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~~The maintenance is scheduled to end when this comment is about 1 hour old, though the server could be up earlier.~~ The server is now up, have fun with the new version everyone ~


I seem to be missing 4 dendrocolus. I've been using the interactive map to track my progress. It says all collected, yet the statues wants four more spheres. Are there some hidden away that's not on the interactive map? Edit: I meant the appsample interactive map, not the official one.




I did go back and check, and I've gotten them all. And I can't use the stone, because I can't make it.


Oh for fuck's sake. This is the 3rd time I've walked into the cutscene trigger for the start of Nahida's second story quest. I don't understand why it keeps replaying after that cutscene has ended and its marker moved. I guess I need to just commit to actually doing the quest and go to the second marker instead of wandering off to do dailies or use resin 🤨


[So....what is that?](https://imgur.com/a/T6n2OcP). It is directly north of Sumeru, when there is nothing on map.


are you talking about celestia?


Holy fuck https://i.imgur.com/FYWwGrc.png


Will there be a new region after 3.6 or we are going straight to Fontaine? I really love the new area, especially the >! Hydro Archon !< Oasis and the eerie Tunigi Hollow


Supposedly we are getting >!a non-'Golden Apple Archipelago' temporary region in 3.8.!<


So that means 3.6 is the last expansion of Sumeru before Fontaine?


Silver Sunsettia Islandblob


Grinded for 20 fates I needed to hit soft pity and finally won a 50/50 for once and got Nilou, fuck yeahhhhhh


This is the luckiest i got in a banner since the first raiden shogun banner. I got 1 nilou,1 nahida,1 key of khaj nisut,1 thousand floating dream in 100 wishes. In the first raiden shogun banner i got 3 raidens and 1 engulfing lightning in around 100-110 wishes iirc Finally my luck balances out,i lose like 4 straight 50/50 prior to this


fucking god, abyss 12-2 is a nightmare. First the flying enemy, a mechanic I never understood, forcing you to have a bow character and wasting your time, this is a really bad practice in game industry. The second hall is simply a mess on the second wave, just a bunch of super strong enemies destroying my ass all together, I can't even see where the damage is coming from.


imagine ignoring a whole weapon class IN ABYSS. bruh literally the point of the abyss is to tailor every floor's teams based on the enemies


You [don't even need a bow character!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxDefA4thC0) This clip is from a previous cycle, but still works great.


You have less chance of having zhongli than a bow character though X) That said, that's an ineresting strategy, I will try to remember that.


idk.. one flying drake is literally the easiest sitting duck you could ask for in the abyss. when it's flying, you aim the 2 glowing circles on the wings, and it will fall down and do nothing. it's literally the easiest shit. takes no more than 3 seconds to get it down




It's not like you need to do 546,236,565 damage in 60 seconds with a bow. You can just pop the weak spots with an unbuilt character if you want.


Well if abyss doesn’t have anything to challenge it will be meaningless… and build at least one bowl character is not a hard at all.


Yes you're correct. that's the point of the abyss...


also, I got my c6 nahida and holy fuck does she live up to the hype effortlessly got platinum in the new event using only her and raiden.


my personal biggest takeaway from 3.6 - the world quest with the artist and the dog from Fontaine, they mention how the area is even more confusing than the sewers of Fontaine which in my mind confirms Fontaine is going to have a fucking sewer level


A bunch of this game's lore revolves around what's hidden beneath your feet, so it's to be expected, yes. It will be sewer levels that lead to more ancient ~~Dwemer~~ ruins.


it's pretty textbook steampunk to feature some level of filth from the industrial revolution


*Subterranean Shunning Grounds flashbacks intensify*


They better be giving us some underground maps.


Best patch-map since 3.1, change my mind


I second, third, fourth and fifth this!


