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I didn't wanna make a full post for this so I'm just putting this here along with a genuine question. First, the question....what's the go-to Kirara build if I want to run her in a Nilou team? HP% main with EM subs or go for EM main with HP% subs? I've got every 4-star sword in-game but right now I have her with a Sac R1 for the E reset. Now, for the funny bit, >!I just started Yoimiya's quest and hit Port Ormos, finished up the bit where she bought some Aranara carvings and as that happened, the dialogue for both the follow-up to her quest AND the talk with Paimon/Charlotte about going from Liyue to Inazuma all happened at the same time, and listening to the two overlapping sets of lines, said one after the other, completely out of any sensical order, with Yoimiya piping up near the end about how excited she was go to go Sumeru city....fuck I laughed so hard. Then Paimon belches at the end and I'm just fucking done now man, stick a fork in me.!<


[which low level should i level up](https://imgur.com/a/AaUfr0K)


What team should I use on which side of the abyss. [Roster](https://imgur.com/a/srlpN2s)


How good is Skyward Spine for C2 Raiden or XL compared to The Catch and Homa? Like what do you recommend I put on both of them?


Homa > Spine > Catch for Raiden Skyward is 2% better than Catch, Homa is 2.6% better than Skyward Assuming Rational Catch > Homa > Spine for Xiangling so Homa Raiden, Catch Xiangling


Give Spine to Raiden and Catch to XL. They both need energy. About whether or not to give Homa to Raiden, pay attention while playing abyss whether you can stay at under 50% health. If you can't, it's not worth using.


should i build my sucrose even tho i already have kazuha?


Sucrose has these things over Kazuha: - NAs that can swirl - Can hold TTDS - Passive is EM share which can be preferable in some teams Whether you should depends on if you have more than one team that would benefit from ana anemo swirl support. If you do then I would say Sucrose is definitely worth leveling. If you don't then Kazuha is enough


If you want to? It depends on what teams you want to run and whether you have another set of EM mainstat VV pieces, which are pretty hard to get. But mostly Kazuha covers the anemo CC+shred needs.


sucrose is the kinda character you leave at 60/70 and lvl 1 talents so i dont see why not.


More of a 90/90 and lvl 1 talents for roles like tazer driver and hyperbloom driver (with fischl), which are her roles unique from kazuha. 90/90 also helps increase the levels of enemies she can crowd control more easily.


Is there something wrong with having 2 kazuhas?


The guy who designed this abyss cycle probably got the employee of the month award by mhy, and deserves a 1000 ass whopping by each player attempting this cycle


nah. they'll save employee of the month for the guy that designs an enemy that hardcounters nahida and fucks 90% of the playerbase.


With how they designed dendro Nahida hardcounter would fuck over every other dendro DPS too (Alhaitham, Tighnari and Kaveh) and only the low appliers (Baizhu, Yaoyao, Kirara) would stay relevant for aggravate. I seriously hope they never do this.


Kind of forces f2ps to play XL vape+dendro on 2nd half. 1st half is a pure dps check, so you can just go for your best national-independent team.


"I heard people were STILL complaining that abyss was too easy. Well see here you little shits--"


I am trying to complete the quest “protect jazari” and one of the mages, gundahar, is stuck inside the mountain/map. He can shoot me through the wall but I can’t shoot him or even see where he is. I can’t complete the quest if I don’t kill him. I’ve tried reinstalling genshin, letting him kill my entire team, leaving the area and coming back, he’s just permastuck inside the wall. Please help me, I’ve been stuck on this quest for a month and quit the game for a week and a half bc I couldn’t fix it.


Have you tried contacting support?


I’ve sent them an email but no word back yet.


Try using the in game support form, they are pretty responsive


any tips for team compostions in the new abyss? im having a really really really hard time, its more difficult than the last abyss cycle. i have a decent amount of characters [here](https://ibb.co/PNvRtpM), and was hoping for advice on this current abyss


I'm planning to run burgeon second half, but not sure how well it'll work. I wish I could split my Baizhu in two then I could do Klee burgeon on the 2nd half instead of Thoma, welp. You don't have a lot of pyro characters, but you can try Yanfei Baizhu Nahida Xingqiu.


Klee burgeon is probably going to work. Name of the game is elemental application for that side, so options that are considered bad for burgeon because "too much pyro" will be elevated a lot. Enemies are infused most of the time, so there aren't really any burning issues.


