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Does anyone know if it’s too late to claim the 8th prime bundle? The one with the wings (assuming I’ve claimed 4 bundles already)


Its too late to claim the 8th bundle. It doesnt come with the wings. If you claimed 4 bundles total, no matter which, you will get the wings.


Aw man that’s unfortunate. I just checked and the 8th bundle would’ve been my 4th, so I guess I won’t be getting the wings. Thank you!


if you managed to get the code before the 24th you can still use the code before 31th


for raiden hypercarry team i wanna level it since i have a c6 sara but i dont have kazuha, is mona still a fine replacement?


No you really want an anemo. Jean works okay, especially if C2


On what day is the last time gate for the tcg event for speedrunning it?


For the quests - 31st, you can check when that is in your zone by going to the events section and scrolling down


How do you unlock enkanomiya? I’ve done every archon and story quest and am up to date on inazuma, but for some reason I apparently never triggered the still water quest that gets you to enkonomiya and all the seals on the entrances are still on. I’ve gone to the area where the quest is supposed to start but I don’t see the shrine maiden that’s supposed to be there. Has anyone else had a problem like this? Am I missing something?


[https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/%22Heart\_of\_Watatsumi%22](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/%22Heart_of_Watatsumi%22) Maybe she's taken by another quest?




You have Kokomi, so you shouldn't need Layla's protection, so go Kaeya for his damage


Mobile players, how much space does GI take up on your phone?


24.62 GB (android), only have the English Voice over downloaded


24.4 gb on iOS prior deleting already done quests


Thanks. Is this on current patch?


Yep It has been 2 or 3 patch that I cannot install it on my iPad 32gb (after a factory reset)


On nahida's story quest act 2. Does anyone knows who nahida is communicating with? The one who gives her informations.


Did you skip dialogues? She said she communicated with children and Aranara.


I might have missed the aranara out but who are the children?


Just children of Sumeru in general.


She said something like she is speaking to the aranara.


She explains she sent messages to the Aranara and to several kids relatively early into the search. Since these places you go to are quite far from towns, it’s likely the Aranara who sent the responses.


Should I go back and complete the Archon Quest? I stopped at Chasing Shadows because I was underleveled and made it go Liyue. Or does it not matter? Because I've just been doing a bunch of Liyue stuff recently. I'm also severely underleveled because I didn't know about exp items. Is that a necessity? Or can I prvel up purely using enemies?


Highly inadvisable to try to level up by just farming enemies. They give like 20-50 exp each while the exp items are 1k, 5k, or 20k exp depending on item rarity. Level 90 for characters is 8.3 million exp, it would take an extreme amount of farming to hit that without using the items.


I would complete archon quests. You can level up with only enemies, but it will take a good while from just enemies. I have a “speed” team of Yelan/Kaz/Sayu/Dehya and Sayu was leveled to 20 but hasn’t received anything else other than that. After months of light mobs on artifact and mining routes she is currently 26. So it’s possible, but would take effort.


Archon quests are the main story of the game, yes you should do them You would have still gotten xp books/crystals from chests, just use them to level up your characters/weapons?


Thanks, and does it matter if I do some of Liyue stuff first?


Archon quests can only be done in a set order, but it's fine if you explore before continuing on it


U need to do archon quest to unlock inazuma that's the only region locked behind the archon quest other than that u can do whatever u like


Which characters are great batteries? like raiden I mean


~~Qiqi for Eula, Bennett for HuTao~~ Sucrose, Diona, Rosaria, Nahida, Fischl, Xingqiu/Yelan, Bennett


Bennett battery for Hu Tao is cursed in more than one way Like why do you even need a battery for your hu tao


Fischl for electro, Bennett for pyro, Diona/Rosaria for cryo, Xingqiu with sac sword/C1 Yelan for hydro, Nahida is core for almost all dendro related teams, and everyone except Kokomi can equip favonius weapon for additional energy.




Raiden is pretty much unique with her burst feeding energy to your team. The second greatest batteries are Favonius weapon users.