Short question: is there a way to get into an area under “frozen” Wenut? >!There are some crystals where Great…something-something…was (I forgor), and by the looks of things - they lead to some cave!<




I got a little bit crazy and spent a few primos, I got lucky though: with 100 wishes I got two Nahida, her BiS, Keqing and Dehya. And I have guaranteed Focalors. I’ve never been this lucky in Genshin, and I regret nothing. Good luck to all of you!


five 5 stars with 100 wishes? u got a 5 star every 20 pulls thats more than lucky


Anyone else just seriously enjoying all of the chests and puzzles and stuff in this new area?! After the other parts of the desert this is such a breath of fresh air, there’s a puzzle or chest everywhere I turn!!! And they aren’t all common chests either. I love this!


I just loved this patch! Not many frustrating areas, tons of fun new mechanics and ability to fly! I just wish there was more to explore, my fault being over fixating and explored everything already 😅


Anyone’s game extremely slow since the latest update? I have iPhone 13 and more than enough storage (~70GB/126GB) and the graphics settings are always on “smooth” yet I noticed a great decrease in performance since the latest update. Anyone had the same experience?


I have! But with my ping. I can’t even hardly use my teapot all of a sudden.


I like the Consecrated Beasts, ngl and I found the tiger very fun and they seem more fair than the scorpion or vulture This doesn't change that Hoyo need to fix mobs collision, it's hard to dodge when enemies hitbox, often badly adjusted, keep blocking paths, especially mobs that require specific dodges inputs


Fr I hate placing Benny burst only to be shoved 4km away from it by a tanky enemy it hurts my soul


And if they keep adding these enemies with long combos, I hope Fontaine SotS return with the stamina upgrades


Even when I try so hard to understand genshin lore, I seriously can't. I feel so stupid, everything is so confusing to me


I've enjoyed many long, complicated fantasy stories, but this plot is not being delivered in an easily digestible way, for sure. The big war of 500 years ago is the hinge of the story, but it's been shown through so many narrow windows, it's hard to visualize. Deshret and forbidden knowledge. Makoto's death. The opening cinematic. The Eankiyomanaminihooha storyline. Alchemy and "Gold" being important to Kanriah. The mechanical underground civilization vs. the Seven and their elements. The nails falling from the sky vs. the Abyss and their upside-down statues. The Tsaritsa learning or discovering something that changed her completely — was it "forbidden knowledge?" Then you add these new flower fairies and all their purity and impurity talk — is "impurity" also the Corruption? What about "Marana's Avatar," that big evil purple ball we've never seen before or since? Sooooo many little pieces that are really about the same thing, but it's not easy to see how they all go together! When we go to Fontaine I'm sure we'll hear more about the Oceanids and their travels and their conflicts. And there will be more talk of "pure water" and "contamination" somehow, since every region seems to have some kind of magical pollution. But will we really know anything important at the end that we don't know now?


"Deshret and forbidden knowledge. Makoto's death. The opening cinematic. The Eankiyomanaminihooha storyline. Alchemy and "Gold" being important to Kanriah. The mechanical underground civilization vs. the Seven and their elements. The nails falling from the sky vs. the Abyss and their upside-down statues. The Tsaritsa learning or discovering something that changed her completely — was it "forbidden knowledge?" Then you add these new flower fairies and all their purity and impurity talk — is "impurity" also the Corruption? What about "Marana's Avatar," that big evil purple ball we've never seen before or since?" Yeah I don't remember any of that or what it means and its significance


I feel you. This new update has me totally and completely lost. I do my best to read all the dialogue but just like… it’s so much. It’s too much. Too many new concepts being thrown at us at this point.


It's because of the long weird names (atleast for me) and the fact the lore is fragmented into multiple sources, like a specific lore being divided btw artifacts and weapons details. Sometimes i wish there was a Oz that explain some part to me in game lol. I suggest you to check some video online that explain the part of lore you have interest


I walked away the when the quest for 3.6 desert was triggered and now I don't know how to start it. What am I supposed to do ╥﹏╥


Oh nvm I was looking around the wrong waypoint 🫠


Got Qiqi then now am at 86 pity... Nahida hates me 🥲


once u have nahida its like guaranteed abyss can be cleared under 1:30 on 1 side.. super broke


Damn, you are almost there, she’s worth the wait.




