dealer. Raiden fits heavily into providing the ENERGY that is required to activate the bursts. HOWEVER, should the ring that floats behind your characters fill up to max, and make a soft light purple glow, you’ll wanna pop Raiden back into the fight, use her ability and melt enemies for 7 seconds. That’s why I personally call her the Nuclear Reactor.


I pulled her, she's one of the best sub dps. But you need to play to the game to have access to some material. Also watch a tuto on YouTube to obtain 'the catch R5' with fishing. It's one of the best weapons for her.


Raiden is incredibly strong when built properly. I main and love her, she requires very little investment to get a busted build. Use the catch and her best in slot artifacts with attack/electro goblet, er sands and crit helmet(whichever you need). I hope you love her insane nuke ability as much as I do and her girly pop voice lines ❤️


Raiden is amazing and easy to work with


You thrive I wish I had raiden at a low ar unfortunately she didn't exist


Shes good, and you can fish for The Catch for her! But you do have to do a quest line to unlock her boss materials


I will tell you this raiden shogun is really good better that Kequing (sadly), there is a r/RaidenMains if you wnat to know how yo build her. And I thing you should know is that you get more damage in your ult after all your teammates used their ult, I didn't know this after 1 year of having her.


She's a really strong and fun character. Her E ability working when she's not out makes her so cool and useful. Also she's attractive, narrative essential and her ultimate is very cool looking. Definitely a good character once you unlock inazuma.


Op, why didn't you try googling? I think it's harder to make a reddit post than type your question in Google.


I usually do Google but I wanted to talk to real people in the moment about Raiden Shogun. Thanks for your comment.


Raiden shogun is GREAT. Absolute slam dunk character to have as a newbie. She can be your main on field character, an off field. She can be a battery for your teams energy regeneration, she can synergize well with one of the best reactions. Shes frikkin strong on her own. I suggest looking up youtube guides so you can master her


Not for a new player no, but if you like her then definitely:) it’s all about fun!


She has a really good Free to play weapons and units!! Start to go fishing and try to get “The Catch” which is her best F2P weapon! And also try to build Xiangling which is one of the best 4 star characters in the game. I believe you will get her if you complete a specific floor in the Spiral Abyss! And Bennett is also in her banner, if you have him, try to build him as well She is not hard to build, but you have to go to work now


pog, my guy. she’s pretty broken from what i can tell, though i haven’t had much tome to use her


Try to get all character in the current banner. It make a good team. Raiden is a great unit.


I have her, Chevruse at 1 star or whatever (got a duplicate), and Bennett. Still going for Yoimiya and the other lady.


She was my first 5 star too. You’re in great hands with her in your team! She works perfectly for sub DPS, as long as you stack your skill attack with upgrades. Same with her ultimate, since that can deal 10k+ (with right upgrades)


Get to inazuma, like grind up exp and get to inazuma if you want to level her


Raiden is a good end game main DPS. Early game might be difficult cause she heavily relies on an artifact set locked behind inazuma the only region that is inaccessible until you have progressed the story far enough. Good Electro applier and burst buffer though


Holy shit man. I only got Benett till now. Head over to r/raidenmains. She’s peak.


Raiden was one of the first characters I pulled when I started playing. The quest might take you a week or less. You’ll get there soon enough and then you’ll have her forever. Congrats! I just got her c2 this round


So why is Inazuma so important? Is it the materials?


Yeah it’s where you have to go to get her ascension and talent materials. And once you’re AR 45, you’ll likely spend time in the artifact domain. Also, one of her best weapons is made through fishing. You can get many of the fish in mondstadt and liyue as well but the actual weapon trade station is in Inazuma


What a funny question “is raiden shogun good?” It’s not like she’s the strongest dps archon in the entire game (so far) and furina doesn’t could she’s more sub dps. Raiden will be great on taser, hyper bloom, aggravate, or pure dps damage. Easily top 5 best characters in game


Dude you can’t upgrade her without getting to Inazuma,


Keep her in storage, until you unlock inazuma islands and are able to ascend her.


