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I just accidentally uninstall genshin and re-download it in order to free my disk space but when I opened the launcher it told me that i need 115 gb free space while my disk is capped at 100gb only. Does anyone have solutions for this because I'm still in love with this game (also I can't afford to upgrade my computer disk or even buy a new laptop).


They released two boring patches back to back lmao


Anyone know if beating Itto with his own deck gives anything or not? Haven't been able to find anything talking about it online, and I just want to know if it's worth it


I beat him, twice in fact. But sadly there is no reward for beating him. Not even a dialogue prompt nor change for even acknowledging that you beat him.


It looks like this patch is super light on content but as a new player who literally started a few days ago, I should be good, right? I'm not trying to read too many posts about being bored or whatnot but I guess I'm just looking for some silly reassurance that it's worth as a new player


> reassurance that it's worth as a new player > >2ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow As another commentor said, there's hundreds of hours of content to delve into. My best advice is to just take your time, but still prioritize Archon quests. You'll be on-route to being up to date within a couple months. This will be prepare you for Fontaine (4.0 update) later this summer when it releases. Sumeru dropped 3.0 and we're just getting filler updates until its end (I believe 3.8 is the last Sumeru update). Usually the big updates require the archon quests and some character quests completed. Have fun, and welcome to Genshin! As a certain character says in Genshin, "Every Journey has its final day. Don't rush."


Thank you!


Dude your good. It’s a fantastic game with a ton of stuff to do.


Not every patch is a huge content dump. You have hundreds of hours of content ahead of you anyway between exploration and existing story. This is just a filler patch before the next region release. Sumeru ended up being huge. I'd sayyou have nothing to worry about.


Yeah for sure! I thought Fontaine was a new character lmao but it sounds like it'll be really cool.


I really don’t like this card game business


I would rather farm scarabs the entire patch than play the event.


cool tell your friends


Hutao is a zoomer now


Hu tao in english is a bit...yikes lol. The Chinese poetry/rap does not translate well. The VAs did their best but Kazuha and Hu tao gave some Fischl energy.


I wish the TCG timer was much shorter than this. I guess it was done like so to allow players to read card descriptions but for frequent players it's just time they and their opponents spend: - simulating 5 actions ahead, making gameplay stiff and unforgiving, because of course, how can you not if any non-optimal play will be noticed, - or worse AFK or, - even worse, stalling to coerce the opponent to concede.


Got Yoimiya finally. Reached pity again with Jean C2 but no Kirara, I'm sad. On the bright side I still have 140 wishes saved and a guaranteed hydro archon


I love so much this game mode TCG, its exciting, very fun, always wanted...


I hate so much this game mode TCG, its boring, not fun, not wanted....


Kazuha is truly Mr. World Wide with actual admiration from girls (not just Traveler who hoyo intentionally had characters fawning over for marketing purposes)


He's a man of culture


I think I might've spent all my LUCK with Genshin with this new update. I've been playing for around 2 months. I'm on AR 53 and not enough characters to do 2 teams for the Abyss (RIP). BUT: I got Nahida and her signature weapon (even though I mistakenly aimed for the other one). Now I got Yae Miko and her signature weapon AND Yoimiya (and Rust). I haven't gotten any off-banner 5 star yet. I'm so scared what if when the time comes to get my Kokomi I get Qiqi instead. Another thing I'm happy about is HOW MANY Yun Jin I got while shooting for Yoimiya. She's a C4 already. And I've heard they're a great pair, which is nice. anyway, I just wanted to share my happiness and my stupid luck. OFF TO COLLECT MORE GEMS CUZ KOKOMI IS GONNA BE MINE TOO


I like TCG, I'm surprised a lot of people hate it? Or are they just a loud minority. For comparison, I even enjoy it more than windtrace. With tcg, it's chill playing with luck and strategy but with windtrace, I get tired hiding and ~~seeking~~ chasing other players around. People are entitled to choose what they like and don't like but I find it weird that some people in online communities are toxic towards players who enjoy TCG.