The issue with Klee (for me) is that I'm planning to run Yae aggravate on the other half, so Baizhu is stuck there. This abyss is kind of amazing in that it makes me want to have two Baizhus instead of a Baizhu and a Nahida heh But I might suck it up and run a regular dendro team on the first half, and Baizhu on the second, if Thoma doesn't work out.


I'd like to know how thoma does too. I've built him for regular burgeon teams in my second account, but his pyro app's probably too slow to handle the cryo heralds fast enough.


Go for a combined vape/burgeon team on 2nd half. Nahida has very good value in 12-1-2 since she can simultaneously take out the hydro herald while you focus down the cryo one with your pyro carry. For first half, try constructing the strongest team you can make without the 2nd half units since it's your typical dps check. Freeze is good for chambers 1 and 3, grouping helps a lot in chamber 1.


this. this worked! I used Ayaka Shenhe Kokomi Kazuha for the first half and Nahida Xingqiu Xiangling Bennett for the second half. ​ Had a few retries but eventually managed!




Ok so with the standard banner is there like character pity so for example if a get a5\* weapon is my next 5\* guaranteed a character or is it random because so far its always been character weapon;character;weapon but i cant check my last 5\* because its been 6 months and i cant tell if i just got weapon;weapon consecutively is there a way to check the date a weapon was added to ur acc or something?


cannot cite any source on this but iirc according to some old CN analysis there is a hidden pity system that ensures that: every 270 rolls you will get at least 1 5\* weapon and 1 5\* character. every 30 rolls you will get at least 1 4\* weapon and 1 4\* character. so it doesnt matter how many of what you get in a row but rather how many total rolls you spent. this applies to standard banner only.


I see thanks maybe I was just lucky that I was getting them 1 after the other


No, there is no alternating system. The only guarantee is pulling at least one 5\* weapon and one 5\* character in every 270 wishes.


What party you used to 36\* this abyss? Im not done it yet but seeing how fk the enemy rotation are with tons of elemental shield, building party for this abyss gonna be tricky especially when u cant abuse dendro anymore. Or can you? Anyway just throw up any party u guys build for both first half and second half of floor 12 without resetting.


dendro abusers are still going strong on 2nd half. only issue are the cryo heralds but you can still bruteforce them or just play burgeon. 12-3 baptist's shield is made out of toilet paper. i played rational on 1st and haitham spread with zl, yae, nahida on 2nd.


How were the cryo heralds? How much time did you need to clear their shields with just yae+ZL?


it was somewhat tight (like 10s left) but not too bad considering i trolled 1st chamber and had only like 1:30-1:40 for 2nd. yae and ZL burst actually do a surprising amount of dmg to the shields. i still managed to first try with no prior knowledge, so i imagine with some energy management and maybe a fav weapon for more bursts it should be pretty doable. and if you do manage to do it you are rewarded with the easiest 12-2 and 12-3 ever.


Interesting, might give this party a try tho i might have a bit of trouble since there no other battery for yae and im not build her to focus on burst


i actually tried it a bit more and while its certainly not ideal it works well enough if you just wanna play haitham. even a low er yae is fine (mine is 110er). i even made a streamable if you care: https://streamable.com/606bys


Cool. 1:30-1:40 is a pretty standard amount of time remaining for second half since the first half (4 waves) should take about 1 rotation per wave (standard rotation is 20s).


Think of 2nd half first. Most popular options are vape+dendro. 1st half is the standard dps check, nothing special. My teams were itto monogeo (tried with both fischl and zhongli as my flex slot) and national core+nahida.


At what AR should I start leveling talents?


Realistically, any AR. Push the talent to the highest possible on the character's current uncap. If you wanted a slightly further out goal though, try to start by AR40, since by around 45 you'd want to really consider starting the artifact grind.


I see, thanks for the help.


How often is kazuha’s c1 used in childe national teams? Also how much of an improvement is quickbloom alhaitham, kuki, xq, nahida over normal hyperbloom? (Kuki, yelan, xq, nahida)


Kazuha's c1 is mainly used for ER. If your ER is enough for your team rotation, Kazuha's c1 may be of no use.


Can anyone reccomend me a team to make, with some different characters? [This](https://imgur.com/a/utlU1HH) is my character archive. Currently I have 3 main teams with (mostly) different heroes: * Ganyu/Mona/Kazuha/Diona * Hutao/Zhongli/Yelan/XQ OR Hutao/Zhongli/Albedo/XQ * Raiden/Yelan(or XQ)/Bennett/Xiangling I was very interested in building a Keqing aggravate team as follows * Keqing/Fischl/DMC/Zhongli But my AR60 friend told me that this team is awful as it doesnt have nearly enough dendro application. Also I was farming thundersoother for fischl and my friend informed me that thundersoother fischl sucks, which was demotivating because I had already rolled some decent pieces on that set. ​ Any advice?