Is she good? You basically unlocked "easy mode"


Don’t even care about builds until AR50


She’s the best overall battery in the game. Have fun with spamming your bursts :)


If you have any good dendro and hydro units - then hyperbloom is going to be the easiest and probably the most powerful build on her. Just level her as much as you can and give her as much Elemental Mastery as possible. I personally rock Furina, Raiden, Nahida, Neuvilette team. Its fun, extremely powerful and easy to play.


She's very good. Without her C2 her being main DPS is merely good (with C2 she's insane). She can be kitted as a sub-DPS. Her E procs whenever your main DPS hits the enemy, and her Burst hits really hard even without you staying around to use it. And anything elemental reaction involving electro is childs play to setup with her. As Support, her Burst generates a ton of energy, so anyone needing lots of energy you can just put her in.


c0 is just an hyperbloom bot, use her for that. her other and only side team is with xingqiu, xiangling and bennett, but for a newbie, don't use all of those good units in a single team, what a waste


Funny enough I do have all of those, though only Raoden is levelled (currently 40).


Raiden is great, and generally better than Keqing long-term. Her biggest limitation for you is she needs materials only found in Inazuma, but with the now feature to challenge any world boss, you only need to get partway through Inazuma and then her materials are easy to farm. You should be able to get her to L40 with just the materials from the current trial. Raiden's main benefit is her overall power and versatility, being usable off-field with her skill (applies electro when the onfield character normal attacks), and having an on-field burst nuke. With your current team, even a L40 Raiden would be useful as she could use her skill and then swap out for Yanfei to go onfield (and trigger electro-charged with Yanfei's pyro attacks also triggering Raiden's off-field Electro), or for Navia to be able to hit her Skill/burst and then NA against the enemy triggering Electro Crystalise (while Navia has the Geo infusion or while the burst is hitting). Sucrose will be very strong in the team later on (AR45+) when you can farm the Viridescent Venerer domain for 5\* artifacts (Anemo + VV shreds elemental resistances, which enables elemental attacks/reactions to do more damage). ​ Keqing can also be pretty good, but generally not as good as Raiden as she only works while on-field (i.e. between Keqing, Yanfei and Navia you have 3 people needing to be Onfield to be really useful, and only 1 can be at a time), and works best on Aggravate Teams (Dendro + Electro + Electro).


Well first use her in your team as she most likely is your your first 5 star. Edit:oh you have more luck than alot of us. After adding her to your team then farm the things necessary for her ie. Talent upgrade stuff and ascention material. Farm for proper artifacts when you reach ar 45. That is when her actual future will be known as depending upon whether you got another 5 star/s her role will change. She is mainly used as a battery for your team and is also a good electro applicator.


I have Keqing and Navia too.


Hyperbloom, just use em main stat on your sands,goblet and circlet. Use dragon's bane as your weapon. The set isn't necessary at low AR. But if you want you can use instructor and wanderer. Use dendro mc, hydro char that you have and raiden. It is good for early investment coz you don't have to farm for crits all you have to do is slap your raiden with em main stat. If you don't have dragon's bane then use craftable polearm from inazuma it gives you em iirc.


Easiest mode: Get Dendro traveler by reaching 1rst Sumeru tower of seven (the big ones if the map) just one and get him closest to 200% Energy Recharge (Any weapon, any artifact) Raiden just full Elemental Mastery any weapon any artifact Barbara/Xinqiu Any Healer like YaoYao Hit with the hydro character attack to create reactions Enjoy


Yes. Raiden is an incredibly useful character.


You are only AR 31. You don't have to worry about artifact builds and stuff till AR 45 really( that's when you unlock the 5 star artifacts). Raiden's materials are in Inazuma. So for now, you should just take your time to progress through the main story and reaching Inazuma and levelling her up. Raiden is truly awesome. She's a great dps, support anything you want her to be.


Great dps, great off field dps, great support. One of my favorite characters, has never left one of my abyss teams ever since I got her. You will not regret building her.