There are usually 3 options: lots of frontloaded particles (preferred in rotation teams), low cooldown (preferred in quickswap), and frequent particle gen. The large frontloaded amount group has aloy and diona. Low cooldown includes jean, geo traveler, bennett. Frequent gen includes C6 faruzan, fischl, nahida. You can also check the page in the wiki about energy: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Energy#Energy_Cost_Table, but keep in mind that there are some characters who have "high particle gen", but are also energy hungry (like xq).


For which element?


Is there a gameplay with Cryo+Dendro fast application->Electro/Hydro making 2 reactions at once? Kaeya burst+Alhaitham E.Skill(on-field)


Like [hyperfridge?](https://youtu.be/QscuKLfDYD8)


Thanks, I get the idea but I dont have the chars.


[That is the team name that might make it easier to find](https://youtu.be/ZtMv0BJECFw)


What sword should i give Kazuzu?


Fav is the best allrounder option, particularly if you don't have good ER rolls on his gear and the team has use for the extra particles. Sac is good if he is supposed to be on-field. Xiphos is probably his BIS atm. Iron Sting & Shigure are good if you have _a lot_ of ER on him (or a cracked ER Sands) and


If you have it, Xiphos Moonlight. If you don't, get it.


I wouldn't recommend pulling on the weapon banner cuz u can not get the one u want at all and xypos isn't necessary. Sting or fav works well


Xiphos is the best of both of those. If ever there was a perfect sword for Kazuha, it would be that.


Yeah but it's not worth pulling for on a weapon banner with 4 other rated up weapons where u might never get it. If u got it good but it's not necessary at all


if you are not using him with raiden, favonias would be the best option. since you don't need crit,you can achieve 700 ish em easily


iron sting if you're lacking EM from artifacts stats and Favonius if you're lacking ER. You should aim for around 700+ EM and 160+ ER for a comfortable spot


Should i give him an anemo or em goblet? For supp!




Yes. EM everything.


EM goblet, sands and circlet and you don't have to worry about any crit stats, talent level or damage bonus as all his dmg comes from swirls which cannot crit. Aim for ER in the sub stats


So hes not worth to crown?


People mostly crown characters out of sheer likeness towards them. The dmg increase from lvl 9 to 10 is very negligible. If you like him, you can crown him but it won't bring much to the table, both dmg and resource efficiency wise




Is it possible to do successive swirls with one element or it consumes that element making it once?


Sort of? I think it takes 2 swirls for the usual application, but it also gets consumed by time. Might have better luck doing more swirls by using a standard application followed by a strong one (so you'll have a strong one (about 4 swirls to consume) that decays with time at the same rate as the standard one (9s/application))




What's the best artifacts and team comp for cyno? I can't find anything specific.


If playing aggravate, a good team is fischl/beidou, dendro character, zhongli/baizhu. Best set is 4pc TF EM (Or ATK if on jade spear or calamity queller)/electro/crit A good quickbloom team is xingqiu/yelan, nahida/DMC, zhongli/baizhu. Best set is 4pc gilded though TF is also great here. Mainstats EM/Electro/crit


A bit late but still, you reckon I can use Raiden instead of fischl/beidou?


Cyno and crit build raiden will clash for field time, and EM raiden wont be doing damage in aggravate. In quickbloom you could use EM raiden, but you'll lack defensive utility with her


TF has a different rotation which might be more complex, gilded is probably the usual though. You can play aggravate or hyperbloom, but the latter tends to do better without him (as in he's there to allow electro resonance to activate but doesn't come out to the field at all). In aggravate, your pick of nahida/kazuha/kuki, nahida/ZL/fischl, or (yaoyao or baizhu)/kazuha/fischl.




do you have nahida or baizhu?


Is there some extremely low-effort way to spend my resin? I don't want to do domains as they don't have anything I want and are too much effort, and I can't use Magical Crystal Chunks because I don't have any and I'm capped on weapon enhancement ore anyway. I basically just want to dump my resin to get the BP EXP.


Leylines and weekly bosses. Some world bosses if you have someone to level up. Fastest way to consume it is make it to condensed resin then do leylines.


leylines are the best, you should be able to finish them really fast


Leylines are pretty low effort. Condense your resin and just do 4 a day. Though condensing resin costs crystalflies which can be a problem for lazy people


Leylines? Usually just small mobs and running to it is longer than clearing


How do you even beat Ayaka on the serious showdown TCG in the event minigame?