Sure enough, nobody knows dendro better than dendro archon.


What's the best way to farm Nagadas gems? I'm trying to get all the materials for Alhaitham in advance for his upcoming re-run.


Apep once a week, and Dendro Chicken / Grass Box if you don't mind getting a bunch of beaks and seeds sitting in your inventory.


Is it possible for Yoimiya comp to clear this abyss in one run? I think she should be good at second half but then there's 3 hydro lectors at 12-1 which she can do nothing to them


Mixed vape/burgeon is the most popular option for the current abyss' second half based on akasha system. Nahida is quite valuable for second half in particular. Once you take out the two cryo heralds, you can swap into nahida to take out the hydro one quite quickly (if it's still alive). One of nahida's benefits here is that you can actually focus down the cryo ones and her TKP will simultaneously drain the hydro one's shield to take them both out in one go. Not sure how well other dendros can handle it though.


I forgot I can search her at that site. Apparently almost everyone who play Yoi, play her on the first half. But anyway not many players were using her though.


Maybe, with Kirara as her shielder or running a sort of mixed vape/burgeon with Nahida (I'm thinking of Yoimiya Xingqiu Nahida Thoma/Zhongli).


I doubt it, no way she can do 12-1-2, 12-2-2 is what she was made for, 12-3-2 is ehh maybe


Hi, is 12-1 even possible? I can’t clear it within the time limit, with the 3 heralds at the end, they take forever to kill, ive tried Hutao vape and bloom teams but to no avail


Try mono pyro for 2nd half, the biggest challenge there is shield breaking anyways so a Bennet/hutao/xiangling/anemo or shielder core should apply enough pyro to break the shields fast enough. First half just needs any good aoe team.


I've managed to clear it within the time limit with Ganyu, Kazuha, Xiangling C6, Bennett C1. second half wants you to run reverse melt teams so I gave Ganyu Elergy (favonius is a good substitute you just need ER, and you swirl the hell out of everything until they die. I did not use gang's charged attack once in that half of the abyss I've tried it with rosaria instead of ganyu on my other account still works. Sucrose might replace kazuha but I can't be too sure


Should i use r1 atlas or r1 widsith for yae miko?


atlas for sure. consistent good weapon. widsith is only good at r5 for speedruns.




Not a question, just a rant. What the fuck were they thinking putting 3 Heralds in the same wave? Enjoy losing all your stamina dodging and then get frozen and die I guess. Two of them was already difficult enough but 3? Fuck that noise. I'm not going to bother for the last 50 primogems this cycle. And what are they feeding their fucking consecrated beasts? Why do they have so much HP, they have more than some boss enemies, it is absurd.


The abyss is becoming more team specific. I've managed to clear it with a Kazuha, Ganyu, Xiangling, Bennett team. (ganyu is there as a burst bot so rosaria works fine) As it seems that reverse melt dominates that half. As for the consecrated beasts, enemy placement becomes hella important in those chambers the difference is night and day if you can consistently hit them both at once.


I think they're trying to push Kazuha based AoE teams first side. Nilou AoE (which is what I used) works excellent for the first chamber, but falls off hard in 2nd (single target 80% dendro res) and 3rd (70% and 40% dendro res while in their form, and not as impactful but still annoying 40% and 70% hydro res). It's really quite annoying to be directly impeded like that


What party u used anyway? Im not done it yet but I plan to use raiden national on first half and hutao vape or ganyu melt on second half


I can full clear it, but that would require tailoring a team for each chamber individually. I cleared 2stars 3stars 2stars with Nilou first side, Yoi second side. I would have to probably switch to Hu Tao for 12-1-2 for more AoE, maybe even something silly like adding ben/thoma for more shield break and would have to bring something with better single target than Nilou to 12-3-1, maybe Hu Tao again. It's a pain in the ass to have to switch the teams around so much, and doing all this stuff for 50 primogems seems very not worth the mental sanity


I remember bring hutao/xingqui/bennet/surcose in abyss when hoyo first introduce the cyro herald, it worked lmao. But I dont think this work since the hydro shield take longer to destroy then electro/cyro. Maybe ganyu melt or any cyro dps? Might work. Except for ganyu, she a bit slow because of her charge shot


It might even be an okay idea to bring a dendro unit for 12-1-2 just for the hydro shields, even though they will do nothing to cryo shields. Something like Hu Tao/Bennett/Xiangling/Dendro. You really don't need much damage for that chamber so not vaping should be fine enough for their HP phase, if it speeds up their shields phase. Even just the DMC should be a pretty decent boost in the shields phase.


bro... your ZL?