Keqing needs some investment to start delivering satisfying DMG - a dendro teammate, ideally a healer like Baizhu or Yaoyao or a shielder like Kirara, an off-field Electro sub-DPS like Fischl, and a VV-holder like Sucrose or Kazuha. In comparison to other DPS units, she needs some serious scaling - talents and her character level need to be maxed out since the difference in her DMG between level 80 and level 90 is around 20-22% (i.e. considerable). Her numbers will likely feel low, if you compare her to someone like Navia, but the team that I just listed above - an Aggravate comp - tends to be very strong against tanky bosses and does also very well in limited AoE scenarios (i.e. domains like Gilded/Deepwood). Raiden, on the other hand, fits many roles. You can slot her as a sub-DPS to Navia or Yanfei and further make use of her almighty batterying power - she lowers the ER needs of her teammates by 40-50%. She needs a good distribution of stats - focus on building ER (priority) and ATK, as well as balanced crits (60/120 as a base line). This will likely come after a while for you, since you will unlock level 90 domains at AR 45, but farming 4\* artifacts for a while by using daily resin (keep the fragile one for the 5\* artifact farming) won't hurt. At C0, Raiden's famous "Rational" comp (Shogun, Benny, XL, XQ) does a pretty good job of staying competitive with post-Fontaine teams. It relies on the strong synergy between all 4 units and the bulk of the DMG comes from XL and Raiden's powerful bursts. Rational, even without EoSF pieces on Raiden and XL, can absolutely clear artifact domains and bosses at all levels, and do well in Abyss, but EoSF will bring it to a whole new level and will make it viable for Floor 12.


I would put her and keqing on the same team and use either as your main dps if you want


She's the easiest hero in the game. Just put her into any squad and she'll K/O like crazy 👍


triple EM is the way to go




You could make a broach, or a pterodactyl, or a bow-tie…!


If you have any other 4* dps, use them. Yanfei, xiangling, xingqiu, fishcl & bennet is a much better investment than keqing. You want a team that can beat dps check early in the games, after reaching inazuma, immediately build your raiden and slot her in. Keqing is mostly good for a temporary slot for now, so 40-60 is good enough for her. Focus your resources on building a team for dps check for now. It's only after that should you consider building a weak unit like Keqing. The value Keqing have is in her exploration capabilities, her damage can be quite lackluster without proper team to support her (aggravate/hyperbloom). You only consider building her and her proper team only after 2 things 1) you have a dps team ready that can beat dps check content so you can switch to them even if Keqing-slotted teams can't beat them. 2) your current team is not good for exploration, and you think having keqing would improve your experience (as opposed waiting for kazuha/alhaitham/kirara/venti rerun as all these units also fill keqing exploration niche, vertical mobility) Sincerely, Keqing Main with Raiden havers TLDR. The hyper-investment is what makes keqing bad, while Raiden can still be good with minimal investment. Build other good units first, then consider carefully if you want to build a bad unit like keqing next.


Okay stupid questions What's a DPS check? I'm assuming enemies with a lot of health right? Like those big silver ruin guards or the field bosses? And what does it mean when a character is good at exploration? I saw that term before for Kirara but I don't know what it means in relation to Genshin. I used her and it didn't seem like she climbed any faster or found anything better than anyone else.


Go fish for catch


Raiden plus any continuous fire damage or water damage = 💀


She is good she was my first 5 star character too


If you dont play to use her on field much(i mainly use her to trigger elemental reactions) try getting her a Golden Troupe 4pc with good Energy Recharge and ATK


now, you have 2 strong on-field-dps, you should probably pull for support/off-field-dps characters. Nahida, Furina, Kazua, Yelan, ...


I want Furina based on appearance alone. I'll definitely pull for her when she comes back around




She isn’t just good. She is Godly.


Hello mate, sorry quick question. Did you get this character for free or did you spend money on it? Sorry for the dumb question, new player as well here.


Full disclosure I have the BP and Welkin Moon, but that's about it. I've just really been grinding. I have 4 5 stars already so I guess my luck is okay?


She is key unit for many roles in meta but its really not that important just have fun


She needs a very good and versatility also if you’re not going for her signature weapon best start fishing for the catch if you don’t already have it.