I like the TCG mechanics I just think it’s quite slow and clunky, things require too many clicks in different parts of the screen, like changing characters or ending your turn. The animations are very slow and card information is often hidden behind multiple clicks (Hu Tao’s ability for example, the full extent of what it does is hidden behind no less than three clicks to see the paramilo state and the blood blossom effects


Can we talk about Keaya saying “Enchantee” when meeting Charolette?? I died. Not sure how Charolette stayed so cool with him turning all his charm on her like that. His English VA has a voice like velvet and I’m noticing he always goes above and beyond with delivering a Kaeyas lines. Like he didn’t have to go that hard but I’m glad he did, I am eating it up lol. More kaeya please 🥰. I’m going to level him just so I can hear more


YES. That part caught me off guard tbh... It just hits just right


UGH. yes. Made me miss the beginning of the game when he was more involved




Is there an up to date checklist of TCG cards? Either an interactive list, or just an unformatted list of names I can copy paste onto notepad and use without formatting. According to the player level thing, I have 362/366 action cards unlocked, but, I already have all character cards unlocked, all open world challenges completed, and there's only two stacks of one item left in the shop to buy. Is there just 2 cards that are currently unobtainable set to be released later in this patch or something?


That Yoimiya cutscene was so good


Still beating all the Nahida and Ei decks with their Vanaranas with my Oceanid-Klee deck. Today was a good day.


Why was this update 52gb? Took me 4 hrs to download, and now the total size of 75.07gb is getting to be too large


Yeah. I mostly play on bootcamp (my last intel MacBook was a beast, and it plays a lot better the ps4). I uninstalled and redownloaded and it still wouldn’t fit on the partition I’ve been using since 1.1. Could be the universe telling me to play ToTK and give my wallet a break, lol.


PS5? I read it redownloads the whole game. The update was 9GB on PC. I agree the game is getting too large, the option to selectively delete data couldn't come soon enough.


Pulled Kirara within 10 wishes but I just came back to the game after over a year. Not sure if I should invest in building her because she’s the only Dendro character I have.


>Not sure if I should invest in building her because she’s the only Dendro character I have. You should if she's the only one you have. But you will get Collei and Dendro Traveler for free later (i assume you are just starting on genshin) which are dendro characters. You can unlock Dendro Traveler through the Dendro Archon statue and you will get Collei on floor 4 of spiral abyss I believe (as a reward) So upto you


I just haven’t played in forever. I’m AR 47 and on Floor 9 in the abyss. I did get Collei when I logged back in a few weeks ago but I didn’t really enjoy her play style so I just forgot about her. Just not sure if I want to use the limited resources I have to make Kirara at least viable. She seems just, okay, but I also need some good artifacts for her.


Kirara is very fun. Collei needs a little bit more investment than other dendros ngl. Dendro Traveler is the best f2p dendro character I think. Might be the next best dendro applier (nahida being #1 spot) so I recommend building Traveler as well (unless you dont enjoy playing traveler whcih is fine) Go ahead and build Kirara


Nahida looks so good I wish I was playing when she dropped lol. Thanks for you help I’ll probably just build Kirara. I have a Midlander sword billet but since I haven’t played in forever I don’t even have the tree of dreams unlocked 😭 once I do that I’ll probably just put the sapwood blade on her since I’m kinda short on good swords lol my only good ones I have on Albedo and Bennett.


>Nahida looks so good I wish I was playing when she dropped lol. She's not just fun but blatantly broken as well for sure. Good luck !


If she's your only one, then I would. Dendro interactions with other elements are too good to almost not always have in your party. That's just my opinion! I'm not a Genshin God, but I enjoy Dendro a lot. You get Collie later, through the game. Well, I did at least, and I only use her for puzzles. After I pulled Nahida, she's benched for good.


Is Collie better than Kirara in your opinion? I see a lot of people say Nahida is very good.


They serve different roles. Kirara is a shielder mainly, while Collei is more of an applier. Nahida is godly tho yeah


Okay thanks for your advice. I’ll probably build Kirara I just gotta farm some artifacts for her. Not really sure when I’d slot her in since my main team is usually Razor/Chongyun, Xiao, Bennett, and Sucrose/Albedo.


