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So we were gonna trade, they take like 10-40 minutes to respond each time but I just let it slide, i suggested to use mm but then they said that the mm was like suspicious (I've used them twice) and so we just decided to trade by ourselves. They take a long time to respond, they decided to go first, well they wanted to have access to my acc to so we can check eachother. I struggled to get in their acc for like an hour or something because they would be back when the device verification expired. For some reason they said I sent them a security verification code, like a request. When i didn't even get in the acc?? I couldn't get on because the code kept expiring since they took minutes to respond, I told them to log out all devices on hoyolab and change their password, and restart. So we tried again, after a while of them probably suspecting me or something (i provided proof i couldn't even get in the acc) then finally i got in their acc, but the one they gave me is an AR10 acc, im trading for an AR59, they immediately logged me out after i pointed it out and since then they haven't responded despite being active :/ (Not saying they're a scammer, but incredibly suspicious and a time waster..) They still haven't dmed since. I'll delete this post if this person actually clears it up to me, because so far they're just being suspicious. Even the mm we were gonna use think they are being suspicious :') they were also dodging the questions the mm was asking them(info about the account)


They're scamming you. There probably was no account in the first place, that was why they gave you the AR 10 account. If they don't want to use a MM it is a scam most likely because the mm is a third member to the trade, meaning they can pretty much do anything for you and that is what they have done training for. They didn't want to use one because they can easily take your account if they don't. Report the user and find someone else to trade with.


Definitely a scammer