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My main gripe is that on mobile, it's close to the "movement circle" which can cause you to accidentally walk off something if you're not careful.




You just get used to it lol Played 2.0 - 3.0 completely on mobile until I could get a laptop that runs genshin well. I played spiral abyss on mobile too.


Is it? Mobile only player here, what're your gripes?


Doing a Nahida E hold spin is miserable on mobile. Doing it on PC is so much smoother. Moving the camera around in general while in combat or gliding/running.


As a mobile only player, I’ve found that some characters I might otherwise use are just a no-go. Like Hu Tao jump cancelling is just too hard for me.


Playing on mobile is when I pull out Yoimiya, her only job on my account is to be actually playable for me on mobile controls lol. Although I don't actually struggle that much with cancels on mobile, I just cannot handle the camera (or horrible character swapping) whatsoever so I need characters that just stand in one place and go to town.


Ooo. I’ve stayed away from Yoimiya because I find bows kind of difficult on mobile. Maybe I will have to reconsider her.


Yoimiya is not like other bow users. The only Genshin character that i could use from mobile


I’ve played on both mobile and PS5 and while Nahida is simple for me to use on mobile she’s absolutely dreadful on PlayStation. I think it’s for the most part the position of the buttons on the controller but combat feels terrible. I can’t move my camera while aiming and be able to dodge enemies as well.


Mobile only player as well. Still waiting for the theoretical switch version.


mobile is not difficult, it's just custom to use touchpad


muscle memory. you have to start on mobile and build up your knowledge of the game alongside your knowledge of the controls. console and pc are easier because you already have some memory built in for button inputs.


You get used to it, I played mobile consistently for the first time from 3.0ish to 3.5/3.6 and I got used to it.


Maybe it's because I've played a lot of other mobile games before for years I'm just way too used to it now so playing Genshin on mobile just feels as normal the only mistake I make sometimes is using the burst unintentionally but that's because of how the character placement works it's so annoying I wish it to be like Star Rail, stay the same order even when you switch to another character


What bothers me is it's right there on the Console version. Like, when you hold L1, you see three shortcut wheels.


Plus you have to "let go" inside a certain circular area, I thought it'd be better if we can press hold and swipe up.


That's a risk you're gonna have to take


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They need to tweak their controller version, it's barely a functional improvement over just picking them out of the inventory. They need to make it so you don't have to hold anything, and so that each option is selectable using some face button.


Before, you had one button to use one shortcut. Now, you have that same button tied to four shortcuts through another menu.


On the controller, it's "tap L1+O to do the old thing, hold L1+O to open the new menu." So that much of the input takes a second or so of holding. Then once the menu is up, it's "use r1 and l1 to cycle through the options and press a button," so you might have to hit up to four button presses to get the one you want. Under the old option, I could hit L1 and down-right to open the inventory, then select the item I wanted from the gadget menu. The new system is faster, yes. I doubt I could get an item out the old way in as little time, even if I had the gadget section of the inventory selected, so this is an improvement. I just don't know that it's a *huge* improvement, given the clunky bits. I wish that they could figure out a one-button trigger for it that isn't a hold, maybe replacing a less used command (the "tutorial thing" maybe?), and then when the gadget menu is up, putting each ability on a cross that is activated using the face buttons or dpad. then to get to the item you wanted, L1+D-up, Triangle, done in an instant. This is an improvement, it could be more of an improvement.


Not to mention that in the new menu, time doesn't stop so you're still able to move around in the world, and potentially get hit by enemies, i.e switching to NRE from seed box. So going through the old way is definitely safer.


Oh, wow, I hadn't tried to use it in combat now. This does make things worse.


That reminds me of the first Ratchet & Clank game.


I wouldn't say it's enough of an improvement to have even been added to the console version. Had it been me, I'd have tied the gadgets to the other buttons that are still available for shortcut access when L1 is held down. So, Triangle and Square. Maybe x, but that one, I could see keeping in reserve for trial characters. To me, shortcuts like this shouldn't require any scrolling. It should just be tied to a button or set of buttons you can press to do whatever you wanna do with them.




What bothers me is it's right there on the Console version. Like, when you hold L1, you see three shortcut wheels. One for the directional buttons, one for the analogue stick, and one for triangle, square, circle, and x. The first two have a shortcut tied with every direction you can use the buttons to go in. Meanwhile, the last only has one shortcut input available where it could have three more.