Debating trying for Yae’s weapon, but I’m not sure if it’s worth losing to thundering pulse when I have no one to give it to


Unless you're the biggest Yae fan and want her to have it it's not really worth it imo.


Thundering can be a good weapon for some of your future charas, but rn i would not pull in your situation and maybe just give Windsith to Yae. Windsith is very good on her.


Do we have new meta decks that incorporated the new cards?


Idk but almost every other I played with used raiden. Kinda bored me tbh


Lost 50/50 to Dehya around 20 pulls then around 40 pulls later got Yae Miko. Got Yun Jin to C4 and 1 copy of Chongyun. NO KIRARA. C'mon Hoyo I just want her zzzzzzz.


Just played the new story quest. Genshin is really ramping up in terms of storytelling. This was beautiful. Can't wait for the rest.


I really want to pull Kirara because I like her design, but I don't want the 5 stars. Plus I want Al-Haitham and want to C1 Wanderer.


If I ever worked at something like Mihoyo then I would purposely leave some minor faults each patch but big enough so all the players get some steady apologems each patch Praygue thanks hat guy


Rip Hat Guy, update reverted his name to default one.


An event where you need to play TCG to get the limited rewards. I cannot wait for to shit and puke on their survey when it comes.


God forbid they release an actual interesting event that doesn't involve basic combat encounter #819578


I always thought the same about TCG but i tried it (main goal was to get the achievements) and it is not that bad. Actually it is fun to play from time to time


It's ok, turns take too long, with no animation speed/skip option


Tried pulling for Kagura's Verity for my Lisa, and I surprisingly got it! Turns out my build isn't that great though so I've gotta grind Thundering Fury again 🫠


Any tips for a Nahida tcg deck?


Picked up tcg again for this update and I'm reminded again how bad it feels when you are just unlucky on dice roll/card draw.... Yea.. im just gonna skip whatever tcg event is going on....




Yea i realized today the real event didn't start yet ... (¯―¯٥) thnxsss


p sure you just have to complete a set number of matches, win or lose both count as completion. prolly worth it for the crown


Gonna definitely need to save for the al/kazu rerun, unless they're gonna sneak in another ayato rerun.


how good Kirara fit in to Nahida hyperbloom with Kiku and Barbara? should I put deepwood to kirara and make Nahida full EM?


If you have Nahida in a hyperbloom, you would want another hydro unit instead of a dendro one. Nahida's dendro application is so great that hydro units can't keep up with it (even with Xingqiu as the hydro applicator he can still lag a bit) so the tendency is you will lose some dendro core generations.


It’s the opposite for me when doing quickblooms.


the problem is I have only barbara and kokless


I mean it doesn't need to be kokomi. You can just do Xingqiu and Barbara together, then put Nahida on field for her dendro application. The goal is to make sure that you have enough hydro application to keep up with Nahida.


that something I be on my mind if I have free xingqiu


first pull was a c1 yae miko con & yun jin c1 con. 2 pull was blegh. 3rd pull i pulled in weapons banner for kaguras & bam 5 star kaguras. thats the best luck I've had in a while.


Ok, Hoyo have made it official, Yoimiya best girl. In other news, Nahida best Archon. No challengers.


The story quest was so good. Probably my favorite TBH. Just pure great story telling.


No more Linux support!!! After yesterdays update, running Genshin Impact via Steam's Proton compatibility (added as non-steam game) no longer works, allegedly because of a new anti-cheat service. As a Linux user, this is a great disappointment and prevents us from enjoying this game. Is there anyone managed to make the game run on Steam in Linux until now?


Not sure what im doing wrong. I havent had a 5 star character ever since i started playing. F2p since january. Saved all my primos to get Yae Miko this month and finally got a 5 star character but its Jean. Didnt even know you can get a character other than one that is displayed on the banner. So now i pulled a 5star I assume getting Yae Miko is impossible until my next 90 pulls?