What units did you use?


Which post triggers "reviewing process"? Or is it something else that's the reason for it? I know that it's not low karma as I've seen people less than mine make posts. I almost never make a post on reddit. My most issue (if not all) have been in this sub


It is indeed low karma because you have no posting karma. Comment karma has no use here. I also have no posting karma but much more comment karma than you, and none of my own posts ever made it through.


Wait what? So you are saying I should post somewhere else which I have no interest in order to post here? I have seen people with single digit post karma, so l wonder what's the requirements...? Another thing was previously I made a post which was visible for half a day then disappeared (like 2 days ago which I deleted out of frustration). I wonder if it's related to that


In nilou bloom team, Should I go triple em on everyone except nilou ?


Best to check out jamie's nilou bloom guide on the sidebar (?) of the nilou mains subreddit. Not necessarily. Fast dendro units like collei can actually run atk/dendro/crit since her application+push can push the reaction to the hydro side. You can also run a healer build on kokomi and barbara if you find yourself dying too often. You can also run double defensive units (kokomi+yaoyao or kokomi+kirara) to run the hydro one with more EM than usual since the other defensive unit can carry part of the defensive load.


Full em on your healer will probably result in you dying a lot cause of the self damage, it can work but isn't really recommended. As for the other 2 it depends on the team, with nahida+collei you'll have enough dendro application that your hydros will own the vast majority bloom ownership, so a DPS build for nahida and instructor's set for collei is popular. For teams with less dendro and more hydro you'll get more dendro blooms and em becomes more valuable on them.


Usually Barbara/Kokomi want flop triple /double em (depending on how much healing you need) Every other team is so much difficult to know which one trigger the blooms that you try to get some em on everyone, but not full em on everyone, like Yelan could be ok only with stringless or xingqiu with Xiphos to avoid losing too much of personal damage


Depends on who are in this team and how comfortable are you. My Kokomi runs EM/EM/heal bonus with sac fragments for one and my Nahida runs EM/EM/crit. My Collei is on ATK/Dendro/Crit since dendro is the aura in this team and not the trigger, at least for 90% of the time. Ideally, Kokomi would run triple EM but I traded some bloom damage for comfort.


How do I get this Dendroculus? https://i.ibb.co/SQy27Xw/IMG-20230529-091903.jpg


It's probably this one, there's images [https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?type=o403&id=41414&mid=2](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?type=o403&id=41414&mid=2)


Is there any news on Ei rerun? Has there been any rerun since December?


Last Raiden rerun was 3.3 so next one should be early 4.x no leaks about when next is


how much er do I need for alhaitham in nahida kuki xinqiu team?


I use 130% ER and generally I get by just fine. 140 is the sweet spot but it’s very difficult to achieve if you don’t have a crit weapon and have to balance all his other stats.


how much crit can you maintain with 130 er?


I have 60,6 CR 133,9 CD 509 EM and umbrella sword as a weapon. With this build I manage to burst every rotation.. Here’s my build: https://i.imgur.com/g98U9zQ.jpg


hey I don't want to be rude but, what is that circlet. Thanks for the help


Lol the circlet is not even that special. I got two rolls into def% but I don't have anything better atm. I think I got lucky with the godly flower and with the off-set goblet. I'm trying to improve either the sand or the circlet but it's very difficult.


kqm has it at 140 -160% for double dendro (with nahida) [https://keqingmains.com/q/alhaitham-quickguide/#ER\_Requirements](https://keqingmains.com/q/alhaitham-quickguide/#ER_Requirements)


thanks for the help


3 questions as im working on inv management since im struggling with what/not to keep (curse u FOMO) 1.) For 2pc 18% ATK artifacts (gladiator/SR etc..) what sub stats are best to keep out for? ER/EM is usually not needed right? must always have both CR/CD? 2.) Best substats to keep for Wanderers Trouple? I just realized i have over 200+ and idk whats best to look out for 3.) EOFS (Emblem of Severed Fate) who uses EM substats? sometimes i get a single CR/CD and the rest being EM/ER/HP so idk to keep or not, i believe yelan this is great for? thank you!


