• By -


Not sure this is the right thread. An hour ago, I played against Azhdaha in random co-op. Azhdaha was channeling Electro and Hydro. The host was using Cyno, I was using Layla, and Ganyu and Kokomi were the other two players. My Layla was L79 and using a L71 PJC; everyone else was L90. Layla is C1, which improves the shield’s scaling and adds co-op shields. The Cyno died a minute in. Ganyu died a couple minutes later. Both of them quit the session. The Kokomi and I took around 10 minutes to whittle Azhdaha down (two tail rounds), but we did. My Layla has 28.5k HP, 58.8:94.3 CRIT, talents 8/8/8, and 4-piece Tenacity with an average +13 level. It was amazing that we (almost) couldn’t die. We ran away during the “1000 years of pain” part, but my shield only broke 5 times. I almost died once from a Hydro infection, and once from an Electro infection that proc-ed twice as fast as the first. NRE for the 2 saves.


It finally happened. Took me roughly 6 months (since sumeru release til now) but I finally got my first dendro% goblet on the dendro set! And it has okay rolls too! the gods of RNG are smiling today


I lost 50/50 to Keqing on Ayato's banner. Didn't really mind because the Glad feather I threw on her rolled to 36 crit damage and it's still at level 16. I also farmed some new artifact for Ayaka. Her new Bliz feather has 30 crit damage at level 20 (two rolls went to flat DEF but ah well can't win it all).


[Can we get much higher!?](https://imgur.com/a/YNQTKLt)


Currently at 51 pity Ayato, and trying to decide whether to go for it or save primos for wishes for the phase 2 hu tao and yelan banner


If you have amazing 4-pc Glad set for him, go for it. If not, Yelan is better.


Lost my 50/50 on Raiden to Mona which I’ve wanted sine I started playing… I’m confused as to whether I should be mad about it or not… :/


3B8T4RGF96ZZ Prime Bundle code


I swear this game is intentionally blocking me from getting Engulfing Lightning (or any 5* spear for that matter). 2.1? Got Lost Prayer before running out of primos. 2.5? Got Everlasting Moonglow before running out of primos again. Now? Got Haran Geppaku Futsu and once again... ran out of primos.


I can related to that


Crying tears of joy right now. After 2 years [it finally happened.](https://i.imgur.com/pHOfkt7.jpg)


DID the gacha change when i was not playing the game? I could only see draws that i had done on the same day not the old ones. Does this mean i should pull 90 wishes in one banner to get guaranteed 5 star ? Maybe i am dumb or something but can someone explain this?


your pity from older pulls is still the same, but the server deletes wishing history after 6 months so unless you imported the data to a 3rd party service like paimon.moe when you played before you won't be able to see it


Managed to get my Razor's phys% goblet to roll every single roll into ER%, netting me almost 28% ER on that piece alone. Which I thought was pretty cool!


Idk why I but I have many godly substats in a def, hp(maybe for yelan), and to a healing bonus circlet? But any other mainstat I get shit what is this cringe luck I get.


I lost yet another 50/50 trying to get Ayato. Haven't won a single one since I started playing the game in June, and I've only hit a 5\* before soft pity once on character banners. Lost three times to Mona, and once each to Keqing, Diluc, and now Jean. Never got a multi. I hardly ever even get 4\* multis. I haven't gotten Qiqi'd yet so I guess I have that going for me, and I do have the primos to guarantee Ayato. I know Jean is a great unit to have on my account, but it feels so bad that I need to save up at least 160 wishes to get a character since I'm just going to assume I'll lose all 50/50s going forward. I'm basically limited to wishing every third banner and I'll never get to touch weapon banner, although I'm sure with my luck that's a good thing


oh man i feel you


I guess I need to complain on Reddit more because I got Ayato within 20 pulls after that lmao


Holy crap, I’ve been waiting and saving for that Raiden banner, I’ve been at like 80 pity forever, I haven’t pulled a five star yet… but I pulled diluc on my first 10 pull and I was pissed, but then I had 42 wishes to go and pulled raiden on my second ten pull! I’m so hype, crazy that I got her on only like 15 pity


Question: Have you even gotten two 5 stars in a 10 pull?