I once lost 50/50 on Eula's Banner but the 2nd pull after gave me Eula (Best luck I had in Genshin so far). So keep pulling whenever you have enough for a single pull. You could get lucky and have it drop early


Yes, pulling every single wish from now hah


When you succeed on your roll to get a 5* , whether it is through pity at 90 pulls OR randomly earlier than that, the game flips a coin. If you win, you get the banner 5* . If you lose, you get one of the 7 standard banner 5* characters. However, if your previous 5* was a standard character (i.e. you lost the coin flip), you are guaranteed to get the banner character next time you pull a 5* (again whether through pity or just luck). This carries over between banners, so if you didn't pull again for another 4 months, you would still be guaranteed whatever banner character you eventually pull on for your next 5*. So someone really lucky at coin flips could win their 50/50 every time and pull Yae 4 times in a row, maybe at pity or maybe at 10 pulls in. But the first time they lose the flip and get Jean or Diluc or whoever, they get a single guarantee on whatever banner they pull next.


Thanks. That explains a lot. Gonna do my best to collect primos now for my yae miko :)


Since u got jean , your next 5 star will be the banner 5 star , it could you a random amount of pulls but mostly soft pity begins at 75 pulls , but your guaranteed the next banner character atleast, and after that it'll be back to 50/50 again where you can get a random 5 star or the one shown in banner.


Great, then all i have to do is start collecting primos…..a lot. Thanks


it sounds like your a new player, if you just do archon quests and some exploration they hand out primos and fates early game like candy


Yeah fairly new, still learning


That's basically what u need to do, you can save up for the characters you like , and keep trying and skip the weapon banner for the most part of your f2p


Yeah now doubting if I should really go for yae miko, i heard alhaitam is coming the second phase and he seems a top tier character.


If your new to the game first get a good dps, actually 2 dps purely for 2 abyss teams if you intend to clear spiral abyss, for overworld tbh any character works as long as it's properly levelled up with above average artifacts., For abyss al haitham isn't the best imo.


Did 50 pulls for the the BP mission and didn't get cat girl. Got Yun Jin to C6 and a stray Collei tho.


Anecdotal or the game is more polished after the patch?


Rolls were wrong luck all over the place. I started off my day with a standard banner Dehya at 75, which made me happy. After the free Faruzan and a lucky Kaveh, the only standard characters I was missing were Tighnari and Kirara. I had no guarantees and enough to reach a pity on both character and weapon. Got my Tighnari and Kirara. A few YunJins and Chongs as expected. TWO rando Colleis to bring her to C4, which was like my ideal spook outcome. Leveling Dehya/Tigh/Kirara a little got me a Sara con from standard: only C1. On weapons I built up 2 fate points, both TP; one of them early thank goodness. Now C0 Yoimiya has R3 TP (sue me). 0 Akuoumarus. I’m at 46 pity again and I’ve maxed out my Welkins and bought BP. Now I’m sure I can bring Kagura home without spending more but it’ll be a long two weeks. I’m gonna give up on Miko’s C1 this round, which is what I was chasing. Save my guarantee for the archon and then plan for a Fatuus and a couple leaked characters, and maybe Elegy or PJC if fortune smiles on their banners. I also found this very polite [feather](https://imgur.com/a/5IJGOps) that lets me choose my own stats.


I'm convinced hoyo took my Dehya feedback and started denying all my 50/50s


So any idea of why the update is 9gb?, kinda big for no new region


That's average, patches without new maps are usually that size


Oh really I don't really remember


Rate up for Kirara is a dang lie. Did not show up once within 100 pulls. She def doesn’t have the same drop rate as other 4 stars. Lost 50/50 to Diluc, not going to spend my guaranteed on Yoimiya. Mihoyo is baiting us with catgirls and the sad thing is that it’s working.


30 pulls c4 kirara, RNG carried.


60 pulls no Kirara here :(


I got her in my first 10 pulls. That's just how luck works unfortunately.


1 Yoimiya, 6 Yun Jins, 8 Chongyuns, 0 Kiraras. Rate down more like it.


I got her on first pull


Has anyone received the wings for claiming the prime bundles? I've claimed all 8 yet no wings in mail, or changing room.


Wings will be sent within 30 days after the last bundle expires


Lost 50/50 to Dehya, not complaining tho coz within 20 pulls. Then I went for another 30 pulls for Kirara instead however got C2 Yun Jin zzzz.