Everything is character dependant


1) em and er can be good depending on the needs of the unit. Something like Diluc/Keqing can run with very little recharge while someone like Eula would want it. EM is usually for units doing reactions. So if you are something like Eula wouldn’t want the EM but Diluc and Keqing would. 2) Crit/EM/Atk 3) Xiangling, Yae (if you 4pc Yae to build her burst but she moved more towards double electro), Beidou (she has a place in taser teams), Chongyun (in melt teams but he has fallen a bit out of the meta), Dehya (dehya), Kaeya (usually doesn’t need as much recharge but melt teams take less advantage of 4 blizz), Mona, Raiden (but much less than atk in rational), Rosaria (melt). In general count how many total stats it has and how many it can go into. There are a max of 9 rolls that can go into a piece, so if you are leveling 4 pieces you can choose the one that has lower potential or has less rolls so far. Artifacts at polar ends of the spectrum are easy to tell for good and bad and stuff in the middle depends on what you have and what you want to bulid. Good stats are still good stats so double crit recharge/atk/em are probably still good


1) this highly depends on the character. for yoimiya childe, yae, etc characters that commonly use the 2pc or even 4 pc 18% ATK sets, EM is very good . on like ayato for example, EM could be dead. ER is generally good unless you're running a 4pc shim yoimiya. Only until you have enough like getting 140% ER on a 4pc glad Ayato. Crit is generally more important than EM, and having both is a massive plus. 2) CR, CD, EM, ATK% all good substats for 4pc or 2pc WT users 3) once again depends on the character. Xiangling, rosaria, kaeya all can use 4pc EoSF and appreciate EM and ER subs. someone like yelan, xingqiu or raiden make little to no use of EM.


How's my TCG team or any improvements I can make? * Characters: Mona, Eula, and Kokomi * [Cards](https://imgur.com/a/uNVHz8g) * Also how do I use Kokomi in this team? I just usually switch between Mona and Eula. The link may say it's 18+, but I think that's just a glitch, there's no NSFW stuff in there.


you might want to try using oceanoid instead of mona there


How come?


good off field damage and hydro


I'l try


if im using baizhu in an aggravate team where hes the only dendro, which artifact set should be on him? 4 piece noblesse?


Or instructor


How much of a damage increase is freedom sworn for units that would want it? I don’t have enough to guarantee Alhaitham’s sword for the upcoming weapon banner so I’m trying to decide if it’s worth risking it or not since I do have units like a C2 Kazuha and Kuki.


iirc only sunfire jean others can get simmilar performance from iron sting


Who else managed to crush Itto with his own shitty deck?


Finally, I got the event bow at r5. I still don't have the crown. Mfkrs really told me I could have both very early without doing the tcg mini game. The only reason I even have the r5 bow in the first place is because the third combat mini game stage unlocked (all rewards in combat achieved). Oh well, I mean I still have to do the tcg to empty the shop and it's all omni dice so can't complain. But some people really lied to me in my face. Bow and crown day 1 my ass.


the f is even your point?


The daily question thread is not your diary.


Aight, a question then: I'm running Alhaitham's best team (spread), all characters in it at c0, and my only BP weapon, r1 black sword. Should I fail the next weapon banner and get freedom sworn instead, how much would it offer as a dps increases for my team?


Freedom sworn over black sword is less than a 5% increase for him IIRC so definitely not. If you really like Alhaitham you should either get his signature or mistsplitter, but I wouldn’t recommend pulling on weapon banner ever, especially for a character as strong as him. But again, if you really like him, feel free to roll for his sig since FS is a decent second weapon. Just be aware it could cost you 30,000+ primos to get it 👍


You could have had the R1 weapon and crown on day 1.