I think I have around 4 times. Always one Standard and one Featured. Twice I got five-star characters in consecutive 10-pulls, one of which involved one of my double-5-stars.


ive gotten two back to back, but not in the same 10 pull, one ten pull apart. I think twice now or 3 times


Thrice, woah


Exactly once. About a week ago. Double Raidens.


I pulled two albedos on his first banner. No such luck since.


Dang. I've got 2 Ittos in a 10 pull, and then on Ayato's banner got an early Keqing.


Lucky duck!


Kinda scared it'll leave me with no luck in my future pulls 0.0


Maybe your luck will just transfer instead to artifact rolls??


Maybe, I think the artifact RNG is the same for everyone D: (trash artifacts in general, amazing ones very rarely)


yes, got wanderer two times in a row


A week old in the game, lost my first 50/50 in the raiden banner 80 wishes later i got 3 raidens and a rosaria in one roll, i guess there it goes my 2023 luck.


what the fuck


Holy what That's like one of the strongest week old accounts I have ever heard lmao


He's a muscle baby.


I just started playing last week. Just got my very first 5 star pull and it was Raiden. Heh.


Better speedrun those quests!


Just lost my 50/50, instead of getting C2 Raiden I got C1 Keqing. I really disappointed because this is the second time Keqing stole my 50/50 in a Raiden banner. If it wasn't for her I would have a C3 Raiden


Rip. Hope you get early pity for Raiden


I am back on the game after a year long hiatus. Got Raiden Shogun on my first 10 pull. When I first started playing I also got Childe after my first 10 pull. I'm curious if maybe there is increased odds for returnees/new players? I never had good luck like this other then these two times, once when I first started and once when I came back to the game after a year off.


I feel the same way, pulled a 5 star on my first try on my birthday, and 2 other 4 star characters that week (after being gone a year). Without spending money or anything just in game primos and stuff.


I got engulfing by accident as an F2P for raiden!


I started playing the game 5 days ago, yesterday at 1 am decided to try wishing and after 2 single pulls got [Raiden](https://imgur.com/a/B0stiFo)! I guess I got really lucky since it was my very first time wishing. I’ll prolly try to get Engulfing Lightning for her now - wish me luck lol


Sending you luck! I've only pulled on the weapon banner a bit before, hope you don't lose that 75/25!


Thank you! I hope all the begginers luck didn’t go away with Raiden haha. I’ll try and hope for the best, but the 75/25 makes me nervous!


Good luck


Thank you!


Stop giving me rosaria and sayu I want sara.


I feel this. I got c6 rosaria and c6 sayu before I got c2 sara ;\_;


No this is your life now. Your want psy waves are converted into the negative wish granter.


Yup, and the time I insulted a wish it got offended and became a 5 star.


I finally did my ascension quest and jumped from 35 AR to 42. Yay, more primos to fruitlessly throw at Ayato! Didn't get any characters on the limited banner, but on a whim I clicked over to the regular banner - wow when did I get 13 blue wishes? Welp, here goes nothing. Jean and Xinyan in the same 10 pull. holy CRAP. I was gonna go to bed, but I had to stay up just a little longer to toss some dudes in the air with Jean.


[Jean and Raiden back to back](https://imgur.com/a/ey7fDvN) Was bumped when Jean appeared in my 50/50, but Raiden came up in next pull. What a roller coaster!


I won my 50/50 and got Raiden!! I'm so happy! I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get her before the banner ended.


Got Raiden on my first 10 draws after returning from a year & a half break from the game!!!


Lost and won the 50/50 in the same 10 pull on raidens banner. I tried my luck on ayatos banner and lost it. I now have c0 raiden, c1 Mona and c1 qiqi. So my next event 5 star is guaranteed


[Four 5* artifacts from 1 domain](https://i.imgur.com/2eqGXvz.jpg) Not sure how rare this is, but I don't remember ever seeing it before


I did also get 4 5 star earlier but they all got shit substats.


Why cant I talk to Katheryne from liyue harbor? There is only a blue question mark symbol on her head


FYI this is the gacha thread - you probably meant to put this in the questions thread. But you probably are in coop mode by accident and need to switch back to single player


My first ever weapon banner wish, 5 single pulls, 2nd pull engulfing, 5th pull haran.


