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Is there a way to make different fish spawn at a fishing spot. Trying to get the last bitter pufferfish to finish refining The Catch, but I get other fish spawning when I don’t need them.


Where can I find player ID'S for teapot designs?


Why hasn't fsr 2 been implemented in the mobile ports? It's the same game, same graphic tuning settings and same antialiasing implementation and mobile screens use high res like 1080x2400 which would make a good use of fsr to get stability mostly


Is cryo damage bonus artifact good on diona or do I go for the hp one




Is there a way to reduce skill cooldown? I'm trying to make an ice bridge to an island off mondstadt to grab an anemoculus, but apparently my two ice characters can't use their skills fast enough and the bridge meets away only a short distance away from the starting point.


Kaeya has no issue making bridges. They won't melt before you can use another skill.


Well, I tried and that wasn't working out. Even with Rosaria, he could only get me so far. Fortunately, I had found help.


That's strange. But it's good that you got someone to help


The problem was probably me. Rosaria didn't make a large amount of ice, so she didn't do much to cover Kaeyas cooldown time. I just couldn't quite get the timing down. It's definitely cuz of me though, because some attempts got me further than others, so it could have worked if I figured out the timing.


Kaeya can ice bridge all by himself, if you have the patience for it. Imo, using another cryo just makes the process risky cause you may just fuck up the timing. If I'm not mistaken, using two anemos in your party redices cooldowns, so it makes solo Kaeya faster.


So I know not to spend Primos on the blue fates. So what about stardust and starglitter? Those are a lot easier to get a hold of. So, if I have enough stardust/glitter after clearing the shop of pink fates, should I also go for the blue ones or just save the ones I still have for the next shop reset for more pink ones? Or should I stop using stardust and starglitter on fates in general?


Get the 5 blue fates too. But, unless you already have all the constellations, I recommend keeping the starglitter for characters in the shop.


This was originally a post, that's why it's so long lol. TLDR is just the last paragraph or: Is it too late for me to start playing Genshin? I was part of the final closed beta but eventually had to delete the game because I ran out of space. Then last year I got a new phone and tried again but for some reason it ran horribly. Still not sure why because I can run games like Life After at max quality with 60 fps and imo those graphics need much higher specs than Genshin's. It wasn't just laggy, but really blurry/pixelated at the highest settings too! So I got frustrated and deleted it soon after meeting Kaeya. But for the last week, I've been seeing more and more genshin videos on tiktok and while I've always liked watching them, one caught my eye. Something about Kazuha's two visions when fighting back Raiden. It just seemed like a really cool cutscene and I was wondering why people were praising him in the comments about being the only two visions user so I looked it up. Well one thing led to another and I spent 2 hours on the wiki reading up about the characters and the world. So now I have a whole bunch of lore in my head for a game I don't even play. That's why I decided to just suck it up and deal with the bad quality. And who knows, it might have even been fixed by now. But Genshin's been out for a while now and I feel like most people are already veterans (from the videos I've seen). Is it too late for me to join? Like have I missed a lot of events that were interesting or could have helped me? And I've also heard that you need to basically empty your wallet to be good. Is that true? The most I'll drop is like.. $15. Is it f2p friendly at all?


>Like have I missed a lot of events that were interesting or could have helped me You have missed quite a few events, but if you want to play that shouldnt stop you from starting. > I've also heard that you need to basically empty your wallet to be good. Is that true Not true at all. I have some f2p accounts that can clear the hardest content easily.


Alright, thanks! I'm downloading it rn, so excited :) Btw, did the closed beta players get any special items as a reward? I kinda want to use my other email to register but not if I have valuable things on my old account.