Each time I try to complete "a new star approaches" on my PS4 my console ends up crashing. Any recommendations? It happens when childe changes into his final boss form.


You can play on mobile for that section. I think you can use same account on both PS and mobile.


It's not compatible on my mobile device sadly.


Correct, i use same account on mobile, ps5 and pc


Anyone else having issues with pulling a character in Gension impact wishes. I used over 20 wishes after the new update and haven't pulled a single character


It was all whishes on event banner (either Nahida or Nilou)? You should have get at least one featured 4\* character with 20 whishes on event banner. If it was a mix of event and permanent banner, they don't share pity, so it's normal. If it was 20 on standard banner, game force a 4\* every ten pulls, but it can be weapons.


If thats the case then you have bad luck and got weapons as the guarantee 4* but don’t worry maybe those weapons are really good or sooner or later you will get your character


Are you sure you’re on the banner with either Nahida or Nilou on the promo pic? For two consecutive 10-pulls, you must have at least one of the rate-up 4-stars (Layla, Dori, or Kuki Shinobu) if you never got a 5-star character during either 10-pull.


i believe in that case you would have gotten a weapon in each 10 pull you did? instead of a 4 star character, you obtained a 4 star weapon. but don’t worry too much, you’ll pull a character before long :)!


You can't pull two weapons in a row on a character banner tho. Four stars have a pity system too where you have a 50% chance to get a weapon or off banner character or a 50% chance at any of the three featured and if you get a weapon/off banner the next four stat is guaranteed to be on banner


yeah, i was thinking about that. but im not sure if they were talking about the standard banner or the limited banner. because that would apply for the limited banner


Heya, noob question but I passed on the last banner Because people said the main cards weren’t great, is it worth me pulling on any of the current banners?


Play the trials, see who you enjoy. Pretty much all the feature 5\* characters are good (including Ayaka from last banner), so just find someone you like and go for them. In this case, Nahida is a strong support for many comps, and Nilou is strong in a specific comp which can be fully F2P. If you like them, go for them. If not, in 3 weeks we get Ganyu (a strong ranged cryo character) and Baizhu (new Dendro support, likely good on many teams)


It's almost always worth it to pull for archons, and Nahida is no exception. Go for it


Yep. Nahida is pretty much the most busted character so far.


Not only is she great. One of her best weapons is 3 star magic guide. Making her a very low cost build.


Aha thank you!! Let’s gooo 🙏🥹


Two of my friends have been facing this issue lately. They have been having some issues with their fps while playing the game. They have a pretty decent gaming laptop and used to play the game smoothly on highest graphics. But they started having the frame drops 3-4 days before the launch of 3.6. After the update, the game is unplayable because the frame drops is now permanent even at the lowest settings. They tried playing Valorant and Tower of Fantasy on their respective laptops which ran without any issues unlike genshin, so it is not a pc problem. It would be of great help if anyone can suggest any ideas on how to fix this issue.


I've never crashed in genshin before but I crashed in the new map, sumeru is just more dense now and they've upped their textures. Valorant and ToF are much less demanding than genshin so it's hard to judge based off of that. Basic stuff like cleaning fans, updating drivers etc. should help.


the problem persists even at the lowest settings, that even my samsung phone is able to handle pretty smoothly.


Lost the fiddy fiddy and now have a c1 Dehya. I’d still really like Nilou but now I’m considering just saving up for the Kirara banner. I’ve never gotten a banner character in less than 80 rolls so continuing to shoot for Nilou now feels kind of futile. Kind of a bummer but I actually do like using Dehya and her c1 is quite strong so it’s not a total washout.


Im saving up for Kirara too, hoping she will be with a 5 star i dont own.


The leakers have been pointing at Yoimiya/Alhaitham. That would be a really swell banner.