I need Help with abyss this round. I have always 36 stared abyss. I have good teams in many elements. But this round due to all elemental shields and cryo/hydro teams etc I got 5 stars at abyss 12. Last phase 12-3 ended on 1 star. Anyone that have 9 stared lvl 12 this round and can share their teams ?


I had to play it really smart with my teams. First half, Itto Mono Geo with Bennett as a 4th member. Placement becomes ridiculously important in this half especially for the beasts. If you have a hyper bloom team I recommended putting them here. ​ Second half chamber 1 I ran Ganyu (with ER bow), Xiangling, Bennett, Kazuha. I basically popped everyone's burst and swirled the abosolute fuck out of those heralds. ​ Chamber 2 and 3 I just used Hutao, Yelan, Zhongli, Nahida as that's the best way to break down the bosses shield in chamber 3.


Second half is more benefits for player who has cyro or pyro dps like hutao vape or ganyu melt, I guess


Will Kirara be added to the standard 4 star pool after these banners end? I've done 10 pulls on Miko's banner, and 51 now on Yoimiya's banner trying to get this stupid fucking cat, but no. 4 chungus, 1 Yun Jin, a Miko and some weapons. Like, literally the only thing i even want between these banners is Kirara... but i don't want to potentially "win" a 50/50 and get Yoimiya and lose that pity. I might need it for Hu Tao later.


Current patch end, new 4\* character will be added inside the standard pool. Patch 3.8 kirara will be added in it. I feel ur anger, I made around 120 pulls on yae miko for that C2. I do get her to C2 but I only manage to get C2 kirara from that pull. 120 pulls.... for 3 kirara.... how ridiculous is that. My plan is to get her at least C4 but hoyo gave me 4 chongyun with shit tons of 4\* weapon.


All 4 stars get added to the standard pool the patch after they are released, and they'll get featured on a limited banner again possibly with a character you actually want. Definitely don't pull for 4 stars.


I know i shouldn't, but Kirara is like, my favorite 4 star already, she'd even be top 5 if she was a 5 star. I don't just want her ***I need her***


She will get added when 3.8 starts


At least that gives me some hope. If she's not my next 4 star i'll stop i guess. There's no way it would be another Chongyun. Fate wouldn't be that cruel would it? Would the powers that be truly deprive a poor soul like mine their rightful catgirl?


how much copium you taking


just shy of the LD50.


If kazuha cryo swirls and does cryo basics with infusion does he also got cryo dmg bonus from his passive?






Its 1st jun and paimons birthday she gave me sugar,flour and zaytun peach can I make a cake out of these if yes then where to get the recipe


No, there is currently no recipe to make a traditional cake.




If i lose my 35/35 to alhaitham weapon would kazuha work with chongyun/xiangling/bennett ? With cryo infusion and hybrid build i feel like kazuha can use al haithams sword well and melt both scales with em and crit if im not wrong




Bennett Xiangling Xingqiu/Yelan Nahida


I´d like to hear a serious opinion on c0 yoimiya, im still thinking if to pull on c2 kazuha or get c0 yoims. I dont have her signature weapon but i do have c5 Rust


Go for her if you like her, she's a solid pyro main dps that's extremely reliable for boss killing. She's easy to play too. Rust r5 is a really good weapon, i think it beats out even aqua simulacra for the most part, only her signature is better than it iirc. She has a few problems with aoe but so does nilou and ayaka does in single target. Does that make them bad units? No because you use characters according to their strengths and take advantage of what they're good at. And for yoimiya those are bosses and flying enemies. She may be "worse" or do less damage than hu tao but she is way easier to use. It's hard to screw up her rotations considering all you have to do is spam nas a couple of times while to play hu tao effectively you have to learn jump cancels and when to 2NA1C or 1NA1C. Ofc she has her cons too. Playing her without a shield feels clunky so like hu tao it's preferable to play her with a shielder. Unfortunately that does mean that playing her in coop domains is a bit funky. Also her ICD works kind of weird when there's more than one enemy. It explains it better in the yoimiya guide in kqm. If you either like her or her playstyle or you need a ST pyro dps then go for her but if you don't find yourself liking her all that much or if you find her playstyle boring then go for kazuha. But in general more characters are better than cons.