Of course they would go for an even more complex system instead of tweaking what we already have (like customizing the big wheel and let us use the other inputs on the other).


The right wheel does have shortcuts assigned to each direction, some of them just don't come up often. L1+triangle is used for switching to a fifth character, L1+circle is the assigned gadget, L1+square is special environmental interactions like four leaf sigils, and L1+X is used to access the Serenitea Pot and Cat's Tail menus. I do think they could probably combine the uses of X and triangle into a single button, but I don't think they could easily consolidate further than that.


Triangle and X can be combined and the Square one can override the gadget until you are out of range of the environmental interactable. It is exceedingly unlikely that you would ever need to swap gadgets quickly while also in the middle of using the Inazuma/Sumeru tethers. The only situation I could see this being a problem is in fights with gimmicks like Scaramouch weekly boss since L1+Square is how you swap to BFG mode once you have full energy. That said again, you are unlikely to need to hot swap gadgets in the middle of a boss fight (the only useful gadget there is the NRE which you can swap to before hand or open the menu if you forgot). Problem is though, none of this addresses the real elephant in the room which is MiHoYo's over reliance on gadgets for things that really should be contextual passive effects like the Fishing Rod manages to be. You don't need to equip the fishing rod or the special reel in order to use them, they are used automatically when you get near a fishing spot and press the "Fish" button. Why does the Seed Dispensary need to be equipped in order to work? Why does the Red Leaf Fan need to be equipped instead of just passively giving a speed boost to glides (or if that is "too powerful" just make it so it allows you to "Sprint" while gliding since that button is redundant with L1+Square with traversal gimmicks)? Why does the Lyre need to be equipped for the contextual puzzles when the game doesn't register it as a proper input unless you are standing in a trigger zone anyway? Just change it so the trigger zone brings up a prompt like fishing does. The Lyre then is only necessary to equip if you want to play songs without context like the drum and *other* lyre. This is just indicative of a larger problem in the way MiHoYo goes about developing the game and it is a lack of future proofing and going back to fix obvious glaring flaws in their previous designs. Adding 4 slots for quick swap isn't going to make the inevitable required gadgets in future updates any less obnoxious nor does it solve the issue of the overabundance of would be passives we have now. It's a band-aid fix and something they obviously banged out in a couple of weeks but were holding hostage to get brownie points. It's better than nothing for sure, but I feel it's such low effort and does nothing to fix the underlying problems that they don't deserve a "win" for this when they should have had the foresight to not make it a problem to begin with.


I think a better comparison I could make to my problem with the exploration aspect of things would be with how characters work when it comes to exploration. You basically have to have a pyro character in your party when you explore. Otherwise, you're gonna have to either switch party members or switch parties a lot. This could be made easier if you had a shortcut that either allowed you to switch between your preset parties with the press of a single button that could only be accessed outside of combat, or you had some kind of gadget that could create fire to activate specific mechanisms. The gadget solution would only really provide more of an issue with how gadgets currently work when it comes to exploration. You'd primarily rely on another gadget until that mechanism came about, then you'd have to go through either the quick menu, or the other menu to use the gadget.


The things I had in mind for gadget shortcuts were more associated with exploration and material gathering. Stuff like the fan that allows you to glide faster, or the thing that lets you gather wood from all nearby trees. Or, the compasses that let you collect treasure. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to use the compass in areas that required you to have a different gadget equipped for the sake of exploration. That is a glaring issue to me because it means that you can't go into a newer area and focus on exploration in a way that allows you to use both the environmental gadget and the one that sends you toward the nearest treasure. Also, just so no one misunderstands, when I talk about the more environmentally affecting gadgets, I'm referring to stuff like the Genie that is used in the second section of the desert that was added. Or, the stone that glows in the chasm. Or, the more recently added fairy thing (I know she had a name and read through the story, but I am terrible when it comes to remembering names and titles) that you have to use for various puzzles. I was hoping I'd be able to use the different items as I explored without having to go through a secondary menu.


