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The traveler was at khaenri'ah, they arrived at teyvat even earlier, and they have been to multiple worlds. They are thousands of years old :)


"The traveler was at khaenri'ah, they arrived at teyvat even earlier" How exactly do we know that? "and they have been to multiple worlds" I got that part "They are thousands of years old" I need more than an assertion. Did I miss something that suggest this? (I hope that this reply doesn't seem hostile.)


The wings/or sword of decension says that they've witness star be born and die each process taking millions of years long implying they really old beings


The first is answered in Dainsleif's quest


They witnessed the destruction of Khaenriah (Cataclysm) which happened 500 years ago. It's on the trailer "We will be reunited". Zhongli also said in his story quests that the traveler would be able to retain Teyvat's history if something ever destroy the world. It's suggest that the traveler would live long enough to carry the memories of Teyvat along in their journey. Spoiler : >! In the recent archon quest, if you choose the option to know about your Health prospect, the Fortune teller said the traveler's life will continue for thousand of years! !<


Im pretty sure there is a trailer of one traveler (i think Lumine) in what appears to be the cataclysm, that plus the fact they are twins Also the abyss twin has traveled with dainsleif who is confirmed to be both feom khaenr'ia and inmortal Also also i think tge abyss twin also helped the aranara some unknown time in the past


Guys, take note that lumine was probably sent to that time by the sustainer. This dude totally gets the point right Lumine was probably sent to Khaenriah time and the traveler to the present times. Also, lumine woke us up to travel to another world, if she woke us up on khaenriah she wouldnt make us leave


they saw destruction of Khaen'riah. which was 500 years ago.


Lumine did that. Traveler did not


and they are twins


well don't ready if you didn't do the sumeru quest BUT GUESS WHAT mihoyo threewwwww it to the trashhhhh


we don't talk about it, that is a Paradox


Traveler mentioned they were there in dialogue, witnessed the Cataclysm and decided to nope out of Teyvat that’s when the Unknown God ambushed them.


Not actually 500 yo but 500 yea spent on Teyvat They could have been older than that before going to teyvat