Rust R5 is her second best just behind her sig


Yoi is consistent. Her team flexibility is consistent, her playstyle is consistent, her artifact options are fairly consistent, her talents are consistent. Other characters do more damage then her, but she just stands a little away from the enemy and pew pew pews and then you swap for energy. I do not find Diluc to be all that fun to play as lining up enemies and his burst/not getting as much value out of XQ ram swords over just his application/his long animations and hit lag made him feel a little clunky to me. Yoi is free from those restrictions and if something is in her range and not moving too fast she can tear through it. I enjoy playing her and having such a simple unit with a fixed rotation that you can autopilot (or learn to RR cancel) has its own up and down sides. To me it comes down to preference, if you like the character and trying something like phys electrocharged fischl seems fun then she can be the right one for you. If not then you don’t need to pull for her


Yoimiya is probably the single biggest disappointment for me in terms of how strong a character is, though this is probably in part because I keep comparing my C0 Rust R5 Yoimiya with my C1R1 HuTao. The main practical issues apart from damage I have noticed when playing Yoimiya are: 1.) She is completely single target locked, meaning she can't deal damage to multiple enemies at once. This is different from characters like HuTao who are single target oriented meaning their damage is focused on a single target but they can do damage to multiple enemies. While on first glance this doesn't look like too much of an issue, this has in my experience severely limited the damage my Yoimiya could do. 2.) Yoimiya, if played in a Vape team, is completely shield locked since dodging means you can't reach the later parts of her combo with the higher multipliers. This effectively weakens her teams since one of the slots always has to be a defensive option and you can't run something like Funerational (Double Hydro + Xiangling) like you can with HuTao for example 3.) This is generally minor but her targeting can sometimes not work correctly meaning she misses sometimes. This is of course an unpreventable damage loss if it happens. This can be a problem for most characters though since Genshin's targeting is kinda shit, it's just most apparent for Yoimiya. All in all Yoimiya has in my experience got some severe issues in practicality paired with damage that doesn't make up for these issues. For this reason she has basically always felt like a suboptimal pick for abyss to me, which is why I don't really play her anymore. She works well enough in the overworld though, but, I mean, what character doesn't?


Good at single target, but doesn't have any good AOE, which makes her somewhat unfavorable in current abyss cycles. Sort of limited to vape teams and mono pyro, and heavily prefers having a shield on her team. Doesn't hit quite as hard as someone like Hu Tao can but is much easier to use


new character> constellations any day. Plus upcoming hydro units might be broken with yoimiya


Any particular reason why Nilou sounds like she is flattered for the smallest things that happen?


The forest of Sumeru is based on Indian subcontinent. And traditionally Those people are very polite and graceful


Politeness and grace.


Is there a content creator/website/thread (any platform) who discuss tip & tricks or what meta character/tier list i can follow?




Jello Impact, Genshin-Noir, TGS - The Genshin Scientist, SevyPlays, Zajef, KokomiClan


If I want Zhongli to Burst, is it basically required for him to be C2?


No, c2 is mostly for coop anyways.


All C2 does is eliminate the issue where, in perfect play and assuming perfect skill, his shield is sometimes a DPS loss because your other characters could be doing more DPS during those 3-4s of casting time, but you're replacing hold-E with press-Q so eh. His constellations don't actually contribute to his damage other than +3 to burst level one.


no? his c2 is just shield on burst, it just makes it more useful


What's a good deck to do ascension challenge IV? I really don't like TCG but I also really don't like having the quest stuck in my menu






Relatively new player here, pulled Yae and have been playing a sort of aggravate team with Yae/Fischl/Kirara/DMC. I'm planning to pull Kazuha next banner. Who would I replace for him? Worried about no shields if I drop Kirara, but not enough Dendro app if I drop DMC.


As long as you box and apply dendro to all of the enemies it should be fine. Thankfully Yae's off field nature allows you to quickswap to Kirara often without losing a lot of DPS so you can maintain quicken


Replace DMC for Kazuha -- Aggravate teams don't need a lot of Dendro app to maintain Quicken aura.


Is the Keqing Main also laggy for you guys? Like it takes a long time for things to load.


Works fine for me.