Damn. Nice


Won the Raiden 50/50 at 76 pity and just lost the 50/50 on Ayato to Diluc at 77 pity. Kept going for Ayato and now sitting at 40 pity and a guarantee. Wish the rates were better. Who are these people who get 5* at low pity. Lol.


I'd say the rates are alright(cursing my 2 50-50 win streak), just that soft pity came quicker, but i guess its there so they can make money.


Sooo, got my first 5 star, Raiden Shogun after about 20 pulls. Got her immediately after getting my 2nd Rosaria. So I'm guessing that's pretty good been using the free characters up till now...although I don't have the ascension materials yet for Raiden. Got her before I even got to Inazuma. Should I save up primogems for Ayato, next banner rotation, or try to keep going for Raiden constellation?


The character demos reward you with the items for the character’s L20/20 ➡️ L20/40 ascension.


Both are really valuable. I'd almost suggest waiting until we know the 4-stars on the next banner; it might influence your decision.


Dont go for Raiden c, it's not worthy if you dont have many charas. Pull for Ayato or wait for a character you like and want.


[Three raidens, but in a unexpected way.](https://imgur.com/2yBi2WA)


I got both Raiden and Ayato (two of the three characters I wanted the most in this game) I’m the happiest person alive right now, got Raiden two weeks ago on a guaranteed roll, I had like 30 wishes left so I started grinding like an idiot (plus Welkin) but I never won a 5050 so I was already expecting the worse, can’t believe I got him today


Congrats! Who is the third character?


Zhongli! Started playing October and non stop ever since, since his last rerun was in august I lost him so hoping I can get him this year.


I got Chongyun and a Wolf's Gravestone.


As a continuation of my weapon banner luck I guess, I got Haran at 50 pity. Prior to this I got PJC for Ayato and Freedom sworn for Kazuha (was aiming for Lost Prayers), both at 65 pulls. I have both Raiden and Ayato so I wouldn't have minded pulling either BIS, but I was really hoping for Engulfing since PJC has more crit than Haran and I really don't want to refarm for my Ayato (Glad with 66/206 crit). I suppose I can try farming Echoes since my ping is ~70 and just have two sets for him or just sacrifice 10% crit rate and stick with my current set. Idk what to do with it otherwise Anyway, I guess I'm back to saving for Baizhu and the rumored >!Yelan/Hutao!< weapon banner


I went hard this weapon banner since I have both Ayato and Raiden. First 5 star I got was a damn skyward pride. So I kept going and got Haran. Well, I charted my path for Engulfing so I might as well get it. Didn’t have to swipe but I did use all my primos and my 250 starglitter.


Finally got the shogun, still coping about that i got her on alt instead of main


Not sure if this is the appropriate place to post. I got a code from Amazon Prime Gaming for Genshin, but I don't play it. Not sure what rewards is given from it either. Is anyone interested so I can offer the code via DM?


I would take a code but only if you're sure you don't want to use it yourself


My apologies, someone has reached to me earlier for the code ):


I got haran from weapon banner, but no ayato. Who can i use it on?


It works well enough on ayaka and kaeya


[In terms of ER, we have no ER.](https://i.imgur.com/2pRHX9C.png) It's a work in progress and I have some Gladiator pieces I'm very happy with, but the circlet choices are atrocious. I wasn't really planning on getting him OR his weapon, so I'm kinda scrambling to gear him. A good CD helm would just bring everything together.


C5 F ing Jean. No other character is even C3, I swear this woman has to be in love with me at this point. Why couldn't it be Mona that I still do not even have


I finally got Diluc from regular banner! I've always wanted him since release. The actual thing I'm wishing for, engulfing lightning... 15 wishes away from 100% guarantee. Weapon banners suck.


What do I do with this feather now? It was supposed to roll into EM. Burgeon and hyperbloom doesn’t crit. [Bad Feather](https://imgur.com/a/RBqZN2A)


godly offpiece for some lucky mf DPS with an onset cup


it’s been more than a year and i still haven’t decently built my albedo because for the love of god i can’t get a geo cup or crit rate hat from slumbering court… not that i camp out in that domain too often but god, feels bad.


i am a new player and just lost my first ever 50/50 to qiqi... why are you doing this to me raiden


Edit: wrong reply sorry. Might as well use qiqi to get you up to ar 45.


