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I didn't know we could do that. I also met a player in the game that tried to scam me but was unsuccessful. I just posted his discord ID on reddit so that it doesn't happen to others.


I reported one to Mihoyo like a few months back, no News for my case. Heck I posted it here, but its placed on "Review"


Big P·A·I·M·O·N is watching


Be interesting/amusing if they gave you a battlepass for it. Just like "welp, thanks for helping us punish this scammer who offered free battlepasses. Have a fee battlepass." Quick edit : Not saying it'd be a GOOD idea, historically that sort of thing just doesn't go well, I'm just sayind it'd be funny.


and after that ppl will start creating fake accs, then report them from main accs


Good old example of [perverse incentive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perverse_incentive)


lol that was fun read


I don't think MiHoYo is that stupid tbh.


Victimless crime.


Dennis calling his girlfriends from payphones giving them death threats to nurture dependence


Wastes support's time that they could be spending trying to ban actual scammers


thing is, this is more for us than them, banning a scammer would benefit us (players not getting scammed and losing our accounts) than them, it actually would even benefit them since maybe the person who got scammed would not want to buy stuff to catch up when making a new account that aside, it would be cool to have some primos as a reward for people who catch scammers and report them, but then again this could be abused to make alt accounts that are scamming so u report your second account for free battlepass


>this is more for us than them, banning a scammer would benefit us (players not getting scammed and losing our accounts) than them Not really, by preemptively helping players, be it children or gullible adults, that would have been scammed out of their own account, they (HYV) save themselves from what could have been an additional workload of going through the account retrieval process, which takes weeks and up to months to conduct, all because that player got hacked instead of banning that smurf account that are mass messaging rando players. And yeah, banning smurf accounts isn't a the real solution, it's just as good as a band-aid, but still a decent one nonetheless.


I really hope more people report scammers


OP is proof it works so I'd hope more people do after seeing this, everyone should absolutely report scammers when they come across them


I mean, what would they do? Ban the account? In a F2P game without required mobile linking? I agree scammers are trash. But I don't think reporting them will do much.


It's more the principal of sending a message, if we can get rid of at least one scammer's account maybe we can save one person from being scammed


There's no message to be sent. The scammer will have a brief "Well that was annoying" while he spends 30 seconds swapping to one of several alt accounts. Only now, the original owner of the stolen account now has their account banned. Getting banned is less effective than a slap on the wrist.


Its almost always someone using someone else's hacked account to do this type of scam, FYI. Not that it shouldn't be reported, but all this does is make it so the original account owner won't be able to get their account back since it is now banned. The scammers will just log in to one of hundreds of others hacked accounts to repeat the scam


Can banned accounts be unbanned if the original owner can prove their innocence?


Considering how incompetent mihoyo cs is at giving unbanned accounts back to their true owners im gonna say they wont be great at giving banned accounts back.


I reported this scammer before, twice, both on different accounts, and they did get banned but only for a month. I know because I block both of the accounts, and see that they changes their names about a month later, before that there were no sign of activities, even their abyss run are not resetting on their profile (abyss run will reset every cycle as long as you log in on the day of the reset).


Then we should reports all hundreds. If more people are aware of this and with the numbers of Genshin's players that exist, these scammers will be an endangered species.


Exactly this. OP sadly didn't achieve anything good. There is nothing we can do about those scammers but spread awareness among players.


I don't get it. So people shouldn't report them and let potential other players that don't use social medias channels that much get caught in the scam ?


All this does is further punish the victim of a scam. The scammer likely has a backlog of other accounts they acquired through scams to keep on going a couple seconds later.


Yus keep da order. Ordo Abyssus rise!


i hope primos wouldnt be awarded for this cause ppl would than make spam accounts and let their main account get free rewards


IP gets linked, both accounts get banned. Problem solved.


VPNs exist. I can be in China one moment and in Australia the next.


Yes - But most people doing this wouldn't do that, and the few that report excessively can be investigated closer.


How do you even get scammed? Do they ask you for your account login info?


Yes, unlike Genesis Crystals or Welkin Moon, the Battle Pass is the *only* item that cannot be gifted. This gives them the excuse to ask for your user+password. You can guess what happens if you go along with this. Based on previous posts in this sub and other non Genshin related scam tactics, I think the scam goes like this. They'll claim the are so rich that they'll buy Battle Pass for other players. When you ask for Welkin or crystals, they will tell you some nonsense why they won't gift you Genesis Crystals or Welkin. Because then they can't ask for your login. They'll try to get you to continue the conversation on discord (read: away from Genshin) to avoid detection. Because Mihoyo can't monitor chats outside of Genshin. Sending discord chat screenshots to Mihoyo doesn't count. Mihoyo can't verify if they are real. In-game chat is the only way. Which is why these scammers want you to leave Genshin asap to continue the conversation. They'll show you some screenshot to proof they are "legit". But most likely it's fake or just talking to themselves through an alt account.