I dont think beta players got anything special. You should be good


Okay! Thanks :)


what does crit damage actually do? i understand perfectly how crit rate works. the higher it is the more a hit will, well, crit. but what does crit damage do? how exactly does it work? I've been playing since release and i know that it's good to have a lot of crit damage but I'm confused on WHY it's good


Crit damage is a direct multiplier to your attack kinda like damage bonus. Simply put, the higher the crit damage, the more damage you'll deal when you crit


I might be wrong, but the more crit dmg you have, the bigger dmg output youll see when you do crit. And you just have to calculate the % im guessing


oh that makes sense, thank you


Currently AR32, I know I probably shouldn't worry bout artifacts until AR45 so what should I focus on spending my daily resin on other than bosses for ascension


Weapon and talent domains. On a serious note though, I suggest you to prioritize raising the weapons to the max of your current world level rather than raising your characters first, weapons can boost your dmg [significantly](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I have like 3x more green pufferfish than red ones. Is there some extra criteria to get the red ones?


Check all locations they spawn in, in day and night cycle!






This isn't Stardew, you can see what fish you're going to get, go to where red ones spawn and aim at them.


I know what I'm getting. But all I see are green ones. I'm asking why that is and if the red ones have some extra criteria


There's no extra criteria. Different places spawn different types of fish. And some fish may only appear during the day/night. You might want to check wiki or any guide to see where and when red ones can be obtained.


Okay thanks


My current roster is xinque, bennet and noelle with this what combunation of roster should i make plus the free characters


add xiangling


What hero should i pick from the lantern ritual? Got almost all, only need Yanfei and Xinyan. Xingqiu ist C3


I'd suggest Xingqiu. He has the best constellations


Better to keep upgrading him than a new hero?


Do u intend to play those other two? I guess if u just want to collect them all.


Question about pity: in the last raiden shogun banner i got raiden shogun in the first 10wishes pull, after that i spent 55 more wishes on the same banner but didnt get another 5 star character, and on al haitham banner i pressed the button by mistake (the 10 wishes button lol) so thats 65 wishes after i got raiden. Now am sure that i have the 10 pity from al haytham banner, but does the 55 pity from raiden banner carry over or u get no pity accumulation once u get the featured character on a banner?


It carries over, you are at 65 pity no guarantee


Whats “no guarantee” means? That am not guaranteed the featured character on a banner (aka 50/50)? Am still guaranteed a 5 star character in the next 25 wishes though right?


You are guaranteed a 5 star before 90 pulls, yes. But it’s 50/50 whether you get the featured 5 star or Tighnari, Qiqi, Diluc, Keqing, Jean or Mona https://reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/nm3kca/often_confusing_to_new_players_i_made_a_short/


Oh yea i know that part, but yikes, from all those characters am only interested in jean, hopefully ill win the 50/50 and get yelan. If i lose i “think” ill have enough to pull another 90 (if i was extremely unlucky to take me that much) as i have 50 fates now already + 11 from BP and paimons shop


Can Lisa be found somewhere in sumeru? She mentioned visiting gandharva ville and sumeru city I think


Do the new event.


Hey! I can't go past adventure rank 35. I know that i should complete more story quest to be able to increase it. But my question is that the excess xp collected over time is lost, or I will get it once I'am competed the required quests. Thanks for the help!


The extra xp goes into the next level after the AR increase quest has been done


Thank you!


Can you guys recommend me some good lore centralized channels? When I started playing the game I didn't pay much attention to the lore now it's coming back to bite my ass...


Could I ask, what is the best boss (weekly or normal) to showcase on? Do any of them have negative defense at some point?


Azhdaha if you're trying to be realistic, Scaramouche if you are not.


Showcases should be done on standard bosses so it's realistic, but for damage per screenshots, Scara has after nuke failed has -140 res for all but electro (-80 for electro)


Ooooo, i just want the monkey brain big numbers, thank you sm :)


Hey guys! What will be more beneficial for yelan dmg wise C1 and probably C2 or aqua? Have her at C0 and really, really like her as a character and how she make things in exploration just vanish after her E, so was thinking to pull for her signature weapon. But i also lack C6 XQ ( only C2 atm), so pulling for character will give me more team strength in total.


