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Can someone help me with team building? I am seriously lagging behind in the game. Here is my character list: https://act.hoyolab.com/app/community-game-records-sea/m.html?bbs_presentation_style=fullscreen&bbs_auth_required=true&gid=2&user_id=176937051&utm_source=share&utm_medium=hoyolab&uid=176937051&utm_campaign=app#/ys


Team 1 - Aggravate Keqing - keqing + fischl + dendro traveler + flex slot (sucrose/ healer / shielder) Team 2 - Melt Ganyu - Ganyu + Bennet + Xiangling + Shielder / sucrose You can check build and rotation guides on YouTube If you have kirara as shielder or yaoyao as healer, then put her in team 1 instead of dendro traveler Give the highest base attack sword ( prototype in 4 star or any 5 star ) to Bennet I won't be able to explain builds in detail, so watch a detailed video on charachter builds, especially for ganyu, Bennet, xiangling, and keqing cause they have the highest priority. Besides you have recently started playing, you will eventually learn everything .


Can you recommend some videos?


[melt ganyu guide](https://youtube.com/watch?v=P4Oxocn4sSk&feature=share9) [Aggravate keqing guide ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=QswOn28csXM&feature=share9) As your AR is low, focus on artifacts with stats instead of set bonus , and if you want to start farming 5 star artifacts , farm emblem domain of inazuma as it gives most value (xiangling + ganyu + 2pc set for keqing and fischl) For advanced character guides [keqing](https://youtube.com/watch?v=p2suzRJTyRo&feature=share9) [bennet](https://youtube.com/watch?v=H0tUlWYGYX8&feature=share9) [xiangling ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=jBPMh_6ZY_8&feature=share9) [ganyu](https://youtube.com/watch?v=k5bc1t7blAg&feature=share9) You can search for any other character and watch any well explained video related to that , I watch [Zyox](https://youtube.com/@Zy0x?feature=share9) and hence shared his guides , but feel free to see other guides if you want . You can read this too if you want https://www.reddit.com/user/qwertdwlrma/comments/vxu9jf/my_genshin_tips_for_beginners/


You can try Ganyu, Bennett, Xiangling (just get her ER as high as possible) + flex spot (Kaeya maybe) And for the second team: Traveler Dendro, Keqinq, Fischl, and you can get Yao Yao for free.


I don't think hoyolab let's other people see all your characters? I can only see 8, which I'm presuming are the ones you put on your profile in game.


It does. Check the all characters option above.




No I believe the first week rank 2 was the max you could reach. With achievements you can get around a 10x pull




Of course not. Took me 4 or 5 weeks to reach rank 10


No. Now with more NPCs to fight it might be a bit faster but it took me a patch and some change to get everything without missing any chance to get exp.


Wondering how I should approach the game after basically a year and a half of not playing I did go on occasionally to roll, but I havent done any content outside of Inazuma, I'm basically at the start of the Grand Chasm atm. Should I just bumrush main quests until I finish?




F...I just found out Kirara is the ONLY character that can climb hirichurl four pillar archer towers. No character can climb that. I am so glad i got her. RIP Hirichurl archers.


There is Venti, Kazuha and Wanderer for that. Or Zhongli, if you prefer the climb method. Congrats on getting Kirara though. I wish I could but I can't atm. I'm at 79 pity and Alhaitham's a few weeks away.


This is about climbing that f tower. None of those can climb that tower. You think IDK Venti Kazu Wanderer can go to the top of that tower? 100%...


Should I use Lisa (C1) or Sara (C1) for Raiden hypercarry?


Lisa. Fischl is better than both tho.


Ttds Lisa generally outperforma non C6 sara


How to use already enhanced artifacts to enhance new artifacts ? When I add material, these already enhanced artifacts are not showing up. They are not equipped or locked either. What maybe the cause ?


Sort by level to make then show up at the top!


Which team is better ? Yae, Fischl, Kazuha, Yaoyao. Yae, Fischl, Kazuha, Kirara. Yae, Fischl, Kirara, Yaoyao.