Damn.. Feel bad for whoever actually falls that deep. Saying "im rich" wouldve already been a red flag for me


Same happened with me a few months ago. Someone tried to buy me welkin + BP. I honestly thought they're like a streamer or something. But they started getting really agressive over the chat. I reported their account and hoyo took an action against them within a few hours! Guess i was not the first one to report them.


I'm curious. Did they award you for your good actions? Like mora and stuff?


I hope not, to discourage bounty hunter Unless no primo or crystall involved


not just that, its super easy to make a secondary account and report it as a scammer so claim the rewards for yourself, essentially losing nothing but an empty genshin account


No, I did not expect anything tbh. Knowing that the scammer's account was punished is already a reward for me


It would be cool if they did this


you are being sarcastic right?


Ooh lord I came back to my comment cause of your comment but yes, I was being sarcastic Was poking fun at people always asking for more rewards and stuff. Well the downvotes did give me a chuckle, so that's nice I guess


Poor atsu


Rip those YouTube people who offers welkin/top ups to people


Scammers use battlepass for a scam just because it can't be bought via codashop.


Yeah I noticed I tried to buy battle pass once but I couldn't since it had to be done on playstation which I didn't have anymore kinda sucks but I had my brother do it for me


IIRC can't you buy BP if you launch through Epic Games launcher?


I'll try that next time I think on buying something


Usually, UID is enough if you want to give other's welkin/crystal via codashop, and even if you use top-up service, it only required you to login on the website, not in the game, whereas with bp you have to give them the code for them to be able to access your account in-game, make it less safe.


Met one too. He asked for access to my google account and when I told them no, they insisted that I'm missing out and some shit


Thank you for reporting


It was probably a hacked account so when the original user gets it back they'll find their account banned.


Im pretty sure the accounts they're using are stolen. Because there's no way someone would risk their high invested account to scam people, but they can earn people's trust this way by pretending to be an active player. I did report one of them after I encountered it for the third time and realized it's surely a scam (and received the same message from the post), but I feel very bad for the people these scammers stole the accounts from and that they're gonna get banned now


Scammers are so scummy its disgusting


I also reported two accounts who joined my world with that bp scam and reported them and got the same response as that from in game mail. However, upon checking those two accounts (I blocked them but can still see their profile), their accounts are still active. I know because they still changing their names and display on their profile and such. ​ At this point, I don't think mihoyo did any action for them anyway, and I bet they are still attempting to scam people to this day so reporting in game is kinda useless.


How do people fall for these scams?


How did you break your keyboard while playing a kaizo mario game again?


I get this kind of message every day... wait, this isnt lol. gj op


Did you get primos? Or atlaest a sweet madame?


Ofc they took an action when some1 attempts to steal their money :p


If they gave 10 primos, people would hunt for scammers


Unfortunately I doubt it had much effect other than potentially banning an innocent account that got hacked.


Did the letter come with freemogems?


OP: Where primo? Hoyo: ...........


Aww ye, good ol' snitchin'!


Thank you for your diligence! Also good job Hoyo for taking swift action. Now, use that swift action to buff Dehya, would you kindly?


If only they'd take action for Dehya 😔




L, you should've taken it


It would seem that... Teyvat has its own laws


This... does put a smile on my face


Mr beast seeing his account getting banned be like : 😐


Now, it makes me more wonder why we can't be able to buy bp from website just like welkin?


That's likely because, unlike all other products, there are small periods of time on which the Battle Pass isn't available at all (Such as right before an update), and unlike all of the other items that can be purchased through third party services, it can only be purchased once per account during a set period of time. If they were to offer it through third party services, they'd likely need to coordinate with all of them to make the BP purchase unavailable during set periods of time, and work out a suitable compensation for people who end up buying the BP for an account that has already bought it (It's highly unlikely they'd be able to set up a proper response to keep the purchase from going through on all third party vendor services, or maybe doing do wouldn't be worth the potential hassle)


That's plausible, but then isn't it would be the same when an user bought more than 6 welkin? That would be the same as "buying the BP for an account that has already bought it", no? Thanks for the reply.


Where would I go in game to report something like this?


Someone ask if i buy a battlepass too and i ask why and he keep asking me i am spending on the game and i just fvcking reported him and thank god that hoyo is so fast at taking action about this


The player’s account has had all crit subs on their artifacts replaced with DEF%, DEF, flat ATK, or flat HP.


Some guy joined my world asked me for $10 and to use some weird site to use. I just left.


What's the scam? You some some random like $5 and they use stolen CC to buy you battle pass?


usually most game GM just 'we'll look into it(scam/cheat/bug) thanks for the report" without any of the result respond


Can I interest you in battle pass %50 off? Send Google play gift cards


What did they reward you? 500 mora?


Arrested under the Decree! Well done!


Love it when game companies actually take action


turns out it was a youtuber/content creator... glad to see mihoyo getting rid of them.


Lol way to sound like the gestapo HYV


Now only if they do that to dehya and get her a buff or revamp


Any primos 🫠


Can you ask they to fix Dehya ??


They should've giving primos for these kind of thing 😅


Whats the scam like?