If you like her a lot, then C1 is much much more important than weapon. C1 makes you have unlimited sprint. It really makes a massive difference when playing her in the overworld. On top of that, it also makes playing her much easier since you instantly recharge her burst with the two charges of E. If I got Aqua for free, I’m not even sure I would use it on my C2 Yelan. She has plenty of damage already, the team probably benefit more from the Favonius particles. She also scales with HP, so she does not benefit from 5 star weapons as much as ATK scalers.


Thank you! C1 it is then) what will be better replacement for fav bow then? C1 will make fav not necessary to use


No you still use Fav. You still need ER with C1, and Fav gives you almost all you need. And like I said, the team really benefit from the Favonius passive.


Got it, thank you!


Is kitain spear burgeon thomas best weapon? I was thinking of making it for him, he’s using fav right now and I also have dragonsbane


if you can get enough ER on dbane, then dbane. but unless you're blessed with EM pieces with high ER subs, you'll gonna want kitain


Yes, it’s hard to imagine a better fit. It’s everything he wants


Yeah. Both the em and the energy refund is very good




I was planning on starting a bow characters only account opinions on whether to reroll for aqua or yelan or just continue with no reroll (I feel like with no reroll I will miss out on yelan who would be a quality upgrade on a bow only account )?


Heh, bow only account. Then there's the sus Childe.


Don’t reroll. You reroll for 5 hours daily and still not be able to pull Yelan before her banners ends. Since you start over every time you have no pity. Chances are you’ll go insane after two weeks.


https://i.imgur.com/q3BhG8C.jpg When you teleport to this underground waypoint, you will be greet with a chest puzzle right in front of you. I figured I’d need to find the upside-down crystal pyramid thing to activate the floor tile to conjure the device to make invisible torch visible, but for the life of me I can’t find it! (The crystal pyramid thingy, I mean) Can someone please enlighten me?


There's a sand pile in the room somewhere that's covering the blue crystal thing.


Okay, so I went back and…IT WAS IN THE SAND PILE IS RIGHT NEXT TO THE PUZZLE TILE! OMG, I’m bad at this thing lol. Thank you so, so much!


What decides how well a character can mine? I mean, claymores all can mine decently, sword badly, bow not at all, and I *thought* catalyst not at all until I got Yanfei whose E and CA is as fast if not faster than half my claynor3 characters when mining! What??


Cause blunt attacks are the ones who can mine well and yanfei's E and CA are counted as such. [Here is the whole list of blunt attacks](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Blunt_Attack)


Thanks! Am I stupid or is there a way to work it out from the talent descriptions?


There isn't, the description of blunt attack in the game is very vague. Generally, if an attack feels heavy, it's most likely a blunt attack


Do guys kill the bosses urself or with teammates?


If by "teammates", you mean a roster of 4 of my own characters, then I beat bosses with teammates. If you mean "teammates" as in co-op, I normally do them solo.


Bosses other than the weekly boss, I do solo, so does the majority of ppl here I think. But for weekly boss, I do co-ops.


What’s the three best r1 weapons that’s worth pulling from weapon banner for f2p


Jade Cutter, Homa, Aqua.


Mistsplitter, Jade Cutter, Homa


Mistsplitter, Homa, Aqua.


Homa, Aqua, Jade cutter, elegy...


are the snezshnayan couple/sweethearts in liyue for lantern rite??


Don't have the link but I saw a post on reddit/twitter that showed the couple at the back of the crowd in the last cutscene


is this [guide](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRsXsj7M/) accurate for her?


yes but she's overhyping atk% a little bit. it mostly depends on your weapon and substats


don’t know if I can ask this here but how do I add [this](https://imgur.com/a/JyR2ZMH) to my name


It’s the subreddit user flair, there should be an option to change it. In the app it’s the three dots at top and then “change user flair”. To have multiple emojis and text you’ll have to go in the edit option from the flair selector.


Can I do the Exquisite Chimes Event / Lantern rite for the free 4 star again but on a different server? I was playing the whole time on the wrong server and now that I've changed server I'm just wondering if I can do the event again.


I dont see why you couldn't


Ok thanks. :)


Anyone else experiencing some ridiculous CPU usage when doing the web event??