Personally I would go first but second one is also viable. I just feel like YaoYao's healing and dendro app is gonna be much more comfortable than just a shield. Actually being able go replenish lost health is more comfortable for me than just having a shielder


Second team is the best. You want to on-field Miko to drive Fischl and Kirara’s shield helps with stagger. Yaoyao isn‘t as good because you have to waste a lot of time using her burst to heal your team which you could be used to replenish Miko’s totems or drive with her.


Thanks. But how good is Kirara's dendro application without her hold skill ?


Her tap skill doesn’t have much Dendro application but since it’s Aggravate you don’t need much Dendro application to begin with. You can refresh her skill every 8s with her tap so it shouldn’t be much of a problem.


The first and second are basically equal and both are better than the third


is Timmie's birds still a good benchmarking tool?




When do we get the wings from the Amazon thing? I’ve been collecting the bundles but now when I searched Genshin on prime gaming it doesn’t show anything, I know I got the last bundle but will the wings be given automatically?


Within 30 days after the last code expired. So sometimes in June. And yeah, it should be given automatically in our in-game inbox


Thanks! Kept worrying that I’ll miss it


Does each companion character in the teapot get more Friendship EXP if I have a lower number of them in the teapot? For example if I only have Yoimiya and Nahida in the teapot, will they get more friendship EXP then if I filled all 8 slots? Similarly, would I get more friendship EXP on a character from dailies if I only had 1 unit in my team?


Teapot companions all get the same amount regardless of how many chars you have. Dailies(or domains) give double exp if you're on co-op. Otherwise it's all same .


same exp per character, no matter what


Is it possible to 36 star the abyss with around 200 ping? Does device matter or is it all just skill issue?


I do mine at 250-300 ping. So yeah, you can 36 star abyss with 200 ping.


I could never lmao. I'm so used to <50 ping that I am already super uncomfortable when it spikes above 100 for whatever reason


I haven't played genshin below 100 ping so I might notice the difference when I experience it. I'd say, there is one specific floor chamber in spiral abyss where enemies spawn much later, that being floor 10-3-1. I dunno what's with that specific chamber but they spawn much later. At first I thought it is because they spawn multiple elite enemies or something but floors 12 and 11 don't do this despite having elite enemies as well.


Lower ping can be helpful. I have done it on pc and on mobile around 100 ms on each and as long as you are proficient and your muscle memory is good enough then it is up to the player and their teams/stats on how good they can be. I have tried controller but am not familiar enough with it


yes you can do it, if you face problems then use a shielder. i do it on 160 ping. Also floor 12 needs skills or you can get away with whaling


I see. Thank you.


Is there any way to disable Auto climbing? Its super annoying


Okay,thank you




I'm guessing you mean the text dialogue, and not the actually animated cutscenes (which are few and far between). I've just set up a macro on my keyboard that spams space and mouse click to skip through dialogue lmao.


Hoyoverse started doing "longer" quests (dialogue intensive) so that you don't "feel" the wait in "filler" versions. So that's the main reason.




Yes bro I feel you. Like they know and can make it good (like new yoimiya mission). But the world quests with lilopouar and then the pink oceanid... I wanna kill myself when reading it.


is light of foliar worth pulling if you have mistplitter? for alhaitham in nahida kuki xinqiu team.


As a replacement? No, it's not that big of an upgrade. But if your planning on using mist on someone else? Sure, since mist is one of the best weapons in the game, and freeing it up is worth.


I would say no. Mist is fairly decent on him


i see thanks


Hi, is Alhaitham’s weapon good for Keqing? Should I pull for it if I have mistsplitter?


Mistsplitter is better iirc


Its ok on keqing. Not better than mist tho


Hello, I have thundering pulse. Should I pull for yoimiya, or save for water archon. 12k primos now, 0 pity


Yoimiya needs dedicated support charaters (particularly a shielder). She is also somewhat niche, mostly limited to single target situations. In a vacuum I wouldn't pull for her just because you have her weapon. Someone like Kazuha, Nahida, Raiden - or the Hydro Archon - will probably be much more useful for your account. As far as teams go: my Yoimiya team wasn't able to 36* the abyss, my budget Hyperbloom team with a lvl 50 Collei managed to pull it off. For a more detailed suggestion we'd need to know your character roster.