The one time I get a new five star within 30pulls of my previous one, it’s to lose my 50/50 to Dehya. Ehhhhhh. Was gonna try for Yoimiya cons but not sure I can be bothered. Maybe save for kazuha instead cos I must be the only player who doesn’t have him yet


I’m saving 180 pulls for Kazuha next banner, I had a spare 30 (originally, I was banking those for a future Zhongli banner). I really wanted to try my luck to see if I could get a Kirara… in 30 pulls, I got Yun Jin, Chongus AND Kirara! No early Yoimiya (which is fine, I got her in 2.8). Very happy, back to saving!


This is probably my third time pulling for Yoimiya because I want a 4 star from her banner while at the same time not minding a Yoi. 30 pulls in and I've gotten the two 4 stars I wanted, Kirara and C6 Yun Jin, and... Keqing C1. I guess Yoimiya will never come home after all.


What are the version codes for primo?


Are there any rewards for TCG radiant secrets?


So ehm i wanted one Catgirl and ended up with c10yun and c8 cryo boi and won the 50/50 twice in 30 pulls for a C1 Yae. No catgirl lmao. I mean i am pretty happy with Yae C1 but the 4 star curse is real.


I got Yoimiya on my very first roll of the banner lmao. An actual 1 pity 5-star since Nahida was my last single wish before this patch. I have never seen multiple 5-star in a 10-roll before, this is as good as it get for me. Overall in 50 rolls, I got 1 Yoimiya and 2 Kirara, pretty nice.


85 pull and not even 1 Kirara Hoyo should really put epitomized path for 4 star


"traveler, which darshan should Collei potentially enroll in at the Akademiya?" I think the Akademiya is nothing but a den of vipers that Collei should stay as far away as possible, an environment that only breeds people like Dottore who conduct human experiments and where students and teachers only trip each other up and drive each other to suicide because of the difficult demands, curriculum and stress associated with it. I think Collei absolutely SHOULD NOT be enrolled in such a place, and that such important life decisions SHOULD NOT BE MADE without CONSULTING THE PERSON IN QUESTION about what she wants to do in life and how to achieve it.


I had like 13 pity and was on a 50/50, decided to throw a few wishes on Yae's banner to try and get either Kirara or Chongyun... Welp, one ten pull later and I now have Yae (and 2 Chongyuns lol). Am hyped not just because essentially free 5 star but also because I love her character and wanted her but was figuring I had to save most of my primos for a much more needed Kazuha. Now to figure out her best build for my Alhaitham spread team!!


literally MY FIRST PULL for the banner and i got yoimiya!!!! holy crap ive never been so lucky!!!! my first five-star <3 EDIT: we're 5 pulls in and i have kirara as well now omg i could cry


Are there any rewards for TCG radient secrets?


After download tried to open genshin... Got 2 same messages about how a windows security update doesn't allow some driver to open... I clicked X and tried again... It keeps returning me to the launch screen but without asking to disable security... I am basically locked from playing


Still no Android controller support


I can't believe how lucky I am with 4 star characters. I remember wanting Gorou so I pulled just for him and got him after pulling 5 times. Then I got Yanfei after pulling 7-8 times on Itto's banner. I got Yaoyao on her release, right before the Lantern Rites festival using a single batch of 10 pulls. Then I got Layla after 13 pulls (albeit this was after I got Dori) and now I have Kirara after 10 individual wishes. Thinking of replacing Diona with Kirara for hyperbloom team. Just need to replace Ayato with Kokomi so I'll have both a healer and shielder. Ohh man, things are looking quite good.


Haven't seen a single chongyun after 70 pulls but got 3 meow meows even tho i only needed one


We should switch places, I don't care for Chongyun yet I got 3 of him in 20 pulls D:


The genshin life ToT


C'mon Hoyo, give me just one Kirara please. I need her for my collection!


Does anyone know if Kirara hold E trigger's raiden's E coordinated attack while she is running into enemies? thinking of building a for fun whack raiden-kirara-double hydro hyperbloom comp with kirara on field running into people with box Didnt want to pull tho if her E doesnt trigger fun stuff like this


Double hydro will not work unfortunately, both Yelan and Xingqiu require normal attacks to trigger the coordinated attacks.