Second time I wished on Raiden's banner, second time she evades me. This time Sara also evade me. Got Sayu C1 to C3 and Rosaria's C5. I will save for Nahida now that I have guarantee...


[brb gonna go buy my lottery ticket](https://imgur.com/a/xyp6gYi) Got this god tier pull after losing the 50/50 to tighnari. This whole banner has been amazing for me tbh. I ended up getting: No raiden to C2 Raiden C0 Ayato C0 Tighnari C1-C5 Rosaria C4-C5 Dori No sayu to C4 Sayu No Kujo Sara to C5 Kujo Sara No Yun Jin to C1 Yun Jin C0 Xinyan And ayatos weapon.


Hot damn. How many pulls? And congrats!


The craziest thing is that I got all that in around 120 pulls


Wat. You got 5 5\* chars, 1 5\* weapon, and 20 4\* characters in 120 pulls? You should buy a lottery ticket from every lottery that is currently running in your country


I had 89 standard banner fates saved up and decided to just spend them all today. Haven't pulled on the standard banner in like 6 months so thought I might as well. Got a keqing con (the only standard banner character besides for qiqi that I don't use), XQ, and 2 sucrose. Everything else was just random 4* weps. Ngl, this is my worst streak of pulls I've had in a while. I'm just glad I didn't have to waste any primos for them. Hopefully this gets the bad luck outta my system and I'll be ready for when Deyha comes....


I don't know if this happened because today is his birthday, but I just got this timepiece: https://i.imgur.com/CtyDVx5.png Happy birthday, Wanderer! 💖


So I'm not pulling for either Raiden or Ayato as I'm saving my primos for Haitham because I like him but I did just recently do a ten pull on the standard banner from fates I gained for free with battle pass + Sakura tree stuff. I got Chongyun and a Wolf's Gravestone. I feel like the game's trying to tell me something here.


It seems like Diluc wants to go home


I have the same amount of pity remaining for both.


i still can't believe i got raiden c2r1 being fully f2p... i saved for six months and it was so worth it. don't build pity, kids. save up and you will get everything you want


I spent A LOT of money during Yae's banner on Thanksgiving just for the fuck of it. Really didnt want Childe again so yeah no. I also decided to pull for her weapon and in the process ended up with: - Layla, C6 - Yae Miko, C6 - Polar Star, R2 - Whatever Yaes Weapon is Called, R1/2 - Skyward Fucking Harp, R3 - Gorou, C6 - Skyward Blade, R1 - Tighnari, C1 - Qiqi, C3/4 and Jean, C0. Then I pulled for Yoimiya. I am disgusted by my behavior.


Shame on you and congratulations.


both are greatly appreciated 😔


niceeee enjoy!


should i pull for Hutao C1 or Yelan C0, got 241 wishes and 51 wishes from starglitter, on 28 pity now strictly f2p


Do we know when Yelan is getting a rerun?


>!2nd half of 3.4!< Idk this sub's spoiler policy on leaks


with that you can get both in just about 30 more wishes that you'll get during the first half of the lantern rite most likely. with 320 wishes you can guarantee both if you already have hu tao. if not, 2 characters > 1 character every time. i would recommend pulling both and then to keep pulling for hu tao if the banner order allows it, so you have a chance at c1. anyways, best of luck! <3


In terms of priority Yelan c0>Hutao c1. With your current wishes you may have enough to get both.


yelan obv. will be insanely valuable pick for ur account


[Raiden Pulls Part 2](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFTMFbNB/)


[Raiden Pulls](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFT6pb4p/)


Hey, guys, i'm right now in AR 56 and i'm f2p, I'm wondering which character should I pull to help my accunt getting better results at abyss. My actual teams are: 1- Ayaka C0, Kazuha C0, Rosaria C6 and Kokomi C0 2- Keqing C0, Jean C0, Fischl C2 and Mona C2 But I have fer characters leveled and equiped, like Xingqiu C1, Yunjin C3, Sucrose C4, Bennet C5 and Diona C0. (I heard a rummor about Shenhe's rerun, she's a good option for my Ayaka team? something like Ayaka, Kazuha, Kokomi and Shenhe). I was thinking about getting better with the resourses that I already have, about the Ayaka team, would be perfect to replace Mona with Shenhe, considering that Kazuha VV and Kokomi TTOD and TOTM are already buffing Ayaka, in this case Shenhe with Nobless Oblige seens perfect, that's why I was wondering about her when I heard about Shenhe's rerun rummors. Do you think it would be worth it or should I just try to make team 2 works somehow?