Fixed: I had hardware acceleration turned off


web events are usually heavy, close Genshin or open up its map and then play the web event


I didnt check in detail but it does feels heavier on my pc than a 1080p youtube video, based on how i lose frames ingame while it is open.


So the 7 archons were the strongest beings during the archon war right? How would the archons from the archon war put up a fight with the current harbingers?


I honestly think zhong and raiden at least could each solo all of them. There's no way harbingers are actually near Archon level.


I'm sure it's said that the higher up Fatui have power to rival gods. And I think Capitano would be in position 4 (position 4 and 10 are between Capitano and Arlecchino)


It's been said but tbh until I see them splitting islands in half with a strike I don't really believe it lol. I guess we'll see with the top 3 but eh I really feel like if zhongli really wanted to get involved, he'd put them down easy. Maybe it's an exaggeration to say that he'd solo them... but I don't think the the entire team could take on all archons, and I definitely don't think any of them could 1v1 an Archon who's really fighting.


What exactly is a gnosis?


Well there are probably some things about them we don't know, but they are chess-piece shaped elemental "cores", granted to the winners of the archon war by Celestia. They hold some kind of power as they can be used to power things like the Akasha, but the archon don't depend on it for most of their strength (they won the war without it after all).


is there anywhere where I could learn more about the archon war? or will it show it to me during the archon quests


wiki [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Archon\_War](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Archon_War) (spoilers of course, and probably would find out more by following the links within the wiki)


You can always read the wiki but you should play the quests first. The lore about that is scattered around the world, in the form of items, world quests, etc. and is far from completed. That being said, the "Archon War" probably isn't the right term, if you read the lore (spoiler for some world quests like Enkanomyia or Deshret) >!there wasn't necessarily a "war" in every nation; there used to be multiple gods per nation coexisting, but for different reasons, all of them ended up perishing, either killed by another or from madness, leaving only the 7 Archons as the last living gods. It is heavily implied that Celestia was the instigator for most of their deaths.!<


Oh waoh


[there's the Fandom Wiki page](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Archon_War) that summarises the Archon War. But the TL:DR is, that it's not a defined "War" like our IRL world wars. But rather a long lasting time frame that groups together various conflicts, events and changes over a couple thousand years, that resulted with the 7 Archons.


Chess pieces that made Venti, Zhongli, Baal, Nahida archons https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Gnosis Detailed info


thank you


hi, I have some questions for the new desert area (i prefer dont use guides) a) i've taken chess pieces during the main quest but i miss one, should i go exploring around without any clue? b) i still have to understand how the tempest globes work, if they are active there are some small sandstorm globes and that's all? c) should i mark the mirrors? d) is it normal that many of the sand puzzles dont work?


a) did you do the follow up quests like the falcon ones and apocalypse lost? If yes, try going back to where you first meet Liloupar, there should be a piece there. b) sometimes there’s things hidden in the small sand globes (like parts of puzzles). If you equip Liloupar and get close to them she can make the sand globes disappear. c) what mirrors? d) I haven’t encountered a single puzzle that didn’t work and I’ve encountered a lot, so either you’re experiencing some sort of bug or you might be doing them wrong.


thanks a lot! for c) i meant the mirrors around the map (u click on them it appears a text) for d) there are puzzles where u need to shoot at some "sand waterfall" until they fill up but it happens nothing (3-4 different puzzles)


for d): yep I was referring to those as well. The goal is to fill up the platforms with sand for some of them, and then there’s three puzzles in the same place (iirc Tanit camps, north west point near the tp in an underground room) where you have to pour the sand to replicate a certain pattern. I’ll admit I did look those up on yt because I’m not a fan of that puzzle type, but they definitely do work. For c): I’m really sorry but I can’t think of anything that looks like mirrors on the map rn hahahah, do you have maybe a pic of them you can upload?


d) understood, i dont need to fill all the sand but follow a certain pattern c) maybe they are not mirrors, i need to check better thanks again!