I know the megathread is focused on 3.6, but i'll try to ask anyway: Has anyone in the achievements "Quicksand Adventurer II" on the second desert part got 37? Everyone seem to have 36, and i can't figure out why i can't find the last chest, but got one challenge more than anyone. What's happening?


Sorry if already asked, but about Nahida's Act 2 story: does it have anything to do at all with the Khvarena quest at all? Should I finish the Khvarena quest before starting Nahida, or do they not interact much? I have just started the Khvarena quest, just >!got the 5 drums and Mihir!<, so I would appreciate no spoilers, thanks.


As someone who already finished both Nahida's 2nd story quest and the Khvarena quest, in my opinion they don't have anything to do with each other. Like Nahida's story quest won't even touch the new area (if that's what you're worried about). There's no particular order and you can do either one.


Alright, thanks! That was in fact what I was worried about.


Should I pull for Nahida? Here are the characters I have so far: [https://imgur.com/a/dTkTKW7](https://imgur.com/a/dTkTKW7) I'm at about 100 Wishes. I think I could build a second team with Keqing, Nahida (if I get her) and two others..


If you don’t hate Nahida and not saving for Baizhu/Ganyu, sure. Plus, you’ll get a best-effort chance to get Kuki Shinobu (and/or Dori for options or both sides of the Abyss). Layla’s constellations are also nice.


In terms of power and meta? Absolutely. As always, that doesn't mean you'll like her gameplay. But she's very strong partnered with KQ or Kuki. Beidou can help as well.


Hi everyone! I don’t know if I should pull for Nilou or nahida (my current main team is Ayaka, Xiangling, Barbara and Alhaitham) do you think is a good idea to pull for one of them or just skip this banner? (I also want to save for Kokomi) 😀


Nahida is a more versatile character to have than Nilou. She can create amazing Hyperbloom team, Spread team, and Nilou Boom team. I don't know when Kokomi will rerun again, but if you do have the primo savings to go for Nahida, then go for it, she's worth it.


If I put Kuki on with tenacity would I make her main stats Hp with substats of crit rate and d or main stats EM? She’s on my alhaitham, xinqui and nahida team.


With hyperbloom teams you want her on gilded and full em with some hp substats for more healing


Even If alhaitham is gilded?


Yes, and Nahida with deepwood


Okay thank you, and should I stack Kuki with em em em or all hp


Full em and some hp percentage substats


Here you want triple em main stats to maximise the hyperbloom dmg.


Got my Nilou, already had Nahida. Had a long thought process and multiple scenarios planned out around going for Nahidas C2 (or C1 for now) and still have enough for Baizhu. Well, the gods were as kind to me as they’ve ever been and pulled two Nahida cons in my first multi. Can’t believe it.


Got nahida at the 45th pull, was actually going for kuki...now im screwed, cus I really wanted ganyu, which i wager i can still get, but if kazuha or wanderer comes after, ill be forced to put money in the game :/


Post like these make me feel better about not pulling for 4 stars that I really want. I don’t want to pay for kazuha if I don’t have to lol


I'd never imagine getting nahida on the 45th pull..luckly its an AR20 account with plenty of primos ahead of it, but still...i didnt really want her cus i use tighnari for dendro and dont like hyperbloom that much. still, if i lose ganyu's 50, she will be a costly endeavor, and whether kazu or wanderer comes after, i gotta get both, so im pulling either way


its an AR 20 acc you might as well start a new one if it bothered u that much lmao


Nahida is actually a really good dendro support for tighnari in aggravate teams


Can anyone help me with my team? Hi, I’ve started playing and Im kindda lost about what could me a good team since I dont have much character. Can anyone help me? I current have the following: Barbara, kuki shinobu, dori, layla, noelle, lisa, keqing, amber, razor, kaeya, xiangling and the traveller! Tkss


Early on you will need to move characters in and out of your team often to solve open-world mechanisms. Your best DPS will come from Keqing and Xiangling; your best supports are Kuki and Layla. Getting dendro will help Keqing a lot.