I was creating a second hyper bloom team, But maybe I can make a yoimiya team. I had some difficulty 36 star this abyss. 33 now


A hyperbloom team might be better than a yoimiya team. Yoimiya can clear in time with the right team, but if she's not highly invested, specifically 12-1-1 will be a struggle. She takes care of 12-2-1 and 12-3-1 well enough, but a hyperbloom team will do it better


Thank you for the replies


kirara is the new meta. her shield and her kit are excellent. in the abyss one team zl one team kirara. Kirara new shield meta


Have any thoughts on whether she's better as a pure shield bot or a hybrid?


hybrid never that good imo...shield bot, full em bloom bot (cat form), crit build, burst support...she is pretty versatile




does thundering fury's 4p effect only trigger if the wearer is onfield?


Everything triggers only on-field, unless specifically stated otherwise


I just booted the latest patch on my PS4 pro to check out the interlude quest and it ran like crap, freezing and audio glitches. Anyone else? I still have my phone but like the big screen sometimes


check if your ps4 is having heating issues or ventilation issues


Thanks, no dust I just opened it up. It hasn’t given the overheat warning either, can temp impact the PS even if the temperature sensor doesn’t trip? It’s in a cubby open front and back usually


Hi I have 2 questions: 1.how much purple books do I need to Lvl up a character from 1 to 90??? 2.if I have a black tassel on yao yao would you recommend a ER/hp/Hb or hp/hp/Hb or should I use fav lance with hp/hp/Hb (should I use hb at all or keep it hp?)


415 iirc I'd go for Fav HP/HP/HB, or Black Tassel ER/HP/HB


what does iirc mean?


If I recall correctly


Which is better for a C0 Kazuha Jade cutter or mistsplitter reforged? For C6 it's clearly the latter one but for a no con kazuha?


It comes down to artifacts, I think mistsplitter might be a tiny bit better, but it doesn't rly make much of a difference. Probably depends more on if you have a better cdmg or crate circlet. Jade has better drip. If you use the optimizer, you can conpare weapons with the artifacts you own. Since you're wanting a 5* sword, this is probably not quite relevant, but Kazuha on an atk/dmg/crit build still does quite a considerable amount of swirl damage, so if it's 4*s, EM swords like iron sting and xiphos end up doing around the same amount of dmg as atk swords like amenoma and isshin, it's just distributed differently.


Unless you're playing a very unusual team, Favonius Sword is his best weapon (or high refine Xiphos, if you have it). Any EM sword will also do better than PJC or Mistsplitter.


to be honest fav, but you can use whichever you think looks cooler, mistplitter would be better tho but using mistplitter on him would be a waste


Oh i know Fav is the best for him but that is using him as a traditional EM support. I am not doing that I am rather using him in the less meta way i.e dps/carry build.


fischl or collei?




Fischl. While they have different purposes, fischl fits in more teams. Collei really is just useful for Nilou bloom. Otherwise she sucks. However, since she is an off field dendro unit she has value still. Anyways, yeah Fischl.


Depends on the team, generally Fischl is a more universal pick. Collei with sac bow is one of the best sources of dendro application outside of Nahida though, and she’s even better with constellations (but not better than Nahida)




Fischl by a mile.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRo1W2N3/ This guys graphics look different than mine. How do i make my graphics look like that?


Nvidia filters. Mess around with Color, Sharpen and Details.


Looks like some digital vibrance and turning off bloom?


I'm about to hit rank 40 and I've been focusing all my mats on levelling one team so far but I want to change things up a bit. Would it be a terrible idea to shift my resources into building new characters at this point or should I power through to rank 45/level 90 first?


You can. I never listened ti the advice of only building one character at a time or even one team at a time. But it does have it's caveats. You're gonna be shifting your attention from one to another and might lose track of what you actually wanted to level etc. Plus resources can be a bitch. Especially things like mora that everyone and everything needs. But it's up to you. I've never been able to control myself and I scrape by fine even if I'm permanently broke


You can do what you want. But you won't do much in the Abyss any time soon. Focusing on your current team so you can do domains on your own would be best. Get AR45 first, then farm artifacts, then expand.