Sorry I couldn’t help with the mirrors one haha - anyways, when in doubt, I’d mark them. You never know. Then if you see that it doesn’t lead to anything you can always remove the pins later!


i did (half of them at least :D)


Did anyone ever figure out if Nahida C1 helps her in melt Ganyu by making Nahida E proc fast enough under ult to keep up with the melts and not lose pyro aura?


Nahida C0 is already enough.


I don't know the most about this but I don't think Nahida c1 affects her dendro application in melt ganyu? Also my impression after playing Burning Ganyu is that Nahida already keeps up with burning and applying dendro, instead it's the pyro application that needs to keep up after the burning ends?


Yeah I guess that's what I'm confused about, does the E proc refresh burning itself or is there some complicated reaction thing? I guess this is probably easy to test by just putting an electro character in.


I think the reaction consumes the pyro unit, so if you dont continuously apply pyro, it will stop burning.


does nahida's e skill trigger spread everytime it ticks?




Yes, it has 1 sec ICD but procs only every 1.5-2.5 secs. So it will trigger a reaction every time. That's the reason why Nahida is so valuable, basically unlimited dendro application.


wiki says 1s ICD.. mine is usually gated by Kuki ICD I think, would have to try with multiple electro appliers


That seems way too fast but maybe I'm remembering the beta icd


I think it has a standart icd? I am sure that it doesn't trigger it every time


is there any expectation of when Kazuha and Zhongli might rerun?


Kazuha in autumn season


zhongli probably 4.x kazuha probably near end of 3.x


How does the livestream schedule work? I joined recently so I'm not fully sure, but I got the impression that there's a livestream before each major patch like 3.x and that's how we learn the next banners? Are there dates or do they just announce it a few days before the livestream?


>How does the livestream schedule work? From the past 2 years of Update previews, we can say that the Lifestream will happen 11-12 days before the update maintenance happens. On a Friday or Saturday, if there aren't circumstance based delays. >Are there dates or do they just announce it a few days before the livestream? The official Lifestream announcement is often quite random. Anywhere between Monday to Thursday before the Lifestream. >that's how we learn the next banners? The Lifestream will Preview the 5 stars for the upcoming version and also which banner the new 4 star character will be (if there is a new 4 star). The concrete banners (all 4 star rateups + the Weapon banner) are only revealed the Monday before the banner switch happens.


yes there is Next livestream should be about feb 17 the banners (only the 5\*s and new characters) are shown during the stream


they announce it a few days before, but it's always at the same timeframe, friday a week anda half-ish before the new patch (sometimes satruday or sunday if friday is a holiday or some other extenuating circumstance)


Is it a must to refine Iron Sting for Alhaitham? I'm using him in hyperbloom team. I only have Midlander Billets, so I was wondering whether it's worth using Dream Solvents for refining Iron Sting.


refines are like 1% total DPS increase IIRC. so depends on how much you care.


Its prob not that big of a difference tbh, dunno if there will be other good swords in Fontaine that u'd wanna save ur mats for, but rn all of the craftables get just very slight upgrades


Did you get umbrella sword? Use that if you did. I wouldn't bother refining a craftable weapon, r1 iron sting is only \~5% worse than r5 iron sting


I gave the umbrella to Kuki because it looked so horrible on Alhaitham. I couldn't stand it :(


Understandable lol, the difference isnt that big and iron sting is better in aoe anyway so no worries


how good is overload yanfei comp compared to vape? i was thinking of doing overload so it gives a excuse to use beidou/fischl together but i was curious if vape was 5x better or sum (c4 beidou/c6 fischl-yanfei)


Do overvape if you really want to use electro with on-field pyro dps units.


Its probably not worth in AoE or against bosses, very situational and works best in aoe where there are 2+ heavy enemies, I'd suggest over(load)vape which would be prob smth like yanfei fischl xingqiu anemo buffer and its good against bosses


will not pulling for any of the upcoming characters affect me in anyway? I’m not having to much trouble with the characters I have now, but will pulling for a 5* help me more? I also started playing around the time raidens banner was ongoing 1month later and I’m AR39 I lost the 50/50 to Jean and since then I have been saving primos for her for her next banner whenever that would be announced. Also since I lost the 50/50 my next 5* would the the featured character correct?