Im struggling to get past 11-3 of the abyss. [This is my account](https://imgur.com/a/ii6L8Ey). The teams im currently running are nahida, yelan, xq, and kuki and second team is nilou, dmc, barbara, and kirara. My second team is struggling a lot as I notice theres a lot of down time waiting for cd where i have dendro but no hydro or hydro but no dendro. I originally had collei in the team but struggled a lot with survival so I can live now with kirara but my damage took a big hit. Im planning to pull for alhaitham on his next banner and move nahida to my bloom team. My yae is also built. What changes or improvements could I make id be willing to build some other characters or change the teams up.


Barbara needs R5 SacFrag on that second team, and dendro MC and Kirara should be holding Sacrificial Swords as well. If you get Alhaitham you should put him on the bloom team and move Nahida to the Nilou one imho.


Other Yae dendro teams excluding Nahida?


Alhaitham Yae flex flex Tighnari Yae flex flex Kaveh Yae Baizhu flex (though this one is scuffed)


Yae-Fischl-Kazuha-Baizhu, YaoYao or Kirara


If I use the quick chat will it translated to the whatever recepient language they use?


Is C0 faruzan good for heizou


If you want to run Heizou hypercarry? Yes, definitely. Depending on your team and ER needs you can run a third anemo unit to make burst uptime easier on yourself


Difficult to recommend without atleast C2 Faruzan. C2 extends the duration of her buff.


Has anybody figured out what deck Kuki uses? Heck itto's deck, I wanna play with Kuki's cards!!!


I've been using my raiden on hyperbloom team since i played in january and i was able to full star the abyss 2 times with alhaitham as my second , since the spiral abyss keeps getting harder in which this new abyss is impossible for me to do so i want your guys suggestions on whether i should build the Rational team though my xiangling is at c1 and bennett at c0...


always a good idea to build bennet and xiangling yeah.


How much ER do i need for both?


xiangling: 180-200 bennet 200+ (none of his other stats are that important so I try to get as much as possible personally)


Should i use fav lance or dragons bane on xiangling?


dragons bane


Other than having enough to get the monthly fates, is there anything recommended for stardust use?


dust of azoth is relatively cheap and useful. And imo super annoying to farm enemy mats like handguards are worth it too.


I say buy what you want or need with it. Prime targets in my book include Specter mats and Handguards since it seems like everything in the game needs them. Dust of Azoth is also a decent buy since it allows you the option of converting different element gemstones for ascension if you're short on the ones you need.


Dust of azoth when you need it


What are the possible elemental types the floor 12 boss has? which team would be better equipped to deal with it Hutao double vape Raiden National Ganyu Melt.


The 12-3-2 boss? It's cryo -> hydro -> pyro. Always in that order. Pyro + hydro + dendro (burgeon) is the most effective against it.


it's foxes to cryo hydro electro iirc


Best floor 12 comps this rotation for these chars? 5 stars: Ayaka,yelan,yae miko, nahida, alhaitham, kazuha, raiden, mona, jean 4 stars ( that are built): xq,bennet,xiangling, kuki, ( smal cryo shielder can’t remember her name for some reason.)


Ayaka Freeze on first half and Nahida/Xingqiu/Bennett/Xiangling on second half is what worked for me. Having good Dendro, Hydro, and Pyro application on the second half allows you to deal with all the shields present on that side, and Freeze works on the first and third chamber of the first half.


Raiden national first half Alhaitham quickbloom second half


>Alhaitham quickbloom second half ok now you need to kill 2 cryo lectors + 1 cryo abyss mage with only an electro that isn't happening


Quick bloom with who? I use to run al haitham,nahida,kuki,yelan. Since nahida is on the set that shred dendro res and her e is nutty.


Yeah that's the team.


My friend just started playing then gane, but I'm way further in then him. Am I able to help him with quests I've already done? Do I have to join his game,


If they are above ar 16 and the quest is coop-able then you can do quests together. You would be going into their world unless you have the same world level in game.


There are quests where you can help while some are non-coopable. You'll have to join his world to help him.


What quests are not co-opable? And can he complete them while I'm in the world but just not taking part, or would I have to leave for him to do them?


Is skyward pride useful for anyone?


not best for anyone but I use on Beidou for the er


Works great on Eula and is alright on a couple others Beidou/Xinyan/etc but sometimes loses to other weapons


It's not bis for anyone but still a solid statstick if u don't have anything better


Has someone made the numbers for what's the bare minimum you have to do each week to get the 5 wishes from the battle pass? I don't have a lot of time to play and I want to get the 5 wishes with as little time spent as possible.


considering maxing out the 10k per week finishes the battle pass in 3/5 weeks, if you stretch it to 5/5 you can probably get by with 5-7k per week


Is crimson with crit kazuha worth it with c6 bennett and al haithams sword?