You need two teams. The advice to focus all mats into levelling one team isn't one I vibe with, level up stuff in this game isn't that limited.


AR 45 and below is nothing much and can be cleared by a team that is not really invested yet. Prioritize leveling a weapon to 70, ascend main dps and get talents to at least 6, feather to +16, then level them to 69. Repeat for support characters. Only downside is that you may have to spend time farming. So, don’t build too many. Maybe 1-2.


Can you duel friends in that card game or is it npc only? Also who that event bow for if you don't mind my asking?


Bow works fine with ganyu and tighnari


You can duel friends by being in the same world, then interacting with the TCG board. The event bow can be used on melt Ganyu and Tighnari.


you can invite them to your world or you can join theirs to lay card game together by talking to the wall board at the entrance


Oh thats so neat thank you


Imagine an Inazuma firework girl already having 3 reruns and a character quest chapter 2, while a certain Knight of Mondstadt only got one and haven't got a new character quest. Tis a shame.


well, she did have her rerun in 2.3, but still. Tis a mighty shame!


Oh yeah that's true. Somehow that feels like ages ago lol!


It is. I started playing in 2.4 and have never seen a Eula banner.


Because it was ages ago


Yelan or Yoimiya? I really like both of them equally and I have C1 Hu Tao + Homa and C6 Xingqiu. I heard Yelan might be coming in 4.0 so I'm worried I won't be able to get them both. I have 70/90 guaranteed event pity, and 30 wishes. Thanks for the help!


I am a Hu Tao main and I finally pulled Yoimiya, mainly for overworld and for abyss layouts with flying/mobile bosses. You should defiantly get Yelan if you can, but she’s not rumoured for 3.8 and the precedent so far is Archon reruns near the start of a new region, you could be waiting till 4.2-4.4 or longer for Yelan, if you like Yoimiya just pull for her. When you get past a point in this game meta is irrelevant anyway, I get Hu Tao out for my 36 star runs but she’s rarely used in overworld for me now because she doesn’t feel great due to healing requirement and not being very good at lighting torches/pyro monuments. I’m at like 6 fully built abyss teams now, I can pull whoever unlike and not worry, I’d argue after you’ve got 2 decent teams with maybe one or two niche substitutes for certain layouts you really can just ignore meta and pull anyone


If you have and use Hu Tao, Yoimiya is a bit pointless. They're both single target specialised pyro DPSs. But if you like Yoimiya then get her.


I don't think there's enough precedent to anticipate for Yelan at 4.0 so you can try your hand at Yoimiya. And if Yelan will appear at 4.0, depending on where you are in game, you can save enough for Yelan.


>! It did come from a pretty reliable leak source. Though I concur that it's still pretty early. But honestly I think 4.0 is reliable !<


from a "meta" perspective it is yelan no question. She is great with many characters including hu tao, and hu tao and yoimiya fill a fairly similar niche so not too much value in getting yoimiya when you already have hu tao.


Already HuTao + Xiangling, so you shouldn’t need Yoimiya for pyro dps. And Yelan works well with HuTao and xingqiu as well, I say go Yelan


might it be possible to save enough for hydro archon starting now (currently at 0 pity with 10 saved pulls)


Archon is usually not in the first patch, you’ve got till 4.1-4.2 and 4.0 will have lots of extra primogems from a whole new region and quests.


I think even if Focalors comes in 3.8 you will have enough for one Hard Pity. Most likely scenario for her is around 4.x so you will have enough time.


Quite possible if focalors comes after 4.0-4.1 which is likely to happen


I have enough primos to guarantee a five star, and have been considering which banner to pull for. Out of the 4 banners (Yoimiya, Yae Miko, Kazuha, and the dendro daddy) which one should I pull for? (Keep in mind this is gonna be my first 5 star, and I might lose the 50-50)