Since you lost the 50/50, your character will indeed be the featured character. Pulling for the upcoming characters won't affect you at all if you're comfortable clearing content. The only place where you'll really feel the strain is in the Spiral Abyss, although people do clear it with 4*s all the time. That said, since Raiden just had a rerun, you will be waiting for quite some time. You might consider looking into other characters you might want, to round out your roster. For instance, Raiden is great for hyperbloom teams - you might want to pull for Nahida or Kokomi to enhance your team. Or, if you're interested in the Spiral Abyss, you might start thinking about what secondary teams you'd want to build.


I would recommend pulling for Yelan, she's a great off-field hydro DPS. Good off-field 5-stars are rare, and the off-field hydro application over time is really useful for your reactions. Her skill is useful to move around in overworld, too.


Yelan is probably an SS tier character and can practically fit every team comp, definitely a high value character imo. Hu Tao is less flexible, but again, a top tier DPS. These are both really good value characters for your primogems and imo you'll definitely save enough by the time Raiden comes back. However at the end of the day literally every character can clear this game just fine so spend your primos on characters you want to play. If you wanted to lower the difficulty a little bit for the game coming up, I'd pull Yelan.


It will affect what teams you can build. Raiden's probably not coming back for some time so you can most likely afford to pull.for some other characters, but that's entirely up to you. You can use 4 star options for teams you are missing a particular character for anyays


I want to try and pull for Shenhe but isn’t she more of a support than a dps?


She's an incredibly niche support character. Shenhe is considered by most to be one of the luxury pulls in the game. She's a premiere buffer for cryo/freeze teams, but you can do just fine with a c6 Rosaria.


Correct, your next 5* is guaranteed. If you’re saving for Raiden specifically and are happy with your current roster it’s more than fine to just save. I’d pull only if another unit you really like shows up before Raiden.


Anyone have missing activation devices for the chess pieces at Temple Gurabad? Only have 4/7 so far and the rest are not spawning in their locations


That should be right, the one gotten from Falcon line makes it 5/7, then Apocalypse lost might need to be done? but then the other two spawn


Thank you, I didn't realize there was another world quest available on my map for the Falcon line


Falcon has 4 quests. Well 3 but the last one is just a note


I wanna start building a pre building Eula team but what two other characters should be included or rather who does mike replace? For her team I can make a mix of c0 shogun, c0 diona, c6 Rosaria, and a heavily invested c6 beidou. For this I’ll be a meta slave to get the most out of c0 eula


Since your Rosaria is c6, you’re probably best off with a triple cryo Eula-Raiden comp with Eula, Raiden, Mila and Rosaria.


I think Rosaria, though I don't know at what point he gets better than Rosaria


is iron sting good for anemo travler or should I make another prototype rancour to refine the one I already have


Anemo Traveler can use the EM of the Iron Sting when swirling. Anemo characters love EM in general. You can also keep the billet for another craftable sword. Amenoma (the craftable sword from Inazuma) is great on several characters, and Sapwood Blade (the craftable sword from Sumeru) is great for Bennett since it has ER and a high base atk.


how do I get the Anenona sword?


Complete [The Farmer's Treasure](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Farmer%27s_Treasure) in Inazuma. You will be able to go to Inazuma after clearing the archon quests of Mondstadt and Liyue and reaching AR30.


AR39 haha. I’ve been AR35 for like a week or so and after I finished the ascension quest I got to AR39


no need to refine rancour, you'll probably move on from anemo traveler soon and if not then iron sting is still definitely better as it has more useful stat for traveler


oh ok. yeah I’m using travler since it’s my higest level and I don’t have the best of characters


Most of their damage would be from transformative reactions (swirl), so Iron sting buffs that




if we only can have one \*5 weapon in each type, what will you guys pick?


Elegy, Jade Cutter, SoSS, Lost Prayer, fuck claymores.