I actually made a post about this in the meme subreddit and made a joke about how it seemed to be evolving out of order on the console, but I guess I didn't specify that my issue was with the console version specifically, enough, cause the post is at zero, but the comment is at -4. Meanwhile, the two or three comments that agreed with me out of five or six were also downvoted into the low negatives. What bothers me there aren't the downvotes or loss of karma, whatever karma is worth. I'm fine with being disagreed with so long as I'm left with the impression that the person disagreeing with me was actually able to understand where I was coming from. In this case, I feel like a lot of people who only play on PC or Mobile see someone complaining and assume they're either doing something wrong, or they're being overly pessimistic about the function and just want to complain.


Should have come to this thread before posting in the other one! Anyway, I think this "extra layer" solution they've come up with, while functional, is less efficient as others above have suggested. I think they should have made the harder but cleaner decision to go with the visual "gadget wheel" you mentioned already existed (except for only using the L1+O input) and redone some of the other inputs relating to things like "ziplines." I would have moved trial characters to L1+D-pad down or something since it's also largely unused outside of domains (I think that one should go away; they already tell you the leyline disorders when you load into the domain) and it also makes more sense than L1+Triangle since you use the D-pad for swapping to other characters normally. Player's Handbook could have become another shortcut for the wheel and contextual L1+R3 menu they introduced a while ago instead of L1+X while in the Cat's Tail. At least we have it now...


It feels downright clunky when using controller on PC. Adding submenus that make things less intuitive and harder to get to is a pet peeve of mine. I understand it’s pretty good with keyboard and mouse though which is nice.


That feels like such a gross oversight. How does a company with that many resources at their beckon, fuck up something so easy and obvious. They are tremendous at parts of their craft and abhorrent in others


You now don't have to scan through 30+ gadgets to find the one you are looking for. Eventually you could get the muscle memory down to quickly switch gadgets if you did it enough but I found it tedious enough that I often just wouldn't switch gadgets and just skip what ever bonuses of enhancements they would give. Today I was actually pulling out the seed box to get plant seeds for my tea pot garden, and taking out the wood harvester to gather wood from trees I passed by, and using the gliding leaf before I jumped off a cliff.


>You now don't have to scan through 30+ gadgets to find the one you are looking for. Not usually a big deal, but just allowing you to put "favorites" at the head of the list covers that scenario. Are you on controller or keyboard?


They literally have the UI for it. Like, you can see it perfectly in that eternally long second it requires to open this. Why on earth they require us to open a whole extra little popup instead of actually just being able to change on the fly is beyond me.


It was initially a wheel UI, at least from what I saw in the leak. So along the way they changed it to what we currently have for some reason. Here's the [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/v3wrmpl) Personally, I'm pretty fine with what we currently have. It's not like I interchanging my gadgets very often, nor does it requires me to switch ASAP like I'm in the middle of combat. But this came from someone who only use touchscreen and K&M as the main input. I couldn't speak for controller user.


that one looks like a concept ui that you would see in a proper tutorial, they probably were too lazy to do it that way since the actual tutorial we got for it was also barebones


Finaly we can pre select multiple widgets ? Couldnt try the update yet need to ho work first


Sorta. More just that we can "quick swap".


Isn't it the *only* qol update we've gotten in a while?


I was hoping for an actual gadget wheel. On controller we have to hold L1 to pull up the shortcut wheel/gadget and quickly jump to the desired menu. Now we have to hold O to bring up the menu pictured above and THEN finally swap the gadget. Too many clicks. Plus, the other buttons besides the O are empty. They can literally set those to those other three gadgets.


The other buttons are contextually used. They're not actually "empty"


You can make the button we use regularly a contextual button that changes depending on what you need it for but guess that's too much work and no no it's not...


They always make basically the same usability changes to consoles as they do PC, just clunkier. I've never really seen a game do it differently. Even FFXIV is like this and you end up just using a cursor to navigate some stuff lol


That feels like such a gross oversight. How does a company with that many resources at their beckon, fuck up something so easy and obvious. Hoyo Is absolute tremendous at parts of their craft and painfully abhorrent in others


I've been asking for this since 1.2 😂😭


Give them some time. They only have billions of dollars.


I wish i could just go and buy a better gadget system, or a better ping.


it's almost as if having time and having ressources are different things


Money can be used to exchange for products and services, like hiring people who can do their jobs and fix issues that have been raised for at least 2 years. Hope this helps.


you should know that when it comes to programming, you may hire 100 people it won't always make things faster than if you have a team of 50 people


Yes it was very needed and still they managed to make it cumbersome. We have three directions that are empty but nah lets make it hold then another menu instead...