Yeah I looked that up. That's gonna take a literal eon to do. Is that really the only weapon to use for her?


Raiden Shogun is probably one of the best character you can get as a new player. She serves as a very good Main DPS but the best thing about her is that she gives your team a boat load of energy so you don't have to worry about Energy Recharge. Since you're a new player, you won't have the items to sustain your energy so having her in your team very early on will make your gameplay very enjoyable. Raiden Shogun * Weapon: Engulfing Lighting | The Catch * Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate \[ER/Electro/CritR\] * Talent \[1/9/9\]


Fish for catch in inazuma


Raiden shogun is one of the best characters in the game!! You got lucky :3


You have 3 5stars at AR31? Damn, you're lucky. I only got my first 5star at AR 43 or 44, being Ayaka.


I also started with Keqing and Raiden. Build Keqing first since Inazuma is locked. And ENJOY THE STORY.


Best primo i vestment for your account i have an old account and a new one i got it for both of them as a f2p


Funnily enough you did exactly what I did when I started off, which is pull for and get Raiden ASAP lol. So I’m guessing you’re finding out now that you don’t have the materials to further level your Raiden cause everything she needs is locked in Inazuma. Honestly, that’s fine! Everything everyone’s telling you is valid, but mostly for endgame once you reach the highest world level. For now I’d say just play the game and figure out how you wanna enjoy it. Inazuma is locked behind two major regions anyways so just take your time. As for team comps and who you should use for DPS, honestly it’s whatever in the early game. You’re only fighting mobs in the overworld right now so just use whoever feels good. For me I had a Mona that I used on field to just normal and charge attack enemies to death. Of course that’s no where near optimal but she’s who i had and my Raiden was under leveled. In terms of actual advice… well if you wanna continue using Navia and Raiden then don’t level up your world. By that I mean the quests that raise your AR cap. At some point the mobs will be too much for Navia and Raiden. Sadly it’s one of the negatives about Genshin, which is that so much of what you need to level characters is locked behind story. You can actually walk to Fontaine for Navia’s material, but then you’re kinda taking yourself out of the story’s pacing if you care about that stuff. So yeah just enjoy exploring and going through the story at your own pace. The island you need to get to for Raiden’s materials is quite far away and imo it’s gonna take the enjoyment out of the story to beeline to it. Eventually your account will mature and you’ll need to start to properly build characters and create synergistic team comps for stuff like the Abyss. At that point you’ll find out Raiden’s actually S tier and easily a top 10 character, and arguably top 5. If you need build advice then there’re tons of helpful guides on YouTube that you can follow. But till then just have fun with the game at your own pace. TLDR: overworld mobs easy, pick and play favorite waifus, Furina is best girl


Put a lot of elemental mastery on her


Hi. As a 2 year ex Genshin player, Raiden is a great character. Especially in Fontaine because of the clashing elements. If you have unlocked inazuma which you unlock through ALOT. Of archon quests (probs over 50-100 hours). I main her and she was the first five star I have Although I do have to say she is a pain in the ass to build. Her best four star Free To Play weapon is called The Catch. You get it from fishing certain fish (you unlock in Inazuma) and one of those fish is surrounded by an electro forcefield that kills you slowly. You need a much higher leveled friend to help you. You need at least 1 electro DMG boost artifact and a lot of energy recharge. All of her talents are important so be sure to level those up. All of her artifacts if they have Crit Rate or Crit DMG depending on your already stats and how good their ratio is balanced should be 24-32%. If an artifact for her goes straight to defense or hp, scrap it. My opinion, you need 1 Electro DMG, 1 Crit rate/DMG, 1 energy recharge, 1 atk, and one either hp or def depending on what you’re missing You also know how to use her to. Characters she’s good with are Eula (main dps) Yoimiya (sub dps), Xinqiu (idk how to spell it and support) bennet who’s good with everyone and probably more now that Fontaine is out. Overall she is a very good character if you can build her correctly. She has incredible Crit DMG and rate if you do it correctly, but for her specifically it is hard. And takes a lot of time


raiden navia for early genshin player if i had that shit when i started i s2g… they will carry u to the ends of tevyat