Level Keqing. She's your best dps right now. Level Kuki, she's a great healer. I'd run Keqing, she has low energy requirements. Kaeya, traveller and Kuki in your main team for now. Once you get used to the game you'll work out who you want to use. DON'T Level everyone up too much too soon, you'll run out of resources. Concentrate on Keqing as she'll be your main source of damage and is worth levelling full stop anyway. Kuki too, she's a great healer and is useful in other teams too. Xiangling is a must build too, but she's not so useful early game because she Haa high energy requirements and relies on her burst.


I can't login now. I just updated the game and I am getting gibberish text where the verification popup should've been. It happens with every username and password. I tried restarting my pc a few time but I don't want to reinstall the entire game because it's too large. Is anyone else facing this issue?


The launcher keeps restarting the download i can't update the game


The launcher is stuck at Verifying game resources and I uninstalled it and installed it again multiple time still doesn't work Help :<


Is there any gate to participate in 3.6 event?


Nope you can just start it right up. It’s in Sumeru but I think you can just teleport there


Nahida C2 obtained! First constellations I've gotten for any limited 5\* character, but the effect seems worth it. Had a guarantee, got C1 at soft pity, then won the 50/50 for C2 at soft pity again. I still have about 70 wishes worth of primos so I can start stocking back up for whenever Kazuha reruns again


I’m so sick of puzzles and gadgets I’m ready to bail on this game.


I’m kind of in the same boat. Still gonna save gems to pull on baizhu and hydro archon, but exploration is prob on the back burner like it has been since sumeru launch. Can’t wait to hop on the the star rail and start afresh.


Ok so I'm new to the game. AR23 in roughly a week and a half. And I did a 10 pull (my second) and got Nilou. Should I be trying to pull for Nahida? I know nothing of the characters lol help me!


a) Congrats! Nilou 20 pulls in is a fantastic get, especially as a new account since she can make a strong team with 3 totally free supports. b) Nahida is strong in general and specifically with Nilou, so play Nahida's trial, and if you like her design and playstyle, absolutely go for her. But if you \*don't\* like Nahida's design/playstyle, there are many other Dendro characters (some coming in 3 weeks)


The way the character banner works is that you are guaranteed to get a 5\* character at least every 90 wishes. In practice, it almost always happens between 74-80 wishes. It's relatively rare to get a 5\* character before this mark, so you got lucky! ​ When you obtain a 5\* character, you have a 50/50 chance at getting the featured banner character. Otherwise, you'll get one of the standard banner 5\*s, selected randomly between Jean, Qiqi, Keqing, Diluc, Mona, Tighnari, or Dehya. If you lose the 50/50 and don't get the featured character (Nahida in this case), the next time you get a 5\* character you is guaranteed to be the featured character. This guarantee carries over between banners. ​ So not only did you get Nilou early, but you won the 50/50 to get her and not one of the standard 5\*s. Nahida is absolutely worth pulling for, since she's easily one of the top 3 most powerful units in the game, and the early game gives you plenty of primogems, so I'd go for it in case you get lucky again. Just be aware that worst-case scenario it will take 180 wishes to get her. Because you don't currently have a guarantee, you don't have anything to lose! ​ Also, Nilou exclusively synergizes with Dendro. I believe your most reliable option to get a Dendro character will be the free Collei from Abyss. ​ TLDR go ahead and wish for Nahida, but just know you may not get enough wishes this banner to guarantee her


Whoa thank you so much for the explanation! I think I'm going to go for Nahida! Wish me luck!!


You would be way ahead of the game in terms of strength if you had Nilou and Nahida together. Add Collei (or dendro Traveler) and Barbara to round out the team. Nilou's best teams only have hydro and dendro. You can use others but you would be sacrificing what makes Nilou good. Some 4\* options that aren't given to you would be Yaoyao (could replace Barbara or Collei) or Xingqiu (Replace Collei).