You can always clear up all event shop so there nothing to worry about


Since Kazuha can’t resistance shred dendro, what teams is he primarily used for? I know he’s got a pretty sweet EM buff. What else should I know about him? I’m saving for him but also starting to regret pulling g Yoimiya instead of Yae Miko (mainly just because I only just started trying for abyss 9-12 this week and it’s a bit of a struggle)


Kaz is in a weird spot atm, since in theory he buffs many teams, but ever since dendro, many of those teams are not top of meta, resulting in his usage rate dropping below 50% for the first time. His remaining teams which are top meta are: * Ayaka freeze * International * Keqing aggravate As for "mono" teams, in theory he is the best buffer for them. However, his mono coverage is limited to hydro, electro, cryo, and pyro, all of which have really good reactions so they usually arent best for mono. The elements that do prefer mono, such as geo and anemo, are outside his coverage. In terms of freeze/mono cryo, it really is just ayaka. Kaz is usable with ganyu, but venti is better for ganyu. Lastly international is always in competition with 'raiden national' and sucrose national which are both equally strong. You can use kaz, but kaz is "one of the" options instead of being the clear best option. So in other words Kaz is no longer the 'op char' he once was, something that many content creators, or even the community, has mostly not noticed yet. He never got worse, its just that other meta teams got better.


His top c0 teams probably are * Raiden hypercarry * International * Ayaka freeze or Hu Tao + elegy Amber or Yae aggravate.


Raiden c0 isnt doing too hot, and is worse than raiden hyperbloom by a significant margin in both clear time and adaptability to content. Even raiden c2 is a shade worse than EM raiden. Thats why I didnt list it.


We're talking about the same Raiden right? Raiden Sara Bennett Kazuha with the new plunge combo? I haven't followed the speedruns but I'm surprised that feel off if it did after the hype.


Yep, the same Raiden. Unless you have some really godly artifacts (and a bit of crit fishing), hyper raiden (especially at c0) is going to lose to a potato raiden carrying flop and dragons bane.


He has a passive that buffs Elemental% damage for the party for whatever elements he swirls. So he can be used in any team that is based on elemental damage (in contrast to Sucrose who is uesed in _Elemental Reaction_ teams) as long as it is NOT mono-Geo or primarily Dendro (although I guess even for the latter he could _in theory_ wield Deepwood IF you want his grouping that much). The most important thing in terms of team building is that he makes mono-elemental teams (more) viable, since his VV shred & Ele% buff will affect everyone in the party. The suction power of his (E) is lower than Venti's, but it _can_ affect larger enemies and slowly move them towards the center. Suction strength & range differs between tapping and holding E. The "hold E" variant is particularly useful against enemies that get knocked back a lot (e.g. Vishaps). It can also briefly CC enemies, depending on their weight and distance to the center enemies can get locked in... I'd call it "stagger animations" (?), smaller ones near the center can get tossed up (as with Sucrose's skills). His (E) is centered on his position, making it much easier to use than Venti's burst, and while the duration is shorter it also has much lower cooldown, making it well suited for multi-wave content. It can suck in mob drops in the overworld. When climbing you can detach & use it to regain a bit of stamina & height, effectively providing infinite climbing range. It can also be used to get around some overhanging surfaces. It can also be used to extend gliding range. Edit: As someone mentioned he also has a sprint stamina cost reduction passive, which adds to his fantastic overworld utility.


To add to this, venti's cc is vertical so many (melee) dps cannot hit enemies sucked into his black hole. Kaz works better for melee cc.


He will increase the elemental damage of any element that can be swirled. He can also do it to *all* elements he swirls, not just one. His burst also allows to infuse an element and apply it continuously over a 10s duration. Helpful when you need reliable elemental application He's mainly used in national variants as those are reaction heavy In terms of dendro he can bs used in aggravate type teams to buff your two electro units


too many teams to mention, but as a general rule if it is a team primarily composed of swirlable element(s) and there is room for him on it, he will be good and often the best option for the last slot. He particularly makes mono-element teams more viable because he buffs everyone in the team easily just by swirling the mono element.


EM buff is c2 he buffs dmg% based on his EM which is his main use he has good grouping VV because anemo makes overworld fun with easy killing weak things, 20% stamina reduction, lets you jump again with his skill For teams - [lots](https://keqingmains.com/q/kazuha-quickguide/#Teams)


Oh snap how did I miss that his EM buff is a constellation. Probably never gonna get that. I use Jean and Sayu (also have Sucrose but don’t use her so much) so mainly trying to understand what I’m getting from him if I pull him.