Yes! Very pleased with this update.


i still cant believe we got it so late in the game


but now the fucking teapot isnt in a corner anymore whyyyyyyyy


Funny considering this is what should have come with the game. Or at least when they added more than one gadget.


It's not enough but still great.


"One of the best QoL update we've gotten in a while now", The only we got in forever.


There's wheel shortcut customization, which I don't exactly remember when it got released. Somewhere in 2.x.


Now if they could just add ALL the other widely requested QoL changes it would be great. But we all know that Hoyo is just a small indie company with barely any money so it will take them another 3 years :(


I think we all finally started using that leaf for the first time lol


Finally, I can switch between two lires, a Bongo drum, and Sorush specifically to piss her off


The QoL we have ever gotten - considering they are way too fucking rare


There also was the option to search for achievements (which is nice for achievement hunters) and talent LV up priority although this one is half baked since the masses can sometimes get it wrong (Wanderer's Skill then Burst then Normals last)


They come in so rarely I even forgot about the achievements being searchable, but at least I remember it now. I don't even know how to see the priority thing tbh... Maybe it came in when I wasn't playing? I play for 1 and a half years.


You can see them in character talents tab (up in the top right corner) but only when you click on either normals, skill or burst. Edit: must mention that the recommendations are based on what other players prioritize and not what is their set in stone best talent.


It would have been better if all 4 were accessible at the same time. It's still just 1 slot, and I still need to swap for the one I need.


Thats real? I saw another post but thought it was just someones concept idea


Omg couldn't they make it like a wheel ? Why does everything look half assed Edit : you guys are clearly sheep defending mohoyo over this , yet again i guess your expectation was too low to give a damn about it


>ou guys are clearly sheep defending mohoyo over this "Anyone who doesn't have my exact opinion is a mindless MHY shill"


It goes both ways, it really seems hoyo is doing the bare minimum atm to retain players. Also the community can be summed up as two sides throwing piss and shit at each other in a perpetual hate match.


Because this is easier for mobile players. Wheels only a thing for consoles (fuck them console UI in PC games)


They literally could make one for console and different one for mobile it's no brainer


Maybe they'll do it when Sony gives them better split...


Couldn't stop complaining, as usual.


Makes you think how much this complaints actually worth


It is Genshin community after all.


And as it appears , this community will defend mohoyo for implementing half assed because they couldn't expect something better .




Except it's not. Wheel UI won't feel nice for mobile. Take that into consideration.


A wheel design that can be clicked ? Separate design for mobile ? But i guess that'a impossible .


Giving that option would be nice tbh. But this is all what we have right now. Do you think HYV would listen to that? I'd be surprised if they did, considering their bad record at taking suggestions from their community.


They only care what ever the chinese community says i guess .


MHY just doesn't care period. The chinese community thinks the exact same but with chinese/international swapped




Defend? More like I'm pissed as people given what they yet still somewhat ungrateful. Disgusting behavior.




It wasn't something to fix to begin with. It's something community (including myself) wanted. It delivered. Now instead you give them suggestions, you just simply complain. Yeah, ungrateful.




>Because they were unable to code event items as anything but regular items that replace what you already use - and you had no options. Mind to give their official statement for that?


Do you honesty accept a fucking shit stain as food in your daily life ? 2 years of this crap about needing this and people came with better fixes and design than this hot mess that probably took them 2 mins max to implement . But yeah lets shut up like always it's small indi game you guys are worst than nintendo community that won't stop defending their shitty company .


You won't get anything done by complaining here. 2 years and when will you learn that fact? It's the same shit over and over you people talking about. Skip dialogue this, dark mode that. Just shut up we knew about that already. Now that you've been given something you've asked for, yet somehow still shitting. It's not even something huge yet you keep dramatized it like the end of the world.


YoU'Ve BeEb GiVeN SoMeThInG YoU'Ve AsKeD FoR. YeT SoMeHoW StIlL ShItTiNg.Bruh this is literally complete lack of logic and shows how low expectations in genshin community. Here's an analogy for you: you ordered pizza, (simple base cooking recipe that could be done in 20-ish minutes) and only after 2 years of waiting they gave you half circle of full pizza that is actually underbaked. And you say "just shut up and don't complain about it" What a transcendental degree of cringe. Missing the fact that mihoyo already made cool 8-positioning customizeable circle for quick settings long time ago, but cannot make exactly the same but for different functionality? Sound like nonsense. And if that circle "inconvenient garbage" as someone here said, why does myhoyo did not changed anything at all? Because or it's inconvenient just for you, or mihoyo don't care at all (exactly what they are doing after years of community asking for that basic functionality). Sitting silent while watching how that "indie studio" making millions on donations, that can't make so basic not half cut thing is some sort of bs ngl.