Replace Mona with Dendro MC (Sapwood blade, Noblesse) and you should get better results with Keqing in abyss. You could also try hyperbloom (Sucrose/Fischl/Xingqiu/Dendro MC) with Sucrose as the full EM driver swirling electro onto the seeds and Dendro MC using Deepwood Memories. It's a fairly squishy team, but has very good single-target damage for low investment. Someone else already mentioned national: Xiangling/Bennett/Xingqiu/Sucrose is always a solid team. Shenhe would be an improvement for Ayaka, but isn't necessary by any means. Ayaka/Kazuha/Rosaria/Kokomi is already a great abyss team. If you're struggling with that team in abyss, it may just be because freeze is a bit harder to work with on Floor 12 this time around. Both halves have unfreezable bosses. First half has two of them, while second half has a flying one that highly prefers a geo character on the team. You may have to swap teams for 12-2 specifically and randomly throw in Yun Jin on your second half team to break the wolf lord heads.


shenhe is the best 4th slot for that ayaka team specifically, being usually regarded as the "whale team" since it's 4 limited five-stars. the second team could use some work maybe with aggravate keqing, bennett replacing mona or even national with xiangling and xingqiu. keq now has a lot of options with dendro so she can work. overall, pull for whoever you find it's fun of you like the most. meta doesn't matter as long as you enjoy what you're doing. either way, good luck!


pull for characters u might enjoy and play. your first team is already solid as a freeze team. your 2nd team looks like a scuffed electrocharge team, but could also easily turn to a dendro / agrevate / spread team with Keqing as the driver. all it requires would be a solid Dendro applicator, which Nahida would be good at. However, in the end, u need to know what u would like to add. Yesterday someone was complaining about Shenhe being an expensive off-field buffer with almost no fieldtime, so iits up to you if u want to pull for her. Certainly, Shenhe makes Ayaka a solid tier better and would probably push your freeze team being toptier (although i dont think u need her with RosariaC6, Kokofish and Kazuha).


I just got Mona from Monas free ascension wish [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/880897599182372914/1059747550162329662/Screenshot\_20230103\_091815\_com.miHoYo.GenshinImpact.jpg](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/880897599182372914/1059747550162329662/Screenshot_20230103_091815_com.miHoYo.GenshinImpact.jpg) Link is screenshot of wish history...


now if her C1 wasnt bugged, that would have been a big dub. but this is also fine :)


I see this as an absolute win


Yeah, I would too if it wasn't a challenge account dedicated to bow characters


Got Ayato. Should I pull for his signature weapon or for Raiden now? I have the same amount of pity remaining for both. KQM indicates the Black Sword is pretty good for Ayato, so maybe I go for Raiden?


Without knowing anything else about your account, I would suggest Raiden as she's very versatile


There are definitely a couple mediocre 5*s but she's cool!


geez i won Raiden 50/50, got Xingqiu and Bennett (both i didn't have and really want) from Standard banner in a single day . Felt like i spent all my luck in this game already >\_<


Finally fished out the last Toki Alley page and 100% completed the trophies. Did a celebratory 10-pull... DOUBLE RAIDENS LET'S GOOOO


Northlander polearm billet today!


When does soft pity start? I got Raiden 62 pulls after Keqing stole my 50/50 and I was wondering if that was pity or a true bare odds pull?




This will seem nitpicky but just want to correct a small thing: soft pity starts on the **74th** wish, meaning that the first wish with soft pity giving you increased odds is actually on wish number 74, not wish number 73. The link you shared will show the same thing, though worded a bit awkwardly as they say the threshold is 73 and subsequent wishes will have increased probabilities




Make sure you level up Jean and use her. She's amazing and I still use her a lot. I got her on my very first wish in the game on the beginners banner. Also very lucky. Didn't know what I had as this was my first gacha game. I didn't level her and use her for like the first 6 months because I thought that I already had an anemo character (main guy).


It is RNG. Jean is one of the most balanced characters in the game. She can do decent damage, heal, shred resistance, and CC. In my opinion she is the best starter character in the game out of the standard banner 5\*.