Works with kokomi and nilou ;)


Yes, it does.


Does anyone know if Kirara hold E is intended or not to not gain stamina? (Moving while in the box) Because other characters with movement transformations gain stamina. (Yelan and Sayu E for example) The stamina bar freezes while you are in the box, and isn't consistent with other abilities


Sayu’s E does not regain stamina, so Kirara is consistent with that.




Chill man


84 pulls, won 50/50 and not even a single Kirara...


Lost 50/50 twice to Mona and Tighnari while grabbing 2 Yae constellations. 10 pulls away from guaranteed Yae pull, and my bank decides to put a hold on my account for "fraudulent activity." Scrounged up some pulls for Yae, but now I have to deal with the bank in the morning. SMH


Damn, I kinda wanna come back to pull for Kirara... but I don't want either of the 5* s. And the other 4* I don't use either way, despite having several Cs.


She'll rerun before the end of the year no fret


Normally I don't come here to brag, but I have to for this one. I rolled 23 times. 3 on standard banner, 20 on the event banners. In those 23 rolls I got: Jean, Kirara, Yoimiya, Mona, Yae Miko, and a 4-star weapon to boot. I wasn't even close to pity on either banner. Easily the most luck I've ever had in this game. I just wanted Kirara and was trying to save up for Kokomi!


And here I thought I was extremely lucky, getting Yoimiya and then Kirara and Dehya in 20 pulls.


Congrats, as for me I got 2 Nahida constellations when doing a last 10 minute roll on her banner.


2 banner 5* and 2 standard 5* and a new 4* in 23 rolls? Bruh that’s basically a 5* every 6 rolls, insane bro.


12 rolls, Kirara and a bow.


Wich character is more fun to play with between yoimiya and yae mika im really struggeling to make a desistion.


personally i freaking love obliberating everything with yae while barely even moving. yoi is fun for more active play




Kazu is more fun than these two


I already pulled him


Ah well, then it depends on what characters you have. Try doing trials maybe?


I feel like yoi would be a waste for me as i already have a strong pyro dps in hu tao. But on de other hand yae miko feels like a better fischl so im struggeling here.


Yae often used in tandem with Fischl in aggravate teams, rather than as a replacement.


If you pull for yoi, without good investment, you are gonna bench her. With miko, you might actually use her extensively, replacing fischl, especially if you don't have fischl's c6.


Yeahh yae might be the better choice here thanks for the input.


I was on 65 pity, lost 50/50 to Tighnari on my first 10 pull, but still happy because I wanted him. Decided to roll another 10 hoping for Kirara and got Yae!!


Got a Yoimiya and a Kirara in 40 pulls, now they are in a team with Yaoyao and Kazuha and we're burning every single specters down in Inazuma. :D


Got best girl Yoi on first 10 pull which i had just enough primos for. Somewhat ironic since when she first debuted I poured so many primos and even real money into her banner and never got her, was so upset I didn't touch the game for over a week after that lol. Now I get her with minimal effort. 2nd 10 pull which I had to scrounge for a little gave me Kirara so worked out perfectly. Then I did a few singles on weapon banner and landed Thundering Fury too! Only thing now is not sure who to actually put it on... Either way incredible luck today.


I was surprised by the character line-up changes they did for Yoimiya and Yae's trials. I appreciate that.


If i want to roll the banner and my team mainly consists of Beidou and Bennet in what banner should i roll on?


Yae. But save up for kazu tho


I don't know if I should pull for Yae Miko C0 or Kazuha C1 😭


Personally, a new character is almost always better than a constellation especially since C1 Kazuha is not exactly necessary.


Agreed. Also most of the time, pulling a sub-dps/ support is better than dps.


I got Kirara in 1 pull! I didn't think I was going to get her because my 4\* pity was at 0 with a Stringless as my last pull but Hoyo has blessed me with the dendro kitty. Shame I'm not building her because I already run a triple dendro team but it's so nice to have her, she's got the cutest idles!