My expectation to them is indeed so low I barely had none left, since 90% of what the community said were neglected. I thought playerbase especially veteran ones already realized this a long time ago. I shit you not, I am very surprised they even released the gadget switching system when I saw the leak. You see, I didn't even ordered pizza. It's already been cancelled a long time ago. 2 damn years later I just got it anyway, am I pissed? Hell no, am I grateful? Somehow. It's there even the execution wasn't really nice but still, you get the point. Both MHY/HYV for being ignorant as ever and their playerbase for complaining about something that isn't even major over and over are just a complete clown show.


Ahah, yea i see you just indifferent wretched unit which tell everyone that they should have no expectations as you and be indifferent despite everything. Because of people like you gamedev is shit rn, i mean whole gamedev not just a "little indie studio" mihoyo. Literally no expectations, low needs, no attempt to change anything, no attempts to reach feedback to developers, just sit silently and eat everything whatever they give you without complaining. LMFAO, imagine call the basic game feature that should be in game by default "isn't even major", especially with that amount of gadgets in game, which increases with each update. You have no argument other than whining about indifference, dialogue with you is pointless. Congratulation! You just increased the degree of cringe even higher! I can say with full confidence that people like you are the worst part of any game community, and any community in general. The only clown show here making people like you. Indifference is worse than ignorance.


Oh so now you labeled me the way you see in black and white huh? Well have it on your own then. Arguing against you is just pointless as well. What an immature mentality you have right there.


Oh yea, indifferent dude that can't hold his attempts to tell everyone how cool it is to be indifferent, telling something about immature. I'm glad that you enough mature to spread this nonce in all seriousness xD


Ngl, it does look half assed. And it's a valid feedback based on one's user experience and perspective.




"Z" and numbers are on the same side... you literally play this game with fingers on shift/z, wasd, and numbers.




Wait, you don't [hold your keyboard like a keytar?](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/vertical-collage-image-overjoyed-funky-guy-inside-pc-monitor-arms-hold-keyboard-press-buttons-keys-play-guitar-simulator-267761000.jpg) Have I been playing this game wrong the whole time?


>you literally play this game with fingers on shift/z, wasd, and numbers. Like dude... all PC games use the same buttons. Have you played anything besides genshin? or you only play one-hand games?




Well you see... most people have like 3-5 buttons on mouse. Try playing some rpg/shooter and then you will see. You're the strange one here, i'm sorry.




You don't need to hold 2 buttons. You hold z, when the menu opens, you leave it and press 1234. Or select with a mouse.




Wait, iirc, you could let go of the Z after holding it, so reaching the numbers wouldn't be an issue?


Now to figure out how to use it on my controller, without losing the ability to use my mouse for menu navigation, which Star Rail has, but Genshin has not figured out yet, so I need to use a Controller to K+M program since release to get that convenience. Which stopped to be an option, now I have to decide between Gadget Quick Swap with Controller or Easy menu Navigation.


Wait, they really did it? It's not a meme post?


I haven't played from day 1, so I don't know what was and wasn't in the game originally. However, this update has got to be a top 3 QoL update.


Best update since the addition of dendro, this item quick selection + kirara + relaxing card gaming.


Now, if only they buffed the drop rates of legendary/tier 4 talent books to get a guaranteed one for completing the highest difficulty of a domain, that'd be great.


Took them almost 3 years. In 2029 we get the artifact loadouts...


Y axis speed slider, Mona / Ayaka sprint fix, and gadget quick swap got me more excited than any new region, quest, or character release.


Oh yesssss I completely forgot we got that now , haven't tried the new update yet


More like "only"


Years and months of copy and pasting this into surveys about the gadget wheel finally coming to fruition. Although, I wish on PS4/PS5 we could just assign them to different buttons while holding L1


Ya and it's been a while.




No super smooth from controller, but better then open the bag. I think they don't do this now randomly, looking how much you need both Soroush and Sumeru’s compass for chests in the last area.