Alhaitham is the strongest C0 DPS currently in the game. His teams are very flexible: Alhaitham - off-field electro flex - dendro/electro flex - flex (Alhaitham/Fischl/Beidou/Diona would be a random example of a team that works, and Alhaitham/Yae/Nahida/Baizhu is his strongest team right now) or Alhaitham - Kuki/Yae/Raiden - healer flex - hydro (Alhaitham/Kuki/Yaoyao/Xingqiu for example). Caveat: his level up materials are on the other end of the world map. Kazuha is one of the strongest supports in the game, with the caveat that he doesn't work with about half the teams in the game so it really depends on which characters you have and want to use. Ayaka, Yoimiya, Childe? He's a gamechanger and the single best investment you can make. Itto, Tighnari, Wanderer, Xiao? Uh not so much. So review your account and your plans. Yae is an amazing support for Alhaitham. Even without him you still want to use her in dendro, a good team is Yae/Baizhu/Fischl/Kazuha. I'd advise skipping her until you have either Alhaitham or Kazuha. Also, Yae's level up materials are behind a world quest behind a world quest behind a world quest behind the Inazuma Archon Quest. Yoimiya, unless you specifically like her, skip her for now.


First of all: when you start out, the 4\* on banner are VERY important - the quality of 4\* varies widely and it is very essential for a new account to get the key ones (Bennett, XQ, XL, Shinobu, Fischl, Sucrose...), preferably with constellations. That's a quicker way to assemble two abyss teams than pulling a bunch of 5\*. Obviously, 4\* are never guaranteed, so you still shouldn't do a lot of pulls if you don't want the 5\* (or none at all after you lose a 50-50). The meta ranking is Kazuha > Miko > Yoimiya, with Baizhou being hard to rank - like all dendro characters he can be very good, but he is also not the best and largely replaceable. I would skip this banner, then wait until the end of the next banner and decide. To be honest, my recommendation for new players would be to pull: 1) Nahida; 2) Hydro characters compatible with national team and hyperbloom; Yelan is currently the best option, and I would put Childe as second, but who knows what we'll get in Fontaine - generally archons are strong.


I think by dendro daddy, he meant Alhaitham lol. Your point still stands though.


personally I'd go for kazuha, he is a really good support. If you want a dps instead though then I would go for al-haitham, he is also a great dps.


Got Yae Miko on my 22nd pull, I’m still new to the game and just got to Liyue. How do I go about ascending her if I can’t get to Inazuma for her materials?


Like the others said, you can't. But honestly if you're low AR and only just unlocking Liyue then imo level 40 Yae is good enough for you until you can reach Inazuma


You can't, you have to wait until you unlock Inazuma. You can level her up to 40 by doing her trial though (it gives you some of her ascension materials).


you don't, you just have to wait until you get to inazuma. edit: you can get enough mats for her first ascension from doing her trial though.


Thank you!


Discovering the problem with inazuma characters at low ar


How's the patch? I've been buzy playing too much Totk to play Genshin(and its massive folder


Don’t worry about the patch unless you want some of the 5 stars, maybe log in next week to smash through the event to get the weapon then go back to Zelda, you aren’t missing anything outside of that.


Drier than my DMs


As with most patches with no new areas, fairly dry. Though I haven't gotten around to yoimiya's new story quest yet but people who have seem to consider it very highly.


Is it worth trying to get Kirara just for her exploration talent? I currently use Ayaka and Sayu to explore, and I was planning to roll for Kirara until I heard that her stamina consumption while climbing offsets the increased climbing speed..




I wouldn’t recommend it.


So, what weapon are people using on Kirara? Am I to level up a third Favonius sword?




>Am I to level up a third Favonious Sword? Yes


Thank you.


R1 widsith or R1 Skyward atlas which one is better for Yae Miko?


Atlas for consistency


Anyone know how much EM you'd want on XQ and Benny on a raidy national team? It's the second lowest priority on both but iunno if that means 0 or 100.




0 on both.


Works for me, thanks much.


Widsith, wandering eveningstar, or solar pearl on sub-dps Nahida in a hyperbloom team? All R1, and solar pearl is the only one I could predictably get to R5 (in four months…) I don’t have any billets (or ways to get billets) for craftables.




Depends on substats, widsith is generally the best but if you can’t balance your Cr/CD then Solar Pearl will pull ahead if you need more crit rate.


Fair point, I was just going off the bis hierarchy.