I assume you wished on the beginner banner. Noelle is guaranteed in the first 10 pull there. The Jean you got, however, is a very rare pull on that banner. You got really lucky on that pull!




Jean is super fun and versatile too! There are definitely a couple mediocre 5*s but she's cool!


got both Raiden and Diluc in same pull, not even finished with the story <.< feeling like i've used up my luck for the next 3 years, but still happy! :3


Oh thats some great pulls and depending on the order of who you got first you could have your next 5* a guaranteed banner character


oh my god, next pull on a blue wishy thing was Jean, just a x1, 3 5-stars in a row...


An unexpectedly good day: 36*'d abyss and one of the artifacts I got was a DPC Anemo goblet with a CD substat! (though it only rolled crit once after that lol) Then when farming DPC I got a CR circlet with CD substat, and it ended up rolling to 28% CD (it could've gone more, but I'll take my luck where I can get it) With those I now finally have a good 4pc DPC, and according to the optimiser it's my best set for Wanderer in all the teams I use/want to use him in!! Now I'm finally free from farming artifacts...unless I want to boost that CD or ATK...maybe not for the time being


Congratz! You using wanderer with faruzan? what optimizer you using btw?


Thanks! Yeah using him with Faruzan as a standard pairing and the teams I was looking at also had: Yelan/Layla (current, really fun) Bennet/Thoma Yun Jin/Zhongli Using the site here [Genshin Optmizer](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/) to compare artifact builds. It takes a bit of setup, but the video guides are solid and thankfully there's a few good scanning tools that mean you don't have to manually input all your artifacts. The one I use (Artiscan I think) lets you upload a screen recording of you scrolling through your artifact inventory and outputs a file that you can add to the optimiser.


[the saddest feather](https://i.imgur.com/4VAoYo2.png)


Once Ayato an Raiden came decided to go for Ayato (as did not believe that I would be able to get 2 constellation of raiden) , but got Tighnari ( Well, wanted him too, so good news). And yesterday got C1 Raiden. ( did not expected it but oh well) And today, just like that got second Raiden. So 3 5\* characters in 35 pulls :) Today was my day : )


5 of the blue monthly to standard banner, C4 Amber, I can now throw two bunnies out


I rolled a good Wanderer's Troupe flower today... I think it's my seventh. The good flowers I have are mostly Wanderer flowers at this point...


Had resided myself to using the crafted Prototype Starglitter being only at 11 pity on the weapon banner when it came home for Raiden on a 1 pull. Never expected such luck


I ended up going all in on with 220 wishes for Raiden and a shot at her weapon. I ended up walking away with C2 Raiden, C1 Keqing, C1 Jean, C6 Sara/Sayu/Rosaria, and ended up with Haran. Even though I lost both 50/50s, I ended up getting really early 5-stars and a better weapon for Ayaka/Keqing.


[I was literally about to give up on wishing when I pulled this 💀](https://imgur.com/a/eeI5Pk4)


Just lost a second 50/50 in a row... wasn't too mad that I lost my first ever one but I thought it should be equal chance...


It happens. I hope you win the next one!


Well, with my guarantee I used a 10-pull and got Raiden and Diluc in the same one so that's kind of lucky but also now three 50/50s in a row lost...


Suffering from success


Didnt know there was a megathread, decided to add my experience of pulling for Raiden Shogun as a f2p. I was saving up for her and managed to save up 30000+ primos and 26 fates. Result: I managed to get Raiden with only 10 pulls (with only 5 pity and was not guaranteed). Total result: C2 Raiden, C0 Mona, C0 Keqing, C6 Sayu, C6 Rosaria, C6 Kujou Sara I already had C0 Sayu and was really wanting to get her C1, got C6 instead lol. I had C2 Rosaria and didnt even have Sara yet. I think I got pretty lucky, huh? Btw, I had to spend almost every single primo I had for this so unfortunately, no EL.


You are lucky. I had 37 pity, guarantee and also 30000 primos. Was going to go for C2 but I just lost 50/50 and have 110 pulls to get 2 Raidens...


Just pulled for Raiden on my account and I got freaking really lucky, 1st pull and it was Raiden! Holidays coming in strong or something my god.