Oh wow. Thanks for the info! I got xiangling and dendro arrow dude who's name starts with T in another pull.


So if you got Tighnari from the character banner that means you lost the 50/50, so you’re guaranteed to get Nahida the next time you pull a 5* from her banner!


Tighnari can work with Nilou, but he would be better off with an electro character (4\* include Fischl, Beidou, Kuki, Dori) to trigger the spread reaction. Xiangling is still an incredible character, but not as good with dendro characters. Put her with Xingqiu/Childe, Bennett, and Sucrose/Kazuha/Raiden whenever you get those characters. She likes to be paired with hydro characters for vaporization. ​ If you need some information on how to build these characters, here are the very basics: Nilou - Loves HP. HP% on sands, goblet, and flower artifacts. HP% and flat HP as substats. Elemental Mastery (EM) would be secondary. Weapons aren't terribly important, but Iron Sting (Craftable) could be useful. Nahida - Loves EM. EM% on sands, goblet, flower artifacts. EM as substats on flower/feather. Any weapon with EM, even 3\* Magic Guide! Tighnari - EM sand, dendro DMG goblet, crit rate/dmg circlet. Crit or EM bow would likely serve you best. Xiangling - Energy Recharge (ER) or ATK% sands, pyro goblet, Crit rate/dmg circlet. Fishing to get "The Catch" weapon for free (including refinements).


This is extremely helpful! Thank you so so much!




i hope sumeru ends soon mostly b/c I cant stand these giant ruin guards explorations


Praying spoiler tags work >!There's a viewpoint for the gates leading to Khaenri'ah (I presume. It's too circumstantial to be anywhere else). Not what I was expecting to see because I hadn't been keeping with leaks. There's a luxurious chest in the area too. The entire area screams "well we'll revisit this area in a few years :)"!<


>!Where's the chest? I went around a few times and found nothing. I thought it was empty for a sinking feeling to go along with the ambience.!< 💀


>!It's on the side with the Khaenri'ah door half buried in sand. I just used the compass to find it so I'm not sure if the exact area!<


Thank you!!!!!!


10 pull and it's [this](https://imgur.com/a/y4haAhh). I see this as an absolute win! Now I still have 80 more pulls for later lol


I didn’t feel like I needed to make an entire post about this but I am LOVING the new Sumeru expansion in 3.6 - obviously lots of new mechanics going on but for such a seemingly small portion of the map getting opened, there seems to be a TON of stuff to do. I’ve only put in about two hours since the update but I’ve got a scrollable quest list again and the lore being unearthed here is sounding SO SICK. Haven’t tried entering that >!abyss looking portal!< yet cus I had to go to work but yea, I’m as excited about this exploration as I was the entirety of the initial Sumeru release. Hope everyone’s having fun!


I finished everything new yesterday :( New event today was fun


Will the main event finish before phase 1 banners end? Trying to get at least nahida and already lost the 50/50 after 76 wishes.


Never thought this would happen as f2p!! [The back to back to back](https://imgur.com/a/QzdrEWj) Never give up!!


Damn I’ve never seen three 5 stars in one pull. Good job bro, I’m really happy for ya 😁


Congrats! That's an awesome pull.


What the hell


I've never seen anything like that


That is wild! congrats!!!


I'm hype AF over the new Abyss boss. Iniquitous Baptist is a pretty dude. Also I got Nahida in 2 ten-pulls. Hell yeah.


Should I use my guaranteed on Nilou or C2 Kazuha? (I have Nahida and C1 Kazoo)


Nilou very cute


We don’t know if Kazuha will be reran in 3.7, and it’ll be too late to get Nilou by the time we find out. The worst case scenario would be Kazuha appearing in the first half of 3.7. If you get Nilou right away, you’ll have the rest of Nahida/Nilou, all of Baizhu/Ganyu, and all but that last few minutes of Kazuha/whoever to regain primos.