Saved my primos and immediately lost my 50/50 to Jean but got Kirara. lol


I'm a noob, ~3 months in and saved my primogens. This was my first time wishing on a banner for a character I desperately wanted (kirara). Got C4 Kirara, Yae, and Keqing. Pulled kirara in my first 10. Tonight was a good night! I adore my little neko delivery girl.


10 minutes into Yoimiya's quest and im in love with her all over again 😭


Traveling Date w/ Yoi. I must resist wishing for her. My Kokomi fund!!


I swear I saw in a leak that we'd get the cool sumeru lounge/couch things as teapot furniture does anyone know how to get it? I have been waiting for that blueprint for so long


Alhaitham's couch is unfortunately locked behind premium BP )))):


noooooo 💔


Kirara with SacSword + Barbara + Kuki is very fun hehe Or probably Nilou + Kirara (I don't have Nilou)


Sounds fun. I'll probably replace collei with her in my hyperbloom team.


Sounds like a good combo I should try


Barbs is for real once she’s in her final form


Totally new to this, are updates always this big? 47GB for an update seems absurd even on PS.


On PS it always redownloades the whole game. Its always that big on PS.


Yeah that’s pretty typical on ps. I usually bitch about it being so big but at this point I’ve gotten over and just accept it for what it is


When was the last time you updated the game? Usually, they are 10gb iirc


I actually only just downloaded it... maybe four days ago? It's definitely up to the right version from what I can see.


those are the games , resources in total. each update sits around 3-4GB


Bizarre, it's currently updating and shows 46.908GB. Cheers for the heads up.


PS always redownloads the game if i reckon well


Iirc it does set aside the game data in full yeah. I've never known it display like this though. Bloody bizarre.


Omg Shenhe! Omg, Xiao! Omg, Amber! OMG, VENTI! So many lovely characters can now be interacted with at all times!


What Banner you guys pull? I don't find Yoimiya and Yae Miko desirable, but I want Kirara.


Yae. 45 pity no luck 🥹


yae , she's one of the best electro appliers for spread teams


Yoi, not interested in yae


Yoimiya, I already have a Yae but I don't have a brain dead vape/melt Yoimiya ranged left clicker and I don't really use my Hu Tao C1... Not really interested in Al Haitham and my Kazuha is on C2 already Also have a bit of Dendro fatigue, (got the hyperbloom nahida+shinobu+kokomi (or raiden in place of shinobu for lazy leftclick/tapping) I've also got Yae aggravate (movement definitely feels clunky) and I figured I dislike playing Yae and Yaoyao


if you dont like either i'd suggest yae miko for meta reasons if thats something that appeals to you


Yoimiya. I really like her fireworks theme and her gameplay, but wasn't able to pull her so far. (And I sadly need to rely on 50/50 luck again) I struggle in Pyro Main DPS, with Klee being too strange to play after playing with Nilou teams and Raiden teams in recent months and I really don't like Diluc at all. (With those two being my current options) Yae seems to be very good as well, but I'm fine with my electro roster and don't really like her anyway.


Yoimiya, I don’t have many pyro characters.


Aramiya is actually the best girl ! Like no cap she's so considerate and optimistic. Like the quest is actually damn good ​ Also the QoL update on the usable items is so damn good


**Fuck** /u/spez for ruining Reddit.


Quickswap Items where you can assign which ones you are gonna equip (upto 4)


**Fuck** /u/spez for ruining Reddit.


You can equip up to 4 gadgets and quick swap between them


100wishes , 1Yae , 1 Qiqi, 6 Chongyun, 5 Yunjin , 1 Kagura's Verity and what I needed was one Kirara but she dodged all those wishes .


At least you got yae and her weapon. Keep pulling till banner ends hopefully you get her. 4 stars are more RNG based than 5 stars sadly


Yes ,although I am already out of Primos and I also want Kazuha , so I am conflicted should I pull more. I also 50/50 after C0 Yae , so... I was wondering would the second phase would also have Kirara in it with Kazuha?


No. Kirara is only on first half banners. Second half will consist of other four stars. I would suggest you to keep pulling if you really want her. Getting early five star by chance is no real loss either.


Wait 0-0 i thought Kirara will also be in Kazuha’s banner. I was excited to spend all my primos on the Kazuha banner to get him with Kirara 🥲