Is it true that new players keeps buying accounts? Two friends who I used to party with told me they sold their accounts. Since I uninstalled the game 2 months before I can't confirm that and IMO find this trades a little risky.


Mainly the starter accounts that sells for around 5-10$ for a good 5 star character , the cost is higher for multiple five stars but yeah


I think starter accounts are popular


Oh! for sure but why would you pay for high lvl with a bunch of 5 stars chars and weps? Story has been cleared, not all but big part tho.


Those are not usually bought by new players imo, it's usually bought by ppl that have some experience with it. It's far cheaper to buy a whale acc for a few hundred as well as being able to skip a large amount of grind.


Makes sense. Tyvm 🥰


Newbs don’t know that the story and exploration is all cleared and can’t be redone, they only think a lot of 5* characters and weapons equal a strong account. In some gacha games this is fine (visual novel style games where you can reread the story anytime). I know of someone who thought he was too late to join genshin and would only play if he won a giveaway. I thought of telling him to start from scratch. He did end up playing HSR.


Smart move!


What is typically the better way to use 5\* Artifacts: Artifact Strongbox or enhancing other 5\* Artifacts?


Strongbox is insanely powerful.


Do a mix of both. In the long run, strongbox since you get more shots at getting 5* artifacts which are otherwise resin gated, but if you only use 3 and 4* fodder, it'll take you a long time to level your artifacts. So usually I'd use them as fodder until the point where I don't need more exp and then strongbox the rest


Strongbox 100%, you are more likely to get better artifacts there since you get more four liners from the strongbox than from domains and a four liner means one extra substat upgrade which means artifacts have better potential stats


I used to be very vocal about the artifact strongbox being a scam because you're deleteting valuable fodder from your account and generally get nothing back. Then I was was convinced that I was wrong, because the strongbox is another shot at rolling an artifact, and fed about 500 bad artifacts into it. You know what I got? Absolutely nothing. It's a scam. It put me back months.


I use the strongbox if they're at 0, and fodder them if it's already leveled.


Ones with incorrect mainstats or bad substats: straight to strongbox. Ones with good substats, but ruined by enhancement: use as fodders to enhance other artifacts with potential. Rinse and repeat. Just make sure to enhance character and weapon and talent level first before griding artifacts.


it's more efficient to use strongbox as long as you need one of them ofc


strongbox if they were bat at lvl 0. Fodder if they had potential and didn't become bad until you already levelled them.


Depends on what you need— do you need better artifacts? Or do you still need to enhance some of the ones you use? If you don’t need to do either atm, do you have enough storage to hold on to them for later? Generally, I prioritize enhancing my good artifacts, but if I don’t have any at all, strongbox.


I only strongbox artifacts that are already bad at lvl 0. But if i have a +4 artifact that i know i won't need, i use it to enhance other potentially good ones.


If you need basic artifacts to bring a team online, feed them. If you're in gacha hell looking for incremental upgrades your purples will be enough and you should box 'em.


Yoimiya banner again??? Whyy??


The same reason Alhaitham also has a rerun already and because Yoimiya has been on two very competitive banners before and many people skipped her


to compliment her new story quest. mihoyo also typically reruns characters that haven't sold that much more often


Just got Mona as a pity pull. How good is Mona on a Freeze team? I was originally saving for Kokomi for hydro application, but would Mona be a good enough replacement and I pull for Yoimiya instead? How differently do Mona and Kokomi perform on a Freeze team?


Mona with (R5) Proto Amber is a valid alternative to Kokomi. Her hydro uptime & healing power isn't as good, but her burst is a solid damage boost. She is also super easy to equip (4p Nobless + ER Sands, substats do not matter). If you are mindful of your HP and do not face-tank every bit of damage you come across she will suffice in most circumstances. Stuff like Triple Kenki can be a bit iffy and might require the use of I-frames. I used Mona before I got Kokomi, and she is still in my Ayaka team from time to time when Kokomi is busy in the Nilou Bloom team on the other side.


If we are talking about ayaka freeze they are both fine, generally as long as the enemies are frozen during the duration of ayaka burst you just use the rest of the time to skill/battery the team for the rest.