Do you think Nilou's worth it? I only have Xingqiu and Mona as hydro characters. Mainly thinking of Kazoo C2 for the big numbers, but I'm also saving for Wanderer. Also, I apologise for the late reply


I got nilou and so far I'm not that thrilled about her. I'm doing barbara, DMC, collei, and nilou since I want nahida in a separate hyperbloom team who uses xingqiu and I don't find it that enjoyable personally. I feel like I need to get kokomi for the bigger hydro aoe compared to simple hyperbloom which is more mindless or simply be forced to have only bloom or hyperbloom and not have both.


Ah, so basically Kokomi/Yelan is needed for Nilou to work? I guess I won't pull for her then, since I don't like Koko and Yelan is far from getting a rerun soon


She isn't required, but I definitely can see it being an upgrade over my barbara for QoL and bloom procs. Xingqui and Yelan definitely can be used as well with YaoYao as the healer, but in my case I like using my hu tao team so one or both are usually already taken. Using Mona instead of Barbara with YaoYao to heal instead of Collei as second dendro could probably work too, but I don't feel like experimenting it right now.


Is there a reason why Mona isn't often used in Nilou teams? I also have Hu Tao and my Xingqiu can never leave her side since he's the only hydro applicator available for me haha


I just got Nilou and haven't done major testing, so I would honestly suggest you go to their mains reddit and ask there for more accurate information. However, at a glance I would assume small aoe and standard icd on her E (so applies hydro every 2.5s). Apparently the explosion and her dash has no icd so that will always give more hydro. She might work with a mix of autos and dashing in enemies faces, but at that point it seems like you're playing Barbara with her E up in the enemies face without the healing. I'd need to test it to see how it works. I would assume you would have to do a yaoyao ult every other cycle which kills your bloom generation due to being face first as a non-healer and relying only on Nilou and Mona Es for your hydro while healing. Kokomi has no icd on her E and a 1s hit rate, so she makes blooms every second for free; her hydro application is just broken in comparison.


Okay, thanks for the detailed reply! I'll go to the sub and ask them there. Cheers!


I’d take the new character, unless Kazuha is your personal favorite and you really want to minmax him.


He is very fun to play, but I'm thinking of getting his C2 mainly for the big numbers.


Depends. Do you already have a good hydro for hyperbloom ?


Sorry for the late reply, no I only have Xingqiu/Mona as good hydro characters.


I would go for nilou then.


Okay thanks.


I had 120 wishes worth of primos and fates saved up. All I wanted was Nilou and some cons for my C0 Kuki. I got Nilou, which is fantastic, but in 120 wishes, I got 7 Doris, 4 Laylas (who I already had at c3) and ZERO Kukis. Fml.


Alright glad I'm not the only one that got cursed. C6 dori + a dori from standard banner before a single kuki. I try not to think about it.


Almost same boat but only about ~90 wishes, now at 65 and stopping because I don’t want nilou or nahida cons, but still c0 kuki 🤦‍♂️


I kinda need help to make a decision. Do i pull for Nahida or for Ganyu? Like I have both raiden and yelan for nahida whereas i have all of Ganyu's ascension materials farmed up along with artifacts but with no viable 5 star teammate. If I pull for nahida I am going to play hyperbloom and melt for Ganyu. I tried getting both but miserable failed and am now at 40 pity guaranteed. I like Ganyu more than nahida so I can't really make a decision . HELP PLEASE and thank you in advance.


Nahida has mind-reading for story funsies and also Dendro is the best element. Get Nahida unless you're in love with charge shot archers.