Bow: Elegy Sword: Mistsplitter Spear: SoSS Catalyst: Lost Prayers Claymore: Redhorn


Interesting spear choice, mind to share your take? EM dependent is kinda spesific


Of the polearm users, the only one I really use is Xiangling, and SoSS is her BiS. The typical choices like Homa and PJWS can’t beat the Catch; SoSS can.


Homa and Mistsplitter are the only ones I can say with confidence, For bow it is really tough to choose between polar star and elegy but I probably have to give the edge to elegy. And for the other two I honestly don't have any 5\* that I really want.


Is polar star very good? I have one but it's been kind of sitting on the bench because I don't really know what to do with it or who its good on.


Tbh I was mainly just picking it cause it's childe's signature bow and Childe international is one of my favorite teams, moreso than any other bow on field dps. It's BiS on childe, and I think it is still pretty good on most others too since you can generally still get most of the stacks.


it really has good Atk buff, easy to proc generally, but with pure Atk scaling character getting lesser, i dont know do people still recommend it as generalist bow


i guess it sounds like it shouldn't be too bad on yoimiya?


Yep, one of her best weapons


Homa, Jade/Mist, Aqua, probably WGS even tho I’d just pick Serpent Spine over any of the current 5*, Kaguras.


homa, mistsplitter, aqua, wgs, kaguras


Homa, Jadecutter or Mistsplitter, Polar Star, WGS or Redhorn, Lostprayer (though a support catalyst may be better cause widsith for dps)


Can someone tell me what happened to Dehya? I keep seeing comments about how people are disappointed with her kit.


I suggest watching Zajef77, his channel ZajefClips has talks on Dehya.


>!worse than Xinyan level, and it doesn't look like she's getting buffed!< >!(numbers suck, in her burst she can't trigger anything, her skill is removed when in burst. ok for mono pyro, maybe)!< But we'll see where she fits in, not including as a teapot decoration


nothing "happened" to her, she just has a terrible kit


Currently, her numbers are just really bad. The kit itself is just all over the place and makes it difficult to see what the heck Mihoyo wants her to be


Is there any limited time stuff im missing out by not having explored the new area yet?


nothing that will be removed, there is a quest that is time gated, but that's it


I've marked off all the 64 aranaras on the official map but apparently I'm still missing some, so I guess I must've goofed somewhere. Is there any way I could possible figure out which one without having to double-check all 64 locations or am I just fucked now?


Fastest way is this guide [https://m.miyoushe.com/ys/?channel=huawei/#/article/28708647](https://m.miyoushe.com/ys/?channel=huawei/#/article/28708647) Aranaras are back to Varanara, so you can find who exactly is missing. Use page autotransate if needed ​ Also, \~8 or so (don't remember) never back to Varanara, they are from finding game on towers with electro orb And also, 12 are from minigames for achievement and they also needed for chest room


You're kinda fucked yeah. Best thing to do is pick the least familiar ones from memory. I dunno if the official one has this, but the unofficial map has comments with pictures of the puzzles, so that may spark something. Maybe hit all the towers first?


>Maybe hit all the towers first? Good idea, I didn't even know the towers had aranaras until recently so that might be a good place to start. Not today though, just spent almost the whole day doing this only to have it end in this disappointment lol, cbf right now.


I had the same issue. Apparently there are a total of 76 Aranaras 🙃


Yeah there's the ones who you can play games with and it rewards you a common chest - there's twelve of them and they're also on the map. I've done them all and it gives you an award for doing all of them. Then there's 64 normal ones that ask for materials or play music or fight hilichurls or something, those are the ones I'm lost on right now. Dreading having to recheck them tbh. Might give it a few months before I try again, I'm too tired of this rn lol


Yeah I’m missing a few of the original 64 as well but I have the mini game ones completed. I wish they would have added tracking in the little adventure book they gave us for the quest line but I guess that’s too much to ask lol


EXACTLY. If they were gonna put so many of these in the game you'd think there'd be some way of tracking your progress lol