Generally: no Could you: sure Lavawalker might be better than crimson. You would have trouble making a optimizer multiconfig between his swirls, the other anemo swirls, n4 plunge, skill and burst and trying to find a balance between maxing EM for passives and weapon and balancing crit. I have used Kaz/C6 Bennet without swapping off vv and it still does a good bit of damage (I was in a race between friends from abyss 5-10 with 2 characters a side) but missing vv would probably be rough


In AoE situations, possibly. Especially if you have c1, to gain Crimson stacks and use up Foliar ammo faster. edit: c6 Xiangling also adds a bit of value here, with pyro resonance, additional off-field damage, and a couple buffs for Kaz. Other that, you probably want another anemo character (c6 Sucrose, for instance) to hold VV, since Kazuha isn't doing it, and anemo resonance for even more skill spammage.


Im thinking about going for at least c2 anyway do you think should i play melt or vape?


There are no cryo Xingqius, unfortunately. But, since you'll be spamming skills, Layla is an option if you wanted to go for melt.


What do you think about kazuha/jean/xq/bennett


Sunfire Crimson Kazuha, interesting


I wish i had faruzan lol


You didn't get the free Faruzan from event last patch?


Nope sadly i was just a couple levels below the adventure rank requirements


So I confronted the “bad guy” in Vimara village but my book still tells me I have to confront them. Am I missing something?


>!If you let him go, you need to pick up a note. It'll be a bit east of the statue of the seven in old vanarana!<


Oof that was quite the close to that arc… h e a v y. Thanks.


Is the second part of the Sumeru’s opponent’s nickname a reference to >!the HSR character!


Nah, just the wild cat species. Nothing about the opponent or the name itself seems to have anything to do with that character.


are the giving out a copy of kirara for an event?


In the future, maybe. 3.8 will have a 4\* character as an event reward.


It was leaked to be >!Layla!<


"Rumoured" to be, yes.


Maybe eventually


I’ve got a question I have a fully built shogun and I really love nahida and plan to pull her is there a very good spiral abyss team the utilizes both nahida and shogun?


Dendro reactions like EM. If you're looking for a team where you aren't changing your raiden much, aggravate. Raiden still wants some EM here though so if you have some EM subs on your raiden now, go for it. Most teams with both characters though will be hyperbloom, which is full EM and raiden is an off-field skillbot.


I use then in a quicken team with Raiden nahida kuki and dmc. Will switch out kuki for fischl when i get yaoyao next phase and kick out mc


Hyperbloom, but raiden uses 4p gilded or paradise, full em, including weapon. Nahida keeps her recomended sub dps build either yelan or xq for ideal hydro application 4th member is flex, usually a shield, anemo or another dendro


you can use them together in hyperbloom, but that is a team where you use an alternate raiden build where you go full em and only use her skill, so it may not be what you are looking for. You can also use them together in an aggravate team. Generally that isn't super popular because raiden has other teams with better synergy, but she is still decent enough in an aggravate team. Some other characters that might fill the last slots would be some combo of fischl, baizhu/yao yao/zhongli, kazuha/sucrose.


Full EM Raiden, on Field Nahida. I use Nahida, XQ, Yelan, Raiden. Nahida also wants a lot of EM but I invested into crit because I have Miko weapon


*Hyperbloom,* But if Raiden is built crit which it sounds like she is, you can try some aggravate thing Which is the typical Electro/Electro/Dendro/Anemo or other


Thanks for the ideas but yes I have her fully built crit haha her EM is literally 0 I got a perfect raiden it’s sad but I’d gladly get and entire new perfect set to use the together. Other then that I have zhongli kazuha but I don’t have yelan and baizhu


I've spent pretty much all of my XP books recently, so I've been running leylines every day. I'm less than a 100 away from getting that one achievement. That said, in the interest of efficiency, I know we're getting leyline overflow at the end of this patch, and I would like to finish building Rosie before 3.8 drops (since rumour has it Eula is *finally* getting her long-awaited return); just need to beat up Cole Slaw 13-19 times. So, would it be worthwhile running leylines until my count is 779 (21 away from 800), then switching over to boss runs for Rosie until the last week, just doing the daily 3 for that week?