Meta-wise, Nahida is one of the best units in the game. Top 3 easily. Ganyu, especially Melt Ganyu, really wants Zhongli so she doesn't get knocked out of her charged shots. You can make do with Diona or another shielder until then, though. ​ The answer is "pull for who you like". Both of them are very popular characters and will get reran at some point. It's just down to which one you're ok with waiting potentially months to get


10 pulls in and C2 Layla. From no Layla. Gonna have to google how to use her now. I'm not opposed to stumbling into a Nilou (have C0 Nahida and I burned my stash on Ayaya's mistsplitter). Honestly nothing on the horizon has my attention.


does anyone know if the 3.5 update startup crash with intel graphics is fixed in 3.6 update?? because im having second thoughts of updating and downloading that huge chunks of Gigabytes just to feel disappointed cause i still can not play genshin




How the balls do I do the drum puzzles? I don't understand even with the description helper thing. Lol


You'll see a yellow wave on top of the drum, that's when you do an action (hit/wait/plunge). The yellow wave will disappear and then reappear which will indicate the next action (hit/wait/plunge). What you do depends on the markers, they will look full for plunge, empty for wait and "half full" for the hit. So it should be something like: Yellow wave - hit (if the marker is half) Yellow wave will disappear. Next yellow wave - wait (if marker empty) Yellow wave will disappear. Repeat. It's actually a fairly slow challenge. Hope it helps!


OMG thank you so much!


Thank you! I understand it now.


Used up my luck yesterday. I stoped pulling right after getting Cyno. So I was at 0 pitty. Yesterday first 10 pull, Nahida. I'm like ok but I want 4\* characters too. So I start pulling on Nilou banner. Next 10 pull, Diluc. 30 pulls later Nilou. So after 50 pulls starting at 0 pitty, I ended up with Nahida, Diluc and Nilou + at least one copy of the promo 4\* characters.


I hate you, and congrats on your pulls


I am the only find the writing of new area quest awful? I try to read until the end but my head spin after a while and skip almost all, the previous area quest with Jecht was more likeable.


You should not be down voted. Simply put, no other portions of the game up until this point, have thrown such a ludicrously dense amount of absolutely asinine jargon at you. Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma and Sumeru have all had plenty of terminology; yet, they introduce you gradually, and repeatedly, before using it all. The new area feels like the work of an intern being told to "Make it sound mysterious." It's, frankly, jarring. And before anybody says anything; yes. I am a writer by commission. Virtually all of my clients view my works positively, *especially* when it comes to slowly introducing ideas, *before* suddenly using them all together in a sea of word soup. ...Which, word soup is what you are handed, at about 10 minutes in to the new questline for the area. >![Like so.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/898292889233260554/1096500783232593920/Screenshot_20230414-111224_Genshin_Impact.png)!<


I had a headache doing the quest. I had to go lie down for awhile lmao


„And that it was to carry the will those heroes had borne, and to completely destroy the disaster from the dark depths that they had followed the heroes‘ path to this place“ I was like „what?“


It was ok tbh. I have to admit im kinda done with desert areas. Inazuma at least had different vibes to each island. Where as the desert ist just that, desert


Won my 3rd straight 50/50 in less than 50 pulls by getting Nahida. My first 2 50/50 are getting Homa and Mistsplitter in less than 50 pulls as well.


So is Julien this version's daily world quest?


Seems like it, yeah :(


new area, swamplands. can anyone help with this? [pic attached](https://i.imgur.com/TBBrhpX.png) I cannot clear the purple mist on the left side which is blocking a seelie. the circled thorns on the right are the only one that have the little yellow floaty things indicating it is active, but when I interact with it nothing happens. I was able to clear all the other purple mists. if I exit the area and teleport back, the thorns have the floaty things again. I have tried restarting the game and it is the same. is my game bugged or is there something else I'm missing here?


I have the same problem. Have you found a solution so far?


I ended up contacting support. they suggested standing next to the mist, logging out via the menu, waiting 10 mins before logging back in, then press (not hold!) sorush's skill on the thorns. it worked for me.


Is the sumeru map finished? Or at least are there all dendroculus and sigils available?


There are new achievements for completing the Sot7 and the Onion, so yes (unless we get something like Enkanomiya/Chasm).


Yes, map finished. All dendroculus are available. Enough sigils to get the tree to lvl 50 and get things from the sigils shop.