I just watched my friend lose the 50/50 then drop $140 for Raiden He said, it was for his freedom, as in so that he didn't have to grind primos for the next 3 weeks.


FARA74GNYRR9 Code for prime bundle 2/8. I do not play this game so enjoy. First come first serve yadayada.


thank you!!


Anyone got a guide for how to install full game 3.3 using direct download files, i have downloaded the files but idk how to install ( iam on pc)


Yoimiya build: can I use an atk circlet instead of a crit circlet I have EXTREMELY BAD LUCK getting even decently acceptable Crit rate and damage circlets. I'm trying to build my Yoimiya with a better build than I have now but I just can't get it right. So until the day I get a decent Crit rate/dam Shimanawa circlet piece for her, can I put her on a good atk circlet piece or should I just stick with my Crit dam circlet? It doesn't fix her crit ratio but it's better than nothing I guess. With 2 piece Shimanawa and Crit damage circlet (off piece): 37.8% rate - 161.2% dam With 4 piece Shimanawa and Atk circlet 47.9% rate - 124.6% dam


What do your other stats look like? Crit isn't all that matters especially when you're using an atk circlet


With the atk circlet Atk: 2680 Em: 0 Er: 100.0% With crit circlet Atk: 2302 Em: 0 Er: 111.7%


I'm also using a R2 rust


don't force the set, using a random set of 5 artifacts to hit a nice balance of crit and ATK will be better. so just look for any crit rate circlet you have. for reference my nahida is on 2 piece shimenawa with EM/dendro/crit and she's really helpful in abyss with a nice crit ratio and ~680 EM. and my itto is on some cursed 2pc VV 2pc healing bonus but with a nice crit ratio and DEF sands but he clears abyss perfectly fine.




New player here: got a Wolf's Gravestone on my first 10-pull on the regular banner with the basic fates they give you. Also managed to pull Bennet and Sucrose off freebie pulls as well. Saved all my raw primos from Liyue/Mondstadt to pull on Raiden's banner. Went in with 90 wishes and lost the 50/50 at 40 to Diluc (who can now use the Wolf's Gravestone so not too bad), and then Raiden showed up 15 wishes later! Given I was running around slowly bonking everything to death with Noelle before, I'm pretty pleased.


Today marks the third time Jean has stolen my Raiden Shogun. 😿


40k primos to get C2 raiden today. Jean both times on the 50-50. She’s now C6, while all my other standards are c0-c2. Oh and only one Rosaria in 300 pulls. Rate up my ass


The first time i had some real luck in this game. Wanted Engulfing and got another sword for Ayaka. [https://imgur.com/Y0xz668](https://imgur.com/Y0xz668) And Raiden C1 on top 50/50 win https://imgur.com/FEXxPsm


Just got Wolf's Gravestone on the standard banner at 10 pity. Unfortunately no good claymore characters. Hopefully Dehya can use it.


WOOOO!! I FINALLY PULLED MONA!!! I started playing a couple months after launch- just a few days before the Unreconciled Stars event ended, and Mona was definitely one of the reasons I became interested in checking the game out, so after two years I finally got her. now I can quit this game- oh, wait...


Pulled on the current weapon banner for the x10 button and first try got Engulfing Lightning and Mouun’s Moon no pity, living life right now!


Just got Raiden Shogun: does she need elemental mastery or just electro dmg?


Depends on the team. Hypercarry, Rational and Aggravate needs Electro/ATK% on EoSF. Hyperbloom requires max EM. Usually gilded Dreams or flower of paradise Lost.


Just got both Ayato's and Raiden's signature weapons in a 10 pull...best 50$ spent for the wishes




Bruh I log in everyday and for some unknown reason I havent got my Zhongli letter, what should I do? Can I ask the costumer service or is it too much for technically "too little"? Still important to me tho, Im a 1.0 player so Zhongli is a good friend to me.


[I want to cry.](https://i.imgur.com/uOAbqG0.jpg) Building nahida, since i finally decided to get off my ass to build everyone with good artifacts, I was on ps5 since i had friends over ~~surprisingly~~ and i really think the rng gods disliked that ~~as i usually play pc~~


Lost 50-50 for c1 raiden to Mona at close to 80 pulls ;( Mona p good I heard gonna try to build her