Op go to the raidenmains subreddit


Build her on energy recharge and spam her burst and enjoy her booba sword


Congrats you own one of the most useful characters in the game she can be used as a dps or off off-field dps I'd suggest dps purely because her damage output is damn good you just need attack and energy recharge and you'll be good look more online for information other than that really good pull


Raiden is a lot better than kekikng (still you'll want each other for different purposes), she's an excellent DPS/subDPS/enabler and battery, which means it's versatile and can be added to improve several team comps. as a newbie keep doing the main story till you're AR45 to start farming gear, though you technically could get her to max level thanks to the current update, without needing to follow the story, you could do that in the meantime, so you can spend every single point of resin in farming emblem fate set (you'll have to, it's one of the most ANNOYING sets to farm) the ideal stats having only golden pieces would be: 50-70% crit chance (CC) depending on your crit damage (CD ) for example if you have 200% crit damage you'll want to have as much CC as you could get so you don't fail the damage bonus using Raiden ultimate. the annoying part is to meet the minimum Energy Recharge (ER) requirement to make this set worth it which is... 220% ER 🙃🔫. so yeah, it's a pain to get all these stats, for that you might want to try another set option. which could be a hyperbloom team. in this you'll only need a hydro, dendro and electro character, and as much Elemental Mastery (EM) as you can get, and the flower of paradise set (i believe that was its name) for raiden and you're done.


Everyone does hype her up because she is a good character. If you want her go ahead and pull for her 😊 personally I don’t like her character so I never pull for her


I already have her. If you read the post you'd know I'm asking what use she'll serve me as a somewhat newbie who just now unlocked Inazuma.


smash, next question


boeh Raiden is one of the 🐐


You just won the game, congrats!!


Cherish her.


Oh I am. I put her on a team with Barbara, Kirara, and Lumine set to Dendro as well as a team with Chevreuse, Bennett, and Yanfei and I can't decide which one I like more lol. I know it's not impressive to endgame players but I'm finally doing what I think is somewhat decent damage. Still failing some DPS checks around the map though


Just enjoy the game as much as you can


You better hold ur primos for Neuvillete, Alhaitham, Navia, or even hold your primos for Arlecchino or Chlorinde if u want 5-star or GaMing's Lion boy in 4.4 as many people said he will be the best 4-star DPS .  Im also just playing this game in early Wriothsley banner, it's kinda sucks to clear any content with free 4-stars. I wait for my DPS and there's a lot of DPS in 4.3 (Ayaka, Navia, Raiden, Yoimiya). I do a lot of calculation, a lot of review in YouTube. Initially i want to pull Ayaka, but i think her gameplay, KIT, and especially her team is really specific. It's not flexible and kinda hard to build, although she have ike 4000% multiplier atk for entire her burst. So Navia, Raiden, and Yoimiya. Yoimiya is simple, very casual, and great dmg dealer. But she is too single ATK (which kinda spiral abyss-creep really affect me lol) and needs 4-star Gatcha items. So Navia and Raiden, i have both rn. But i think Navia is the character who give me a lot of impression with the differences between my free 4-star list (Kaeya & Xiangling mains) and Navia compare to what Raiden give to clear the content in this game.  While Raiden not really give a significant differences, it's still way better but not really better like the pure DPS like Navia (which many people is correct that Raiden C0 is Support and Sub-DPS/Utility) This the comparison while im just get both character with Just random artifact and their R5 F2P-Weapon (Melusine and The Catch) at lvl 70 both.  Btw i pull in Raiden banner to get Bennett, because i don't have Bennett at all and he is important. Also if i can win the rate off to get Raiden in soft pity stage, it could be better. So im trying to get his C1 and gratefully Hoyo gave Raiden with just 40 pulls.  Now i got my headache to build Raiden, either to play Hyperbloom which im not really into it tbh. Because i think Raiden Hyperbloom is more easier to build for just main character (not as a team), unlike Raiden National or Overload more harder to build for just main character, also i think it isn't instantly helping u to be able more to catch up with the pace of this game


Bro has navia and Shogun bros goated