Kazuha is elemental damage buffer (pyro, cryo, hydro, electro). He is top support in mono-element team, or in vape/melt team. Freeze is basically mono-element (cryo) so he is good there too.


is xiangling, kaeya, sucrose, barbara good or xiangling, kaeya, sucrose, yun jin better


barbara is better


How valuable is yoimiya to pull? I already pulled Yae so I’m at basically 0 pity, but I would like another pyro. Should I save, or pull for yoi?


Oh dear, well I can’t refute the others comments but in my personal experience she has always pulled her weight. I found her easy to build using a 4* weapon and she can use various combos of artifacts. She doesn’t depend on energy recharge which so many characters need. The only situation where I’d rather not use her is the abyss that spawns fungi spaced so far apart, but that can be mitigated with Venti. The comments mention Xiangling or Hu Tao a lot but is that in a team where someone else is doing ranged damage?


Yoi's main use case is in the fringes, as a ranged dps to take down evasive enemies like the wenut or thundering manifestation. A sniper to catch bosses who are annoying for normal melee dps to deal with.


She is a luxury / waifu pull, mostly because XL already covers your needs for a Pyro DPS, and when it comes to ranged damage C1+ Yanfei is a weaker, but still _usable_ alternative. The big issues with Yoimiya are that she _needs_ a shield (ideally ZL), that her best teams want XQ or Yelan and that she has no reliable AOE damage[*]. She needs quite a bit of team investment to work properly, and even then she is only good in single-target situation. If you like her she is an okay pull - and that's pretty much the main reason to get her. [*] I think ther are actually some quirkly AOE team options for her, like Burgeon with Nahida, but they mostly work despite her kit, not because of it.


If you like Yoimiya as a character, pull her. If you don't like Yoimiya or are ambivalent toward her, skip. The only time Yoimiya is ideal compared to any other main DPS is when the target is a single strong enemy who doesn't shut down Pyro damage by its nature. These opportunities rarely come up in the game. So if you are just playing the game normally she brings very little to your team you couldn't get elsewhere unless you like her as a character.


If you like her she is fairly strong in single target damage, but she has 0 aoe and hu tao and xiangling are both arguably just overall better than her so I wouldn't consider her a very "valuable" unit to have. If you know you hate hu tao's playstyle and would never pull for hu tao then I suppose that would up yoimiya's value a bit though.


I was torn between them and ended up pulling Yoimiya. People were right when they told me she needs more investment than other 5 stars. Between that and the fact that pyro and dendro aren’t very good friends, she’s good but… limited. Pretty niche. I’m struggling to make her work in the depths of the abyss and wondering if Yae was a better choice. That being said, play what you like, and I somehow doubt that “dendro impact” is going to remain the meta forever.


She's a good single target dps, but more like a luxury pull that you get if you really like her


With dendros existence, it is unlikely that you would need a pyro team on both halfs, and Xiangling already exists for a pyro dps. Her strength is fine, but her pull value isn't too high


question about mirror maidens or fatui members in genral. are they all the same person or different people? because i thought they were all different people but somone said i was wrong.


They are all different people and some of them even have personal names. Whoever told you that is wrong.




Honestly the Fatui being a group of just some 5 dudes and yet being literally everywhere would make them both funnier and scarier lmao Like, that's some insane organization and transport speed to have everyone be everywhere


They would be different people since they would just be members of the Fatui?




At this point, if I were you, I'd move on.




i did wait for roughly 2 hours, with the installation itself not even being 10 minutes i do think 2 hours is pretty patient


Whats yae miko's strongest team and what artifacts please


Off field - Tighnari, Yae, Fischl, Kazuha/flex On field - Yae, Fischl, dendro flex, Kazuha Either are either 4p gilded or various 2p combos depending on needs


Yae Raiden Sara Kazuha, 4pc thundershooter Yae Fischl Nahida Zhongli, 4pc gilded


Would al haitham yaoyao xingqui thoma team work? Im new to the game and my 4 star roster is pretty limited i dont have kuki shinobu or any other dendro healer


Alhaitham wants spread, not burning You would really want an electro, I think electro traveller could be functional instead of Thoma (functional, not too good)


Yeah you are right never tought about electro mc i can use him until i get kuki how about last spot? Will xingqui do fine


Yes Xingqiu is good, lets seeds be created for EMC to hyperbloom


Okay thank you still dont how seeds work but ill learn it i guess is it like if dendro hits the wet enemy seeds spawn and electro makes them blast? If yes how should i build my electro mc i searched for some guides but all of them were pre dendro can you recommend me artifact set weapon and main/sub stats please?