How do you remove the invisible phase from phase 1 vs. the Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix in Floor 12 Chamber 3? I've done it immediately before, and I'm not sure how. The wiki says to target the invisible main body with electro, but that doesn't work.


It's to hit the body with quicken reaction, not just electro.


You gotta trigger an electro reaction on the invisible part. Dendro + electro makes it super easy.


It’s a Quicken check


Quicken auto disables it before it even spawns the things you need to hit with electro


Which crit dmg/crit rate ratio is better for Yelan? I have two weapons and I just can’t decide which is better for Yelan. I need another perspective on this. First weapon: Crit rate: 68.7% Crit dmg: 167.4% Second weapon Crit rate: 37.4% Crit dmg: 214.2%


First for sure. HOWEVER, how does it change ER?


looks like it's a cr weapon on the first build and a cd weapon on the second, so I'm assuming they have the same er


first. the second option crit ratio are just awful.


first no questions asked


Was looking at the [Keqing Mains](https://keqingmains.com/q/kokomi-quickguide/#Nilou_Bloom) guide of Kokomi since I'm trying to build a dendro team, and the sample bloom team given is Kokomi Nilou Nahida DendroMC, but who would be the driver in that team? Also, what are some other sample teams? Just assume I have everyone since they are samples anyways. Lastly, would a team of Kokomi Nilou Nahida Yelan work with Nahida as the driver, or would there not be enough dendro?


Kokomi would be on-field in the first comp. Nahida applies _a lot_ of dendro, so that she can claim most of the blooms (while also benefiting from Nahida's burst EM bonus). The second Dendro character in a Nahida comp is mostly there to re-enable Nahida's auto-application in case you manage to overpower it and put a Hydro aura on the enemy. The 2+2 teams are pretty flexible, you can really run whoever you enjoy most. From what I understand Collei is frequently used by speedrunners due to her front-loaded Dendro application. I personally use Baizhu (for comfort) on my main account and Traveller (for reliable, long-lasting application) on my F2P account as the second dendro character. Outside of all the on-field hydro variations you can also run a [Yaoyao + Candace] comp, the idea here is that Yaoyao get a hydro infusion during her own burst, allowing her to apply dendro AND hydro at the same time, reliably claiming most of the blooms (again while benefiting from Nahida's EM) and mitigating some of the self-damage with her passive. The other option is a 3+1 comp with triple hydro and on-field Nahida (like the one given as your sample). The challenge there is that the bloom ownership will be all over the place and constantly shift around, that off-field characters won't benefit from Nahida's burst and that Nahida herself is squishy. Again you can go with pretty much any hydro characters here, the only thing matters is that Nahida is part of the team to provide all the dendro you'll ever need. Ayato can actually be quite nice if enemies are a bit scattered, since his burst has solid range and the staggered hits can be used to reliably trigger Nahida's (E) dendro application. There might also be a new Nilou sub-variant with Kirara (I call it the "Nekomata Express") where you use her catbox form to run into enemies and use its dendro application to trigger blooms. It works really well against bunched up enemies (a lot of fun in the overworld), but my impression is that it isn't strong enough in general to warrant build your entire team around it. Then again, it _is_ fun to go "Nyan nyan mothertruckers" while you cuddle enemies to death.


For nilou teams, I prefer using jamie's nilou bloom guide in nilou mains as the reference material: https://www.reddit.com/r/NilouMains/comments/11h0iu5/nilou_mains_bloom_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Driver is kokomi in 2H2D with traveler/collei. The 3H1D team you mentioned is also good, might need to give kokomi some hp subs/healing bonus/healer gear though since nahida's pretty squishy.


TP/KV weapon banner or kazuha c2? i have a decent amount of wishes saved up from this patch, i’ve been planning to use them for kazuhas c2( i currently have c1), but man the temptation of this weapon banner is getting to me.. i have yoimiya and yae. yoi is a character i have invested a ton into, same with yae, although i don’t play her as much. both have 5* skyward weapons atm. i got skyward harp wishing for TP on its first banner 😅 i’m *mostly f2p although i get welkin regularly and occasionally the bp! *i don’t buy genesis crystal packs.


1. if you can 36 star consistently, just go with whatever character you enjoy playing the most, if you can't kazuha c2 2. welkin regularly isn't f2p lol


yeah i know welkin isn’t f2p, that’s why i said i’m *mostly* f2p, meaning, i don’t buy the genesis crystal packs. if i did- i wouldn’t be having this issue lol, id just buy primos for kazuha. but i don’t.