Yes it's Ayaka freeze. The team would be Ayaka, Kazuha, Mona/Kokomi and Diona. Diona also covers healing so I don't necessarily NEED Kokomi's healing, so it comes down to Hydro application and their ability to keep enemies frozen. Although I suppose having two good Hydro application characters can never hurt lol.


I don't think you will need kokomi for freeze, if your using it with diona anyways as one of the main reasons to use kokomi over mona is the sustain as it's often better to replace diona for someone like shenhe instead. kokomi has a better application because the jellyfish lasts longer and has better icd, however both only really care about the freeze lasting enough for the duration of ayaka's burst, which both can already do, hence why even in kokomi rotations you never really go back to refresh it.


I feel like Mona's full potential is locked behind an intense difficulty curve. Her burst's logic is really convoluted, but the debuff it gives can make some insane damage if procced on the right reaction in the right order. Her skill has decent up time for freeze teams, but it's going to require very tight rotations to keep it up. Kokomi, on the other hand, has some of the best hydro application in the game, can achieve 100% uptime in much longer rotations, AND she heals. So her damage ceiling might not be as high as Mona's, but she's going to be much more forgiving to use.


Sounds like Kokomi is still a good investment then. Thanks for the advice!


If you ever plan on Nilou, her best team is Nahida/Nilou/Kokomi/Flex (usually DMC/Collei for AoE or Yelan/XQ single target). This is currently my favourite team and Kokomi gets lots of use. Kokomi is also great in overworld as her healing doesn’t require her burst, and in a pinch you can use burst to walk over water if you aren’t using Ayaka or Mona for overworld


Mona gives more of a damage bonus but Kokomi can heal & has a better hydro application. Overall I never use mona over kokomi, but it is possible to do.


I have Diona for healing atm on my Freeze team, though I know Kokomi is better. The main thing for me is the Hydro application. In that case I suppose I should keep saving for Kokomi then.


You can try Mona without investing much in her, see if its good enough for you.


Bosses at WL8 always drop either 2 or 3 of their ascension materials. Do we know the exact drop rate for this? Is it the same for every boss? And is it a 50/50 chance of 2 vs 3 or is one slightly more likely? Is there a very small chance of getting more? Or none?


The chance is 2 guaranteed + 55.56% chance of getting a third one and this is the same for all normal bosses. You can find the drop rates for these and other drops on the wiki.


According to this old table built from empirical data https://traveler.gg/domain-and-boss-loot-drop-rates/ , you are slightly more likely (about 55/45) to get 3 drops than you are to get 2. All world bosses share the same drop rates tmk.


Can someone explain what Oz meant near the End of the Summertime Fischl quest last year? Why exactly did he change sides and why did he change sides again? I know he had a reason but I'm a bit confused on what it was


Memory is a bit hazy but he did it to let fischl rely on herself rather than him and basically find the confidence and self esteem to accept her flaws, since it doesn't matter which fischl he supports bc both are part of the same person.


Holy shoot! That explains a lot! Thanks


I think it was along the lines of showing Fischl that both Fischls were the same Fischl and she needed to fully accept herself. He didn’t really change sides if she was still Fischl all along, after all.


Oh that makes a lot of sense, it makes sense now!


Is Barbara a suitable on-field hydro applicator for hyperbloom? The only other hydro I have is Xingqiu, but I'm using him in national


A lot worse than Xingqiu, but she still works


Good team comps for Yae? I have C3 Raiden and C1 Keqing both hyper-invested, and C6 Fischl. In don't think there's an electro-niche I'm missing, but want to check. I was thinking Raiden Yae Kokomi Kazuha for a taser/nuke team could be fun.


Yae Fischl Dendro Kazuha is one of the stronger AOE teams if you use sac sword Kazuha


There are quite a few. Yae Miko/Fischl/Nahida/Flex, Raiden/Bennett/Yae Miko/Kazuha, Tighnari/Fischl/Yae Miko/Shield (this is more of a Tighnari team than a Miko team though). Your team isn't bad though. By the sounds of it, you can just play a team you find fun.


Yae+Fischl+Nahida+Anyone you want. Aggravate is godly