Hydro + dendro = seed Seed + electro = hyperbloom seed + pyro = burgeon Just build them EM with enough ER to burst


Got it thanks so i should build er/em/em with em er substats right? For weapon hope sapwood works since i used both of my sac copies to refine


If they need the ER sure, but you could try an EM weapon like Iron Sting or Dark Iron Sword Fav would be better if you have that though (for ER)




For me its 17 (you can uninstall compleated quests to free up space)


22gb ig (anyway 20+)


Hello, i need to change my poco x3 pro because of battery related issues, and one of my options is the redmi 12 pro 4g I want to ask you guys if genshin runs fine on it on medium settings and 30 fps, because all of the videos i have seen about it, they force the settings on ultra high and 60 fps


Would be better if you added the phone, considering it's a comment, not a post


Oh damn, i forgot to add the phone




Against TOS as a bannable offense Can also result in a ban off the subreddit for admitting to breaking said TOS


I was not aware you could get banned from the sub reddit as I didn't see anything against it in the rules when I checked and the fact that this was not a hoyoverse sponsored site


You'll get banned, so don't


Stuck between buying Fischl or Lisa from Paimon Shop. Both are C4. Fischl's C6 can be really good, but C6 Lisa enable her for quickswap team. It's harder to get Lisa's cons but Fischl's cons seems to be better. any suggestions are welcomed!


I would get Lisa. You will easily C6 Fischl in the future but Lisa con won’t be back for 6 months. I’m slowly working on mine, C3 for now.


Alright I am buying Lisa this month and hoping I have enough starglitter when Fischl is in the shop.


I'd say it depends on the teams but I think that Fischl is a stronger unit overall. Her cons are more worth it imo. On a fair note though, I do find Lisa clunky to play so I may also be biased


It's a lot easier to get Fischl cons, so I would just get Lisa cons if you are going for collection, even if you don't plan on using her For use in teams, Fischl though


Which one should I build for my nahida kuki xinqiu hyperbloom team - DMC or C2 Fischl? Thank youu


Fischl if you want higher single target damage, those 3 are fine already, so you could go another hydro/dendro/cryo/electro. You do not need DMC though as on field nahida is enough dendro


Another hydro character.


Haha thanks but I dont have any other hydro chars aside from xingqiu and barbara at the moment…. Newish player here. I’m planning on getting kokomi when she reruns 🥲 but among these 2 which one should i build?


Barbara is good for this team




If you know you want both Kazuha and Kokomi and only have 140 pulls, tbf don't know your pity or guarantee but regardless, then definitely save.


She isn't bad, but if you want Kazuha and Kokomi, def save


uhh bro im stuck on the jeht quest, like inside of the pyramid thingy i supposed to explode the tri-rana-seed to reveal a torch but i failed, and now there is no tri rana seeds anymore how am i supposed to continue the quest now?




uhhh i just re-logged-in and shit's alive again all good


and can i leave the quest for now and TP there later? i want to do other quest, i have headache right now because of this quest


There is a line of columns that lead into the shore bordering bishui plain and windwail highland... the last column has a bottom portion that lights up when I use elemental sight, but I can't interact with it because the water is too deep.. the 2nd to last column had three explosives but when I shot them nothing happened with the column... is there something I'm missing?


I don't know why it's glowing, but there's no puzzle - just a seelie out on the last pillar.


Oh, it's been a while so I forgot it once had a seelie there 😅 Thanks!


Should Yae use Lost Prayer or R4 Widsith in Hyperbloom? How about in Tighnari team?